IceCream Image Resizer

最新版本 Nextcloud 3.4.0

Nextcloud 3.4.0

Nextcloud 3.4.0
IceCream Image Resizer 是一個免費的程序更改圖像大小。該應用程序具有批量模式,拖放機制支持以及對流行圖像格式的支持。該程序支持 JPG,JPEG,BMP,TIFF 和 BMP 文件,並允許用戶批量轉換文件。 “電子郵件”,“桌面”,“320x200”,“高清 1080p”,“高清 720p”,“iPhone 5”,“iPhone 6”和“iPhone 6 Plus”等常用任務均可使用預設配置文件。用戶可以通過手動輸入所需的值來選擇自定義參數。諸如“保持原始縱橫比”和“垂直圖像識別”等選項可幫助用戶全面控制輸出圖像。輸出文件的結果大小將在添加文件和配置設置後顯示。該程序允許逐個添加文件或導入整個文件夾與多個圖像,並提供 3 個方便的保存選項(子文件夾,相同的文件夾 + 前綴“迷你”,並選擇任何文件夾)。用戶友好的界面,有吸引力的設計和一系列選項,使這個應用程序易於新手和高級用戶使用。冰淇淋應用程序的圖像調整大小是一個程序來調整圖像快速和免費的!

IceCream Image Resizer 功能:

Simply 拖放添加照片調整大小。它可以節省您的時間和精力.



VR 系統


檔案版本 Nextcloud 3.4.0

檔案名稱 Nextcloud-3.40-x64.msi
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 IceCream Apps
更新日期 2021-11-30

What's new in this version:

- Skip sync exclude file from list of exclude files if it doesn't exist
- Give the user a more descriptive error message when syncing is aborted
- Bugfix/fix vfs pin state
- Use from Brander
- Use default sharing permissions from server
- Auto update app image
- Add file activity dialog
- Trim trailing spaces before uploading files
- Feature/next generation propagator
- Feature/unified search
- Sync progress in main dialog
- Fix argp references on FreeBSD
- Setup clang-format for cpp11 universal init
- Don't log encryption data in release mode
- Fix incorrect db name for nextcloud command line client
- Fixed grammar
- Make virtual files feature documentation more understandable
- Sync-exclude: add .Spotlight-V100
- Remove Temporary solution for file restoration issue due to set the data-fingerprint
- Enable Sonarcloud
- Refactor ShareLinkWidget
- Ensure DLL are generated with branded names
- Display the right endpoint in the warning in case of error
- Fix macOs build after targets name are not changed by branding
- Add missing copyright headers
- Fix BUILD_TESTING on non Linux unices
- Add .sync-exclude.lst to exclude files
- Set dialog max and min width and height before width and height
- Only use basic authentication if needed
- Provide logs of SSL errors including the certificate chain
- Feature/bulk upload
- Check if current user exists before getting it's account state
- Also update sync state summary based on connectivity
- Sonarcloud improvements
- Correct typo and remove apostrophe
- Target names are not changed in branded builds only the output filenames
- Changed wording of status message
- Windows. Remove CWD from DLL search paths
- Log file name and line number
- Let sonarcloud takes automated tests into account
- Fix folder creation issues
- Our source code files have lower case names
- Changed triple dot to ellipsis
- Request OCSP data for peer certificates
- Properly extract the file id when querying server
- By default we produce debug logs because we need them
- Pass username from Windows to login page
- Add profile page
- Bugfix/unified search bug fixes
- Replace deprecated QRegExp with QRegularExpression
- Make argument singular to fix i18n issue
- Implement expiration date for federated shares
- Don't do a connection checks when using push notifications
- Add an option to enforce use of virtual files sync folder
- Add a script to create a universal app package
- CMake: fail if Qt5::GuiPrivate is not found
- Take branding for vfs plugins into account
- Bump to version 3.4.0-rc1
- Let the macOS installer know that the application can run on Arm64
- Check if the server has user status app enabled
- Compile Finder extensions for arm and x86
- We run on Windows 8.1+
- Make scrolling with a touchpad in activity list and search result more natural
- Fix focus indicator
- Correct virtual files placeholder files if needed
- Avoid adding icon data in a cache we never use
- Add a network access factory to qml engine
- Only build app bundle if requested
- Added more logs to 'postProcessLocalNew'
- Use QUrl::fromLocalFile to open local files in Unified Search results
- Quick fix! Disable VFS folders removal for non-Windows VFS.
- Properly query sync journal DB to know when to run fix for VFS
- Fix button that should be disabled when force VFS
- Bugfix/various vfs fixes
- Cleanup system bindings from Windows when removing a local sync folder
- Release 3.4.0 RC2
- If BulkPropagatorJob abort after an error emit finished signal
- Bugfix/speed up bulk upload
- Bump VERSION.cmake to 3.4.0

Nextcloud 3.4.0 相關參考資料
3.4.0 client pulled from website!

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Nextcloud-3.4.0-rc1-x86.msi, 2021-11-11 10:55, 81M. [ ], Nextcloud-3.4.0-rc1-x86.msi.asc, 2021-11-11 10:55, 833. [ ], Nextcloud-3.4.0-rc1-x86_64.msi, 2021-11-11 ...

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