IceCream Ebook Reader 歷史版本列表 Page9

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IceCream Ebook Reader 歷史版本列表

冰淇淋電子書閱讀器是一個偉大的軟件,讓您在您的計算機上組織,存儲和閱讀電子書。它處理普通電子書格式(EPUB,FB2,PDF,CBR,CBZ 和 MOBI)的書籍,並為您提供最佳的閱讀體驗。冰淇淋電子書閱讀器允許組織您的電子書到圖書館,從而優化您的閱讀體驗。您可以在“書架”或“表格視圖”模式下查看書籍,並查看最近閱讀的書籍,收藏夾和所有書籍,並按格式對其進行過濾。該程序使讀取過程舒適,由於特殊功能... IceCream Ebook Reader 軟體介紹

OpenVPN 2.5.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- OpenVPN 3 support -- the GUI can also work as a user interface for the OpenVPN 3 client
- pkcs11-id-management -- the GUI can list available pkcs11-ids and allows the user to select one
- Persistent connections -- the GUI lists connections started at boot by the automatic service and lets the user control them. Interactive inputs such as username/password with such connections are possible.

Zotero 6.0.16 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Functionality changed or added:
Automatic merging of adjacent in-text citations:
- Works in Word, LibreOffice, and Google Docs
- To merge citations, make sure they're immediately adjacent, with no spaces between them, and then press Refresh to merge them into a single citation
- Multi-item citations can still be created or modified using Add/Edit Citation

Added “Include Zotero Links” option for Rich Text/HTML Quick Copy and note export:
- Allows pasting of annotations and notes with zotero:// links into editors such as Obsidian that accept rich text by default without needing to force use of plain-text Markdown output (details)
- Automatically locate missing attachments within Linked Attachment Base Directory
- If a linked file can't be found and a Linked Attachment Base Directory is set, check whether part of the current path can be applied to the Linked Attachment Base Directory to locate the file, and offer to relink the file and any other files with the same base path

PDF reader changes:
- Allow importing annotations from files in group libraries
- Keep only 2 tabs loaded on systems with 8 GB or less of memory
- Removed view-only rotation in favor of actual page rotation
- Truncate long text in bubbles in Quick Format citation dialog
- Added additional note font size options in View menu
- Additional sizes still configurable via extensions.zotero.note.fontSize in Config Editor

- Don't match all attachments with annotations for “not” search conditions (since 6.0.15)
- Fixed wrong given name disambiguation after editing author in a given session
- Fixed potential hang or infinite retry from certain website responses when using Find Available PDFs
- Fixed assignment of colored tags using number keys (without Shift) on French keyboards

PDF reader:
- Fixed 'r' key not working inside input fields
- Make full URL clickable when URL contains DOI
- Fixed an issue that could cause some annotation author names to incorrectly appear in gray
- Don't include adjacent colon when double-clicking on words

Note editor:
- Disable rich text inside inline math nodes
- Use same TeX font size inside block and inline math nodes
- Fix full-text indexing of text files with non-.txt extensions (e.g., .md files)
- [Accessibility] Fixed item list row text not being read when using non-contiguous keyboard selection
- Miscellaneous other bug fixes

DbVisualizer 14.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Create/Alter Table:
- Add the ability to edit check constraints in a new window
- DB Support: MariaDB
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- Update the PostgreSQL and MariaDB driver versions due to vulnerability

DB Support: Oracle:
- The state of auto clear log in the DBMS output tab should be kept between sessions

File Chooser:
- OS Support: Windows
- Alert the user if the Windows file system holds any disconnected drives that may affect the application (file chooser) performance

SQL Log:
- The SQL log filtering whether to show success/error entries needs to be available as a button in the toolbar

Bugs Fixed:
App Logging:
- Exception when trying to tail log files on network drive
- DB Support: Google BigQuery
- No dataset in BigQuery profile for AuthType=2
- DB Support: MariaDB

- The references graph shows multiple arcs between tables in MariaDB
- DB Support: Oracle
- DBMS OUTPUT tab is cleared between every statement having automatically clear checked (should clear only once per script)
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- Error: Could not find array type for data type information_schema.character_data
- DB Support: SQL Server
- The PERSISTED keyword is not highlighted

Data tab:
- Extract Filter & Sort as SELECT doesn't consider reordering columns in the grid

Database Objects Tree:
- Having "Autoscroll FROM Object View tab" enabled should not automatically connect an object view tab showing a disconnected database connection when selected
- Database Profile: Actions
- DB Support: SQL Server
- Script Table should not output PERSISTED columns in the generated SQLs if "Include Auto-Generated Values" is off

- @export is broken if an @export set parameter have whitespaces between "=" and the value

File Chooser:
- OS Support: Windows
- File -> Open Recent lags when list holds files on disconnected Windows drives

- Error opening SSH configurator
- Open rename SSH config dialog gives an exception if there is no SSH configuration selected
- Prompting of MFA/2FA challenge codes when using SSH doesn't work

Wirecast 15.1.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- a crash when adding Audio Plugins to the Final Mix when closing a document or changing the focus to another document
- a hang when opening a document with an NVENC encoder if the machine has no NVIDIA adapter
- an issue that can cause image files to not render if the filename was in a language other than English
- a race condition that can cause a crash or incorrect/stale data to appear
- Removed the Facebook Live Scheduling feature as Facebook has deprecated and disabled this feature
- a rare crash when saving certain documents
- a crash when a Wirecast Go source disconnects while in the Live canvas
- a rare crash when switching between media files
- blank frames being added to certain media files
- a rare crash when playing media files
- an issue where the NDI source process would remain running after quitting Wirecast

Zotero 6.0.15 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added split view in PDF reader
- Split Horizontally and Split Vertically options in the View menu and context menu
- Second view is a plain PDF view without annotations, intended primarily for viewing references and endnotes
- Fixed “Add Note from Annotations” with annotations from external PDF reader (since 6.0.14)
- Fixed error creating note from attachment with ink annotations (since 6.0.14)
- Removed default WorldCat OpenURL gateway (discontinued by OCLC)
- Disable spell check in math nodes

Zotero 6.0.14 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Functionality changed or added:
Added math support in notes:
- Right-click ? Insert ? Math, or use $$…$$ for block math and $…$ for inline math
- Accepts TeX math input supported by KaTeX and renders as formatted math

Search for PDF annotation tags in library view:
- PDF annotation tags appear in the tag selector alongside item tags
- Filtering/searching for annotation tags matches parent attachments

Quickly create notes with PDF annotations from multiple items:
- New “Create Note from Annotations” option in items-list context menu creates a standalone note with annotations from all the selected top-level items and/or attachments
- “Add Note from Annotations” now creates a single child note if multiple attachments under a single item are selected
- Annotations are sorted by the order of the items in the items list

PDF reader changes:
- Auto-detect URLs and DOIs in PDF content and open on click
- Allow assigning/unassigning tag/color for multiple annotations via drag and drop
- Added “Copy Image” and “Save Image As…” context-menu options for image annotations
- Adjust user interface based on main font size setting (View ? Font Size)
- Support mouse back and forward buttons for in-PDF navigation
- Support page ranges when determining page label for the next page
- Convert Mendeley PDF annotations to equivalent Zotero colors
- Attempt to deduplicate repeated text in text layer
- Don't copy abstract when creating Book Section from Book item
- Added Number as items-list column option
- [Mac Safari] Various Zotero Connector improvements, including improved image saving in snapshots

- Made creator buttons (item type menu, field mode, add/remove) accessible via keyboard
- Fixed endless retries for some requests when encountering an HTTP 5xx error from a server (e.g., Box WebDAV)
- Use items-list sort order for report from collection or saved search
- Fixed searching for annotation text or comments when using Everything quick search

PDF reader:
- Don't include adjacent punctuation when double-clicking on words
- Fixed problems copying/selecting/highlighting RTL text
- Allow Select All after clicking on annotations sidebar background
- Show context menu with copy/paste options for annotation text and comment
- Fixed reader sometimes showing UTC time and sometimes local
- Fixed error when pressing Tab in standalone PDF window

Note editor:
- Don't create unnecessary blank line when inserting annotation
- Restored different list markers for different indentation levels
- Fixed drag handle for RTL lists
- Preserve rich-text formatting when using Add Note option in word processor plugins
- Don't show “Find Available PDF” for feed items

OSForensics 10.0.1004 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Case Management:
- Reporting, increased PDF report generation timeout
- Reporting, added a progress window when exporting report as a PDF
- Devices, added support for BDE volumes with a clear key

Create Index:
- Fixed bug where if multiple folders/unallocated are added, the indexers fails to run

Deleted Files:
- Fixed crash when carving MFT records on disks without valid file systems

Email Viewer:
- Added checkbox option to search for attachment filenames

Password Recovery:
- Added an error message and retry option if Chrome local state file was locked (triggered if using Chrome to login into a site or switch profiles at the same time as running a scan in OSF)
- Now clearing file system cache before performing scan. This is to fix issues due to inconsistent data when scanning live system drives in Forensics Mode
- Fixed a failure to decrypt passwords due to unnecessary encoding/decoding operations of the keys when scanning Browsers passwords. This caused incorrect AES key and key length returned which caused the failure
- Decryption and Password Recovery, made a change so that the number of available GPUs is not checked until clicking on the tab (previously it would happen at OSF startup and could cause a crash if GPU drivers are out of date)
- Fixed bug where scan was being preformed on Live system regardless of which drive was selected

Rainbow Tables:
- Fixed bug where 'recover passwords' button did not resize properly after recovery is completed/cancelled

Start Page:
- Added icon and button to display USB write blocking current setting, displayed as "USB Write: Enabled" or "USB Write: Disabled", and can be toggled on and off using this button (current case setting will be changed)

User Activity:
- Now clearing file system cache before performing scan. This is to fix issues due to inconsistent data when scanning live system drives in Forensics Mode
- Fixed a failure to decrypt passwords due to unnecessary encoding/decoding operations of the keys when scanning Browsers passwords. This caused incorrect AES key and key length returned which caused the failure

Wirecast 15.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- a crash when disconnecting a Rendezvous Guest if the Guest refreshed the browser at the same time
- a crash when opening the DubDelay Audio FX configuration window
- a crash when adjusting the Ration slider in the Dynamics FX configuration window
- a crash when launching Wirecast in Rosetta mode
- a crash when launching Wirecast on older Mac systems (pre-2014)

DbVisualizer 14.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
Connection Setup SSH:
- Support to share a SSH configuration for multiple database connections

DB Support: Cassandra:
- Add support for Cassandra

DB Support: Google BigQuery:
- Add support for Google BigQuery

DB Support: Microsoft Access:
- Add support for Microsoft Access

DB Support: SingleStore:
- Add support for SingleStore

- Add the format="xxx" argument for @import

Connection Setup:
- Automatically reconnect when connection is lost

Connection Setup Security:
- SSH tunnels can now be used in DbVisualizer Free

DB Support: Azure SQL:
- Add support to view, create, drop, and change password for users

DB Support: Azure SQL:
DB Support: SQL Server:
- Introduce a "constraints" sub node to show primary, foreign keys, and referenced tables
- DB Support: Greenplum
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- DB Support: Redshift
- DB Support: SQL Server

DB Support: Yellowbrick
- Add support for killing sessions

DB Support: H2:
- Add support for H2 version 2.x

DB Support: PostgreSQL:
- Support generating comment statements for triggers
- Add support for generated columns in PostgreSQL Create/Alter

DB Support: SQL Server:
- Add support for create, modify, and drop of users and logins

Data tab:
- Having a where filter in the Data tab should show a different icon

Driver Manager:
- Used By column in the driver manager should when clicked show a list of database connections
- Add "Reset Driver" command in driver manager

- Restrict formatting of numbers for SQL exports
- Support exporting in TXT also for @export, Export Table and Export Schema

File Chooser OS Support: Windows:
- The choice of "list" or "details" in file choosers should be preserved between DbVisualizer sessions

Filtering/Filter Sets:
- Make it possible for table filters to be removed after a certain time

- Make progress windows larger
- Change icon for "duplicate" (yellow start) to the standard "copy" icon
- Add icon to external web links to highlight that a browser will be opened

Grid Component:
- Add option to show images in binary type columns in grid
- Add "Extract Filter & Sort as SELECT" action in Data tab. Used to copy the SELECT statement in Data tab including any grid column filters and sorting

- When Batch Import, commit at every executed batch
- Make it easy setting data type for the multiple columns during import to new table
- Make "Batch Import" default

Java 17:
- Bundle Java 17 with installers
- Support the ed25519 algorithm for SSH

OS Support: Windows:
- Remove support for Windows 32-bit

OS Support: macOS:
- The DbVisualizer window title bar background should follow General / Appearance setting in macOS System Preferences

SQL Commander:
- Add "@command ignore/resume" to ignore/resume executing any client-side commands
- Add the "@stop now" client-side command used to stop the execution of the script

SQL History:
- Make "Search Full Script" default in SQL History

DB Support: Exasol:
- Incorrect primary key order in table DDL

Mail Support:
- Creating a mail server account in Tool Properties without Apply, and then Send Test mail results in an error

- If SSH connect doesn't succeed, pressing disconnect, and then connect again, nothing happens
- Tilde sign ('~') doesn't translate to user's home folder for SSH config, known hosts, and private key files

DbVisualizer 13.0.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
