IceCream Ebook Reader 歷史版本列表 Page13

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IceCream Ebook Reader 歷史版本列表

冰淇淋電子書閱讀器是一個偉大的軟件,讓您在您的計算機上組織,存儲和閱讀電子書。它處理普通電子書格式(EPUB,FB2,PDF,CBR,CBZ 和 MOBI)的書籍,並為您提供最佳的閱讀體驗。冰淇淋電子書閱讀器允許組織您的電子書到圖書館,從而優化您的閱讀體驗。您可以在“書架”或“表格視圖”模式下查看書籍,並查看最近閱讀的書籍,收藏夾和所有書籍,並按格式對其進行過濾。該程序使讀取過程舒適,由於特殊功能... IceCream Ebook Reader 軟體介紹

DbVisualizer 13.0.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Docs - Users Guide: Update documentation regarding jsch and support for ed25519 and new algorithms
- Driver Manager: Show message when loading an already loaded artifact
- Suggest the jar extension type when Maven dependency specifies type pom

- Auto Completion: Auto completion popup in Windows highlights row at mouse position rather than the first entry in list
- DB Support: Error when viewing DDL of a view
- DB Support - Informix: Table Data Editor
- After upgrade to version 13 can no longer edit result set in Informix
- DB Support - MongoDB: Need to support Database URL for Mongo starting with mongodb:// in addition to jdbc:mongodb://
- DB Support - MySQL: Can not set auto increment in create table for MySQL with 8.0.x driver
- Driver Manager: The driver manager advisory pane at top should show next step suggestions in text rather than with icons
- General: Get app warning (red balloon) if clicking some links
- Occasional "Comparison method violates its general contract" error may be reported
- Grid Component: Reload or close of a grid with many rows (100K+), may be very slow if having an active filter or sort

DbVisualizer 13.0.2 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Docs - Users Guide: Update documentation regarding jsch and support for ed25519 and new algorithms
- Driver Manager: Show message when loading an already loaded artifact
- Suggest the jar extension type when Maven dependency specifies type pom

- Auto Completion: Auto completion popup in Windows highlights row at mouse position rather than the first entry in list
- DB Support: Error when viewing DDL of a view
- DB Support - Informix: Table Data Editor
- After upgrade to version 13 can no longer edit result set in Informix
- DB Support - MongoDB: Need to support Database URL for Mongo starting with mongodb:// in addition to jdbc:mongodb://
- DB Support - MySQL: Can not set auto increment in create table for MySQL with 8.0.x driver
- Driver Manager: The driver manager advisory pane at top should show next step suggestions in text rather than with icons
- General: Get app warning (red balloon) if clicking some links
- Occasional "Comparison method violates its general contract" error may be reported
- Grid Component: Reload or close of a grid with many rows (100K+), may be very slow if having an active filter or sort


What's new in this version:

Functionality changed or added:
- DF reader and new note editor
- Read PDFs within Zotero in a new tabbed interface
- Create highlight, note, and image annotations on PDFs, and view ink annotations created using the new iOS app
- Take notes in a powerful new note editor
- Add annotations, citations, and images to notes, with customizable templates
- Insert notes into Word, LibreOffice, or Google Docs with automatic citations generated from annotations using a new “Add Note” option
- Export notes to Markdown via Quick Copy or file export
- Non-English spellchecking in notes
- Non-English dictionaries can now be added or selected by right-clicking on a note
- The Zotero Connector for Safari is now bundled with Zotero and can be enabled from the Extensions pane of Safari
- Improved Mendeley importer
- import Mendeley data from online library to circumvent local encryption
- Import PDF annotations
- Improved Citavi importer
- Import PDF annotations
- Faster auto-sync uploads
- Local changes (other than note edits) now sync within 3 seconds
- Items list improvements
- Show small PDF icon in Attachments column when item has PDF
- Show emoji colored tags directly in items list
- Rich-text markup in titles is now rendered properly in the items list
- Add selected items to new or existing collection via context menu
- Sort date columns in descending order on first click
- Ignore additional punctuation characters when sorting
- Added Short Title column
- Column picker is now available by right-click on column headers
- Dotted border is now shown around selected row when using non-contiguous selection via keyboard (Cmd-↑/↓ or Ctrl-↑/↓ plus space bar)
- Syncing reminders
- Show a message if syncing hasn’t been set up or if auto-sync has been disabled
- Added Preprint item type
- Renamed “Suppress Author” to “Omit Author” in word processor plugin
- Advanced Search window can now be opened with Cmd/Ctrl-Shift-F
- Added Author, Editor, and Book Author conditions to Advanced Search window
- Don't require modifier key when deleting items in saved search or Unfiled Items
- Avoid blocking of file sync requests by some institutional firewalls
- Many other miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes

- Fixed a bug where remotely removed creators weren't removed locally on sync
- Don't include standalone notes or attachments in one-off bibliographies
- Applies to “Create Bibliography from Collection” and “Create Bibliography from Items”
- Fixed standalone notes not being added to collections on RDF import
- Fixed a situation where a file could be searched for at a path with a missing character when a Linked Attachment Base Directory was set
- Fixed compatibility with Nature feeds
- Fixed intermittent PDF download failures on ScienceDirect
- Fixed date formatting for en-AU and en-NZ locales

Develop-specific changes/fixes:
- Revamped Translator Editor

OpenVPN 2.5.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- GitHub Actions: update script to same version as master
- update copyright year to 2022
- keyingmaterialexporter.c: include strings.h
- remove unused sitnl.h file
- sample-plugin: New plugin for testing multiple auth plugins
- plug-ins: Disallow multiple deferred authentication plug-ins
- doc/Makefile: rebuild rst docs if input files change
- doc/options: clean up documentation for --proto and related options
- fix Changes.rst errors in 2.5.3 and 2.5.5 announcement
- Repair --inactive with 'bytes' argument larger 2Gbytes.
- Fix --mtu-disc maybe|yes on Linux.
- Preparing release 2.5.6
- CI: github actions: keep "pdb" in artifacts
- auth_token.c: add NULL initialization
- vcpkg-ports/pkcs11-helper: bump to release 1.28
- vcpkg-ports/pkcs11-helper: indicate OpenSSL EC support
- msvc: cleanup
- vcpkg: link lzo statically
- vcpkg-ports/pkcs11-helper: adapt to new upstream URL
- vcpkg-ports: add openssl 1.1.1n

DbVisualizer 13.0.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Make it possible using down button to focus the search all editors result list

- DB Support: DB2 LUW -  DB2 LUW: Comment on view problems
- DB Support: Oracle - DBMS Output is empty in rare situations
- DB Support: SingleStore
- Set back tick character as delimited identifier in SingleStore
- Driver Manager: java.lang.AbstractMethodError when using very old JDBC driver versions
- Deleting a user driver scrolls the list
- New/duplicated drivers are inserted last in list rather than by natural order
- General: Some settings may not be migrated properly at first start of 13.0 (e.g. tab colors)
- Grid Component: Occasional error when copy, export, open in spreadsheet, etc. in grids
- SQL History: Column sort in Tools->SQL History doesn't work for other columns than timestamp

DbVisualizer 13.0.1 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Make it possible using down button to focus the search all editors result list

- DB Support: DB2 LUW -  DB2 LUW: Comment on view problems
- DB Support: Oracle - DBMS Output is empty in rare situations
- DB Support: SingleStore
- Set back tick character as delimited identifier in SingleStore
- Driver Manager: java.lang.AbstractMethodError when using very old JDBC driver versions
- Deleting a user driver scrolls the list
- New/duplicated drivers are inserted last in list rather than by natural order
- General: Some settings may not be migrated properly at first start of 13.0 (e.g. tab colors)
- Grid Component: Occasional error when copy, export, open in spreadsheet, etc. in grids
- SQL History: Column sort in Tools->SQL History doesn't work for other columns than timestamp

DbVisualizer 13.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- DB Support: Elasticsearch - Add support for Elasticsearch
- DB Support: MongoDB - Add basic support for MongoDB and BSON data viewer
- DB Support: Presto - Add support for Presto
- DB Support: Trino - Add support for Trino
- Driver Manager - Improve the driver management to support download drivers from Maven, version selection and more
- Installation/Update Installation - Add an installer for Apple Silicon, M1
- SQL Commander - A new feature to search across all open commander
- SQL Editor - windows

- Connection Setup - Allow copying the actual database URL from the link
- Connection Setup Driver Manager - Add possibilities to set overridden driver properties centrally
- Driver properties with pre-defined list of values should be promoted in a drop-down
- Connection Setup SSH - Add support for ssh-agent with SSH Tunnel
- DB Support: Exasol - Add "certificate Fingerprint" for Exasol connections
- DB Support: Google BigQuery - Add driver entry for Google BigQuery
- DB Support: Greenplum
- DB Support: H2
- DB Support: Netezza
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- DB Support: Redshift
- DB Support: Snowflake
- DB Support: Yellowbrick - Add "Rename Schema" in PostgreSQL
- DB Support: Oracle - Copying a scheduler job can only be created in connection user's schema
- DB Support: PostgreSQL - Add "CASCADE" to Truncate
- DB Support: SingleStore - Create driver entry and database type for SingleStore
- DB Support: Snowflake - Improve support for authenticator=externalbrowser
- Database Objects Tree - Give the option (or by default) to color visited table names
- Driver Manager - Dynamic OS specific libs should be loaded from driver jar files rather than setting java.library.path
- Filtering/Filter Sets - The Database Objects Filters editor should show and allow editing the label1 attribute for DataNodes
- Grid Component - Add a "Reset Grid" action to remove any current quick filters, column filters, sorting, and selection
- Installation/Update Installation - Should be possible to change the location of included user.vmoptions referenced in dbvis.vmoptions
- Installation/Update Installation Web - Remove the UNIX installers, replaced by Linux installers
- Performance/Stability - Increase the default value for -Xmx from 768m to 2048m
- SQL Commander - Reload of file should preserve current selection, scrolling, and caret position
- SSH - Support openssh config behavior to handle append, prepend and removal of algorithms
- Scripts - Open multiple script files at once

- Driver Manager: Unknown driver properties sent to database

OSForensics 9.1.1009 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Case Management:
- Fixed possible crash (crash was due to uncaught exception from MoveFile failure) when changing the case location in the Edit Case Details dialog when paths are longer than MAX_PATH

Deleted Files:
- Cleaned up text/message for the Save Checked Deleted Files confirmation dialog

Direct Image Access / Filesystem support:
- NTFS, fixed bug in traversing $I30 entries in directories spanning multiple MFT records

File Name Search:
- Enabled "Show $FILE_NAME Dates (NTFS)" configuration option automatically if any of the $FILE_NAME columns are selected when configuring displayed columns
- Fixed bug where the custom case directories a user can specify in the config settings did not get reset when switching between cases

File System Browser:
- Fixed issue of FSB starting in extremely minimized state. Issue was caused if previous instance of FSB was minimized when closed. Now if closed while minimized, FSB will not save existing dimensions and reuse the last saved values

File Viewer:
- Fixed bug where OSF crashed when trying to retrieve file info from a file that does not exist
- Fixed bug where if 'save file' option is used on a HFS file system and with 2 or more files selected, the saved file name was incorrectly output

Mismatch Files Search:
- Updated help file to add more detail on how 'Filter Types' is used
- Fixed Chrome/Firefox Cache image exclusions (caches were in different places than expected, e.g. for Firefox, it is different based on OS)

Search Index:
- Fixed bug where displayed sort options did not match function (email + attachments)

- Will now clear create signature config (output type, hashes, etc) each time a new case is loaded

User Activity:
- Fixed bug where all USB entries weren't displayed unless the "event log" option was selected as well
- Will now clear user activity config (date range etc) each time a new case is loaded

- Decreased the size of the Deleted Icon (X) overlay over image thumbnails
- Added .emlx to email pre-sets where used

Pano2VR 6.1.14 查看版本資訊


OpenVPN 2.5.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
