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HTMLPad 歷史版本列表

HTMLPad 是一款適用於 Windows PC 的智能一體化 HTML,CSS 和 JavaScript 編輯器,受到數以千計的 50 多個國家的專業人士和學習者的信賴。使用複雜的功能和工具,HTMLPad 使您能夠比以往更快,更輕鬆地創建,編輯,驗證,重用,瀏覽和部署 HTML,CSS 和 JavaScript 代碼。 HTMLPad 包括全面的 CSS 工作室和一個功能強大的 JavaSc... HTMLPad 軟體介紹

HTMLPad 2022 17.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated CSS definitions, adding many new CSS properties
- Updated CSS compatibility watch
- Reevaluate feature for PHP debugger Watch feature
- Updated CSS prefixizer
- Adjustment of built-in preview ruler scale to match zoom level
- Updated mobile device preview sizes
- Improved CSS @import detection in HTML style blocks

- problem with quote/brackets auto complete
- problem with macros not recording auto-completed quotes
- problem with files opened from FTP from side panel not appearing in MRU lists

HTMLPad 2022 17.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added popup menu on minimap for those failing to look in the Options menu to hide minimap
- Improved minimap separation from code (shadow border)
- Fixed range check error
- Fixed zero length file causing SFTP error
- Other minor fixes

HTMLPad 2022 17.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Version 2022 introduces several major productivity-boosting features such as code minimap, built-in full-fledged FTP client with side-by-side local and remote panels and the long awaited inline color preview for CSS. Other updates include support for PHP 8 and many smaller refinements.

Code minimap:
- Code minimap allows quick navigation based on visual representation of all code in the file

Side-by-side FTP client/explorer:
The editor now comes with a full fledged FTP client that you can run in parallel with code editing. It offers some very helpful features:
- Side-by-side local and remote panels
- Tree view for directories
- Synchronized browsing
- Forward/Back navigation memory
- All essential FTP file management features
- Now remembers View mode and panel sizes
- Inline CSS color preview:
- Optional inline CSS color preview can greatly speed up work with web design and colors

React and Vue.js framework support:
- It is now easier to work with React and Vue.js code. This feature is also found in late 2020 releases, but it was initially not available for 2020.

PHP 8 support:
- Improved auto complete
- Named parameter support in hints
- Number format support
- Promoted property support in code explorer
- New keywords fn and match

Performance improvements:
- Faster application launch and exit when multiple tabs are kept open
- Slightly improved code explorer performance

Visual improvements:
- Customizable error line color
- Updated all color schemes to work better with error lines, bookmark lines, hidden character display
- Smoother menu drawing in dark themes on Windows 11

Preview improvement:
- Updated built-in Chromium version to support latest HTML and CSS features
- Removed legacy IE preview (can turn on with an option)

Usability improvements:
- New actions Next Tab and Previous Tab that you can assign shortcuts to
- Preview now remembers scroll position
- Improved auto complete behavior with functions
- Reopen Closed Tab feature that reopens last closed tab
- Language, coding and other improvements:
- Support for CSS variables
- New framework - Bootstrap 5
- Updated Google Fonts library
- Improved JavaScript code parser
- Updated PHP function and class definitions
- Easy PHP installer package updated to 7.4

HTMLPad 2020 16.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added: Spanish translation (customer contribution, might need further testing)
- Improved: Code Explorer refresh is now faster and prevents flicker if code not changed
- Improved: Code parsing speed for large JS files is faster
- Fix: Saved search menu now correctly updates itself after deleted search item
- Fix: File explorer now correctly handles character case update for file rename
- Fix: Slow file opening bug for some JS files is corrected
- Fix: Find in Files popup window now correctly remembers search directory

HTMLPad 2020 16.2 查看版本資訊


HTMLPad 2020 16.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- CSS language definitions
- Code Explorer behavior when showing many similar items

- HTML Tidy now works on some systems where previously it did not
- JavaScript parsing problems in various circumstances
- Some Code Explorer issues with icons
- Multiple bugs related to crash-reports sent in by users
- Problem with file rename in File Explorer sometimes
- Problems with Find/Replace panel size

HTMLPad 2020 16.0 查看版本資訊


Adlice Diag 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Icons refactoring
- German translation

Updated to core 3.2.17:
- Fixed possible crash at scanner destroy
- Minor fixes

HTMLPad 2018 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

This is a maintenance release with the following changes:
- Fixes visual bug in open/save dialogs on some computers if dark UI used
- Fixes bug where .chm help freezes during Search if dark UI used
- Fixes detached tab losing focus after selecting item from autocomplete
- Fixes a few visual bugs with high definition resolution
- Fixes crash when editing unrecognized files without any syntax highlighter
- Notifies about missing MSVC2012 runtimes if the bundled PHP is used
- Fixes several crashes that might potentially occur in rare situations (thanks everyone who sent us their crash reports)

HTMLPad 2018 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- File explorer scrollbar bug
- code collapse auto expands in some situations
- if you only have 1 snippet with callword then this snippet gets auto-inserted on ctrl+J regardless of what's before cursor
- crash when something unexpected dragged over snippet library
- find in files lose previous search even if nothing selected and cursor isn't over any words
- find in files lose file filter on subsequent searches when searching in Current Project
- auto-complete lightning smart-button doesn't show at the correct line when word-wrap used
- JavaScript auto-complete slowdown for some projects
- various potential crashes

- slight performance improvements for PHP auto-complete

- changed TScriptableJSON.Parse to return boolean success