HitFilm Express

最新版本 HitFilm Express 12.2.8707.07201

HitFilm Express 12.2.8707.07201

HitFilm Express 12.2.8707.07201
HitFilm Express 是發現製作自己的電影興奮的最好方法。隨著電源編輯和驚人的特殊效果,沒有其他視頻產品提供如此大的功能和免費培訓這種價格.

HitFilm Express 是一個頂級的產品用於創建和編輯自己的電影和視頻。現在就開始!

HitFilm Express 產品特點:

剛剛接觸電影或有一個小小的預算並不意味著你不應該有最好的工具。 HitFilm Express 會改變你的期望.

HitFilm Express 不僅僅是一個編輯器。它也是一個全功能的視覺效果和合成產品。你不會在其他地方找到那個組合.

從編輯到上傳,HitFilm Express 有你需要完成你的電影傑作的一切。花更少的軟件和更多的相機和設備!

Hours 免費培訓
從 HitFilm 獲得最大價值與我們的免費在線教程和友好的在線社區.

Powerful 視頻編輯
一個好的電影的基礎是好的編輯。 HitFilm Express 為您提供構建項目所需的所有工具,無論是電影,音樂視頻還是視頻博客.

HitFilm 包括基本的編輯工具,如波紋編輯和轉換,以及多個視頻和音頻軌道.

輕鬆上傳 YouTube
當您完成,從 HitFilm 內部直接上傳高質量的高清視頻到 YouTube 不容易.

Incredible visual effects
HitFilm2Express 還包括一個驚人的工具包,用於設計自己的視覺效果.

Over100 effects
Lightning& 電子模擬,3D 電腦製作的槍聲,3D 文字和逼真的鏡頭閃光等只是其中的一些視覺效果亮點所包含的 HitFilm Express.

明天好萊塢技術帶 HitFilm Express’ 運動跟踪功能。使用先進的光流技術,您可以跟踪視頻中物體的移動,打開一個令人興奮的視覺效果可能性的世界.


通過在綠色屏幕上拍攝將自己或演員置於新的背景中。 HitFilm 可以很容易地創建自己的新聞編輯室或科幻風景.

也可用:下載 HitFilm Express 為 Mac


檔案版本 HitFilm Express 12.2.8707.07201

檔案名稱 HitFilmExpress_x64_12.2.8707.07201.msi
檔案大小 380 MB
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
官網 https://www.hitfilm.com/express
更新日期 2019-03-12

What's new in this version:

- The Undo/Redo and Save buttons have been restored to the menu bar
- The menu containing options for the appearance of Editor tracks has been reconfigured
- Improved the alignment of keyframes in the value graph while scrolling
- Improved the way in which text is displayed on the export progress bar
- Visibility of mask curve handles has been improved
- Improved playback performance on the Editor timeline
- Added a default color label option for Grade layers
- Improved the alignment and positioning of controls in the Track panel
- Improved render accuracy in the viewer for footage that does not match the timeline resolution
- Changed the Export Progress bar color when export is completed, to more easily identify finished exports in the queue
- Fixed the layout of the transport controls so that the Previous Frame and Next Frame buttons are side by side
- Improved the rendering and functionality of the dialog that warns of a system below the minimum requirements

Bug Fixes:
- H.264 media no longer displays upside down during playback
- The interface now displays correctly on older Intel graphics processors
- The styling of tooltips is now consistent in the viewer and graphs
- 3D models using environment maps now export correctly
- The dialog warning of missing features in a project is now styled correctly
- All media cache files are now properly deleted when HitFilm is closed
- The freehand Mask tool is now properly disabled for 3D unrolled layers
- Using the mouse wheel in the value graph while holding CTRL+ Shift no longer causes the interface to freeze
- Applying Levels Histogram to a layer in a nested composite shot no longer causes an unending render request
- Clicking in the viewer no longer creates an unnecessary render request
- Corrected the color of the ADD-ON button in HitFilm Express
- Copying, publishing, and resetting multiple animated properties now works correctly
- HitFilm no longer launches on unsupported virtual machines or remote desktops where it cannot run correctly
- Properties option is restored to the contextual menu for objects on the Editor timeline
- Pre-render options are restored to the contextual menu for objects on the Editor timeline
- Maximizing the interface now properly fills the screen on certain Intel HD hardware that previously displayed incorrectly

HitFilm Express 12.2.8707.07201 相關參考資料
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