軟體下載 WordPress 6.2.2

檔案名稱 wordpress-6.2.2.zip

WordPress 6.2.2 軟體下載

檔案版本 WordPress 6.2.2

檔案名稱 wordpress-6.2.2.zip
更新日期 2023-05-21
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

WordPress 6.2.2
Google Drive(Windows 的備份和同步)是一個您可以創建,共享,協作和保留所有內容的地方。無論您是與朋友合作開展聯合研究項目,與未婚夫計劃婚禮還是與室友追踪預算,您都可以在雲端硬盤中完成。您可以上傳和訪問您的所有文件,包括視頻,照片,Google 文檔,PDF 等等。開始使用 15 GB 免費。通過安全雲存儲訪問任何地方的文件,並為您的照片,視頻,文件和其他文件備份 Google ... Google Drive 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- The security team would like to thank the following people for responsibly reporting vulnerabilities and allowing them to be fixed in this release
- Block themes parsing shortcodes in user-generated data; thanks to Liam Gladdy of WP Engine for reporting this issue.
- The issue above was originally patched in the 6.2.1 release, but needed further hardening here in 6.2.2. The Core team is thankful for the community in their response to 6.2.1 and collaboration on finding the best path forward for proper resolution in 6.2.2. The folks who worked on 6.2.2 are especially appreciative for everyone’s understanding while they worked asynchronously to get this out the door as quickly as possible.

WordPress 6.2.2 相關參考資料
Download WordPress 6.2.2 for windows

2023年5月21日 — Key Features · User-friendly interface · Customizable themes · Extensive plugin support · Easy content management · SEO-friendly features ...


install wordpress 6.2.2 - YouTube


Version 6.2.2 – Documentation

2023年5月20日 — The 6.2.2 minor release addresses 1 bug and 1 security issue. Because this is a security release, it is recommended that you update your sites ...


WordPress 6.0 < 6.2.2

2023年12月6日 — 概要. 遠端Web 伺服器上執行的PHP 應用程式受到一個或多個弱點影響。 說明. WordPress 6.0 < 6.2.2 版受到一個或多個弱點影響. 解決方案.


WordPress 6.2.2 is now available!

2023年5月28日 — #wordpress 6.2.2 is a rapid response release to address a regression in 6.2.1 and another patch for a vulnerability addressed in 6.2.1. The next ...


WordPress 6.2.2 Vulnerabilities

Discover the latest security vulnerabilities in WordPress 6.2.2. With WPScan, protect your site from WordPress 6.2.2 exploits.


WordPress 6.2.2: A Critical Update for Your Website's Security ...

2023年7月28日 — WordPress 6.2.2: A Critical Update for Your Website's Security and Functionality · Blocked themes from parsing shortcodes in user-generated data ...


WordPress 6.2.2: What's New, What's Improved, And ...

2023年6月21日 — What's Gone in WordPress 6.2.2? · Block themes parsing shortcodes in user-generated data · Fixed a CSRF issue updating attachment thumbnails ...


WordPress 6.4.3 中文版- 免費部落格架站軟體

知名部落格架設軟體- WordPress,如果想要自己架設部落格,推薦使用WordPress,搭配Apache + PHP + MySQL 平台即可輕鬆架設,安裝完成後即有中文介面,版型可 ...


[本地化] WordPress 6.2.2 安全性維護版本發佈

2023年5月20日 — 這個維護性版本修復了核心程式的1 個程式碼錯誤及1 個安全性問題。這個版本包含多項安全性修正,由於是安全性更新,建議立即更新。本次更新影響WordPress ...
