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What's new in this version:
Improvements to BricsCAD Core:
- Drag & drop IMPORT: drag & drop of a file type supported by IMPORT will call OPEN instead of IMPORT. This allows drag & drop of files onto the BricsCAD start page.
- Associative Arrays: BricsCAD now behaves properly on first command invocation, after loading a DWG2013 (or newer) drawing file, when encountering an associative array that is flagged for evaluation.
- BIMATTACHCOMPOSITION: localized text strings no longer overflow the available space in the Options widget
- COPY: changing the visibility state of a copied dynamic block no longer causes "issues"
- CenterLine and CenterMark grips: grips for the overshoot parameters of CenterLine and CenterMark entities are now ready and available
- Document Tabs: re-organized right-click menu options, and added direct access to the Recent Files list
- Export to picture format: exporting an image to a picture format (.bmp .emf .wmf) now abides by the value of the IMAGEFRAME system variable
- Layers: the merge functionality for the Layers view in the Drawing Explorer dialog now works as expected
- Layers: using the Purge command in the Drawing Explorer dialog now properly updates the Layers view
- Layers Panel: using 'Ctrl-N' to create a new Layer now works as expected when editing a Layer name
- Ribbon: at 4K resolution, large ribbon buttons are now automatically re-sized to remain twice as large as small ribbon buttons
- Selection: we totally made the window selection process faster
- Structure Tree: improved the performance of Structure Tree updates
- TTF text printing: improved the quality of non-clipped TTF text when it is printed as geometry with a 2D viewstyle
Improvements to Mechanical:
- BMTRAILINGLINES: layers for trailing lines are now added to generated drawing views
Improvements to BIM:
- BCF panel: the BCF panel can now also connect with BimTrack
- BIMSECTIONUPDATE: BIM Grid axes are shown in BIM section results for Boundary and Volume state sections
Improvements to Civil:
- Alignment subentities: you can now iterate through alignment subentities using the Property Panel
- 3D constraints: fixed 3D dimensional constraint creation when DYNMODE is disabled
- Attachments Panel: missing attachments are better depicted in the panel
- BCF: section planes are properly located in BCF issue views
- BIMCLASSIFY command: command options 'Building Element', 'Xref', 'Other', 'Auto' and 'Unclassify' now work as expected in localized versions
- BIMSECTIONUPDATE: grid axes are properly written to the section plane block
- Blockify: replacing 3D solids with references to existing blocks no longer creates superfluous block definitions
- Blockify: keywords are now handled properly when default names are used
- Blockify: limited the "match all equal solids" option to existing blocks, containing a single solid each
- Bmballoon: performance of the automatic placement of balloons has been improved
- Bmballoon: when a balloon is placed, it points to a visible line
- Boundary: gradient fill settings retain user settings when the BOUNDARY dialog closes
- Copyclip: a copy-pasteclip bug that is basically impossible to describe is now fixed
- Copyclip: corrupt AcmBOMStdISO objects no longer confuse and befuddle COPYCLIP
- CUI: removed menu items now stay deleted, instead of re-appearing at the next restart
- Communicator: communicator is now available under the BricsCAD Pro license level and higher, as designed
- CopyGuided: improved CopyGuided's handling of pre-selected selection sets
- Cursor: cursor tracking performance has been improved in drawings containing complex entities with dotted linetypes
- Dataextraction: the 'Combine equal rows' option now properly compares formatted values
- DCL: slides rendered in DCL dialogs now display the proper background color
- DCL: 'Shift + multi-click' selections in a list_box tile now perform with verve
- Exportlayout command: an exception, formerly caused by an errant Text entity, is no longer thrown
- Ifcimport: imports to the default Imperial template now work as expected
- Ifcimport: the import of a BREP containing a void no longer makes BricsCAD sleepy
- Ifcimport: we've improved color assignments for geometry that includes Boolean subtractions
- Layers: the drag & drop of a Layer across drawings, via the Explorer Dialog or by using copy/paste operations, now functions as expected
- License: the license level is checked, just once, during BricsCAD startup
- Mleader: Mleader content no longer moves around after it has been edited in the MText Editor
- Mleader: Mleader entities behave properly after the user previews styles in the Drawing Explorer
- Mleaders: the dog-leg line of a scaled MLeader, created in BricsCAD, is displayed, properly located, in AutoCAD
- Mtext: rotated MText, manipulated via its grips, is now displayed at the correct position on-screen
- Mechanical Browser: the current component node is now properly denoted in sub-menus of the Mechanical Browser
- Mechanical Browser: updating the Mechanical Browser happens a lot faster in this release
- Olequality: the setting range for OLEQUALITY is now restricted to 0 through 3
- Open: drawing file open no longer fails when opening from a network folder, via a user account that has restricted access to the network folder's root directory.
- Panels: dragging a collapsed panel-set now works as expected when STACKPANELTYPE=2
- Polyline: fixed a regression that caused dashed polylines to disappear when zooming in
- Physical Materials dialog: fixed options/scrollbar update issue in the 'Hatch Pattern Name' choice control
- Project Browser: enabled the editing of table cells on a double-click in the Sheetset Setup dialog
- Propagate fixed issues related to the display of detail file tags
- Quickdraw: UCS is now properly maintained in through the copy-floor option
- Quickdraw: when the UCS is not equal to the WCS, inner walls are now assigned the proper UCS
- Ribbon: enabling or disabling a split button item via the API now works as designed
- Selection: selection of a dynamic constraint dimension no longer yields bad behaviour on the part of BricsCAD
- SHape: the BricsCAD Shape application could fail to start after autosnaps had been adjusted
- Smconvert: prevent the creation of a hem if the model already has flanges
- SNapping: (getpoint) now responds expediently when processing an intersection snap between 2 polylines with thousands of vertices
- Snap Tracking: temporary snap tracking now behaves as expected when ORTHO is enabledSR100655
- TConnect: TConnect now clears attributes properly on exit
- Testflags: Added option "? to list flags" for the undocumented TESTFLAGS sysvar. #(OMG)_TESTFLAGSisNowDocumented
- Text: the in-place Text editor now handles Text with fields
- Tinextract: now behaves as expected with regard to solid creation for some specific cases
- Toolpalettes: changing TOOLPALETTEPATH to a custom folder no longer causes BricsCAD to give up
- Toolpalettes: the export of tool palettes now works better, generally
- Toolpalettes: switching between palette groups with a large number of palettes now behaves admirably
- Trim + Extend: we've improved Trim and Extend for Multilines, now correctly respecting the start and end cap styles
- TTF text (in transient graphics): TTF text in transient graphics no longer displays as improperly clipped (e.g., text in dynamic dimensions)
- Viewsection: BIMSECTION/VIEWSECTION now properly projects polyface mesh entities contained inside XREFs
- .NET: ColorDialog.ShowDialog() now releases the captured mouse cursor before displaying the color dialog
- .NET: custom entity selection keywords are now clickable in the Command Line prompt
- .NET: editor methods TurnForcedPickOn and TurnForcedPickOff are now implemented
- .NET: erasing entities before a repeated call to Editor.GetPoint() no longer triggers a crash during entity snap handling
- .NET: hatch.SetHatchPattern() now recalculates the hatch after the Origin point has been changed
- .NET: JigPrompt.AcquireDistance() no longer ignores the entered direct distance whilst a tracking point is active
- .NET: returned keywords from Editor.GetSelection() no longer include an unwanted underscore prefix
- .NET: the PlottingServices.PreviewEngineFlags enumeration has been addedSR100018
- .NET: the Windows.LineWeightDialog class has been implemented
- .NET: the command autocomplete pop-up no longer displays while a jig is prompting for input in an application context
- .NET: TransactionManager.TopTransaction.Dispose() no longer ends transactions whist they are referenced at an outer scope
- .NET: utility function Internal.CoreUtils.GraphScr() and Internal.CoreUtils.TextScr() have been implemented
- .NET: utility function Internal.CoreUtils.WcMatch() has been implemented
- Brx api smunfold: fixed an issue regarding the appearance of extra lines during the unfolding process
- BRX BModeler: improved the BModeler extrusion() and extrusionAlongPath() functions
- BRX BModeler: improved the BModeler extrusionAlongPath() function to support scaling and twisting
- BRX BModeler: Improved the BModeler extrusionAlongPath() function to support morphing of the start and end faces (as long as they contain the same number of vertices)
- BRX HLR: fixed issues with the HLR (hidden line removal) processing of ACIS entities inside of BLOCKs/XREFs
- BRX/.NET: the native function AcApDocument::isNamedDrawing() and managed property Document.IsNamedDrawing are now implemented
- BRX: AcEdUIContext::OnUpdateMenu() is now called before a custom context menu is displayed. This was a regression since V20.1.08.
- BRX: AcDbDxfFiler::writeResBuf() no longer crashes when called during a filing operation
- BRX: CAdUiBitmapButton now promises to search the current MFC resource module for its button bitmap
- BRX: initget keywords starting with non-alphanumeric symbols (e.g. '-') now deliver proper actions after being clicked in the Command Line
- BRX: once again, it is possible to change the picked entity within AcEdSSGetFilter::endEntsel(). This was a regression since V20.2.01.
- BRX: polar snap tracking now works correctly with custom entities that implement subentity protocols
- BRX: the main frame is no longer deactivated during direct calls to AcEdJig::acquirePoint(), when dynamic dimensions are enabled
- BRX: classes derived from AcDbDxfFiler now work as expected and work reliably
- BRX: we fixed the behaviour of OdDbCircle::getParamAtPoint() in situations where large coordinate systems are encountered
- LISP (trans): fixed the (trans ...) function; it was returning a 2D result for a 2D input point/vector; when the resultant return should always be 3D
- LISP (trans): the (trans ...) function now transforms to/from the DCS system
- LISP: we fixed the (acet-str-replace) function. It now accepts an empty string as a replacement
- SDS/LISP/BRX: added new (vle-safearray->list sa) function. It returns NIL for an empty SafeArray
- Added new (_vlax-safearray-mode T/NIL) to specify how (vlax-safearray->list) should handle an empty SafeArray : T allows it to return NIL
- SDS/LISP/BRX: the FileSelection dialog functions properly when the provided filename uses one or more "." (dot) characters
What's new in this version:
New Features And Changes:
- Better UI for the blend modes which are now grouped by category
- Ctrl+Click can be used to rename a module instance
- Allow larger vignette scale
- Add pseudo preset in whitebalance to keep user's modifications
- In crop&rotate module it is possible to allow only vertical composition change using the Shift modifier when dragging the crop area and horizontal one using the Ctrl modifier.
Bug fixes:
- Fix color peaking mode in culling mode
- Fix single expanded module in some cases
- Fix a watermark issue that could crash darktable
- Fix issue with gradient mask rotation in some cases
- Fix upward compatibility support in base adjustment module
- Fix some MacOS full-screen mode issues
- Fix issues on some Lut 3D files
Base Support:
- Fujifilm GFX 100 (compressed)
- Fujifilm X-Pro3 (compressed)
- Fujifilm X100V (compressed)
- Nikon COOLPIX P950 (12bit-uncompressed)
- Nikon Z 50 (12bit-compressed, 14bit-compressed)
- Olympus E-M1MarkIII
- Panasonic DC-S1 (3:2)
- Panasonic DC-S1R (3:2)
- Panasonic DC-TZ91 (4:3)
- Panasonic DC-TZ95 (4:3)
- Panasonic DC-TZ96 (4:3)
- Panasonic DC-ZS80 (4:3)
- Sony ILCE-6100
White Balance Presets:
- Canon EOS 77D
- Canon EOS 9000D
- Nikon COOLPIX P1000
- Panasonic DC-GH5
- Olympus E-M1MarkIII
- Olympus E-PL6
- Olympus TG-5
- Samsung NX1
Noise Profiles:
- Olympus E-M1MarkIII
- Catalan
- Czech
- Danish
- German
- European Spanish
- French
- Hebrew
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Norwegian
- Dutch
- Polish
- Russian
- Slovenian
What's new in this version:
- Improved: Now you can use up to 10 nested scripting functions
- Fixed: In some cases program removes trailing dots from filenames
- Fixed: Rare problems with scripting engine and values contained $ symbol
- Changed: Disc number no longer setted up to 1 for Discogs releases without separated medias
- Improved navigation with keyboard in some parts of interface
- Translation: Bulgarian
What's new in this version:
- Resolume 7.1.2 fixes a few bugs and crashes but also has a much improved Gradient that can now take a palette of multiple colours. You can now link layer parameters to the clip transition phase which allows you to make custom clip transitions from effects. Checkout the two videos we made for this release.
Improved Gradient:
- Crash creating the 257th Lumiverse
- Crash switching AV clip from BPM to Beats
- Crash sorting midi messages
- Crash creating shortcuts while target changed
- Crash moving renamed effect
- Crash switching columns while clip param envelope point contextual menu is open
- Crash dropping source with BPM transport default to create new clip slot
- Allow midi clock sync with no Clock Start command
- Option to pre-fill delayed clones with transparent
- Linear Cloner Tail Rotation not working properly
- Alpha with Slice + inverted mask in Slice transform behaves incorrect
- Color Hue at 360 shows magenta instead of red
- Posterize is black at 0.0
- Right Click Color to Reset it does not Reset animations of Sub Params
- Show OSX Icons for Command, Shift and other Modifiers in the PopupMenu's instead of the words 'Command', 'Alt' etc.
- I can't Clear a Clip that only has it's name or color set
- Registration preferences screen is untranslated
- Shift + moving end points for checkbox, and combobox params makes other end point flash values
- Clip panel monitor shows the wrong clip when the panel is updated by layer select
- Clip panel monitor shows previously selected clip on column launch
- Layer and group parameter envelopes can get lost
- New layers in groups only show up after selecting another layer or clip
- Groups can break apart when dragging layers
- OSC /composition/tempocontroller/tempo/divide and multiply f 0-1 tries to set BPM directly
- Shortcuts get deselected when clips are launched via other types of shortcuts
- Crop Effect with Jitterbug blend on composition before transform can cause crash
- BPM synced Video clips load with 8 beats duration from v6 to v7