GoodSync 歷史版本列表 Page115

最新版本 GoodSync

GoodSync 歷史版本列表

GoodSync 是一個簡單,安全,可靠的方式來自動同步和備份您的照片,MP3 和重要文件。備份和 / 或同步您的關鍵文件就像點擊一樣容易,也可以使用各種自動選項進行安排。真正的雙向文件同步可防止任何數據丟失。 GoodSync 可以用於通過本地網絡或 Internet 在桌面 PC 和筆記本電腦,家庭和辦公室計算機,計算機和可移動設備(USB Key,閃存驅動器,CDRW 光盤)之間同步數據。 ... GoodSync 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- License: When writing license after Activation from Gs Account, reset ActivationId of PUMS
- License Activation: Stop GsRunner and GsServer services before Activation, not after
- License: Fixed activated per-User license was nullified
- License: Store per-User license in AppDataLocalGoodSyncGsAcct.tic
- Activate License: Gs Account: If Email is not known, then show GsAccount UserId
- Save email of GoodSync User retrieved from Mediator, if user used UserId

- DropBox: Added DropBox for Business folders
- Amazon S3: several fixes related to switch of regional servers
- S3 on made it work on single region S3 services such as Sirv
- MEGA FS: fixed crashes on server-based file copy and file move
- Browse Dialog: do not clear Auto settings, if only Filter changed
- Browse Dialog: make Advanced Connection options be saved again on Connect
- Licenses: per-User Licenses are activated from GoodSync Account (new way), they are per OS user
- Licenses: per-Computer Licenses are activated from OrderId/Name (old way), hey are per Computer
- Licenses: old per-Computer way of licensing remains until user activates from GoodSync account
- gs-server: do not use any files from ProgramDataGoodSyncServerBookmarks folder anymore
- DeviceId: properly sync it between GS Client and GS Server, it is now per OS user
- ComputerId: it is now alllcated structly per OS/GS user on the machine
- GoodSync Users: one OS user can have only one GS user on it, and one GS user maps to only one OS user
- gs-server: Forwarder: report all licensing issues back to client
- GS client: store Gs Account designation in file AppData/Local/GoodSync/GsAcct.tic
- GS client: stop usng file AppData/Local/GoodSync/Bookmarks/GsOnline.gsb, because it moved
- GoodSync2Go Setup: ask user for PortableDrive name, it will appear in Computer Name in Devices
- GoodSync Account Setup: request Computer together with User Id, so that they submit together

- Server Account Normalization: Do not delete SMB accounts with credentials
- Server Account Normalization: Convert gstp:// to gstps:// for all Jobs
- Server Account Normalization: Fix gstore:// accounts, they need no Server in the key
- Server Accounts: Get rid of old-style /file:// /smb:// mid-URL prefixes in GSTP URLs
- Runner Service Setup: Use profile from assigned Windows User, do not pass it via command line
- Runner Service Setup: Fixed updating GoodSync could change profile used by Runner Service
- GsServer Service Setup: allow Limited Windows users to do it properly
- Browse dialog: Fixed list of bookmarks in Account tab of GSTP browse dialog
- GSTP Server: Fixed reporting of Impersonation errors, send them back to GS Client
- S3: Wasabi: Better handling of location of Wasabi regions
- Job List tab: Fixed adding a job was not placing it in correct order
- Job Tree tab: fixed problems in Group and Job renaming

GoodSync 10.10.0
- Current Job and Group: Store them in registry as they change, do not wait for GoodSync exit
- Job List: Fixed rare crashes and mis-assigned GUI parts on Job Rename and Clone
- GSTP Client: Do not reset waiting period of m_backoff on reconnect, respect Seconds To Reconnect option
- S3: Fixed protocol errors on non-Amazon S3 hosts
- Server Account Manager: improved cleanup and repairs of Accounts when GoodSync starts

GoodSync 10.9.36
- GoodSync Storage and Connect Initial Setup: Improve usability
- gs-server: Fixed crashes on stopping service
- gs-server: Fixed crash on Disconnect of long-running transaction
- gs-server: Merge Manage API server into gs-server
- Tools Menu: do not show Upload to CC menu items to non-business user
- Job Rename and Close: fixed rare crashes
- Ver 11: Reset trial time for Ver 11 beta
- Ver 11: Improved initial setup, especially for GoodSync Connect and Storage

GoodSync 10.9.35
- Job Filters + Browse Dlg: Fixed Show Files flag is not saved
- GSTP Client: UploadFileBlock: Fixed Server Pipe Receiver cannot find stored transaction
- Job List and Options: Restore User-mandated Job order, whereby User can Drag-and-Drop Jobs
- Azure Blobs and Files: Add Azure Govt Cloud to Azure Blob and Files file system
- Browse Dialog: Changes can get stuck if user changes UserID of the existing server account
- ConnectFS: Re-allow :443 suffix for File Systems such as Google Drive, for legacy reasons
- Moving .tic from Roaming to Local: Fixed did not work if user still had jobs.tic only
- Moving .tic from Roaming to Local: Move _mirrors_ folder too, it may have state files
- Command line: Fixed crash in 'gsync sync /all'.

GoodSync 10.9.34
- GSTP client: fixed possible '401 Unauthorized' error when reconnecting
- GSTP client: fixed connection recovery on reconnects, esp when conveyor is present
- GSTP client: try for direct connection more often after recovery, to get it sooner
- GSTP client: memorize auth context, to speed up recovery on reconnect
- GSTP server: Fixed rare file corruption on recovery when conveyor is running
- GSTP server: UPNP: speedup discovery, store more in UPNP cache
- GSTP server: UPNP: register before UPNP discovery, as it can take long
- Profile: Move GS Profile Folder from C:Usersuser-nameAppDataRoamingGoodSync to C:Usersuser-nameAppDataLocalGoodSync
- Reading Jobs: If we cannot find Unnamed Bookmark in Server Account then just recreate it
- Sib-tic: Add skipping of maps, they start with '('. Old GS versions cannot skip new maps
- TIC cleanup: leave only last 10 versions of the Server Accounts and Jobs backup timestamped TIC files
- Job List: always order Jobs by alphabet, remove option to manually order Jobs
- Added Program Option 'Trust System Root Certification Authorities'
- to allow user-approved programs (such as Anti-Virus) to listen in on GoodSync TLS
- Browse/Explorer: Sort disks in alphabetic order, their names starts with Disk Letter
- Switching jobs while filters panel is active: Save jobs only if there are real changes in filters
- Workers, Jobs and Progress: fixed Stop command was not always getting to the running Job
- URL parser: fixed handling of default plain and secure ports, or else Account Manager could lose Accounts
- MS Graph: Site search queries can be paginated too, so parse multi-page responses
- Sib-service, gs-server, gs-runner: rewrite services to one API to better react to Sleep and Wakeup events

GoodSync 10.9.33
- GSTP Client: perform testing of direct connection in separate thread, not to slow down user
- gs-server Receiver: Fixed several issues traht affect reconnects via Forwarder
- Box, MS drives, Google drive: store changed RefreshToken in Account Manager, not just in cache
- Azure Files: New account: Fixed error 'The account being accessed does not support http'
- synclib: Add exclusion of files/folders with Disregard attribute, always
- sib-file: Add Disregarded and Temporary attribute to files and fodlers, determined by OS
- Browse Dialog: Disregard case of folder names, as Windows is not case-sensitive
- GsRunner Service: Add handling of Service_Control_Preshutdown Message, as Windows waits for us
- Filters pane: fixed bugs and crashes

GoodSync 10.9.32
- Added GoodSync RealDisk Online storage file system, to simplify provisioning of RealDisk storage
- Filters Pane: fixed some crashes and bugs
- GoodSync Account Setup: Fixed old GoodSync UserID may get stuck when changed
- Gs-server: Fixed 'Empty CompId' error, if Client is using numeric IP addressing
- Receiver: Fixed PickupSessAck was not sent when we started new Receiver thread (no UDP)
- Receiver: Never retry /PipeServer, always let Client initiate reconnect

GoodSync 10.9.31
- GUI Progress: Fixed File Counters were reset during Sync, not allowing them to decrease
- GUI Filter Pane: Fixed too slow to refresh, causing GUI delays when many filters are present
- FS MEGA: Fixed processing of deleted files
- FS Backblaze: Migrated to API V2, Added support for per-application keys
- Redo submission of Tickets and Crashes to GSSS, to automate it some more
- Installer of GS: Allow user to proceed after warning, in case of Signature error in Installer
- Installer of CC Runner: Fixed sometimes Gs Runner was not starting when Windows Starts
- GSTP Storage: use port 443 and proper server name, so that SSL cert can be verified
- GSTP Client and Server: Discontinue using of Pickup Forwarder, always use Pipe Forwarder
- GSTP Server Direct: review, improve and speed up reconnect sequences
- GSTP Server Receiver: review, improve and speed up reconnect sequences
- GSTP Client: If we detected Deemed Disconnect on Timeout, do not try to reconnect

GoodSync 10.9.30
- S3: Fixed errors in header names that resulted in Bad Signature error
- GSTP client: reduced timeouts, for faster reconnects
- GSTP client: Fixed connection history management, to better try Direct connection when needed
- GSTP server: Direct Server: Fixed Sessions were not cleaned up
- GSTP server: Deprecate Basic Auth use only Digest Auth
- GSTP receiver: Improved reconnect latency, make it faster
- Logging: Fixed HTTP transactions were logged at Details level.

GoodSync 10.9.29
- GSTP server: Fixed Server may get no Assigned Forwarder, show error 'Update your Server to latest version'
- GSTP Server: Fixed re-asking for results of a long-running transaction
- GSTP Forwarder: more fixes for faster reconnects
- MS Graph FS (Office 365, SharePoint): List additional root sites under /sites
- Backblaze B2: Upload of short files,: Do not reuse URL of 'b2_get_upload_url', always get a new URL
- Fixed NTLM auth, used in IIS and Windows Server
- Localization: Fixed localization of GoodSync Account setup was not working

GoodSync 10.9.28
- GsRunner + UnAttended jobs: Drop log lines if GUI did not pick them up, fixes memory leak
- Gs2Go: Allow portable volumes to have Disk Letters A: and B: as diskettes are long gone
- MS Graph: Added support for reading paged responses to /groups query
- GoodSync Account Setup: No Mediator mode: Do not check for dup users or computers on Mediator
- GoodSync Account Setup: No Mediator mode: Allow to keep existing user, after warning
- GSTP Client: if Server got no external port, do not try Direct connection, it is waste of time
- GSTP client: rewrite direct/forwarder decision, to switch faster and more accurately
- GSTP Server: When switching from Forwarder mode to Direct mode, stop Receiver and wait for it
- GSTP Server: Direct mode: finer per Session locking, not per User
- GSTP Server: Fixed Sessions that were Disconnected with Error were not released (memory leak)
- GSTP Server: Make sockets of properly closed sessions linger for 10 sec, for client to receive
- GSTP Server: Pickup Receiver: made it work better when we have lost connections
- GSTP Server: Web UI: improved Settings presentation
- GSTP Server: UDP receiver: Fixed could cycle on multiple UDP receive errors
- GSTP Forwarder: reject inactive sessions on server side sooner, do not let them linger
- GSTP Forwarder: increased speed and stability by more holistic locking mechanism
- GSTP Forwarder: Allow User Forwarders, if user sets 'UserForwarder = Yes' in settings.tix
- License on Linux: fixed Licensing by finding working PNEs, not just eth0/1.

GoodSync 10.9.26
- GsRunner Service: Fixed GsRunner did not come back after Sleep and Wakeup
- GS Account Setup: Computer page: Check that proposed Computer name does not already exist
- Mediator does not allow connecting to Computer if two devices registered under this one name
- Mediator does not allow GSTP-2 protocol, so all GSTP computers must be updated to latest ver 10 or 9
- Forwarders: improved and speed up reconnect sequences
- Activation: if user enters License Key (Batch Code) into OrderID, advise him to do it in GS Account online
- Browse dialog: fixed crash on non-recognized URL
- MEGA FS: Added support for 2-factor authorization
- New CZ localization

GoodSync 10.9.25
- gs-server + Mediator: Fixed registration was happening too often, if no UPNP is present
- Forwarder/GsServer: give client more time to close connection or send EOF
- gs-runner: Use dynamic ports, if default port 33555 is taken
- gs-server: Use dynamic port, if default port 33333 is taken
- GSTP with no UDP: make it work faster by using Pipe Forwarder
- GSTP file close: increase allotted time, so that it can complete
- GSTP client: improved switching from Direct to Forwarder and back
- GSTP receiver: fixed several issues, to speed up session pickup
- Gs and Runner Installer: improved some sequences

GoodSync 10.9.24
- GS-runner integration with GUI: Change it from Shared Memory to socket-based protocol
- Unattended Jobs: show percent of completion, not just general status
- Unattended Jobs: show rolling log, as sync progresses, not the final log at the end of sync
- MS graph (OneDrive, Office): Fixed downloads running over 1 hour produce Auth error
- GSTP: improve speed of reconnect on Receiver Server, if connection is lost on Client side
- RDC tunnel: make it work again, use correct connection type on remote end
- CC Runner: Fixed first AutoUpdate of CC Runner was picking up regular GoodSync
- CC Runner: Fixed user profile was incorrect on initial setup, so log cleanup was too broad
- No Mediator option: show it only for Windows Server and File Server installers
- License Check: do it for GoodSync Account too, wait 60 sec after wakeup from sleep
- Permissions: correct translation of ReadOnly flag from Windows to Linux
- Storage Beta: now allow 100 Gb storage trials

GoodSync 10.9.23
- GSTP: now retries upon error are initiated only by Client, never by Server
- GSTP: improved and speed up cloning of new Sessions via existing Session
- GSTP client: test of Direct conn upon Forwarder conn is done only if we had Direct conn before
- GSTP client: If Server has no UDP port, still wait for connection to be picked up
- Forwarder: do not allow Server-retried Sessions to linger, only Client can make it alive
- DAV: Set Content-Type: mime-type header on Upload, so that file gets proper MIME type
- MS Graph: Fixed error processing on uploads, so that Refresh Token can happen
- MS Graph: improved error processing when getting user credentials
- Load Jobs Groups: do not auto-save if changes were detected on load, wait till user save
- CC Runner, Gsync runner: Cleanup all logs every hour (60 min), not just in GUI
- License Activation: Remove Batch activation, as it should be done in GoodSync account online
- Sort list of displayed Job Groups, in Groups context menu of Job
- Fixed temp file name generation, so it does not produce dups in high speed processing
- Account Web UI: Password Reset: Do Not delete accounts upon confirmation, instead merge them.

GoodSync 10.9.22
- GSTP client: get to direct connection faster, when previously direct gs-server goes back online
- GSTP receiver: more fixes in error processing
- GSTP forwarders: more aggressive cleanup of dead sessions, so that they don't linger
- GoodSync Account Setup: make Not Serving Files option stick properly after restart
- GSTP UserId: do not lowercase GSTP UserId, as it can have upper-case letters in legacy accounts
- GSTP UserId: for all new accounts UserId is derived from Email, and it is always lower-case

- Licenses: Fixed License Change notification comes up every 22 hours, even if nothing is changed
- Licenses: When activating from Mediator ver 11 style, delete Encrypted Server Data before writing License
- Create actual installers for File Server and Enterprise Workstation AutoUpdate and Licenses for them
- Uninstall: less waiting for post-uninstall browser, so that it does not hold up uninstall completion
- GoodSync Account Setup: Show Yes/No for Serve Files options, to better explain the No option
- GoodSync Storage: implemented Storage Licenses and Activation
- GoodSync Account UI: added Merge Accounts

- Job List: added more locks on Job List operations, to prevent crashes
- Closing GoodSync: fixed rare crashes when Asian keyboards are present
- MS Graph FS: Fixed 'Resolve URI: resolve special path: no slash'
- Browse Dialog: fixed wrong file System selected from SFTP down
- DropBox, WebDAV: improved exponential backoff on codes 503 and 429
- GS Storage: Added Usage, Transfer and Transactions measurement


Support new GoodSync Account:
- Activate
- License Check
- Manage Account: auto-login
- Contact Support: auto-login

- Tools: Renamed GoodSync Connect Setup to GoodSync Account Setup
- Tools: Added GoodSync Account Manage that Auto-Logins to GS Account web site
- Help - Buy License: specify GoodSync UserId to PUMS, for purchase attribution
- Help - Contact Support: Auto-Login to GS Support System, if GS Account is present
- Activation dialog: make activation via GoodSync Account work properly
- Gs2Go + GoodSync Account: treat USB drive as a virtual Device
- gsync: Add GoodSync Account integration commands /manage-account /buy-license

- Activation dialog: Add option to perform activation via GoodSync Account
- Add License Management to GoodSync Account
- GSTP: Report ComputerID to Mediator, so that activated licenses can me matched to Device
- GSTP Client: Fixed reconnect sequence, it was not always retrying
- GSTP Forwarder and Server: fIxed ticket management, to address a case of Mediator restart
- Dropbox: Recover from incorrect_offset errors on large file uploads
- S3, Azure: Added MIME type application/x-mpegurl for extension m3u8

- Licenses and Activations: more fixes related to license checks
- New Job Dialog: Make Backup (not Sync) to be the First / Default choice for Job Type
- CC Runner Installer: add options to install CC Runner as Service
- CC Runner Installer: remove rarely used option for Account Password and PIN.

- Improve new user experience: no post-update page, more noticeable dialog
- GoodSync start: Encourage users to create GoodSync Account, but allow to Skip it
- GoodSync2Go: allow GoodSync Account in Gs2Go setup and encourage to add it
- Installers: Reset Downloaded from Internet flag, so that installed EXEs do not show warnings
- Browse: Hide old msdrive:// file system, as it is now fully replaced by msgraph://
- MS Graph: Fixed "scope" parameter not stored in FS token cache
- CC Runner Service: Fixed The service did not start due to a logon failure
- Explorer: Fixed upload from SMB does not work
- Use canonic names for executables, no -v10 or -v9 suffix: GoodSync.exe not GoodSync-v10.exe
- License File: change license file format, to prepare for Ver 11
- Gs-server: Fixed registration did not work, if External port is manually assigned
- Sib-socket: better handling for IP v6 addresses
- Mediator: Fixed User NotFound error in Retrieve resulted in closing socket
- Pipe Forwarder: fixed errors in disconnect sequence
- Gs-server consumer: Increase unique clients allowed from 4 to 6
- Turn On by default Program Options -> Security -> Save Password Encrypted
- Gs-server + Network Arrival: Listen for Network Connected / Disconnected events
- Gs-runner + Device Arrival:: listen for this in Runner too, not just in GUI
- Resources: fixed file versions and manifests for all GS executables
- Crash Catcher: Added DbgHelp.dll for x64, 32-bit DLL is not enough
- GoodSync2Go + V9: made GoodSync2Go.bat start GS2Go correctly

- GoodSync start: Encourage users to create GoodSync Account, but allow to Skip it
- GoodSync2Go: allow GoodSync Account in Gs2Go setup and encourage to add it
- Installers: Reset Downloaded from Internet flag, so that installed EXEs do not show warnings
- Browse: Hide old msdrive:// file system, as it is now fully replaced by msgraph://
- MS Graph: Fixed "scope" parameter not stored in FS token cache
- CC Runner Service: Fixed The service did not start due to a logon failure
- Explorer: Fixed upload from SMB does not work
- Use canonic names for executables, no -v10 or -v9 suffix: GoodSync.exe not GoodSync-v10.exe
- License File: change license file format, to prepare for Ver 11
- Gs-server: Fixed registration did not work, if External port is manually assigned
- Sib-socket: better handling for IP v6 addresses
- Mediator: Fixed User NotFound error in Retrieve resulted in closing socket
- Pipe Forwarder: fixed errors in disconnect sequence
- Gs-server consumer: Increase unique clients allowed from 4 to 6
- Turn On by default Program Options -> Security -> Save Password Encrypted
- Gs-server + Network Arrival: Listen for Network Connected / Disconnected events
- Gs-runner + Device Arrival:: listen for this in Runner too, not just in GUI
- Resources: fixed file versions and manifests for all GS executables
- Crash Catcher: Added DbgHelp.dll for x64, 32-bit DLL is not enough
- GoodSync2Go + V9: made GoodSync2Go.bat start GS2Go correctly

- Browse: Hide old msdrive:// file system, as it is now fully replaced by msgraph://
- MS Graph: Fixed "scope" parameter not stored in FS token cache
- CC Runner Service: Fixed The service did not start due to a logon failure
- Explorer: Fixed upload from SMB does not work
- Use canonic names for executables, no -v10 or -v9 suffix: GoodSync.exe not GoodSync-v10.exe
- License File: change license file format, to prepare for Ver 11
- gs-server: Fixed registration did not work, if External port is manually assigned
- sib-socket: better handling for IP v6 addresses
- Mediator: Fixed User NotFound error in Retrieve resulted in closing socket
- Pipe Forwarder: fixed errors in disconnect sequence
- gs-server consumer: Increase unique clients allowed from 4 to 6
- Turn On by default Program Options -> Security -> Save Password Encrypted
- gs-server + Network Arrival: Listen for Network Connected / Disconnected events
- gs-runner + Device Arrival:: listen for this in Runner too, not just in GUI
- Resources: fixed file versions and manifests for all GS executables
- Crash Catcher: Added DbgHelp.dll for x64, 32-bit DLL is not enough
- GoodSync2Go + V9: made GoodSync2Go.bat start GS2Go correctly

- Snapshots + VSS: Fixed snapshots were not working
- gs-server: Fixed 'Empty ServerId' error on some reconnects
- gs-server: Speed up reconnects, by doing fewer transactions
- MS Graph: Recover from 416/fragmentOverlap error on large file uploads
- Browse Dlg: Fixed drilling into non-listable folder was not working
- Browse Dlg: Convert GSTP URLs to new prefixless internal format: server/file:/// to server/
- Browse + GSTP: Fixed clicking different servers fast may result in wrong listing
- GSTP client: Fixed talking to old servers (ver < 10.8.9) did not work
- GSTP client: Fast cloning of connections for parallel workers
- Explorer: speed up ConnectServer task, make it easier to stop
- Explorer + S3: allow deleting (but not renaming) buckets

- Browse Dialog + Multi-Select: fixed crashes, fixed several bugs
- UPNP: Speed up and fix UPNP discovery in case a lot of UDP packets is received
- Synclib: Fixed crash in 'Source file size is not the same as Destination file size'
- Sync Progress: Fixed progress in sequence Sync, Stop, Sync again
- When installing CC Runner GUI, stop and remove CC Runner Service for the same user
- Localization: impproved CN, ZH, UA localizations

- UPNP discovery: Bigger rewrite, to speed up and simplify Port Forwarding
- gs-server + Quota: Fixed 'Cannot convert to GSIO path' error
- GSTP Tunnel for RDC: Fixed errors on closing of Tunnel by Server
- GSTP client: CloneAndConnect: Faster cloning of connection via Forwarder
- Mega FS: Fixed 'Cannot get file fingerprint' error on really old files

- gs-server UPNP discovery: many improvements in UPNP discovery, add SSDP monitoring
- gs-server: Fixed issues in Dynamic Port bind, if preferred port is busy
- gs-server Quota FS: multiple fixes in quota computation
- Mediator: Fixed chaining of grants: (A, B) + (B, C) = (A, C): propagate all properties
- Mediator: When creating Share, first make sure this is unique: ToUserId, ToCompId, ToFolderName
- AutoClear: Do not go into Waiting for User, if AutoClear was performed
- AutoClear: Show Tree when AutoClear is specified and we have Conflicts
- Analyze + Sync: Fixed sync tree was not shown On Analyze+Sync when conflicts are present
- Explorer + RDC: Move calling Remote Desktop from Bookmark List to Server context menu
- Browse Dialog + Multi Select: Do not allow selecting folders from diffrent servers
- Browse: If connecting to Server Root we have Home Folder, navigate to Home Folder instead (FTP, SFTP)
- More optimizations at compile time

- GSTP-3: Fixed checking of Proxy was wrong, when determining if we do Pickup Forwarder
- GSTP-3: Better algorithm for determining when to try direct connection
- UPNP: faster UPNP discovery, so that we get external port faster
- UPNP: redo UPNP discovery, if our IP external/internal address changes
- Ver 9 + GSTP-3: make GSTP-3 work in GoodSync Ver 9
- Ver 9: Fixed in Browse dialog clicking file system in the list was showing wrong info

- GSTP-3: new version of GSTP protocol: establishes connections faster, better scalability
- GSTP-3 computers (ver ≥ 10.9.7) cannot talk to GSTP-2 computers (ver < 10.9.7)
- So all your computers must be running GoodSync ver ≥ 10.9.7 or ver < 10.9.7, but not mix of both
- GSTP client: fast cloning of connections, speeds up startup of Sync with many threads
- GSTP client: do not list shared computers that are offline, cannot connect to them anyway
- GSTP server: fixed Session pickup may not work on 2nd and later attempts
- GSTP forwarders: present full certificate chain to clients
- GSTP server: fixed Protect System Files feature, adjust to new paths
- GSTP server: fixed GetFileOwnerACL not implemented
- For Windows Server: Increased max number of simultaneous connections from 10 to 15
- Localization: Fixed cannot open file 'C:/Program Files/Siber Systems/GoodSync/en-english.rfi'
- Amazon CD: Added retry on HTTP error 504 Gateway Timeout
- MS Graph: Use token cache file msgraph-fs-cache.tic, just like we did in OneDrive
- MS Graph: Added more file types that cannot be resolved by-path
- Ticket Upload: Show progress of ticket upload, as it can be a time-consuming process
- CC Runner Installer: When updating CC Runner, do not start CC Runner from System Account
- License and Privacy: keep License Agreement and Privacy Policy in separate files

- Sync Speed: Fixed excessive locking was slowing down GS GUI when speed limit is low
- Installer: Fixed unchecking Register Desktop still caused Desktop shortcuts coming back
- Installer: Fixed New User was not detected
- Gs2Go Installer: Do not allow install, if no drive is selected
- Google Drive: recovery from missed changes or change latency leaving non-existent file info in cache
- Google Drive, Team Drive, Docs: Fixed order of OFC changes concerning single item
- MS Graph, OneDrive Personal: process incorrect 206 Partial Content returned by MS servers
- gs-server: Show Home Folder in Top Level only if gs-server is logged in as real Windows user
- WinFileSys Elevation: Fixed paths used for SMB shares in elevation
- CC Runner: Service and GUI: Fixed AutoUpdate of CC Runner Service switches to CC Runner GUI
- Explorer: Fixed Copy/Paste from/to Encrypted FS was not working, if not top level
- Explorer: Copy/Move files: always connect two file systems, or it can fail on Encrypted FS
- License: If license file has incorrect size then save a copy of it, for reporting
- License: If we encounter empty Activation ID in stored license file, report an error
- AutoInstall in AutoUpdate: Turn it On by default

- GoodSync2Go installer: Fixed several bugs, improved usability
- GoodSync2Go installer: Do not elevate Gs2Go installer
- GS Connect Setup: Improved it, when called from Installer
- Registry Jobs: Fixed Folder Options got damaged when reading
- Installer: improved adding/removing Start Menu and Desktop items


- Gs2Go Installer: Fixed Language settings was reset to English on every install
- Gs2Go Installer: Do not stop or start GsServer and other services in Gs2Go installer
- Gs2Go: Use lang.opt file in Profile folder to store Language setting, not registry
- Installer: Keep installer window Topmost, so that it does not get lost
- Gs2Go: Implement separate AutoUpdate for Gs2Go, which downloads its own distribution
- Gs2Go: Implement AutoInstall + AutoUpdate for Gs2Go, run non-elevated

- Installer: New Installer for ver 10 that does not use NSIS
- Installer: GoodSync2Go: Do not allow installing to System Disk (C:)
- Installer: CC Runner: Request Company Id, PIN, etc in non-silent mode
- Installer: transaction-based file update that does not delete old program files
- Installer: Ver 9: freeze ver 9, stop producing releases, except for major fixes
- Installer: Localization: do our own localization, based on -.rfs files
- Installer: Logs: When in System Account (MSI), write logs to C:/Program Data/GoodSync
- Mega FS: Added Mega file system (Beta), with mega:// prefix
- Export TIX: Fixed copy of Accounts was not saved to TIX file on Export
- GSTP: Added enforcement of Email and Name length limits, when creating account
- sib-lib: Turn On /O2 optimization in all libraries
- gs-server: Do not require file:// prefix in Home Folders URL
- gs-server: Allow Home Folders and Folder Grants to be combined
- gs-server: Add New User: Remove GsConnect/LocalUser options, it is defined by server type
- Quota File Sys: fixed several issues in disk space usage computation
- Quotas: Implemented disk quota for granted folders
- Forwarder + Receiver: Fixed virt-comp was not passed if Session is initiated via PickupSessions
- Mediator Web UI: Added page to Request Storage
- Mediator Web UI: Break User Account presentation into several tabs

- gs-server: Fixed Incremental Analyze did not work for gs-server + On File Change
- gs-server: Fixed wrong paths passed in GetFileCheckSum
- GSTP + OTP: Fixed of Device Authorization was lost, then client can cycle on re-Auth
- GS Connect Web UI: Added Delete Old Devices, that is, devices not seen for N days
- GS Connect Web UI: multiple bug fixes, improve usability
- GSTP sharing: Fixed Sharing did not work, if default forwarder was used
- GSTP sharing: Implemented CanShare flag: Grantor user allows Share to be further shared
- GSTP sharing: Relax format of From Folder, do not require file:// prefix
- Amazon Cloud Drive: Fixed Conflict 409 in Analyze after stopped Sync

- Disk Free Space: show it in Explorer and Browse dialog for all file systems that have it
- Sharing: Added chaining of Folder Grants: (A grants to B) + (B grants to C) -> (A grants to C)
- Sharing: Granted Computer now assumes UserId of Grantee user, not that of Grantor user, as before
- gs-server and forwarders: Fixed passing of Delegated Auth flag
- gs-server: Added flag DirectOnly to settings.tix. If Yes, it declares that it needs no Forwarders
- gs-server: Added flag GrantsOnly to settings.tix. If Yes, server rejects all non-grant folders
- gs-server: Fixed /set-admin, /set-user and /del-user commands: load settings before them
- MS Graph OneDrive/Office: Fixed OAuth2 token endpoints for regional clouds
- Fixed vulnerability where GoodSync can load malicous DLL from its program folder
- Moved European Forwarder to bigger server in Amsterdam
- Added GDPR clause to Privacy Policy, added GDPR page to web site
- Linux .run installer: Fixed profile owner when configuring gs-server daemon to run under limited user
- Gs-Server for Synology NAS: Better integration with DSM UI, according to DSM standards

- Gs-Server: get rid of internal file:// in URL pointing to gs-server, so that
- gstp://comp.user.goodsync/file:///disk/folder becomes gstp://comp.user.goodsync/disk/folder
- Browse Dlg: Fixed checking for GSTP computer being local, when GS offers to change to Local FS
- Browse Dlg + Side Options: Fixed Side Options do not change when sync folder changes in Browse dlg
- Side Options: Allow turning Off Use Temp Files option for Local FS, as in rare cases it may not have MoveFile
- Do not Delete Dest file on Direct Upload only when both RecycleBin and History are turned off
- Sync Scripts: Do not Call Script / Send Email after Analyze that ended with Wait for User
- Windows FS + SMB: Fixed resolution of SMB paths that are used in Local FS
- Amazon CD: Retry on Error 502 Bad Gateway, returned by ACD server
- Encrypted FS: Implemeted GetFileOwner(), GetFileOwnerACL(), SetFileOwnerACL()
- TLS/SSL: updated list of valid root certificates and Certificate Authorities
- Gs-Server Web UI: Fixed logout did not cause forgetting credentials in the browser
- DE and AR localization updated


- Encryption Side Option: Merge Encrypt Names/Bodies into one option
- Encryption Side Option: Added Test Encryption button, to test Encryption Password on folder
- Encryption Side Option: Added Empty Sync Folder button, to wipeout folder when Encryption changes
- Encrypted File System: Added conveyerization to it, so that it can upload much faster
- Side Option FAT-like: Show it for GSTP file systems too, as FAT may be hiding behind GSTP
- GSTP server + Home FS: Make Folders grow directly from GSTP server, without qhome:// FS and Server S0
- Sharing + Forwarder: Make Sharing work via Forwarders
- Sharing: Fixed folder list when Grantor's server is presented as two different servers to Grantee
- Azure FS: Not Found in ConnectFS is now ignored, not a real error
- Installer: Add Marker to all dialogs and message boxes, so that they can be closed by Installer
- File Upload: If destination file system is atomic, do not delete destination file before upload
- Side Options: Use Temp Files: Make this option always On for Local File System
- MS Graph: Added ability to address sites and sub-sites by name
- Browse Dialog: Reorder file systems, hide old and unused file systems


- SFTP: Major Speedup of Uploads, up to 20 times faster on fast networks
- SFTP: Added support for ECDSA host key algorithms, such as SSH-ED25519
- Sharing: Fixed drilling into shares where server name seen by Grantee differs from Grantpr's name
- File Open: Fixed files were not open in GS Explorer from Sync tree
- Sockets: speed up socket upload and download on high speed networks
- MS Graph: Added option "Request Group.All.Read scope", off by default
- MS Graph: Added Region option for National Clouds: US govt, DE, CN
- MS Graph: miscellaneous bug fixes and speed improvements
- S3 DreamHost: Allow parts upload on DreamHost, they finally implemented it
- Get/Set ACL GSTP: Send ACL in the HTTP body which can handle newlines in ACL
- Gsync, gscp, gs-server: get rid of extra newline in console output
- Gs-server: Allow only TLS 1.2, enable ECDH and show three strong cipher suites by default


- SFTP: Major Speedup of Uploads, up to 20 times faster on fast networks
- Sockets: speed up socket upload and download on high speed networks
- MS Graph: Added option "Request Group.All.Read scope", off by default
- MS Graph: Added Region option for National Clouds: US govt, DE, CN
- MS Graph: miscellaneous bug fixes and speed improvements
- S3 DreamHost: Allow parts upload on DreamHost, they finally implemented it
- Get/Set ACL GSTP: Send ACL in the HTTP body which can handle newlines in ACL
- Gsync, gscp, gs-server: get rid of extra newline in console output
- Gs-server: Allow only TLS 1.2, enable ECDH and show three strong cipher suites by default


- MS Graph: many changes in browsing, show all Sites and Drives
- MS Graph: Acquire Group.Read.All and Sites.ReadWrite.All permissions, to see Sites
- MS Graph: Add icon and description, fixed several bugs
- S3: V4 auth: Escape : and * too, or we get signature errors
- GoodSync2Go: Fixed GoodSync2Go.bat file did not start EXE on 32-bit system
- File Monitoring: Do Monitoring only for Local/Net file systems, not for remote systems
- Device ID: fixed corrupted device id sent for non-latin computer names
- Thousands Separator: Fixed adding , or . separator in case of non-standard Number Format
- Crash Catcher: Do not report exception that we caught, if we could not walk the stack
- Gsync and other console apps: Make them show foreign characters
- Filters: fixed bugs in handling Absolute Include filters
- CC Runner: Do not log sensitive info, such as passwords
- Gsync: Fixed /oauth option not working
- Gscp: Add handling of /profile= and logging command line options

- MS Graph: many changes in browsing, show all Sites and Drives
- MS Graph: Acquire Group.Read.All and Sites.ReadWrite.All permissions, to see Sites
- MS Graph: Add icon and description, fixed several bugs
- S3: V4 auth: Escape : and - too, or we get signature errors
- GoodSync2Go: Fixed GoodSync2Go.bat file did not start EXE on 32-bit system
- File Monitoring: Do Monitoring only for Local/LocalNet file systems, not for remote non-monitor systems
- Device ID: fixed corrupted device id sent for non-latin computer names
- Thousands Separator: Fixed adding , or . separator in case of non-standard Number Format
- Crash Catcher: Do not report exception that we caught, if we could not walk the stack
- gsync and other console apps: Make them show foreign characters
- Filters: fixed bugs in handling Absolute Include filters
- CC Runner: Do not log sensitive info, such as passwords
- gscp: Add handling of /profile= and logging command line options

- MS Graph: Added new file system for Microsoft Drive, based on new MS Graph API
- MS Graph: This is Experimental Beta release, less subject to Error 429 though
- Fixed: Cannot connect to local GoodSync server: server: Cannot get user: User -(undefined)-
- Do not allow Limited User to use Elevation to get to folders that are forbidden to him
- Account Manager: Do Not remove Accounts that have no File System for their URL
- S3: Fixed getting location of bucket for URL-based scheme, could cause infinite recursion

- Backblaze B2: fixed progress indication in upload of large files
- Amazon S3: Now always use V4 auth (AWS4-HMAC-SHA256) headers
- S3: Us Govt Cloud: Always use region us-gov-west-1 for it
- Deduplication + GSTP: Fixed download of dedup file from GSTP was showing it of zero size
- GoodSync2Go: Added 64-bit EXEs to files installed by GS2GO installer
- GoodSync2Go: Store DeviceID in Profile/deviceid.tix on GS2Go disk
- GoodSync2Go: improve folder structure, have only file GoodSync2Go.bat at the top that runs 32-bit or 64-bit
- gs-server: Fixed Unique Server Id was not set sometimes, when gs-server started
- gs-server: Improve startup and restart sequence
- gsync: Get /profile= option before other options, so that commands are applied to the specified profile
- LogViewer: improve init sequence, write logs of LogViewer to log folder
- Visual Sync Tree: Add File To Sync tree view that shows unsynced files, update it during Sync
- Visual Sync Tree: Changes View shows Proposed Changes, that do not change as Sync progresses
- Visual Sync Tree + AutoSync: Do not drop the tree after AutoSync finishes

- Auto-Install on Auto-Update: new scheme with Waiter process, provides instant restart
- Auto-Install on Auto-Update: install it any time Jobs are not running, not just 3AM to 5AM
- Auto-Install on Auto-Update: non-installer URLs now will all go to browser
- De-Elevation after Installer: do not use Windows Tasks for it, use our own restart
- Special Operations: fixed rare crashes caused by Spec Ops + Direction Change
- Crash Catcher: do not catch exceptions not related to GoodSync
- Sockets: fixed shutdown sequence for Listen sockets, fixes rare crashes
- Accounts and Jobs Load: Fixed Import of Job that point to incorrect Account
- Control Center Runner Installer: more fixes
- Control Center Job Upload: Fixed Job Command line generator for several job options
- SFTP: Added support for ECDH key exchange algorithms: ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521, diffie-hellman-group14-sha256, diffie-hellman-group16-sha512, diffie-hellman-group18-sha512

- SyncLib: optimize performance bottlenecks, so that it runs faster
- ZipStream read/write: optimize performance bottlenecks, so that it runs faster
- Crash Catcher: do not react to crashes that happen not on GoodSync stack
- GSTP client: fixed crashes, if many clients Connect all at once
- Sib-Socket Shutdown: fixed force shutdown did not cause effect on Linux
- License: Added lock to reading and writing License file and registry
- CC Runner Service Install: Remove NT Domain from SysUserID before using it
- Account Manager: save copy of accounts-bookmarks.tic file after each migration
- SyncLib: Delete all *._gstmp files if they are more than 24 hours old
- Mediator: Disabled TLSv1, SSLv3, enabled ECDHE for better encryption
- Google Drive: Fixed Make Folder in Browse Quick mode may cause cache problems

- Multiple Workers in SyncLib: Fixed crashes, caused by insufficient locking of Job Progress
- On File Change: Fixed rare crashes when *.tmp file was encountered and deleted
- Rewrote Crash Catcher, to catch more real crashes and fewer unrelated crashes
- Optimization: Turned Off /O2 optimization in SyncLib And GsFileSys, as it prevents crash analysis
- Generate SyncOp instead of New File Conflict, if non-intersecting L and R gen lists are far apart time-wise
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec between Analyze and Sync, if Errors or Conflicts were detected
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec after Sync, if User Stop was detected
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Fixed Item counts were not updated when new tree is built by Analyze
- Upload Jobs: Fixed Command Line errors in uploading jobs

- Multiple Workers in SyncLib: Fixed crashes, caused by insufficient locking of Job Progress
- Generate SyncOp instead of New File Conflict, if non-intersecting L and R gen lists are far apart time-wise
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec between Analyze and Sync, if Errors or Conflicts were detected
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec after Sync, if User Stop was detected
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Fixed Item counts were not updated when new tree is built by Analyze

- Google Drive: Introduce Quick Mode, used in Browse, so that Cache is initialized only in Analyze
- Google Drive: Keep backup of disk cache file, use backup file in case primary file is damaged
- Google Drive: do not send redirect_uri when refreshing Access Token, or else we get Error 400
- Rewrite listings to use marker pagination instead of offset pagination
- Skip over web_link items, they are not files or folders anyway
- OAuth2 File Systems: retry connections on OAuth2 token refresh, to fix connection errors
- On File Change: stop file upload when it has been change on source side
- Progress: Reset Job Bytes and other progress items when Incremental Sync starts
- SyncLib: Fixed file deletion was possible in GSTP jobs, when connection was lost during Analyze
- gs-server: Make Mediator reg attempts more aggressive when Discovery starts
- Proxy in Sockets: Fixed If Proxy Auto/Manual is Off, sometimes it was used if Proxy Host/Port were set
- Gs-Server and Gs-Runner services were not reacting to Sleep, now they suspend when going to Sleep
- Added command: Tools -> Upload Jobs to Control Center
- Program Options -> Security: Added option: Accounts Encryption Password
- CC Runner Installer: Added CL option for Accounts Encryption Password
- CC Runner Installer: Added CL options for Mini Progress and Allow User To Exit
- CC Runner: Added reaction to: Sleep, Wakeup, Logoff (End Session), WMI messages

- MS drive: Use new MS Graph for Discovery Service, as old OneDrive system stopped working with Error 401
- MS drive: improve error messages when discovery fails, instead of showing dropped connection
- gsync CL options: Move /override-locks from Run Options into Job Options (non-persistent)
- CC Runner: When installing CC Runner, set it to Start When Windows Starts, not GS GUI
- Google Drive/Docs V3: Implement "delete" for files/folders that were shared with current user

- Google Docs: Added Google Docs file system with gdocs3:// prefix. It shows only Google Docs, not Files
- Google Team Drive: Fixed changes.list parsing in case when Team Drive object itself is modified
- Azure Files: Set root folder flags properly, so that top level folder cannot be used for sync
- Browse Dialog: Allow Deleting Folder Bookmarks inside Accounts, not just whole Accounts
- Browse Dialog: When Account has been deleted, set Current URL to previously seen account
- CC Runner: When installing GoodSync by User then always reset EnterpriseRunnerConfig flag
- Uninstaller: Fixes icon was not shown, could crash on Windows XP
- SyncLib: Glue several Notes (Comments) together, separated by '; '
- Sync Tree Direction User Change: Speed up processing, when many items are selected
- Menus: Move New Job command from All menu to Job menu
- Gs-Server on Windows XP: Fixed error: User Impersonation failed: acquire privileges
- On File Change + Exclude Empty Folders: Fixed adding new file to empty folder does not get synced
- Import: Re-Added Import of Old Format .TIX files
- Licenses: Rename Pro License to Personal, clarified license language in the program and web site
- Licenses: Updated License Agreement to reflect changed terminology
- Gs-Server license: Do not check User and Session count when client from comes in
- gsync command line: more fixes to command line parser
- Explorer Progress: fixed upload/download progress for many small files

- Change log not available for this version

- GoodSync Licenses: renamed 'Enteprise Server' to 'For Server OS'
- GoodSync Licenses: renamed 'Pro (Fixed)' to 'Personal'
- Browse Dialog, Multi-Select: Fixed opening unchecked folder could cause checking it and parents
- WinFileSys + SMB: process deduplicated links, for which DeviceIoControl returns error 4390
- Dropbox: Implemented download in blocks, this improves download of large files
- Runners: Make their instance mutex names unique per profile, not per authed Windows User
- gs-server: Fixed logs stopped writing after server-initiated restart
- Fixed AuthCode Activation did not work
- gsync command line: Fixed job-delete was not working
- GoodSync.exe command line: Allow window size options to be combined with job commands
- Command Line: Fixed Connectoid Options were not always making it into Jobs
- Command Line: ReAdded optins /exit and /exit-ifok, to be used in GoodSync GUI only
- Fixed GoodSync MSI Installer shows warning on Windows Server

- Runner Service Setup: When setting up Runner Service, use full DomainUserName, not just UserName
- Goodsync2Go: Fixed installer of GS2Go, it was not working in 10.7.3-4 due to command line parsing issues
- CC Runner Installer: Add new mode /cc-runner=update which updates CC Runner to the mode from last time
- Fixed GoodSync GUI does not show state of GS Runner Service jobs
- Ver 9: fixed installer, it also uses new gs-runner now
- gs-server Unique Clients limitation: Increase it to Allowed 4 clients, show Client IP addresses

- Fixed GoodSync installer did not create proper Registry value to Run GoodSync When Windows Starts
- CC Runner: fixed bug in upgrading, which could result in Runner being declared a new Runner
- CC Runner: fixed upgrading using regular GoodSync-v10-Setup.exe installer was resetting CC Runner flag
- GoodSync Connect Setup: Now always delete Old Users, so that only new New user is left
- Gs-Server Web UI: Added warning about too many gs-server users, per license
- Browse Dialog: Multi-Select: Fixed if only one Folder is Excluded, it becomes the new Sync Folder
- Command Line: Fixed /analyze and /sync options of 'job' command were ignored if they come first

- Job Options -> General: Added option to Shutdown Computer after Job is finished
- Job Options -> General: Added option to limit Max Time To Run (minutes)
- Program Options: When Retain Days changes, start complete cleanup with the new value
- Job and Program Options: trim string values such as UserId or Smtp Host
- SyncLib: Added File Size to Copy New/Over log message, when syncing
- Installer: Fixed GoodSync GUI can be randomly started by Scheduler, esp if Avast is installed
- Installer: speed up installation of GoodSync, fixed some issues
- Browse Dlg: Multi-Select: If Include List is empty, still show Implied Checked checkbox
- Gs-server: Added Limitation on Number of Users and Number of Unique Clients, based on License
- File Server License for GSTP gs-server: added new License for gs-server-based File Server
- Scripts and Email: Added variables: %TSTART% %TFINISH% %TELAPSED%
- Command Line: improved command line parse, to catch more errors in CL options
- Sib-socket + SSL: Turned off TLS session cache on client side, only FTPS uses it now
- Command Line: Discontinue parsing Jobs and Program Options in GS GUI, we have gsync for that
- Added/Fixed policies: DisableAzureFile, DisableGDrive2, DisableGTeamDrive, DisableSharepoint
- Gsync: Added 'auth' command that creates new accounts (OAuth, browser auth) from command line
- CC Runner: Added new Control Center GUI Runner, with Taskbar icon, that shows status of jobs run by CC
- CC Runner Installer may install CC Runner as a Taskbar GUI or as a Windows Service
- CC Runner can automatically update itself to latest version, if CC specifies AutoInstall option

- Added new Google Team Drive file system to GoodSync and GoodSync Explorer
- Automatically start GoodSync GUI, if silent install is On and GS GUI was running before silent install
- Installer: Make de-elevation to happen by starting GoodSync via Windows Task Scheduler
- Installer: When installer start GoodSync GUI, make sure it goes on top of Z-order
- Filters in Program Options: Show Global Filters: Exclude System / Hidden / Empty
- Fix adding of Filter flags for Empty folders, when uniting Global and Job Filter
- Fixed Delete Recycled and History Files was not deleting History DB
- Jobs in Registry: Fixed crash in ver 9 when loading Jobs from Registry
- Remove GoodSync-v9.exe from GoodSync v10 distribution, use ver 9 distro instead
- Parallel Thread limits: increase to 64 for SFTP, FTP, GSTP
- FTP: Added option 'Require TLS session reuse on data connection', On by default
- FTP: Turn off this option to resolve connectivity problem with broken servers
- More localizations for Group Names, etc.

- Amazon CD: Fixed GetMetadataEndPoint Unauthorized Error 401
- OneDrive: Add retry on 503 Service Unavailable
- Progress: fixed progress reporting in simple uploads such as to GSTP
- Parallel Threads: S3 and Azure: Increase max parallel threads from 20 to 64
- Control Center Runner: Fixed few finishing lines of Job Run were not submitted
- Control Center Runner: Summarize/Compress update-job-run requests, to reduce server load
- Gsync /runner and /enter-runner: Allow only one instance of each per User
- Program Options + Command Line: Add processing of Global Filters and some newer options
- Browse Dialog + Filters + Multi-Select: multiple fixes, improve usability
- Update DE localization

- GSTP Sharing: Enable Sharing of Folder on Mediator: now Folders can be shared with other GoodSync users
- GSTP Sharing: For now Sharing of Folder is done only in GoodSync Connect account Web GUI
- GSTP Mediator: Remove Talkback processing, as it is 2 years old, so only really GS versions use it
- Passwords: Add option Save Connect Passwords Locally Encrypted, it makes them non-portable, more secure
- Program Options: Added Security tab, for the option above and CC admin credentials
- Account Manager + OAuth2: new scheme of storing tokens and getting auth via Browser
- OAuth2: maintain Refresh and Access Token in a separate cache, not to change Accounts
- Office365/SharePoint: increase initial backoff timeout to 15 sec, on error 429
- TeamSites/SiteRoot/SharePoint: Forbid # % characters in paths as it causes error 400 on uploads
- Browse Dlg + Multi-Select + Links: fix handling of Links in Drilled and CopyAsIs job modes
- Import: Fixed Import of a single job could destroy unnamed bookmarks, thus damaging other jobs
- Reading Accounts and Jobs: Fixed recovery of broken Jobs file (with no Accounts file) causing problems
- Explorer: do not allow any file/folder actions while folder is being listed
- CheckSums: store CheckSum type, as relying on CheckSum size for typing does not always work
- Updated Polish localization

- History Cleanup: Use History DB to speed up cleanup of _history_ files
- Recycled and History and Log Cleanup: now do it after every sync, as it runs faster
- Recycled and History Options: change their names and description, to better explain what they do
- Recycled and History + Direct Destination (No Temp): Use MoveFile, not CopyFile, to run faster
- Filters: Do not apply Size and Time filters to Folders
- Filters: speed up and simplify Filters processing
- CheckSums: Fixed sometimes CheckSums of different types were compared
- CheckSums: Do not use CheckSums of wrong type from the state file
- CheckSums: Fixed uploading of Office file changed by server could result in conflict
- Analyze: Fixed ListDir could be called on Files as if they were Folders, resulting in slowdown
- Links + Exclude: Fixed Ignore Links was not always excluding Links nodes
- Links + Browse: Drill Down to Folder Links in Browse Dlg + MultiSelect, if SymLinks option is Drill Down
- gsync command line: Fixed command line options description and manual, to latest changes
- OneDrive/Office365: Backoff on 429 Too Many Requests and Conflict 409 error with EditConflict
- SharePoint 2013: Fixed ListDir return error when path points to a file or not found
- SharePoint 2013: Backoff on 429 Too Many Requests and Conflict 409 error with 'Save Conflict'
- MTP: Fixed change file name case did not work properly

- Licensing Fixes: Auto Options are not available in Free version
- Licensing Changes: Increase max files to 1000 in Free version
- GSTP Client: When doing Disconnect, set SendRecvTimeout to 5 sec
- GSTP Client: When talking to local elevated client, do not wait on reconnect
- GSTP Client: check that server-id received from Server is not empty
- GSTP Receiver: Do Not close socket on Receiver side after we send Disconnect verb
- GSTP Receiver: Send info headers such as server-id
- Azure (Blob) file system: Fixed large file uploads, more than 4 Gb
- Filters: Fixed filter '/folder/' with tail '/' was not excluding folder
- Separate Installer for GoodSync for Windows Server
- Fixed Jobs File reading and import, so that Import does not repeat
- Accounts File: improve locking of read/write of Accounts file
- Ver 9: Move ver 9 version number to 9.16.7, to make it be in sync with ver 10

- Browse Dlg + One Driver: Fixed freezes and error when drilling down to top folder after OAuth
- GSTP Forwarder Receiver: Do not report to Mediator errors caused by Forwarder Pipe disconnecting

GoodSync 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- License: Fixed activated per-User license was nullified
- License: Store per-User license in AppDataLocalGoodSyncGsAcct.tic
- Activate License: Gs Account: If Email is not known, then show GsAccount UserId

- DropBox: Added DropBox for Business folders
- Amazon S3: several fixes related to switch of regional servers
- S3 on made it work on single region S3 services such as Sirv
- MEGA FS: fixed crashes on server-based file copy and file move
- Browse Dialog: do not clear Auto settings, if only Filter changed
- Browse Dialog: make Advanced Connection options be saved again on Connect
- Licenses: per-User Licenses are activated from GoodSync Account (new way), they are per OS user
- Licenses: per-Computer Licenses are activated from OrderId/Name (old way), hey are per Computer
- Licenses: old per-Computer way of licensing remains until user activates from GoodSync account
- gs-server: do not use any files from ProgramDataGoodSyncServerBookmarks folder anymore
- DeviceId: properly sync it between GS Client and GS Server, it is now per OS user
- ComputerId: it is now alllcated structly per OS/GS user on the machine
- GoodSync Users: one OS user can have only one GS user on it, and one GS user maps to only one OS user
- gs-server: Forwarder: report all licensing issues back to client
- GS client: store Gs Account designation in file AppData/Local/GoodSync/GsAcct.tic
- GS client: stop usng file AppData/Local/GoodSync/Bookmarks/GsOnline.gsb, because it moved
- GoodSync2Go Setup: ask user for PortableDrive name, it will appear in Computer Name in Devices
- GoodSync Account Setup: request Computer together with User Id, so that they submit together

- Server Account Normalization: Do not delete SMB accounts with credentials
- Server Account Normalization: Convert gstp:// to gstps:// for all Jobs
- Server Account Normalization: Fix gstore:// accounts, they need no Server in the key
- Server Accounts: Get rid of old-style /file:// /smb:// mid-URL prefixes in GSTP URLs
- Runner Service Setup: Use profile from assigned Windows User, do not pass it via command line
- Runner Service Setup: Fixed updating GoodSync could change profile used by Runner Service
- GsServer Service Setup: allow Limited Windows users to do it properly
- Browse dialog: Fixed list of bookmarks in Account tab of GSTP browse dialog
- GSTP Server: Fixed reporting of Impersonation errors, send them back to GS Client
- S3: Wasabi: Better handling of location of Wasabi regions
- Job List tab: Fixed adding a job was not placing it in correct order
- Job Tree tab: fixed problems in Group and Job renaming

GoodSync 10.10.0
- Current Job and Group: Store them in registry as they change, do not wait for GoodSync exit
- Job List: Fixed rare crashes and mis-assigned GUI parts on Job Rename and Clone
- GSTP Client: Do not reset waiting period of m_backoff on reconnect, respect Seconds To Reconnect option
- S3: Fixed protocol errors on non-Amazon S3 hosts
- Server Account Manager: improved cleanup and repairs of Accounts when GoodSync starts

GoodSync 10.9.36
- GoodSync Storage and Connect Initial Setup: Improve usability
- gs-server: Fixed crashes on stopping service
- gs-server: Fixed crash on Disconnect of long-running transaction
- gs-server: Merge Manage API server into gs-server
- Tools Menu: do not show Upload to CC menu items to non-business user
- Job Rename and Close: fixed rare crashes
- Ver 11: Reset trial time for Ver 11 beta
- Ver 11: Improved initial setup, especially for GoodSync Connect and Storage

GoodSync 10.9.35
- Job Filters + Browse Dlg: Fixed Show Files flag is not saved
- GSTP Client: UploadFileBlock: Fixed Server Pipe Receiver cannot find stored transaction
- Job List and Options: Restore User-mandated Job order, whereby User can Drag-and-Drop Jobs
- Azure Blobs and Files: Add Azure Govt Cloud to Azure Blob and Files file system
- Browse Dialog: Changes can get stuck if user changes UserID of the existing server account
- ConnectFS: Re-allow :443 suffix for File Systems such as Google Drive, for legacy reasons
- Moving .tic from Roaming to Local: Fixed did not work if user still had jobs.tic only
- Moving .tic from Roaming to Local: Move _mirrors_ folder too, it may have state files
- Command line: Fixed crash in 'gsync sync /all'.

GoodSync 10.9.34
- GSTP client: fixed possible '401 Unauthorized' error when reconnecting
- GSTP client: fixed connection recovery on reconnects, esp when conveyor is present
- GSTP client: try for direct connection more often after recovery, to get it sooner
- GSTP client: memorize auth context, to speed up recovery on reconnect
- GSTP server: Fixed rare file corruption on recovery when conveyor is running
- GSTP server: UPNP: speedup discovery, store more in UPNP cache
- GSTP server: UPNP: register before UPNP discovery, as it can take long
- Profile: Move GS Profile Folder from C:Usersuser-nameAppDataRoamingGoodSync to C:Usersuser-nameAppDataLocalGoodSync
- Reading Jobs: If we cannot find Unnamed Bookmark in Server Account then just recreate it
- Sib-tic: Add skipping of maps, they start with '('. Old GS versions cannot skip new maps
- TIC cleanup: leave only last 10 versions of the Server Accounts and Jobs backup timestamped TIC files
- Job List: always order Jobs by alphabet, remove option to manually order Jobs
- Added Program Option 'Trust System Root Certification Authorities'
- to allow user-approved programs (such as Anti-Virus) to listen in on GoodSync TLS
- Browse/Explorer: Sort disks in alphabetic order, their names starts with Disk Letter
- Switching jobs while filters panel is active: Save jobs only if there are real changes in filters
- Workers, Jobs and Progress: fixed Stop command was not always getting to the running Job
- URL parser: fixed handling of default plain and secure ports, or else Account Manager could lose Accounts
- MS Graph: Site search queries can be paginated too, so parse multi-page responses
- Sib-service, gs-server, gs-runner: rewrite services to one API to better react to Sleep and Wakeup events

GoodSync 10.9.33
- GSTP Client: perform testing of direct connection in separate thread, not to slow down user
- gs-server Receiver: Fixed several issues traht affect reconnects via Forwarder
- Box, MS drives, Google drive: store changed RefreshToken in Account Manager, not just in cache
- Azure Files: New account: Fixed error 'The account being accessed does not support http'
- synclib: Add exclusion of files/folders with Disregard attribute, always
- sib-file: Add Disregarded and Temporary attribute to files and fodlers, determined by OS
- Browse Dialog: Disregard case of folder names, as Windows is not case-sensitive
- GsRunner Service: Add handling of Service_Control_Preshutdown Message, as Windows waits for us
- Filters pane: fixed bugs and crashes

GoodSync 10.9.32
- Added GoodSync RealDisk Online storage file system, to simplify provisioning of RealDisk storage
- Filters Pane: fixed some crashes and bugs
- GoodSync Account Setup: Fixed old GoodSync UserID may get stuck when changed
- Gs-server: Fixed 'Empty CompId' error, if Client is using numeric IP addressing
- Receiver: Fixed PickupSessAck was not sent when we started new Receiver thread (no UDP)
- Receiver: Never retry /PipeServer, always let Client initiate reconnect

GoodSync 10.9.31
- GUI Progress: Fixed File Counters were reset during Sync, not allowing them to decrease
- GUI Filter Pane: Fixed too slow to refresh, causing GUI delays when many filters are present
- FS MEGA: Fixed processing of deleted files
- FS Backblaze: Migrated to API V2, Added support for per-application keys
- Redo submission of Tickets and Crashes to GSSS, to automate it some more
- Installer of GS: Allow user to proceed after warning, in case of Signature error in Installer
- Installer of CC Runner: Fixed sometimes Gs Runner was not starting when Windows Starts
- GSTP Storage: use port 443 and proper server name, so that SSL cert can be verified
- GSTP Client and Server: Discontinue using of Pickup Forwarder, always use Pipe Forwarder
- GSTP Server Direct: review, improve and speed up reconnect sequences
- GSTP Server Receiver: review, improve and speed up reconnect sequences
- GSTP Client: If we detected Deemed Disconnect on Timeout, do not try to reconnect

GoodSync 10.9.30
- S3: Fixed errors in header names that resulted in Bad Signature error
- GSTP client: reduced timeouts, for faster reconnects
- GSTP client: Fixed connection history management, to better try Direct connection when needed
- GSTP server: Direct Server: Fixed Sessions were not cleaned up
- GSTP server: Deprecate Basic Auth use only Digest Auth
- GSTP receiver: Improved reconnect latency, make it faster
- Logging: Fixed HTTP transactions were logged at Details level.

GoodSync 10.9.29
- GSTP server: Fixed Server may get no Assigned Forwarder, show error 'Update your Server to latest version'
- GSTP Server: Fixed re-asking for results of a long-running transaction
- GSTP Forwarder: more fixes for faster reconnects
- MS Graph FS (Office 365, SharePoint): List additional root sites under /sites
- Backblaze B2: Upload of short files,: Do not reuse URL of 'b2_get_upload_url', always get a new URL
- Fixed NTLM auth, used in IIS and Windows Server
- Localization: Fixed localization of GoodSync Account setup was not working

GoodSync 10.9.28
- GsRunner + UnAttended jobs: Drop log lines if GUI did not pick them up, fixes memory leak
- Gs2Go: Allow portable volumes to have Disk Letters A: and B: as diskettes are long gone
- MS Graph: Added support for reading paged responses to /groups query
- GoodSync Account Setup: No Mediator mode: Do not check for dup users or computers on Mediator
- GoodSync Account Setup: No Mediator mode: Allow to keep existing user, after warning
- GSTP Client: if Server got no external port, do not try Direct connection, it is waste of time
- GSTP client: rewrite direct/forwarder decision, to switch faster and more accurately
- GSTP Server: When switching from Forwarder mode to Direct mode, stop Receiver and wait for it
- GSTP Server: Direct mode: finer per Session locking, not per User
- GSTP Server: Fixed Sessions that were Disconnected with Error were not released (memory leak)
- GSTP Server: Make sockets of properly closed sessions linger for 10 sec, for client to receive
- GSTP Server: Pickup Receiver: made it work better when we have lost connections
- GSTP Server: Web UI: improved Settings presentation
- GSTP Server: UDP receiver: Fixed could cycle on multiple UDP receive errors
- GSTP Forwarder: reject inactive sessions on server side sooner, do not let them linger
- GSTP Forwarder: increased speed and stability by more holistic locking mechanism
- GSTP Forwarder: Allow User Forwarders, if user sets 'UserForwarder = Yes' in settings.tix
- License on Linux: fixed Licensing by finding working PNEs, not just eth0/1.

GoodSync 10.9.26
- GsRunner Service: Fixed GsRunner did not come back after Sleep and Wakeup
- GS Account Setup: Computer page: Check that proposed Computer name does not already exist
- Mediator does not allow connecting to Computer if two devices registered under this one name
- Mediator does not allow GSTP-2 protocol, so all GSTP computers must be updated to latest ver 10 or 9
- Forwarders: improved and speed up reconnect sequences
- Activation: if user enters License Key (Batch Code) into OrderID, advise him to do it in GS Account online
- Browse dialog: fixed crash on non-recognized URL
- MEGA FS: Added support for 2-factor authorization
- New CZ localization

GoodSync 10.9.25
- gs-server + Mediator: Fixed registration was happening too often, if no UPNP is present
- Forwarder/GsServer: give client more time to close connection or send EOF
- gs-runner: Use dynamic ports, if default port 33555 is taken
- gs-server: Use dynamic port, if default port 33333 is taken
- GSTP with no UDP: make it work faster by using Pipe Forwarder
- GSTP file close: increase allotted time, so that it can complete
- GSTP client: improved switching from Direct to Forwarder and back
- GSTP receiver: fixed several issues, to speed up session pickup
- Gs and Runner Installer: improved some sequences

GoodSync 10.9.24
- GS-runner integration with GUI: Change it from Shared Memory to socket-based protocol
- Unattended Jobs: show percent of completion, not just general status
- Unattended Jobs: show rolling log, as sync progresses, not the final log at the end of sync
- MS graph (OneDrive, Office): Fixed downloads running over 1 hour produce Auth error
- GSTP: improve speed of reconnect on Receiver Server, if connection is lost on Client side
- RDC tunnel: make it work again, use correct connection type on remote end
- CC Runner: Fixed first AutoUpdate of CC Runner was picking up regular GoodSync
- CC Runner: Fixed user profile was incorrect on initial setup, so log cleanup was too broad
- No Mediator option: show it only for Windows Server and File Server installers
- License Check: do it for GoodSync Account too, wait 60 sec after wakeup from sleep
- Permissions: correct translation of ReadOnly flag from Windows to Linux
- Storage Beta: now allow 100 Gb storage trials

GoodSync 10.9.23
- GSTP: now retries upon error are initiated only by Client, never by Server
- GSTP: improved and speed up cloning of new Sessions via existing Session
- GSTP client: test of Direct conn upon Forwarder conn is done only if we had Direct conn before
- GSTP client: If Server has no UDP port, still wait for connection to be picked up
- Forwarder: do not allow Server-retried Sessions to linger, only Client can make it alive
- DAV: Set Content-Type: mime-type header on Upload, so that file gets proper MIME type
- MS Graph: Fixed error processing on uploads, so that Refresh Token can happen
- MS Graph: improved error processing when getting user credentials
- Load Jobs Groups: do not auto-save if changes were detected on load, wait till user save
- CC Runner, Gsync runner: Cleanup all logs every hour (60 min), not just in GUI
- License Activation: Remove Batch activation, as it should be done in GoodSync account online
- Sort list of displayed Job Groups, in Groups context menu of Job
- Fixed temp file name generation, so it does not produce dups in high speed processing
- Account Web UI: Password Reset: Do Not delete accounts upon confirmation, instead merge them.

GoodSync 10.9.22
- GSTP client: get to direct connection faster, when previously direct gs-server goes back online
- GSTP receiver: more fixes in error processing
- GSTP forwarders: more aggressive cleanup of dead sessions, so that they don't linger
- GoodSync Account Setup: make Not Serving Files option stick properly after restart
- GSTP UserId: do not lowercase GSTP UserId, as it can have upper-case letters in legacy accounts
- GSTP UserId: for all new accounts UserId is derived from Email, and it is always lower-case

- Licenses: Fixed License Change notification comes up every 22 hours, even if nothing is changed
- Licenses: When activating from Mediator ver 11 style, delete Encrypted Server Data before writing License
- Create actual installers for File Server and Enterprise Workstation AutoUpdate and Licenses for them
- Uninstall: less waiting for post-uninstall browser, so that it does not hold up uninstall completion
- GoodSync Account Setup: Show Yes/No for Serve Files options, to better explain the No option
- GoodSync Storage: implemented Storage Licenses and Activation
- GoodSync Account UI: added Merge Accounts

- Job List: added more locks on Job List operations, to prevent crashes
- Closing GoodSync: fixed rare crashes when Asian keyboards are present
- MS Graph FS: Fixed 'Resolve URI: resolve special path: no slash'
- Browse Dialog: fixed wrong file System selected from SFTP down
- DropBox, WebDAV: improved exponential backoff on codes 503 and 429
- GS Storage: Added Usage, Transfer and Transactions measurement


Support new GoodSync Account:
- Activate
- License Check
- Manage Account: auto-login
- Contact Support: auto-login

- Tools: Renamed GoodSync Connect Setup to GoodSync Account Setup
- Tools: Added GoodSync Account Manage that Auto-Logins to GS Account web site
- Help - Buy License: specify GoodSync UserId to PUMS, for purchase attribution
- Help - Contact Support: Auto-Login to GS Support System, if GS Account is present
- Activation dialog: make activation via GoodSync Account work properly
- Gs2Go + GoodSync Account: treat USB drive as a virtual Device
- gsync: Add GoodSync Account integration commands /manage-account /buy-license

- Activation dialog: Add option to perform activation via GoodSync Account
- Add License Management to GoodSync Account
- GSTP: Report ComputerID to Mediator, so that activated licenses can me matched to Device
- GSTP Client: Fixed reconnect sequence, it was not always retrying
- GSTP Forwarder and Server: fIxed ticket management, to address a case of Mediator restart
- Dropbox: Recover from incorrect_offset errors on large file uploads
- S3, Azure: Added MIME type application/x-mpegurl for extension m3u8

- Licenses and Activations: more fixes related to license checks
- New Job Dialog: Make Backup (not Sync) to be the First / Default choice for Job Type
- CC Runner Installer: add options to install CC Runner as Service
- CC Runner Installer: remove rarely used option for Account Password and PIN.

- Improve new user experience: no post-update page, more noticeable dialog
- GoodSync start: Encourage users to create GoodSync Account, but allow to Skip it
- GoodSync2Go: allow GoodSync Account in Gs2Go setup and encourage to add it
- Installers: Reset Downloaded from Internet flag, so that installed EXEs do not show warnings
- Browse: Hide old msdrive:// file system, as it is now fully replaced by msgraph://
- MS Graph: Fixed "scope" parameter not stored in FS token cache
- CC Runner Service: Fixed The service did not start due to a logon failure
- Explorer: Fixed upload from SMB does not work
- Use canonic names for executables, no -v10 or -v9 suffix: GoodSync.exe not GoodSync-v10.exe
- License File: change license file format, to prepare for Ver 11
- Gs-server: Fixed registration did not work, if External port is manually assigned
- Sib-socket: better handling for IP v6 addresses
- Mediator: Fixed User NotFound error in Retrieve resulted in closing socket
- Pipe Forwarder: fixed errors in disconnect sequence
- Gs-server consumer: Increase unique clients allowed from 4 to 6
- Turn On by default Program Options -> Security -> Save Password Encrypted
- Gs-server + Network Arrival: Listen for Network Connected / Disconnected events
- Gs-runner + Device Arrival:: listen for this in Runner too, not just in GUI
- Resources: fixed file versions and manifests for all GS executables
- Crash Catcher: Added DbgHelp.dll for x64, 32-bit DLL is not enough
- GoodSync2Go + V9: made GoodSync2Go.bat start GS2Go correctly

- GoodSync start: Encourage users to create GoodSync Account, but allow to Skip it
- GoodSync2Go: allow GoodSync Account in Gs2Go setup and encourage to add it
- Installers: Reset Downloaded from Internet flag, so that installed EXEs do not show warnings
- Browse: Hide old msdrive:// file system, as it is now fully replaced by msgraph://
- MS Graph: Fixed "scope" parameter not stored in FS token cache
- CC Runner Service: Fixed The service did not start due to a logon failure
- Explorer: Fixed upload from SMB does not work
- Use canonic names for executables, no -v10 or -v9 suffix: GoodSync.exe not GoodSync-v10.exe
- License File: change license file format, to prepare for Ver 11
- Gs-server: Fixed registration did not work, if External port is manually assigned
- Sib-socket: better handling for IP v6 addresses
- Mediator: Fixed User NotFound error in Retrieve resulted in closing socket
- Pipe Forwarder: fixed errors in disconnect sequence
- Gs-server consumer: Increase unique clients allowed from 4 to 6
- Turn On by default Program Options -> Security -> Save Password Encrypted
- Gs-server + Network Arrival: Listen for Network Connected / Disconnected events
- Gs-runner + Device Arrival:: listen for this in Runner too, not just in GUI
- Resources: fixed file versions and manifests for all GS executables
- Crash Catcher: Added DbgHelp.dll for x64, 32-bit DLL is not enough
- GoodSync2Go + V9: made GoodSync2Go.bat start GS2Go correctly

- Browse: Hide old msdrive:// file system, as it is now fully replaced by msgraph://
- MS Graph: Fixed "scope" parameter not stored in FS token cache
- CC Runner Service: Fixed The service did not start due to a logon failure
- Explorer: Fixed upload from SMB does not work
- Use canonic names for executables, no -v10 or -v9 suffix: GoodSync.exe not GoodSync-v10.exe
- License File: change license file format, to prepare for Ver 11
- gs-server: Fixed registration did not work, if External port is manually assigned
- sib-socket: better handling for IP v6 addresses
- Mediator: Fixed User NotFound error in Retrieve resulted in closing socket
- Pipe Forwarder: fixed errors in disconnect sequence
- gs-server consumer: Increase unique clients allowed from 4 to 6
- Turn On by default Program Options -> Security -> Save Password Encrypted
- gs-server + Network Arrival: Listen for Network Connected / Disconnected events
- gs-runner + Device Arrival:: listen for this in Runner too, not just in GUI
- Resources: fixed file versions and manifests for all GS executables
- Crash Catcher: Added DbgHelp.dll for x64, 32-bit DLL is not enough
- GoodSync2Go + V9: made GoodSync2Go.bat start GS2Go correctly

- Snapshots + VSS: Fixed snapshots were not working
- gs-server: Fixed 'Empty ServerId' error on some reconnects
- gs-server: Speed up reconnects, by doing fewer transactions
- MS Graph: Recover from 416/fragmentOverlap error on large file uploads
- Browse Dlg: Fixed drilling into non-listable folder was not working
- Browse Dlg: Convert GSTP URLs to new prefixless internal format: server/file:/// to server/
- Browse + GSTP: Fixed clicking different servers fast may result in wrong listing
- GSTP client: Fixed talking to old servers (ver < 10.8.9) did not work
- GSTP client: Fast cloning of connections for parallel workers
- Explorer: speed up ConnectServer task, make it easier to stop
- Explorer + S3: allow deleting (but not renaming) buckets

- Browse Dialog + Multi-Select: fixed crashes, fixed several bugs
- UPNP: Speed up and fix UPNP discovery in case a lot of UDP packets is received
- Synclib: Fixed crash in 'Source file size is not the same as Destination file size'
- Sync Progress: Fixed progress in sequence Sync, Stop, Sync again
- When installing CC Runner GUI, stop and remove CC Runner Service for the same user
- Localization: impproved CN, ZH, UA localizations

- UPNP discovery: Bigger rewrite, to speed up and simplify Port Forwarding
- gs-server + Quota: Fixed 'Cannot convert to GSIO path' error
- GSTP Tunnel for RDC: Fixed errors on closing of Tunnel by Server
- GSTP client: CloneAndConnect: Faster cloning of connection via Forwarder
- Mega FS: Fixed 'Cannot get file fingerprint' error on really old files

- gs-server UPNP discovery: many improvements in UPNP discovery, add SSDP monitoring
- gs-server: Fixed issues in Dynamic Port bind, if preferred port is busy
- gs-server Quota FS: multiple fixes in quota computation
- Mediator: Fixed chaining of grants: (A, B) + (B, C) = (A, C): propagate all properties
- Mediator: When creating Share, first make sure this is unique: ToUserId, ToCompId, ToFolderName
- AutoClear: Do not go into Waiting for User, if AutoClear was performed
- AutoClear: Show Tree when AutoClear is specified and we have Conflicts
- Analyze + Sync: Fixed sync tree was not shown On Analyze+Sync when conflicts are present
- Explorer + RDC: Move calling Remote Desktop from Bookmark List to Server context menu
- Browse Dialog + Multi Select: Do not allow selecting folders from diffrent servers
- Browse: If connecting to Server Root we have Home Folder, navigate to Home Folder instead (FTP, SFTP)
- More optimizations at compile time

- GSTP-3: Fixed checking of Proxy was wrong, when determining if we do Pickup Forwarder
- GSTP-3: Better algorithm for determining when to try direct connection
- UPNP: faster UPNP discovery, so that we get external port faster
- UPNP: redo UPNP discovery, if our IP external/internal address changes
- Ver 9 + GSTP-3: make GSTP-3 work in GoodSync Ver 9
- Ver 9: Fixed in Browse dialog clicking file system in the list was showing wrong info

- GSTP-3: new version of GSTP protocol: establishes connections faster, better scalability
- GSTP-3 computers (ver ≥ 10.9.7) cannot talk to GSTP-2 computers (ver < 10.9.7)
- So all your computers must be running GoodSync ver ≥ 10.9.7 or ver < 10.9.7, but not mix of both
- GSTP client: fast cloning of connections, speeds up startup of Sync with many threads
- GSTP client: do not list shared computers that are offline, cannot connect to them anyway
- GSTP server: fixed Session pickup may not work on 2nd and later attempts
- GSTP forwarders: present full certificate chain to clients
- GSTP server: fixed Protect System Files feature, adjust to new paths
- GSTP server: fixed GetFileOwnerACL not implemented
- For Windows Server: Increased max number of simultaneous connections from 10 to 15
- Localization: Fixed cannot open file 'C:/Program Files/Siber Systems/GoodSync/en-english.rfi'
- Amazon CD: Added retry on HTTP error 504 Gateway Timeout
- MS Graph: Use token cache file msgraph-fs-cache.tic, just like we did in OneDrive
- MS Graph: Added more file types that cannot be resolved by-path
- Ticket Upload: Show progress of ticket upload, as it can be a time-consuming process
- CC Runner Installer: When updating CC Runner, do not start CC Runner from System Account
- License and Privacy: keep License Agreement and Privacy Policy in separate files

- Sync Speed: Fixed excessive locking was slowing down GS GUI when speed limit is low
- Installer: Fixed unchecking Register Desktop still caused Desktop shortcuts coming back
- Installer: Fixed New User was not detected
- Gs2Go Installer: Do not allow install, if no drive is selected
- Google Drive: recovery from missed changes or change latency leaving non-existent file info in cache
- Google Drive, Team Drive, Docs: Fixed order of OFC changes concerning single item
- MS Graph, OneDrive Personal: process incorrect 206 Partial Content returned by MS servers
- gs-server: Show Home Folder in Top Level only if gs-server is logged in as real Windows user
- WinFileSys Elevation: Fixed paths used for SMB shares in elevation
- CC Runner: Service and GUI: Fixed AutoUpdate of CC Runner Service switches to CC Runner GUI
- Explorer: Fixed Copy/Paste from/to Encrypted FS was not working, if not top level
- Explorer: Copy/Move files: always connect two file systems, or it can fail on Encrypted FS
- License: If license file has incorrect size then save a copy of it, for reporting
- License: If we encounter empty Activation ID in stored license file, report an error
- AutoInstall in AutoUpdate: Turn it On by default

- GoodSync2Go installer: Fixed several bugs, improved usability
- GoodSync2Go installer: Do not elevate Gs2Go installer
- GS Connect Setup: Improved it, when called from Installer
- Registry Jobs: Fixed Folder Options got damaged when reading
- Installer: improved adding/removing Start Menu and Desktop items


- Gs2Go Installer: Fixed Language settings was reset to English on every install
- Gs2Go Installer: Do not stop or start GsServer and other services in Gs2Go installer
- Gs2Go: Use lang.opt file in Profile folder to store Language setting, not registry
- Installer: Keep installer window Topmost, so that it does not get lost
- Gs2Go: Implement separate AutoUpdate for Gs2Go, which downloads its own distribution
- Gs2Go: Implement AutoInstall + AutoUpdate for Gs2Go, run non-elevated

- Installer: New Installer for ver 10 that does not use NSIS
- Installer: GoodSync2Go: Do not allow installing to System Disk (C:)
- Installer: CC Runner: Request Company Id, PIN, etc in non-silent mode
- Installer: transaction-based file update that does not delete old program files
- Installer: Ver 9: freeze ver 9, stop producing releases, except for major fixes
- Installer: Localization: do our own localization, based on -.rfs files
- Installer: Logs: When in System Account (MSI), write logs to C:/Program Data/GoodSync
- Mega FS: Added Mega file system (Beta), with mega:// prefix
- Export TIX: Fixed copy of Accounts was not saved to TIX file on Export
- GSTP: Added enforcement of Email and Name length limits, when creating account
- sib-lib: Turn On /O2 optimization in all libraries
- gs-server: Do not require file:// prefix in Home Folders URL
- gs-server: Allow Home Folders and Folder Grants to be combined
- gs-server: Add New User: Remove GsConnect/LocalUser options, it is defined by server type
- Quota File Sys: fixed several issues in disk space usage computation
- Quotas: Implemented disk quota for granted folders
- Forwarder + Receiver: Fixed virt-comp was not passed if Session is initiated via PickupSessions
- Mediator Web UI: Added page to Request Storage
- Mediator Web UI: Break User Account presentation into several tabs

- gs-server: Fixed Incremental Analyze did not work for gs-server + On File Change
- gs-server: Fixed wrong paths passed in GetFileCheckSum
- GSTP + OTP: Fixed of Device Authorization was lost, then client can cycle on re-Auth
- GS Connect Web UI: Added Delete Old Devices, that is, devices not seen for N days
- GS Connect Web UI: multiple bug fixes, improve usability
- GSTP sharing: Fixed Sharing did not work, if default forwarder was used
- GSTP sharing: Implemented CanShare flag: Grantor user allows Share to be further shared
- GSTP sharing: Relax format of From Folder, do not require file:// prefix
- Amazon Cloud Drive: Fixed Conflict 409 in Analyze after stopped Sync

- Disk Free Space: show it in Explorer and Browse dialog for all file systems that have it
- Sharing: Added chaining of Folder Grants: (A grants to B) + (B grants to C) -> (A grants to C)
- Sharing: Granted Computer now assumes UserId of Grantee user, not that of Grantor user, as before
- gs-server and forwarders: Fixed passing of Delegated Auth flag
- gs-server: Added flag DirectOnly to settings.tix. If Yes, it declares that it needs no Forwarders
- gs-server: Added flag GrantsOnly to settings.tix. If Yes, server rejects all non-grant folders
- gs-server: Fixed /set-admin, /set-user and /del-user commands: load settings before them
- MS Graph OneDrive/Office: Fixed OAuth2 token endpoints for regional clouds
- Fixed vulnerability where GoodSync can load malicous DLL from its program folder
- Moved European Forwarder to bigger server in Amsterdam
- Added GDPR clause to Privacy Policy, added GDPR page to web site
- Linux .run installer: Fixed profile owner when configuring gs-server daemon to run under limited user
- Gs-Server for Synology NAS: Better integration with DSM UI, according to DSM standards

- Gs-Server: get rid of internal file:// in URL pointing to gs-server, so that
- gstp://comp.user.goodsync/file:///disk/folder becomes gstp://comp.user.goodsync/disk/folder
- Browse Dlg: Fixed checking for GSTP computer being local, when GS offers to change to Local FS
- Browse Dlg + Side Options: Fixed Side Options do not change when sync folder changes in Browse dlg
- Side Options: Allow turning Off Use Temp Files option for Local FS, as in rare cases it may not have MoveFile
- Do not Delete Dest file on Direct Upload only when both RecycleBin and History are turned off
- Sync Scripts: Do not Call Script / Send Email after Analyze that ended with Wait for User
- Windows FS + SMB: Fixed resolution of SMB paths that are used in Local FS
- Amazon CD: Retry on Error 502 Bad Gateway, returned by ACD server
- Encrypted FS: Implemeted GetFileOwner(), GetFileOwnerACL(), SetFileOwnerACL()
- TLS/SSL: updated list of valid root certificates and Certificate Authorities
- Gs-Server Web UI: Fixed logout did not cause forgetting credentials in the browser
- DE and AR localization updated


- Encryption Side Option: Merge Encrypt Names/Bodies into one option
- Encryption Side Option: Added Test Encryption button, to test Encryption Password on folder
- Encryption Side Option: Added Empty Sync Folder button, to wipeout folder when Encryption changes
- Encrypted File System: Added conveyerization to it, so that it can upload much faster
- Side Option FAT-like: Show it for GSTP file systems too, as FAT may be hiding behind GSTP
- GSTP server + Home FS: Make Folders grow directly from GSTP server, without qhome:// FS and Server S0
- Sharing + Forwarder: Make Sharing work via Forwarders
- Sharing: Fixed folder list when Grantor's server is presented as two different servers to Grantee
- Azure FS: Not Found in ConnectFS is now ignored, not a real error
- Installer: Add Marker to all dialogs and message boxes, so that they can be closed by Installer
- File Upload: If destination file system is atomic, do not delete destination file before upload
- Side Options: Use Temp Files: Make this option always On for Local File System
- MS Graph: Added ability to address sites and sub-sites by name
- Browse Dialog: Reorder file systems, hide old and unused file systems


- SFTP: Major Speedup of Uploads, up to 20 times faster on fast networks
- SFTP: Added support for ECDSA host key algorithms, such as SSH-ED25519
- Sharing: Fixed drilling into shares where server name seen by Grantee differs from Grantpr's name
- File Open: Fixed files were not open in GS Explorer from Sync tree
- Sockets: speed up socket upload and download on high speed networks
- MS Graph: Added option "Request Group.All.Read scope", off by default
- MS Graph: Added Region option for National Clouds: US govt, DE, CN
- MS Graph: miscellaneous bug fixes and speed improvements
- S3 DreamHost: Allow parts upload on DreamHost, they finally implemented it
- Get/Set ACL GSTP: Send ACL in the HTTP body which can handle newlines in ACL
- Gsync, gscp, gs-server: get rid of extra newline in console output
- Gs-server: Allow only TLS 1.2, enable ECDH and show three strong cipher suites by default


- SFTP: Major Speedup of Uploads, up to 20 times faster on fast networks
- Sockets: speed up socket upload and download on high speed networks
- MS Graph: Added option "Request Group.All.Read scope", off by default
- MS Graph: Added Region option for National Clouds: US govt, DE, CN
- MS Graph: miscellaneous bug fixes and speed improvements
- S3 DreamHost: Allow parts upload on DreamHost, they finally implemented it
- Get/Set ACL GSTP: Send ACL in the HTTP body which can handle newlines in ACL
- Gsync, gscp, gs-server: get rid of extra newline in console output
- Gs-server: Allow only TLS 1.2, enable ECDH and show three strong cipher suites by default


- MS Graph: many changes in browsing, show all Sites and Drives
- MS Graph: Acquire Group.Read.All and Sites.ReadWrite.All permissions, to see Sites
- MS Graph: Add icon and description, fixed several bugs
- S3: V4 auth: Escape : and * too, or we get signature errors
- GoodSync2Go: Fixed GoodSync2Go.bat file did not start EXE on 32-bit system
- File Monitoring: Do Monitoring only for Local/Net file systems, not for remote systems
- Device ID: fixed corrupted device id sent for non-latin computer names
- Thousands Separator: Fixed adding , or . separator in case of non-standard Number Format
- Crash Catcher: Do not report exception that we caught, if we could not walk the stack
- Gsync and other console apps: Make them show foreign characters
- Filters: fixed bugs in handling Absolute Include filters
- CC Runner: Do not log sensitive info, such as passwords
- Gsync: Fixed /oauth option not working
- Gscp: Add handling of /profile= and logging command line options

- MS Graph: many changes in browsing, show all Sites and Drives
- MS Graph: Acquire Group.Read.All and Sites.ReadWrite.All permissions, to see Sites
- MS Graph: Add icon and description, fixed several bugs
- S3: V4 auth: Escape : and - too, or we get signature errors
- GoodSync2Go: Fixed GoodSync2Go.bat file did not start EXE on 32-bit system
- File Monitoring: Do Monitoring only for Local/LocalNet file systems, not for remote non-monitor systems
- Device ID: fixed corrupted device id sent for non-latin computer names
- Thousands Separator: Fixed adding , or . separator in case of non-standard Number Format
- Crash Catcher: Do not report exception that we caught, if we could not walk the stack
- gsync and other console apps: Make them show foreign characters
- Filters: fixed bugs in handling Absolute Include filters
- CC Runner: Do not log sensitive info, such as passwords
- gscp: Add handling of /profile= and logging command line options

- MS Graph: Added new file system for Microsoft Drive, based on new MS Graph API
- MS Graph: This is Experimental Beta release, less subject to Error 429 though
- Fixed: Cannot connect to local GoodSync server: server: Cannot get user: User -(undefined)-
- Do not allow Limited User to use Elevation to get to folders that are forbidden to him
- Account Manager: Do Not remove Accounts that have no File System for their URL
- S3: Fixed getting location of bucket for URL-based scheme, could cause infinite recursion

- Backblaze B2: fixed progress indication in upload of large files
- Amazon S3: Now always use V4 auth (AWS4-HMAC-SHA256) headers
- S3: Us Govt Cloud: Always use region us-gov-west-1 for it
- Deduplication + GSTP: Fixed download of dedup file from GSTP was showing it of zero size
- GoodSync2Go: Added 64-bit EXEs to files installed by GS2GO installer
- GoodSync2Go: Store DeviceID in Profile/deviceid.tix on GS2Go disk
- GoodSync2Go: improve folder structure, have only file GoodSync2Go.bat at the top that runs 32-bit or 64-bit
- gs-server: Fixed Unique Server Id was not set sometimes, when gs-server started
- gs-server: Improve startup and restart sequence
- gsync: Get /profile= option before other options, so that commands are applied to the specified profile
- LogViewer: improve init sequence, write logs of LogViewer to log folder
- Visual Sync Tree: Add File To Sync tree view that shows unsynced files, update it during Sync
- Visual Sync Tree: Changes View shows Proposed Changes, that do not change as Sync progresses
- Visual Sync Tree + AutoSync: Do not drop the tree after AutoSync finishes

- Auto-Install on Auto-Update: new scheme with Waiter process, provides instant restart
- Auto-Install on Auto-Update: install it any time Jobs are not running, not just 3AM to 5AM
- Auto-Install on Auto-Update: non-installer URLs now will all go to browser
- De-Elevation after Installer: do not use Windows Tasks for it, use our own restart
- Special Operations: fixed rare crashes caused by Spec Ops + Direction Change
- Crash Catcher: do not catch exceptions not related to GoodSync
- Sockets: fixed shutdown sequence for Listen sockets, fixes rare crashes
- Accounts and Jobs Load: Fixed Import of Job that point to incorrect Account
- Control Center Runner Installer: more fixes
- Control Center Job Upload: Fixed Job Command line generator for several job options
- SFTP: Added support for ECDH key exchange algorithms: ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521, diffie-hellman-group14-sha256, diffie-hellman-group16-sha512, diffie-hellman-group18-sha512

- SyncLib: optimize performance bottlenecks, so that it runs faster
- ZipStream read/write: optimize performance bottlenecks, so that it runs faster
- Crash Catcher: do not react to crashes that happen not on GoodSync stack
- GSTP client: fixed crashes, if many clients Connect all at once
- Sib-Socket Shutdown: fixed force shutdown did not cause effect on Linux
- License: Added lock to reading and writing License file and registry
- CC Runner Service Install: Remove NT Domain from SysUserID before using it
- Account Manager: save copy of accounts-bookmarks.tic file after each migration
- SyncLib: Delete all *._gstmp files if they are more than 24 hours old
- Mediator: Disabled TLSv1, SSLv3, enabled ECDHE for better encryption
- Google Drive: Fixed Make Folder in Browse Quick mode may cause cache problems

- Multiple Workers in SyncLib: Fixed crashes, caused by insufficient locking of Job Progress
- On File Change: Fixed rare crashes when *.tmp file was encountered and deleted
- Rewrote Crash Catcher, to catch more real crashes and fewer unrelated crashes
- Optimization: Turned Off /O2 optimization in SyncLib And GsFileSys, as it prevents crash analysis
- Generate SyncOp instead of New File Conflict, if non-intersecting L and R gen lists are far apart time-wise
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec between Analyze and Sync, if Errors or Conflicts were detected
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec after Sync, if User Stop was detected
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Fixed Item counts were not updated when new tree is built by Analyze
- Upload Jobs: Fixed Command Line errors in uploading jobs

- Multiple Workers in SyncLib: Fixed crashes, caused by insufficient locking of Job Progress
- Generate SyncOp instead of New File Conflict, if non-intersecting L and R gen lists are far apart time-wise
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec between Analyze and Sync, if Errors or Conflicts were detected
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec after Sync, if User Stop was detected
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Fixed Item counts were not updated when new tree is built by Analyze

- Google Drive: Introduce Quick Mode, used in Browse, so that Cache is initialized only in Analyze
- Google Drive: Keep backup of disk cache file, use backup file in case primary file is damaged
- Google Drive: do not send redirect_uri when refreshing Access Token, or else we get Error 400
- Rewrite listings to use marker pagination instead of offset pagination
- Skip over web_link items, they are not files or folders anyway
- OAuth2 File Systems: retry connections on OAuth2 token refresh, to fix connection errors
- On File Change: stop file upload when it has been change on source side
- Progress: Reset Job Bytes and other progress items when Incremental Sync starts
- SyncLib: Fixed file deletion was possible in GSTP jobs, when connection was lost during Analyze
- gs-server: Make Mediator reg attempts more aggressive when Discovery starts
- Proxy in Sockets: Fixed If Proxy Auto/Manual is Off, sometimes it was used if Proxy Host/Port were set
- Gs-Server and Gs-Runner services were not reacting to Sleep, now they suspend when going to Sleep
- Added command: Tools -> Upload Jobs to Control Center
- Program Options -> Security: Added option: Accounts Encryption Password
- CC Runner Installer: Added CL option for Accounts Encryption Password
- CC Runner Installer: Added CL options for Mini Progress and Allow User To Exit
- CC Runner: Added reaction to: Sleep, Wakeup, Logoff (End Session), WMI messages

- MS drive: Use new MS Graph for Discovery Service, as old OneDrive system stopped working with Error 401
- MS drive: improve error messages when discovery fails, instead of showing dropped connection
- gsync CL options: Move /override-locks from Run Options into Job Options (non-persistent)
- CC Runner: When installing CC Runner, set it to Start When Windows Starts, not GS GUI
- Google Drive/Docs V3: Implement "delete" for files/folders that were shared with current user

- Google Docs: Added Google Docs file system with gdocs3:// prefix. It shows only Google Docs, not Files
- Google Team Drive: Fixed changes.list parsing in case when Team Drive object itself is modified
- Azure Files: Set root folder flags properly, so that top level folder cannot be used for sync
- Browse Dialog: Allow Deleting Folder Bookmarks inside Accounts, not just whole Accounts
- Browse Dialog: When Account has been deleted, set Current URL to previously seen account
- CC Runner: When installing GoodSync by User then always reset EnterpriseRunnerConfig flag
- Uninstaller: Fixes icon was not shown, could crash on Windows XP
- SyncLib: Glue several Notes (Comments) together, separated by '; '
- Sync Tree Direction User Change: Speed up processing, when many items are selected
- Menus: Move New Job command from All menu to Job menu
- Gs-Server on Windows XP: Fixed error: User Impersonation failed: acquire privileges
- On File Change + Exclude Empty Folders: Fixed adding new file to empty folder does not get synced
- Import: Re-Added Import of Old Format .TIX files
- Licenses: Rename Pro License to Personal, clarified license language in the program and web site
- Licenses: Updated License Agreement to reflect changed terminology
- Gs-Server license: Do not check User and Session count when client from comes in
- gsync command line: more fixes to command line parser
- Explorer Progress: fixed upload/download progress for many small files

- Change log not available for this version

- GoodSync Licenses: renamed 'Enteprise Server' to 'For Server OS'
- GoodSync Licenses: renamed 'Pro (Fixed)' to 'Personal'
- Browse Dialog, Multi-Select: Fixed opening unchecked folder could cause checking it and parents
- WinFileSys + SMB: process deduplicated links, for which DeviceIoControl returns error 4390
- Dropbox: Implemented download in blocks, this improves download of large files
- Runners: Make their instance mutex names unique per profile, not per authed Windows User
- gs-server: Fixed logs stopped writing after server-initiated restart
- Fixed AuthCode Activation did not work
- gsync command line: Fixed job-delete was not working
- GoodSync.exe command line: Allow window size options to be combined with job commands
- Command Line: Fixed Connectoid Options were not always making it into Jobs
- Command Line: ReAdded optins /exit and /exit-ifok, to be used in GoodSync GUI only
- Fixed GoodSync MSI Installer shows warning on Windows Server

- Runner Service Setup: When setting up Runner Service, use full DomainUserName, not just UserName
- Goodsync2Go: Fixed installer of GS2Go, it was not working in 10.7.3-4 due to command line parsing issues
- CC Runner Installer: Add new mode /cc-runner=update which updates CC Runner to the mode from last time
- Fixed GoodSync GUI does not show state of GS Runner Service jobs
- Ver 9: fixed installer, it also uses new gs-runner now
- gs-server Unique Clients limitation: Increase it to Allowed 4 clients, show Client IP addresses

- Fixed GoodSync installer did not create proper Registry value to Run GoodSync When Windows Starts
- CC Runner: fixed bug in upgrading, which could result in Runner being declared a new Runner
- CC Runner: fixed upgrading using regular GoodSync-v10-Setup.exe installer was resetting CC Runner flag
- GoodSync Connect Setup: Now always delete Old Users, so that only new New user is left
- Gs-Server Web UI: Added warning about too many gs-server users, per license
- Browse Dialog: Multi-Select: Fixed if only one Folder is Excluded, it becomes the new Sync Folder
- Command Line: Fixed /analyze and /sync options of 'job' command were ignored if they come first

- Job Options -> General: Added option to Shutdown Computer after Job is finished
- Job Options -> General: Added option to limit Max Time To Run (minutes)
- Program Options: When Retain Days changes, start complete cleanup with the new value
- Job and Program Options: trim string values such as UserId or Smtp Host
- SyncLib: Added File Size to Copy New/Over log message, when syncing
- Installer: Fixed GoodSync GUI can be randomly started by Scheduler, esp if Avast is installed
- Installer: speed up installation of GoodSync, fixed some issues
- Browse Dlg: Multi-Select: If Include List is empty, still show Implied Checked checkbox
- Gs-server: Added Limitation on Number of Users and Number of Unique Clients, based on License
- File Server License for GSTP gs-server: added new License for gs-server-based File Server
- Scripts and Email: Added variables: %TSTART% %TFINISH% %TELAPSED%
- Command Line: improved command line parse, to catch more errors in CL options
- Sib-socket + SSL: Turned off TLS session cache on client side, only FTPS uses it now
- Command Line: Discontinue parsing Jobs and Program Options in GS GUI, we have gsync for that
- Added/Fixed policies: DisableAzureFile, DisableGDrive2, DisableGTeamDrive, DisableSharepoint
- Gsync: Added 'auth' command that creates new accounts (OAuth, browser auth) from command line
- CC Runner: Added new Control Center GUI Runner, with Taskbar icon, that shows status of jobs run by CC
- CC Runner Installer may install CC Runner as a Taskbar GUI or as a Windows Service
- CC Runner can automatically update itself to latest version, if CC specifies AutoInstall option

- Added new Google Team Drive file system to GoodSync and GoodSync Explorer
- Automatically start GoodSync GUI, if silent install is On and GS GUI was running before silent install
- Installer: Make de-elevation to happen by starting GoodSync via Windows Task Scheduler
- Installer: When installer start GoodSync GUI, make sure it goes on top of Z-order
- Filters in Program Options: Show Global Filters: Exclude System / Hidden / Empty
- Fix adding of Filter flags for Empty folders, when uniting Global and Job Filter
- Fixed Delete Recycled and History Files was not deleting History DB
- Jobs in Registry: Fixed crash in ver 9 when loading Jobs from Registry
- Remove GoodSync-v9.exe from GoodSync v10 distribution, use ver 9 distro instead
- Parallel Thread limits: increase to 64 for SFTP, FTP, GSTP
- FTP: Added option 'Require TLS session reuse on data connection', On by default
- FTP: Turn off this option to resolve connectivity problem with broken servers
- More localizations for Group Names, etc.

- Amazon CD: Fixed GetMetadataEndPoint Unauthorized Error 401
- OneDrive: Add retry on 503 Service Unavailable
- Progress: fixed progress reporting in simple uploads such as to GSTP
- Parallel Threads: S3 and Azure: Increase max parallel threads from 20 to 64
- Control Center Runner: Fixed few finishing lines of Job Run were not submitted
- Control Center Runner: Summarize/Compress update-job-run requests, to reduce server load
- Gsync /runner and /enter-runner: Allow only one instance of each per User
- Program Options + Command Line: Add processing of Global Filters and some newer options
- Browse Dialog + Filters + Multi-Select: multiple fixes, improve usability
- Update DE localization

- GSTP Sharing: Enable Sharing of Folder on Mediator: now Folders can be shared with other GoodSync users
- GSTP Sharing: For now Sharing of Folder is done only in GoodSync Connect account Web GUI
- GSTP Mediator: Remove Talkback processing, as it is 2 years old, so only really GS versions use it
- Passwords: Add option Save Connect Passwords Locally Encrypted, it makes them non-portable, more secure
- Program Options: Added Security tab, for the option above and CC admin credentials
- Account Manager + OAuth2: new scheme of storing tokens and getting auth via Browser
- OAuth2: maintain Refresh and Access Token in a separate cache, not to change Accounts
- Office365/SharePoint: increase initial backoff timeout to 15 sec, on error 429
- TeamSites/SiteRoot/SharePoint: Forbid # % characters in paths as it causes error 400 on uploads
- Browse Dlg + Multi-Select + Links: fix handling of Links in Drilled and CopyAsIs job modes
- Import: Fixed Import of a single job could destroy unnamed bookmarks, thus damaging other jobs
- Reading Accounts and Jobs: Fixed recovery of broken Jobs file (with no Accounts file) causing problems
- Explorer: do not allow any file/folder actions while folder is being listed
- CheckSums: store CheckSum type, as relying on CheckSum size for typing does not always work
- Updated Polish localization

- History Cleanup: Use History DB to speed up cleanup of _history_ files
- Recycled and History and Log Cleanup: now do it after every sync, as it runs faster
- Recycled and History Options: change their names and description, to better explain what they do
- Recycled and History + Direct Destination (No Temp): Use MoveFile, not CopyFile, to run faster
- Filters: Do not apply Size and Time filters to Folders
- Filters: speed up and simplify Filters processing
- CheckSums: Fixed sometimes CheckSums of different types were compared
- CheckSums: Do not use CheckSums of wrong type from the state file
- CheckSums: Fixed uploading of Office file changed by server could result in conflict
- Analyze: Fixed ListDir could be called on Files as if they were Folders, resulting in slowdown
- Links + Exclude: Fixed Ignore Links was not always excluding Links nodes
- Links + Browse: Drill Down to Folder Links in Browse Dlg + MultiSelect, if SymLinks option is Drill Down
- gsync command line: Fixed command line options description and manual, to latest changes
- OneDrive/Office365: Backoff on 429 Too Many Requests and Conflict 409 error with EditConflict
- SharePoint 2013: Fixed ListDir return error when path points to a file or not found
- SharePoint 2013: Backoff on 429 Too Many Requests and Conflict 409 error with 'Save Conflict'
- MTP: Fixed change file name case did not work properly

- Licensing Fixes: Auto Options are not available in Free version
- Licensing Changes: Increase max files to 1000 in Free version
- GSTP Client: When doing Disconnect, set SendRecvTimeout to 5 sec
- GSTP Client: When talking to local elevated client, do not wait on reconnect
- GSTP Client: check that server-id received from Server is not empty
- GSTP Receiver: Do Not close socket on Receiver side after we send Disconnect verb
- GSTP Receiver: Send info headers such as server-id
- Azure (Blob) file system: Fixed large file uploads, more than 4 Gb
- Filters: Fixed filter '/folder/' with tail '/' was not excluding folder
- Separate Installer for GoodSync for Windows Server
- Fixed Jobs File reading and import, so that Import does not repeat
- Accounts File: improve locking of read/write of Accounts file
- Ver 9: Move ver 9 version number to 9.16.7, to make it be in sync with ver 10

- Browse Dlg + One Driver: Fixed freezes and error when drilling down to top folder after OAuth
- GSTP Forwarder Receiver: Do not report to Mediator errors caused by Forwarder Pipe disconnecting
- GSTP Client: when client lost connection to Server do not do long reconnects, report to Mediator
- Filters: allow [a-z] or [0-9] and other such character ranges in Filters, [ and ] mean [ and ]
- Filters: when adding Filters from GUI, turn [ into [ and ] into ]&l

DreamMail 查看版本資訊


NTLite (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

NTLite (64-bit)
- Components-1903: ‘Device Management’ removal hanging Settins – WU window
- Components-1903: ‘Mixed Reality’ removal breaking taskbar after cumulative update install, until Remove Returns is ran
- Components-1607: ‘Modern App Support – 32 bit’ removal was breaking login
- Features: State change of IIS subfeatures wasn’t detected on parent enable

NTLite (64-bit)
- Upgrade-Components: ‘Adobe Flash’ 32-bit component split
- Upgrade-Components: OOBE and Autopilot unlocked for image removal in a fully unattended scenario

- Components: ‘OneNote’ app removal had a start menu shortcut leftover
- Components: ‘Internet Explorer’ removal could cause iernonce.dll popup on login
- Components: ‘Telemetry Client’ removal was breaking the online .NET 3.5 install without the CAB package
- Components-Win7: ‘Windows Firewall’ removal could break folder sharing
- Components-Win7: ‘Remote Desktop Server’ removal could cause black screen on logon
- Components-Win7: Driver removals could cause driver reinstall prompt after logon
- Components-Win8.1: ‘Sami Extended Norway’ keyboard removal
- Settings: Disabling ‘Automatic installation of sponsored apps’ could break some GPOs

NTLite (64-bit)
- General: GPO using Workspaces may have access denied error after certain changes, permissions fixed
- Components: ‘Remove Returns’ tool could break update compatibility on cleanup
- Components: ‘Fax’ and ‘Internet Printing’ post-removal detection

NTLite (64-bit)
- Update cache directory location now supports relative folder [NTLITEDIR]
- UI-Translation: Thanks for French (tistou77), Turkish (SALiH DRD)

- Updates: .NET 3.5 Feature on Demand reference was blocking .NET 3.5 package insertion
- Updates: Improved 1903 cumulative update support after removing disabled features
-Features: Features if upgraded might have been missing from the configuration list

NTLite (64-bit)
- Components: ‘COM+ API’ 32 and 64 bit split from ‘COM+’
- Components: ‘Virtual WiFi’ split from ‘WLAN’
- Updates: Clean updates method ‘DISM (ResetBase)’ split from ‘DISM (Compatible)’
- UI-Translation: Thanks for French (tistou77), Turkish (SALiH DRD), Chinese Simplified (Gskening), Farsi (Mona mon)

- Components: ‘Azure Active Directory’ removal causing OOBEIDPS error in Win10 1809
- Components: ‘Mobile Device Management (MDM)’ removal was crashing Settings-Accounts-Access work
- Components: ‘Telemetry Client’ removal was breaking Troubleshooting wizards
- Components: ‘Insider Hub’ removal breaking Win10 1903 Search tray popup
- Components: ‘Fax’ removal could break Win10 1903 CU install
- Components: Live removals and ‘Remove Returns’ could have leftover start menu icons
- Components-Win8.1: ‘Text Prediction’ removal breaking Explorer Search box
- Components-Win8.1: ‘Telemetry Client’ removal breaking Windows setup
- Components-Win8.1: IEFrame 64 bit component detection
- Components-Win8.1: removal compatibility improvements
- Components-Win7: Non-English language pack causing removal crash
- Components-Win7: Win7 Embedded removal compatibility improvements
- General-Win7: Extreme memory usage during ‘Preparing Data’ on 99%
- Source: Potential crash on Forget image

NTLite (64-bit)
- Components: ‘Speech API’ split from ‘Speech Recognition’
- Components: ‘Push Notifications System Service’ split from ‘Push Notifications’
- Components: ‘Cloud Notifications’ split from ‘Push Notifications’
- Components: ‘Start Menu Experience Host’ removal unlocked
- UI-Translation: Thanks for Turkish (SALiH DRD)

- Components: ‘OpenSSH’ leftovers
- Components: Improved cumulative update compatibility after removals
- Updates: ‘Clean updates (Complete)’ Flash update handling

NTLite (64-bit)
- Source: Windows 10 20H1 18912 support
- Settings: Search (Taskbar) option
- Settings: ‘Dark mode for Windows’ option
- Unattended: ‘Full Name’ entry, can be used with Computer Name * for prefixed random computer name

- UI-Translation: Thanks for Chinese Traditional (Matt), Turkish (SALiH DRD)

- Components: App live removal could cause default app change Settings crash in 1903 (TWINUI entry)
- Components: ‘Accessibility tools’ removal could break cumulative update for 1903 Home image
- Components: Certain app removals could break Search tray popup in 1903
- Unattended: Disk template default EFI size increased to 260 MB due to 4KB-sector drives
- Features: Non-English image ‘Feature on Demand’ names could be missing in certain situations

NTLite (64-bit)
- Source: ‘Remove Reinstalls’ tool, useful for cleaning Win10 1903 cumulative update-returned component parts

- Installer: Chinese Simplified translation
- Components: ‘Unified Telemetry Client (Asimov)’ renamed to ‘Telemetry Client’
- UI-Translation: Thanks for French (tistou77)

- Components: ‘Windows Media Player 32-bit’ removal could cause errors when WMP 64 is opening videos from File Explorer
- Components: ‘Unified Telemetry Client’ removal could break Search tray UI in Win10 1903 image
- Components: ‘Unified Telemetry Client’ removal could break ‘Program Compatibility Assistant Service’ in Win10 1903 image

NTLite (64-bit)

- Update-Installer: Binaries signed by the official certificate

- Components: Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) breaking 1903 CU install on reboot 98%
- Components: 1809 removed components were returning on CU install (1903 still does, by Windows design, post-cleanup will be implemented)
- Updates: 1903(.30) Clean Updates (Complete) could break CU install (same for DISM full reset base, that one is by Windows design)
- Updates: 1809v2(.379) Clean Updates (Complete) could cause BSOD on latest CU install
- Features: Already installed Feature On Demand uncheck/recheck was unnecessarily prompting for packages

NTLite (64-bit)

- Features: ‘Features On Demand (Capabilities)’ adding and removing support on the Features page

- UI-Translation: Thanks for Chinese Simplified (Gskening), Turkish (SALiH DRD)

- Components: ‘Internet Explorer’ removal could break setting the default browser
- Components: ‘Windows Media Player’ feature disabling would make it undetectable for removal
- Components: ‘RDP Client’ removal in Win10 1903 Home could break a cumulative update install

NTLite (64-bit)

- Source: Windows RT (ARM 32-bit) basic loading support (no official support)
- Components: ‘Netflix’ compatibility option

- Settings: Toggling Settings and Unattended page values with a single click, with color state indicators
- Source: AOMEI Backupper load boot.wim support
- Components-1903: CDPUser and Error Reporting services removal does not need live lock any more
- UI-Translation: Thanks for Dutch (René)

- UI: Checking for updates no longer blocks UI
- UI: Source page UI lists weren’t properly refreshing in certain multimonitor scaling situations
- Updates: update.mum (extracted CAB) integration handling
- Components: ‘Gaming Peripherals’ and ‘Input Processors’ leftovers
- Components: Win8.1 ‘Unified Telemetry Client’ leftovers after the latest rollups
- Source: Export/image file structure optimization was skipped if only non-deletable editions were on the image

NTLite (64-bit)

- Downloader: Proxy support, enter credentials in File-Settings

- Source: Architecture handling rewritten, enables test ARM64 support preview
- Source: Loading image edition directly that needs to be converted will keep all editions
- UI: Yes and No to all options for components checking prompts (instead of just Skip all)
- UI-Translation: Thanks for Korean (Redrabbit), Farsi (Mona mon)

- Source: Propagating tasks from boot.wim to install.esd could crash the tool
- Source: Expand state remembered for unmounted install images
- Components: ‘Diagnostics’ removal was breaking directory ownership popup in Explorer
- Components: ‘Media Player’ preset loading could recheck it
- Components: TaskHostW could be crashing after a specific removal combination
- Unattended: Autofill selects first available image language if the host language is absent
- Post-setup: Error messages with % sign could cause a crash

NTLite (64-bit)
- General: Temporarily removed expired tool certificate (blocked by admin popup)

NTLite (64-bit)
- Source: Windows 10 Preview 20H1 build 18336 support
- Source: Unload all mounted images in a folder option
- Unattended: Disable mode, to remove any unattended settings from the image
- Unattended: Autofill ‘Windows PE’ sub-option, sets only the boot segment with host choices
- Components: ‘Text Services Framework (MSCTF)’ – 64 and 32 bit
- Components: ‘Microsoft Edge’ compatibility option
- Settings: ‘Action Center’
- Settings: ‘Typing insights’

- Components: ‘Windows Performance Recorder’ split from ‘Performance Counters’
- UI: Preset file operations unlocked during processing and loading
- UI-Translation: Thanks for Turkish (SALiH DRD), Spanish (Oleada), Russian (Den-s),
- Portuguese-Brasil (Igor), Italian (gabritb01), French (tistou77), Dutch (René),
- Chinese Traditional (Matt), Chinese Simplified (Gskening), Arabic (thamermousa)

- Source: Host Refresh crash if using ESD image
- Components: Win10 1803 IE removal breaking ms-settings shortcuts after a CU update
- Components: Win10 1903 ‘Display Policy Service’ removal Settings – Display crash
- Components: DISM full Rebase had issues after some removals
- Components: ‘UAC’ and ‘Input Service’ 64 bit removal could break 1809 setup
- Components: VMware Guest compatibility removed (not necessary at this point)
- Updates: .NET 3.5 template 32 bit detection
- UI: boot.wim Settings applying in certain situations not going to 100%

NTLite (64-bit)
- Source: Windows 10 Preview 1903 build 18329 support

- Components: ‘VMware Guest’ compatibility option
- Components: ‘Push Notifications Service’ removes more
- Components: Removed ‘UAC’ from ‘Store’ and ‘OOBE’ compatibilities
- Components: Removed ‘Radio Management’ from ‘WLAN’ compatibility
- UI-Translation: Thanks for French (tistou77), Turkish (SALiH DRD)

- Components: Various SFC errors after removals
- Components: Better cumulative update support after removals for a DISM rebased image

NTLite (64-bit)
- Source: Windows 10 Preview 1903 build 18323 support

- Updates: Allowing ‘Get Latest Updates’ on secondary instances of this tool
- General: Settings are now applied before Update Cleanup (enables DISM full rebase if set)
- Components: ‘Windows Update’ moved under ‘WinSxS Database’, for more flexibility in trimming ‘WinSxS’
- UI-Translation: Thanks for French (tistou77), Turkish (SALiH)

- UI: Host Refresh wizard could stop after making the ISO, before the actual setup initialization
- Updates: Update cleanup had leftovers, now improved while maintaining the better cumulative update compatibility
- Components: Cumulative Update compatibility improved on refreshed lite ISOs (e.g. 1809.107)
- Components: Minor SFC scannow fixes
- Components: ‘Spell Checking’ removal was breaking the Group Policy editor filter
- Components: ‘Enterprise Data Protection’ removal could hang ‘Preparing Windows’ on Win10 1511

NTLite (64-bit)
- Components: ‘Connected Devices Platform User Service’ split from ‘CDPSVC’
- Components: ‘Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support’ split from ‘Windows Error Reporting’
- UI: Existing ISO file overwrite warning added to the Apply preview
- UI: Allowing adding latest online updates during a Host Refresh session
- UI-Translation: Thanks for French (tistou77), Russian (Den-s), Arabic (thamermousa), Chinese Simplified (Gskening), Greek (Soulimiotis)

- Components: RuntimeBroker errors after some removals (mostly 19H1 Preview)
- Components: ‘People’ app removal wasn’t hiding the tray option
- Components: ‘Store’ live removal was leaving an empty stuck taskbar shortcut
- Components: ‘Remote Desktop Server’ removal breaking live cumulative update post-reboot
- Components: Apps could be crashing if IE and Edge both were removed
- Source: boot.wim loading could hang
- Registry: Integration of a unicode REG file support

NTLite (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

NTLite (64-bit)
- Post-setup: Duplicate entries in some situations

NTLite (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

NTLite (64-bit)

- Components: Improved 1809 Windows Update compatibility after removals
- Components: .NET Cache component removal leftovers
- Components: ‘Printing’ removal in some cases breaking image installation
- Components: ‘Internet Explorer’ removal breaking Edge
- Components: ‘Photo Codec’ removal breaking desktop and tray icons
- Components: ‘Windows Connection Manager’ breaking Settings – Network Center
- Components: Win7 ‘Sound Themes’ removal if default sounds kept
- Unattended: Post-setup page and SetupComplete are now allowing duplicate lines
- UI: File-Settings was disabled after processing

NTLite (64-bit)

- Components: Win 8.1 ‘Windows Store’ split from ‘Core Metro Support’
- Components: ‘Remote Desktop Services ActiveX Client’ split back from ‘Remote Desktop Client’, needed for HyperV
- UI-Translation: Thanks for German (KrX), Italian (gabritb01), Arabic (thamermousa), Chinese Simplified (Gskening), Korean (Redrabbit)

- Components: ‘Mobile PC’ removal breaking ‘Windows Connection Manager’
- Components: ‘SMB Server Common’ removal was breaking ‘HyperV’
- Components: ‘Telemetry Client’ removal was breaking Store-updated ‘Mail’
- Components: ‘HyperV’ removal could break Visual Studio setup
- Components: Win 8.1 ‘Windows Search’ removal was breaking ‘Shell Search’
- UI: Blue text more readable in a dark theme

NTLite (64-bit)

- Unattended: Optional ‘Computer name’ prompt during setup, select or type [Prompt] to enable it

- UI: ‘Removed files’ counter and image sizes now show hard links
- UI: Max number of tool instances increased to 2x of CPU threads
- UI-Translation: Thanks for French (tistou), Turkish (SALiH)

- Components: 1809’s new PSFX update format compatibility after removals (error 0x800f0982)
- Components: ‘Bitlocker’ removal breaking 1809 Cumulative Update install
- UI: Startup delay while checking temp folder permissions
- UI: Various minor UI fixes

NTLite (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

NTLite (64-bit)

- Source: Win10 RS5 (1809) Build 17763 support (also many existing components were not detected)
- Source: Win10 Preview Build 18237 support
- Components: ‘Remote Desktop Licensing’

- Components: ‘Encrypting File System (EFS)’ Feature split from the service (needed for RS5)
- UI-Language: Thanks for Korean (Redrabbit)

- Components: Unchecking ‘EVR’ fixed and reduced popups for tied components
- Components-Win10: ‘MobilePC Location’ component detection on RS4+

NTLite (64-bit)

- Tweaks: Cortana – Activity recommendations when switching devices
- Tweaks: Cortana – Use my signed-in devices history
- Components: ‘Recovery Reset support’ compatibility option
- Components: ‘Nvidia driver setup installer’ compatibility option
- Components: ‘Spotify’ compatibility option

- Source: Windows 10 build 17755 RS5 preview support
- Components: Dynamic depenency linking among Apps
- Components: SMBv2 split into the Client and Server
- UI-Components: Unchecking master component will prompt before unchecking far dependees

- Components: ‘Mixed Reality’ removal was breaking ‘Sensor Data Service’
- Components: ‘Store’ removal was breaking ‘Sticky Notes’
- Components: ‘LockApp’ removal could break Start menu
- UI: Unattended-Join network could select both radio buttons at once
- UI: Minimized error prompt blocking view

NTLite (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

NTLite (64-bit)

- Tweaks: ‘Command Prompt in directory context menus’
- Tweaks: ‘Remote access to administrative shares’
- Tweaks: ‘Show People on the taskbar’
- Components: Manual option to permanently protect components in the settings.xml ‘LockComponents’

- Components: Disabling the Explorer warning “Indexing service not running” if Search is removed
- UI: Thanks for French (tistou), Chinese Simplified (Gskening)

- Components: ‘Tablet PC’ and ‘Telemetry Client’ removals were breaking the ‘Sticky Notes’ app
- Components: Driver removal better separates multiple versions of the same driver

NTLite (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

NTLite (64-bit)

- Source: Win10 RS5 17686 support
- Source: Load preset Overwrite/Append options

- UI-Translation: Thanks for French (tistou)

- UI: Cancelling a second instance of the tool would crash on closing

NTLite (64-bit)

- Updates: ‘Clean update backup’ split into modes (DISM, Compatible and Complete)
- Components: VPN support compatibility option

- UI: Light theme updated for more contrast
- UI-Translation: Thanks for French (tistou), Italian (gabritb01)

- Updates-1803: Error 87 could happen in some environments when integrating a cumulative update with configuring Features
- Updates-Win7: Platform update integration order improvement, solves some extra Windows Update detection
- Components-1083: ‘ICS’ removal could cause OOBE setup reboot
- Components-Win7: ‘DWM’ removal could cause a ‘dwmapi.dll’ setup error
- Components-Win7: Search removal was breaking Shell search

NTLite (64-bit)

- Source: Edit image edition Name and Description in the context menu
- Updates: .NET Framework 3.5 template option (Add-Template)

- UI-Translation: Thanks for Italian Installer (bovirus)

- Source: Delete edition was temporarily hanging the UI
- Components: Defender removal could remove the empty Run key, now protected for compatibility

NTLite (64-bit)

- Updates-1803: Integration error 32 when combining KB4135051 and .NET CAB
- Components: ‘Spell Checking’ and ‘Windows Update’ removals were causing Settings Language Options crash
- Components: ‘Mail’ removal could break the time tray Calendar popup
- Components: ‘Storage Service’ removal was breaking the Settings Apps list
- Components: ‘Skype’ app had no calling sound after some removals
- Components: ‘User Data Storage’ removal could crash the Mail app
- Components: ‘TPM’ removal could break the Firewall and Defender control panels
- Components-1607: ‘Hyper-V Guest’ removal could break a cumulative update install

- UI-Translation: Arabic and Chinese Simplified

NTLite (64-bit)

- Settings-1709+: ‘Reopen my apps after an update or restart’
- Settings-1803: ‘Fullscreen optimizations’

- UI-Translation: Thanks for French (tistou), Chinese Traditional (Matt), Russian (Den-s)

- Updates: 1803 CU KB4100375 could popup an error after integration if used together with Adobe Flash update
- Unattended: Duplicate commands on repeat preset load could cause setup error
- Components-1803: Various leftovers
- Source: ESD compression now uses a number of cores instead of threads, for stability
- General: Multi-instance stability improvements in extreme scenarios

NTLite (64-bit)

- UI-Translation: Thanks for Arabic (thamermousa), Farsi (Mona mon), Italian (gabritb01)

- Source: 1803 RS4 Enterprise edition crucial package not detected message
- UI: Export progress during ESD to WIM conversion

NTLite (64-bit)

- Settings: ‘Accent Color (LogonUI)’

- Source: Win10 RS4 17128 support
- Components: ‘Storage Service’ in Win10 polished and unlocked as safer to remove

- Components: Photos could autoclose after being removed and reinstalled from Store
- Components: LTSB image Windows Store detection
- Components: SFC removal was breaking VC-runtimes in Windows 7
- Components: EventLog removal could cause an OOBE loop in Win10 14393
- Components: ‘Language Pack setup’ removal made live only, breaks Settings-search if removed from image
- Components: Scanner drivers were protected from removal if Printing kept
- Settings: ‘Accent Color’ on images, Windows setup resets the value
- UI: Export progress bar could show incorrect values when multiple images were processed in sequence
- UI: Image Tasks checkboxes were not set correctly initially

NTLite (64-bit)

- UI: Preset list header clickable for sorting by name
- UI: Better progress bar behavior when exporting multiple editions and preparing data

- Post-setup: There could be command reordering mismatches after reloading previously edited image
- Components: Snapping tool removal was breaking OneNote (Desktop Experience missing message)
- Components: Removing Maps or Printing were breaking the Photos app
- Components: MiracastView removal could cause a long lasting blank screen on logon after 1607 CU install
- Components: Now allowing printer drivers removal if Printing and Windows Update kept (updating support balancing)
- Components: Containers removal could break Sysprep
- UI: Windows versions listed like before, in pre-RS4 (e.g. Windows 10 Pro instead of Windows Professional)

NTLite (64-bit)

- Settings: ‘Display the lock screen’
- Settings: ‘Display last user name in logon screen’
- Settings: ‘Use classic logon’
- Components: ‘Volume Shadow Service API’

- Source: Win10 RS4 17093 support
- UI-Translation: Thanks for French (tistou), Korean (Redrabbit), Chinese Traditional (Matt), Farsi (Mona mon),
- Portugues-Brasil (Igor), Spanish (Oleada), Arabic (thamermousa), Chinese Simplified (Gskening and jockeysoft),
- Dutch (Rene), Italian (gabritb01)

- Components: Bluetooth removal was breaking Windows Mobile Hotspot Service
- Components: Bitlocker removal could break cumulative update in some cases
- Unattended: CopyProfile option was set in the wrong stage, non-functional
- Source: Crash could happen after saving the image

NTLite (64-bit)

- UI-Translation: Thanks for Italian (gabritb01), Czech (Tom)

- Updates: Language package integration wasn’t applied to boot.wim
- Source: boot.wim image edition deletion protection with ‘Manual setup’ kept unlocked for optional removal

NTLite (64-bit)

- Source: Win10 RS4 17074 support
- Components: ‘Recovery Agent’ split from ‘Windows Recovery’ (needed for Bitlocker/TPM and UEFI/dual boot menus)
- Components: ISO image components, those outside of a WIM, grouped in their own section
- Components: Improved Feature configuration support after removals, use Windows Update compatibility option
- Components: Improved cumulative update component removal cleanup

- Components-Win10: ‘MicrosoftStickyNotes’ removal was breaking ‘Edge’ PDF functionality
- Components-Win10: ‘Mixed Reality’ and ‘Media Streaming’ detection in N-editions
- Components: ‘IE Engine’ removal was breaking some portable apps
- Components-Win7: ‘Accessibility’ removal was breaking ‘Accessibility On-Screen Keyboard’
- Unattended-Win7: Localized images Administrator enabling
- UI-Translation: French, Russian, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Farsi, Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Portugues-Brasil

NTLite (64-bit)

- Settings: Added Expand/Collapse buttons

- Components: Win7 Shell Search removal was breaking Libraries
- Components: Loading preset after opening compatibilities was crashing
- Drivers: Inserting drivers from a directory named windows* would not show anything
- Post-setup: Adding second Command through the UI would do nothing, false duplicate detection
- UI: Tool visual style was not properly saved between restarts

NTLite (64-bit)

- Source: Windows 10 RS4 17046 support
- Source: O&O Bluecon v15 boot.wim support
- Components: WinSxS Component Store removal includes update packages

- Post-Setup: Command sorting could be mixed on some preset loads
- Post-Setup: Command applying would not indicate progress in identical commands with different parameters
- Components: Win10 1607 ‘Firewall’ and ‘Performance counters’ removals were breaking Metro UI
- Components: Win7 Search removal was breaking library shortcuts

DVDFab (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added the support for some new Java protections
- Added the option to enable/disable B-Frame conversion (Common Settings > Conversion > Convert) in the Ripper and Converter modules on PCs installed with NVIDIA Turing Cards
- Added the EAC3 audio conversion profile in the Ripper and Converter modules
- Improved the accuracy on converting Japanese SRT subtitles
- Improved the GUI and UE

- A problem that the Hi-Fi relevant audio conversion profiles do not work in the UHD Ripper module

GoodSync 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- License Activation: Stop GsRunner and GsServer services before Activation, not after
- License: Fixed activated per-User license was nullified
- License: Store per-User license in AppDataLocalGoodSyncGsAcct.tic
- Activate License: Gs Account: If Email is not known, then show GsAccount UserId

- DropBox: Added DropBox for Business folders
- Amazon S3: several fixes related to switch of regional servers
- S3 on made it work on single region S3 services such as Sirv
- MEGA FS: fixed crashes on server-based file copy and file move
- Browse Dialog: do not clear Auto settings, if only Filter changed
- Browse Dialog: make Advanced Connection options be saved again on Connect
- Licenses: per-User Licenses are activated from GoodSync Account (new way), they are per OS user
- Licenses: per-Computer Licenses are activated from OrderId/Name (old way), hey are per Computer
- Licenses: old per-Computer way of licensing remains until user activates from GoodSync account
- gs-server: do not use any files from ProgramDataGoodSyncServerBookmarks folder anymore
- DeviceId: properly sync it between GS Client and GS Server, it is now per OS user
- ComputerId: it is now alllcated structly per OS/GS user on the machine
- GoodSync Users: one OS user can have only one GS user on it, and one GS user maps to only one OS user
- gs-server: Forwarder: report all licensing issues back to client
- GS client: store Gs Account designation in file AppData/Local/GoodSync/GsAcct.tic
- GS client: stop usng file AppData/Local/GoodSync/Bookmarks/GsOnline.gsb, because it moved
- GoodSync2Go Setup: ask user for PortableDrive name, it will appear in Computer Name in Devices
- GoodSync Account Setup: request Computer together with User Id, so that they submit together

- Server Account Normalization: Do not delete SMB accounts with credentials
- Server Account Normalization: Convert gstp:// to gstps:// for all Jobs
- Server Account Normalization: Fix gstore:// accounts, they need no Server in the key
- Server Accounts: Get rid of old-style /file:// /smb:// mid-URL prefixes in GSTP URLs
- Runner Service Setup: Use profile from assigned Windows User, do not pass it via command line
- Runner Service Setup: Fixed updating GoodSync could change profile used by Runner Service
- GsServer Service Setup: allow Limited Windows users to do it properly
- Browse dialog: Fixed list of bookmarks in Account tab of GSTP browse dialog
- GSTP Server: Fixed reporting of Impersonation errors, send them back to GS Client
- S3: Wasabi: Better handling of location of Wasabi regions
- Job List tab: Fixed adding a job was not placing it in correct order
- Job Tree tab: fixed problems in Group and Job renaming

GoodSync 10.10.0
- Current Job and Group: Store them in registry as they change, do not wait for GoodSync exit
- Job List: Fixed rare crashes and mis-assigned GUI parts on Job Rename and Clone
- GSTP Client: Do not reset waiting period of m_backoff on reconnect, respect Seconds To Reconnect option
- S3: Fixed protocol errors on non-Amazon S3 hosts
- Server Account Manager: improved cleanup and repairs of Accounts when GoodSync starts

GoodSync 10.9.36
- GoodSync Storage and Connect Initial Setup: Improve usability
- gs-server: Fixed crashes on stopping service
- gs-server: Fixed crash on Disconnect of long-running transaction
- gs-server: Merge Manage API server into gs-server
- Tools Menu: do not show Upload to CC menu items to non-business user
- Job Rename and Close: fixed rare crashes
- Ver 11: Reset trial time for Ver 11 beta
- Ver 11: Improved initial setup, especially for GoodSync Connect and Storage

GoodSync 10.9.35
- Job Filters + Browse Dlg: Fixed Show Files flag is not saved
- GSTP Client: UploadFileBlock: Fixed Server Pipe Receiver cannot find stored transaction
- Job List and Options: Restore User-mandated Job order, whereby User can Drag-and-Drop Jobs
- Azure Blobs and Files: Add Azure Govt Cloud to Azure Blob and Files file system
- Browse Dialog: Changes can get stuck if user changes UserID of the existing server account
- ConnectFS: Re-allow :443 suffix for File Systems such as Google Drive, for legacy reasons
- Moving .tic from Roaming to Local: Fixed did not work if user still had jobs.tic only
- Moving .tic from Roaming to Local: Move _mirrors_ folder too, it may have state files
- Command line: Fixed crash in 'gsync sync /all'.

GoodSync 10.9.34
- GSTP client: fixed possible '401 Unauthorized' error when reconnecting
- GSTP client: fixed connection recovery on reconnects, esp when conveyor is present
- GSTP client: try for direct connection more often after recovery, to get it sooner
- GSTP client: memorize auth context, to speed up recovery on reconnect
- GSTP server: Fixed rare file corruption on recovery when conveyor is running
- GSTP server: UPNP: speedup discovery, store more in UPNP cache
- GSTP server: UPNP: register before UPNP discovery, as it can take long
- Profile: Move GS Profile Folder from C:Usersuser-nameAppDataRoamingGoodSync to C:Usersuser-nameAppDataLocalGoodSync
- Reading Jobs: If we cannot find Unnamed Bookmark in Server Account then just recreate it
- Sib-tic: Add skipping of maps, they start with '('. Old GS versions cannot skip new maps
- TIC cleanup: leave only last 10 versions of the Server Accounts and Jobs backup timestamped TIC files
- Job List: always order Jobs by alphabet, remove option to manually order Jobs
- Added Program Option 'Trust System Root Certification Authorities'
- to allow user-approved programs (such as Anti-Virus) to listen in on GoodSync TLS
- Browse/Explorer: Sort disks in alphabetic order, their names starts with Disk Letter
- Switching jobs while filters panel is active: Save jobs only if there are real changes in filters
- Workers, Jobs and Progress: fixed Stop command was not always getting to the running Job
- URL parser: fixed handling of default plain and secure ports, or else Account Manager could lose Accounts
- MS Graph: Site search queries can be paginated too, so parse multi-page responses
- Sib-service, gs-server, gs-runner: rewrite services to one API to better react to Sleep and Wakeup events

GoodSync 10.9.33
- GSTP Client: perform testing of direct connection in separate thread, not to slow down user
- gs-server Receiver: Fixed several issues traht affect reconnects via Forwarder
- Box, MS drives, Google drive: store changed RefreshToken in Account Manager, not just in cache
- Azure Files: New account: Fixed error 'The account being accessed does not support http'
- synclib: Add exclusion of files/folders with Disregard attribute, always
- sib-file: Add Disregarded and Temporary attribute to files and fodlers, determined by OS
- Browse Dialog: Disregard case of folder names, as Windows is not case-sensitive
- GsRunner Service: Add handling of Service_Control_Preshutdown Message, as Windows waits for us
- Filters pane: fixed bugs and crashes

GoodSync 10.9.32
- Added GoodSync RealDisk Online storage file system, to simplify provisioning of RealDisk storage
- Filters Pane: fixed some crashes and bugs
- GoodSync Account Setup: Fixed old GoodSync UserID may get stuck when changed
- Gs-server: Fixed 'Empty CompId' error, if Client is using numeric IP addressing
- Receiver: Fixed PickupSessAck was not sent when we started new Receiver thread (no UDP)
- Receiver: Never retry /PipeServer, always let Client initiate reconnect

GoodSync 10.9.31
- GUI Progress: Fixed File Counters were reset during Sync, not allowing them to decrease
- GUI Filter Pane: Fixed too slow to refresh, causing GUI delays when many filters are present
- FS MEGA: Fixed processing of deleted files
- FS Backblaze: Migrated to API V2, Added support for per-application keys
- Redo submission of Tickets and Crashes to GSSS, to automate it some more
- Installer of GS: Allow user to proceed after warning, in case of Signature error in Installer
- Installer of CC Runner: Fixed sometimes Gs Runner was not starting when Windows Starts
- GSTP Storage: use port 443 and proper server name, so that SSL cert can be verified
- GSTP Client and Server: Discontinue using of Pickup Forwarder, always use Pipe Forwarder
- GSTP Server Direct: review, improve and speed up reconnect sequences
- GSTP Server Receiver: review, improve and speed up reconnect sequences
- GSTP Client: If we detected Deemed Disconnect on Timeout, do not try to reconnect

GoodSync 10.9.30
- S3: Fixed errors in header names that resulted in Bad Signature error
- GSTP client: reduced timeouts, for faster reconnects
- GSTP client: Fixed connection history management, to better try Direct connection when needed
- GSTP server: Direct Server: Fixed Sessions were not cleaned up
- GSTP server: Deprecate Basic Auth use only Digest Auth
- GSTP receiver: Improved reconnect latency, make it faster
- Logging: Fixed HTTP transactions were logged at Details level.

GoodSync 10.9.29
- GSTP server: Fixed Server may get no Assigned Forwarder, show error 'Update your Server to latest version'
- GSTP Server: Fixed re-asking for results of a long-running transaction
- GSTP Forwarder: more fixes for faster reconnects
- MS Graph FS (Office 365, SharePoint): List additional root sites under /sites
- Backblaze B2: Upload of short files,: Do not reuse URL of 'b2_get_upload_url', always get a new URL
- Fixed NTLM auth, used in IIS and Windows Server
- Localization: Fixed localization of GoodSync Account setup was not working

GoodSync 10.9.28
- GsRunner + UnAttended jobs: Drop log lines if GUI did not pick them up, fixes memory leak
- Gs2Go: Allow portable volumes to have Disk Letters A: and B: as diskettes are long gone
- MS Graph: Added support for reading paged responses to /groups query
- GoodSync Account Setup: No Mediator mode: Do not check for dup users or computers on Mediator
- GoodSync Account Setup: No Mediator mode: Allow to keep existing user, after warning
- GSTP Client: if Server got no external port, do not try Direct connection, it is waste of time
- GSTP client: rewrite direct/forwarder decision, to switch faster and more accurately
- GSTP Server: When switching from Forwarder mode to Direct mode, stop Receiver and wait for it
- GSTP Server: Direct mode: finer per Session locking, not per User
- GSTP Server: Fixed Sessions that were Disconnected with Error were not released (memory leak)
- GSTP Server: Make sockets of properly closed sessions linger for 10 sec, for client to receive
- GSTP Server: Pickup Receiver: made it work better when we have lost connections
- GSTP Server: Web UI: improved Settings presentation
- GSTP Server: UDP receiver: Fixed could cycle on multiple UDP receive errors
- GSTP Forwarder: reject inactive sessions on server side sooner, do not let them linger
- GSTP Forwarder: increased speed and stability by more holistic locking mechanism
- GSTP Forwarder: Allow User Forwarders, if user sets 'UserForwarder = Yes' in settings.tix
- License on Linux: fixed Licensing by finding working PNEs, not just eth0/1.

GoodSync 10.9.26
- GsRunner Service: Fixed GsRunner did not come back after Sleep and Wakeup
- GS Account Setup: Computer page: Check that proposed Computer name does not already exist
- Mediator does not allow connecting to Computer if two devices registered under this one name
- Mediator does not allow GSTP-2 protocol, so all GSTP computers must be updated to latest ver 10 or 9
- Forwarders: improved and speed up reconnect sequences
- Activation: if user enters License Key (Batch Code) into OrderID, advise him to do it in GS Account online
- Browse dialog: fixed crash on non-recognized URL
- MEGA FS: Added support for 2-factor authorization
- New CZ localization

GoodSync 10.9.25
- gs-server + Mediator: Fixed registration was happening too often, if no UPNP is present
- Forwarder/GsServer: give client more time to close connection or send EOF
- gs-runner: Use dynamic ports, if default port 33555 is taken
- gs-server: Use dynamic port, if default port 33333 is taken
- GSTP with no UDP: make it work faster by using Pipe Forwarder
- GSTP file close: increase allotted time, so that it can complete
- GSTP client: improved switching from Direct to Forwarder and back
- GSTP receiver: fixed several issues, to speed up session pickup
- Gs and Runner Installer: improved some sequences

GoodSync 10.9.24
- GS-runner integration with GUI: Change it from Shared Memory to socket-based protocol
- Unattended Jobs: show percent of completion, not just general status
- Unattended Jobs: show rolling log, as sync progresses, not the final log at the end of sync
- MS graph (OneDrive, Office): Fixed downloads running over 1 hour produce Auth error
- GSTP: improve speed of reconnect on Receiver Server, if connection is lost on Client side
- RDC tunnel: make it work again, use correct connection type on remote end
- CC Runner: Fixed first AutoUpdate of CC Runner was picking up regular GoodSync
- CC Runner: Fixed user profile was incorrect on initial setup, so log cleanup was too broad
- No Mediator option: show it only for Windows Server and File Server installers
- License Check: do it for GoodSync Account too, wait 60 sec after wakeup from sleep
- Permissions: correct translation of ReadOnly flag from Windows to Linux
- Storage Beta: now allow 100 Gb storage trials

GoodSync 10.9.23
- GSTP: now retries upon error are initiated only by Client, never by Server
- GSTP: improved and speed up cloning of new Sessions via existing Session
- GSTP client: test of Direct conn upon Forwarder conn is done only if we had Direct conn before
- GSTP client: If Server has no UDP port, still wait for connection to be picked up
- Forwarder: do not allow Server-retried Sessions to linger, only Client can make it alive
- DAV: Set Content-Type: mime-type header on Upload, so that file gets proper MIME type
- MS Graph: Fixed error processing on uploads, so that Refresh Token can happen
- MS Graph: improved error processing when getting user credentials
- Load Jobs Groups: do not auto-save if changes were detected on load, wait till user save
- CC Runner, Gsync runner: Cleanup all logs every hour (60 min), not just in GUI
- License Activation: Remove Batch activation, as it should be done in GoodSync account online
- Sort list of displayed Job Groups, in Groups context menu of Job
- Fixed temp file name generation, so it does not produce dups in high speed processing
- Account Web UI: Password Reset: Do Not delete accounts upon confirmation, instead merge them.

GoodSync 10.9.22
- GSTP client: get to direct connection faster, when previously direct gs-server goes back online
- GSTP receiver: more fixes in error processing
- GSTP forwarders: more aggressive cleanup of dead sessions, so that they don't linger
- GoodSync Account Setup: make Not Serving Files option stick properly after restart
- GSTP UserId: do not lowercase GSTP UserId, as it can have upper-case letters in legacy accounts
- GSTP UserId: for all new accounts UserId is derived from Email, and it is always lower-case

- Licenses: Fixed License Change notification comes up every 22 hours, even if nothing is changed
- Licenses: When activating from Mediator ver 11 style, delete Encrypted Server Data before writing License
- Create actual installers for File Server and Enterprise Workstation AutoUpdate and Licenses for them
- Uninstall: less waiting for post-uninstall browser, so that it does not hold up uninstall completion
- GoodSync Account Setup: Show Yes/No for Serve Files options, to better explain the No option
- GoodSync Storage: implemented Storage Licenses and Activation
- GoodSync Account UI: added Merge Accounts

- Job List: added more locks on Job List operations, to prevent crashes
- Closing GoodSync: fixed rare crashes when Asian keyboards are present
- MS Graph FS: Fixed 'Resolve URI: resolve special path: no slash'
- Browse Dialog: fixed wrong file System selected from SFTP down
- DropBox, WebDAV: improved exponential backoff on codes 503 and 429
- GS Storage: Added Usage, Transfer and Transactions measurement


Support new GoodSync Account:
- Activate
- License Check
- Manage Account: auto-login
- Contact Support: auto-login

- Tools: Renamed GoodSync Connect Setup to GoodSync Account Setup
- Tools: Added GoodSync Account Manage that Auto-Logins to GS Account web site
- Help - Buy License: specify GoodSync UserId to PUMS, for purchase attribution
- Help - Contact Support: Auto-Login to GS Support System, if GS Account is present
- Activation dialog: make activation via GoodSync Account work properly
- Gs2Go + GoodSync Account: treat USB drive as a virtual Device
- gsync: Add GoodSync Account integration commands /manage-account /buy-license

- Activation dialog: Add option to perform activation via GoodSync Account
- Add License Management to GoodSync Account
- GSTP: Report ComputerID to Mediator, so that activated licenses can me matched to Device
- GSTP Client: Fixed reconnect sequence, it was not always retrying
- GSTP Forwarder and Server: fIxed ticket management, to address a case of Mediator restart
- Dropbox: Recover from incorrect_offset errors on large file uploads
- S3, Azure: Added MIME type application/x-mpegurl for extension m3u8

- Licenses and Activations: more fixes related to license checks
- New Job Dialog: Make Backup (not Sync) to be the First / Default choice for Job Type
- CC Runner Installer: add options to install CC Runner as Service
- CC Runner Installer: remove rarely used option for Account Password and PIN.

- Improve new user experience: no post-update page, more noticeable dialog
- GoodSync start: Encourage users to create GoodSync Account, but allow to Skip it
- GoodSync2Go: allow GoodSync Account in Gs2Go setup and encourage to add it
- Installers: Reset Downloaded from Internet flag, so that installed EXEs do not show warnings
- Browse: Hide old msdrive:// file system, as it is now fully replaced by msgraph://
- MS Graph: Fixed "scope" parameter not stored in FS token cache
- CC Runner Service: Fixed The service did not start due to a logon failure
- Explorer: Fixed upload from SMB does not work
- Use canonic names for executables, no -v10 or -v9 suffix: GoodSync.exe not GoodSync-v10.exe
- License File: change license file format, to prepare for Ver 11
- Gs-server: Fixed registration did not work, if External port is manually assigned
- Sib-socket: better handling for IP v6 addresses
- Mediator: Fixed User NotFound error in Retrieve resulted in closing socket
- Pipe Forwarder: fixed errors in disconnect sequence
- Gs-server consumer: Increase unique clients allowed from 4 to 6
- Turn On by default Program Options -> Security -> Save Password Encrypted
- Gs-server + Network Arrival: Listen for Network Connected / Disconnected events
- Gs-runner + Device Arrival:: listen for this in Runner too, not just in GUI
- Resources: fixed file versions and manifests for all GS executables
- Crash Catcher: Added DbgHelp.dll for x64, 32-bit DLL is not enough
- GoodSync2Go + V9: made GoodSync2Go.bat start GS2Go correctly

- GoodSync start: Encourage users to create GoodSync Account, but allow to Skip it
- GoodSync2Go: allow GoodSync Account in Gs2Go setup and encourage to add it
- Installers: Reset Downloaded from Internet flag, so that installed EXEs do not show warnings
- Browse: Hide old msdrive:// file system, as it is now fully replaced by msgraph://
- MS Graph: Fixed "scope" parameter not stored in FS token cache
- CC Runner Service: Fixed The service did not start due to a logon failure
- Explorer: Fixed upload from SMB does not work
- Use canonic names for executables, no -v10 or -v9 suffix: GoodSync.exe not GoodSync-v10.exe
- License File: change license file format, to prepare for Ver 11
- Gs-server: Fixed registration did not work, if External port is manually assigned
- Sib-socket: better handling for IP v6 addresses
- Mediator: Fixed User NotFound error in Retrieve resulted in closing socket
- Pipe Forwarder: fixed errors in disconnect sequence
- Gs-server consumer: Increase unique clients allowed from 4 to 6
- Turn On by default Program Options -> Security -> Save Password Encrypted
- Gs-server + Network Arrival: Listen for Network Connected / Disconnected events
- Gs-runner + Device Arrival:: listen for this in Runner too, not just in GUI
- Resources: fixed file versions and manifests for all GS executables
- Crash Catcher: Added DbgHelp.dll for x64, 32-bit DLL is not enough
- GoodSync2Go + V9: made GoodSync2Go.bat start GS2Go correctly

- Browse: Hide old msdrive:// file system, as it is now fully replaced by msgraph://
- MS Graph: Fixed "scope" parameter not stored in FS token cache
- CC Runner Service: Fixed The service did not start due to a logon failure
- Explorer: Fixed upload from SMB does not work
- Use canonic names for executables, no -v10 or -v9 suffix: GoodSync.exe not GoodSync-v10.exe
- License File: change license file format, to prepare for Ver 11
- gs-server: Fixed registration did not work, if External port is manually assigned
- sib-socket: better handling for IP v6 addresses
- Mediator: Fixed User NotFound error in Retrieve resulted in closing socket
- Pipe Forwarder: fixed errors in disconnect sequence
- gs-server consumer: Increase unique clients allowed from 4 to 6
- Turn On by default Program Options -> Security -> Save Password Encrypted
- gs-server + Network Arrival: Listen for Network Connected / Disconnected events
- gs-runner + Device Arrival:: listen for this in Runner too, not just in GUI
- Resources: fixed file versions and manifests for all GS executables
- Crash Catcher: Added DbgHelp.dll for x64, 32-bit DLL is not enough
- GoodSync2Go + V9: made GoodSync2Go.bat start GS2Go correctly

- Snapshots + VSS: Fixed snapshots were not working
- gs-server: Fixed 'Empty ServerId' error on some reconnects
- gs-server: Speed up reconnects, by doing fewer transactions
- MS Graph: Recover from 416/fragmentOverlap error on large file uploads
- Browse Dlg: Fixed drilling into non-listable folder was not working
- Browse Dlg: Convert GSTP URLs to new prefixless internal format: server/file:/// to server/
- Browse + GSTP: Fixed clicking different servers fast may result in wrong listing
- GSTP client: Fixed talking to old servers (ver < 10.8.9) did not work
- GSTP client: Fast cloning of connections for parallel workers
- Explorer: speed up ConnectServer task, make it easier to stop
- Explorer + S3: allow deleting (but not renaming) buckets

- Browse Dialog + Multi-Select: fixed crashes, fixed several bugs
- UPNP: Speed up and fix UPNP discovery in case a lot of UDP packets is received
- Synclib: Fixed crash in 'Source file size is not the same as Destination file size'
- Sync Progress: Fixed progress in sequence Sync, Stop, Sync again
- When installing CC Runner GUI, stop and remove CC Runner Service for the same user
- Localization: impproved CN, ZH, UA localizations

- UPNP discovery: Bigger rewrite, to speed up and simplify Port Forwarding
- gs-server + Quota: Fixed 'Cannot convert to GSIO path' error
- GSTP Tunnel for RDC: Fixed errors on closing of Tunnel by Server
- GSTP client: CloneAndConnect: Faster cloning of connection via Forwarder
- Mega FS: Fixed 'Cannot get file fingerprint' error on really old files

- gs-server UPNP discovery: many improvements in UPNP discovery, add SSDP monitoring
- gs-server: Fixed issues in Dynamic Port bind, if preferred port is busy
- gs-server Quota FS: multiple fixes in quota computation
- Mediator: Fixed chaining of grants: (A, B) + (B, C) = (A, C): propagate all properties
- Mediator: When creating Share, first make sure this is unique: ToUserId, ToCompId, ToFolderName
- AutoClear: Do not go into Waiting for User, if AutoClear was performed
- AutoClear: Show Tree when AutoClear is specified and we have Conflicts
- Analyze + Sync: Fixed sync tree was not shown On Analyze+Sync when conflicts are present
- Explorer + RDC: Move calling Remote Desktop from Bookmark List to Server context menu
- Browse Dialog + Multi Select: Do not allow selecting folders from diffrent servers
- Browse: If connecting to Server Root we have Home Folder, navigate to Home Folder instead (FTP, SFTP)
- More optimizations at compile time

- GSTP-3: Fixed checking of Proxy was wrong, when determining if we do Pickup Forwarder
- GSTP-3: Better algorithm for determining when to try direct connection
- UPNP: faster UPNP discovery, so that we get external port faster
- UPNP: redo UPNP discovery, if our IP external/internal address changes
- Ver 9 + GSTP-3: make GSTP-3 work in GoodSync Ver 9
- Ver 9: Fixed in Browse dialog clicking file system in the list was showing wrong info

- GSTP-3: new version of GSTP protocol: establishes connections faster, better scalability
- GSTP-3 computers (ver ≥ 10.9.7) cannot talk to GSTP-2 computers (ver < 10.9.7)
- So all your computers must be running GoodSync ver ≥ 10.9.7 or ver < 10.9.7, but not mix of both
- GSTP client: fast cloning of connections, speeds up startup of Sync with many threads
- GSTP client: do not list shared computers that are offline, cannot connect to them anyway
- GSTP server: fixed Session pickup may not work on 2nd and later attempts
- GSTP forwarders: present full certificate chain to clients
- GSTP server: fixed Protect System Files feature, adjust to new paths
- GSTP server: fixed GetFileOwnerACL not implemented
- For Windows Server: Increased max number of simultaneous connections from 10 to 15
- Localization: Fixed cannot open file 'C:/Program Files/Siber Systems/GoodSync/en-english.rfi'
- Amazon CD: Added retry on HTTP error 504 Gateway Timeout
- MS Graph: Use token cache file msgraph-fs-cache.tic, just like we did in OneDrive
- MS Graph: Added more file types that cannot be resolved by-path
- Ticket Upload: Show progress of ticket upload, as it can be a time-consuming process
- CC Runner Installer: When updating CC Runner, do not start CC Runner from System Account
- License and Privacy: keep License Agreement and Privacy Policy in separate files

- Sync Speed: Fixed excessive locking was slowing down GS GUI when speed limit is low
- Installer: Fixed unchecking Register Desktop still caused Desktop shortcuts coming back
- Installer: Fixed New User was not detected
- Gs2Go Installer: Do not allow install, if no drive is selected
- Google Drive: recovery from missed changes or change latency leaving non-existent file info in cache
- Google Drive, Team Drive, Docs: Fixed order of OFC changes concerning single item
- MS Graph, OneDrive Personal: process incorrect 206 Partial Content returned by MS servers
- gs-server: Show Home Folder in Top Level only if gs-server is logged in as real Windows user
- WinFileSys Elevation: Fixed paths used for SMB shares in elevation
- CC Runner: Service and GUI: Fixed AutoUpdate of CC Runner Service switches to CC Runner GUI
- Explorer: Fixed Copy/Paste from/to Encrypted FS was not working, if not top level
- Explorer: Copy/Move files: always connect two file systems, or it can fail on Encrypted FS
- License: If license file has incorrect size then save a copy of it, for reporting
- License: If we encounter empty Activation ID in stored license file, report an error
- AutoInstall in AutoUpdate: Turn it On by default

- GoodSync2Go installer: Fixed several bugs, improved usability
- GoodSync2Go installer: Do not elevate Gs2Go installer
- GS Connect Setup: Improved it, when called from Installer
- Registry Jobs: Fixed Folder Options got damaged when reading
- Installer: improved adding/removing Start Menu and Desktop items


- Gs2Go Installer: Fixed Language settings was reset to English on every install
- Gs2Go Installer: Do not stop or start GsServer and other services in Gs2Go installer
- Gs2Go: Use lang.opt file in Profile folder to store Language setting, not registry
- Installer: Keep installer window Topmost, so that it does not get lost
- Gs2Go: Implement separate AutoUpdate for Gs2Go, which downloads its own distribution
- Gs2Go: Implement AutoInstall + AutoUpdate for Gs2Go, run non-elevated

- Installer: New Installer for ver 10 that does not use NSIS
- Installer: GoodSync2Go: Do not allow installing to System Disk (C:)
- Installer: CC Runner: Request Company Id, PIN, etc in non-silent mode
- Installer: transaction-based file update that does not delete old program files
- Installer: Ver 9: freeze ver 9, stop producing releases, except for major fixes
- Installer: Localization: do our own localization, based on -.rfs files
- Installer: Logs: When in System Account (MSI), write logs to C:/Program Data/GoodSync
- Mega FS: Added Mega file system (Beta), with mega:// prefix
- Export TIX: Fixed copy of Accounts was not saved to TIX file on Export
- GSTP: Added enforcement of Email and Name length limits, when creating account
- sib-lib: Turn On /O2 optimization in all libraries
- gs-server: Do not require file:// prefix in Home Folders URL
- gs-server: Allow Home Folders and Folder Grants to be combined
- gs-server: Add New User: Remove GsConnect/LocalUser options, it is defined by server type
- Quota File Sys: fixed several issues in disk space usage computation
- Quotas: Implemented disk quota for granted folders
- Forwarder + Receiver: Fixed virt-comp was not passed if Session is initiated via PickupSessions
- Mediator Web UI: Added page to Request Storage
- Mediator Web UI: Break User Account presentation into several tabs

- gs-server: Fixed Incremental Analyze did not work for gs-server + On File Change
- gs-server: Fixed wrong paths passed in GetFileCheckSum
- GSTP + OTP: Fixed of Device Authorization was lost, then client can cycle on re-Auth
- GS Connect Web UI: Added Delete Old Devices, that is, devices not seen for N days
- GS Connect Web UI: multiple bug fixes, improve usability
- GSTP sharing: Fixed Sharing did not work, if default forwarder was used
- GSTP sharing: Implemented CanShare flag: Grantor user allows Share to be further shared
- GSTP sharing: Relax format of From Folder, do not require file:// prefix
- Amazon Cloud Drive: Fixed Conflict 409 in Analyze after stopped Sync

- Disk Free Space: show it in Explorer and Browse dialog for all file systems that have it
- Sharing: Added chaining of Folder Grants: (A grants to B) + (B grants to C) -> (A grants to C)
- Sharing: Granted Computer now assumes UserId of Grantee user, not that of Grantor user, as before
- gs-server and forwarders: Fixed passing of Delegated Auth flag
- gs-server: Added flag DirectOnly to settings.tix. If Yes, it declares that it needs no Forwarders
- gs-server: Added flag GrantsOnly to settings.tix. If Yes, server rejects all non-grant folders
- gs-server: Fixed /set-admin, /set-user and /del-user commands: load settings before them
- MS Graph OneDrive/Office: Fixed OAuth2 token endpoints for regional clouds
- Fixed vulnerability where GoodSync can load malicous DLL from its program folder
- Moved European Forwarder to bigger server in Amsterdam
- Added GDPR clause to Privacy Policy, added GDPR page to web site
- Linux .run installer: Fixed profile owner when configuring gs-server daemon to run under limited user
- Gs-Server for Synology NAS: Better integration with DSM UI, according to DSM standards

- Gs-Server: get rid of internal file:// in URL pointing to gs-server, so that
- gstp://comp.user.goodsync/file:///disk/folder becomes gstp://comp.user.goodsync/disk/folder
- Browse Dlg: Fixed checking for GSTP computer being local, when GS offers to change to Local FS
- Browse Dlg + Side Options: Fixed Side Options do not change when sync folder changes in Browse dlg
- Side Options: Allow turning Off Use Temp Files option for Local FS, as in rare cases it may not have MoveFile
- Do not Delete Dest file on Direct Upload only when both RecycleBin and History are turned off
- Sync Scripts: Do not Call Script / Send Email after Analyze that ended with Wait for User
- Windows FS + SMB: Fixed resolution of SMB paths that are used in Local FS
- Amazon CD: Retry on Error 502 Bad Gateway, returned by ACD server
- Encrypted FS: Implemeted GetFileOwner(), GetFileOwnerACL(), SetFileOwnerACL()
- TLS/SSL: updated list of valid root certificates and Certificate Authorities
- Gs-Server Web UI: Fixed logout did not cause forgetting credentials in the browser
- DE and AR localization updated


- Encryption Side Option: Merge Encrypt Names/Bodies into one option
- Encryption Side Option: Added Test Encryption button, to test Encryption Password on folder
- Encryption Side Option: Added Empty Sync Folder button, to wipeout folder when Encryption changes
- Encrypted File System: Added conveyerization to it, so that it can upload much faster
- Side Option FAT-like: Show it for GSTP file systems too, as FAT may be hiding behind GSTP
- GSTP server + Home FS: Make Folders grow directly from GSTP server, without qhome:// FS and Server S0
- Sharing + Forwarder: Make Sharing work via Forwarders
- Sharing: Fixed folder list when Grantor's server is presented as two different servers to Grantee
- Azure FS: Not Found in ConnectFS is now ignored, not a real error
- Installer: Add Marker to all dialogs and message boxes, so that they can be closed by Installer
- File Upload: If destination file system is atomic, do not delete destination file before upload
- Side Options: Use Temp Files: Make this option always On for Local File System
- MS Graph: Added ability to address sites and sub-sites by name
- Browse Dialog: Reorder file systems, hide old and unused file systems


- SFTP: Major Speedup of Uploads, up to 20 times faster on fast networks
- SFTP: Added support for ECDSA host key algorithms, such as SSH-ED25519
- Sharing: Fixed drilling into shares where server name seen by Grantee differs from Grantpr's name
- File Open: Fixed files were not open in GS Explorer from Sync tree
- Sockets: speed up socket upload and download on high speed networks
- MS Graph: Added option "Request Group.All.Read scope", off by default
- MS Graph: Added Region option for National Clouds: US govt, DE, CN
- MS Graph: miscellaneous bug fixes and speed improvements
- S3 DreamHost: Allow parts upload on DreamHost, they finally implemented it
- Get/Set ACL GSTP: Send ACL in the HTTP body which can handle newlines in ACL
- Gsync, gscp, gs-server: get rid of extra newline in console output
- Gs-server: Allow only TLS 1.2, enable ECDH and show three strong cipher suites by default


- SFTP: Major Speedup of Uploads, up to 20 times faster on fast networks
- Sockets: speed up socket upload and download on high speed networks
- MS Graph: Added option "Request Group.All.Read scope", off by default
- MS Graph: Added Region option for National Clouds: US govt, DE, CN
- MS Graph: miscellaneous bug fixes and speed improvements
- S3 DreamHost: Allow parts upload on DreamHost, they finally implemented it
- Get/Set ACL GSTP: Send ACL in the HTTP body which can handle newlines in ACL
- Gsync, gscp, gs-server: get rid of extra newline in console output
- Gs-server: Allow only TLS 1.2, enable ECDH and show three strong cipher suites by default


- MS Graph: many changes in browsing, show all Sites and Drives
- MS Graph: Acquire Group.Read.All and Sites.ReadWrite.All permissions, to see Sites
- MS Graph: Add icon and description, fixed several bugs
- S3: V4 auth: Escape : and * too, or we get signature errors
- GoodSync2Go: Fixed GoodSync2Go.bat file did not start EXE on 32-bit system
- File Monitoring: Do Monitoring only for Local/Net file systems, not for remote systems
- Device ID: fixed corrupted device id sent for non-latin computer names
- Thousands Separator: Fixed adding , or . separator in case of non-standard Number Format
- Crash Catcher: Do not report exception that we caught, if we could not walk the stack
- Gsync and other console apps: Make them show foreign characters
- Filters: fixed bugs in handling Absolute Include filters
- CC Runner: Do not log sensitive info, such as passwords
- Gsync: Fixed /oauth option not working
- Gscp: Add handling of /profile= and logging command line options

- MS Graph: many changes in browsing, show all Sites and Drives
- MS Graph: Acquire Group.Read.All and Sites.ReadWrite.All permissions, to see Sites
- MS Graph: Add icon and description, fixed several bugs
- S3: V4 auth: Escape : and - too, or we get signature errors
- GoodSync2Go: Fixed GoodSync2Go.bat file did not start EXE on 32-bit system
- File Monitoring: Do Monitoring only for Local/LocalNet file systems, not for remote non-monitor systems
- Device ID: fixed corrupted device id sent for non-latin computer names
- Thousands Separator: Fixed adding , or . separator in case of non-standard Number Format
- Crash Catcher: Do not report exception that we caught, if we could not walk the stack
- gsync and other console apps: Make them show foreign characters
- Filters: fixed bugs in handling Absolute Include filters
- CC Runner: Do not log sensitive info, such as passwords
- gscp: Add handling of /profile= and logging command line options

- MS Graph: Added new file system for Microsoft Drive, based on new MS Graph API
- MS Graph: This is Experimental Beta release, less subject to Error 429 though
- Fixed: Cannot connect to local GoodSync server: server: Cannot get user: User -(undefined)-
- Do not allow Limited User to use Elevation to get to folders that are forbidden to him
- Account Manager: Do Not remove Accounts that have no File System for their URL
- S3: Fixed getting location of bucket for URL-based scheme, could cause infinite recursion

- Backblaze B2: fixed progress indication in upload of large files
- Amazon S3: Now always use V4 auth (AWS4-HMAC-SHA256) headers
- S3: Us Govt Cloud: Always use region us-gov-west-1 for it
- Deduplication + GSTP: Fixed download of dedup file from GSTP was showing it of zero size
- GoodSync2Go: Added 64-bit EXEs to files installed by GS2GO installer
- GoodSync2Go: Store DeviceID in Profile/deviceid.tix on GS2Go disk
- GoodSync2Go: improve folder structure, have only file GoodSync2Go.bat at the top that runs 32-bit or 64-bit
- gs-server: Fixed Unique Server Id was not set sometimes, when gs-server started
- gs-server: Improve startup and restart sequence
- gsync: Get /profile= option before other options, so that commands are applied to the specified profile
- LogViewer: improve init sequence, write logs of LogViewer to log folder
- Visual Sync Tree: Add File To Sync tree view that shows unsynced files, update it during Sync
- Visual Sync Tree: Changes View shows Proposed Changes, that do not change as Sync progresses
- Visual Sync Tree + AutoSync: Do not drop the tree after AutoSync finishes

- Auto-Install on Auto-Update: new scheme with Waiter process, provides instant restart
- Auto-Install on Auto-Update: install it any time Jobs are not running, not just 3AM to 5AM
- Auto-Install on Auto-Update: non-installer URLs now will all go to browser
- De-Elevation after Installer: do not use Windows Tasks for it, use our own restart
- Special Operations: fixed rare crashes caused by Spec Ops + Direction Change
- Crash Catcher: do not catch exceptions not related to GoodSync
- Sockets: fixed shutdown sequence for Listen sockets, fixes rare crashes
- Accounts and Jobs Load: Fixed Import of Job that point to incorrect Account
- Control Center Runner Installer: more fixes
- Control Center Job Upload: Fixed Job Command line generator for several job options
- SFTP: Added support for ECDH key exchange algorithms: ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521, diffie-hellman-group14-sha256, diffie-hellman-group16-sha512, diffie-hellman-group18-sha512

- SyncLib: optimize performance bottlenecks, so that it runs faster
- ZipStream read/write: optimize performance bottlenecks, so that it runs faster
- Crash Catcher: do not react to crashes that happen not on GoodSync stack
- GSTP client: fixed crashes, if many clients Connect all at once
- Sib-Socket Shutdown: fixed force shutdown did not cause effect on Linux
- License: Added lock to reading and writing License file and registry
- CC Runner Service Install: Remove NT Domain from SysUserID before using it
- Account Manager: save copy of accounts-bookmarks.tic file after each migration
- SyncLib: Delete all *._gstmp files if they are more than 24 hours old
- Mediator: Disabled TLSv1, SSLv3, enabled ECDHE for better encryption
- Google Drive: Fixed Make Folder in Browse Quick mode may cause cache problems

- Multiple Workers in SyncLib: Fixed crashes, caused by insufficient locking of Job Progress
- On File Change: Fixed rare crashes when *.tmp file was encountered and deleted
- Rewrote Crash Catcher, to catch more real crashes and fewer unrelated crashes
- Optimization: Turned Off /O2 optimization in SyncLib And GsFileSys, as it prevents crash analysis
- Generate SyncOp instead of New File Conflict, if non-intersecting L and R gen lists are far apart time-wise
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec between Analyze and Sync, if Errors or Conflicts were detected
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec after Sync, if User Stop was detected
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Fixed Item counts were not updated when new tree is built by Analyze
- Upload Jobs: Fixed Command Line errors in uploading jobs

- Multiple Workers in SyncLib: Fixed crashes, caused by insufficient locking of Job Progress
- Generate SyncOp instead of New File Conflict, if non-intersecting L and R gen lists are far apart time-wise
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec between Analyze and Sync, if Errors or Conflicts were detected
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec after Sync, if User Stop was detected
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Fixed Item counts were not updated when new tree is built by Analyze

- Google Drive: Introduce Quick Mode, used in Browse, so that Cache is initialized only in Analyze
- Google Drive: Keep backup of disk cache file, use backup file in case primary file is damaged
- Google Drive: do not send redirect_uri when refreshing Access Token, or else we get Error 400
- Rewrite listings to use marker pagination instead of offset pagination
- Skip over web_link items, they are not files or folders anyway
- OAuth2 File Systems: retry connections on OAuth2 token refresh, to fix connection errors
- On File Change: stop file upload when it has been change on source side
- Progress: Reset Job Bytes and other progress items when Incremental Sync starts
- SyncLib: Fixed file deletion was possible in GSTP jobs, when connection was lost during Analyze
- gs-server: Make Mediator reg attempts more aggressive when Discovery starts
- Proxy in Sockets: Fixed If Proxy Auto/Manual is Off, sometimes it was used if Proxy Host/Port were set
- Gs-Server and Gs-Runner services were not reacting to Sleep, now they suspend when going to Sleep
- Added command: Tools -> Upload Jobs to Control Center
- Program Options -> Security: Added option: Accounts Encryption Password
- CC Runner Installer: Added CL option for Accounts Encryption Password
- CC Runner Installer: Added CL options for Mini Progress and Allow User To Exit
- CC Runner: Added reaction to: Sleep, Wakeup, Logoff (End Session), WMI messages

- MS drive: Use new MS Graph for Discovery Service, as old OneDrive system stopped working with Error 401
- MS drive: improve error messages when discovery fails, instead of showing dropped connection
- gsync CL options: Move /override-locks from Run Options into Job Options (non-persistent)
- CC Runner: When installing CC Runner, set it to Start When Windows Starts, not GS GUI
- Google Drive/Docs V3: Implement "delete" for files/folders that were shared with current user

- Google Docs: Added Google Docs file system with gdocs3:// prefix. It shows only Google Docs, not Files
- Google Team Drive: Fixed changes.list parsing in case when Team Drive object itself is modified
- Azure Files: Set root folder flags properly, so that top level folder cannot be used for sync
- Browse Dialog: Allow Deleting Folder Bookmarks inside Accounts, not just whole Accounts
- Browse Dialog: When Account has been deleted, set Current URL to previously seen account
- CC Runner: When installing GoodSync by User then always reset EnterpriseRunnerConfig flag
- Uninstaller: Fixes icon was not shown, could crash on Windows XP
- SyncLib: Glue several Notes (Comments) together, separated by '; '
- Sync Tree Direction User Change: Speed up processing, when many items are selected
- Menus: Move New Job command from All menu to Job menu
- Gs-Server on Windows XP: Fixed error: User Impersonation failed: acquire privileges
- On File Change + Exclude Empty Folders: Fixed adding new file to empty folder does not get synced
- Import: Re-Added Import of Old Format .TIX files
- Licenses: Rename Pro License to Personal, clarified license language in the program and web site
- Licenses: Updated License Agreement to reflect changed terminology
- Gs-Server license: Do not check User and Session count when client from comes in
- gsync command line: more fixes to command line parser
- Explorer Progress: fixed upload/download progress for many small files

- Change log not available for this version

- GoodSync Licenses: renamed 'Enteprise Server' to 'For Server OS'
- GoodSync Licenses: renamed 'Pro (Fixed)' to 'Personal'
- Browse Dialog, Multi-Select: Fixed opening unchecked folder could cause checking it and parents
- WinFileSys + SMB: process deduplicated links, for which DeviceIoControl returns error 4390
- Dropbox: Implemented download in blocks, this improves download of large files
- Runners: Make their instance mutex names unique per profile, not per authed Windows User
- gs-server: Fixed logs stopped writing after server-initiated restart
- Fixed AuthCode Activation did not work
- gsync command line: Fixed job-delete was not working
- GoodSync.exe command line: Allow window size options to be combined with job commands
- Command Line: Fixed Connectoid Options were not always making it into Jobs
- Command Line: ReAdded optins /exit and /exit-ifok, to be used in GoodSync GUI only
- Fixed GoodSync MSI Installer shows warning on Windows Server

- Runner Service Setup: When setting up Runner Service, use full DomainUserName, not just UserName
- Goodsync2Go: Fixed installer of GS2Go, it was not working in 10.7.3-4 due to command line parsing issues
- CC Runner Installer: Add new mode /cc-runner=update which updates CC Runner to the mode from last time
- Fixed GoodSync GUI does not show state of GS Runner Service jobs
- Ver 9: fixed installer, it also uses new gs-runner now
- gs-server Unique Clients limitation: Increase it to Allowed 4 clients, show Client IP addresses

- Fixed GoodSync installer did not create proper Registry value to Run GoodSync When Windows Starts
- CC Runner: fixed bug in upgrading, which could result in Runner being declared a new Runner
- CC Runner: fixed upgrading using regular GoodSync-v10-Setup.exe installer was resetting CC Runner flag
- GoodSync Connect Setup: Now always delete Old Users, so that only new New user is left
- Gs-Server Web UI: Added warning about too many gs-server users, per license
- Browse Dialog: Multi-Select: Fixed if only one Folder is Excluded, it becomes the new Sync Folder
- Command Line: Fixed /analyze and /sync options of 'job' command were ignored if they come first

- Job Options -> General: Added option to Shutdown Computer after Job is finished
- Job Options -> General: Added option to limit Max Time To Run (minutes)
- Program Options: When Retain Days changes, start complete cleanup with the new value
- Job and Program Options: trim string values such as UserId or Smtp Host
- SyncLib: Added File Size to Copy New/Over log message, when syncing
- Installer: Fixed GoodSync GUI can be randomly started by Scheduler, esp if Avast is installed
- Installer: speed up installation of GoodSync, fixed some issues
- Browse Dlg: Multi-Select: If Include List is empty, still show Implied Checked checkbox
- Gs-server: Added Limitation on Number of Users and Number of Unique Clients, based on License
- File Server License for GSTP gs-server: added new License for gs-server-based File Server
- Scripts and Email: Added variables: %TSTART% %TFINISH% %TELAPSED%
- Command Line: improved command line parse, to catch more errors in CL options
- Sib-socket + SSL: Turned off TLS session cache on client side, only FTPS uses it now
- Command Line: Discontinue parsing Jobs and Program Options in GS GUI, we have gsync for that
- Added/Fixed policies: DisableAzureFile, DisableGDrive2, DisableGTeamDrive, DisableSharepoint
- Gsync: Added 'auth' command that creates new accounts (OAuth, browser auth) from command line
- CC Runner: Added new Control Center GUI Runner, with Taskbar icon, that shows status of jobs run by CC
- CC Runner Installer may install CC Runner as a Taskbar GUI or as a Windows Service
- CC Runner can automatically update itself to latest version, if CC specifies AutoInstall option

- Added new Google Team Drive file system to GoodSync and GoodSync Explorer
- Automatically start GoodSync GUI, if silent install is On and GS GUI was running before silent install
- Installer: Make de-elevation to happen by starting GoodSync via Windows Task Scheduler
- Installer: When installer start GoodSync GUI, make sure it goes on top of Z-order
- Filters in Program Options: Show Global Filters: Exclude System / Hidden / Empty
- Fix adding of Filter flags for Empty folders, when uniting Global and Job Filter
- Fixed Delete Recycled and History Files was not deleting History DB
- Jobs in Registry: Fixed crash in ver 9 when loading Jobs from Registry
- Remove GoodSync-v9.exe from GoodSync v10 distribution, use ver 9 distro instead
- Parallel Thread limits: increase to 64 for SFTP, FTP, GSTP
- FTP: Added option 'Require TLS session reuse on data connection', On by default
- FTP: Turn off this option to resolve connectivity problem with broken servers
- More localizations for Group Names, etc.

- Amazon CD: Fixed GetMetadataEndPoint Unauthorized Error 401
- OneDrive: Add retry on 503 Service Unavailable
- Progress: fixed progress reporting in simple uploads such as to GSTP
- Parallel Threads: S3 and Azure: Increase max parallel threads from 20 to 64
- Control Center Runner: Fixed few finishing lines of Job Run were not submitted
- Control Center Runner: Summarize/Compress update-job-run requests, to reduce server load
- Gsync /runner and /enter-runner: Allow only one instance of each per User
- Program Options + Command Line: Add processing of Global Filters and some newer options
- Browse Dialog + Filters + Multi-Select: multiple fixes, improve usability
- Update DE localization

- GSTP Sharing: Enable Sharing of Folder on Mediator: now Folders can be shared with other GoodSync users
- GSTP Sharing: For now Sharing of Folder is done only in GoodSync Connect account Web GUI
- GSTP Mediator: Remove Talkback processing, as it is 2 years old, so only really GS versions use it
- Passwords: Add option Save Connect Passwords Locally Encrypted, it makes them non-portable, more secure
- Program Options: Added Security tab, for the option above and CC admin credentials
- Account Manager + OAuth2: new scheme of storing tokens and getting auth via Browser
- OAuth2: maintain Refresh and Access Token in a separate cache, not to change Accounts
- Office365/SharePoint: increase initial backoff timeout to 15 sec, on error 429
- TeamSites/SiteRoot/SharePoint: Forbid # % characters in paths as it causes error 400 on uploads
- Browse Dlg + Multi-Select + Links: fix handling of Links in Drilled and CopyAsIs job modes
- Import: Fixed Import of a single job could destroy unnamed bookmarks, thus damaging other jobs
- Reading Accounts and Jobs: Fixed recovery of broken Jobs file (with no Accounts file) causing problems
- Explorer: do not allow any file/folder actions while folder is being listed
- CheckSums: store CheckSum type, as relying on CheckSum size for typing does not always work
- Updated Polish localization

- History Cleanup: Use History DB to speed up cleanup of _history_ files
- Recycled and History and Log Cleanup: now do it after every sync, as it runs faster
- Recycled and History Options: change their names and description, to better explain what they do
- Recycled and History + Direct Destination (No Temp): Use MoveFile, not CopyFile, to run faster
- Filters: Do not apply Size and Time filters to Folders
- Filters: speed up and simplify Filters processing
- CheckSums: Fixed sometimes CheckSums of different types were compared
- CheckSums: Do not use CheckSums of wrong type from the state file
- CheckSums: Fixed uploading of Office file changed by server could result in conflict
- Analyze: Fixed ListDir could be called on Files as if they were Folders, resulting in slowdown
- Links + Exclude: Fixed Ignore Links was not always excluding Links nodes
- Links + Browse: Drill Down to Folder Links in Browse Dlg + MultiSelect, if SymLinks option is Drill Down
- gsync command line: Fixed command line options description and manual, to latest changes
- OneDrive/Office365: Backoff on 429 Too Many Requests and Conflict 409 error with EditConflict
- SharePoint 2013: Fixed ListDir return error when path points to a file or not found
- SharePoint 2013: Backoff on 429 Too Many Requests and Conflict 409 error with 'Save Conflict'
- MTP: Fixed change file name case did not work properly

- Licensing Fixes: Auto Options are not available in Free version
- Licensing Changes: Increase max files to 1000 in Free version
- GSTP Client: When doing Disconnect, set SendRecvTimeout to 5 sec
- GSTP Client: When talking to local elevated client, do not wait on reconnect
- GSTP Client: check that server-id received from Server is not empty
- GSTP Receiver: Do Not close socket on Receiver side after we send Disconnect verb
- GSTP Receiver: Send info headers such as server-id
- Azure (Blob) file system: Fixed large file uploads, more than 4 Gb
- Filters: Fixed filter '/folder/' with tail '/' was not excluding folder
- Separate Installer for GoodSync for Windows Server
- Fixed Jobs File reading and import, so that Import does not repeat
- Accounts File: improve locking of read/write of Accounts file
- Ver 9: Move ver 9 version number to 9.16.7, to make it be in sync with ver 10

- Browse Dlg + One Driver: Fixed freezes and error when drilling down to top folder after OAuth
- GSTP Forwarder Receiver: Do not report to Mediator errors caused by Forwarder Pipe disconnecting
- GSTP Client: when client lost connection to Server do not do long reconnects, report to Mediator
- Filters: allow [a-z] or [0-9] and other such character ranges in Filters, [ a

Wayk Now 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add improved SRP-6a protocol with RFC5054/RFC2945 compliance
- Add support for using WebSockets as a native Wayk Now transport
- Add support for Wayk Now licenses pushed by a Wayk Den server

- Fix potential issue where unattended service stops accepting connections
- Fix potential issue with STUN packet parsing and message integrity
- Fix unattended machine registration with Devolutions account

DreamMail 查看版本資訊


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GoodSync 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- DropBox: Added DropBox for Business folders
- Amazon S3: several fixes related to switch of regional servers
- S3 on made it work on single region S3 services such as Sirv
- MEGA FS: fixed crashes on server-based file copy and file move
- Browse Dialog: do not clear Auto settings, if only Filter changed
- Browse Dialog: make Advanced Connection options be saved again on Connect
- Licenses: per-User Licenses are activated from GoodSync Account (new way), they are per OS user
- Licenses: per-Computer Licenses are activated from OrderId/Name (old way), hey are per Computer
- Licenses: old per-Computer way of licensing remains until user activates from GoodSync account
- gs-server: do not use any files from ProgramDataGoodSyncServerBookmarks folder anymore
- DeviceId: properly sync it between GS Client and GS Server, it is now per OS user
- ComputerId: it is now alllcated structly per OS/GS user on the machine
- GoodSync Users: one OS user can have only one GS user on it, and one GS user maps to only one OS user
- gs-server: Forwarder: report all licensing issues back to client
- GS client: store Gs Account designation in file AppData/Local/GoodSync/GsAcct.tic
- GS client: stop usng file AppData/Local/GoodSync/Bookmarks/GsOnline.gsb, because it moved
- GoodSync2Go Setup: ask user for PortableDrive name, it will appear in Computer Name in Devices
- GoodSync Account Setup: request Computer together with User Id, so that they submit together

- Server Account Normalization: Do not delete SMB accounts with credentials
- Server Account Normalization: Convert gstp:// to gstps:// for all Jobs
- Server Account Normalization: Fix gstore:// accounts, they need no Server in the key
- Server Accounts: Get rid of old-style /file:// /smb:// mid-URL prefixes in GSTP URLs
- Runner Service Setup: Use profile from assigned Windows User, do not pass it via command line
- Runner Service Setup: Fixed updating GoodSync could change profile used by Runner Service
- GsServer Service Setup: allow Limited Windows users to do it properly
- Browse dialog: Fixed list of bookmarks in Account tab of GSTP browse dialog
- GSTP Server: Fixed reporting of Impersonation errors, send them back to GS Client
- S3: Wasabi: Better handling of location of Wasabi regions
- Job List tab: Fixed adding a job was not placing it in correct order
- Job Tree tab: fixed problems in Group and Job renaming

GoodSync 10.10.0
- Current Job and Group: Store them in registry as they change, do not wait for GoodSync exit
- Job List: Fixed rare crashes and mis-assigned GUI parts on Job Rename and Clone
- GSTP Client: Do not reset waiting period of m_backoff on reconnect, respect Seconds To Reconnect option
- S3: Fixed protocol errors on non-Amazon S3 hosts
- Server Account Manager: improved cleanup and repairs of Accounts when GoodSync starts

GoodSync 10.9.36
- GoodSync Storage and Connect Initial Setup: Improve usability
- gs-server: Fixed crashes on stopping service
- gs-server: Fixed crash on Disconnect of long-running transaction
- gs-server: Merge Manage API server into gs-server
- Tools Menu: do not show Upload to CC menu items to non-business user
- Job Rename and Close: fixed rare crashes
- Ver 11: Reset trial time for Ver 11 beta
- Ver 11: Improved initial setup, especially for GoodSync Connect and Storage

GoodSync 10.9.35
- Job Filters + Browse Dlg: Fixed Show Files flag is not saved
- GSTP Client: UploadFileBlock: Fixed Server Pipe Receiver cannot find stored transaction
- Job List and Options: Restore User-mandated Job order, whereby User can Drag-and-Drop Jobs
- Azure Blobs and Files: Add Azure Govt Cloud to Azure Blob and Files file system
- Browse Dialog: Changes can get stuck if user changes UserID of the existing server account
- ConnectFS: Re-allow :443 suffix for File Systems such as Google Drive, for legacy reasons
- Moving .tic from Roaming to Local: Fixed did not work if user still had jobs.tic only
- Moving .tic from Roaming to Local: Move _mirrors_ folder too, it may have state files
- Command line: Fixed crash in 'gsync sync /all'.

GoodSync 10.9.34
- GSTP client: fixed possible '401 Unauthorized' error when reconnecting
- GSTP client: fixed connection recovery on reconnects, esp when conveyor is present
- GSTP client: try for direct connection more often after recovery, to get it sooner
- GSTP client: memorize auth context, to speed up recovery on reconnect
- GSTP server: Fixed rare file corruption on recovery when conveyor is running
- GSTP server: UPNP: speedup discovery, store more in UPNP cache
- GSTP server: UPNP: register before UPNP discovery, as it can take long
- Profile: Move GS Profile Folder from C:Usersuser-nameAppDataRoamingGoodSync to C:Usersuser-nameAppDataLocalGoodSync
- Reading Jobs: If we cannot find Unnamed Bookmark in Server Account then just recreate it
- Sib-tic: Add skipping of maps, they start with '('. Old GS versions cannot skip new maps
- TIC cleanup: leave only last 10 versions of the Server Accounts and Jobs backup timestamped TIC files
- Job List: always order Jobs by alphabet, remove option to manually order Jobs
- Added Program Option 'Trust System Root Certification Authorities'
- to allow user-approved programs (such as Anti-Virus) to listen in on GoodSync TLS
- Browse/Explorer: Sort disks in alphabetic order, their names starts with Disk Letter
- Switching jobs while filters panel is active: Save jobs only if there are real changes in filters
- Workers, Jobs and Progress: fixed Stop command was not always getting to the running Job
- URL parser: fixed handling of default plain and secure ports, or else Account Manager could lose Accounts
- MS Graph: Site search queries can be paginated too, so parse multi-page responses
- Sib-service, gs-server, gs-runner: rewrite services to one API to better react to Sleep and Wakeup events

GoodSync 10.9.33
- GSTP Client: perform testing of direct connection in separate thread, not to slow down user
- gs-server Receiver: Fixed several issues traht affect reconnects via Forwarder
- Box, MS drives, Google drive: store changed RefreshToken in Account Manager, not just in cache
- Azure Files: New account: Fixed error 'The account being accessed does not support http'
- synclib: Add exclusion of files/folders with Disregard attribute, always
- sib-file: Add Disregarded and Temporary attribute to files and fodlers, determined by OS
- Browse Dialog: Disregard case of folder names, as Windows is not case-sensitive
- GsRunner Service: Add handling of Service_Control_Preshutdown Message, as Windows waits for us
- Filters pane: fixed bugs and crashes

GoodSync 10.9.32
- Added GoodSync RealDisk Online storage file system, to simplify provisioning of RealDisk storage
- Filters Pane: fixed some crashes and bugs
- GoodSync Account Setup: Fixed old GoodSync UserID may get stuck when changed
- Gs-server: Fixed 'Empty CompId' error, if Client is using numeric IP addressing
- Receiver: Fixed PickupSessAck was not sent when we started new Receiver thread (no UDP)
- Receiver: Never retry /PipeServer, always let Client initiate reconnect

GoodSync 10.9.31
- GUI Progress: Fixed File Counters were reset during Sync, not allowing them to decrease
- GUI Filter Pane: Fixed too slow to refresh, causing GUI delays when many filters are present
- FS MEGA: Fixed processing of deleted files
- FS Backblaze: Migrated to API V2, Added support for per-application keys
- Redo submission of Tickets and Crashes to GSSS, to automate it some more
- Installer of GS: Allow user to proceed after warning, in case of Signature error in Installer
- Installer of CC Runner: Fixed sometimes Gs Runner was not starting when Windows Starts
- GSTP Storage: use port 443 and proper server name, so that SSL cert can be verified
- GSTP Client and Server: Discontinue using of Pickup Forwarder, always use Pipe Forwarder
- GSTP Server Direct: review, improve and speed up reconnect sequences
- GSTP Server Receiver: review, improve and speed up reconnect sequences
- GSTP Client: If we detected Deemed Disconnect on Timeout, do not try to reconnect

GoodSync 10.9.30
- S3: Fixed errors in header names that resulted in Bad Signature error
- GSTP client: reduced timeouts, for faster reconnects
- GSTP client: Fixed connection history management, to better try Direct connection when needed
- GSTP server: Direct Server: Fixed Sessions were not cleaned up
- GSTP server: Deprecate Basic Auth use only Digest Auth
- GSTP receiver: Improved reconnect latency, make it faster
- Logging: Fixed HTTP transactions were logged at Details level.

GoodSync 10.9.29
- GSTP server: Fixed Server may get no Assigned Forwarder, show error 'Update your Server to latest version'
- GSTP Server: Fixed re-asking for results of a long-running transaction
- GSTP Forwarder: more fixes for faster reconnects
- MS Graph FS (Office 365, SharePoint): List additional root sites under /sites
- Backblaze B2: Upload of short files,: Do not reuse URL of 'b2_get_upload_url', always get a new URL
- Fixed NTLM auth, used in IIS and Windows Server
- Localization: Fixed localization of GoodSync Account setup was not working

GoodSync 10.9.28
- GsRunner + UnAttended jobs: Drop log lines if GUI did not pick them up, fixes memory leak
- Gs2Go: Allow portable volumes to have Disk Letters A: and B: as diskettes are long gone
- MS Graph: Added support for reading paged responses to /groups query
- GoodSync Account Setup: No Mediator mode: Do not check for dup users or computers on Mediator
- GoodSync Account Setup: No Mediator mode: Allow to keep existing user, after warning
- GSTP Client: if Server got no external port, do not try Direct connection, it is waste of time
- GSTP client: rewrite direct/forwarder decision, to switch faster and more accurately
- GSTP Server: When switching from Forwarder mode to Direct mode, stop Receiver and wait for it
- GSTP Server: Direct mode: finer per Session locking, not per User
- GSTP Server: Fixed Sessions that were Disconnected with Error were not released (memory leak)
- GSTP Server: Make sockets of properly closed sessions linger for 10 sec, for client to receive
- GSTP Server: Pickup Receiver: made it work better when we have lost connections
- GSTP Server: Web UI: improved Settings presentation
- GSTP Server: UDP receiver: Fixed could cycle on multiple UDP receive errors
- GSTP Forwarder: reject inactive sessions on server side sooner, do not let them linger
- GSTP Forwarder: increased speed and stability by more holistic locking mechanism
- GSTP Forwarder: Allow User Forwarders, if user sets 'UserForwarder = Yes' in settings.tix
- License on Linux: fixed Licensing by finding working PNEs, not just eth0/1.

GoodSync 10.9.26
- GsRunner Service: Fixed GsRunner did not come back after Sleep and Wakeup
- GS Account Setup: Computer page: Check that proposed Computer name does not already exist
- Mediator does not allow connecting to Computer if two devices registered under this one name
- Mediator does not allow GSTP-2 protocol, so all GSTP computers must be updated to latest ver 10 or 9
- Forwarders: improved and speed up reconnect sequences
- Activation: if user enters License Key (Batch Code) into OrderID, advise him to do it in GS Account online
- Browse dialog: fixed crash on non-recognized URL
- MEGA FS: Added support for 2-factor authorization
- New CZ localization

GoodSync 10.9.25
- gs-server + Mediator: Fixed registration was happening too often, if no UPNP is present
- Forwarder/GsServer: give client more time to close connection or send EOF
- gs-runner: Use dynamic ports, if default port 33555 is taken
- gs-server: Use dynamic port, if default port 33333 is taken
- GSTP with no UDP: make it work faster by using Pipe Forwarder
- GSTP file close: increase allotted time, so that it can complete
- GSTP client: improved switching from Direct to Forwarder and back
- GSTP receiver: fixed several issues, to speed up session pickup
- Gs and Runner Installer: improved some sequences

GoodSync 10.9.24
- GS-runner integration with GUI: Change it from Shared Memory to socket-based protocol
- Unattended Jobs: show percent of completion, not just general status
- Unattended Jobs: show rolling log, as sync progresses, not the final log at the end of sync
- MS graph (OneDrive, Office): Fixed downloads running over 1 hour produce Auth error
- GSTP: improve speed of reconnect on Receiver Server, if connection is lost on Client side
- RDC tunnel: make it work again, use correct connection type on remote end
- CC Runner: Fixed first AutoUpdate of CC Runner was picking up regular GoodSync
- CC Runner: Fixed user profile was incorrect on initial setup, so log cleanup was too broad
- No Mediator option: show it only for Windows Server and File Server installers
- License Check: do it for GoodSync Account too, wait 60 sec after wakeup from sleep
- Permissions: correct translation of ReadOnly flag from Windows to Linux
- Storage Beta: now allow 100 Gb storage trials

GoodSync 10.9.23
- GSTP: now retries upon error are initiated only by Client, never by Server
- GSTP: improved and speed up cloning of new Sessions via existing Session
- GSTP client: test of Direct conn upon Forwarder conn is done only if we had Direct conn before
- GSTP client: If Server has no UDP port, still wait for connection to be picked up
- Forwarder: do not allow Server-retried Sessions to linger, only Client can make it alive
- DAV: Set Content-Type: mime-type header on Upload, so that file gets proper MIME type
- MS Graph: Fixed error processing on uploads, so that Refresh Token can happen
- MS Graph: improved error processing when getting user credentials
- Load Jobs Groups: do not auto-save if changes were detected on load, wait till user save
- CC Runner, Gsync runner: Cleanup all logs every hour (60 min), not just in GUI
- License Activation: Remove Batch activation, as it should be done in GoodSync account online
- Sort list of displayed Job Groups, in Groups context menu of Job
- Fixed temp file name generation, so it does not produce dups in high speed processing
- Account Web UI: Password Reset: Do Not delete accounts upon confirmation, instead merge them.

GoodSync 10.9.22
- GSTP client: get to direct connection faster, when previously direct gs-server goes back online
- GSTP receiver: more fixes in error processing
- GSTP forwarders: more aggressive cleanup of dead sessions, so that they don't linger
- GoodSync Account Setup: make Not Serving Files option stick properly after restart
- GSTP UserId: do not lowercase GSTP UserId, as it can have upper-case letters in legacy accounts
- GSTP UserId: for all new accounts UserId is derived from Email, and it is always lower-case

- Licenses: Fixed License Change notification comes up every 22 hours, even if nothing is changed
- Licenses: When activating from Mediator ver 11 style, delete Encrypted Server Data before writing License
- Create actual installers for File Server and Enterprise Workstation AutoUpdate and Licenses for them
- Uninstall: less waiting for post-uninstall browser, so that it does not hold up uninstall completion
- GoodSync Account Setup: Show Yes/No for Serve Files options, to better explain the No option
- GoodSync Storage: implemented Storage Licenses and Activation
- GoodSync Account UI: added Merge Accounts

- Job List: added more locks on Job List operations, to prevent crashes
- Closing GoodSync: fixed rare crashes when Asian keyboards are present
- MS Graph FS: Fixed 'Resolve URI: resolve special path: no slash'
- Browse Dialog: fixed wrong file System selected from SFTP down
- DropBox, WebDAV: improved exponential backoff on codes 503 and 429
- GS Storage: Added Usage, Transfer and Transactions measurement


Support new GoodSync Account:
- Activate
- License Check
- Manage Account: auto-login
- Contact Support: auto-login

- Tools: Renamed GoodSync Connect Setup to GoodSync Account Setup
- Tools: Added GoodSync Account Manage that Auto-Logins to GS Account web site
- Help - Buy License: specify GoodSync UserId to PUMS, for purchase attribution
- Help - Contact Support: Auto-Login to GS Support System, if GS Account is present
- Activation dialog: make activation via GoodSync Account work properly
- Gs2Go + GoodSync Account: treat USB drive as a virtual Device
- gsync: Add GoodSync Account integration commands /manage-account /buy-license

- Activation dialog: Add option to perform activation via GoodSync Account
- Add License Management to GoodSync Account
- GSTP: Report ComputerID to Mediator, so that activated licenses can me matched to Device
- GSTP Client: Fixed reconnect sequence, it was not always retrying
- GSTP Forwarder and Server: fIxed ticket management, to address a case of Mediator restart
- Dropbox: Recover from incorrect_offset errors on large file uploads
- S3, Azure: Added MIME type application/x-mpegurl for extension m3u8

- Licenses and Activations: more fixes related to license checks
- New Job Dialog: Make Backup (not Sync) to be the First / Default choice for Job Type
- CC Runner Installer: add options to install CC Runner as Service
- CC Runner Installer: remove rarely used option for Account Password and PIN.

- Improve new user experience: no post-update page, more noticeable dialog
- GoodSync start: Encourage users to create GoodSync Account, but allow to Skip it
- GoodSync2Go: allow GoodSync Account in Gs2Go setup and encourage to add it
- Installers: Reset Downloaded from Internet flag, so that installed EXEs do not show warnings
- Browse: Hide old msdrive:// file system, as it is now fully replaced by msgraph://
- MS Graph: Fixed "scope" parameter not stored in FS token cache
- CC Runner Service: Fixed The service did not start due to a logon failure
- Explorer: Fixed upload from SMB does not work
- Use canonic names for executables, no -v10 or -v9 suffix: GoodSync.exe not GoodSync-v10.exe
- License File: change license file format, to prepare for Ver 11
- Gs-server: Fixed registration did not work, if External port is manually assigned
- Sib-socket: better handling for IP v6 addresses
- Mediator: Fixed User NotFound error in Retrieve resulted in closing socket
- Pipe Forwarder: fixed errors in disconnect sequence
- Gs-server consumer: Increase unique clients allowed from 4 to 6
- Turn On by default Program Options -> Security -> Save Password Encrypted
- Gs-server + Network Arrival: Listen for Network Connected / Disconnected events
- Gs-runner + Device Arrival:: listen for this in Runner too, not just in GUI
- Resources: fixed file versions and manifests for all GS executables
- Crash Catcher: Added DbgHelp.dll for x64, 32-bit DLL is not enough
- GoodSync2Go + V9: made GoodSync2Go.bat start GS2Go correctly

- GoodSync start: Encourage users to create GoodSync Account, but allow to Skip it
- GoodSync2Go: allow GoodSync Account in Gs2Go setup and encourage to add it
- Installers: Reset Downloaded from Internet flag, so that installed EXEs do not show warnings
- Browse: Hide old msdrive:// file system, as it is now fully replaced by msgraph://
- MS Graph: Fixed "scope" parameter not stored in FS token cache
- CC Runner Service: Fixed The service did not start due to a logon failure
- Explorer: Fixed upload from SMB does not work
- Use canonic names for executables, no -v10 or -v9 suffix: GoodSync.exe not GoodSync-v10.exe
- License File: change license file format, to prepare for Ver 11
- Gs-server: Fixed registration did not work, if External port is manually assigned
- Sib-socket: better handling for IP v6 addresses
- Mediator: Fixed User NotFound error in Retrieve resulted in closing socket
- Pipe Forwarder: fixed errors in disconnect sequence
- Gs-server consumer: Increase unique clients allowed from 4 to 6
- Turn On by default Program Options -> Security -> Save Password Encrypted
- Gs-server + Network Arrival: Listen for Network Connected / Disconnected events
- Gs-runner + Device Arrival:: listen for this in Runner too, not just in GUI
- Resources: fixed file versions and manifests for all GS executables
- Crash Catcher: Added DbgHelp.dll for x64, 32-bit DLL is not enough
- GoodSync2Go + V9: made GoodSync2Go.bat start GS2Go correctly

- Browse: Hide old msdrive:// file system, as it is now fully replaced by msgraph://
- MS Graph: Fixed "scope" parameter not stored in FS token cache
- CC Runner Service: Fixed The service did not start due to a logon failure
- Explorer: Fixed upload from SMB does not work
- Use canonic names for executables, no -v10 or -v9 suffix: GoodSync.exe not GoodSync-v10.exe
- License File: change license file format, to prepare for Ver 11
- gs-server: Fixed registration did not work, if External port is manually assigned
- sib-socket: better handling for IP v6 addresses
- Mediator: Fixed User NotFound error in Retrieve resulted in closing socket
- Pipe Forwarder: fixed errors in disconnect sequence
- gs-server consumer: Increase unique clients allowed from 4 to 6
- Turn On by default Program Options -> Security -> Save Password Encrypted
- gs-server + Network Arrival: Listen for Network Connected / Disconnected events
- gs-runner + Device Arrival:: listen for this in Runner too, not just in GUI
- Resources: fixed file versions and manifests for all GS executables
- Crash Catcher: Added DbgHelp.dll for x64, 32-bit DLL is not enough
- GoodSync2Go + V9: made GoodSync2Go.bat start GS2Go correctly

- Snapshots + VSS: Fixed snapshots were not working
- gs-server: Fixed 'Empty ServerId' error on some reconnects
- gs-server: Speed up reconnects, by doing fewer transactions
- MS Graph: Recover from 416/fragmentOverlap error on large file uploads
- Browse Dlg: Fixed drilling into non-listable folder was not working
- Browse Dlg: Convert GSTP URLs to new prefixless internal format: server/file:/// to server/
- Browse + GSTP: Fixed clicking different servers fast may result in wrong listing
- GSTP client: Fixed talking to old servers (ver < 10.8.9) did not work
- GSTP client: Fast cloning of connections for parallel workers
- Explorer: speed up ConnectServer task, make it easier to stop
- Explorer + S3: allow deleting (but not renaming) buckets

- Browse Dialog + Multi-Select: fixed crashes, fixed several bugs
- UPNP: Speed up and fix UPNP discovery in case a lot of UDP packets is received
- Synclib: Fixed crash in 'Source file size is not the same as Destination file size'
- Sync Progress: Fixed progress in sequence Sync, Stop, Sync again
- When installing CC Runner GUI, stop and remove CC Runner Service for the same user
- Localization: impproved CN, ZH, UA localizations

- UPNP discovery: Bigger rewrite, to speed up and simplify Port Forwarding
- gs-server + Quota: Fixed 'Cannot convert to GSIO path' error
- GSTP Tunnel for RDC: Fixed errors on closing of Tunnel by Server
- GSTP client: CloneAndConnect: Faster cloning of connection via Forwarder
- Mega FS: Fixed 'Cannot get file fingerprint' error on really old files

- gs-server UPNP discovery: many improvements in UPNP discovery, add SSDP monitoring
- gs-server: Fixed issues in Dynamic Port bind, if preferred port is busy
- gs-server Quota FS: multiple fixes in quota computation
- Mediator: Fixed chaining of grants: (A, B) + (B, C) = (A, C): propagate all properties
- Mediator: When creating Share, first make sure this is unique: ToUserId, ToCompId, ToFolderName
- AutoClear: Do not go into Waiting for User, if AutoClear was performed
- AutoClear: Show Tree when AutoClear is specified and we have Conflicts
- Analyze + Sync: Fixed sync tree was not shown On Analyze+Sync when conflicts are present
- Explorer + RDC: Move calling Remote Desktop from Bookmark List to Server context menu
- Browse Dialog + Multi Select: Do not allow selecting folders from diffrent servers
- Browse: If connecting to Server Root we have Home Folder, navigate to Home Folder instead (FTP, SFTP)
- More optimizations at compile time

- GSTP-3: Fixed checking of Proxy was wrong, when determining if we do Pickup Forwarder
- GSTP-3: Better algorithm for determining when to try direct connection
- UPNP: faster UPNP discovery, so that we get external port faster
- UPNP: redo UPNP discovery, if our IP external/internal address changes
- Ver 9 + GSTP-3: make GSTP-3 work in GoodSync Ver 9
- Ver 9: Fixed in Browse dialog clicking file system in the list was showing wrong info

- GSTP-3: new version of GSTP protocol: establishes connections faster, better scalability
- GSTP-3 computers (ver ≥ 10.9.7) cannot talk to GSTP-2 computers (ver < 10.9.7)
- So all your computers must be running GoodSync ver ≥ 10.9.7 or ver < 10.9.7, but not mix of both
- GSTP client: fast cloning of connections, speeds up startup of Sync with many threads
- GSTP client: do not list shared computers that are offline, cannot connect to them anyway
- GSTP server: fixed Session pickup may not work on 2nd and later attempts
- GSTP forwarders: present full certificate chain to clients
- GSTP server: fixed Protect System Files feature, adjust to new paths
- GSTP server: fixed GetFileOwnerACL not implemented
- For Windows Server: Increased max number of simultaneous connections from 10 to 15
- Localization: Fixed cannot open file 'C:/Program Files/Siber Systems/GoodSync/en-english.rfi'
- Amazon CD: Added retry on HTTP error 504 Gateway Timeout
- MS Graph: Use token cache file msgraph-fs-cache.tic, just like we did in OneDrive
- MS Graph: Added more file types that cannot be resolved by-path
- Ticket Upload: Show progress of ticket upload, as it can be a time-consuming process
- CC Runner Installer: When updating CC Runner, do not start CC Runner from System Account
- License and Privacy: keep License Agreement and Privacy Policy in separate files

- Sync Speed: Fixed excessive locking was slowing down GS GUI when speed limit is low
- Installer: Fixed unchecking Register Desktop still caused Desktop shortcuts coming back
- Installer: Fixed New User was not detected
- Gs2Go Installer: Do not allow install, if no drive is selected
- Google Drive: recovery from missed changes or change latency leaving non-existent file info in cache
- Google Drive, Team Drive, Docs: Fixed order of OFC changes concerning single item
- MS Graph, OneDrive Personal: process incorrect 206 Partial Content returned by MS servers
- gs-server: Show Home Folder in Top Level only if gs-server is logged in as real Windows user
- WinFileSys Elevation: Fixed paths used for SMB shares in elevation
- CC Runner: Service and GUI: Fixed AutoUpdate of CC Runner Service switches to CC Runner GUI
- Explorer: Fixed Copy/Paste from/to Encrypted FS was not working, if not top level
- Explorer: Copy/Move files: always connect two file systems, or it can fail on Encrypted FS
- License: If license file has incorrect size then save a copy of it, for reporting
- License: If we encounter empty Activation ID in stored license file, report an error
- AutoInstall in AutoUpdate: Turn it On by default

- GoodSync2Go installer: Fixed several bugs, improved usability
- GoodSync2Go installer: Do not elevate Gs2Go installer
- GS Connect Setup: Improved it, when called from Installer
- Registry Jobs: Fixed Folder Options got damaged when reading
- Installer: improved adding/removing Start Menu and Desktop items


- Gs2Go Installer: Fixed Language settings was reset to English on every install
- Gs2Go Installer: Do not stop or start GsServer and other services in Gs2Go installer
- Gs2Go: Use lang.opt file in Profile folder to store Language setting, not registry
- Installer: Keep installer window Topmost, so that it does not get lost
- Gs2Go: Implement separate AutoUpdate for Gs2Go, which downloads its own distribution
- Gs2Go: Implement AutoInstall + AutoUpdate for Gs2Go, run non-elevated

- Installer: New Installer for ver 10 that does not use NSIS
- Installer: GoodSync2Go: Do not allow installing to System Disk (C:)
- Installer: CC Runner: Request Company Id, PIN, etc in non-silent mode
- Installer: transaction-based file update that does not delete old program files
- Installer: Ver 9: freeze ver 9, stop producing releases, except for major fixes
- Installer: Localization: do our own localization, based on -.rfs files
- Installer: Logs: When in System Account (MSI), write logs to C:/Program Data/GoodSync
- Mega FS: Added Mega file system (Beta), with mega:// prefix
- Export TIX: Fixed copy of Accounts was not saved to TIX file on Export
- GSTP: Added enforcement of Email and Name length limits, when creating account
- sib-lib: Turn On /O2 optimization in all libraries
- gs-server: Do not require file:// prefix in Home Folders URL
- gs-server: Allow Home Folders and Folder Grants to be combined
- gs-server: Add New User: Remove GsConnect/LocalUser options, it is defined by server type
- Quota File Sys: fixed several issues in disk space usage computation
- Quotas: Implemented disk quota for granted folders
- Forwarder + Receiver: Fixed virt-comp was not passed if Session is initiated via PickupSessions
- Mediator Web UI: Added page to Request Storage
- Mediator Web UI: Break User Account presentation into several tabs

- gs-server: Fixed Incremental Analyze did not work for gs-server + On File Change
- gs-server: Fixed wrong paths passed in GetFileCheckSum
- GSTP + OTP: Fixed of Device Authorization was lost, then client can cycle on re-Auth
- GS Connect Web UI: Added Delete Old Devices, that is, devices not seen for N days
- GS Connect Web UI: multiple bug fixes, improve usability
- GSTP sharing: Fixed Sharing did not work, if default forwarder was used
- GSTP sharing: Implemented CanShare flag: Grantor user allows Share to be further shared
- GSTP sharing: Relax format of From Folder, do not require file:// prefix
- Amazon Cloud Drive: Fixed Conflict 409 in Analyze after stopped Sync

- Disk Free Space: show it in Explorer and Browse dialog for all file systems that have it
- Sharing: Added chaining of Folder Grants: (A grants to B) + (B grants to C) -> (A grants to C)
- Sharing: Granted Computer now assumes UserId of Grantee user, not that of Grantor user, as before
- gs-server and forwarders: Fixed passing of Delegated Auth flag
- gs-server: Added flag DirectOnly to settings.tix. If Yes, it declares that it needs no Forwarders
- gs-server: Added flag GrantsOnly to settings.tix. If Yes, server rejects all non-grant folders
- gs-server: Fixed /set-admin, /set-user and /del-user commands: load settings before them
- MS Graph OneDrive/Office: Fixed OAuth2 token endpoints for regional clouds
- Fixed vulnerability where GoodSync can load malicous DLL from its program folder
- Moved European Forwarder to bigger server in Amsterdam
- Added GDPR clause to Privacy Policy, added GDPR page to web site
- Linux .run installer: Fixed profile owner when configuring gs-server daemon to run under limited user
- Gs-Server for Synology NAS: Better integration with DSM UI, according to DSM standards

- Gs-Server: get rid of internal file:// in URL pointing to gs-server, so that
- gstp://comp.user.goodsync/file:///disk/folder becomes gstp://comp.user.goodsync/disk/folder
- Browse Dlg: Fixed checking for GSTP computer being local, when GS offers to change to Local FS
- Browse Dlg + Side Options: Fixed Side Options do not change when sync folder changes in Browse dlg
- Side Options: Allow turning Off Use Temp Files option for Local FS, as in rare cases it may not have MoveFile
- Do not Delete Dest file on Direct Upload only when both RecycleBin and History are turned off
- Sync Scripts: Do not Call Script / Send Email after Analyze that ended with Wait for User
- Windows FS + SMB: Fixed resolution of SMB paths that are used in Local FS
- Amazon CD: Retry on Error 502 Bad Gateway, returned by ACD server
- Encrypted FS: Implemeted GetFileOwner(), GetFileOwnerACL(), SetFileOwnerACL()
- TLS/SSL: updated list of valid root certificates and Certificate Authorities
- Gs-Server Web UI: Fixed logout did not cause forgetting credentials in the browser
- DE and AR localization updated


- Encryption Side Option: Merge Encrypt Names/Bodies into one option
- Encryption Side Option: Added Test Encryption button, to test Encryption Password on folder
- Encryption Side Option: Added Empty Sync Folder button, to wipeout folder when Encryption changes
- Encrypted File System: Added conveyerization to it, so that it can upload much faster
- Side Option FAT-like: Show it for GSTP file systems too, as FAT may be hiding behind GSTP
- GSTP server + Home FS: Make Folders grow directly from GSTP server, without qhome:// FS and Server S0
- Sharing + Forwarder: Make Sharing work via Forwarders
- Sharing: Fixed folder list when Grantor's server is presented as two different servers to Grantee
- Azure FS: Not Found in ConnectFS is now ignored, not a real error
- Installer: Add Marker to all dialogs and message boxes, so that they can be closed by Installer
- File Upload: If destination file system is atomic, do not delete destination file before upload
- Side Options: Use Temp Files: Make this option always On for Local File System
- MS Graph: Added ability to address sites and sub-sites by name
- Browse Dialog: Reorder file systems, hide old and unused file systems


- SFTP: Major Speedup of Uploads, up to 20 times faster on fast networks
- SFTP: Added support for ECDSA host key algorithms, such as SSH-ED25519
- Sharing: Fixed drilling into shares where server name seen by Grantee differs from Grantpr's name
- File Open: Fixed files were not open in GS Explorer from Sync tree
- Sockets: speed up socket upload and download on high speed networks
- MS Graph: Added option "Request Group.All.Read scope", off by default
- MS Graph: Added Region option for National Clouds: US govt, DE, CN
- MS Graph: miscellaneous bug fixes and speed improvements
- S3 DreamHost: Allow parts upload on DreamHost, they finally implemented it
- Get/Set ACL GSTP: Send ACL in the HTTP body which can handle newlines in ACL
- Gsync, gscp, gs-server: get rid of extra newline in console output
- Gs-server: Allow only TLS 1.2, enable ECDH and show three strong cipher suites by default


- SFTP: Major Speedup of Uploads, up to 20 times faster on fast networks
- Sockets: speed up socket upload and download on high speed networks
- MS Graph: Added option "Request Group.All.Read scope", off by default
- MS Graph: Added Region option for National Clouds: US govt, DE, CN
- MS Graph: miscellaneous bug fixes and speed improvements
- S3 DreamHost: Allow parts upload on DreamHost, they finally implemented it
- Get/Set ACL GSTP: Send ACL in the HTTP body which can handle newlines in ACL
- Gsync, gscp, gs-server: get rid of extra newline in console output
- Gs-server: Allow only TLS 1.2, enable ECDH and show three strong cipher suites by default


- MS Graph: many changes in browsing, show all Sites and Drives
- MS Graph: Acquire Group.Read.All and Sites.ReadWrite.All permissions, to see Sites
- MS Graph: Add icon and description, fixed several bugs
- S3: V4 auth: Escape : and * too, or we get signature errors
- GoodSync2Go: Fixed GoodSync2Go.bat file did not start EXE on 32-bit system
- File Monitoring: Do Monitoring only for Local/Net file systems, not for remote systems
- Device ID: fixed corrupted device id sent for non-latin computer names
- Thousands Separator: Fixed adding , or . separator in case of non-standard Number Format
- Crash Catcher: Do not report exception that we caught, if we could not walk the stack
- Gsync and other console apps: Make them show foreign characters
- Filters: fixed bugs in handling Absolute Include filters
- CC Runner: Do not log sensitive info, such as passwords
- Gsync: Fixed /oauth option not working
- Gscp: Add handling of /profile= and logging command line options

- MS Graph: many changes in browsing, show all Sites and Drives
- MS Graph: Acquire Group.Read.All and Sites.ReadWrite.All permissions, to see Sites
- MS Graph: Add icon and description, fixed several bugs
- S3: V4 auth: Escape : and - too, or we get signature errors
- GoodSync2Go: Fixed GoodSync2Go.bat file did not start EXE on 32-bit system
- File Monitoring: Do Monitoring only for Local/LocalNet file systems, not for remote non-monitor systems
- Device ID: fixed corrupted device id sent for non-latin computer names
- Thousands Separator: Fixed adding , or . separator in case of non-standard Number Format
- Crash Catcher: Do not report exception that we caught, if we could not walk the stack
- gsync and other console apps: Make them show foreign characters
- Filters: fixed bugs in handling Absolute Include filters
- CC Runner: Do not log sensitive info, such as passwords
- gscp: Add handling of /profile= and logging command line options

- MS Graph: Added new file system for Microsoft Drive, based on new MS Graph API
- MS Graph: This is Experimental Beta release, less subject to Error 429 though
- Fixed: Cannot connect to local GoodSync server: server: Cannot get user: User -(undefined)-
- Do not allow Limited User to use Elevation to get to folders that are forbidden to him
- Account Manager: Do Not remove Accounts that have no File System for their URL
- S3: Fixed getting location of bucket for URL-based scheme, could cause infinite recursion

- Backblaze B2: fixed progress indication in upload of large files
- Amazon S3: Now always use V4 auth (AWS4-HMAC-SHA256) headers
- S3: Us Govt Cloud: Always use region us-gov-west-1 for it
- Deduplication + GSTP: Fixed download of dedup file from GSTP was showing it of zero size
- GoodSync2Go: Added 64-bit EXEs to files installed by GS2GO installer
- GoodSync2Go: Store DeviceID in Profile/deviceid.tix on GS2Go disk
- GoodSync2Go: improve folder structure, have only file GoodSync2Go.bat at the top that runs 32-bit or 64-bit
- gs-server: Fixed Unique Server Id was not set sometimes, when gs-server started
- gs-server: Improve startup and restart sequence
- gsync: Get /profile= option before other options, so that commands are applied to the specified profile
- LogViewer: improve init sequence, write logs of LogViewer to log folder
- Visual Sync Tree: Add File To Sync tree view that shows unsynced files, update it during Sync
- Visual Sync Tree: Changes View shows Proposed Changes, that do not change as Sync progresses
- Visual Sync Tree + AutoSync: Do not drop the tree after AutoSync finishes

- Auto-Install on Auto-Update: new scheme with Waiter process, provides instant restart
- Auto-Install on Auto-Update: install it any time Jobs are not running, not just 3AM to 5AM
- Auto-Install on Auto-Update: non-installer URLs now will all go to browser
- De-Elevation after Installer: do not use Windows Tasks for it, use our own restart
- Special Operations: fixed rare crashes caused by Spec Ops + Direction Change
- Crash Catcher: do not catch exceptions not related to GoodSync
- Sockets: fixed shutdown sequence for Listen sockets, fixes rare crashes
- Accounts and Jobs Load: Fixed Import of Job that point to incorrect Account
- Control Center Runner Installer: more fixes
- Control Center Job Upload: Fixed Job Command line generator for several job options
- SFTP: Added support for ECDH key exchange algorithms: ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521, diffie-hellman-group14-sha256, diffie-hellman-group16-sha512, diffie-hellman-group18-sha512

- SyncLib: optimize performance bottlenecks, so that it runs faster
- ZipStream read/write: optimize performance bottlenecks, so that it runs faster
- Crash Catcher: do not react to crashes that happen not on GoodSync stack
- GSTP client: fixed crashes, if many clients Connect all at once
- Sib-Socket Shutdown: fixed force shutdown did not cause effect on Linux
- License: Added lock to reading and writing License file and registry
- CC Runner Service Install: Remove NT Domain from SysUserID before using it
- Account Manager: save copy of accounts-bookmarks.tic file after each migration
- SyncLib: Delete all *._gstmp files if they are more than 24 hours old
- Mediator: Disabled TLSv1, SSLv3, enabled ECDHE for better encryption
- Google Drive: Fixed Make Folder in Browse Quick mode may cause cache problems

- Multiple Workers in SyncLib: Fixed crashes, caused by insufficient locking of Job Progress
- On File Change: Fixed rare crashes when *.tmp file was encountered and deleted
- Rewrote Crash Catcher, to catch more real crashes and fewer unrelated crashes
- Optimization: Turned Off /O2 optimization in SyncLib And GsFileSys, as it prevents crash analysis
- Generate SyncOp instead of New File Conflict, if non-intersecting L and R gen lists are far apart time-wise
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec between Analyze and Sync, if Errors or Conflicts were detected
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec after Sync, if User Stop was detected
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Fixed Item counts were not updated when new tree is built by Analyze
- Upload Jobs: Fixed Command Line errors in uploading jobs

- Multiple Workers in SyncLib: Fixed crashes, caused by insufficient locking of Job Progress
- Generate SyncOp instead of New File Conflict, if non-intersecting L and R gen lists are far apart time-wise
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec between Analyze and Sync, if Errors or Conflicts were detected
- On File Change: make Job wait 30 sec after Sync, if User Stop was detected
- Sync Tree Toolbar: Fixed Item counts were not updated when new tree is built by Analyze

- Google Drive: Introduce Quick Mode, used in Browse, so that Cache is initialized only in Analyze
- Google Drive: Keep backup of disk cache file, use backup file in case primary file is damaged
- Google Drive: do not send redirect_uri when refreshing Access Token, or else we get Error 400
- Rewrite listings to use marker pagination instead of offset pagination
- Skip over web_link items, they are not files or folders anyway
- OAuth2 File Systems: retry connections on OAuth2 token refresh, to fix connection errors
- On File Change: stop file upload when it has been change on source side
- Progress: Reset Job Bytes and other progress items when Incremental Sync starts
- SyncLib: Fixed file deletion was possible in GSTP jobs, when connection was lost during Analyze
- gs-server: Make Mediator reg attempts more aggressive when Discovery starts
- Proxy in Sockets: Fixed If Proxy Auto/Manual is Off, sometimes it was used if Proxy Host/Port were set
- Gs-Server and Gs-Runner services were not reacting to Sleep, now they suspend when going to Sleep
- Added command: Tools -> Upload Jobs to Control Center
- Program Options -> Security: Added option: Accounts Encryption Password
- CC Runner Installer: Added CL option for Accounts Encryption Password
- CC Runner Installer: Added CL options for Mini Progress and Allow User To Exit
- CC Runner: Added reaction to: Sleep, Wakeup, Logoff (End Session), WMI messages

- MS drive: Use new MS Graph for Discovery Service, as old OneDrive system stopped working with Error 401
- MS drive: improve error messages when discovery fails, instead of showing dropped connection
- gsync CL options: Move /override-locks from Run Options into Job Options (non-persistent)
- CC Runner: When installing CC Runner, set it to Start When Windows Starts, not GS GUI
- Google Drive/Docs V3: Implement "delete" for files/folders that were shared with current user

- Google Docs: Added Google Docs file system with gdocs3:// prefix. It shows only Google Docs, not Files
- Google Team Drive: Fixed changes.list parsing in case when Team Drive object itself is modified
- Azure Files: Set root folder flags properly, so that top level folder cannot be used for sync
- Browse Dialog: Allow Deleting Folder Bookmarks inside Accounts, not just whole Accounts
- Browse Dialog: When Account has been deleted, set Current URL to previously seen account
- CC Runner: When installing GoodSync by User then always reset EnterpriseRunnerConfig flag
- Uninstaller: Fixes icon was not shown, could crash on Windows XP
- SyncLib: Glue several Notes (Comments) together, separated by '; '
- Sync Tree Direction User Change: Speed up processing, when many items are selected
- Menus: Move New Job command from All menu to Job menu
- Gs-Server on Windows XP: Fixed error: User Impersonation failed: acquire privileges
- On File Change + Exclude Empty Folders: Fixed adding new file to empty folder does not get synced
- Import: Re-Added Import of Old Format .TIX files
- Licenses: Rename Pro License to Personal, clarified license language in the program and web site
- Licenses: Updated License Agreement to reflect changed terminology
- Gs-Server license: Do not check User and Session count when client from comes in
- gsync command line: more fixes to command line parser
- Explorer Progress: fixed upload/download progress for many small files

- Change log not available for this version

- GoodSync Licenses: renamed 'Enteprise Server' to 'For Server OS'
- GoodSync Licenses: renamed 'Pro (Fixed)' to 'Personal'
- Browse Dialog, Multi-Select: Fixed opening unchecked folder could cause checking it and parents
- WinFileSys + SMB: process deduplicated links, for which DeviceIoControl returns error 4390
- Dropbox: Implemented download in blocks, this improves download of large files
- Runners: Make their instance mutex names unique per profile, not per authed Windows User
- gs-server: Fixed logs stopped writing after server-initiated restart
- Fixed AuthCode Activation did not work
- gsync command line: Fixed job-delete was not working
- GoodSync.exe command line: Allow window size options to be combined with job commands
- Command Line: Fixed Connectoid Options were not always making it into Jobs
- Command Line: ReAdded optins /exit and /exit-ifok, to be used in GoodSync GUI only
- Fixed GoodSync MSI Installer shows warning on Windows Server

- Runner Service Setup: When setting up Runner Service, use full DomainUserName, not just UserName
- Goodsync2Go: Fixed installer of GS2Go, it was not working in 10.7.3-4 due to command line parsing issues
- CC Runner Installer: Add new mode /cc-runner=update which updates CC Runner to the mode from last time
- Fixed GoodSync GUI does not show state of GS Runner Service jobs
- Ver 9: fixed installer, it also uses new gs-runner now
- gs-server Unique Clients limitation: Increase it to Allowed 4 clients, show Client IP addresses

- Fixed GoodSync installer did not create proper Registry value to Run GoodSync When Windows Starts
- CC Runner: fixed bug in upgrading, which could result in Runner being declared a new Runner
- CC Runner: fixed upgrading using regular GoodSync-v10-Setup.exe installer was resetting CC Runner flag
- GoodSync Connect Setup: Now always delete Old Users, so that only new New user is left
- Gs-Server Web UI: Added warning about too many gs-server users, per license
- Browse Dialog: Multi-Select: Fixed if only one Folder is Excluded, it becomes the new Sync Folder
- Command Line: Fixed /analyze and /sync options of 'job' command were ignored if they come first

- Job Options -> General: Added option to Shutdown Computer after Job is finished
- Job Options -> General: Added option to limit Max Time To Run (minutes)
- Program Options: When Retain Days changes, start complete cleanup with the new value
- Job and Program Options: trim string values such as UserId or Smtp Host
- SyncLib: Added File Size to Copy New/Over log message, when syncing
- Installer: Fixed GoodSync GUI can be randomly started by Scheduler, esp if Avast is installed
- Installer: speed up installation of GoodSync, fixed some issues
- Browse Dlg: Multi-Select: If Include List is empty, still show Implied Checked checkbox
- Gs-server: Added Limitation on Number of Users and Number of Unique Clients, based on License
- File Server License for GSTP gs-server: added new License for gs-server-based File Server
- Scripts and Email: Added variables: %TSTART% %TFINISH% %TELAPSED%
- Command Line: improved command line parse, to catch more errors in CL options
- Sib-socket + SSL: Turned off TLS session cache on client side, only FTPS uses it now
- Command Line: Discontinue parsing Jobs and Program Options in GS GUI, we have gsync for that
- Added/Fixed policies: DisableAzureFile, DisableGDrive2, DisableGTeamDrive, DisableSharepoint
- Gsync: Added 'auth' command that creates new accounts (OAuth, browser auth) from command line
- CC Runner: Added new Control Center GUI Runner, with Taskbar icon, that shows status of jobs run by CC
- CC Runner Installer may install CC Runner as a Taskbar GUI or as a Windows Service
- CC Runner can automatically update itself to latest version, if CC specifies AutoInstall option

- Added new Google Team Drive file system to GoodSync and GoodSync Explorer
- Automatically start GoodSync GUI, if silent install is On and GS GUI was running before silent install
- Installer: Make de-elevation to happen by starting GoodSync via Windows Task Scheduler
- Installer: When installer start GoodSync GUI, make sure it goes on top of Z-order
- Filters in Program Options: Show Global Filters: Exclude System / Hidden / Empty
- Fix adding of Filter flags for Empty folders, when uniting Global and Job Filter
- Fixed Delete Recycled and History Files was not deleting History DB
- Jobs in Registry: Fixed crash in ver 9 when loading Jobs from Registry
- Remove GoodSync-v9.exe from GoodSync v10 distribution, use ver 9 distro instead
- Parallel Thread limits: increase to 64 for SFTP, FTP, GSTP
- FTP: Added option 'Require TLS session reuse on data connection', On by default
- FTP: Turn off this option to resolve connectivity problem with broken servers
- More localizations for Group Names, etc.

- Amazon CD: Fixed GetMetadataEndPoint Unauthorized Error 401
- OneDrive: Add retry on 503 Service Unavailable
- Progress: fixed progress reporting in simple uploads such as to GSTP
- Parallel Threads: S3 and Azure: Increase max parallel threads from 20 to 64
- Control Center Runner: Fixed few finishing lines of Job Run were not submitted
- Control Center Runner: Summarize/Compress update-job-run requests, to reduce server load
- Gsync /runner and /enter-runner: Allow only one instance of each per User
- Program Options + Command Line: Add processing of Global Filters and some newer options
- Browse Dialog + Filters + Multi-Select: multiple fixes, improve usability
- Update DE localization

- GSTP Sharing: Enable Sharing of Folder on Mediator: now Folders can be shared with other GoodSync users
- GSTP Sharing: For now Sharing of Folder is done only in GoodSync Connect account Web GUI
- GSTP Mediator: Remove Talkback processing, as it is 2 years old, so only really GS versions use it
- Passwords: Add option Save Connect Passwords Locally Encrypted, it makes them non-portable, more secure
- Program Options: Added Security tab, for the option above and CC admin credentials
- Account Manager + OAuth2: new scheme of storing tokens and getting auth via Browser
- OAuth2: maintain Refresh and Access Token in a separate cache, not to change Accounts
- Office365/SharePoint: increase initial backoff timeout to 15 sec, on error 429
- TeamSites/SiteRoot/SharePoint: Forbid # % characters in paths as it causes error 400 on uploads
- Browse Dlg + Multi-Select + Links: fix handling of Links in Drilled and CopyAsIs job modes
- Import: Fixed Import of a single job could destroy unnamed bookmarks, thus damaging other jobs
- Reading Accounts and Jobs: Fixed recovery of broken Jobs file (with no Accounts file) causing problems
- Explorer: do not allow any file/folder actions while folder is being listed
- CheckSums: store CheckSum type, as relying on CheckSum size for typing does not always work
- Updated Polish localization

- History Cleanup: Use History DB to speed up cleanup of _history_ files
- Recycled and History and Log Cleanup: now do it after every sync, as it runs faster
- Recycled and History Options: change their names and description, to better explain what they do
- Recycled and History + Direct Destination (No Temp): Use MoveFile, not CopyFile, to run faster
- Filters: Do not apply Size and Time filters to Folders
- Filters: speed up and simplify Filters processing
- CheckSums: Fixed sometimes CheckSums of different types were compared
- CheckSums: Do not use CheckSums of wrong type from the state file
- CheckSums: Fixed uploading of Office file changed by server could result in conflict
- Analyze: Fixed ListDir could be called on Files as if they were Folders, resulting in slowdown
- Links + Exclude: Fixed Ignore Links was not always excluding Links nodes
- Links + Browse: Drill Down to Folder Links in Browse Dlg + MultiSelect, if SymLinks option is Drill Down
- gsync command line: Fixed command line options description and manual, to latest changes
- OneDrive/Office365: Backoff on 429 Too Many Requests and Conflict 409 error with EditConflict
- SharePoint 2013: Fixed ListDir return error when path points to a file or not found
- SharePoint 2013: Backoff on 429 Too Many Requests and Conflict 409 error with 'Save Conflict'
- MTP: Fixed change file name case did not work properly

- Licensing Fixes: Auto Options are not available in Free version
- Licensing Changes: Increase max files to 1000 in Free version
- GSTP Client: When doing Disconnect, set SendRecvTimeout to 5 sec
- GSTP Client: When talking to local elevated client, do not wait on reconnect
- GSTP Client: check that server-id received from Server is not empty
- GSTP Receiver: Do Not close socket on Receiver side after we send Disconnect verb
- GSTP Receiver: Send info headers such as server-id
- Azure (Blob) file system: Fixed large file uploads, more than 4 Gb
- Filters: Fixed filter '/folder/' with tail '/' was not excluding folder
- Separate Installer for GoodSync for Windows Server
- Fixed Jobs File reading and import, so that Import does not repeat
- Accounts File: improve locking of read/write of Accounts file
- Ver 9: Move ver 9 version number to 9.16.7, to make it be in sync with ver 10

- Browse Dlg + One Driver: Fixed freezes and error when drilling down to top folder after OAuth
- GSTP Forwarder Receiver: Do not report to Mediator errors caused by Forwarder Pipe disconnecting
- GSTP Client: when client lost connection to Server do not do long reconnects, report to Mediator
- Filters: allow [a-z] or [0-9] and other such character ranges in Filters, [ and ] mean [ and ]
- Filters: when adding Filters from GUI, turn [ into [ and ] into ]
- Filters: fixed several more exotic issues in exclusion and inclusion
- On File Change: Add 1-min wait between Analyze and Sync, when Analyze produces Errors or Conflicts
- Runner: Do not save changes by produced by Job Options checker
- On File Change,