GOM Cam (64-bit) 歷史版本列表
通過幫助您直接錄製精彩視頻,GOM Cam 64 位為您節省了時間和精力。記錄您在 PC 屏幕上看到的內容。 GOM Cam 還會記錄來自 PC 的所有音頻輸出,讓您可以製作更多動態視頻。錄製您的電腦屏幕,網絡攝像頭視頻或遊戲,並在 YouTube,Google Drive 或 Facebook 上與其他人分享。您也可以在拍攝時通過在屏幕上繪圖來捕捉圖像和自定義捕捉.直觀的用戶界面允許任何人輕鬆使... GOM Cam (64-bit) 軟體介紹更新時間:2021-05-13
What's new in this version:
- Greatly lowered OCCT UI's memory usage
- Improved switching time between tabs
- Global UI enhancements to speed things up
- Updated engine - More memory timings, fixes for Zhaoxing CPUs
- Added a setting for hardware or software rendering - Hardware gives best performance but Nvidia's G-Sync is bugged and might cause mouse lag if G-sync is enabled for Windowed mode
- Fixed average value calculations in the report
- Fixed the graphs not being properly cropped to their relative test range
- Fixed the test log missing the final "completed" line when generating a report automatically
What's new in this version:
- UI: The window's contents will wait for the resize action to be done before updating. This doesn't waste CPU cycles and makes the UI feel overall more responsive
- UI: The "System usage" card header won't go over the "Test schedule" card header in the testing area when the window size is set to its minimum
What's new in this version:
- Monitoring: Disabled snapshot polling for AMD CPUs due to it breaking every AGESA update
What's new in this version:
- Bump to plex-media-server/
- Bump to web-client/4.56.3-dd09caa99-16958
- Downloads: Downloaded episodes support Skip Intro
- Downloads: Faster download startup
- Downloads: Improve smart playlist support
- General: plex.ini handling improvements avoid micro stutters during playback
- General: Fixed automatic update implementation allowing unintended downgrades
- General: Reduce GPU power consumption during music playback
- Mac: Auto update only when running from /Applications or ~/Applications
- Windows: Prevent empty right-click context menu display
- Windows: Allow install on only Windows 10 and later
What's new in this version:
New features:
- Improve code coverage and API test cases for Server module
- Updated docs and screenshots to cover the Notifications tab on the Query Tool
- Ensure that the query tool tab should be closed after server disconnection when auto-commit/auto-rollback is set to false
- Fixed an issue where shortcut keys are not working with manage macro
- Fixed an issue where correct error not thrown while importing servers and JSON file has incorrect/insufficient keys
- Ensure that the user should not be to change the connection when a long query is running
- Fixed flickering issue of the input box on check constraints
- Fixed an issue where the cursor shifts its focus to the wrong window for all the query tool related model dialogs
- Corrected the syntax for ‘CREATE TRIGGER’, use ‘EXECUTE FUNCTION’ instead of ‘EXECUTE PROCEDURE’ from v11 onwards
- Ensure that the strings in the LDAP auth module are translatable
- Fixed an issue where the procedure creation is failed when providing the Volatility option
- Fixed an issue while selecting the row which was deleted just before the selection operation
- Ensure that the file format for the storage manager should be ‘All files’ and for other dialogs, it should remember the last selected format
- Ensure that while comparing domains check function dependencies should be considered in schema diff
- Fixed sizing issue of help dialog for Query Tool and ERD Tool when open in the new browser tab
- Fixed SQL panel black screen issue when detaching it in runtime
- Added missing dependency ‘xdg-utils’ for the desktop packages in RPM and Debian
- Fixed cannot unpack non-iterable response object error when selecting any partition
- Mark the Apache HTTPD config file as such in the web DEB and RPM packages
- Fixed an issue where the Save button is enabled by default when open the table’s properties dialog on PG 9.5
- Fixed an issue where users are unable to see data of the partitions using the View/Edit data option
- Fixed an issue where a connection warning should be displayed on the user clicks on explain or explain analyze and the database server is disconnected from the browser tree
- Fixed an issue where foreign data wrapper properties are not visible if the host option contains two host addresses
- Ensure that Backup and Restore should work on shared servers
What's new in this version:
- Main: Small update to avoid a false positive detection in Microsoft's antivirus
What's new in this version:
- Added an auto-updater feature
- Lots of code cleanup and refactoring
- Workaround - Nvidia drivers apply G-sync to OCCT's GUI (which is pointless), which results in mouse stuttering
- Revamped the settings screen and moved it into its separate section
- Added Core usage monitoring section
- Added a no monitoring option - the engine will still be started, but never updated to keep CPU usage low
- Added a "Monitoring interval" settings, controlling how often should the monitoring be updated
- Added a "Graph update" setting, controlling how often should the graphs be updated
- Improved CPU Core usage sensor detection algorithm
- Fixed issues with core affinity on systems with more than 64 cores
- Added "Cycle" display in summary, which shows which cycle you are in. Each cycle uses different operands
- Added "Start at cycle" option, which enables you to skip to a particular cycle if it proved more effective than others
- Fixed various issues on systems with more than 64 cores
- You can now test simultaneously several GPUs, even of different brands (no SLI/Crossfire required)
- You can now test simultaneously several GPUs, even of different brands (no SLI/Crossfire required)
- Added a new program "OcctCmd", to the enterprise edition - you can now run OCCT without any GUI, using a full command line interface (supports running tests only, there's no way to replicate OCCT's GUI in command line)
- Greatly improved the report generation speed at the end of a long test
What's new in this version:
- Updated HwInfo engine to 7.01
- Fixed an issue with recent AGESA updates for AMD CPUs