GOG Galaxy 歷史版本列表 Page31

最新版本 Adlice Diag 2.13.4

GOG Galaxy 歷史版本列表

GOG Galaxy 是為 PC 設計的遊戲客戶端,方便購買,玩遊戲和更新遊戲,以及在遊戲平台之間的在線遊戲,GOG Galaxy 也是建立在選擇性的腦海,並相信你應該擁有你所購買的遊戲。通用雲保存,遊戲中的覆蓋,帶寬限制,截圖截圖,桌面通知等等... GOG Galaxy 將 GOG.com 體驗提升到現代水準,因為它提供了全新的功能和標準.GOG Galaxy 特點:Install& ... GOG Galaxy 軟體介紹

DS4Windows 1.6.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bundled new version of DS4Updater.exe (1.2.9) with version check fix
- Use SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute for InputMethods class
- Changed build to use C# 7.2
- Lowered priority of bus thread

GOG Galaxy 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved Korean translations
- Fixed connection to notifications pusher in GOG Galaxy SDK

DriversCloud (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


GOG Galaxy 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Changes and Improvements:
- Updater now requires administrator privileges to perform update of GOG Galaxy
- Security of directories containing GOG Galaxy files has been improved
- Updated Code Signing Certificate
- Crash reporter has been added to Galaxy Communication Service

- Prevented several potential causes of "broken" games. where only way out was reinstalling

SmartGit 18.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

SmartGit 18.2

Fixed Bugs:
- Branches view: Ctrl+C did not copy ref name
- Changes view (Windows): old file content does not show up for case-changed files
- Push to Gerrit: should be available in case of multiple Gerrit remotes (if sill unique)

SmartGit 18.1.5

New Features and improvements:
- Push to Gerrit: if topic is entered, add topic to master-option, like "refs/for/master%topic=topic"

Fixed Bugs:
- Gitignore/Git-config editor: is bright even with dark theme
- Find Objects: possible internal error when entering a long search string
- Refresh/Log: rename detection limit should be 50% by default (as for Git)

- internal error if no Git executable is configured
- startup: possible internal error related to a bad settings.xml

SmartGit 18.1.4
- Change log not available for this version

SmartGit 18.1.3

Git (Log):
- Refresh: improved error message in case of bad stash-reflogs revealing a ref in an existing, filtered log window now resets the filter Updated bundled Git to version 2.17.1 (macOS, Windows; needs new installation or manual triggering of a genuine update in the About dialog)
- Bitbucket integration: improved error reporting
- Output dialog: remembers size (and location)
- Some hosting providers: added low-level property "json.enableGzip" to enable GZIP compression
- Setup wizard: added option to use gravatar.com (in the preferences, it was moved from the Commands > Log page to the Privacy page)

Fixed Bugs (Git):
- Commit Message view: entered message was not stored in the history
- Ignore: internal error trying to ignore directory with certain special characters like '[' in its name
- Local | Rename: allowed to rename the . directory

- internal error switching back from "Varying Coloring" to "Root Coloring" toggling individual pull requests did not work
- Log/Journal: - right-clicking an unselected commit showed commands for previously selected commit (Linux, macOS)
- Refresh: possible error for files with name "aux" (Windows)
- Stash Selection: failed with quotes in the message
- Bitbucket integration: problems parsing multiple reviewers
- GitHub integration (main window): certain errors were not reported
- GitLab integration: API version v3 is not supported any more

- recurring error "The fingerprint of the SSH server has changed"
- an invalid .ssh/known_hosts file might show a lot of notifications about the failed read
- Tools: internal error invoking tool on repository located on drive root (Windows)
- Upgrade (Windows): possible "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" error

SmartGit 18.1.2

New Features and improvements:
- Log: re-introduced former "varying" coloring
- added low-level property compare.gitCompatibleBinaryDetection

Fixed Bugs:
- interactive rebased timed out after 2min (Windows)

- possible "Node ... not found" error when opening repository
- right-clicking loses selection if scrolled down
- Rebase Head To: "Can't rebase HEAD to HEAD or an anchestor commit" error if
- HEAD is hidden

- Conflict Solver: did not open for graft-conflicts
- Log: internal error when opening in Rebasing state
- SSH: certain problems with private key authentication (depending on files
- parallel to the provided private key file)

Linux bundle:
- added work-around for reg-ex related Java crashes caused by syntax
- highlighting code
- DEB bundle did not start on Ubuntu 18.04

SmartGit 18.1.1

New features and improvements:
- Git-Flow: if the low-level property gitflow.requireCleanWorktreeOnStart is set to true, starting a feature or hotfix with local changes will abort
- Log: if low-level property log.graph.displayCommitDateForAuthor is set to true, it will show the author, but the commit (instead of the author) date
- Output: if low-level property output.showOnlyIfViewInvisible is set to false, the Output dialog is shown independent of the Output view's visibility

Fixed Bugs:
- Blame: memory leak
- Edit Last Commit Message: internal error when in bisecting mode
- Journal, Move & Squash: when dragging onto first pushed commit, no "already pushed" warning was displayed memory leak when switching between repositories frequently quotes around filter definitions, e.g. git-crypt, caused errors starting these commands possible error "Raw log messge does not parse as log entry"
- Refresh: internal error when opening repositories with core.worktree set

- Refresh: possible hang related to conflicts
- Compare: Ignore Whitespace should not display completely unchanged blocks as changed

SmartGit 18.1.0

- Possible internal error opening log in merging or rebasing state
- Added system property smartgit.nodecache.maxCachesToKeepInMemory to limit the log caches to keep in memory

Investigate (DeepGit):
- Memory leak
- Wrong colors used for system-independent light theme
- Various commands with dialog-based Log (Checkout, Merge, ...): graph filter options missing in File input field's drop-down menu

SmartGit 17.1.6 Build 11221

New features and improvements:
- Log, Tools menu: allow tools that operate on the repository using ${repositoryRootPath}

Fixed bugs:
- Git-Flow: when merging, stop processing if merge aborts due to file permission problems
- Refresh: possible internal error for special characters in file name and wrong system charset
- Stash Selection: contained redundant "--" when invoking "git stash push"

SmartGit 17.1.5 Build 11217

New features and improvements:
- built-in SSH client: support for diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256

Fixed Bugs:
- Git:
  - Log:
    - Compare:
      - Linux/GTK2: possible internal error painting comments
      - too large font was used for comments
- SVN: changing URL did not work reliable - disabled
- Bitbucket: possible 401 authentication failures after redoing OAuth
  authentication while SmartGit is running

SmartGit 17.1.4 Build 11213

External Diff tools:
- set system property "smartgit.core.cat.applyFilters" to true to apply
- filter..smudge
- System property "smartgit.executable.home" supports $USERPROFILE on Windows
- support for Git 2.16's SSH client detection ("The SSH server '-G' could not be found")

Fixed Bugs:
- after a fresh setup, "Mark as Favorite" notification comes up again every couple of seconds when dismissing with red x
- Changes view, Index Editor: staging LF-only files converted it to CRLF in Index
- Investigate: Open Log may result in internal error if Blame was not yet initialized

- Branches: toggling single branch in unselected category may add additional 2nd-level branch to selection
- Changes: Compact Changes option did not work (regression)
- Refresh: internal error related to renamed files

User interface:
- Preferences, Text Editor colors: ruler colors were not applied/stored
- OS X: possible internal error related to connecting/disconnecting monitors update check: did remind user to enable update check while it was disabled by system property

SmartGit 17.1.3 Build 11198

New Features, Improvements:
- Log: the count of the loaded commits is now hidden by default (set smartgit.log.commits.showLoadedCount to true to show it)
- JIRA integration: option smartgit.jira.fixResolutionId to specify the issue resolution ID that should be used to mark issues as resolved
- Set smartgit.updateCheck.checkForLatestBuildVisible to false to hide Help | Check for Latest Build
- Investigate: don't require DeepGit license for licensed SmartGit users

Fixed Bugs:

- Merge, Abort and others: could not be invoked if .gitmodules was in conflicting state

- Include with relative path like ../.gitconfig did not work in .git/config
- Wrong display after creating orphan branch
- Review comments: not able to add first comment to file

Insomnia 6.2.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Insomnia 6.2.3

Major Changes:
- Add ability to toggle variables to show their source, instead of rendered value (see hotkey in preferences)

Bug Fixes:
- More robust movement of requests to different workspaces
- GraphQL Schema button no longer overlaps modal dialogs

Minor Tweaks:
- Add ext feature for HAWK authentication
- Fix About screen showing undefined for Electron version
- Font ligatures visibility now disabled by default
- Hotkey to focus response body

Insomnia 6.0.2

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed unicode handling in JSON responses
- Fixed AWS auth signing with invalid Content-Type header
- Snap builds working again
- Linux package now built with Ubuntu 14.04
- Don't crash on plugin error

Minor Tweaks:
- Recursive variable improvements

Insomnia 6.0.1
- GraphQL query highlighting improvements
- Invisible cursor/selection now visible again on default theme
- Fixed unicode escaping
- Fixed the sync button no longer being pinned to bottom of sidebar

Insomnia 6.0.0
Major Changes:
- Themes no longer restricted to premium users
- One Dark and One Light themes
- GraphQL queries now show reference documentation mouse hover
- GraphQL operationName now set based on cursor position (if multiple named queries exist)
- Can now view GraphQL introspection request's response on failure
- Setting to configure environment highlight color style
- Environments are now sortable from within the Manage Environments dialog
- Cookie jar template tag (#1039 by coolhome)
- Added ability for plugins to define themes
- New storage API added to plugin API to store/retrieve data
- Greatly improved (more strict) fuzzy search

Bug Fixes:
- No longer specify multipart/form-data boundary when generating Curl requests
- Curl code generation now respects URL encoding option
- Environment now works as expected when no active request is selected
- The prompt template tag now only executes once per request
- No longer fail to render when comment ('#}') is included in GraphQL query
- Small fix related to same-variable-name environment merging
- Support absent Content-Type header for AWS authentication
- Improved error handling for async template tag errors
- Better response preview webview charset handling
- Tag editor dialog preview no longer jumps when an error is present

Minor Tweaks:
- Request template tag now has a new option to get the folder and name
- GraphQL introspection query now specifies operationName property
- New response.setBody API for plugin response hooks
- ASAP Auth now default additionalClaims to empty object
- Now purge raw response bodies when responses are deleted from history
- Added styling for ordered lists to markdown previews
- Add audience parameter to implicit OAuth 2.0 grant type
- Improvements to autocomplete when editing GraphQL variables
- More token types supported for syntax highlighting of Markdown previews (docs)
- Request switcher (Cmd+p) now sorts results by best match
- GraphQL operationName now shown below query editor when set
- Add button to clear current sidebar filter
- Prompt tag now supports masked input (type=password)
- Add ability to see response for failed OAuth 2.0 token fetch requests
- Theme thumbnails are now generated SVGs instead of screenshots

Insomnia 5.16.2
- Headers with empty values are now sent
- Remove debounce for OAuth forms (was causing issues)
- Fix AWS auth not applying some settings
- Include nghttp2lib dependency in Linux builds

Insomnia 5.16.1
- Fix Insomnia Plus/Teams login form error

Insomnia 5.15.0

Major Changes:
- New template tag for executing JSONPath queries on arbitrary strings. This is useful if you include stringified JSON in your environment or are using the file template tag
- Folders and requests can now be moved to different workspaces. This can be done via the folder's dropdown menu in the sidebar or in the request settings dialog
- Additional claims field now available on ASAP authentication (#822 by BCook98)
- GraphQL schema fetches now share OAuth 2.0 tokens with parent request

Bug Fixes:
- Request name and parent folder no longer reverted when selecting previous history item
- GraphQL introspection requests are no longer synced or exported
- Choosing an environment color no longer affects multiple environments (rare bug)
- Form URLEncoded no longer forgets if the value type is set to multi-line
- No longer requires write permission when including files in multipart form data
- Backslashes inside template tags no longer break previews
- Escaped unicode sequences now show properly in environment editor
- Generated Curl commands now handle duplicate query parameter names
- CSV and multipart response viewers no longer show stale responses
- URLs in autocomplete results no longer prevent variables and tags from being shown
- Prompt template tag no longer uses stale values

Minor Changes:
- Request hook plugins now executed for GraphQL introspection requests, code generation, and HAR export
- Ability to toggle OAuth 1/2 authentication on and off via checkbox
- Support Curl's --path-as-is flag. This can be toggled in the request settings dialog
- Region and service fields can now be explicitly set for AWS authentication
- Query parameter values can now be multi-line
- Key-value editors now have a delete-all option, available in new dropdown menu in bottom-left
- Verifier field can now be set for OAuth 1.0 authentication
- Response body now logged when OAuth 2.0 token fetches fail
- Authorization prefix label can now be specified when using Bearer authentication
- Ability to read/write query parameters added to plugin API. Thanks amree and luveti for the help!
- Rename placeholder in header editor
- Upgrade Electron to include patch for webview security vulnerability
- Update Windows code signing certificate
- Plugin download errors are now handled and logged properly
- Plugin installs now work with custom .npmrc configs
- Prompt template tag now has additional option to cache results
- Behind-the-scenes refactor to get ready for fuzzy matching improvements

Insomnia 5.14.9
- Fixed not being able to change body type on new requests

Insomnia 5.14.8
- Switching request to No Body now remembers previous body if re-enabled
- Prompt to create folder is now cancelable
- Update internal prompt plugin

Insomnia 5.14.7
- Bug Fixes: Fix app icon on Linux

Insomnia 5.14.6
- Basic support for importing Swagger 2.0 projects (#695 by slawus)
- Add RSA-SHA1 signing for OAuth 1.0 (#611 by c22)
- Response history now shows URL instead of time and size (#721 by iansu)
- Fix GraphQL autocomplete in nested blocks
- Fix code generation when multipart/form-data present
- Attempt to fix certain network requests hanging
- Fix body type changing automatically when content-type header updated
- GraphQL queries now work with OAuth 2.0 requests
- Base environment name no longer editable
- Support AWS multifactor auth (#730 by focusaurus)
- Add audience field to OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant (#679 by narhen)
- Add OpenID response type for OAuth 2.0 implicit grant (#681 by emdfonseca)
- Support INSOMNIA_DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_UPDATES environment variable
- Always show accurate HTTP status message (never default)
- Plugin arguments can now define a validate function
- Support XPath string results
- Added enable/disable toggle to most authentication types
- XPath queries no longer required to begin with forward slash
- New template tag to prompt for user input
- New OS template tag for accessing operating system values
- getBodyText and setBodyText added to plugin API

Insomnia 5.12.4

Bug Fixes:
- Fix GraphQL autocomplete in nested blocks
- Fix code generation when multipart/form-data present
- Fix certain network requests hanging during DNS lookup

Minor Changes:
- Support INSOMNIA_DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_UPDATES environment variable

Insomnia 5.12.1
- Less obtrusive update notification
- Fix environments disappearing during workspace duplication and sync
- Support for downloading huge files (over ~2GB)
- Fixed HAWK algorithm selection
- Fix environment editor not saving immediately after fixing an error
- Minor fix for Postman import
- Response timer always shows 1 decimal place
- Ability to specify auto-update channel
- Ability to disable auto-updates
- Moved database to the Electron main thread
- Use Google analytics API directly (no more external JS!)
- Faster storing of large response bodies
- Provide a convenient save button when large response gets hidden
- Disable request body linting over 1MB
- Add import/export APIs to plugin system

Insomnia 5.11.7

Major Changes:
- First-party support for viewing multipart responses

Bug Fixes:
- Accept header now overridable again
- Support showing multiple response headers with the same name

Insomnia 5.11.5
- Fix bug where dragging a folder into itself would make it disappear
- OAuth 2.0 requests now use same settings as current request
- Environment editor now refreshes from sync change when it's open
- Improvements to Curl importer
- Add back default Accept header from v5.11.0 but not Accept-Encoding
- New keyboard shortcut to delete active request
- Prompt user to automatically change Content-Type when binary file is selected
- Update documentation links to point to new support website

Insomnia 5.11.0
- OAuth 1.0 Support
- Atlassian ASAP Auth Support
- No longer require global npm to install plugins (included standalone Yarn)
- Fix GraphQL autocompletion not working
- Fix scroll jumping issue in key-value editors (headers, query, etc)
- Fix Cmd+Enter conflict in Sublime keymap
- Fix for raw cookie editor deleting cookies
- Print Curl version in Timeline
- Template tag editor no longer has delay when opening
- Added debug logging to OAuth 2.0 flow
- Support wildcards in port for client certificates
- Use more unique temporary director name to avoid conflicts
- No longer send default Accept and Accept-Encoding headers

Mailspring 1.5.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Mailspring now defaults to English for languages whose translations have not been manually reviewed by a contributor. You can customize the interface language via a new setting in Preferences > General
- Hundreds of translations have been manually reviewed and refined in German, Chinese, French and Korean
- When connecting a Yahoo Mail account, Mailspring notes that Yahoo requires an App Password. Provider-specific notes are also included in the "View Log" text for easier debugging
- You can now change the "Sender Identity" (the name that is sent in the From field with your email address) for each account in Preferences > Accounts

- Mailspring no longer aggressively autocompletes :10 to the :100 emoji, or :12 to the :1234 emoji, to avoid conflicts with typing times
- On macOS, Mailspring's spellchecker correctly transitions to the language you're typing in consistent with Linux and Windows
- The Emoji picker now works correctly when using Mailspring in a language other than English
- Shrinking Mailspring's UI using the "inteface zoom" setting no longer causes spellchecking "squiggles" to become invisible
- The "Does Not Contain" mail rule now requires that every item in the field not contain the text as expected, rather than just requiring that any one of the items (senders, recipients, etc.) not contain the text
- Mailspring's "Upgrade to Pro" modal no longer appears badly clipped when using a custom interface zoom level
- The fixed size "Add an Account" window now ignores custom zoom levels so that fields and forms are not clipped

- Mailspring now uses React 16.6 (up from 16.2), which fixes a few critical bugs including a problem where the interface could "lock" indefinitely if too many re-renders were backlogged

Mailspring 1.5.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Mailspring now defaults to English for languages whose translations have not been manually reviewed by a contributor. You can customize the interface language via a new setting in Preferences > General
- Hundreds of translations have been manually reviewed and refined in German, Chinese, French and Korean
- When connecting a Yahoo Mail account, Mailspring notes that Yahoo requires an App Password. Provider-specific notes are also included in the "View Log" text for easier debugging
- You can now change the "Sender Identity" (the name that is sent in the From field with your email address) for each account in Preferences > Accounts

- Mailspring no longer aggressively autocompletes :10 to the :100 emoji, or :12 to the :1234 emoji, to avoid conflicts with typing times
- On macOS, Mailspring's spellchecker correctly transitions to the language you're typing in consistent with Linux and Windows
- The Emoji picker now works correctly when using Mailspring in a language other than English
- Shrinking Mailspring's UI using the "inteface zoom" setting no longer causes spellchecking "squiggles" to become invisible
- The "Does Not Contain" mail rule now requires that every item in the field not contain the text as expected, rather than just requiring that any one of the items (senders, recipients, etc.) not contain the text
- Mailspring's "Upgrade to Pro" modal no longer appears badly clipped when using a custom interface zoom level
- The fixed size "Add an Account" window now ignores custom zoom levels so that fields and forms are not clipped

- Mailspring now uses React 16.6 (up from 16.2), which fixes a few critical bugs including a problem where the interface could "lock" indefinitely if too many re-renders were backlogged

Viscosity 1.7.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for Dark Mode in macOS 10.14 (Mojave)

- Support for macOS 10.14 (Mojave)
- Main menu performance significantly improved
- Keyboard accessibility of the main menu improved

- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2p

- Resolves issue setting the working directory for scripts
- Resolves issue scrolling the main menu with many connections
- Prevents reconnects when cancelling certain PKCS#11 requests
- Various bug fixes and enhancements

- OS X 10.9 is no longer supported

Mailspring 1.5.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Thousands of translations have been improved or manually reviewed

- Reverts a change to IMAP message parsing that was designed to extend support for Proton Mail Bridge, which caused many emails from some IMAP servers to appear to be from "NIL"