GIMP 歷史版本列表 Page3

最新版本 GIMP 2.10.36

GIMP 歷史版本列表

GIMP(GNU 圖像操作程序)是一個免費分發的軟件,適用於照片修飾,圖像合成和圖像創作等任務。這是一個功能強大的軟件,具有任何其他免費軟件產品中沒有的功能。它可以用作簡單的繪圖程序,專業品質的照片潤飾程序,在線批量處理系統,批量生產圖像渲染器或圖像格式轉換器。 GIMP 是模塊化的,可擴展的和可擴展的。它的目的是增加插件和擴展來做任何事情。先進的腳本界面允許從最簡單的任務到最複雜的圖像處理程序都... GIMP 軟體介紹


What's new in this version:

- Includes four security fixes to the cmd/go and runtime packages, as well as bug fixes to the compiler, the go command, the runtime, and the crypto/rsa, net, and os packages

WordPress 6.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The security team would like to thank the following people for responsibly reporting vulnerabilities and allowing them to be fixed in this release
- Block themes parsing shortcodes in user-generated data; thanks to Liam Gladdy of WP Engine for reporting this issue.
- The issue above was originally patched in the 6.2.1 release, but needed further hardening here in 6.2.2. The Core team is thankful for the community in their response to 6.2.1 and collaboration on finding the best path forward for proper resolution in 6.2.2. The folks who worked on 6.2.2 are especially appreciative for everyone’s understanding while they worked asynchronously to get this out the door as quickly as possible.

WordPress 6.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Block themes parsing shortcodes in user generated data; thanks to Liam Gladdy of WP Engine for reporting this issue
- A CSRF issue updating attachment thumbnails; reported by John Blackbourn of the WordPress security team
- A flaw allowing XSS via open embed auto discovery; reported independently by Jakub Żoczek of Securitum and during a third party security audit
- Bypassing of KSES sanitization in block attributes for low privileged users; discovered during a third party security audit.
- A path traversal issue via translation files; reported independently by Ramuel Gall and during a third party security audit.



WordPress 6.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Meet the reimagined Site Editor:
- Ready for you to dive in and explore: 6.2 is your invitation to discover what the next generation of WordPress—and block themes—can do
- Now out of beta, the Site Editor has an updated interface, giving you a new way to interact with your entire site. Explore full previews of your templates and template parts, then jump in and get to editing your site from wherever you choose.

Manage menus in more ways with the Navigation block:
- Add, remove, and reorder menu items faster—with a new sidebar experience that makes editing your site’s navigation easier.

Discover a smoother experience for the Block Inserter:
- A refreshed design gives you easier access to the content you need. Use the Media tab to quickly drag and drop content from your existing Media Library. Find patterns faster with a split view that lets you navigate categories and see previews all at once.

Find the controls you want when you need them:
- Your block settings sidebar is better organized with tabs for Settings and Styles. So the tools you need are easy to identify and access.

Build faster with headers and footers for block themes:
- Discover a new collection of header and footer patterns. Use them with any block theme as a quick, high-quality starting point for your site’s templates.

Explore Openverse media right from the Editor:
- Openverse’s library catalogs over 700 million+ free, openly licensed stock images and audio—and now it’s directly integrated into the WordPress experience through the Inserter.

Focus on writing with Distraction Free mode:
- For those times you want to be alone with your ideas. You can now hide all your panels and controls, leaving you free to bring your content to life.

Meet the new Style Book:
- Get a complete overview of how every block in your site’s library looks. All in one place, all at a glance, directly in the Site Editor.

Copy and paste styles:
- Perfect the design on one type of block, then copy and paste those styles to other blocks to get just the look you want

Custom CSS:
- Power up your site any way you wish with design tools and custom CSS for another level of control over your site’s look and feel for maximum creativity and artistry in your designs
- Other highlights in 6.2
- Sticky positioning: Choose to keep top-level group blocks fixed to the top of a page as visitors scroll
- Importing widgets: Options to import your favorite widgets from Classic themes to Block themes
- Local fonts in themes: Default WordPress themes offer better privacy with Google Fonts now included


GIMP 2.10.34 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Check for updates now works on macOS (backported from 2.99.14)
- Update help IDs for better integration with the documentation website
- Symmetry dockable contents is now shown, yet deactivated, when no images are opened, improving discoverability (backported from 2.99.14)
- DBus fully disabled on macOS (in some case, it could even freeze GIMP process when dbus is present yet not responding). Open With feature (e.g. from file browsers) still work fine as it uses a different code path on macOS. Other features using dbus (opening files or running batch commands from a separate GIMP process) won't work, but they probably never did on macOS anyway.
- "Canvas Size" dialog took too much vertical space and now better uses the horizontal space by moving the preview and offset fiels to the right side, and the "Center" button just below (backported from 2.99.8).
- Template selector (backported from 2.99.6) in resize dialog
- Color scale preferences (0..255/0..100 and LCh/HSV settings in Colors selection dialogs) are now remembered across sessions
- Eye icon header added to the item tree views to make it more obvious where to click for item visibility and links (backported from 2.99.10)
- Revert color proofing behavior changed in 2.10.32 which resulted in inconsistent past workflows
- "Lock path strokes" tooltip for the dockable icon was renamed "Lock path"

- DDS: make GUI translatable
- File-raw: added high bit depth precision export (partial backport from 2.99.12)

- Various bug fixes
- Better check for invalid resolutions on import
- Do not generated warnings for incorrect RichTIFFIPTC tags produced by Adobe products (only output a message to stderr, for not completely ignoring these)
- Loading "reduced" image or not is now an option. We use a heuristic for the default value of said option (trying to guess if it's a thumbnail by using common usage), but final decision is now up to one knowing the image you load (backported from 2.99.14)
- Default TIFF export format is "normal" TIFF, not BigTIFF (making it default was definitely an error in 2.10.32)

- Various bug fixes
- Useless physical unit conversion removed
- Backported improvement (2.99.10) for importing layers with clipping set (leading to color bleeding)
- Backported improvements (2.99.10) for importing clipping layers
- Paths are now exported (backported from 2.99.14)
- WebP: more informative error messages in some cases
- Flame: various bug fixes

- Metadata import backported from 2.99.14 - (requires libjxl 0.7.0)
- Partial backport (2.99.8) of JPEG-XL export; export is always in 8bit lossless
- HEIF: various bug fixes
- Dicom: various bug fixes

- Support in GIO for macOS platform)
- Animation-play: fixed on macOS

- Import: new option "Fill transparent areas with white" to fill the background in white (ON by default as most office PDF writers seem to rely on readers filling the background with white), allowing importing transparent PDF files
- Export: new option "Fill transparent areas with background color" allowing to decide whether to export a PDF with transparent background

- Added a workaround to load wrongful TGA files exported by Krita (which they fixed on their side too now, see Krita bug 464484)

ICO and CUR:
- Magics detection for these formats has been removed (now using only using filename extension) because it was interfering with the detection of certain types of TGA images (which are likely more common than ICO and CUR files, and extension for these should be reliable enough)

- GimpMetadata API (in particular the gimp_metadata_set_from_*() functions) are now much less memory-hungry (backported from the main dev branch) when using GExiv 0.12.2 or over. With some huge metadata, it could cause long freeze or even crashes of plug-ins.

- Color-picking with X11 is now the default when compiled with X11, even if a color-picking portal also exists, because it is always right, whereas portals return color in display space without the space information itself (i.e. without profiles)
- New dedicated GimpPickButton implementation for Windows (backported from 2.99.14)

New wrapper functions around GEGL ops, which also map to items in our Color menu:
- Gimp_drawable_shadows_highlights()

- Bumping minimum GEGL to version 0.4.38
- Bumping minimum libjxl to version 0.7.0
- New GIMP_RELEASE macro to tell if code is a release or in-between release(different from GIMP_UNSTABLE which was telling if we are in a stable or Development branch)
- Our stable CI now uses Debian stable where Python2 is still present

Symfony 6.2.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Security] Migrate the session on login only when the user changes
- [Console] Fix fatal error when accessing Application::signalRegistry without pcntl
- [Workflow] display label with new lines + colours properly when rendering a PUML dump
- [TwigBridge] Allow floats in html5 input type number field
- [Translation] Handle the translation of empty strings
- [VarDumper] Fix error when reflected class has default Enum parameter in constructor
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix denyAccessUnlessGranted for mixed attributes
- [Validator] Fix translation of AtLeastOneOf constraint message
- [Validator] Sync IBAN formats with Swift IBAN registry
- [Mailer] Update Infobip API transport
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix the rendering of query explanation with Postgresql
- [SecurityBundle] Fix Security::login() on specific firewall
- [MonologBridge] FirePHPHandler::onKernelResponse throws PHP 8.1 deprecation when no user agent is set
- [TwigBridge] do not drop embed label classes
- [Form] Skip password hashing on empty password
- [Cache][Messenger] fixed CallbackInterface support in async expiration handler
- [Contracts] Fix setting $container before calling parent::setContainer in ServiceSubscriberTrait
- [Workflow] remove new lines from workflow metadata
- [WebProfilerBundle] Render original (not encoded) email headers
- [Console] fix clear of section with question
- [WebProfilerBundle] Tweak Mailer panel rendering
- [BC Break] Make data providers for abstract test cases static
- [DependencyInjection] Fix autowire attribute with nullable parameters
- [Notifier] Make TransportTestCase data providers static
- fix trying to load Memcached before checking we can
- [Notifier] Fix notifier profiler when transport name is null
- [HttpKernel] Fix setting the session on the main request when it's started by a subrequest
- [Cache] Only validate dbindex parameter when applicable
- [ErrorHandler] Do not patch return statements in closures
- [DependencyInjection] keep proxy tag on original definition when decorating
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix checkboxes check assertions
- [HttpClient] Fix data collector
- [Notifier][WebProfilerBundle] Ignore messages whose getNotification returns null
- [Form] Check for RepeatedType child in PasswordHasherListener
- [HttpClient] Fix over-encoding of URL parts to match browser's behavior
- [HttpClient] Revert support for "friendsofphp/well-known-implementations"
- [Mailer] add Sender to the list of bypassed headers
- [VarExporter] Fix lazy-proxying readonly classes on PHP 8.3
- [Intl] Generate all emoji short name returned by slack api
- [Serializer] Fix CsvEncoder decode on empty data
- [Cache] Fix Redis proxies
- [Dotenv] Fix phpdoc Dotenv
- [Translator] Replace deprecated/removed way to configure enabled_locales
- [Config] Fix phpdoc nullable
- [Response] getMaxAge() returns non-negative integer
- [PropertyInfo] Add meaningful message when phpstan/phpdoc-parser is not installed when using PhpStanExtractor
- [Form] Fix PasswordHasherListener to work with empty data
- [Mailer] [MailPace] Fix undefined key in error response
- [Validator] Make ConstraintValidatorTestCase compatible with PHPUnit 10
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix an accessibility issue in the search form of the header
- [WebProfilerBundle] Disable Turbo for debug toolbar links
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix some minor HTML issues
- [PropertyInfo] fail with a meaningful error when a needed package is missing
- [Ldap] Allow multiple values on extra_fields
- [DependencyInjection] Fix combinatory explosion when autowiring union and intersection types
