軟體下載 Garmin BaseCamp 4.6.2

檔案名稱 BaseCamp_462.exe

Garmin BaseCamp 4.6.2 軟體下載

檔案版本 Garmin BaseCamp 4.6.2

檔案名稱 BaseCamp_462.exe
更新日期 2016-02-13
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Garmin BaseCamp 4.6.2
充分利用您的下一個戶外活動或重溫您所採取的行程。 Garmin BaseCamp 讓你計劃戶外活動,組織你的數據,並與他人分享你的冒險經歷。使用 Garmin BaseCamp 計劃你的下一個遠足,騎自行車,摩托車,駕駛或越野之旅。您可以查看地圖,計劃路線,並從您的計算機上標記航點和航跡,然後將其傳輸到您的設備.調查地形 BaseCamp 在您的計算機屏幕上以二維或三維方式顯示您的地形圖數據,包括... Garmin BaseCamp 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue displaying route elevation graphs

Garmin BaseCamp 4.6.2 相關參考資料
Basecamp 4.6.2 beschikbaar - Hèt WayPoint GPS Forum

2016年2月13日 — Added support for track metadata from FIT files. Improved entry of position coordinates on the Waypoint Properties dialog. Improved performance ...


BaseCamp 4.6.2 is available

BaseCamp 4.6.2 is available ... We've just released a new version of BaseCamp. You can download it at http://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=4435.


BaseCamp software version 4.6.2

2016年2月13日 — Changes made from version 4.6.1 to 4.6.2: ◦Fixed an issue displaying route elevation graphs. Note: if you don't have WMP, unpack the .exe ...


BaseCamp Updates & Downloads

Changes made from version 4.6.1 to 4.6.2: Fixed an issue displaying route elevation graphs. Changes made from version 4.5.2 to 4.6.1: Added support for ...


Do NOT Update to Basecamp 4.7.0 – MapInstall 4.2. ...

Then Install Basecamp 4.6.2. If you simply install 4.6.2 without uninstalling Garmin Basecamp and Garmin Express, Mapinstall will not be downgraded.


Download garmin basecamp 4.6.2 for free (Windows)

Take charge of your next adventure with BaseCamp, software to view and organize your maps, waypoints, routes, and tracks and send them to your Garmin device ...


Download Garmin BaseCamp 4.6.2 free

2016年4月4日 — Program specification: · Version: 4.6.2 · File size: 102400 MB · File name: BaseCamp_462.exe · Last update: 04 Apr 2016 · Platform: Windows ...


Downloading Garmin BaseCamp 4.6.2 from FileHorse.com

Lets you plan outdoor activities, organize your data and share your adventures · Garmin BaseCamp 4.6.2 · Key details about this download. The file will be ...


Garmin Base Camp 4.6.2 for Windows

2018年5月2日 — BaseCamp™ Make the most of your next outdoor activity or relive the trips you've taken. BaseCamp lets you plan outdoor activities, ...


Garmin BaseCamp 4.6 Download (Free)

2024年4月1日 — BaseCamp lets you plan outdoor activities, organize your data and share your adventures with others. Use BaseCamp to plan your next hiking, ...
