
最新版本 Symfony 6.1.3

Symfony 6.1.3

Symfony 6.1.3
Gajim 的目標是為 Windows PC 提供功能全面且易於使用的免費 Jabber / XMPP 客戶端。 Gajim 很好地與 GNOME 一起工作,但不需要它運行。它是在 GNU 通用公共許可證下發布的。

Gajim 功能:
選項卡式聊天窗口和單窗口模式群聊支持(與多用戶聊天協議),邀請,聊天到群聊轉換,最小化群聊到名單表情符號,頭像, PEP(用戶活動,心情和調整)音頻 / 視頻會議文件傳輸,會議室書籤 Metacontacts 支持 Trayicon,拼寫器,擴展聊天記錄功能 TLS,GPG 和端到端加密支持(帶有 SSL 傳統支持)傳輸註冊支持服務發現包括節點,用戶搜索維基百科,字典和搜索引擎查找多個帳戶支持 DBus 功能。 XML 控制臺本地鏈接(bonjour / zeroconf),BOSH 通過插件提供的其他功能 Gajim 有 29 種語言版本:巴斯克語,白俄羅斯語,巴西語,英國語,保加利亞語,簡體中文,克羅地亞語,捷克語,丹麥語,英語,世界語,法語,加利西亞語德語,希伯來語,匈牙利語,意大利語,日語,哈薩克語,立陶宛語,挪威語(Bokmå l),波蘭語,俄語,塞爾維亞語,西班牙語,斯洛伐克語,瑞典語,土耳其語和烏克蘭語


檔案版本 Symfony 6.1.3

系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Gajim Team
更新日期 2022-07-29

What's new in this version:

- [Security] Allow redirect after login to absolute URLs
- [HttpKernel] Fix non-scalar check in surrogate fragment renderer
- [HtmlSanitizer] Allow null for sanitizer option allowed_link_hosts and allowed_media_hosts
- [Serializer] Fix wrong needsNormalization in TraceableEncoder
- [Cache] Ensured that redis adapter can use multiple redis sentinel hosts
- [Serializer] Respect default context in DateTimeNormalizer::denormalize
- [Messenger] Fix function name in TriggerSql on postgresql bridge to support table name with schema
- Workaround disabled "var_dump"
- [BrowserKit] Merge fields and files recursively if they are multidimensional array
- [String] Fix width method in AbstractUnicodeString
- [Serializer] Fix XmlEncoder encoding attribute false
- [HttpFoundation] Fix Stringable support in InputBag::get()
- [Console] get full command path for command in search path
- [ErrorHandler] Fix return type patching for list and class-string pseudo types
- [HttpKernel] [HttpCache] Don't throw on 304 Not Modified
- [Bridge] Corrects bug in test listener trait
- [DoctrineBridge] Avoid calling AbstractPlatform::hasNativeGuidType()
- [Serializer] Ignore getter with required parameters
- [Mime]  quote address names if they contain parentheses
- [FrameworkBundle] Fail gracefully when forms use disabled CSRF
- [DependencyInjection] Fail gracefully when attempting to autowire composite types
- [Serializer] Fix inconsistent behaviour of nullable objects in key/value arrays
- [Mime] Fix inline parts when added via attachPart()
- [PropertyInfo] Make sure nested composite types do not crash ReflectionExtractor
- Flush backend output buffer after closing.
- [Serializer] Prevent that bad Ignore method annotations lead to incorrect results
- [Validator] : Fix "PHP Warning: Undefined array key 1" in NotCompromisedPasswordValidator
- [BrowserKit] fix sending request to paths containing multiple slashes
- [Validator] Fix traverse option on Valid constraint when used as Attribute
- [HttpFoundation] Fix deleteFileAfterSend on client abortion
- [Messenger] Fix calls to deprecated DBAL methods
- [Mime] Fix invalid DKIM signature with multiple parts
- [HttpFoundation] Fix TypeError on null $_SESSION in NativeSessionStorage::save()
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix comment for type on Query::setValue (middlewares)
- [HttpFoundation] Prevent PHP Warning: Session ID is too long or contains illegal characters
- [HttpClient] Prevent "Fatal error" in data collector
- Spaces in system temp folder path cause deprecation errors in php 8
- [Messenger] Ceil waiting time when multiplier is a float on retry

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本書介紹了symfony這個領先的PHP開發框架,展示如何利用symfony的眾多功能更快更有效率地開發Web應用程序,即使你只懂一點PHP也沒有關系。在本書里,你將了解如何使用 ...