Gajim 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 Blockbench 4.7.4

Gajim 歷史版本列表

Gajim 的目標是為 Windows PC 提供功能全面且易於使用的免費 Jabber / XMPP 客戶端。 Gajim 很好地與 GNOME 一起工作,但不需要它運行。它是在 GNU 通用公共許可證下發布的。Gajim 功能: 選項卡式聊天窗口和單窗口模式群聊支持(與多用戶聊天協議),邀請,聊天到群聊轉換,最小化群聊到名單表情符號,頭像, PEP(用戶活動,心情和調整)音頻 / 視頻會議文件... Gajim 軟體介紹

Gajim 1.8.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an annoying issue where Gajim would not load newer messages when jumping to the past
- Audio preview for more file types and more image previews on Windows
- Dark theme detection on Windows has been fixed
- Spell checker is now enabled by default
- Many bug fixes and improvements

Blockbench 4.7.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed Brush and eraser no longer work in 2D editor
- Returning from hovering over side menu in menu entry (e. g. Plugins...) to the main menu entry does not update highlight
- Fixed missing translation for Start Screen button tooltip, when Hide Tab Bar is enabled

Symfony 6.2.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [SecurityBundle] Update security-1.0.xsd to include missing access-token definition
- [Console] block input stream if needed
- [Security] Skip clearing CSRF Token on stateless logout
- [Translation] Fix handling of null messages in ArrayLoader
- [Console] Remove exec and replace it by shell_exec
- [Serializer] Fix SerializedPath not working with constructor arguments
- [PropertyAccess] Fix nullsafe operator on array index
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix Workflow without a marking store definition uses marking store definition of previously defined workflow
- [HttpFoundation] UrlHelper is now aware of RequestContext changes
- [HttpFoundation] UrlHelper is now aware of RequestContext changes
- [Notifier][TurboSMS] Fix get sender name
- [Process] Stop the process correctly even if underlying input stream is not closed
- [PropertyInfo] Fix PhpStanExtractor when constructor has no docblock
- [FrameworkBundle] Generate caches consistently on successive run of cache:clear command
- [Messenger] Respect isRetryable decision of the retry strategy for re-delivery
- [Serializer] Handle datetime deserialization in U format
- [HttpFoundation] Fix file streaming after connection aborted
- [Messenger] Add IS_REPEATABLE flag to AsMessageHandler attribute
- Fix param type annotation
- Allow resources in Query::setParam
- [HttpClient] Fix setting duplicate-name headers when redirecting with AmpHttpClient
- [WebProfilerBundle] Remove legacy filters remnants
- [HttpClient] Fix getting through proxies via CONNECT
- [HttpKernel] Prevent initialising lazy services during services reset
- [HttpKernel] Fix restoring surrogate content from cache
- [DependencyInjection] Do not check errored definitions’ type
- [PropertyInfo] Fix phpDocExtractor nullable array value type
- [ErrorHandler] Prevent conflicts with WebProfilerBundle’s JavaScript
- [Serializer] backed enum throw notNormalizableValueException outside construct method
- [HttpKernel] Don't use eval() to render ESI/SSI
- [HttpClient] Ensure HttplugClient ignores invalid HTTP headers
- [Messenger] Fix registering message handlers
- [ErrorHandler] Skip Httplug deprecations for HttplugClient

Blockbench 4.7.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Changed cuboid mesh default name to cuboid from cube
- Adding reference image as blueprint by default when in side view
- Added Reset Layout to help menu
- Made Reset Layout unfold panels
- Added texture selection event hooks
- Improved mesh editing performance
- Performance improvements
- Support "context.is_first_person" for attachables

- UV editor textures stack when painting multiple elements
- switching to paint mode de-syncing view mode selector
- missing translation for Rotate UV
- dialog methods using jQuery events
- Improved long menu overflow
- Force to lose WebGL context after deleting preview
- issue when using loop cut on orphan edge
- dropping texture on outliner overriding removed faces
- removed store plugins being logged as installed
- removed reference images reappearing after restart
- actions not being deleted from toolbars when toolbar hidden
- duplicated groups appearing at outliner bottom
- #1000 Auto UV causes cube UV to exceed limits
- #1864 Quad viewport blueprint issues
- #1862 Animation controllers with particles and sounds don't load
- cannot open context menu for controller particles and sounds
- #1861 Ctrl + S does not save single animation controller
- #1860 playback of loop modes in anim controllers
- error when saving timeline setup

Symfony 6.2.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Console] trim(): Argument #1 () must be of type string, bool given
- Check if trace.curlCommand is defined in profiler
- [Dumper] Trim leading newlines when checking if value begins with a space
- [FrameworkBundle] Make service edges unique
- Fix the list of supported shells for completions in a phar
- [Console] Fix the usage of the zsh completion through the fpath discovery
- [Cache] Send Predis SSL options in the $hosts parameter
- [DependencyInjection] Do not ignore tags name attribute when it does not define their name
- [Cache] Fix success interpretation when pruning cache
- [Security] Fix return type of AuthenticationSuccessHandlerInterface::onAuthenticationSuccess()
- [Security] Make onAuthenticationSuccess Response optional
- [VarExporter] Fix forwarding references to proxied classes
- [HttpClient] Fix global state preventing two CurlHttpClient instances from working together
- [Translation] Crowdin Bridge: Fix locale vs LanguageId
- [DependencyInjection] Fix support for inner collections when using <bind>
- [DependencyInjection] Fallback to default value when autowiring undefined parameters for optional arguments
- [Form] Fix "prototype_data" option creating duplicates instead of new lines
- [Validator] Fix support of Enum to ConstraintValidator::formatValue
- [Process] Path resolution changes for PHP in the cgi-fcgi mode
- [Console] Fix computing column width containing multibyte chars
- [Messenger] Fix deprecation layer of RedeliveryStamp
- [Mime] Form field values with integer keys not resolved correctly
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix PHPUnit 10.1 compatibility
- [VarDumper] Make the server TCP connection sync
- [Messenger] [Redis] Fixed problem where worker stops handling messages on first empty message
- [Messenger] Fix warning message on failed messenger show command
- [Mailer] [Mailjet] Use body MessageID instead of X-MJ-Request-GUID
- [HttpFoundation] Fix memory limit problems in BinaryFileResponse
- [PropertyAccess] Readonly properties must have no PropertyWriteInfo
- [Form] Cast choices value callback result to string
- [Serializer] Unexpected value should throw UnexpectedValueException
- Avoid leading .. for temporary files from Filesystem recursive remove
- [ErrorHandler] Don't throw deprecations for HttplugClient
- [Serializer] Fix denormalization of object with typed constructor arg (not castable) and with COLLECT_DENORMALIZATION_ERRORS
- [HttpClient] fix proxied redirects in curl client
- [Intl] Update the ICU data to 73.1
- [Serializer] Fix serializer normalize attribute context
- [Console] Restoring the ability to output unicode text to the Win10 console

Symfony 6.2.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [ErrorHandler] Fix sending Vary header with SerializerErrorRenderer
- [DomCrawler] Avoid passing null to substr/strrpos methods
- [DoctrineBridge] fix issue with missing stopwatch events
- [HttpClient] Fix canceling MockResponse
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix registering ExpressionValidator

Gajim 1.7.3 查看版本資訊


Symfony 6.2.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Form] CollectionType apply prototypeOptions to ResizeFormListener new fields
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix services usages output for text descriptor
- [Serializer] Fix serialized path for non-scalar values
- [Serializer] Preserve array keys while denormalize variadic parameters
- [TwigBridge] Fix raw content rendering in HTML notification emails
- [FrameworkBundle] enable metadata cache when annotation is disabled
- [HttpClient] Fix not calling the on progress callback when canceling a MockResponse
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix auto-discovering validator constraints
- [DependencyInjection] Filter "container.excluded" services when using findTaggedServiceIds()
- [Translation] TranslatorBag::diff now iterates over catalogue domains instead of operation domains
- [Cache] Fix storing binary keys when using pgsql
- [Console] Add missing ZSH mention in DumpCompletionCommand help
- [FrameworkBundle] Add missing monolog channel tag for messenger services
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix wiring session.handler when handler_id is null
- [FrameworkBundle] Improve documentation about translation:extract --sort option
- [VarDumper] Disable links for IntelliJ platform
- [FrameworkBundle] Workflow - Fix LogicException about a wrong configuration of "enabled" node
- [HttpFoundation] Use separate caches for IpUtils checkIp4 and checkIp6
- [HttpClient] Encode and decode curly brackets {}
- [Serializer] GetSetMethodNormalizer::supportss should not check ignored methods
- [String] Correct inflection of 'codes' and 'names'
- [Validator] Update BIC validator IBAN mappings
- Stop stopwatch events in case of exception
- [HttpKernel] Change limit argument from string to integer for Profiler
- [FrameworkBundle] Rename limiter’s strategy to policy in XSD
- [VarDumper] Fixed dumping of CutStub
- [Mailer] STDOUT blocks infinitely under Windows when STDERR is filled
- [DependencyInjection] Fix support binary values in parameters.
- [Messenger] Fix TransportNamesStamp deserialization
- [HttpClient] Fix encoding "+" in URLs
- [Security] Remove @internal tag on TraceableAuthenticator::getAuthenticator()
- [DependencyInjection] Fix dumping array of enums parameters

Gajim 1.7.2 查看版本資訊


Symfony 6.2.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Security] Migrate the session on login only when the user changes
- [Console] Fix fatal error when accessing Application::signalRegistry without pcntl
- [Workflow] display label with new lines + colours properly when rendering a PUML dump
- [TwigBridge] Allow floats in html5 input type number field
- [Translation] Handle the translation of empty strings
- [VarDumper] Fix error when reflected class has default Enum parameter in constructor
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix denyAccessUnlessGranted for mixed attributes
- [Validator] Fix translation of AtLeastOneOf constraint message
- [Validator] Sync IBAN formats with Swift IBAN registry
- [Mailer] Update Infobip API transport
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix the rendering of query explanation with Postgresql
- [SecurityBundle] Fix Security::login() on specific firewall
- [MonologBridge] FirePHPHandler::onKernelResponse throws PHP 8.1 deprecation when no user agent is set
- [TwigBridge] do not drop embed label classes
- [Form] Skip password hashing on empty password
- [Cache][Messenger] fixed CallbackInterface support in async expiration handler
- [Contracts] Fix setting $container before calling parent::setContainer in ServiceSubscriberTrait
- [Workflow] remove new lines from workflow metadata
- [WebProfilerBundle] Render original (not encoded) email headers
- [Console] fix clear of section with question
- [WebProfilerBundle] Tweak Mailer panel rendering
- [BC Break] Make data providers for abstract test cases static
- [DependencyInjection] Fix autowire attribute with nullable parameters
- [Notifier] Make TransportTestCase data providers static
- fix trying to load Memcached before checking we can
- [Notifier] Fix notifier profiler when transport name is null
- [HttpKernel] Fix setting the session on the main request when it's started by a subrequest
- [Cache] Only validate dbindex parameter when applicable
- [ErrorHandler] Do not patch return statements in closures
- [DependencyInjection] keep proxy tag on original definition when decorating
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix checkboxes check assertions
- [HttpClient] Fix data collector
- [Notifier][WebProfilerBundle] Ignore messages whose getNotification returns null
- [Form] Check for RepeatedType child in PasswordHasherListener
- [HttpClient] Fix over-encoding of URL parts to match browser's behavior
- [HttpClient] Revert support for "friendsofphp/well-known-implementations"
- [Mailer] add Sender to the list of bypassed headers
- [VarExporter] Fix lazy-proxying readonly classes on PHP 8.3
- [Intl] Generate all emoji short name returned by slack api
- [Serializer] Fix CsvEncoder decode on empty data
- [Cache] Fix Redis proxies
- [Dotenv] Fix phpdoc Dotenv
- [Translator] Replace deprecated/removed way to configure enabled_locales
- [Config] Fix phpdoc nullable
- [Response] getMaxAge() returns non-negative integer
- [PropertyInfo] Add meaningful message when phpstan/phpdoc-parser is not installed when using PhpStanExtractor
- [Form] Fix PasswordHasherListener to work with empty data
- [Mailer] [MailPace] Fix undefined key in error response
- [Validator] Make ConstraintValidatorTestCase compatible with PHPUnit 10
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix an accessibility issue in the search form of the header
- [WebProfilerBundle] Disable Turbo for debug toolbar links
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix some minor HTML issues
- [PropertyInfo] fail with a meaningful error when a needed package is missing
- [Ldap] Allow multiple values on extra_fields
- [DependencyInjection] Fix combinatory explosion when autowiring union and intersection types