FreeFileSync 歷史版本列表 Page18

最新版本 FreeFileSync 13.4

FreeFileSync 歷史版本列表

FreeFileSync 是一個免費的開源軟件,可以幫助你同步文件和同步文件夾的 Windows,Linux 和 Mac OS X. 它的目的是為了節省您的時間設置和運行備份工作,同時具有良好的視覺反饋沿途.FreeFileSync 不施加任何人為限制您可以同步的文件數量。實際上,超大同步作業的唯一限制因素是可用內存量:對於每個 1 GB 的 RAM,FreeFileSync 可同時同步大約 17... FreeFileSync 軟體介紹

Samepage 1.0.43595 查看版本資訊


FreeFileSync 11.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New auto-updater for the Donation Edition (macOS, Linux)
- Support reading FTP file symlinks
- Support starting via symlink (macOS)
- Command line support with "freefilesync" symlink in /usr/local/bin (macOS)
- Preserve keyboard focus when starting sync via F9
- Don't show relative parent path if folder does not exist
- Added high-resolution application icons (Linux, macOS)
- Work around "500 'HELP' command unrecognized" FTP error
- Fixed menu bar icon not being removed immediately (macOS Big Sur)
- Don't allow folder names ending with dot character (Windows)
- Mitigate ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED: Local Device Name Already in Use [Wnetaddconnection2]
- Fixed startup failure when app folder contains back quote char (macOS)
- Fixed network card not found error on virtual machine (KVM Linux)
- Fixed RTL layout direction in popup dialogs

Anki 2.1.39 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- the Reposition command not preserving the browser sort order
- some issues causing the sync indicator to show unnecessarily
- a spurious warning about a full sync when renaming card templates
- Anki not working after installing on Linux over a previous install
- Don’t log card resets when exporting
- congrats screen not showing when learning cards were due soon

- Updated bundled lame and mpv on Windows and Mac builds
- Other fixes and improvements, with thanks to Henrik, Rumo, Abdo, Arthur, Guillem, Meredith, Gustavo and Daniel

Scratch Desktop 3.19.2 查看版本資訊


BYOND 514.1543 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

BYOND 514.1543
DM Language:
- The new gradient() proc can blend between colors
- animate() can now interpolate between colors using color spaces other than RGB. (Note that this does not currently apply to color matrices.)
- rgb() now allows you to specify a color space, so it can be used to create colors from HSL, HSV, and HCY numbers. There is also a new rgb2num() proc that will reverse the process, producing a list of numbers
- A new filter type, "bloom", causes halo effects on all pixels above a certain RGB threshold
- A new proc called load_resource() has been added, to make it possible to preload an icon/sound asset and change how long to it stays loaded
- splicetext() and list.Splice() have been added, which do a cut and an insertion at the same time. For instance, splicetext("banana", 3, 6, "laclav") becomes "balaclava". For text in particular this should be a benefit since it avoids multiple changes to the string tree (using the old method of copytext() + string + copytext()) in favor of a single change
- browse_rsc() behavior has been improved so that files can be sent through the regular resource download system, which can 1) check for whether the client already has a file, and 2) batch-send any needed files. The old approach was not scalable and resulted in delays in some games
- time2text() now takes another argument for the time zone. Additionally, client.timezone and world.timezone vars have been added
- and &&= shortcut operators have been added
- BYOND now supports better control over the use of tile or pixel movement with world.movement_mode, and a new appearance flag called TILE_MOVER. This controls the behavior of things like turf.Enter() and can be used to sidestep old legacy behavior, impacts gliding, and objects in TILE_MOVEMENT_MODE or with the TILE_MOVER flag are locked to the tile grid
- A new "assign-into" operator := has been added, which can be overloaded. This allows more flexibility in advanced datum types
- List access now has a ?[] operator. If the list is null, the list access will do nothing and fail without an error
- world.map_cpu has been added to help track CPU usage for map-send operations. This is not a full profiler but it should help some games gauge how server performance is impacted by map complexity and player load
- Client-side particle effects have been added! The particle system allows for a massive amount of flexibility with special effects (which is likely to be expanded in future builds). These effects are purely visual, run on the client, and should not impact server performance

Dream Seeker:
- Embedded winget syntax [[...]] used in client macros and client-side commands such as .winset, has been greatly improved. Now all embedded winget parameters can have the parameter name followed by a format type, for instance [[map.size as json]], to make it easier to include this info in various command formats.
- Client macros can now be bound to mouse actions, and provide data to the attached server verb via a [[...]] syntax similar to embedded wingets

BYOND 513.1542
Dream Daemon:
- Multiple bugs existed when specifying start and end positions in findtext() and replacetext(), especially with regular expressions

Dream Maker:
- Icons were still editable in read-only mode

BYOND 513.1541
Dream Seeker:
- Regression: Maptext wrapping was broken, causing the last line to appear incorrectly
- An atom that was animating a color matrix could sometimes have incorrect interpolation between colors when other parts of its appearance (like dir) changed after the call to animate()

BYOND 513.1539
Dream Maker:
- The ?. and ?: operators were compiled incorrectly when used in left-hand-side expressions, which resulted in weird errors at runtime
- Escaped line breaks in #define macro arguments were handled incorrectly
- #define macros that used strings with embedded expressions were parsed incorrectly when the substitution was made

Dream Seeker:
- Maptext underlines appeared in the wrong position when the map drawing area was bigger than the control itself, e.g. when the letterbox parameter was false

BYOND 513.1538
Dream Maker:
- A fix for the ?. operator caused problems when it was used in certain expressions

BYOND 513.1537
Dream Daemon:
- flist() failed in Windows on directories with trans-ASCII characters in their names
- When reading the length of client.verbs directly, a value of 0 was returned

Dream Maker:
- Including a raw string (any format starting with @) in a block of code skipped by a preprocessor directive would cause compilation to proceed incorrectly
- The compiler allowed vis_locs and vis_flags to be defined under /image; these vars are only relevant to turfs and movable atoms
- The ?. operator on the left-hand side of an assignment operator worked incorrectly in certain cases when adding/assigning some constant values such as negative numbers

Dream Seeker:
- Applying a color to an atom with maptext did not necessarily apply the color to the maptext also, if the color was opaque
- A second animate() call with the parallel animation flag could sometimes temporarily show out-of-sync results, such as the new animation appearing to be at its endpoint for a single frame before running the rest of the animation normally.
- Turfs in visual contents of objects did not properly mark when they were no longer in use (on the client) as a result of the obj or mob being deleted

BYOND 513.1536
Dream Seeker:
- VIS_UNDERLAY could sometimes propagate further than intended
- Another aspect of the link() fix was apparently incompatible with multiple websites

BYOND 513.1535
Dream Maker:
- Raw strings did not get parsed correctly when included in macro arguments

Dream Seeker:
- The fix for launching links in the default browser had a bug for certain links

BYOND 513.1534
Dream Daemon:
- json_decode() could crash for some inputs

Dream Seeker:
- Microsoft made a stupid, stupid change to command line parsing that impacted link() and caused incorrect results on many systems where the default browser was Chromium-based. The behavior of link() has been adjusted to account for this stupid, stupid change.
- The & character could cause problems in alert() boxes and some input() boxes due to the way Windows uses it as an escape in displayed text. For worlds compiled in 513 or newer, this will now be escaped properly

BYOND 513.1533
Dream Daemon:
- Images in the visual contents of their container could cause a recursion that crashed the server. (FKI)

Dream Seeker:
- Looping animations could sometimes get confused if the server re-sent them as a result of an update on the object they belonged to. (PopLava)

BYOND 513.1532
Dream Maker:
- A bug in an experimental compiler change managed to elude testing

BYOND 513.1530
Dream Seeker:
- Changes to maptext handling caused a regression where certain maptext could crash the client

BYOND 513.1529
Dream Daemon:
- view() and similar procs could include turfs and possibly their contents multiple times when the perspective object (e.g. a player mob) straddled multiple turfs

BYOND 513.1528
Dream Daemon:
- Failing to open a file sent by browse_rsc(), etc. printed a "File not found" error message that could be incorrect or misleading. Additionally, file errors occurring during savefile usage did not print correctly either

Dream Maker:
- Commands in the skin editor, such as for buttons, got doubly escaped and un-escaped which caused some of them to get mangled
- Multiline editing fields in the skin editor, such as, did not have scrollbars, which made editing more difficult

Dream Seeker:
- The map.view-size parameter was poorly documented and the values it produced were too complex to be usable. The parameter has been updated to behave more consistently and is now documented better
- Input controls couldn't be created with text already in the control
- Maptext wrapping sometimes was incorrect with Unicode characters, and could mangle them in some cases
- Maptext considered a change of styles to be a potential break point for wrapping text, which was incorrect

Dream Seeker:
- New keyboard macros are now recognized for media-capable keyboards: VolumeMute, VolumeUp, VolumeDown, MediaPlayPause, MediaStop, MediaNext, MediaPrev

BYOND 513.1527
Dream Daemon:
- Several internal lists couldn't be located based on their ref() values
- Error messages from external DLL calls were cut off after the first character in Windows

Dream Maker:
- The error message regarding exceeding the maximum number of internal arrays, thought fixed in the previous version, had a different cause that still remained undetected. This has been fixed
- In a very old bug, the compiler handled the continue statement wrong when used with a labeled outer loop
- Addition of two constant strings at compile-time was broken

Dream Seeker:
- Improperly formatted DM-CSS could cause a hang in some cases. (Devourer Of Souls)

BYOND 513.1526
- BYONDexe
- Login form CSS was broken

Dream Daemon:
- There were multiple situations where Uncross() wasn't called during Move()
- Visual contents seen by clients could cause a memory leak on the server
- Regular expressions struggled with some UTF-8 cases
- Initial() for any of the bound vars on an object returned the same value as initial(bounds) instead of the correct var
- The client.bound vars were limited to a -32K to 32K range, which was inappropriate for large maps and icons

Dream Maker:
- In some complex projects, a weird error message could appear about exceeding the old 64K limit maximum number of internal arrays, even though that limit has been long gone and the projects in question were already over the limit.
- Adding constant numbers and strings at compile-time did not compile correctly, resulting in weird outcomes at runtime
- Using a small transparency checker size along with an extremely high zoom level, which for instance could happen in a 1x1 icon, could cause a crash due to way too many of the checkers being mistakenly drawn.
- Icons with huge numbers of states didn't display correctly in the icon editor, which failed to display later states entirely and also had problems with the scrollbar

Dream Seeker:
- The first stage of topological sorting in isometric mode didn't handle topdown icons such as HUDs properly
- Using too many ripple filters could cause a crash in some cases
- Right-click verb menus accidentally went back to being slow in some situations

Dream Daemon:
- Setting certain built-in lists like overlays, underlays, filters, verbs, etc. by assigning a list to them would clear them out and add an item at a time, which was often inefficient and resulted in appearance churn. This has been optimized internally to avoid churn, improving performance.

Dream Maker:
- Several true/false condition checks used in situations like for, while, etc. have been updated in the compiler to improve performance

BYOND 512.1488
Dream Maker:
- The ?. operator didn't handle some complex situations properly where it was the left-hand side of an expression and that expression was in turn the right-hand side of another. This is a compiler fix
- The find/replace dialog lost focus when searching across multiple files

Dream Seeker:
- Animated cursors did not work for the inactive pointer or various other default pointers
- Maptext was not being counted in the client-side calculation of visual bounds, resulting in some icons not being drawn when maptext dimensions were large even though the maptext extended into the visible area
- In some games, the output control still didn't have its scrollbar appear, nor stay scrolled to the bottom. This seems to be related to the style of the text, so it only occurs in specific games

BYOND 512.1485
Dream Seeker:
- The options string in browse() was not parsed like a URL-encoded parameter string (as in list2params), which prevented special characters from being escaped. Now it's parsed the same way, except that for legacy reasons a comma is still allowed as a delimiter between items in the list. (MrStonedOne)
- When a turf in visual contents also had another turf in visual contents, moving away from and then back to its Z level in a different place could cause the inner visual contents to shift over. (HindyMinte)

Dream Daemon:
- The way certain special internal objects (regex, database, icon math) are handled internally has been refactored to improve server stability

BYOND 512.1484
Dream Daemon:
- A further possible source of server instability was fixed

BYOND 512.1479
Dream Daemon:
- Turfs and movable objects did not properly calculate visual bounds on the server side for visual contents, if the turf/movable had no attached images or animation

Dream Seeker:
- Some kinds of filter animations were broken in a previous build, resulting in wrong values

BYOND 512.1478
Dream Daemon:
- Setting world.fps or client.fps at runtime could sometimes cause messages to be sent to newly connecting clients before the client was ready to handle them, causing it to disconnect. This especially happened if such changes were done often
- Procs that ended because their src was deleted generated errors in world/Error() and were caught in try/catch, which they shouldn't have been
- client.view wasn't respected when set at compile time. This has been changed for all projects compiled in 512 or later
- Old code altering client.lazy_eye automatically when the world size was small resulted in some unexpected/annoying behavior, so it has been disabled for projects compiled in 512 or higher. Also, lazy_eye and EDGE_PERSPECTIVE interacted catastrophically in certain situations, causing a constant jump back and forth on each frame

Dream Maker:
- The icon editor was still limited to loading only 512 states, even though the reason for that restriction (the old icon editor) no longer exists

Dream Seeker:
- Parallel animations on the same filter didn't work as expected, causing the later animations to basically cancel out the earlier ones even if they applied to different parameters
- The output control didn't always show a scrollbar, once the scrollbar was needed, until the place it was supposed to be was clicked or the user scrolled up. This has been fixed after exhaustive, painstaking testing

Dream Maker:
- The hotspot indicator in the icon editor now correctly contrasts with a transparent background in dark mode

BYOND 512.1477
Dream Seeker:
- Regression: Statpanels got messed up by the grid formatting fix (Laser50)

BYOND 512.1475
Dream Daemon:
- Reading initial() failed for some vars, resulting in major runtime errors

Dream Maker:
S- tep offsets, pixel offsets, and bounds were not always set properly in the map editor

BYOND 512.1474
- Regression: Non-zero map zooms were broken

BYOND 512.1472
Dream Daemon:
- Filter list access for animations, setting vars, etc. sometimes resulted in spurious "index out of bounds" errors. (Lummox JR)
- The server did not send sound information properly, which prevented sound.environment from accepting 0 to reset the environment. (VolAs)
- MouseEntered() is now called right after MouseDrop() in response to the fact that the object under the cursor has changed. This call is generated on the server instead of the client. (Ter13)
- Case insensitivity was not properly handled in some complex regular expressions. (Altoids0)

Dream Maker:
- Several issues regarding global color changes in an icon have been fixed. (NSBR)
- The backspace key didn't work correctly in the loop count edit box of the icon pixmap editor. (Nadrew)
- The map editor suffered reduced performance. (Ter13)

Dream Seeker:
- Visual contents of objs and mobs did not reset in some cases when they were removed from the map and later re-added, but not deleted in the interim. (Mport2004)

Dream Maker:
- In the pixmap editor's movie area, you can now insert or delete entire columns. Using a regular delete when a column is selected will ask if you'd rather shift the other columns over. The new insert-columns and delete-columns commands have keyboard shortcuts Shift+Ins and Shift+Del, respectively

BYOND 512.1471
Dream Daemon:
- In some cases, the server did not properly send map chunk information that was necessary to handle big icons
- Some proc calls using the call() proc were misinterpreted, causing named arguments not to work correctly when calling those procs with an arglist()

Dream Maker:
- The map editor has had some updates to improve its ability to handle certain conditions like the use of BACKGROUND_LAYER
- The compiler did not include some vars in turf underlays that impacted their appearance, when those underlays used modified types (vars set in the map editor). This very old bug, which can be traced back to BYOND 324 because it impacted pixel offsets too, has been corrected
- Setting parent_type in a way that created a circular reference caused the compiler to hang or crash

Dream Seeker:
- Color matrices and certain situations applying alpha values did not mix properly, resulting in incorrect color matrix calculations
- alert() couldn't use buttons starting with a period, which resulted in some broken behavior
- blend_mode was not applied properly in icons using flick()

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- API allows much more access to Console panel fields
- allow multi-selections to touch, without joining them
- lexer Batch: highlight `tick_blocks`; highlight variables with chars ~.,()

- change: program will not save to session filenames from CudaText: "settings/history.json", "settings/history session.json"
- fix: Markdown tree-helper must skip headers inside

DBeaver 7.3.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- SQL editor:
- "Open SQL console" action was added to the main toolbar and context menu
- Support of very long sql scripts was improved
- Parser hanging was fixed (partially) for queries with a lot of parenthesis
- Auto-completion performance was improved

Data editor:
- Drop-down inline editor was fixed (Linux)
- Epoch time transformer now supports timezones
- Copy As SQL: now uses correct SQL dialect

- Metadata editor: support of pure unicode identifiers was added
- Content assistant was fixed for drop-down selectors
- Connection configuration import now supports target folders

GIS (spatial) data viewer:
- MapBox tile configuration was fixed
- 3D geometry objects now can be displayed on map
- Geometry transformer for binary format (WKB) was added

- Trino (ex-PrestoSQL) driver was added (thanks to @mosabua)
- MariaDB: default driver version upgraded to 2.7.1

- Spatial (gis) data viewer was added
- Metadata refresh was fixed (wrong foreign key name)

- SQL formatting for custom data types was fixed (geometry and others)
- Backup/restore now support non-standard authentication (e.g. IAM)
- Redundant data types removed from navigator tree (arrays)
- Nested multiline comments support was added
- Database template list now contains all databases

- Redshift: driver version was upgraded (bug with "session is read-only")
- Presto/Trino: GIS transformers support was added

- SQL parser was fixed (code blocks)
- Table/view type recognition was improved (for older FB versions)
- Number of errors with wrong focus tracking fixed on MacOS
- Clear message for Java version mismatch errors was added
- Now DBeaver can be installed without bundled Java (Windows and Linux)
- Problem with Eclipse Marketplace extension was fixed
- Several minor UI bugs were fixed

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- support HTML color-codes highlighting in text background, option "underline_color_size" needs special value for this
- commands 'type a char'/'backspace'/'delete'/'undo'/'redo'/'left'/'right', when with multi-carets, should not scroll to first(last) caret
- commands 'indent selection'/'unindent selection' now support multi-carets
- auto scale 'margin lines' width
- Project Manager: big speed up of "Go to file" with ~1000 files
- dialogs "Themes", "Color theme" are now resizable; dialog "Themes" is now scalable

- Qt5 version: plugin dialogs flickering
- Windows XP: themed menu font size was incorrect
- regression with restoring "index of top line" from session, with word-wrap and w/o it
- regression with commands "left"/"right" not scrolling to caret
- regression with bad positioning of tab-groups 'splitters' on start
- option "saving_trim_spaces" didn't move caret to shorter line end
- 'preview tab' could not work if dragged to another tab-group

Duet Display 查看版本資訊


Wirecast 14.1 查看版本資訊
