FreeCAD 歷史版本列表 Page6

最新版本 FreeCAD 0.21.1 Build 1

FreeCAD 歷史版本列表

FreeCAD 是具有高級運動模擬功能的基本 3D CAD。它適用於任何有興趣在使用更複雜的軟件包之前免費學習 3D CAD 和運動模擬的人。教育工作者,學生和新工程師將會發現它是理想的幾何學,運動學,動力學,振動,機構,連桿機構,凸輪,機械設計和物理學的教學和學習選擇版本:FreeCAD 0.16 Build 6704(32 位) FreeCAD 0.16 Build 6712(64 位) FreeCAD 軟體介紹

FreeCAD (32-bit)FreeCAD (64-bit)

FreeCAD 0.19.3 Build 4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Addon manager fixes:
-5041: Freezes/crashes when opening Addon manager

Arch fixes:
- Parse window opening modes with more than one digit
- Fix material color pickers

Core (App and Gui) fixes:
- App quitting despite failing to save project
- Abort save when unable to finish
- update weblink to Coin3D
- Preferences - change macro path selection from File to Folder

Draft fixes:
- Ensure horizontal orientation of snap widget

Import/Export fixes:
- Fix STEP import/export color problem

Part fixes:
- Uniform sorting in menu and toolbar
- Fix grid visibility in sketches

PartDesign fixes:
- Fix shortcut of Del key in the pipe dialog
- Fix loft visibility on creation and modification

Path fixes:
- Fix bug with spindle not restarting
- Fix connected multi-face clearing bug
- Bugfix/job setup
- Post procesing for GRBL with option "--translate_drill"
- Fix proxy error bug that occurs when postprocessing
- Fix depth calculation for vcarve
- Fix bug adding TC from job dialog
- Check for empty before using - fixes
- GUI scripting support and other improvements
-Fix GUI issues and minor code cleanup
- Fix minor bug when cancelling post process
- now outputs fillename for the report the same as the postprocessor job
- Fix bug splitting gcode by fixture
- Fix relative shape files for toolbits
- Fixed incorrect usage of isDirty() in the accept button call back
- Remove side assignment to outside for full model profiles
- Fix grbl --return-to placement
- Fix multi-OS path issue for job templates
db16029: Update 45 degree chamfer tool bit
- fix invalid JSON in 45 degree chamfer tool bit
- Fix face region boundary shape usage
- Add missing newline to return-to statement in grbl postprocessor
- Fix bug with job object not found

Spreadsheet fixes:
- Prevent infinite loop when copy/paste of non-rectangular selection

Sketcher fixes:
- Fix Reference checkbox not working for radius/diameter
- Fix Reference checkbox not working for diameter
- Fix crash when applying Constrain internal alignment on constraints

TechDraw fixes:
- Fix undo for Cosmetic Vertices and Lines

- Preferences - Selection Fix Bug for new users who save an unrelated Preference such as Stylesheet from loosing the default selection settings
- Fix a FEM test failure with yaml.load
- Start workbench; fix bug when custom folder doesn't exist
- Reverse Engineering workbench: Fix compilation with PCL-1.12.0

MediBang Paint Pro 27.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a bug that prevented the SNS login

MPV-EASY Player 查看版本資訊


TagScanner 6.1.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved: Added %_filedate_iso% and %_filedate_create_iso% placeholders to make possible to sort filelist correctly independent of system regional settings
- Improved: Preview mode in Generate tab now sort columns according your scheme
- Improved: Ability to quick select/unselect all imported fields in web options
- Fixed: Reading of UTF-8 encoded files on generate tag from file
- Updated MP4 support
- Unified separators for multiple values fields
- Program are now check on exit if main config file is read only

Insomnia Core 2021.7.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- a regression where some OAuth workflows would fail
- a regression where multipart/form-data requests could not be sent

Insomnia Core 2021.7.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a regression where requests could not be cancelled

Insomnia Core 2021.7.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- a regression where JSON responses wouldn’t format as JSON in certain cases
- a regression where GraphQL queries would be colored as disabled
- a regression where a blank workspace name would break the app header
- a bug where the push and pull snapshot icons were identical
- a regression where tab navigation didn’t work in certain cases
- a bug where importing Postman or WSDL from the dashboard wouldn’t import anything
- a regression where sidebar sorting wouldn’t work

Additions and Other Improvements:
- Improved header spacing to preserve vertical space
- Added support for gRPC Metadata
- Added masking for network proxy settings
- Added support for importing GraphQL Postman collections
- Added an option in Preferences to force HTTP/2
- Added support for GraphQL prettify using a hotkey
- Added support to specify multiple font families

Plugin API:
- Added support for config generator plugins to specify documentation links

MediBang Paint Pro 27.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a bug that caused a rare crash at startup
- Removed permission check when opening mdp files downloaded from the cloud
- Fixed a minor bug

MPV-EASY Player 查看版本資訊


Insomnia Core 2021.6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- a bug where some response history items could not be activated
- a bug where some irregular characters would break the GraphQL editor
- a bug with clicking links embedded within XML
- a bug where the keyboard binding for “Show Autocomplete” could not be changed
- a bug where the XPath filter didn’t support the `/text()` node
- a regression where environment order did not persist
- a bug where dropdown searching could crash the app in certain cases
- a bug where text on dashboard cards could overflow
- a bug where elements behind a modal could be interacted with in certain cases

Additions and Other Improvements:
- Improved insomnia-plugin-default-headers to remove headers by setting the value to null
- Added search to the GraphQL Schema viewer
- Added an option in preferences to disable certificate validation in OAuth 2 auth windows
- Improved the auto-complete dropdown to hide undefined values
- Added a keyboard shortcut to beautify text
- Updated the GraphQL formatter to use Prettier
- Added an option to the response preview dropdown to copy the raw response to the clipboard
- Improved visibility of the drag pane when viewed vertically
- Improved the client certificate view with more detailed information
- Improved the environment variable key validation to also check nested keys
- Updated the Deploy to Portal to honor SSL validation preference
- Added an option to the response preview dropdown to export as HAR
- Improved error handling with git operations
- Added support for configuring Insomnia via a configuration file
- Added an option to disable background network requests (Preferences > General > Network Activity > Incognito Mode)

- Added a Dark Colorblind theme
- Improved how Swagger UI connects to Insomnia themes

Plugin API:
- Added API to interact with the clipboard via `app.clipboard`
- Added API to get application information via `app.getInfo`