FreeCAD 歷史版本列表 Page13

最新版本 FreeCAD 0.21.1 Build 1

FreeCAD 歷史版本列表

FreeCAD 是具有高級運動模擬功能的基本 3D CAD。它適用於任何有興趣在使用更複雜的軟件包之前免費學習 3D CAD 和運動模擬的人。教育工作者,學生和新工程師將會發現它是理想的幾何學,運動學,動力學,振動,機構,連桿機構,凸輪,機械設計和物理學的教學和學習選擇版本:FreeCAD 0.16 Build 6704(32 位) FreeCAD 0.16 Build 6712(64 位) FreeCAD 軟體介紹

FreeCAD (32-bit)FreeCAD (64-bit)

Tableau Desktop 2020.2.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The use of Double Precision with a SharePoint List caused a "Malformed SQL Statement" error
- When connecting to Tableau Online or Tableau Server, "Error Code: 9F4C5638
- Internet communication error: SSL connect error" would occur using Tableau Desktop 2020.2.2
- It would sometimes not be possible to publish or create an extract when making a Relationship on a pivoted value. Error: "Unable to complete action. An error occurred when publishing the workbook. Error Code: 6EA18A9E Internal Error - An unexpected error occurred and the operation could not be completed"
- The date and time of 1899/12/30 12:00:00 AM was not handled correctly as a fixed start of the axis range
- When a join with Salesforce tables was created using one of the tables twice, fields hidden in the first instance of the table were also hidden in the second table after creating an extract
- View filters disappeared after renaming a field in a database and replace references was performed
- hen the Teradata driver was loading, a possible crash was experienced due to a race condition with the driver
- The create extract and preview join data window would sometimes be unresponsive with the 'loading' status when a spatial file was joined with a CSV file
- User calculations and parameters with fixed precision numbers would sometimes not return the correct results from the database
- Schema name list was not in order when connected to Amazon Redshift
- An LOD calculation that references another calculation containing a constant would sometimes have a different result after a data source was published
- In some cases, it was not possible to refresh subscription keys before the expiration date occurred
- The following error would sometimes occur when importing custom geocoding: "Unable to complete action. Internal Error - an unexpected error occurred and the operation could not be completed. Error code: 6EA18A9E"

Insomnia Core 2020.3.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- Fix text inputs not persisting on paste
- Fix autocompletion of variables resolving to wrong value

Insomnia Core 2020.3.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- Fix text inputs not persisting on paste
- Fix autocompletion of variables resolving to wrong value

TagScanner 6.1.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- MusicBrainz lookups now import full set of MBIDs to better integration with media managers and also have more relevant results

- Renaming of files with patterns with leading backslash
- %_bitspersample% placeholder not filled correctly in Export scripts
- Filtering didn't work in some cases
- Errors on creating user field containing spaces
- Filelist not updated correctly on undoing of renaming

- Publisher's catalog number from web results now saved to CATALOGNUMBER field instead ISRC
Updated Export scripts to avoid possible problems with non-latin texts outside placeholders
Translation: Turkish, Bulgarian

Tableau Desktop 2020.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- When an English workbook with Union Data is opened in Non-English Tableau Desktop versions 2020.1 and over, there are added Non-English translation of 'Sheet' and 'Table Name' fields added to the Union resulting in "Unknown Column Error"
- Sometimes when using Explain Data, the error, "unable to poll port number of Yaxcatd" would occur
- Selecting "Update Now" with a grouped Dimension when using Quickbooks Online resulted in the error: 6EA18A9E
- The RANK_DENSE function tooltip would sometimes show "Ausdruck" instead of the correct expression when the German language was previously set
- When publishing to a Tableau Server Site with more than 3,000 projects, not all projects displayed
- Using a published Spatial file and an action filter from one dashboard to another dashboard, the resulting map displayed no data when the secondary dashboard used a different primary data source.
- Nested calculation execution time increased with some visualizations
- SAP BW extract refresh would sometimes fail due to a timeout limit
- Some of the regions of Ghana were not recognized
- Using Tableau Desktop command line tool to refresh extracts "tableau refreshextract" sometimes resulted with "Internal error"
- SAML SSO sometimes failed with the following error "ERROR 6: SSL handshake failed"

Tableau Desktop 2020.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Loading certain published views resulted in the error "LogicException: Internal Error - An unexpected error occurred and the operation could not be completed.
- Internal Error - An unexpected error occurred and the operation could not be completed
- Unable to calculate the sort for the field .... The display may not show correct data
- LogicException details: LogicAssert at ../../../modules/platform/tabquery/main/query/provers/FoldableNullCheckQueryProver.cpp line 168: leftOut.size() == 1 || rightOut.size() == 1"
- In some cases, data source fields changed folders or folders disappeared after the data source was published

Tableau Desktop 2020.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- When using the DATENAME function with the quarter option in Tableau Desktop and with a live connection to an Exasol database, the incorrect quarter is displayed
- When connecting to Amazon Athena, views did not display in the connection window

Tableau Desktop 2020.1.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Resolved Issues:
- In Tableau Desktop 2019.2.4, when publishing a dashboard that is using multiple CSV files as its data source, irrelevant CSV files within the same folder are unexpectedly packed into the .twbx file.
- Workbooks connected to an Oracle union that included NCLOB fields failed to load with the error "Internal Error - An unexpected error occurred and the operation could not be completed"
- Data sources with the same name in different projects were missing from the "Edit server and site path" drop down list
- Presto, Qubole and Redshift tables that were renamed to have upper case or initial capitals reverted back to lower case
- It was not possible to enter the letter "t" in a password field inside a web object on a dashboard
- No data displayed in the Search For Data window when connected to Tableau Server from Tableau Desktop
- When using a group based on a field in a file joined to a relational data source, the error "Unable to complete action. No such table: Error Code: 353FBC8D" sometimes occurred.
- In Salesforce custom SOQL, greater than ">" or less than "<" symbols resulted in an error "Unable to complete action An error occurred while loading the data. Error Code C926DA9F An unknown error related to remote content was detected (500) MALFORMED_QUERY"
- Filtering on a calculation based on parameters and sets sometimes removed more data than expected from the view

TagScanner 6.1.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved: Now you can use up to 10 nested scripting functions
- Fixed: In some cases program removes trailing dots from filenames
- Fixed: Rare problems with scripting engine and values contained $ symbol
- Changed: Disc number no longer setted up to 1 for Discogs releases without separated medias
- Improved navigation with keyboard in some parts of interface
- Translation: Bulgarian

Tableau Desktop 2020.1.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Joining an extract and Excel file sometimes resulted in the error "extract 0 collation mismatch, use COLLATE statements to resolve" when using Japanese OS locale.
- Tableau Desktop Data Interpreter does not work on CSV files with file length of 26 Character or more
- NULLS remained at the top of the viz when using a nested sort, whether ascending or descending sort was selected
- When connecting to Excel and Google BigQuery in a same connection, using a ROUND function will result in the following error: "ROUND is being called with (float, integer), did you mean (float)?"
- Error Code 8B31AE48 sometimes occurred when attempting to enable Show Empty Columns
- When there are fields with the same names in an existing data source, then adding another data source to canvas and selecting "Create Join Calculation", will result in the following error, "Internal Error - An unexpected error occurred and the operation could not be completed."
- When connecting to Excel and Google BigQuery in a same connection, then using the ROUND function, the following error occurs, "ROUND is being called with (float, integer), did you mean (float)?"
- Shapes in maps have changed since upgrading from version Tableau 10.3 to 2019.2 in both desktop and server
- When loading a Geojson (Spatial connector), "unable to create unit vector from zero-length vector" error is returned
- Tableau Desktop 2019.1 crashes every time after activation, if Virtual Desktop Support is enabled. It works well after being re-launched
- Maps of Norway still showed 18 Norwegian counties rather than the current 11