Franz 歷史版本列表 Page12

最新版本 Franz 5.10.0

Franz 歷史版本列表

Franz 是一個免費的消息傳遞軟件應用程序 / 前奧地利皇帝結合聊天& 消息服務集成到一個應用 Franz 目前支持 Slack,WhatsApp,微信,HipChat,Facebook Messenger,電報,谷歌環聊,GroupMe,Skype 等等。您可以下載 Franz 用於 Mac,Windows& Linux. 選擇版本:Franz 5.0.0 Beta 14(32... Franz 軟體介紹

Franz (32-bit)Franz (64-bit)

JoyToKey 6.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support up to max 50 joysticks (previously 32 joysticks)
- Support up to max 128 buttons (previously 32 buttons)
- Enhanced an execution of an external program to be able to pass command parameters and  specify the starting working directory
- In the button assignment window, added navigation buttons to go to the next and the previous assignment.
- In case JoyToKey is started when no controller is connected, JoyToKey tries to automatically detect devices until one controller is connected.

NumPy 1.16.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add mm->q floordiv
- Port np.core.overrides to C for speed
- Add np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type(dtype), improve np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes
- Add "max difference" messages to np.testing.assert_array_equal...
- Add mm->qm divmod
- Add _dtype_ctype to namespace for freeze analysis

Compatibility notes:
- The changed error message emited by array comparison testing functions may affect doctests. See below for detail.
- Casting from double and single denormals to float16 has been corrected. In some rare cases, this may result in results being rounded up instead of down, changing the last bit (ULP) of the result.

Internet Download Accelerator 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved download 4K and 8K video, as well as video in low resolution
- Improved subtitle download
- Improved downloading files with non-standard characters in the URL
- Improved download video from Facebook
- Fixed bug with renaming text file with description. Minor bugs fixed

NumPy 1.16.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Experimental support for overriding numpy functions, see __array_function__ below.
- The matmul function is now a ufunc. This provides better performance and allows overriding with __array_ufunc__.
- Improved support for the ARM and POWER architectures.
- Improved support for AIX and PyPy.
- Improved interop with ctypes.
- Improved support for PEP 3118.

New functions:
- New functions added to the numpy.lib.recfuntions module to ease the structured assignment changes: assign_fields_by_name, structured_to_unstructured, unstructured_to_structured, apply_along_fields, require_fields

New deprecations:
- The type dictionaries numpy.core.typeNA and numpy.core.sctypeNA are deprecated. They were buggy and not documented and will be removed in the 1.18 release. Usenumpy.sctypeDict instead.
- The numpy.asscalar function is deprecated. It is an alias to the more powerful numpy.ndarray.item, not tested, and fails for scalars.
- The numpy.set_array_ops and numpy.get_array_ops functions are deprecated.
- As part of NEP 15, they have been deprecated along with the C-API functions :c:func:PyArray_SetNumericOps and :c:func:PyArray_GetNumericOps. Users who wish to override the inner loop functions in built-in ufuncs should use :c:func:PyUFunc_ReplaceLoopBySignature.
- The numpy.unravel_index keyword argument dims is deprecated, use shape instead.
- The numpy.histogram normed argument is deprecated. It was deprecated previously, but no warning was issued.
- The positive operator (+) applied to non-numerical arrays is deprecated. See below for details.
- Passing an iterator to the stack functions is deprecated

Expired deprecations:
- NaT comparisons now return False without a warning, finishing a deprecation cycle begun in NumPy 1.11.
- np.lib.function_base.unique was removed, finishing a deprecation cycle begun in NumPy 1.4. Use numpy.unique instead.
- multi-field indexing now returns views instead of copies, finishing a deprecation cycle begun in NumPy 1.7. The change was previously attempted in NumPy 1.14 but reverted until now.
- np.PackageLoader and np.pkgload have been removed. These were deprecated in 1.10, had no tests, and seem to no longer work in 1.15.

Future changes:
NumPy 1.17 will drop support for Python 2.7

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 19 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 19 (32-bit)

- Translations: Improved translations. A million thanks to the amazing community

- App: Dark Mode
- App: Add proxy support for services
- App: New spell checker
- App: New context menu
- App: Lay groundwork for general themeing support
- App: Add option to enable dark mode for supported services

Bug Fixes:
- App: App menu was not initialized on app launch. Resolving copy & paste issues for login
- General: Convert many links from http to https
- Menu: Fix File -> Quit menu entry
- Windows: Fix impossible Ctrl+10 Shortcut
- Windows: Remove minimize setting check on close event

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 18 (32-bit)

- Translations: Improved translations. A million thanks to the amazing community

- App: Add option to enable/disable hardware acceleration

Bug Fixes:
- Windows: Fix shortcuts for closing, minimizing, quitting and toggling fullscreen
- Windows: Hide title bar when in fullscreen

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 16 (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 16 (32-bit)

- App: Update Electron version to 1.7.12
- Translations: Improved translations. A million thanks to the amazing community

- App: Invite Friends in Settings

Bug Fixes:
- App: Fix memory leak in recipe polling loop
- App: Fix validation for side-by-side teamId & customURL
- App: Reload Franz instead of all services one by one on sleep resume
- App: Fix toggle buttons shown during import
- fix(App): Bugfix Fix memory leak in recipe polling loop
- App: Fix invite screen [object Object] values
- App: Fix Franz-wide form validation
- App: Fix service tooltips not initialized properly
- Linux: Invert tray icon color & add border for bright UI's

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 15

- App: Add option to clear app cache
- App: Add option to show/hide notification badges for muted
- Recipes: Add semver version validation
- Recipes: Add hasHostedOption to enable hosted & self hosted services
- Services: Add custom service icon upload
- Services: Add option to completely disable message badges
- Services: Improve handling of external links
- Services: Improve user experience of service search
- Account: Enable a user to delete their own account
- Translations: Improved translations. A million thanks to the amazing community

Bug Fixes:
- App: Allow to turn on notifications when system dnd is enabled
- App: App mute now disables notifications as well
- App: Fix service reload after waking machine up
- App: Fix "add services manually" message
- i18n: Fallback to system language or english
- Notification: Remove notification sound when app is muted
- Recipes: Enable urlInputPrefix for team and customURL
- Services: Ctrl/Cmd+R now navigates back to the service root
- Services: Fix transparent service background
- Shortcuts: Fixed settings shortcut inconsistency
- Spell checker: Fixed issues with spell checker
- Translations: Re-add Spanish to available languages
- Windows: Open window when clicking on toast notification

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 14

- App: Add link to changelog in app update notification
- App: Add option to enable/disable spell checker
- App: Add option to mute all services in sidebar
- App: Decrease minimum window size to 600px width
- App: Respect System DoNotDisturb mode for service audio
- Service: Add option to display disabled services in tabs
- Service: Add option to mute service
- Service: Add dialog to reload crashed services
- Translations: Added new translations and improved existing ones. A million thanks to the amazing community.

Bug Fixes:
- Windows: Fix notifications on Windows 10 (Fall Creators Update)
- macOS: Fix TouchBar related crash on macOS 10.12.1 and lower
- App: Add fallback to service menu when service name is empty
- App: Prevent app from redirecting when dropping link
- Support with CPU: Reduce maximum CPU usage
- Hosted Services: Do not strip www from custom service Url
- Services: Fix onNotify in service API
- Sidebar: Fix tabs reordering

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 13
- Fix issue with multiple close handlers that prevent the app from quitting

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 12

- Menu: Add "About Franz" Menu item to Windows/Linux
- Menu: Add menu item to toggle (service) dev tools
- Translation: Add italian translation

Bug Fixes
- App: Add checks to service url validation to prevent app freeze
- macOS: Fix disable launch Franz on start
- Windows: Launch Franz on start when selected
- Onboarding: Fix issue with import of on-premise services
- Shortcuts: Flip shortcut to navigate to next/previous service
- Windows: Open Window when app is pinned to taskbar and minimized to system tray
- Recipes: Recipe developers don't need Premium Supporter Account for debugging

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 12

- Settings: Add option to disable system tray icon
- Service: Display URL of hyperlinks
- App: Add tab cycling with ctrl[+shift]+tab or ctrl+[pageup|pagedown]
- Translation: Add Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Flemish, German, Greek, French, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian

Bug Fixes:
- App: Force Franz to use single window
- Onboarding: Fix enable/disable service import toggle
- Onboarding: Fix service import
- Payment: Fix payment window when name contains special character
- macOS: Add macOS dark theme system tray icon
- Windows: Fix enable/disable autostart on login
- Windows: Fix multiple system tray icons when opening/closing Franz

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 10
- Franz 5 first public beta

WinUtilities Professional Edition 15.44 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

WinUtilities Professional Edition 15.44
- Added new Process Checker feature Updated database Performance improvements and bug fixes

WinUtilities Professional Edition 15.43
- Updated database Performance improvements and bug fixes

WinUtilities Professional Edition 15.42
- Added 10+ new plugins for History Cleaner
- Improved 1-click maintenance module
- Performance improvements and bug fixes

WinUtilities Professional Edition 15.4
- Added 10+ new plugins for History Cleaner
- Improved 1-click maintenance module
- Performance improvements and bug fixes

WinUtilities Professional Edition 15.22
- Change log not available for this version

Internet Download Accelerator 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added subtitle download from video-services
- Added support for Google Backup and Sync
- Added user-agent option for command line parameters
- Added the ability to manually enter the User-Agent in the settings
- Improved handling of the VideoFreq parameter in a portable version
- Improved downloads of playlists containing videos with the same names
- Minor bugs fixed

Internet Download Accelerator 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved integration into browsers
- Improved download from video-services
- Added interception of links from videoservices in the clipboard
- Added SOCKS-proxy support for HTTPS
- Added option for a playlist and channels monitoring (autoupdate) and automatic downloading new video
- Added ability to choose available format for video and audio when downloading from video services
- Improved playlists download
- Fixed form duplicate bug while simultaneously adding a large number of downloads (FileInfoForm_1)
- Minor bugs fixed

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 18 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 18 (32-bit)

- Translations: Improved translations. A million thanks to the amazing community

- App: Add option to enable/disable hardware acceleration

Bug Fixes:
- Windows: Fix shortcuts for closing, minimizing, quitting and toggling fullscreen
- Windows: Hide title bar when in fullscreen

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 16 (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 16 (32-bit)

- App: Update Electron version to 1.7.12
- Translations: Improved translations. A million thanks to the amazing community

- App: Invite Friends in Settings

Bug Fixes:
- App: Fix memory leak in recipe polling loop
- App: Fix validation for side-by-side teamId & customURL
- App: Reload Franz instead of all services one by one on sleep resume
- App: Fix toggle buttons shown during import
- fix(App): Bugfix Fix memory leak in recipe polling loop
- App: Fix invite screen [object Object] values
- App: Fix Franz-wide form validation
- App: Fix service tooltips not initialized properly
- Linux: Invert tray icon color & add border for bright UI's

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 15

- App: Add option to clear app cache
- App: Add option to show/hide notification badges for muted
- Recipes: Add semver version validation
- Recipes: Add hasHostedOption to enable hosted & self hosted services
- Services: Add custom service icon upload
- Services: Add option to completely disable message badges
- Services: Improve handling of external links
- Services: Improve user experience of service search
- Account: Enable a user to delete their own account
- Translations: Improved translations. A million thanks to the amazing community

Bug Fixes:
- App: Allow to turn on notifications when system dnd is enabled
- App: App mute now disables notifications as well
- App: Fix service reload after waking machine up
- App: Fix "add services manually" message
- i18n: Fallback to system language or english
- Notification: Remove notification sound when app is muted
- Recipes: Enable urlInputPrefix for team and customURL
- Services: Ctrl/Cmd+R now navigates back to the service root
- Services: Fix transparent service background
- Shortcuts: Fixed settings shortcut inconsistency
- Spell checker: Fixed issues with spell checker
- Translations: Re-add Spanish to available languages
- Windows: Open window when clicking on toast notification

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 14

- App: Add link to changelog in app update notification
- App: Add option to enable/disable spell checker
- App: Add option to mute all services in sidebar
- App: Decrease minimum window size to 600px width
- App: Respect System DoNotDisturb mode for service audio
- Service: Add option to display disabled services in tabs
- Service: Add option to mute service
- Service: Add dialog to reload crashed services
- Translations: Added new translations and improved existing ones. A million thanks to the amazing community.

Bug Fixes:
- Windows: Fix notifications on Windows 10 (Fall Creators Update)
- macOS: Fix TouchBar related crash on macOS 10.12.1 and lower
- App: Add fallback to service menu when service name is empty
- App: Prevent app from redirecting when dropping link
- Support with CPU: Reduce maximum CPU usage
- Hosted Services: Do not strip www from custom service Url
- Services: Fix onNotify in service API
- Sidebar: Fix tabs reordering

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 13
- Fix issue with multiple close handlers that prevent the app from quitting

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 12

- Menu: Add "About Franz" Menu item to Windows/Linux
- Menu: Add menu item to toggle (service) dev tools
- Translation: Add italian translation

Bug Fixes
- App: Add checks to service url validation to prevent app freeze
- macOS: Fix disable launch Franz on start
- Windows: Launch Franz on start when selected
- Onboarding: Fix issue with import of on-premise services
- Shortcuts: Flip shortcut to navigate to next/previous service
- Windows: Open Window when app is pinned to taskbar and minimized to system tray
- Recipes: Recipe developers don't need Premium Supporter Account for debugging

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 12

- Settings: Add option to disable system tray icon
- Service: Display URL of hyperlinks
- App: Add tab cycling with ctrl[+shift]+tab or ctrl+[pageup|pagedown]
- Translation: Add Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Flemish, German, Greek, French, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian

Bug Fixes:
- App: Force Franz to use single window
- Onboarding: Fix enable/disable service import toggle
- Onboarding: Fix service import
- Payment: Fix payment window when name contains special character
- macOS: Add macOS dark theme system tray icon
- Windows: Fix enable/disable autostart on login
- Windows: Fix multiple system tray icons when opening/closing Franz

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 10
- Franz 5 first public beta

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 17 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 16 (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 16 (32-bit)
- App: Update Electron version to 1.7.12
- Translations: Improved translations. A million thanks to the amazing community

- App: Invite Friends in Settings

Bug Fixes:
- App: Fix memory leak in recipe polling loop
- App: Fix validation for side-by-side teamId & customURL
- App: Reload Franz instead of all services one by one on sleep resume
- App: Fix toggle buttons shown during import
- fix(App): Bugfix Fix memory leak in recipe polling loop
- App: Fix invite screen [object Object] values
- App: Fix Franz-wide form validation
- App: Fix service tooltips not initialized properly
- Linux: Invert tray icon color & add border for bright UI's

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 15
- App: Add option to clear app cache
- App: Add option to show/hide notification badges for muted
- Recipes: Add semver version validation
- Recipes: Add hasHostedOption to enable hosted & self hosted services
- Services: Add custom service icon upload
- Services: Add option to completely disable message badges
- Services: Improve handling of external links
- Services: Improve user experience of service search
- Account: Enable a user to delete their own account
- Translations: Improved translations. A million thanks to the amazing community

Bug Fixes:
- App: Allow to turn on notifications when system dnd is enabled
- App: App mute now disables notifications as well
- App: Fix service reload after waking machine up
- App: Fix "add services manually" message
- i18n: Fallback to system language or english
- Notification: Remove notification sound when app is muted
- Recipes: Enable urlInputPrefix for team and customURL
- Services: Ctrl/Cmd+R now navigates back to the service root
- Services: Fix transparent service background
- Shortcuts: Fixed settings shortcut inconsistency
- Spell checker: Fixed issues with spell checker
- Translations: Re-add Spanish to available languages
- Windows: Open window when clicking on toast notification

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 14
- App: Add link to changelog in app update notification
- App: Add option to enable/disable spell checker
- App: Add option to mute all services in sidebar
- App: Decrease minimum window size to 600px width
- App: Respect System DoNotDisturb mode for service audio
- Service: Add option to display disabled services in tabs
- Service: Add option to mute service
- Service: Add dialog to reload crashed services
- Translations: Added new translations and improved existing ones. A million thanks to the amazing community.

Bug Fixes:
- Windows: Fix notifications on Windows 10 (Fall Creators Update)
- macOS: Fix TouchBar related crash on macOS 10.12.1 and lower
- App: Add fallback to service menu when service name is empty
- App: Prevent app from redirecting when dropping link
- Support with CPU: Reduce maximum CPU usage
- Hosted Services: Do not strip www from custom service Url
- Services: Fix onNotify in service API
- Sidebar: Fix tabs reordering

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 13
- Fix issue with multiple close handlers that prevent the app from quitting

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 12
- Menu: Add "About Franz" Menu item to Windows/Linux
- Menu: Add menu item to toggle (service) dev tools
- Translation: Add italian translation

Bug Fixes
- App: Add checks to service url validation to prevent app freeze
- macOS: Fix disable launch Franz on start
- Windows: Launch Franz on start when selected
- Onboarding: Fix issue with import of on-premise services
- Shortcuts: Flip shortcut to navigate to next/previous service
- Windows: Open Window when app is pinned to taskbar and minimized to system tray
- Recipes: Recipe developers don't need Premium Supporter Account for debugging

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 12
- Settings: Add option to disable system tray icon
- Service: Display URL of hyperlinks
- App: Add tab cycling with ctrl[+shift]+tab or ctrl+[pageup|pagedown]
- Translation: Add Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Flemish, German, Greek, French, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian

Bug Fixes:
- App: Force Franz to use single window
- Onboarding: Fix enable/disable service import toggle
- Onboarding: Fix service import
- Payment: Fix payment window when name contains special character
- macOS: Add macOS dark theme system tray icon
- Windows: Fix enable/disable autostart on login
- Windows: Fix multiple system tray icons when opening/closing Franz

Franz 5.0.0 Beta 10
- Franz 5 first public beta