Evernote 歷史版本列表
Evernote 允許您在任何使用任何設備或平台找到最方便的信息捕獲信息,並使這個信息隨時隨地訪問和搜索。使用 Evernote 記錄筆記,創建待辦事項列表,剪輯整個網頁,管理密碼和錄製音頻。添加到 Evernote 的所有內容都將自動跨平台和設備同步,並進行搜索。 Evernote 甚至可以識別出照片和圖像中的印刷或手寫文字.寫印 從短名單到長篇研究,無論您的寫作形式如何,Evernote 讓... Evernote 軟體介紹更新時間:2019-09-29
What's new in this version:
- GPU:Memtest : First release ! An new OpenCL test that uses the same algorithm than memtest86 to test your GPU memory
- UI : Reworked CPU, GPU and Power supply icons
- UI : Fixed a display-issue only where OCCT displayed a license expired when it was still valid in the about window
- Translation : Updated a lot of language files
What's new in this version:
New Language Features:
- C# 8.0: Nullable Reference Types
- C# 7.3: unmanaged generic constraint
- C# 7.3 Indexing movable fixed buffers: Fixed buffers can be indexed into without first being pinned
- Use Unsafe intrinsics to represent IL operations that cannot be expressed in C#
- C# 7.0 Generalized async return types
- C# 7.0 Local functions
- C# 7.0 Throw expressions
New Features:
- Decompile a set of assemblies to a solution
- New BAML Decompiler
- MSIX for Microsoft Store: @onovotny added build support (including Azure Pipelines)
- Generate VS Windows Forms Designer-compliant code if a method is identified as Windows Forms InitializeComponent
- Added new RemoveDeadStores option
- Added new AlwaysShowEnumMemberValues option
Decompiler Engine improvements and bugfixes:
- Improved stability of decompiler and disassembler on invalid metadata tokens
- Improved decompilation in case not all types/references are available
- Added switch-on-string pattern for empty string case
- Add support for ReadOnlySpan<T> initialization pattern
- Improved decompilation of ref readonly delegates and return types: improved decompilation of ref typed expressions, in particular ref/in extension methods and in parameters
- Improved support for Mono yield return state machines and closure types
- Improved decompilation of LINQ queries
- PDB generator now can emit "method stepping information" for async2
Improvements and bugfixes:
- Many minor bug and stability fixes
- Improved performance in ILInlining step
- VSIX: Fix issue of missing dependencies
UI Improvements:
- Avoid blocking the UI when waiting on assembly load while restoring the saved position in the treeview
- Support obfuscated names in treeview and search #1359
- Escape non-printable characters in IL view
- Rework C# decompiler options dialog (unify language settings panel)
- Make indentation of decompiled code configurable
- Chinese translation by @maikebing (#1299) screenshots
- Small improvements in search panel
- Show error message if an entity cannot be analyzed instead of crashing
- Improved linking in the decompiler view: method group / delegate references, the constructor of an attribute is reachable, by clicking on the open/close parenthesis, fixed fields are now properly linked
- Added matching bracket highlighting
- Updated to AvalonEdit 6.0 Preview
dotnet ilspycmd Tool:
- Add -d|-debuginfo option See Demo app
- Add -r|-referencepath option
Architectural Changes:
- We dropped support for all TFMs except netstandard2.0 #1416
- Reactivate many tests from old decompiler
What's new in this version:
- CPU:LINPACK: Fixed a bug where false positive could be reported in some (thankfully rare) cases
- Translations: Updated Korean language (Thanks again JaeHyung)
What's new in this version:
- The app will automatically attempt to connect to the next best server after a connection failure. The app determines the best server by evaluating its location and current load
- The new Smart protocol selection is now the Default Protocol. With Smart protocol selection, if the app detects that your connection is blocked, it will automatically switch from OpenVPN UDP to TCP
- The Smart protocol will replace the Default protocol for user-created profiles
- You can now turn off IPv6 Leak protection in Settings while connected to the VPN. IPv6 Leak protection is switched on by default to help prevent WebRTC leaks
- A Kill Switch notification and a button to disable Kill Switch have been added to the sidebar
- If you click to update the ProtonVPN app while connected to the VPN, the app will show you a notification and give you a chance to close sensitive webpages and programs before beginning the update
- Other minor bugs have been fixed.
What's new in this version:
- Power supply: Fixed a bug where the selected instruction set wasn't properly saved
- Translations: Fixed Korean language not appearing
- Translations: Updated several translations