EssentialPIM 歷史版本列表 Page45

最新版本 EssentialPIM Free 11.7.4

EssentialPIM 歷史版本列表

EssentialPIM 是屢獲殊榮的,完全免費的個人信息管理,可以很容易地控制你的約會,做清單,筆記,電子郵件,密碼輸入和聯繫人。除此之外,EssentialPIM 免費提供可移植性,速度,直觀的界面,以及與 Android 和 iOS 設備同步所有信息的能力。由大量的用戶社區支持,EssentialPIM 免費已被廣泛公認為任何台式機或 USB 閃存驅動器上的最佳個人信息管理系統.Essent... EssentialPIM 軟體介紹

EssentialPIM 8.04 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Made improvements related to Gmail and mail accounts
- Other bug fixes and stability improvements

EssentialPIM 8.03 查看版本資訊


Malware Hunter 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Malware Hunter
- Optimized Malware: added support for 'IncognitoPrivateShield', 'PCCleanerPro', 'GargizerSystemRepair' and 'PCPowerBooster'
- Minor GUI improvements
- Minor bug fixes

Malware Hunter
- Minor GUI improvements
- Minor bug fixes

Malware Hunter
- Optimized Malware: added support for 'BoostPCPro', 'AdvIdentityProtect', 'PCAccelerator' and 'PCSpeedLane'
- Minor GUI improvements
- Minor bug fixes

Malware Hunter
- Change log not available for this version

Malware Hunter
- Optimized the procedure of adding file into trust list: added tips when clicking "Trust" in the scanning result list
- Minor GUI improvements
- Minor bug fixes

Malware Hunter
- Add Malware: added malware scanning and cleaning, safer and more secure
- Minor GUI improvements
- Minor bug fixes

Malware Hunter
- Optimized Virus Scan: fixed the bug that files of quarantine can't be deleted normally
- Minor GUI improvements
- Minor bug fixes

Malware Hunter
- Minor GUI improvements
- Minor bug fixes

Malware Hunter
- Minor GUI improvements
- Minor bug fixes

Malware Hunter
- Minor GUI improvements
- Minor bug fixes

Malware Hunter
- Change log not available for this version

Malware Hunter
- Optimized PC Booster: fixed the bug that search result window can't be displayed properly after losing the focus
- Minor GUI improvements
- Minor bug fixes

Malware Hunter
- Optimized PC Booster: optimized operation logic so that the program runs more smoothly
- Optimized Cleanup: optimized cleansing algorithm, and improved accuracy by 20%
- Minor GUI improvements
- Minor bug fixes

Malware Hunter
- Optimized Custom Scan: save the last scanning directory, so user can have a quick custom scan next time

Malware Hunter
- Minor GUI improvements
- Minor bug fixes

Malware Hunter
- Optimized Virus Scan: optimized scanning algorithm, speed up by 30%
- Minor GUI improvements
- Minor bug fixes

WebStorm 2018.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

WebStorm 2018.2 Build 182.3684.70
Here are the features and improvements grouped by the WebStorm subsystems:
- Development with React: Extract React Component refactoring, convert class components into functional components, code snippets, and improved completion for props in React and React Native apps
- Development with Angular: faster project startup, add new features using the integration with ng add, and run schematics from the IDE
- Development with Vue.js: completion for Vue events and event modifiers
- Node.js development: support for Node.js on Windows Subsystem for Linux, an ability to automatically reconnect the debugger to the running node process, and remote mappings in Attach to Node.js configuration
- Built-in tools: find unused code in the client-side app with Code Coverage reports, global File Watchers
- Editor: new UI for inspection tooltip
- JavaScript and TypeScript support: custom templates for postfix completion, and TypeScript 2.9 and 3.0 supported
- JSON support: JSON5, and Iimproved support for JSON Schemas
- Linters integrations: different highlighting for TSLint errors and warnings, and an ability to automatically apply code style rules from all types of ESLint and TSLint configuration files
- Debugging: breakpoint intentions, Drop Frame action, and debugging JavaScript scratch files
- Testing: rerun failed tests, navigate to Jest snapshot, compare Jest snapshots, and debugging Karma tests using Chrome Headless
- Version Control: Browse Repository at Revision action, completion for tags, register roots automatically
- Other IDE improvements: Touch Bar support

WebStorm 2018.1.5 Build 181.5281.31
- JavaScript Bug WEB-32790 WebStorm decides to stop accessing .d.ts files for es features for a project
- Node.js Bug WEB-32719 Add v8 to Node.js core modules
- TypeScript Bug WEB-32634 False positive Type mismatch error inside Angular Injectable
- No subsystem Bug IDEA-193747 Clicking Help | Register does nothing in a Toolbox-installed PhpStorm
- User Interface Bug IDEA-192713 focus is lost on opening Find Usages tool window
- Performance IDEA-192184 Goto Class/File/Symbol popups leak via native window and focus traversal policy
- Version Control Performance IDEA-192017 Unshelving creates a thread for each shelved file
- Version Control. Git Bug IDEA-191656 Git commit history with control characters causes intellij to spin, consuming CPU and repeating the same stack in the idea.log

WebStorm 2018.1.4 Build 181.5087.27
- It’s now possible to run and debug tests using Karma run/debug configurations in projects generated with Angular CLI 6 (WEB-32653)
- In Flow files, you can now press Cmd/Ctrl and hover over a symbol to see its type info. That works in projects where Flow server is used for navigation, code completion, and type hinting – the corresponding checkbox in Preferences | Languages and Frameworks | JavaScript should be checked. Navigation to the definition in Flow now works significantly faster than before

WebStorm 2018.1.3 Build 181.4892.44
- Change log not available for this version

WebStorm 2018.1.2 Build 181.4668.60
- Change log not available for this version

WebStorm 2018.1.1 Build 181.4445.68

- Better support for Yarn workspaces: WebStorm now provides proper code completion for the dependencies listed in the workspace’s package.json
- In the JavaScript and TypeScript code style settings you can now configure whether to add file extensions in imports or not
- The bundled TypeScript package has been updated to version 2.8
- Stylelint now works in the Vue single-file components and the HTML files

- Move statement up and down now works for the JSX code (Shift-Cmd-Up/Down on macOS or Ctrl-Shift-Up/Down on Windows and Linux)
- The code completion for methods and properties defined in the CommonJS modules has been improved
- The problem with editing the Pug files is now fixed
- There is more about some of the improvements below

Support for Yarn workspaces:
- Yarn workspaces help you organize multiple packages into a single repo. When using Yarn workspaces, the dependencies of all the packages are installed together and are put into the node_modules folder at the root of your project and not next to the package.json file of each workspace

WebStorm 2017.3.3 Build 173.4301.22
- Responses from the new REST Client are now formatted automatically
- Node.js debugger now supports –experimental-modules flag

- False positive errors from the eslint-plugin-import ESLint plugin were fixed
- Debug for apps created with Angular CLI 1.5.5+
- Debugging the app’s main process with Electron 1.8.1+
- Meteor debugger now uses –inspect by default

WebStorm 2017.3.1 Build 173.3942.31
- Support for Fragments in React 16.2
- Configuration for the auto-completion after the = sign in JSX attributes is now available in the HTML Code Style preferences
- Customizable syntax highlighting for TypeScript decorators
- Extended error messages in the Flow tool window
- New option "Start template string interpolation on $"

- Unresolved React props when using @types/react
- Slow code completion for CSS classes in HTML files
- Optimize imports in Vue files
- Updating tasks from the issue trackers in the IDE
- Extend selection inside the script tag

WebStorm 2017.3 Build 173.3727.108
- Enjoy improved code completion and documentation for standard JavaScript objects and methods
- Move class methods up the class hierarchy safely with the new ‘Pull member up’ refactoring
- Use the new ‘Extract type’ and ‘Extract interface’ refactorings in TypeScript
- Enjoy better code completion and navigation and new code snippets for Vue.js
- Run tests with Jest in watch mode, update failing snapshots in one click, and explore code coverage reports in the IDE
- Test REST APIs right from the editor

EssentialPIM 8.02 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Tooltips and copy-paste functionality are back for tags
- Ability to search for tags in the Select Tags dialog window
- Select Tags window can now be changed in size, it also remembers its last position on the screen
- Improvements in synchronization with Google services (Calendar and Tasks)
- Couple of adjustments to the adaptive spam filtering mechanism
- Optimizations for EPIM Cloud sync
- Improved synchronization with Android EPIM for EssentialPIM Pro Business users with limited rights
- Select Parent Item window for tasks and notes can now be made smaller or bigger
- Improved sorting in Tasks with applied filters
- Added ability to use the Split Cells feature for previously merged table cells in Notes
- Fixed handling of email signatures containing links and pictures
- Improved sorting of email messages by subject (for "Re: ", "FW: ", "Fwd: ", etc., prefixes)
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes

Signal Desktop 1.14.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Signal Desktop 1.14.4
- Fixed: Application does not start up on Linux w/tmp mounted as noexec
- Fixed: When attempting to record voice note with media permission disabled, popup would be blank

Signal Desktop 1.14.3
- Fixed: After upload, debug logs were not accessible
- Show error if debug log fails to upload

Signal Desktop 1.14.1
- Fixed: Changes to notification settings or menu hide setting would not be persisted
- Fixed: Settings window, debug log window, and permissions popup were not themed
- Fixed: When turning off disappearing messages timer, it would show 'to seconds' instead of 'to off'
- Fixed: Issue where error handling for incoming message would fail, resulting in no visible error

Signal Desktop 1.14.0

- New setting: media permission. Desktop now shows a popup dialog when this permission is not granted and the recording for a voice message fails
- Auto-scroll to selected conversation when they reorder

- Conversation preview would sometimes show already-expired message
- Upon resume from sleep, notifications would show for already-read messages as they arrived
- About window didn't include version number
- Idle detector would never turn off, slowing down app

- Minor documentation cleanup - bug templates, readme, etc
- Update conversation's last message whenever it is opened
- Add missing timer option localization strings
- Make all OS menus localizable
- Handle timer updates along with group updates
- Add 'newmessage' event handler to Conversation for reliability
- Debug log, settings and media permissions popup are all now in separate windows
- Pulled latest translations from Transifex

Signal Desktop 1.13.0
- Expire timer update would be sent even if change came from remote message
- It was impossible to send an attachment if we failed to create a thumbnail for it
- App would fail to start if user profile data is behind a junction
- Message detail screen errors were too narrow to see the complete message

- Add link to terms of service and privacy policy in About window
- Additional defense-in-depth enhancements
- Update strings for fr/tr languages
- Readme: Clarify beta install instructions

Signal Desktop 1.12.1
- Fixed: In iOS theme, quoted links were white on white
- Ensure that a disappearing message timer change notification is always above initiating message
- Ensure that sent messages immediately take conversation's expire timer

Signal Desktop 1.12.0
- Update to Electron v2.0.1
- Fixed: Emoji with skin tone modifiers would show up as a square
- Fixed: A few visual problems with the contact detail screen
- Fixed: complex kernel versions were causing problems in linux

- Add another Windows 7 dev setup requirement to
- Various defense-in-depth enhancements
- Refactor api.js into web_api, which encapsulates all web access
- Move a number of dependences from bower to npm
- Enable a large set of new tslint rules
- Use React for all emojification in the app
- Print out main process logs if electron unit tests fail
- Move all forks to @scottnonnenberg-signal account
- Remove jscs from the project
- Remove unused code and templates
- Remove broken stylesheets symlink

Signal Desktop 1.11.0
- Feature: Receive contact
- Fixed: Sometimes clicks on quoted message wouldn't work
- Fixed: In dark theme, it was hard to see a message's triple-dot menu on hover
- Fixed: Unsupported image and video types were missing from media pane
- Fixed: On small screens, the media lightbox view would show media off-screen
- Notification improvements
- Improved behavior for notifications that are added and removed quickly
- Better handling of notifications that were read on a linked device
- Media Gallery: A number of small visual fixes
- Emoji pane: Can now dismiss it by pressing escape key
- Update translations

- Windows 7: Use Electron-native notifications
- Better logging when we receive a read sync from a linked device
- Move to React for newlines, emoji, and links in message body
- Improve Logging For Disappearing Messages
- Prettier: Continue expanding its coverage of app
- Document Translations Setup + Remove Unused Strings
- Make Protocol Buffers available to commonjs code
- Build updates: remove unused commands and assets
- Document Windows 7 Developer Setup
- Update README copyright year to 2018

Signal Desktop 1.10.1
- Fixes a bug recently published

Signal Desktop 1.10.0

- Media Gallery showing all attachments in a given conversation. Note: Until all attachments have been migrated to disk (as part of a background process), only a partial set of a conversation's media will show up, skewed towards the most recent messages
- Increase speed of migration to move attachments to disk from database
- Video attachments: show first frame preview in composition area

- Show 'You' in Android theme instead of your own contact name
- Show thumbnails for quotes of messages with video attachments

Notification improvements:
- Remove all on remote read, on focus, on exit
- Show multi-message notifications like '5 new messages'

- Add comments clarifying our mechanisms for stripping EXIF info
- Move to prettierjs to format our code
- Fix break in styleguide; make filesize/Signal.Util.GoogleChrome available
- Remove duplicate entry from .gitignore

Signal Desktop 1.9.0
- Send quoted replies via hover menu on message
- Fixed: Linking a new iOS device would not initially show iOS theme
- Dev: Media Gallery: Phase 1 - currently disabled

Signal Desktop 1.8.0
- Support for receiving quoted replies
- iOS theme: one bubble for both attachment and message contents
- Dev: Fix beta install instructions in readme for debian-based linux

Signal Desktop 1.7.1
- Fixed: Conversation message preview would sometimes continue to show after message disappeared
- Improve URL Auto-Linking In Messages
- Redact More Variants Of Paths In Stack Traces
- Dev: Introduce React, TypeScript, TSLint and React-StyleGuidist

Signal Desktop 1.7.0

- Update to electron 1.8.4
- Migrate all attachments from IndexedDB to file system in the background
- Save attachments to disk when importing Chrome app export
- New option in settings: delete all application data
- Remove all configuration in database when we discover we are unlinked
- Delete everything in database when we link with a different phone number from previous link
- Windows: Delete all data on uninstall
- Fixed: Read receipts setting would not be synchronized along with re-link
- Fixed: Clicking conversation in left pane when already selected would remove focus on message composition field
- Fixed: Searching for the phone number of an existing contact, then selecting 'start conversation' would erase contact details
- Fixed: Selecting Settings menu option multiple times would open multiple instances of settings view

- Redact file paths in anything that goes to the log on disk
- When top-level process errors happen, don't show dialog with stack trace
- Add nsp to CI runs
- Add eslint-plugin-mocha to disallow exclusive tests using *.only
- Preparation for encrypted backups
- Updates to structure of exported data -, flat list of attachments
- Relax Node.js version requirements
- Fix a few typos in documentation
- Update issue template to mention that translation should be via Transifex

Signal Desktop 1.6.1
- Switch to a new service for debug logs, since GitHub is retiring anonymous gists

Signal Desktop 1.6.0
- Upgrade to the latest version of Electron, 1.8.2
- Replace custom notification sound with system sound

Update menus:
- A few copy changes to make things clearer
- Settings now available via the File (Windows/Linux) or Signal Desktop (macOS) OS menu
- Eliminate the triple-dot menu in the top-center of the screen
- Fixed: Hitting enter after entering device name on install would not move to next screen

- Ensure consistent builds using yarn --frozen-lockfile
- Update code to match eslint-enforced formatting
- Upgrade to latest version of electron-builder and associated packages

Signal Desktop 1.5.2
- Fixed: In import/registration flow, choosing View -> Debug Log would do nothing

Signal Desktop 1.5.1
- Fixed: In some cases contact/group syncs would turn off disappearing messages in all conversations
- Fixed: On initial setup, conversations with disappearing messages enabled would be at the top of the conversation list

Signal Desktop 1.5.0
- Note: Includes fixes from 1.4.0-beta.1 (never released to production), 1.5.0-beta.1, and one additional pull request
- Update electron to 1.7.12
- New design for import and install flows
- Support for 'light' imports, which bring just messages, contacts and groups
- Set conversation disappearing messages state and contact block state on initial link
- 'Restart' -> 'Restart Signal' button in update dialog, thanks @StevenXL

- If app started offline, conversations would not open
- Attached images would sometimes show up rotated improperly
- Uncaught Exception: TypeError; 'getSize'
- File paths with special characters could be shown in misleading way
- Incoming messages sometimes didn't appear at all
- 'Cannot find module ./app/locale' error popup when attempting to start another instance of the app on Windows
- Setting NODE_ENV environment variable to 'development' would point it at staging servers

- Move ESLint environment configuration into .eslintrc
- Sync Protocol Buffers with libsignal-service-java
- Update to libsignal-protocol-javascript v1.3.0
- Make our binary comparisons constant time
- Fix typo in issue template
- Update to new signal branding

EssentialPIM 8.01 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved linking of items and their availability under the related items tab
- Due date for tasks should be working as expected in all cases now
- Fixed issue with EssentialPIM sometimes starting outside monitor borders
- Couple of tweaks regarding adaptive spam filtering mechanism
- Reminders should now be correctly shown when EPIM starts up
- Fixed couple of issues related to EssentialPIM Pro Business
- Other fixes and improvements

EssentialPIM 8.00 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- It is now possible to delete any EssentialPIM item (appointment/contact/password entry, etc.) while having it open*
- Tags explorer is a new powerful way to see all items that are tagged*
- Search inside notes of each item (Ctrl+F)*
- Copy text from read-only records*
- Appointments/tasks templates can be renamed*
- Week Agenda scrolling by a single day is added*
- New info for contacts: Last contacted (received)/Last contacted (sent) picked up from email*
- Create new tasks straight from Calendar*
- Proper synchronization of deleted events in recurring series with Google Calendar*
- Ability to select parent items when creating tasks and notes via shortcuts*
- Style management improvements in Notes*
- Improved conversion of email messages into other EPIM items (appointments, tasks, notes)*
- Edit "Location" field
- Add current date to most printouts from EssentialPIM
- Copy, paste, cut commands added to toolbar in Notes
- In Week/Week Agenda/Month/Year view now it is possible to manually drag events to place them in your custom order
- Rule creation in Mail is made simpler right-click on a folder and select "Create Rule for Folder"
- Setup individual SMTP servers for identities
- Select custom sound for new mail
- EssentialPIM's own adaptive anti-spam filter
- Long-awaited advanced features to work with tables in Notes
- Heavy improvements to Find and Replace dialog in Notes
- Add custom fields for password entries
- Create additional fields for the "Address" section in Contacts
- Better display of recurring appointments in advanced search results
- Better handling of attachments in mail
- Better sorting of email messages (Re, Fw not taken into account)
- On printing emails, a list of attachments is added
- It is possible to insert links in email using right-click context menu
- Month view easier viewing of all events for a day
- New shortcuts to mark mail as Read/Unread, Synchronize All
- Improved drag and drop of items in between the folders in many cases
- Better search in most modules
- Tag storage is moved into *.epim database (as opposed to storing it in *.ini files)
- Improvements to modifying shortcuts
- Numerous other improvements in all modules

* Only in EssentialPIM Pro

File Viewer Plus 2.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

File Viewer Plus 2.2.2
- Updated File Viewer Plus with a new code signing certificate

File Viewer Plus 2.2.1
- Fixed loading of Word document templates
- Fixed an email file viewing issue for HTML-formatted emails
- Added email header to the print view (to, from, cc, and subject)
- Fixed bugs with viewing, editing, and saving Word and Excel documents
- Fixed user interface issues on high DPI screens
- Fixed several other bugs

File Viewer Plus 2.2.0
- Increased free trial period from 10 to 14 days
- Added a new document editor with additional toolbars
- Added spell check to the document editor (English only)
- Fixed a document character encoding issue for non-English characters
- Fixed PDF printing for landscape documents
- Fixed an issue with archive extraction for some archive formats

File Viewer Plus 2.1.0
- Added File menu options: "New Window" and "Close"
- Improved rendering of Visio diagrams
- Added viewing of Visio stencil libraries (.VSS, .VSSX)
- Added support for RAR5 archives
- Added support for more camera raw image formats
- Added support for extracting .DESKTHEMEPACK files
- Added proxy settings detection for software activation
- Added Open option for email file attachments
- Improved printing for PDF files
- Minor bug fixes

File Viewer Plus 2.0.1
- Added spreadsheet autofill, paste special, and multiple cell move functions
- Added viewing for password-protected spreadsheets
- Improved German translation for the spreadsheet and text editor views
- Added a word wrap option to the source code view
- Fixed a character encoding issue with the source code view
- Fixed a possible access violation error on splash screen
- Fixed an installer error for German and Czech installs

File Viewer Plus 2.0
- Batch conversion support for PDF, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Visio, Microsoft Project, audio, video, images, camera raws, and email files
- Full metadata viewing for PDFs, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project, OpenDocument, and other formats
- Improved support for editing, printing, and saving Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
- Convert Microsoft PowerPoint presentations to PDF, JPEG, and PNG
- Convert Microsoft Visio diagrams to PDF, JPEG, and PNG
- Support for viewing and converting Adobe Illustrator documents (PDF-formatted documents only)
- Improved support for email files (Winmail.dat, .EML, .EMLX, .MSG, .OFT)
- Support for viewing and converting over 50 new file formats, including:
- Microsoft Project (.MPP, .MPX, .MPP)
- Microsoft PowerPoint (.PPT, .PPTX, .PPS, .PPSX, .POT, .POTX, .PPTM, .POTM)
- Microsoft Visio (.VSDX, .VSD, .VSDM, .VSTX, .VSTM, .VST, .VDW, .VDX, .VTX, .VSX, .VSS)
- OpenDocument Text (.ODT, .OTT)
- OpenDocument Presentations (.ODP)
- Adobe Illustrator (.AI) (PDF-formatted documents only)
- Over 25 additional image, audio, and video formats

Improved PDF support:
- Better PDF rendering
- Convert PDF selectively by page range
- Convert PDF to JPEG or PNG with DPI support
- Convert Microsoft Project files to JPEG and PNG with the following data:
- Gantt Chart
- Resource Sheet
- Resource Usage
- Task Sheet
- Task Usage

New file formats supported:
- OpenDocument Text Document (.ODT)
- OpenDocument Document Template (.OTT)
- PowerPoint Presentation (.PPT)
- PowerPoint Template (.POT)
- PowerPoint Slide Show (.PPS)
- PowerPoint Open XML Presentation (.PPTX)
- PowerPoint Open XML Template (.POTX)
- PowerPoint Open XML Slide Show (.PPSX)
- OpenDocument Presentation (.ODP)
- PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Presentation (.PPTM)
- PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Presentation Template (.POTM)
- Microsoft Project Exchange File (.MPX)
- Microsoft Project File (.MPP)
- Microsoft Project Template (.MPT)
- Apple Mail Message (.EMLX)
- Outlook Email Template (.OFT)
- Visio Drawing (.VSD)
- Visio Drawing (.VSDX)
- Visio Macro-Enabled Drawing (.VSDM)
- Visio Stencils File (.VSS)
- Visio Drawing Template (.VST)
- Visio Drawing Template (.VSTX)
- Visio Macro-Enabled Drawing Template (.VSTM)
- Visio Stencil XML File (.VSX)
- Visio Template XML File (.VTX)
- Visio Web Drawing (.VDW)
- Visio Drawing XML File (.VDX)
- Material Exchange Format File (.MXF)
- AVCHD Video File (.MTS)
- Anime Music Video File (.AMV)
- Bink Video File (.BIK)
- DivX Video File (.DIVX)
- Digital Video File (.DV)
- Flash MP4 Video File (.F4V)
- General Exchange Format Video File (.GXF)
- Blu-ray BDAV Video File (.M2T)
- Blu-ray BDAV Video File (.M2TS)
- NuppelVideo File (.NUV)
- JVC Everio Video Recording (.MOD)
- Wii/GameCube Video File (.THP)
- Microsoft Expression Screen Capture Video File (.XESC)
- 3GP Audio File (.3GA)
- 3GP Audio File (.3GPA)
- Ogg Vorbis Audio File (.OGA)
- Opus Audio File (.OPUS)
- Ogg Vorbis Speex File (.SPX)
- True Audio File (.TTA)
- Creative Labs Audio File (.VOC)
- TwinVQ Audio File (.VQF)
- PlayStation Audio File (.XA)
- ARRIRAW Image (.ARI)
- Adobe Illustrator File (.AI)

EssentialPIM 7.66 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved synchronizations with Android EPIM and
- iCal subscription should work as expected for Airbnb feeds
- Optimizations regarding handling and opening of attachments from email messages
- Improved dragging and dropping of exclusive events within calendar
- Tags field can now be printed out for appointments and tasks
- Internal links within email messages will now work as expected
- Fixed sending out formatted notes via email
- Better integration for systems with 2 or more monitors
- Fixed couple of rare AV errors when closing contact dialog windows containing some specific data
- Other minor bug fixes