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最新版本 EssentialPIM Free 11.7.4

EssentialPIM 歷史版本列表

EssentialPIM 是屢獲殊榮的,完全免費的個人信息管理,可以很容易地控制你的約會,做清單,筆記,電子郵件,密碼輸入和聯繫人。除此之外,EssentialPIM 免費提供可移植性,速度,直觀的界面,以及與 Android 和 iOS 設備同步所有信息的能力。由大量的用戶社區支持,EssentialPIM 免費已被廣泛公認為任何台式機或 USB 閃存驅動器上的最佳個人信息管理系統.Essent... EssentialPIM 軟體介紹

App Builder 2023.49 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add the Splitted property for the Dropdown control. This new property (which is also documented in the product help and has been added to the Editor Quick Code List) determines if the Dropdown control must appear split into two buttons or not. If the Dropdown control is split, then the control appears divided into two buttons, and the user must press the right one in order to open the associated menu. If the Dropdown is not split, then it looks like before this change, and, the user can just press the unique button in order to open the associated menu. There is a new Dropdown3 sample app that shows how to use the new Splitted property of the Dropdown control.

App Builder 2023.48 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Update the jQuery JavaScript library to the latest version (3.7.1) in the app template, the program about page, program welcome page, program help pages, progam icons picker dialog, the included app plugins help pages and the program "readme" file. This new version of jQuery contains various fix, changes and enhancements

App Builder 2023.47 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- If we start the program without an Open AI API key defined in the program options, and then we establish an Open AI API key from the program options, and then we try to use the integrated Open AI assistant, we will experience an error, which basically means that we did not establish an Open AI API key. Once the program restarts, the behavior is as expected, but this release fixes the referred-to wrong behavior, so we can start to use the Open AI Assistant once we set an Open AI API key from the program options, that is, without the need to restart the program at all.

App Builder 2023.45 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improve the Open AI assistant by providing a multiline control for the prompt. This allows us to prepare a more convenient prompt, especially in some circumstances, like when we want to translate certain more or less large texts that can include multiple lines. Make other minor improvements, like trimming the prompt before sending it to Open AI.

EssentialPIM Free 11.6.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The date for events and tasks added in the Today module will now be set to the day you right-click on
- Quick searching (Ctrl+Q) now hides lists in Notes and Tasks without any found items for smoother navigation
- Easily rearrange columns by right-clicking on them and selecting Customize
- Streamlined backup process for EPIM database files to EPIM Cloud
- Improved support for instant retrieval of new messages in IMAP mail accounts
- Enhanced synchronization of recurring events with Outlook and iCloud
- Fixed issue with double-clicking a reminder not taking you to the selected item
- Fixed the problem where related items weren't consistently visible after adding them
- Resolved tags disappearing for emails in specific scenarios
- Various stability improvements and bug fixes

App Builder 2023.44 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Update the Font Awesome icons to the latest 4.4.2 version. This means the update of the app template, the icons picker dialog, the Welcome page, the About page, the product Help and the included app plugins helps. The latest version of Font Awesome icons includes various fixes, changes and enhancements, for example, include the new "X" icon for the new Twitter logo.

App Builder 2023.43 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Introduce a new Icon Picker dialog for the IDE. The new Icon Picker dialog enhance the previous one in several ways! We can now get listed all the free icons of the latest version of Font Awesome (regular, solid, etc.). We can now also search for icons, but, not using the CSS classes of the icons: on the contrary, we use now all the search strings prepared by Font Awesome per every icon. This helps a lot in order to find the appropriate icon that we want to use, by filtering the icons that do not match our search criteria. Additionally the new Icon Picker dialog allows us to to determine the size of the icon that we wanted. We can also now choose one of the available icons animations to be optionally used. And finally we can choose one of the available icon rotations to be optionally used.
- Remove the "Fonts" folder from the installation. The "Fonts" folder contains the Font Awesome font files for Windows used by the previous Icons Picker dialog, but, these fonts are no more needed, because the new Icon Picker dialog do not needed it. Additionally, there is a process to "register" the referred fonts in Windows that is no more required, so this process has been removed too.

App Builder 2023.42 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- After successfully adding a new app function, we now select the new app function in the functions list instead of selecting the first one. This change can be considered a bug fix since now we can add a new function and, just after that, add some arguments to that function without selecting the added function in the functions list. This helps us avoid adding the new argument to the wrong function: the first one in the list, which is not what we wanted. We want to add the argument to the new function, so this is what happens now: by selecting the new function in the functions list, the new argument is added to the right function.
- Fix an exception error if we try to search for new product releases when there is no internet connection. Now in this specific case, we get the right and expected error message (no host found; check the internet) instead of a weird exception that does not offer clear information about what is happening.

App Builder 2023.41 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add the AutoClose property in the Dropdown control. The AutoClose property can be used to determine the auto close behaviour of the Dropdown control. The property have four possible values: "true" (by default), means the dropdown menu will be closed when the user press the dropdown button, a dropdown menu item or ouside the button and the menu. "inside", means the dropdown menu will be closed when the user press the dropdown button or a dropdown menu item. "outside", means the dropdown menu will be closed when the user press the dropdown button or outside the button and the menu. "false", means the dropdown menu will be closed only when the user press the dropdown button.
- Add the new AutoClose property of the Dropdown control in the contextual help file, providing the appropriate description and samples of use. Add the AutoClose property of the Dropdown control in the Editor Quick Code List. Add a new app constant "app.dropdownAutoClose" which contains all the possible values for the AutoClose property of the Dropdown control. Document this new app constant in the right help topic and add into the Editor Quick List. Add a new Dropdown2 sample app, which show the usage of all the possible values of the AutoClose property of the Dropdown control.

App Builder 2023.40 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Now the BAT files generated by DecSoft App Builder intended to compile apps with Apache Cordova, check for the existence of Apache Cordova, and, advise the user if the "cordova" command cannot be found, informing them also about the right URL of the Apache Cordova website to be ready with the selected platform. This is particularly useful for newbie users, who can find the "command not found" message from the console a bit annoying when executing one of these BAT files if Apache Cordova is not properly installed. Now these users (and others too) are properly informed about what happened and are pointed to the right documentation.