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最新版本 Eclipse SDK 4.8.0 (32-bit)

Eclipse (32-bit) 歷史版本列表

Eclipse 包含的工具可以讓開發人員在多語言,多平台和多廠商環境中自由選擇。 Eclipse 提供了一個基於插件的框架,可以更容易地創建,集成和使用軟件工具,從而節省時間和金錢。通過協作和開發核心集成技術,工俱生產者可以利用平台重用,專注於核心競爭力來創造新的開發技術。 Eclipse 平台是用 Java 語言編寫的,附帶了大量的插件構建工具包和示例。這些項目可以在概念上被組織成七個不同的“支... Eclipse (32-bit) 軟體介紹

Eclipse SDK 4.5.2 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Eclipse SDK 4.5.1 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Improve support for GTK+ 3:
- Luna provided GTK+ 3 support for an initial set of platforms. With this release we will improve the support for GTK+ 3 and enable it on even more platforms, especially for GTK+ versions >= 3.10.x. [SWT] (441566)

Drop support for GTK+ 2 versions older than 2.18:
- The GTK port has grown a too big range of supported GTK versions. Reducing them will allow streamlining our code base, making it easier to fix things and to attract new contributors. Support for versions older than 2.18 will be dropped. [SWT] (446454)

SWT browser currency:
- Significant work is required in the SWT browser widget to support the latest browser runtimes. As part of this effort we will add browser support for XULRunner 31 on all platforms. [SWT] (437700)

Add support for Power 8 Linux LE platform:
- We want to add support for the Power 8 Linux LE platform. This requires changes in SWT and the launcher. [Equinox, SWT] (431230, 431232)

Work on Eclipse support for Java 9:
- The next Java SE release is version 9, which is currently scheduled for early 2016. This Java release will add modularization to the Java language, also known under the code name Jigsaw. The Mars release itself will not provide any support for Java 9. [JDT and PDE] (456778)

Continuous improvement of build, and build process:
- We will continue to improve our build, and our build process. This is to some extent a continuation of the CBI related work from last release (372792) but not limited to CBI issues. [Platform Releng] (434596)

Recruit and train new contributors:
- We will continue the work we started in Luna (422762) to reduce any real or perceived barriers to contribution, and increase efforts on reviewing patches and mentoring new contributors, with the goal that they become active committers. [All components] (441565)

Performance and stability of Platform user interface:
- Version 4.4 of the Eclipse Platform still has some performance and functional shortcomings compared to the old 3.x generation of the platform. We will work to root out and eliminate these remaining bugs to increase the overall quality and performance of the 4.x generation platform. This was already a 4.4 plan item (422467) but it got deferred. [Platform UI] (441512)

Revive performance tests:
- After the migration to CBI and, our performance tests stopped working. With this release we want to create a stable performance test infrastructure and bring back to live at least the most relevant performance tests. This was already a 4.4 plan item but it got deferred. [Platform Releng] (374441)

Surface more options on the Tracing preference page (new):
- We have been observing a number of bugs reported regarding intermittent behavior of low level parts of Eclipse Platform like builders, resource listeners, jobs, etc. Usually those problems are hard to reproduce and there are no steps to trigger it. Therefore, we want to make more options available on the 'Tracing' preference page, so that they can be enabled by the user in the currently running workspace where the problem surfaces. [Platform Resources, Platform Team, JDT Core and JDT UI] (441575)

Eclipse SDK 4.5 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New Java IDE features, including hierarchical view of nested projects, ability to customize perspectives and speed improvements for text search.
- Integrated tools for building and maintaining Docker containers, available from Linux Tools project.
- Oomph project now makes it possible to record and share user preference settings across individual workspaces.
- New integration with Gradle making it easy to manage Gradle builds from Eclipse, via the Buildship project.
- Improved Maven support, including support for Maven 3.3.3, improved Maven archetypes integration and enhanced auto-completion in the pom editor.
- Automated error reporting that allows Eclipse users to report errors directly to Eclipse projects.
- The new Thym project provides tools for building cross-platform mobile applications using Apache Cordova.

Eclipse SDK 4.4.2 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- 416480 Error in bytecode generated by ECJ compiler leads to IncompatibleClassChangeError
- 422810 Incorrect ambiguous call error
- 422832 Class file triggers StackOverflowError when creating type hierarchy
- 428845 eclipse compiler does not flag ambiguous method call in some cases
- 430425 Type mismatch: cannot convert from StyleConverter to StyleConverter
- 430572 CCE on hovering over 'super' in lambda expression
- 430656 Content assist does not work for method reference argument
- 430667 no proposals around lambda as a field
- 432110 nested lambda type incorrectly inferred vs javac
- 432977 Incorrect 'type is not visible' compiler error
- 433458 Eclipse accepts lambda expression with potentially uninitialized arguments
- 433588 ECJ compiles an ambiguous call in the presence of an unrelated unused method.
- 434326 Slow compilation of test cases with a significant amount of generics
- 434483 Type inference not picked up with method reference
- 435219 No proposals for some closure cases
- 435348 NPE in JDT Core during AST creation
- 435682 content assist not working inside lambda expression
- 436139 Hierarchy search involving lambda and anonymous class do not find the anonymous class
- 437973 Missing implementation of JLS Third Bullet - Part 2 (Varargs & Overload)
- 438471 Java 1.8 functional interface rejected if it extends an interface which overrides another interface's method
- 438923 nested type is inappropriately considered "indirectly referenced"
- 438945 NullPointerException InferenceContext18.checkExpression in java 8 with generics, primitives, and overloading
- 438952 StackOverflowError at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SingleTypeReference.traverse(
- 439431 AIOOBE in ClassFile#dumpTargetTypeContents()
- 439515 ECJ reports error at method reference to overloaded instance method
- 440731 Hover, F3 doesn't work for method reference in method invocation of overloaded method
- 441734 Generic method with nested parameterized type argument fails on method reference
- 441907 Eclipse 4.4.x compiler generics bugs with streams and lambdas
- 441929 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") not accepted on local variable
- 441983 Gerrit job test failures due to missing dependency on both versions of o.e.jdt.annotation
- 442416 $deserializeLambda$ missing cases for nested lambdas
- 442418 $deserializeLambda$ off-by-one error when deserializing the captured arguments of a lambda that also capture this
- 442452 Bogus error: The interface Comparable cannot be implemented more than once with different arguments
- 442755 NPE at ProblemHandler.handle
- 442983 NPE in Scope.findDefaultAbstractMethod
- 443456 $NON-NLS$ in lambda statement used as argument does not work
- 443854 u205f should not be a valid Java Identifier Part
- 444665 Internal compiler error: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter.invalidMethod
- 444772 NullPointerException in ReferenceExpression.shouldGenerateImplicitLambda
- 444773 NullPointerException in LambdaExpression.analyseCode
- 444803 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable type
- 445147 java.lang.StackOverflowError with annotation-based null analysis enabled and recursive types
- 445630 java.lang.ClassCastException: org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.UnresolvedReferenceBinding cannot be cast to org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SourceTypeBinding
- 445669 java.lang.IllegalStateException at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.UnresolvedReferenceBinding.clone(
- 446317 java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack with Lambdas and.or inner classes
- 446715 org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeSystem.cacheDerivedType(
- 446765 Completion does not work with both lambdas and anonymous classes in the picture
- 447062 lambda as a class member - IllegalArgumentException
- 447119 method references lost generic type information (4.4 -> 4.4.1 regression)
- 447774 Auto complete does not work when using lambdas with cast
- 448112 Compiler crash (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at StackMapFrame.addStackItem()) with unused variable
- 448556 Invalid compiler error about effectively final variable outside the context of a lambda.
- 449063 Bring back generic signatures for Lambda Expressions
- 449410 Eclipse java compiler does not detect a bad return type in lambda expression
- 449453 Lambda deserialization fails with ClassCastException
- 449467 Invalid lambda deserialization with anonymous class
- 450684 Javadoc URL that redirects from http to https yields: Unknown javadoc format for
- 450930 ECJ reports error at method reference to overloaded instance method
- 451289 AttachedJavadocTests.test025 failed
- 451650 Exception: Java Model Status [Unknown javadoc format for %class%
- 452780 Internal compiler error: arrayIndexOutOfBounds
- 453117 Eclipse Cannot Handle Method References for BiFunction
- 453475 Contradictory null annotations (4.5 M3 edition)
- 456395 can't compile the Java8 code
- 457007 VerifyError
- 458071 Comparator error in M20150121-0900
- 459145 Eclipse compiler - method reference not applicable (works with javac)
- 459254 Error during AST creation: AIndexOutOfBounds 400 (@NonNull analysis)
- 457871 Java compiler CPU time regression compared to 4.2.2 Debug:
- 442500 Breakpoints are not hit if there is an alternate stratum
- 450841 Update default URLs for attached Javadoc for JREs to https Text:
- 444897 ICU bug: Double clicking doesn't select the Korean word I clicked on in text editors. UI:
- 434941 Sort members has different behavior in eclipse 4.4
- 444823 Overriding default method results in Exception
- 434195 Very long build times after plugin manifest update
- 443114 extension editor no longer shows custom icons Platform:
- 455542 Antui Performance test throw java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
- 457725 AntRunner#start(...) does not call IApplicationContext#applicationRunning() Debug:
- 444362 NPE IN LaunchPerspectivePreferencePage Doc:
- 444046 Broken link on ref-globalizationprefs.htm
- 458954 Touch ISV doc to force Javadoc regeneration for 4.4.2 Releng:
- 290883 Add links to XML test results
- 387066 Remove Red X's (and the few green checkmarks) from main DL page
- 407775 "org.eclipse.rcp.configuration_root.cocoa.macosx.x86(_64)" p2 IU does not delete eclipse symlink during uninstall
- 437486 Add JSch 0.1.51 to Platform
- 443353 Increase (and better check) feature versions
- 443475 Avoid starting "unit tests" from "test machine builds"
- 444392 Update Jetty prereq to 8.1.16.v20140903
- 447617 Keep the branding plug-in version consistent with the feature version
- 448426 set up Hudson jobs performance tests of M-builds
- 451347 Issues with Maintenance Build publication - static files not copied into place
- 452566 overall test status always show's "green", even though obvious failures
- 453677 add httpcomponents client 4.3.6 for ECF, p2, and Orbit for Luna SR2
- 453758 react to changes in Tycho 0.22 that allows configuration for resolution
- 454567 Eclipse version for build M20141205-1400 says 4.4.1
- 455160 increment rcp feature in maintenance to 4.4.2
- 456849 Add version 52.1.1 ICU4J for Luna SR2 release
- 457071 Inconsistencies in org.eclipes.rcp.configuration for Mac OS X platform
- 457171 adopt and adjust to new jasper.glassfish bundle from Orbit
- 457379 Use Luna SR2 compiler to produce Luna SR2
- 457381 Use (near) Eclipse 442 repo to build Eclipse 442
- 457766 Mac 32 bit missing from DL page
- 457767 "computeUpdateURL.php" is incorrect for maintenance RCs
- 457856 Inconsistencies in org.eclipes.rcp.configuration for Mac OS X platform - missing ppc64le
- 458048 Update ECF for Luna SR2 and M5
- 458051 Update prereqs for Luna SR2 - EMF
- 458080 Delta pack inadvertently removed from 4.4.2 DL page
- 458680 Declare Luna SR2 RC2
- 458953 Update copyright date of product and features where needed
- 459159 Comparator error in rcp.config in M20150204-0900
- 459183 Declare Luna SR2 RC3
- 459926 org.eclipse.sdk.ide product in 4.4.2RC3 still says 4.4.1
- 460650 Suggest to 'archive' (at least) 4.3.2 (and it's Java 8 patch) Runtime:
- 392794 Hang saving workspace on exit while saving workbench state SWT:
- 342145 Embedded IE11 browser shows webpages in Quirks(IE5)-Mode
- 371326 "Widget is disposed" in combination with accessibility
- 422371 Eclipse crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) in Tree.drawInteriorWithFrame_inView
- 426062 RCP application menu not shown when launched from Eclipse on OS X 10.9
- 433275 Caret gets lost
- 433486 Can't open FileDialog on OS X 10.9
- 443230 needs manual updates (was: comparator error)
- 444143 Selected Item color is overriden when setBackgroundColor is called for Tree and Table
- 446534 Table.tree with column headers visible has issues on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
- 451886 NPE in FileDialog.panel_shouldShowFilename
- 453827 DND does not work on Group composite
- 454622 Work around missing Device#getSystemFont() in #getFontList(..) and FontDialog
- 458640 SWT should increase bundle version in Luna SR2 to 3.103.2.qualifier
- 458868 Open Implementation and Open Declaration broken in M5 Text:
- 434901 catch Content Assist exceptions to protect navigation keys
- 441827 TextViewer.ViewerState.restore method loses caret position UI:
- 409081 BIDI 4.2.2 : Welcome Page isn't correctly mirrored
- 413410 Lots of Keybinding conflicts occurred on official CDT Eclipse Kepler 4.3
- 429308 Make workspace selection dialog visible in the task manager of the OS
- 432498 Fast views get created on start-up
- 432686 show toolbar does not take effect if workspace is started with hidden toolbar
- 435274 Leak of ActionContributionItem every time New.Import context menu item is made visible
- 435300 Narrowing an empty Outline view lowers the "An outline is not available" label
- 435421 Active Part is incorrect and does not have focus on a restart
- 435847 Reset Java Perspective is not getting the Package Explorer back
- 436116 NPE when opening Internal Web Browser View on Ubuntu 12.04
- 439988 Activities should allow default enablement to be controlled by product definition
- 443350 No theme applied by default on Windows 8.x, Vista, XP
- 443514 Tooltips of parts are not translated in PartStack
- 443845 Console tab flickers when not active
- 446965 EditorInputPropertyTester called for IEditorPart with IEditorInput set
- 448561 LocaleChangeServiceImpl does not process MWindow#sharedElements
- 449188 Empty perspective after restarting Eclipse with open Welcome page
- 453857 CTabFolder layouts content too often . too many of them
- 458141 ProgressManagerUtil.getDefaultParent() does not honor splash shell -> new shell hidden behind splash screen User Assistance:
- 450171 Don't use SSL anymore to avoid POODLE attack
- 457396 Build of "webapp" fails due to changes in org.apache.jasper.glassfish

Eclipse SDK 4.4.1 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Eclipse SDK 4.4 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Eclipse SDK 4.3.0 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Eclipse SDK 4.2.2 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fix:
- Many broken shortcuts in multi-page editors

Eclipse SDK 4.2.1 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Eclipse SDK 4.2.0 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊
