EagleGet 歷史版本列表 Page3

最新版本 EagleGet

EagleGet 歷史版本列表

EagleGet 是一個免費的一體化下載管理器; 它支持 HTTP,HTTPS,FTP,MMS 和 RTSP 協議以及流行的在線視頻網站。 EagleGet 可以集成到 Chrome,IE,Firefox,Opera,並且使用多線程技術來提升下載量。與其他同類產品相比,它有很多優勢。例如,EagleGet 擁有無廣告視頻嗅探器,而 EagleGet 是第一個支持自動刷新過期下載鏈接的免費下載管理器... EagleGet 軟體介紹

Mullvad VPN 2019.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add ability to submit vouchers from the CLI

- Install the OpenVPN certificate to avoid the TAP adapter driver installation warning on Windows 8 and newer

- Rename the problem-report tool to mullvad-problem-report

- Fix Norwegian (Bokmal) language detection
- Fix missing localizations when formatting date and time in Norwegian (Bokmal)
- Use authenticated URL to go to account page from expired account view


IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.3 查看版本資訊


Mullvad VPN 2019.8 查看版本資訊


IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.2 查看版本資訊


IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.1 Build 192.6262.58
- Change log not available for this version

IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2 Build 192.5728.98
- Change log not available for this version

IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1.3 Build 191.7479.19
- Change log not available for this version

IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1.2 Build 191.7141.44

This update comes with a bunch of notable fixes:
- Fixed several major Gradle issues
- The “Open Recent” menu can now display the path to a project
- The terminal tabs can now be reordered with Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right on Windows / Linux, and cmd+Shift+Left/Right on macOS
- It’s now possible to build a Groovy project using the Groovy-Eclipse compiler
- The Recent Locations popup now opens all the selected locations
- The Run Anything popup shows the correct list of Maven goals, and shows correct suggestions on the first run

We’ve also updated JBR 11 to v11.0.2+9-b159.56:
- Fixed incorrect font on v2019.1 on Ubuntu
- Force IDE-managed HiDPI on Linux for fractional scales
- Support for LCD text on macOS
- The font rendering on macOS is restored and it’s now the same as it was in v2018.3.3
- Double quote doesn’t add a special character on macOS anymore

IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1.1 Build 191.6707.61
- Change log not available for this versio

IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1 Build 191.6183.87
- Change log not available for this version

IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.6 Build 183.6156.11
- Change log not available for this version

IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.5 Build 183.5912.21
- Change log not available for this version

IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.4 Build 183.5429.30
- Change log not available for this version

IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.3 Build 183.5153.38
- Change log not available for this version

IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.2 Build 183.4886.37

- Creating live template containing annotation with value generates code with syntax error
- intellij idea 2018.3 does not finish scanning files to index
- InspectionElement should be public/otherwise usable, or GotoInspectionModel should not be public
- IDEA sometimes hangs when clicking on gutter with coverage information
- Exclude test sources from module sources in artifact output layout
- Build fails if the paths contain symlinks
- Library index not updated when jars are replaced
- IllegalStateException from objectMirror
- sa-jdwp: All object arrays contain only null values
- UnalignedAddressException during read only attach
- Docker: Auto-expose the unknown port if added in runtime at PortBinding tab
- backspace doesn't work in completion popup
- Code completion list is blinking after typing non-ASCII text
- Live Template Context in Java type declarations
- Adding Inlay leads to code lens invalidity
- Wrong caret position after up/down movements in presence of both inline and block inlays
- java.lang.ArithmeticException at deleting after calling completion
- Adobe Air debug on Android device seems to always uninstall first
- IntelliJ 2018.3 stopped supporting Gradle Java module configuration with src and resource folder in the same folder
- Gradle test runner unable to find test task with type extended from `org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.Test`
- Intellij gradle plugin issue with gradle 5, groovy and spock projects
- Optimize Imports functionality deletes org.gradle.util.GradleVersion import
- High CPU load by "DisconnectableInputStream source reader" threads when debugging gradle task
- Update gradle icon for run configuration and for projects nodes in gradle tool window
- Performance issue with code editor on a Grails project
- Groovydoc reports illegal character for space and coma
- WARN - ge.ExternalProjectsDataStorage java.lang.NullPointerException
- Hang during UnindexedFilesUpdater working
- Generate links to third-party libraries in JSON format
- Autocomplete doesn't show interface public methods on its private-package implementation
- IDEA fails to resolve a Java module when it's .jar file is listed twice in project roots
- suppress fallthrough wrongly considered redundant
- "NullableProblems"-inspection gives incorrect warning on a getter that returns other field
- "Replace with StandardCharsets.UTF_8" produces uncompilable source
- Extract Field is not finished yet
- WildFly: support https connection to the management interface
- Regression: Local Jetty run configuration JVM parameters are placed at wrong location in the final command line executed by IntelliJ
- JPS from IntelliJ IDEA 183 branch fails to compile project because of missing class org.apache.maven.model.InputLocationTracker
- NPE caused by NonClasspathClassFinder constructor leaking "this"
- Don't show 'Version must be specified' error in plugin.xml files for plugins developed via gradle-intellij-plugin
- QuickDoc shown on mouse move changes position or disappears after clicking on link it contains
- Opening external documentation for OpenJFX 11 libraries does not work
- Quick Documentation popup is sometimes placed off screen
- QuickDoc popup is not focused on the second "Ctrl+Q" if it was opened from autocomplete or Project View
- Autocomplete list moves up when opening/closing QuickDoc Tool Window
- View | ExternalDocumentation doesn't work for decompiled classes opened in Editor
- Spring Boot: resolve classes from "Provided" Scope in config file value
- Spring MVC not support resolution of views written as not-inlined strings
- "Open Task" dialog with empty "Create changelist" field
- After phpStorm upgrade when opening task it doesn't strip "[" when generates branch name causing not valid branch name error
- FreeMarker FTL // Support Code block folding
- FreeMarker plugin: built-in 'first' is not applicable to 'Sequence'
- Problem with formatting FreeMarker macros
- Blank terminal
- Kotlin + Thymeleaf th:each problem
- Lens mode doesn't show last line
- IDE hangs when searching in Hebrew+English
- Help | Submit a Bug Report does not work for AppCode / CLion / DataGrip
- Editor Search/Replace and Find/Replace in Path: font for text input fields is too small
- ParameterInfo is now wedged in completion settings area
- Modernize Maven Run/Debug Configuration icon
- NullPointerException occurs on opening a second/new project in the same window
- Extension point to alter "No {0} found" text in Search everywhere contributor
- Project update over SSH fails if there are many repositories
- Indexing is suspended during the cherry-pick process
- IllegalArgumentException occurs on attempt to fetch changes from remote git repository if repository is not set
- XmlLikeFileType.isCaseSensitive has wrong name
- Prettier: plugin does not format code with 1.5.2 prettier version
- node module locals are styled as globals

PCDJ DEX 3.13.0 查看版本資訊


Mullvad VPN 2019.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add more details to the block reason shown in GUI when the daemon fails to generate tunnel parameters

- Check and adjust relay and bridge constraints when they are updated, so no incompatible combinations are used

EagleGet 查看版本資訊


Rocrail 15840 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Rocrail 15840 (64-bit)
- Zipper: rocctrl.py added
- Zipper: canservice added
- Modplan: remove the deleted module also from the list to prevent saving it as empty plan
- Installwx: use the libwxgtk3.0-dev package
- Zipper; stylesheets added
- Throttle: set static bitmap background color to gray

Rocrail 15834 (64-bit)
- Control: fix for dependencies
- Mjpg,renderer: size fix for text
- Layout parent sizer after first bitmap update
- Rascii: 16 bit for CV get/set
- Throttledlg: locoimage mouse event handler added for selecting a loco
- Mjpg: fixes for text object

Rocrail 15824 (64-bit)
- Webview for macOS only until linux and windows do have fitting libraries
- Infodialog,renderer: webview also for linux
- Control: removed dependency webview
- Throttledlg: test wxWebView under Linux
- Dependency update for webview
- Video streaming in text and throttle
- Fback: regtrigger added
- Ahome: json power events
- Infodialog: disable webview includes in case of none apple
- Fback: format variable text

Rocrail 15816 (64-bit)
- Infodialog: disable webview includes in case of none apple
- Fback: format variable text
- Fback: format variable text in case the original value was a float
- Infodialog: commented out the webview
- Infodialog: check if a web kit is available
- Infodialog: webview is not included in the linux wxWidgets
- Infodialog: wiki tab added
- Action,model,xmlscript: use the var pubish function to broadcast changes
- Fback,var: publish register variables

Rocrail 15807 (64-bit)
- Fback: trace correction for regval
- Loc: check shunting state
- Powerctrldlg: remove minimal height of graphic
- Output: variable support in commands on/off
- Dumper: output support added
- Fback: array added for register value types
- Sbus: wip
- Hue: lux to brightness calculation
- Rocview: revert translation from class to group

Rocrail 15792 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15742 (64-bit)
- fcc: write accessory cv

Rocrail 15734 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15671 (64-bit)
- Desktoplink.sh: comment added
- Loc: trigger corrections for virtual timers
- Desktoplink.sh added for linux ZIP
- Zipper: create packege/history if needed
- Rocrail png icon added

Rocrail 15662 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15640 (64-bit)
- Removed wiringPI library
- Rocnetnode: added /dev/ttyAMA0 selection for dcc232
- Mbus: trace correction
- Dcc232: revert gpio
- Dcc232: WIP
- Dcc232: gpio WIP
- Dcc232: gpio WIP
- Dccd232: gpio WIP
- Analyse: fix for zoffset (Lothar)

Rocrail 15615 (64-bit)
- Zipper.sh: typo
- Zipper: linux support added
- Rocview.cmd: use absolute path for server binaries
- Zipper.sh: copy zip to package
- Zipper: $1 for w32/w64
- Zipper script added
- Rocview.cmd for zip installer
- Model: remove attribute modplan
- Text: replace pipe with
in case of html and concat

Rocrail 15608 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15604 (64-bit)
- switch: test trace twin address

Rocrail 15602 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15594 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15585 (64-bit)
- Infodialog: removed obsolete adjustminsize flag
- Donkeydlg: layout corrections
- Wsocket: trace correction in case the hostname query did fail
- Infodialog,rocguiinidlg: layout and translation corrections
- Donkey: added missing dialog title

Rocrail 15574 (64-bit)
- Control: tracelevel correction for action state does not match
- Rocweb: added text click command

Rocrail 15570 (64-bit)
- Canservice: report as CANID=0 and NN=0
- Text: fix for model command change
- Canservice: use same CANID and nodenumber as the GC1e in case of service on 5550
- Modplan: add all system actions
- Text: center option added

Rocrail 15558 (64-bit)
- text: fix for check action state

Rocrail 15554 (64-bit)
- Control: trace correction
- Mbus utils: fix for MERG standard CAN frame ID
- Canservice: avoid looping without sleep in case of tcp socket error
- Canservice: fix for standard ASCII frame
- Canservice: ascii framing support added
- Xmlscriptdlg: text commands added
- Text: click state for triggering actions added
- Modplan: read/save tour, waybill, link, weather, lightctrl and mvtrack
- Modplan: read and save module systemactions
- Modplan: read module system

Rocrail 15544 (64-bit)
- modplan: use modzoffset on modify; move, rotate

Rocrail 15543 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15533 (64-bit)
- Block: fix for action call for occupied
- Modplandlg: file dialog buttons added for loco and route xml

Rocrail 15531 (64-bit)
- Wrapper: default 3 trace files

Rocrail 15530 (64-bit)
- Location: fix for maxocc zero
- Route,switch: check if the switch has an address set on empty commands
- Switch: check for valid command
- Locationsdlg: layout correction
- Locationsdlg: layout correction

Rocrail 15525 (64-bit)
- mbus: support for UID in system commands and events

Rocrail 15518 (64-bit)
- Mbus: reject fnchanged -1
- Ocation: maxocc per cargo type
- Location: max commuter option added

Rocrail 15515 (64-bit)
- Schedules: reset callerid and callertype

Rocrail 15515 (64-bit)
- Control: set the IID in the callerid variable
- Check4redsignals option added, default off
- Wmz21: ignore bidikmh
- Mbus: send lights(f0) also after the speed/dir commands

Rocrail 15510 (64-bit)
- Win64 build: strip debug info

Rocrail 15506 (64-bit)
- System actions: sub state implemented for IID

Rocrail 15505 (64-bit)
- Location: disregard maxocc if the loco already did arrive
- Set UID to 21 if zero to be compatible with previous revisions
- Locationdlg: removed deprecated adjust flag
- Set uid on state report

Rocrail 15504 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15503 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15500 (64-bit)
- Trace: fix for empty trace file name
- Z21: uid field added
- Clntcon: fix for ping and reply with pong
- Rcon: reactivate the 5s idle ping
- Mqtt-cs: serial connect added
- Clntcon/rcon: set keepalive socket option

Rocrail 15498 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15494 (64-bit)
- Planpanel: save scroll position
- Mqtt-cs python example extended with XML parsing

Rocrail 15492 (64-bit)
- Item/guiframe: restore throttle position and size dependent from loco ID
- Rocview makefile: fix for wxsubincl 3.0 -> 3.1

Rocrail 15486 (64-bit)
- Signal: white address as bit pattern if port is zero
- Rocwebworker: support for https
- Rocwebworker: support for https
- Tracedlg: fix for close event (X)

Rocrail 15482 (64-bit)
- Rocweb: http return code correction for plan and options xml
- Evaluate function event
- Function control type added
- Translation merge: fr
- Xmlscriptdlg: replaced settargetrange with the 3.0 start/end function
- Aboxdlg: layout fixes
- EStW: threeway symbol added

Rocrail 15475 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15470 (64-bit)
- Xmlscriptdlg: try to select the complete invalid line
- Xmlscriptdlg: select invalid XML line
- Xmlscriptdlg: select text from invalid XML
- Block: fix for service wait
- Output: function type added

Rocrail 15465 (64-bit)
- Block: revert put out of operation behaviour in case from dialog
- Xmlscriptdlg: find added
- Xmldlg: find added

Rocrail 15462 (64-bit)
- Model: trace level correction
- Block: crosscheck fix for service
- MBUS: not evaluating type in case of UID zero
- Cv index support for accelleration and calibrating
- Xmlscript: block throttle command added
- Locdialog: show CV index in grid
- Mbus,rocpro: mfx cv index support
- Block: fix for wait and service
- Block: check if occupied in case of modify and new state should be close

Rocrail 15453 (64-bit)
- Tt: set accessory bit in case of f6915
- Xmlpointsize default set to 11
- Manifest: removed dpiAwareness
- Xml: add wrap and pointsize attribute