DriverMax 歷史版本列表 Page14

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DriverMax 歷史版本列表

DriverMax 是一個新的工具,可以找到並為您的計算機下載最新的驅動程序更新。沒有更多的搜索光盤或網絡上罕見的驅動程序或插入一個安裝 CD 一個接一個。只需創建一個免費帳戶,登錄並開始下載所需的更新。為超過 2,300,000 個設備更新,備份和恢復過期,丟失或錯誤的驅動程序! 您也可以將所有當前的驅動程序(或只是那些工作正常)導出到壓縮文件。重新安裝 Windows 後,你將擁有一個地方的一... DriverMax 軟體介紹

Droid Transfer 1.27 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Droid Transfer 1.27
- Change log not available for this version

Droid Transfer 1.26
- Change log not available for this version

Droid Transfer 1.25
- Change log not available for this version

Droid Transfer 1.24
- Change log not available for this version

Droid Transfer 1.23
- Change log not available for this version

Postman 6.2.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Postman 6.2.5 (64-bit)
- Fixed a bug where there was an extra 'sessionValue' field in request body while exporting a collection
- Fixed an issue where the shortcut icon disappeared on update for Windows users
- Fixed data editor dropdown width while selecting file/text
- Fixed a bug where the request was stripped off from examples while importing a collection

Postman 6.2.4 (64-bit)
- Fixed a bug where _postman_id was added to folders and requests in exported collections in v2 and v2.1 formats
- Fixed a bug where sending a request was not finishing when globals were missing
- Fixed a bug where restoring collections were not working

Postman 6.2.3 (64-bit)
- Sharing collections and team workspaces are now available for all users
- Added a quicker way to invite others to the current workspace
- Use current values of variables to work with collections, environments and globals without sharing sensitive values with your team. Current values do not sync to Postman/'s servers
- Edit current values of the variable from the Quick Look view
- Resource usage can now be tracked from the app
- Improved memory usage when working with large values in environments or globals
- Fixed an issue where users were not able to save new requests
- Fixed an issue where selected environment on startup does not populate variables
- Fixed an issue where exporting collection generates incorrect request url
- Fixed an issue where diff is not showing in activity feed
- Fixed an issue where dropdown was being rendered out of screen bounds
- Fixed an issue where deleting an active run through different runner window crashes the first one
- Fixed an issue where setting inherit as the auth type for folders shows wrong auth inheritance
- Fixed an issue where postman throws error when environment value is undefined
- Fixed an issue where API documentation was not being create through +New Button
- Fixed a bug where variable was getting deleted after setting it's value to null
- Fixed a bug where `clientId` was being sent in the body when using `client-credentials` grant-type in OAuth-2
- Fixed a bug where simultaneous actions were not reflected correctly on UI
- Fixed a bug where a Requester window was not opening when a Console window was already open [macOS]
- Removed `client-secret` field for OAuth-2 implicit grant type
- Added support for having multiple cookies with same name but different paths
- Fixed a bug where users having edit permissions on a collection were not able to delete requests using the keyboard shortcut
- Fixed a bug where the folder level code was not visible until the text editor is clicked

Postman 6.2.2 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Postman 6.1.4 (64-bit)
- Improvements in network stabilization
- Fixed a bug where secure cookies were not persisting

Postman 6.1.3 (64-bit)
- Fixed a bug which prevented copying the response using the copy icon
- Fixed a bug where the Runner was not opening with pre-filled collection/folder
- Fixed a bug where Monitors and Mocks were not being created through New Button
- Fixed a bug where notifications were not being displayed
- Added support to disable hardware acceleration using an external environment variable

Postman 6.1.2 (64-bit)
- Linux apps will now automatically download and install updates
- Enterprise users can now control who can view workspaces within the team
- Minor updates and bug fixes will now be applied on background silently
- Performance improvements in startup
- Improvements in the sign-in/signup flow
- Switching theme changes the theme in all open windows
- Fixed an issue that caused sync conflicts with history requests
- Fixed an issue that caused desktop shortcuts to be recreated after update
- Fixed a bug where total request time in an exported run was a concatenated string
- Fixed a bug where globals were not being updated without being logged in
- Fixed a performance issue which caused a visible lag while adding query params

Postman 6.0.10 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Postman 6.0.9 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Postman 6.0.8 (64-bit)
- Organize your API work through the use of personal and team workspaces
- Changes to environments shared in team workspaces now sync automatically with your team
- Fixed an issue where files selected in request `form body` were not remembered
- Fixed a bug where `Download as JSON` was not working for Globals
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from switching to the `Build` view when offline
- Fixed a bug where a workspace was not switched to `Browse` view after the user was removed from the it
- Improved the experience around joining/leaving team workspaces

Postman 6.0.7 (64-bit)
- Organize your API work through the use of personal and team workspaces
- Changes to environments shared in team workspaces now sync automatically with your team
- Fixed an issue that led to high CPU usage

Postman 6.0.6 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Postman 5.5.3 (64-bit)
- Fixed a rare issue where duplicating a folder added multiple copies of requests within the folder

Postman 5.5.2 (64-bit)
- Fixed a bug which affected syncing

Postman 5.5.0 (64-bit)
- Added API Network: Browse through a list of authentic API publishers and import their collections with one click
- Fixed a rare issue on Windows where tabs were not being persisted across restarts

Postman 5.4.1 (64-bit)
- You can now add variables, authorization, pre-request and test scripts to a collection. This will apply to all requests in the collection.
- You can now add authorization, pre-request and test scripts to a folder. This will apply to all requests in the folder.
- Fixed an issue where closing the secondary window quits the application [Windows]
- Fixed an issue where headers were lowercased in generated code

Postman 5.3.2 (64-bit)
- Fixed an issue where the last open tabs were not restored on app restarts
- Fixed an issue where focus was not restored when switching to the app
- Fixed new window shortcuts on Windows and Linux
- Fixed a rare issue that prevented users from signing back in
- Various stability and security improvements

Postman 5.3.1 (64-bit)
- You can now add multiple user accounts and switch between them seamlessly
- Fixed an issue where some OAuth 2.0 tokens were not being used with requests
- Fixed an issue where getting a new OAuth 2.0 token was not working for some providers
- Fixed an issue where getting a new OAuth 2.0 token flow would not complete

Postman 5.3.0 (64-bit)
- Create documentation, mock servers, monitors, environments and more from the 'New' button in the header bar
- Explore Postman features by importing custom collection templates
- Add NTLM (Beta) and Bearer Token authorization methods to requests
- Find anything easily across all your collections, environments and globals (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + F)
- Redesigned authentication interface for ease of use
- Automatic retries for Digest authentication
- Added ability to force close tabs without prompting for save
- Added ability to select additional monitoring regions
- Mock servers can now be made either private or public
- Authorization data is generated by Postman automatically and is not saved with your requests
- Fixed a rare issue where environment variables get disabled after sending the request

Postman 5.2.1 (64-bit)
- Fixed an issue where request body within duplicated folder was hidden from UI

Postman 5.2.0 (64-bit)
- All new Status bar for quick access to useful actions
- Add ability to set a custom proxy to be used for requests made through the app
- Share collections and invite users to your team from the Team Library
- Introducing the PM API for cleaner and more robust pre-request & test scripts
- Fixed an issue which prevented request reordering within a collection
- Fixed various issues around Sync conflicts
- Fixed an issue that caused path variable values to be deleted when importing a collection
- Fixed an issue where Postman dynamic variables were not being populated in the autocomplete dropdown

ScriptCase 9.2.002 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

ScriptCase 9.2.002 (64-bit)

New functionalities:
- Added option for the toolbar to inherit settings from project default values toolbar, using Express Edition feature

Performance improvement:
- Layout improvement on new database connection creation within the Project Edit Connection feature

- Fixed issue in visualization of document icons on multi upload
- Fixed issue in blocking of buttons when using Ajax events between fields
- Fixed problem saving the project themes
- Fixed issue in data view, when navigating between records of auto-complete
- Fixed issue in buttons when using Grids within widgets in dashboard
- Fixed formatting problem in numerical values in export XLS
- Fixed problem with default values of the new features available in version 9.2
- Fixed language of message ' close or Esc Key ' in modal. (Necessary to clean the browser cache)
- Fixed issue in return for signature fields values, through the events in the control application
- Fixed issue when using option for indentation by space rather than in the events tab
- Fixed problem on inserting images into IMAGE columns with Sybase PDO connection
- Fixed error Invalid argument supplied for foreach () when saving settings
- Fixed error 2 = in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in generating query applications

ScriptCase 9.2.001 (64-bit)

New functionalities:
- Added option for slider increment value in number and decimal fields
- Added ODBC PDO driver on Progress connections
- Added option for slider increment value in number and decimal fields
- Added support for Ajax events in rating fields
- Added ODBC PDO driver on Progress connections

- Fixed installation problem in Linux Ubuntu 18 environments
- Fixed behavior issue when using the 'Hide menu' option in tree-menu applications
- Fixed issue in column recognition when synchronizing table with Oracle PDO connections
- Fixed connection problem with SQL Server from the production environment
- Fixed problem when disabling numeric fields using slider
- Fixed issue when using numeric fields without populating slider width
- Fixed bug "Invalid argument supplied for foreach ()" when using subselect fields in Report PDF applications
- Fixed issue in date fields using combo while browsing records
- Fixed width problem when resizing layers from menu structure
- Fixed issue in menu width, using layers in menu structure
- Fixed positioning problem for vertical menu
- Fixed issue using select select fields disabled
- Fixed navigation problem when using infinite scroll
- Fixed issue when navigating between number of pages
- Fixed issue when searching for fields with "no displayed conditions" in search
- Fixed installation problem in Linux Ubuntu 18 environments
- Fixed behavior issue when using the 'Hide menu' option in tree-menu applications
- Fixed issue in column recognition when synchronizing table with Oracle PDO connections
- Fixed connection problem with SQL Server from the production environment
- Fixed problem when disabling numeric fields using slider
- Fixed issue when using numeric fields without populating slider width
- Fixed bug "Invalid argument supplied for foreach ()" when using subselect fields in Report PDF applications
- Fixed issue in date fields using combo while browsing records
- Fixed width problem when resizing layers from menu structure
- Fixed issue in menu width, using layers in menu structure
- Fixed positioning problem for vertical menu
- Fixed issue using select select fields disabled
- Fixed navigation problem when using infinite scroll
- Fixed issue when navigating between number of pages
- Fixed issue when searching for fields with no displayed conditions in search

ScriptCase 9.2.000 (64-bit)

New functionalities:
- Added PDO IBM driver on DB2 connections
- Added PDO ODBC driver on DB2 connections
- Added support for PDO driver on the Firebird connection
- Added support for PDO driver on Oracle connection
- Added support for XML export in Nested Grids
- Added more options to generate the XML elements, such as attribute or value
- Added support for customizing relative periods in date/time fields in the Filter
- Added new "Current Value" option to display values ​​of the column itself, without repetitions, in selection fields in the filter
- Added new option to customize Scriptcase hotkeys interface
- Added new option for exporting / importing Scriptcase hotkeys interface
- Added support for new combinations of hotkeys in the generated applications
- Added new Rating type field to display classifications in icons, within Form, Control, Calendar and Grid applications
- Added new digital signature type field in Form, Control, Calendar and Grid applications
- Added new option to "Use Select2" for select type fields
- Added new option to "Use Select2" for auto-complete type fields
- Added new option to "Use Slider" for numeric fields
- Added new option to "Use Switch" for radio type and checkbox
- Added support for API integration with Paypal Express
- Added support for API integration with Paypal Express Incontext
- Added support for API integration with Paypal Pro
- Added support for API integration with Paypal Rest
- Added support for API integration with Pagseguro
- Added support for integration of API with SMS Clickatell
- Added support for API integration with SMS Plivo
- Added support for API integration with Twilio SMS

New functionalities:
- Added PDO DBLIB driver on the SYBASE connections
- Added support for automatic key recognition, dependencies and default values ​​for Progress connections
- Added new option to save Search profiles in the tag filter

- Fixed duplicity problem in Summary toolbar when using "Save Grid" option
- Fixed issue when running applications through the shortcut in Scriptcase interface, after changes
- Fixed issue in recognizing TIME type columns in application creation
- Fixed issue using SQL with parentheses in the sc_lookup macro parameter
- Fixed issue when performing dynamic content Filter search with content (+)
- Fixed issue in task list after project conversions
- Fixed issue in progress bar preview during application publishing
- Fixed issue in displaying the Advanced Filter tags when opened in modal
- Fixed issue in the field label when using virtual fields, in the labels Filter
- Fixed issue when using Ajax event in decimal fields
- Fixed problem when incrementing versions of the project, bigger than the current version

ScriptCase 9.1.009 (64-bit)
- Fixed issue using special conditions in date fields, in filter

ScriptCase 9.1.008 (64-bit)
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method appname_apl:: SC_lookup_nas () within the search of the Quicksearch
- Fixed problem in viewing the manual lookup, in the Grid detail module
- Fixed problem when using the sc_redir macro in menu applications

ScriptCase 9.1.007 (64-bit)
- Fixed problem when using sc_redir macro in blank applications

ScriptCase 9.1.006 (64-bit)
- Fixed problem when sending email to more than one administrator, in security module
- Fixed problem when performing searches in Database Builder
- Fixed problem in the target "parameter" when opening the application call, using the sc_redir macro together with the sc_exit macro
- Fixed problem when using macro sc_redir with modal passing as parameter variable with single quotes
- Fixed problem when using 'Exit Application' option on Forms with capture connection
- Fixed problem when using Ajax processing in filter fields in Grid application
- Fixed problem when customizing regional settings of date fields in dynamic Groupby's
- Fixed problem when using the sc_redir macro, opening in new page, in PHP buttons

ScriptCase 9.1.005 (64-bit)
- Fixed problem when reporting the negative sign before the value, in numeric fields
- Fixed problem in running summary filter when grid was started in chart mode
- Fixed problem when saving changes to the interface of the project default values
- Fixed problem when generating the summary using the SQL limit option
- Fixed problem in express edition, applying changes individually in all applications
- Fixed 'Back' button description in drilldown charts
- Fixed problem when listing macros in control (HTML) applications
- Fixed problem for line break in multi line text fields
- Fixed problem when using floating menu without toolbar

ScriptCase 9.1.003 (64-bit)
- Fixed 'unauthorized user' error message when deleting the project
- Fixed issue when using comment with slash on events
- Fixed crash when generating applications that contains parentheses in the application's SQL
- Fixed issue in creating Grid application when informing SQL with parentheses

ScriptCase 9.1.002 (64-bit)

New functionalities:
- Added support for global variables in reCaptcha and Captcha fields
- Added capture link in tags filter
- Updated new component of the SPIN option of the Form

Fixed bugs:
- Fixed issue in navigating the Grid using the Internet Explorer 11 browser
- Fixed horizontal scrolling issue in SQL Builder with results with many columns
- Fixed error in SQL, when changing charset in the creation of the application
- Fixed issue when using a global variable in sql Grid fields
- Fixed issue in aligning numeric fields in GridEditable forms
- Fixed issue in the display of the option "Validation Image" in the field of type "data", configured as mandatory
- Fixed issue in displaying the mandatory field message in ajax in date field in Forms
- Fixed issue in SELECT, RADIO and CHECKBOX fields using manual lookup in HTML controls
- Fixed issue when creating Grid applications using SQL functions without aliasing
- Fixed issue when creating Grid applications using queries like SELECT * table
- Fixed issue in the menu when using the toolbar buttons with the "hide menu" option. The buttons were not being displayed correctly
- Fixed issue using URL without "" in Google Maps fields
- Fixed reCAPTCHA validation on Form update
- Fixed error in running a Grid using JOIN on Access type connections
- Fixed problem in Search of QuickSearch containing apostrophe
- Fixed CSRF Token error in applications opened within the menu tabs
- Corrected problem using the "Use Password" option in the security of applications that used connections. The applications that received the connection were loaded by requesting the password again

ScriptCase 9.1.001 (64-bit)

New functionalities- UPGRADE REQUIRED :
- Enabled the email export buttons in the Grid's detail

- Fixed issue in Access connections using password
- Fixed issue in menu events using strings
- Fixed charset issue when entering values in form Editable Grid view
- Fixed charset issue in the "Description" field in the calendar application when using ISO-8859-1 charset
- Fixed issue in the email API interface in the production environment. (You will need to update your production environment)
- Fixed problem in typing the numeric fields by using the option complete with zeros

ScriptCase 9.1.000 (64-bit)

New features:
- A new interface for managing APIs directly from Scriptcase with automatic integration with the email APIs services: Mailchimp, Mandrill and Amazon SES
- New Macros sc_call_api and sc_send_email_api for advanced implementations with APIs integration within Scriptcase events, control and blanks
- New button to send emails from Grids, Pivot Tables and Charts with reports attached in PDF, HTML, XLS, XML, CSV, RTF, WORD or images. Push settings can easily be shown within the interface using SMTP, Amazon SES or Mandrill
- For Chart applications where added new settings to export to formats: XLS, XML, CSV, RTF, WORD and image
- For HTML and Images exports from Chart applications, it was added a new important option for Chart depth output selection, according to the metrics used
- New option for depth output selection to PDF exports within Grid Applications
- New dynamic tags for Advance Search module that allow you to select or manipulate the conditions and fields with ajax directly within the application with a simple and modern interface
- New configurations options that allows, for example, to add buttons within the Advanced Search form body
- In the Summary and Chart Search feature were added new relative period conditions to Filter: "Current week until today", “Current quarter until today” and “year to date”
- New options for creating customized periods with related conditions directly within the Summary and Chats Filter interface. It gives you freedom to create special period of date
- Added new keyboard shortcuts for performing basic functions of Scriptcase as: Generate the source code, Save application, Run, Closing/Opening tabs, access SQL Builder and others
- New option to display Nested Grids as XLS export
- New setting to configure Chart original sorting values to and return to default state
- Scriptcase codes editor, used within the events, control and application blank with new options for viewing with lateral expansion or full screen code area and access to new themes
- Integration with shortcut keys from editors Emmet and Sublime Text, that is, the shortcut keys of these editors will be recognized within the Scriptcase
- CSS and Javascript language interpretation support within the code editor
- New button for project execution
- New example template with the HTML diagram library of GoJS for creating Mind maps This template will be inside the "Samples" project (you will need to import samples project to access the applications)
- Database Builder update with a new Interface facilitating performance for creating and changing your database. New theme, store server-side to avoid excessive requests, accessibility labels (HTML5) and new languages: Danish, Greek, Galician, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Finnish, Hebrew and Malay
- Database Builder update for MySQL: Support connecting to MySQL via SSL, support JSON data type, Support MySQL 8
- Atualização do Database Builder para o MariaDB: Suporte JSON desde o MariaDB 10.2 e suporte a índices fulltext e espaciais no InnoDB
- Database Builder update for PostgreSQL: Support binary files in bytea fields
- Database Builder update for PostgreSQL: support JSON and JSONB data types, materialized views
- Database Builder update for SQLite: Allow deleting PRIMARY KEY from tables with auto increment
- Database Builder update for SQLite: enable FOREIGN KEY CHECKS
- Database Builder update for SQL Server: Support freetds
- Database Builder update for SQL Server: support pdo_dblib

Performance improvement:
- Updating the new HTML editor

- Fixed issue when using the macro sc_label in multiple record forms and grid editable
- Fixed issue in setting the maximum size of the field on the filter settings
- Fixed issue in preview of the label of the columns in the XLS export when the application was using language variables
- Fixed issue in the duplicity of the characters as they are typed in mobile environments

ScriptCase 9.0.043 (64-bit)

Specific correction:
- Fixed problem with alignment of fields' type "radio" and "checkbox" when using manual lookup
- Fixed issue in visualization of indexes on the dashboard applications using the SQL Server connection
- Fixed issue in the HealthCare System with Postgres, SQL Server and Oracle connections

Performance improvement:
- Improvements in the applications sorting in the project applications's list

- Fixed issue in target "_blank" parameter of the macro "sc_redir" by using the macro along with the macro sc_exit
- Fixed issue when using the "dynamic filter" button on summary application

ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit)

Specific correction:
- Fixed problem using the macro sc_hide_groupby_rule in grid applications

Performance improvement:
- Improvement in group by of summary group by using Progress connection

ScriptCase 9.0.041 (64-bit)

New functionalities:
- Added new healthcare sample system

Specific correction:
- Fixed issue in Quicksearch when using the connections of type "Progress"
- Fixed issue of accentuation in the help descriptions of the fields in the Filter application
- Fixed issue of accentuation in the visualization of the values of the manual lookup in the breakdown of the query
- Fixed issue in the search of field type "data" in connection of type "Progress"

- Fixed issue in viewing the "rows" button in the Grid, when the Summary module was disabled

ScriptCase 9.0.040 (64-bit)

New functionalities:
- Added option to run the onchange event in the field of the master Form when using sc_master_value macro in Form detail

Specific correction:
- Corrected issue when using the values of the field of type "data" in the Groupby of the Summary, in the connections of type Progress

- Fixed issue using the CONCAT command in the Grid lookup
- Fixed bug when using the "Arial" font in the Reportpdf application
- Fixed issue in Chart filter view when exporting to pdf

ScriptCase 9.0.039 (64-bit)

Specific correction:
- Fixed issue in updating the values in the lookup type of multiple binary values
- Fixed issue in the field tab "date" in the Filter using the range condition
- Fixed issue when using SQL UNION in autocomplete fields

Performance improvement:
- Improved performance in the "date" field searches on MSSQL Server connections

- Fixed issue with “Filter Saving” using "double select" field type
- Corrected issue with "Filter Saving", when the Grid had Group by using data type fields
- Fixed issue when saving theme in Charts, in Scriptcase versions that were installed with Mysql
- Fixed issue in ajax events of the Grid when using full pagination. Before that, the event was only created in the first 10 records
- Fixed issue in Filter search with negative values
- Fixed issue in character display in Summary Filter using charset windows-1255 (Hebrew)
- Fixed issue using the CONCAT command in the Grid lookup

ScriptCase 9.0.038 (64-bit)

- Adjustments in the display of the Chart application and Summary Filter buttons

- Fixed issue in the lookup description of the text fields and autocomplete numbers when returning from the Grid
- Fixed height in the checkbox by clicking multiselect on refined filter
- Fixed issue when using the sc_log_add macro in the Blank application
- Fixed issue when assembling the "Order by" in the SQL of the Grid, when the application has two breaks for the same field of type data
- Fixed issue in viewing images from field "image file name" using the subdirectory option

ScriptCase 9.0.037 (64-bit)
Specific correction:
- Fixed issue when using parentheses at the "hint" parameter in the sc_link macro
- Fixed issue when using the "sc_label" macro in fields that use language variables, generated by the data dictionary in Grid applications
- Fixed issue in the display of the "docx" extension icon, when using the "Display the file type icon" option in the document fields of the Grid application
- Corrected height in the checkbox by clicking multiselect of the refined filter

Performance improvement:
- Improved performance in Summary applications
- Improved performance in field data searches on Postgres connections

ScriptCase 9.0.036 (64-bit)

New functionalities:
- Added support for global variables through the new macro "sc_make_link"
- Added new options under summary and charts filters

Specific correction:
- Fixed problem in the table creator interface for calendar applications with an Access connection
- Fixed problem with the format of time values in the backup filenames
- When using an Editable Grid (View) form, File Upload fields now can only be downloaded on lines that are in editing mode

Performance improvement:
- Improvement of performance of autocomplete fields on a filter

- Fixed problem with the images and templates copied while migrating from version 7 to 9
- Fixed problem with the images and templates copied while migrating from version 6 to 9
- Fixed problem that could corrupt GroupBy data while migrating from version 6 to 9
- Fixed issue in version 5 to 9 migration
- Fixed problem when using sc_redir in a PHP method called from a PHP button

ScriptCase 9.0.035 (64-bit)
Specific correction:
- Fixed issue in returning a connection when we use the sc_select (where) macro in the source application
- Fixed issue when running the application "Dashboard" in the interface's initial mode
- Fixed issue in view of field view lookup when condition had dot
- Fixed problem of accentuation in the label of the macro button "sc_ajax_message", when using charset other than UTF-8
- Corrected spacing of the navigation buttons being displayed below

- Corrected issue in displaying the values of the field "Data" in the interface of the Group By. You will need to clear your browser's cache
- Fixed special SQL error in Grid Application
- Fixed anchor of the menu link in the documentation

ScriptCase 9.0.034 (64-bit)
New functionalities:
- Added lang support in the sc_alert macro. Ex: sc_alert ({lang_btns_ajax})
- Enabled the image and document database fields in the Grid columns interface
- Enabled the examples in the onScriptInit event of the Grid

Specific correction:
- Fixed validation of values in the interface of version incrementation
- Fixed issue in the events help link
- Fixed issue in searching for Dynamic Search with data type "TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE"
- Corrected issue in viewing the refined filter values, after returning from Summary Group by links
- Fixed issue in hint viewing on field links using Sc7_Black theme

- Fixed issue Tab_lig_apls is not defined in Grid links called through the Menu
- Fixed issue in the display of the "delete" button when canceling the edition of record in the Grid view editable Form
- Fixed "Array to string conversion" error when using the sc_mail_send macro
- Fixed issue when generating a free format Grid without the toolbar buttons

ScriptCase 9.0.033 (64-bit)
New functionalities:
- Added RTL language support in the Summary filter

Specific correction:
- Fixed Grid export issue when using macros "sc_seq_register" and "count_ger" in the OnRecord event
- Fixed macro help link in events

- Fixed issue in Chart display in pdf export
- Fixed issue in NestedGrid type links

ScriptCase 9.0.032 (64-bit)
New functionalities:
- Added option to display the background image of the pdf report when no record is found. This option is available in the SQL interface menu
- Added option for the positioning of the registration message that does not exist in the PDF Report. This option is available in the SQL interface menu
- Added dropdown support in SELECT filter fields
- Added support for complex SQL in Auto-complete fields

ScriptCase 9.0.031 (64-bit)
New functionalities:
- Added new values ​​in the "negative currency format" option in the total fields of the summary
- Added grid navigation configuration support from master / detail
- Added support for YEAR fields
- Added support for Nested Grids in Grid details
- Implemented support to macro "sc_format_num" in the onrecord event of the grid, using summary fields
- Added "port" option in SFTP publishing settings
- Added port data entry for DB2 connection

Specific correction:
- Fixed issue when converting Access tables that have images
- Fixed issue in the initial execution of pyramid and 2D funnel charts
- Fixed issue when using subselect command in field lookup
- Fixed issue when running operations directly in the application's SQL
- Fixed issue using "Use ENTER to Submit" option in dynamic filter settings
- Adjustments in the Nested Grid css when using the title option on the same row
- Fixed issue in view of the buttons size on the iframe type connections

- Fixed issue in viewing the records in the calendar by checking the option "all day". The schedule showed less 1 day
- Fixed issue in formatting millisecond fields
- Fixed duplicate data insertion problem with dynamic search
- Fixed issue when using the database session option in the post
- Fixed issue in viewing calendar time on Oracle connections
- Fixed issue in the Themes view of the tree menu. The tree menu was not inheriting the Themes css
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call a member function Execute () when using the sc_lookup macro in the ReportPdf application onHeader event
- Fixed issue in the informed value of the negative field of manual lookup of the multiple selection fields
- Fixed issue in viewing calendar records on Access database connections
- Fixed issue when using the menu toolbar with image type buttons
- Fixed issue when using link button in Editable Grid Form (view)
- Fixed issue in pdf export when printing mode was configured for economic

ScriptCase 9.0.030 (64-bit)
New functionalities:
- Added macro support "sc_format_num" in the onrecord event of the grid

Specific correction:
- Adjustment in error display when editing multi-upload fields
- Fixed issue in gantt chart view with other date formats
- CSS settings in the editing of the menu toolbar and editing of menu items

- Fixed issue in macro "sc_field_disabled" in fields select multiple values in single record form
- Fixed issue in connection of subquery type in firebird connections
- Fixed issue in express creation of applications
- Fixed bug with sc_ajax_message macro

DriverMax 9.45 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

DriverMax 9.45
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.44
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.43
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.42
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.41
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.38
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.37
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.36
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.35
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.34
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.33
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.32
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.31
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.29
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.28
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.26
- This version improves the Hungarian translation

DriverMax 9.25
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.23
- The Hungarian translation added

DriverMax 9.21
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.19
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.18
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.17
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.16
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.15
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.14
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.13
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.12
- Driver update for any hardware device, now with a brand new interface plus faster downloads

DriverMax 9.11
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.10
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.00
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.33
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.32
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.31
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.29
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.28
- Change log not available for this version

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.5.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.5.2

- PHP may be removed when optimize inline styles is active with breakpoints
- Full width Picture has fixed height in layout grid

- 64bit version should ignore .uwbx extensions in the Extension Manager

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.5.1
- Block Manager ignores blocks created with a newer WWB version to prevent conflicts with future versions of the application
- Template selection window ignores templates created with a newer WWB version
- Added 'RGB' color type support for extensions

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.5

- SlideShow pagination buttons have wrong z-index
- Folder should not be included in Open Graph URL

- Now includes PHP Mailer 5.2.26
- Picture adaptive images now included in the Asset Manager
- Optimized HTML rendering of extensions, blog, article and other real-time HTML code in the workspace
- Blog And Article have been redesigned to use considerably less system resources
- Added support for boolean attributes in HTML formatter (readonly, autofocus, multiple etc.)
- Implemented 'accept' attribute for the File Upload object. This specifies the types of files that the file input accepts in the file browser. This works in combination with the form validation
- 'Automatically include viewport meta tag' now also works in combination with Flex Containers
- Implemented 'ctrl-tab' and 'shift-ctrl-tab' to switch between open windows
- Implemented 'ctrl-home' and 'ctrl-end' to scroll the main window area
- If no objects are selected, 'alt-enter' will open the page-properties
- Added the possibility to copy individual events (instead of all)
- Carousel next/previous buttons vertical alignment in breakpoints
- CSS gradients now use the latest syntax. Dropped browser prefixes
- Toolbar/Ribbon icons are now scaled on high DPI screens
- Icons of external files in Site Manager and 'Select Page' are managed more efficiently (lower memory usage)

New feature:
- Added 'background-size' property to animations and transitions
- Added 'none' option to the Layout Grid overflow properties. This will disable responsive columns, so column widths will be the same in all breakpoints (just like in WWB11)
- Added support for 64bit extensions (64bit version only)! Most extensions have been ported to 64bit

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.4

- FlexBox Container max-width issue in breakpoints
- Nested layout grids inherit column properties from parent grid
- Missing div-prefix when using object anchors in links
- Issue with text links (64bit version only)

- Now includes jquery-3.3.1
- Breakpoint copy now includes text breakpoint data
- 'onformchange' and 'onforminput' events of the Form object have been renamed to 'onchange' and 'oninput'
- Panel Layer size is now responsive in breakpoints
- Sticky Layer supports negative offsets
- File Upload and Radio Button validation
- Form validation no longer validates disabled and hidden input fields
- Added the possibility to edit text while in zoom mode (experimental, may be subject to MS RichEdit limitations)
- Navigation objects on master pages are now synchronized for each page individually
- Implemented a workaround for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update 2017 "GetPixel-bug" which causes toolbars/ribbon to load slow

New feature:
- Added 'Custom form processing' to layers and layout grids (when built-in form processor is enabled)
- Added support for WOFF2 format in 'Manually specify @font-face fonts' (Tools->Options->HTML)

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.3.1

- Error in combobox conditions with multiple values
- jQuery Slider has wrong height in breakpoints

- Added support for font-weight 'Black' to Google Fonts
- FireFox does not allow spaces in the preview path
- Added support for auto detecting 64bit browsers
- Layer Menu slide animations in breakpoints

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.3

- Inline frame lightbox image is not responsive.
- 'Responsive Carousel' property is not visible for 'Full Page' mode.
- Bulleted list may cause crash when hidden in default view.

- Page background CSS is now included for all breakpoints for better results with 'Include min width'.
- Padding and margin of FlexBox container are now responsive.
- Re-arranging flexbox containers is now easier with the Arrange tools. Move forward/Move back will skip non-floating objects in the z-order.
- Added flex grow/shrink support for images in Flex Container.
- Generating new IDs now also takes master pages/frames into account. New IDs will not be a duplicate of an object on the master page/frame.
- The software will now try to fix duplicated IDs automatically (when possible). Note: Automatically check for duplicated IDs should be enabled in Tools->Options->General

New feature:
- jQuery Tab and jQuery Accordion panels can now be moved, renamed, deleted randomly. Previously only the last panel(s) could be removed.
- Added 'Move Up' and Move Down' options to Carousel properties to re-arrange the slides. Also Carousel slides can now be deleted randomly.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.2.3

- Offset in SlideShow/Carousel when used in master frame with breakpoints
- jQuery Dialog/Tabs offset in breakpoints
- Child objects in tables are now taken into account when inserting, removing, merging and sorting rows/columns

- Picture positioning in layer/carousel
- SlideShow full sceen resizing
- Added support for 'Inside tag' in Text object when used in layout grid
- Links to external services (google fonts, youtube, vimeo) now use 'https' by default

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.2.2

- Іmрlеmеntеd ѕuрроrt fоr hіddеn tехt іn Flех Соntаіnеr
- Сарtсhа оbјесt саn nоw аlѕо bе uѕеd іn а Маѕtеr Раgе
- Аѕѕеt Маnаgеr іgnоrеѕ еmрtу fіlеnаmе рrореrtіеѕ
- Рhоtо Gаllеrу dоеѕ nоt сору lіnkеd fіlеѕ

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.2.1
- Fixed: Crash when using arrange tools
- Fixed: Crash when using bullets in layout grid with breakpoints
- Improved: Multi-level containers like tabs, accordion, carousel now also display child elements in the correct order in the Object Manager

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.2
- Fixed: Photo Gallery image preview issue in properties
- Fixed: Table cells do not support text-align: justify
- Fixed: Duplicated font-weight in styles using Google fonts
- Fixed: Article does not save background image
- Fixed: Heading does not save border
- Fixed: Incorrect margin in responsive bullets
- Fixed: File Upload width issue in breakpoints
- Improved: Layers with video background can now also have a different background in breakpoints
- Improved: 'Snap to objects' behavior with nested layers
- Improved: Rollover layer now also works in a master frame
- Improved: Fixed background images are now also rendered fixed in the workspace
- Improved: 'Import Page from another project' attempts to preserve internal links when multiple pages are imported
- Improved: og:url (Open Graph Meta Tags) can now include the page name in the URL
- New feature: Added new responsive functions to extension API: LoadBreakpointData, GetBreakPointCSS. This will be used for future versions of (official) extensions.
- New feature: Added new option to Breadcrumb 'Synchronize with Site manager' -> 'First level (no folders)'. When this option is selected, then folders will not be included in the navigation.
- New feature: Added 'Icon Font Library' option to Breadcrumb, Panel Menu and Responsive Menu. This specifies whether to use FontAwesome Icons or Material Icons.
- New feature: Added experimental SVG render support
- New feature: Added 'equal to (choice)' and 'not equal to (choice)' options to Combobox conditions. This creates unique conditions for the specifies values.
- New feature: Added 'Install Extension' option in the context menu of the Toolbox.
- New feature: Added support for separate title and alt text in the Photo Gallery and Photo Collage. Example: Use 'title^alt' in the title field. The second item (after ^) will be used as the alt text.
- New feature: Added 'goto' support to the SlideShow which can be used in events (just like the Carousel). Example: $('#SlideShow1').slideshow('goto,2');
- New feature: Added "Copy/Paste' buttons in navigation objects. This makes it possible to copy the links from one navigation object to another.
- New feature: Added global lightbox support. This adds the ability to have images on different parts of the page to trigger the same lightbox gallery (see tutorial).
- New feature: Added 'Enable form' to the Carousel. This makes it possible to use the Carousel as a multi page form (see tutorial).

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.1.2 (August 10th, 2017)
- Improved: Implemented support for hidden text in Flex Container
- Improved: Captcha object can now also be used in a Master Page
- Improved: Asset Manager ignores empty filename properties
- Fixed: Photo Gallery does not copy linked files

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.1.1
- Improved: Carousel should not display background overlay option
- Improved: Bulleted list height calculation in layout grids
- Improved: Added 'transparent' option to text shadow property in jQuery Mobile Themes. This makes it possible to disable the text shadow for text.
- Fixed: Bulleted list should not be a drop container
- Fixed: Open Graph Meta Tag og:url is missing
- Fixed: 'Rotate' button is hidden

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.1.0
- Fixed: Issue with Fade animation in Photo Collage
- Fixed: Background overlay in floating layer needs z-index
- Improved: padding and margin of the Text object is now responsive
- Improved: Added 'Font Awesome' and 'Material Icon' to mobile page toolbox
- Improved: Added 'Select above/below/left/right' to main menu. This also makes it possible to assign keyboard shortcuts to these commands.
- Improved: HTML object adds asterisk to 'Resources' button if not empty
- Improved: Implemented a workaround for issues with text links and the Windows 10 Creators Update
- Improved: Now includes jquery-3.2.
- New feature: Added 'Include locked objects in lasso selection' option to Guide Settings. This specifies whether to include locked objects should be included in lasso selection.
- New feature: Added 'Remove from Layer' command to Object Manager context menu.
- New feature: Added support for export to Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 5.x format.
- New feature: Added 'Alignment' option to overflow settings in Layout Grid, this allows you to control the horizontal alignment of overflow columns.
- New feature: Added 'Rotate' option to Photo Gallery, Photo Collage and SlideShow properties. This makes it possible to quickly rotate an image without leaving the appplcation.
- New feature: Added 'Tables styles' menu to menubar (in addition to the to Ribbon gallery)
- New feature: Added 'Place Holder' property to jQuery Auto Complete.
- New feature: The Photo Collage properties now displays the number of images used by each layout.
- New feature: When using 'Convert to form' for Login forms which are inside a layout grid, the child elements will be converted to floating elements. The layout grid will be used as the form container.
- New feature: Added the possibility to have multiple heading styles in the Style Manager. To create a new heading style simply copy an existing heading and give it a valid (class) name.
- New feature: Added 'Remove Built-width logo' to the Tools menu, so you can easily remove the logo from all pages in the project.
- New feature: Added 'Open master page' option to the context menu of Master Objects to quickly open the embedded page.
- New feature: Added 'Direction' option to 'Bulleted list'. This specifies the place of the bullets: left or right side. This may be useful for RTL languages.
- New feature: Added toolbar to Blocks Manager with commands 'Delete',' Refresh' and 'Open File Location'
- New feature: Added a search option to the Blocks Manager. This makes is possible to filter items in the Block Manager to quickly locate a specific Block.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.5
- Fixed: Lines which are part of a Page Footer but not within the viewport do affect the page size
- Fixed: Removed redundant data-ride attribute from SlideShow->Carousel
- Fixed: Crash when adding box shadow to FontAwesome Icon
- Fixed: Text object: Closing anchor tag should be before the end of heading tag
- Fixed: Crash when using undo with SVG extension
- New feature: Added new 'Full Width' options for third party extensions: "width: 100%, height: auto" and "width: 100%, height: fixed" (note that these only apply to 'use div' extensions!)

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.4
- Fixed: Heading text-alignment in layout grid
- Fixed: Problem with stretching CSS menu in breakpoints
- Fixed: Checkbox and radio button helper element has offset
- Fixed: Responsive Menu ignores font setting in mobile mode

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.3
- Fixed: Font size of jQuery Button in Layout Grid
- Fixed: The child elements of a Rollover Layer should not include visibility in breakpoints
- Fixed: Missing child elements in tables when used in combination with a master frame
- Fixed: CSS of Material Icons is not compatible with CSS beautifier
- Fixed: Crash when editing text with minimized Ribbon
- Fixed: Object Manager ignores object order in Layout Grids
- Fixed: Problem with Animation Pause/Resume in Events

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.2
- Fixed: Incorrect text alignment in breakpoint in some upgraded projects
- Fixed: Panel menu not compatible with jQuery 3
- Fixed: Background images of rollover layer not included in templates/blocks
- Fixed: Skinned font picker dialog refresh issue
- Fixed: Background overlay color in Layout grid not supported
- Fixed: Problem with delayed text height calculation in Carousel
- Fixed: 'Doubtful size error' for Rollover Images in Layout grid
- Fixed: Internal link not possible in Events
- Fixed: Crash when applying Site Properties
- Fixed: Icon selection in Responsive menu
- Fixed: Redirect in Page Properties to internal link displays wrong link type
- Fixed: Master page updates page width when breakpoints views are not in sync
- Fixed: Invalid Error Report message for tables
- Fixed: Auto Responder input field cannot be changed in layout grid form
- Improved: Extensions which use live rendering are now loaded more efficiently. The HTML rendering engine will only be initialized when the page is open/visible. This reduces the memory usage in larger projects.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.1
- Fixed: Error in PHP form script: missing ')'
- Fixed: Issue with fade events when target is the object itself
- Fixed: Issue with Global Replace
- Fixed: 'Use jQuery UI theme' in Date Picker should be 'true' for existing project
- Fixed: Open Graph image needs absolute path
- Fixed: Crash when publishing non-visible CMS View
- Fixed: Missing ReplaceVariables function in form processor
- Fixed: Missing Material Icon code in external global style sheet
- Fixed: Blocks Manager not initialized in Menu/Toolbar mode
- Reversed: max-width is applied to Layout grid container instead of the content, just like in WB11

WYSIWYG Web Builder 12.0.0
- Improved: Using 'Center in page' on objects inside a layer/form will center the object inside its container
- Improved: The preview folder (in Tools->Options->Files & Folders) is now project specific, so you can configure a different folder for each project
- Improved: Drag selection in the workspace no longer includes lock objects Note that you can stil select locked objects with click or select all
- New feature: Added 'Center in page -> Both', to quickly center one or multiple objects in the center of the page
- New feature: Added 'Make width same as page width', to quickly make the width of an object the same as the page width This can be useful for full width layers/carousels etc
- New feature: Added link to Twitter page in the help menu
- New feature: Added 'Office 2016 - Black' color scheme
- New feature: Implemented Office 2016-like Ribbon commands search ("Tell Me") When the user types a part of command text in the box, a list of matching commands is displayed on the Main Panel
- New feature: All built-in dialogs now use the selected color scheme (like in MS Office apps) A new option has been added to enbale/disable this functionality: Tools->Options->Uswer Interface->Enable skinned dialogs
- New feature: Added the ability to edit ruler guides in 'Format Ruler Guides' dialog
- New feature: Added 'Reset settings' to Options This will restore the default settings
- New feature: Added 'Display all objects in Links->Bookmark' option When this option is enabled then the Bookmark dropdown menu in Links will display all objects (instead of just bookmarks and layers) This basically makes it possible to turn any object into a bookmark!
- New feature: Added 'Easy Mode' This options may be useful for new users who are overwhelmed by all the advanced features of WWB When this option is enabled then advanced features (like events, animations, cms, login tools) will be hidden in the toolbox, ribbon and properties Easy Mode can easily be toggled to make the options available again
- New feature: Added 'Keyboard shortcuts' to the help menu This option displays the current key assignments by category It is also possible to copy or print the commands
- New feature: Added 'Help' button to property windows to open context sensitive help
- New feature: Added 'Include partially selected objects in lasso selection' to Guide settings This option specifies whether partially selected objects will be included in lasso (net) selection If this option is disabled, then the entire object needs to be inside the lasso to be selected

- New feature: Version 12 introduces the "Blocks' toolbox Blocks are building blocks trhat make it possible to quickly creates a website by dragging predefined blocks to the workspace Blocks are basically just groups of standard WWB objects so once dragged to the page you can fully customize the behavior and apprance of the content
- WWB includes a dozen of standard blocks to help you get started, but you can also create your own blocks (by saving a group of objects as 'Block'), so you can reuse them in other pages or projects

Open Graph Meta Tags:
- New feature: Added support for Open Graph Meta Tags in Page Properties->Meta tags These settings make it easy to add Open Graph meta tags to a page to enable it to be come a "rich" social object For instance, Facebook uses this information to work out how to preview shared content in a user's Facebook profile
- The following properties are supported: og:url, og:title, og::description, og::image and og::type

PNG/JPEG compression:
- New feature: Added PNG/JPEG compression for dynamically generated images (shapes, drawing tools, images with filters etc) This makes it possible to optimize images for quality or performance (larger images look better but take more time to download and process) Support 10 levels

Asset Manager:
- New feature: Added the posibility to move orphan files to another folder (instead of just removing the files)

Object Manager:
- Improved: Multiple objects can be selected (using the CTRL key)
- New feature: Added 'Hide in other breakpoints' option Use this option to hide the selected object in other breakpoints (but not in the current view)
- New feature: Added 'Unhide in all breakpoints' option Use this option to unhide the selected object in all breakpoints (including the current view)

- Improved: Added a warning message when you try to publish a page that is set to "Don't publish this page"
- New feature: Added "Publish' option to context menu in Site Manager, so you can quickly publish the selected page
- New feature: Added ‘Make a backup of the project on the server' option to the publish dialog This can be used to override the global setting for the current session

Error Reports:
- New feature: Error Reports displays a warning when the page name is the same as the project name because this may cause a conflict with style sheets
- New feature: Error Reports detects missing fonts If an object uses a font which not installed then an error message will be displayed
- New feature: Error Reports detects missing extensions If the page uses an extension which is not installed, then an error message will be displayed
- New feature: Added the posibility to hide warnings for specific objects via the context menu Also an option 'Show hidden warnings' have been added to restore the warnings
- New feature: The 'Error Reports' window can now be docked, floating or set to autohide so it can be made visible all the time When visible, the error list automatically refreshes when you switch between pages Double click an item in the list to select the object in the workspace

Global Replace:
- Improved: Replacing URLs now includes support for tel, email, facetime, sms and skype links

- Improved: Made beautify/minify options ASP compatible
- New feature: Added 'CSS in media query' option This make it possible to add breakpoint specific CSS styles This can be useful if you need different styles in breakpoints

Multi-Page Properties:
- New feature: Added Multi-Page Properties tool to modify selected properties for multiple (selectable) pages at once This makes it possible for example to quickly change the master page for a group of pages But also background properties, meta tags, page extension etc Only the modified value(s) will be applied to all selected pages

- New feature: Added 'Uninstall Extension' to context menu to quickly remove an extension without opening the Extension Manager

- New feature: Added the ability to use semantic HTML5 tags Tools->Options->HTML->Use HTML5 Semantic Tags When this option is enabled WWB will automatically output semantic HTML5 tags instead of divs For example page header page footer , navigation
- New feature: Added 'Move external CSS style sheets to the end of the page' This is often recommended by Google PageSpeed Insights to improve the performance of the page Please read the help for more details! Note however that this also may affect the way to page is rendered beucase styles are loaded after the contnet has been load, resulting in flicker Also some scripot may bnot support this becuase they exccpet style to be between the head tags
- New feature: Added 'CSS visibility property' (visibility vs display) HTML/CSS options This option controls the way objects are hidden When using 'visibility:hidden' hidden objects will not be visible but they still affect the layout (just like in previous versions of WWB) On the other hand 'display:none' removes the object from the layout so it no longer affects the size of the page This can be useful when hiding objects that are not inside the page boundaries in breakpoints
- Flash Video Player has been renamed to WWB Video Player The player no longer supports Flash, it is now pure HTML5/CSS3 The reason is that movile brwoser do not supprot flash and most browsers consider Flash as being unsafe

- Improved: When using "enable response fonts" the text alignment is now also responsive, so you can have different alignments in breakpoints
- New feature: Text styles now display style gallery with preview
- New feature: Add 'Create a style' option Create a style based on the formatting of the selected text
- New feature: Added support for native Windows spell checker With 'spell as you type', 'Checking spelling' dialog (F7) and context menu suggestions Supports all language dictionaries you have installed in Windows Requires Windows 8, 81 or 10!

- New feature: Added 'Reverse' option to hyperlink styles When this option is enabled the transition will be reversed (underline will be initially visible and hidden on hover)

- New feature: Added support for jQuery 3 This version promises to be slimmer and faster

jQuery UI:
- Improved: Upgraded to the latest version All jQuery UI scripts are combined in one file (jquery-uiminjs instead of jqueryuiwidgetminjs, jqueryuiaccordionminjs, jqueryuieffectminjs etc) This reduces the number of generated files which may help speed up loading of your pages
- All internal scripts have been updated If you have created custom theme you will need to upgrade them to make sure they work with the new version
- New feature: A new jQuery UI theme ‘base’ has been added
- New feature: Added the ability to customize colors of the jQuery UI widgets independently of the jQuery UI theme

- New feature: Added 'News Paper' and 'Flip Horizontal/Vertical' animations
- New feature: Added 'CSS3 animation' option Select animations created with the Animation Manager A different animation can be selected for 'show' and 'hide' to create sophisticated animation effects
- New feature: Added 'Full Page' support An easy way to create fullscreen scrolling websites (also known as single page websites or onepage sites) This option uses the great 'fullPagejs' jQuery plugin

- New feature: Tabs can now be part of a layout grid!
- New feature: Added the ability to align the navigation tabs in the header
- New feature: Added support for Bootstrap tabs
- New feature: Added floating mode to Tabs When this option is enabled objects inside the tabs float instead of having a fixed position This is recommended for flexible layouts with layout grids

- New feature: Accordions can now be part of a layout grid!
- New feature: Added support for Bootstrap Accordion
- New feature: Added floating mode to Accordion When this option is enabled objects inside the panels float instead of having a fixed position This is recommended for flexible layouts with layout grids

jQuery Dialog:
- Improved: The jQuery Dialog can now have sizes and different layouts in breakpoints

- Improved: margins of floating layers are now responsive, so they can have different values in breakpoints
- New feature: Added ‘Position children’ option By default, child elements of the layer use absolute positions so you can place them anywhere you want By using 'floating' mode the objects inside the layer will float instead of having a fixed position This can be useful when using floating layers which are set to 'Relative horizontal sizing' to create fluid layouts
- New feature: Added ‘100vh’ to floating mode options This will set the height of the layer to 100% of the viewport This can be useful to create floating layers with a relative horizontal size For example, to create full height columns
- New feature: Added background overlay option This uses the specified background color (and alpha value) to add and an overlay to the background image
- New feature: Added the ability to use a video as background Supported are Youtube and Vimeo URLs This is especially useful for full width/full screen layers
- New feature: Added option to select semantic HTML5 tag instead of generic

Available options: , , , , ,

- New feature: Added 'Enable JS API' option This option enables the player to be controlled via JavaScript Player API calls Only works in modern browsers! http://caniusecom/#search=postMessage
- New feature: Added support for YouTube events (play, pause, ended etc) Requires 'Enable JS API'
- New feature: play, pause actions in events can now be used to control the YouTube video Requires 'Enable JS API'

- New feature: Added support for Vimeo events (play, pause, ended etc)
- New feature: play, pause actions in events can now be used to control the Vimeo video Requires 'Enable JS API'

- New feature: Added 'Flip Horizontal' and 'Flip Vertical' animations (uses CSS3 transforms)
- New feature: Added 'Fan' and 'Block Scale' animations
- New feature: Added animations to caption: fade, slide, rotate, scale, translate
- New feature: Added 'CSS3 animation' option Select animations created with the Animation Manager A different animation can be selected for 'show' and 'hide' to create sophisticated slideshow
- New feature: Added Instagram integration This makes it possible to feed the slideshow with images from your Instragram account

Photo Gallery:
- Improved: Now includes galleria 154, which makes it possible to use the lightbox/galleria in responsive layouts
- New feature: The Photo Gallery uses and tags when ‘Use HTML5 Semantic Tags (in Tools->Options->HTML) is enabled
- New feature: Added Instagram integration This makes it possible to feed the photo gallery with images from your Instragram account

Photo Collage:
- New feature: Added 'Photo Collage' object Introduces a cool new way to display your images More than 30 layout variants are available
- The Photo collage object is flexible so it can be used in layout grids and responsive layouts Also supports lightboxes, instragram integration, load animations and more

RollOver Image:
- New feature: Added 'Flip Horizontal' and 'Flip Vertical' animations (uses CSS3 transforms)

- Improved: The icons in the FontAwesome Gallery of the Ribbon are now categorized to make it easier to find icons (based on the categories on the FontAwesome website: http://fontawesomeio/icons/)
- New feature: Added support for rotation Note: this uses CSS3 transforms
- New feature: Added 'Publish as svg' option This will output the icon as embedded SVG (scalable vector image) instead as font This greatly reduces the overal size of the website if you only use a few fontawasome icons

Material Icons:
- New feature: Added support for Google's Material Design Icons(https://materialio/icons/) Adds more than 900 new icons The Material Icon object supports the same featutes as FontAwesome

- New feature: Added support for Material Icons, so you can also publish the new icon as an image

- Improved: Maximum file size is now set in the script instead of using an hidden form field for better security
- Improved: It is now also possible to use variables in the subject of the email message (PHP Mailer or rich text must be enabled)
- New feature: Added the ability to set ID property for hidden fields
- New feature: Added option to include page name/refferer in form data
- New feature: Added option to configure the auto responder email input field
- New feature: Added 'Full Width' option to Editbox, TextArea, Combobox, Label and Button This makes it possible to switch between block (100%) and inline mode (fixed width) when used in a Layout Grid
- New feature: Added the ability to send form data to an email address based on the selection in a combobox Users can select a 'department' from a dropdown menu, and have the email sent to just that department's email address

Form Conditions and Calculations:
- New feature: Added 'Conditions' This makes it possible to show/hide/enable/disable other objects based on the value or selection of an form input field For example you can disable the form's submit button until the user checks a box
- New feature: Added the posibilty to do calculations in form fields Calculations are available in the 'Conditions' section of input fields They can be used to calculate a value based on values or selections of other input fields For example to calculate the total price of an item in a webshop based on the selected options
- Conditions/calculations options are available for Editbox, TextArea, Combobox, Checkbox and Radio Button

File Upload:
- New feature: Added 'Accept multiple files' option To select multiple files, hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key while selecting
- New feature: It is now possible to customize the style of the File Upload object The button and editbox each can have their own styling This new behavior can be disabled with the 'use default browser styling' (This is enabled for older projects for backwards compatibility)
- New feature: Added 'Padding' option Note: left padding will be used for the editbox and the right padding for the button
- New feature: Added 'Place Holder' option Specifies a short hint to help the user to fill out the input field
- New feature: Added "Button text' option This makes it possible to customize the text of the button

Editbox/Text Area:
- New feature: Added "Spellcheck' option The HTML5 spellcheck attribute specifies whether the element is to have its spelling and grammar checked or not

Checkbox/Radio Button:
- New feature: It is now possible to customize the style (and size) of the Checkbox/Radio Button object to override the default browser appearance This also make the Checkbox/Radio Button responsive so it can have a different size (and color) in breakpoints This new behavior can be disabled with the 'use default browser styling' (This is enabled for older projects for backwards compatibility)

Login Tools:
- New feature: Added 'Enable error reporting' to Login Admin for debugging purposes
- New feature: Added 'checkbox' option to custom profile fields

Layout Grid:
- Improved: gutter, padding and margin are now responsive, so they can have different values in breakpoints
- New feature: Added background overlay option This uses the specified background color (and alpha value) to add and an overlay to the background image
- New feature: Added the ability to use a video as background Supported are Youtube and Vimeo URLs
- New feature: Added 'Use Flexbox' option When this option is enabled, the grid will use CSS flexbox layout This results in cleaner code and also enables some extra features like vertical alignment and entire column will be filled with the background
- Note that this is a relative new CSS feature, it is not supported by older browsers (< IE11) http://caniusecom/#feat=flexbox
- New feature: Different column widths in breakpoints
- New feature: Different column counts in breakpoint
- New feature: Added the ability to hide columns in breakpoints
- New feature: Added 'overflow' option This determines what happen when columns that do not fit in the current row Overflow columns can be hidden, 100% or have custom value
- New feature: Added vertical alignment option to columns Note this only works when CSS flexbox is used!
- New feature: Added the ability to set the layout grid fixed to the top of the page

Flex Container:
- New feature: Add support for CSS flexbox! The flexbox container is a great new way to implement layouts

Master Object/Page:
- Improved: A warning is displayed when using the same master page on the same page the same master page will result in duplicated IDs and other conflicts
- New feature: Master objects can now be used inside a Layout Grid The object becomes flexible/floating when it's part of a layout grid Note that the objects on a master page should also be floating for the best results

- New feature: Added 'CSS3 Animate' action This will trigger a CSS3 animation from the animation manager So it's no longer necesarry to manually create a seperate style for this (WWB will do this automatically)
- New feature: Added 'onscrollreveal', 'onscrollhide' and 'onscrollrevealpartial' events to most objects These events were previous only available for the bookmark object Note: these events do not work for hidden objects becuase if an object is hidden then it has an undefined position in the HTML document, therefor it's not possible to determine whether the object is inside the viewport
- New feature: Added support for events to links in navigation objects: BreadCrumb, CSS Menu, Mega Menu, Navigation Bar, Pagination, Panel Menu, Responsive Menu, Slide Menu, Tab Menu, Text Menu, jQuery ListView and jQuery Menu

- Improved: The sort tool now includes all data in the table So for example if you sort a column then the other columns will be moved too Also the style of the cells will be included, not only the text, so cells keep their own styling
- New feature: Added cell alignment options to the Ribbon and context menu of the table to quickly set the alignment of one or multiple table cells
- New feature: Added border-collapse option The border-collapse property sets whether the table borders are collapsed into a single border or detached as in standard HTML
- New feature: Added the possibility to set the border-width of table cells This replaces 'enable cell borders'
- New feature: Added 'Hover rows color' option to enable a hover state on table rows
- New feature: Added 'Striped row color' option to add zebra-striping to the table rows
- New feature: Added 'Header row' option This will output the first row as header cells (instead or)
- New feature: Added 'Table Styles' gallery This allows you to quickly update the style of your tables You may know this feature from MS Office 30 predefined styles are currently available
- New feature: Added size mode 'Automatic' (in addition to 'pixels' and 'percentages') When using this mode the table cells will be automatically sized based on their content This makes it possible to use a table in layout grid layouts
- New feature: Added 'Import data from text file' A quick way to get data from a comma seperated text file into the table
- New feature: Added the possibility to add objects inside table cells The main purpose of this feature is to make images part of a table

CSS3 Animations and Transitions:
- New feature: Added 10 new CSS3 animations to the Animation Manager: animate-rotate-in-left, animate-rotate-in-right, animate-rotate-out-left, animate-rotate-out-right, heartbeat-1, heartbeat-2, transform-peek, transform-scale-in, transform-scale-out, transform-shiver
- New feature: Added background, border (short hand), display and position properties to animatable properties These may be useful for scroll transitions
- New feature: Added "Copy' buttons to quickly clone animations and transitions
- New feature: Added scroll transitions This allows you to animate CSS properties of objects depending on the horizontal scrollbar position For example you can set the opacity (fading) of an object based on the scroll position Of move/rotate/scale objects into place when it scrolls into view

- Improved: WWB now preserves the original filename when using filters (instead of generating a unique name) You can still change it with ‘Allocated filenames’, if you like
- New feature: Added ‘Color overlay’ filter to the image object Often used in websites to create a ‘dim’ effect

- New feature: Add 'Picture' object The HTML5 element is a container used to specify multiple images for different viewport or screen resolutions The browser will choose the most suitable image according to the current layout of the page and the device it will be displayed on
- You can specify different images for breakpoints It also supports high resolution displays using pixel density descriptors such as 1x, 15x, 2x, and 3x For example you can include different versions of the image by using names like: [email protected], [email protected]
- The picture object supports rotation using standard CSS3 transforms Plus expirimental support for CSS3 filters (blur, contrast, brightness, hue, saturation, negative, sepia, grayscale)

Rollover Layer:
- New feature: Add 'RollOver Layer' object A RollOver Layer works just like the RollOver image, but instead of just images you can now use any type of objects In additional to fixed mode (where you can place obejct anywhere you want), the object also supports floating mode so it can be used in Layout grids

Mega Menu:
- Improved: It is now possible to hide the arrows/icons (select the last item in the icon list)
- Improved: To disable categories, set all Category names to   This will hide the Category header in the menu

Responsive Menu:
- New feature: Added the possibility to set the menu alignment

Breadcrumb Menu:
- Improved: CSS3 Transitions are now applied to the menu items For example, to rotate, scale or modify the style of an item on hover
- New feature: Added the possibility to set the menu alignment
- New feature: Added ‘Full Width’ property so the menu can be stretched to the full width of its container (when used inside a layout grid)

- New feature: Added support for line styles: solid, dotted, dashed, double, groove, ridge

Page Properties->Style:
- New feature: Added ‘Enable Responsive Fonts’ option to the default text settings (in Page Properties) This sets the default for new text objects

- New feature: Added ‘Scale’ to the Arrange tools This tool may be useful for optimizing the layout in breakpoints Basically, it takes the size and position of the selected object(s) on the default view and scales it to the current breakpoint width For example: let's say the default view is 960 pixels and you are now working in the 480 breakpoint This makes the scale factor 2, so using the Scale tool will make the objects 50% smaller

DriverMax 9.44 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

DriverMax 9.44
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.43
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.42
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.41
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.38
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.37
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.36
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.35
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.34
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.33
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.32
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.31
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.29
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.28
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.26
- This version improves the Hungarian translation

DriverMax 9.25
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.23
- The Hungarian translation added

DriverMax 9.21
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.19
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.18
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.17
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.16
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.15
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.14
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.13
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.12
- Driver update for any hardware device, now with a brand new interface plus faster downloads

DriverMax 9.11
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.10
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.00
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.33
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.32
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.31
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.29
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.28
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.43 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

DriverMax 9.43
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.42
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.41
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.38
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.37
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.36
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.35
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.34
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.33
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.32
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.31
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.29
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.28
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.26
- This version improves the Hungarian translation

DriverMax 9.25
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.23
- Version 9.23 adds the Hungarian translation

DriverMax 9.21
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.19
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.18
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.17
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.16
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.15
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.14
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.13
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.12
- Driver update for any hardware device, now with a brand new interface plus faster downloads

DriverMax 9.11
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.10
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.00
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.33
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.32
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.31
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.29
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.28
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.42 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

DriverMax 9.42
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.41
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.38
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.37
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.36
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.35
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.34
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.33
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.32
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.31
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.29
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.28
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.26
- This version improves the Hungarian translation

DriverMax 9.25
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.23
- Version 9.23 adds the Hungarian translation

DriverMax 9.21
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.19
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.18
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.17
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.16
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.15
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.14
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.13
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.12
- Driver update for any hardware device, now with a brand new interface plus faster downloads

DriverMax 9.11
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.10
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.00
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.33
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.32
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.31
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.29
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.28
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.41 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

DriverMax 9.41
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.38
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.37
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.36
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.35
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.34
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.33
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.32
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.31
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.29
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.28
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.26
- This version improves the Hungarian translation

DriverMax 9.25
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.23
- Version 9.23 adds the Hungarian translation

DriverMax 9.21
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.19
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.18
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.17
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.16
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.15
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.14
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.13
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.12
- Driver update for any hardware device, now with a brand new interface plus faster downloads

DriverMax 9.11
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.10
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 9.00
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.33
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.32
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.31
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.29
- Change log not available for this version

DriverMax 8.28
- Change log not available for this version

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.6.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.6.4
- Fixed: Reset Position (in the Object Manager) crashes when used with Editbox
- Fixed: Some menus use old font in breakpoints
- Fixed: In some cases extensions may be locked after using search in the Extension Manager
- Fixed: Problem with jQuery Mobile Tab with nested Layout grid
- Improved: Minor tweaks in Ken Burns effect of the SlideShow

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.6.3
- Improved: Added 'Retina image' property to Asset Management
- Update: Now includes PHPMailer 5.2.22

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.6.2
- WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.6.2 includes PHPMailer 5.2.21 which fixes vulnerabilities in previous versions of PHP Mailer

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.6.1
- WWB tries to load a 'dummy' structure for missing extensions in an attempt to continue loading the rest of the project.
- Carousel with effects is forced to ltr when the page direction is rtl (otherwise the effects won't work).

- Now includes PHPMailer 5.2.19. This is a critical security update.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.6
- Fixed: Child objects get horizontal offset when dragging a floating layer outside the viewport.
- Fixed: Issues with links in Blog/Article text editor.
- Improved: When something goes wrong during Local publish, the application will now displays a system error message instead of silently failing.
- Improved: Implemented workaround for issue with Symbols under Windows 10 (anniversary update)
- Improved: Increased the maximum number of extensions to 250 (instead of 200). Note that this functionality is experimental! The actual number of maximum extensions is system related because Windows can only load a limited number of DLLs per process.
- New feature: Now includes FontAwesome 4.7 with 41 new icons.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.5
- Fixed: jQuery Button size in Layout Grid.
- Fixed: Heading object does not save gradient style.
- Fixed: Layout grid column background image not saved.
- Improved: Text object style now support text alignment (overrides inline text alignment).
- Improved: Wrapping text is now (semi) responsive so the object can be used in breakpoints with different layouts and font sizes! Note that this is impossible to do with standard HTML code so WWB generates different text elements for each breakpoint and toggle the visibility automatically to simulate responsive behavior.
- Improved: Added Layout grid support to Bulleted List.
- Improved: WWB now uses a new setup application which should run smoother than the old one.
- New feature: Added 'Log Level' option to publish settings of Secure FTP to reduce the amount of log. Supported levels: warning (minimum), info (normal) and all (debug).
- New feature: Added 'Explore' to Secure FTP. Implements a basic FTP tool which connects using Secure FTP.
- New feature: Added support for SVG, WOFF in addition to EOT and TFF in "Web Fonts->Automatically use @font-face for non web-safe fonts". You can now select which formats you want to publish. For example if you do not want EOT then you can turn it off. See the help for more information.
- New feature: Extensions can now be build as layers. In Extension Builder a new option 'Enable layer' has been added . This will turn the extension into a container for objects. This will make an entirely new category of extensions possible.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.2.4
- Fixed: Floating layers height issue
- Fixed: Columns in nested layout grid inherit background from container if column background is transparent
- Fixed: SlideMenu full width cannot be set via property dialog
- Fixed: Tooltip custom background color
- Fixed: Issue with popup settings in mobile page links
- Fixed: Issue with Layer Menu in Content Place Holder
- Improved: PayPal custom image can now be smaller than the image size
- Improved: Using images with padding in layout grid adds 'border-box'
- Improved: Page Footer will no longer 'chase' objects outside the footer's boundaries
- Improved: The quality of the ClipArt image is now approx. 10 times better than in previous versions with more details and smoother curves. Note that this applies to newly inserted clipart only

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.2.3
- Fixed: W3C validation error in Responsive Menu.
- Improved: URL and descriptions of Photo Gallery are now included in template.
- Improved: Font changes in table cell properties now also supports breakpoints.
- Improved: Implemented advanced internal link house keeping to workaround issues in msftedit.dll and Windows 10 anniversary update. For older versions the previous implementation will be used.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.2.2
- Fixed: Issues with Responsive Menu
- Fixed: Duplicated options with PayPal buttons in Layout Grid
- Fixed: Export to QWB format include bullets (not supported by QWB). Bullets are now no longer exported
- Workaround: Now includes msftedit.dll to workaround text editing issues with the Windows 10 anniversary update

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.2.1
- Fixed: Carousel forward-circular/backward-circular now also works in full width/responsive mode
- Fixed: Several Layout grid issues
- Fixed: Height issue with 'Enable form' in layers and breakpoints
- Fixed: Size issue with custom profile fields (option) in Signup object
- Fixed: Issue with responsive columns in Photo Gallery
- Fixed: CSS Menu submenu offset in breakpoints
- Fixed: Removed 'position:absolute' for slideshow/lightbox in layout grid
- Improved: Removed chmod 777 from fomr processor file upload code
- Improved: Added z-index to css menu in layout grid
- Improved: Floating layers use display:none instead of visibility:hidden
- Improved: Added developers API key property to Google Maps Key

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.2
- Fixed: Login textbox padding cannot be changed in dialog.
- Fixed: Issue with full screen slideshow in layout grid.
- Fixed: Storing alpha values of Responsive Menu sub menu color.
- Improved: Form auto responder no longer includes attachments.
- Improved: 'on top' dragging behavior is now only active when the page has layout grids.
- Improved: Floating Heading adds box-sizing: border-box, so padding does not affect 100% width.
- Improved: Floating text with overflow now includes height.
- Improved: Unicode support in Login tools.
- Improved: Full width SlideShow now takes margin and padding of its container into account when calculating image widths.
- Improved: Upgraded to jQuery 1.12.4 and 2.2.4.
- Improved: In the Extension properties it's now possible to show/hide toolbar, search box and description field via the context menu.
- Improved: Admin password in CMS and Login tools is now hashed.
- Improved: Link dialog now also displays bookmarks from master pages and master frames.
- New feature: Added 'start' and 'stop' actions to the Carousel and SlideShow. This makes it possible to start/stop the slideshow with events.
- New feature: Added 'Close menu on link click' to Responsive Menu and Panel menu.
- New feature: Added spacing and pagination size option to Blog Carousel.
- New feature: Added support for rgba colors to (user made) extensions.
- New feature: Now includes FontAwesome 4.6 with 29 new icons.
- New feature: Added 'offset' option to smooth scrolling in bookmark and layers (incl. layoutgrid, header/footer)
- New feature: Added 'Hide' command (hide selected objects) to main menu. This also make it possible to associate a shortcut to this command.
- New feature: Added support for publish protocol extensions. SFTP and FTPS will be soon available!
- New feature: Added floating mode to Content Place Holder (overflow->floating). This makes it possible to use the master frames in combination with the layout grid! For more details see the updated master frame tutorial:
- New feature: Added the ability to export the project in Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 4.x format. This (finally) makes it possible for WWB users to migrate to Mac or Linux without having to redo all work. Note that QWB does not support all the WWB features, so not everything can be converted.See the help for more details.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.1.2
- Improved: jQuery Button is now responsive.
- Improved: Better code for full width extensions in Layout grid with breakpoints.
- Improved: Issue with Shapes with hover in layout grid.
- Improved: Added 'fill-opacity' to Shapes with SVG output.
- Improved: Extension title can now be up to 50 characters long (instead of 25).
- Improved: Added border-sizing for full width Carousel with border.
- Improved: HTML 'rows' in Text Area has min value of 1.
- Improved: Added 'visibility' to inline frame in Layout Grid.
- Improved: 'Hide' command included in the Undo stack.
- Improved: XML processing now uses the heap if the stack is not large enough. This makes it possible (among other things) to have larger sitemaps.
- Improved: Asset Manager updates @font-face path when loading the project from a different folder.
- Improved: Panel plugin improvements (used by panel menu and layer).
- Fixed: jscookmenu reference should not be added for Responsive Menu in master page.
- Fixed: Issue with Article/Blog heading.
- Fixed: Layout grid issue when loading as page template.
- Fixed: Extra spacing between images in Photo Gallery.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.1.1
- Improved: Floating layers now can have different relative size in breakpoints.
- Improved: Conveyor Belt waits until images are loaded (needed for FireFox).
- Improved: Blog item pagination with multiple columns.
- Improved: Google Fonts font-weight (bold) code.
- Improved: Size of images in breakpoints vs layout grid size.
- Improved: Significantly improved performance of XML parsing used in various parts of the application.
- Improved: Asset Manager now includes background images of all breakpoints.
- Fixed: Layout Grid columns are reset when adding more than 5 columns in a breakpoint.
- Fixed: Gap between slides in full width (responsive) Carousel.
- Fixed: Global style with breakpoints should override (responsive) object style.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.1
- Fixed: Problem initializing tabbed toolbox when loading mobile pages.
- Fixed: Problem when using Blog/Article with breakpoints in a master page.
- Fixed: Advanced Button events cleared during publish.
- Fixed: Issue with Arrows at Line from "Drawing".
- Fixed: Heading background image not saved.
- Improved: News Feed Ticker alignment.
- Improved: Form validation and Web Storage now also works in nested Layout Grids.
- Improved: Added more font sizes to WaterMark tool.
- Improved: Added shortcut to Extension Manager in Toolbox context menu.
- Improved: Several improvements in line-spacing behavior of Styles.
- Improved: If 'Accept Charset' of a form is set to UTF-8 then mysql_set_charset('utf8') will be added to MySQL database code.
- Improved: File Upload can now be used in a Layout Grid.
- Improved: Global Replace now also works with Blog text.
- New feature: Now includes FontAwesome 4.5 with 20 new icons.
- New feature: Added 'scroll wheel' option to Google Maps script. If false, disables scrollwheel zooming on the map.
- New feature: Added the ability to rearrange objects in the Object Manager using drag & drop.
- New feature: Added the ability to clone folders in the Site Manager.
- New feature: Added the ability to change the Login Admin title.
- New feature: Added 'Padding' to Image object.
- New feature: Added "Auto focus' option to Editbox, Text Area, Checkbox, Radio Button. Combobox and Button.
- New feature: Added 'Arrow Offset' option to Layer Menu.
- New feature: Added 'Zebra color' to CMS Admin.
- New feature: Added the ability to rearrange events (Move Up/Move Down)
- New feature: Added 'Pagination placement' option to Blog. This make it possible to display pagination at the bottom of the blog.
- New feature: Added 'Overflow' to page header and page footer property dialog.
- New feature: Added the ability to the change the 'Read more' text in the Article object.
- New feature: Added the ability to change the font size of the code editor (Page HTML/Object HTML).
- New feature: Slideshow can now be used as 'Random Image'. Set Type to 'Random' and 'Pause time' to '0'
- New feature: Added 'Full width' option to Responsive Menu and Slide Menu. If the menu is part of a layout grid then it will use the contianer width. Also expanding the menu will push all elements below it downwards.
- New feature: Added 'Full Width' option to Conveyor Belt (Slide Show->Type->Conveyor Belt).
- New feature: Added 'Responsive' mode to full width Carousel. When this option is enabled then the full width Carousel can have different layouts in breakpoints.
- New feature: Added 'Relative sizing' option to Floating layer.
- New feature: Added the ability to use a Layer, Layout Grid and Page Header/Footer as Bookmark. This can be useful for flexible/full width layouts. In the new 'Bookmark' property section you can set animation properties just like a regular bookmark!
- New feature: Added 'top' and 'bottom' padding to Layout Grid. It is also possible to the set the top and bottom margin (via the Margin tool). The padding property has been renamed to 'Gutter width'.
- New feature: Added 'Maximum width' option to Layout Grid. This can be useful to prevent items in the layout grid being stretched to wide. If the browser window is wider than the specified width then the grid will be centered.
- New feature: Added PHP7 option in Page Properties->Miscellaneous->PHP version. This will make PHP mail compatible with PHP7. This affects forms and the login tools.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.0.6
- Fixed: Rounding error in percentages in CSS menu with stretched buttons
- Fixed: Banner does not publish (semi) transparent background
- Fixed: Missing asterisk in Object HTML/Custom Style of Responsive Menu
- Fixed: Responsive Photo Gallery does not support visibility in breakpoints
- Fixed: Show with Effects in text does not include effect scripts
- Improved: If parallax effect is disabled in breakpoints then '!important' will be added to the background-position, this will overwrite the script
- Improved: Added support for file links in Blog
- Improved: Extensions are loaded more efficiently at application startup
- Improved: It is now possible to use 'onscrollhide' only in Bookmark events (it no longer depends on 'onscrollreveal')
- Improved: Site Manager synchronization no longer includes extensions that do not use this feature. This may significantly improve performance when using extensions in a large website
- Improved: Renaming ID in Object Manager
- Improved: The Help (F1) now includes a description of the built-in Site Variables ($PARALLAX_SPEED$, $GOOGLEFONTS_PREFIX$, $VIMEO_PREFIX$, $LAZYLOAD_THRESHOLD$, $LAZYLOAD_FADE$)
- New feature: Added $VIMEO_PREFIX$ site variable. This makes it possible to overwrite the 'http:' prefix. You can replace it with 'https:' or leave the value empty

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.0.5
- Fixed: Crash when using image frames in layout grid.
- Fixed: Re-opening page with layout grid uses wrong view pointer.
- Fixed: Rollover animations in centered layout grid are left aligned.
- Fixed: Table cell alignment not applied to all selected cells.
- Improved: Google Maps script now has fixed height in Layout grid.
- Improved: parallax/cover is removed when selecting different background mode.
- Improved: background-attachment will be set to 'scroll' when parallax is disabled in breakpoints.
- Improved: Added playlist parameter in YouTube when using loop option.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.0.4
- Fixed: Full screen YouTube/Vimeo/HTML5 video should not include position/size in breakpoints
- Fixed: Animation Pause and Resume in events need to include wwb11.min.js
- Fixed: Shape border should not be included in breakpoint size
- Fixed: Merged object no longer exports images
- Fixed: Size of a straight line with svg output
- Fixed: Blog column count issue for breakpoints in combination with 'Include min-width'
- Fixed: Blank space in Photo Gallery with breakpoints
- Fixed: Missing 'min-width' in rollover images (layout grid)
- Improved: jQuery Date Picker 'inline' can now also be used in forms
- Improved: CSS formatting preserves quotes in beautify/minify

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.0.3
- Fixed: Layer box-sizing issue in breakpoints
- Fixed: Layer menu background image not stored
- Fixed: Refresh issue with responsive text in edit mode
- Fixed: Border-width is not stored for Breadcrumb and Pagination
- Fixed: Text menu delimiter should not have a different color in breakpoints
- Fixed: Master frame background issue in breakpoints
- Improved: Extension's 'Live rendering' is now using IE Edge rendering engine

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.0.2
- Fixed: jQuerySlider event should not include div prefix for jQuery Spinner targets.
- Improved: Added new large font sizes (> 96) for text object.
- Improved: Re-arranging layout grid is now easier with the Arrange tools. Move forward/Move back will skip 'normal' objects in the z-order.
- Improved: Added compatibility mode to Photo Gallery. When this mode is selected the Photo Gallery simulates the gallery from previous WWB versions (not responsive and HTML table layout).

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.0.1
- Fixed: Fancybox (lightbox) is incompatible with new jQuery version
- Fixed: Blog rendering issues
- Fixed: Layout grid display issue in FireFox in combination with other floating content
- Fixed: CMS menu contains test code
- Fixed: Templates with CSS menu cause an error
- Fixed: Color picker issue in ClipArt/TextArt
- Fixed: Background image not published for Layer Menu
- Fixed: Background images not published for responsive styles
- Fixed: Responsive text color should not be included for layers
- Fixed: Vimeo problem with lightbox (fancybox issue)
- Fixed: Issue with background color when upgrading from WB10
- New feature: Added $GOOGLEFONTS_PREFIX$ site variable. This makes it possible to overwrite the 'http:' prefix. You can replace it with 'https:' or leave the value empty

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.0.0
Responsive Web Design:
- New feature: Added support for responsive styles in Style Manager. Sometimes you want to use a different font, text size or color in breakpoints. For example use a larger font for smaller screens. With Responsive Styles you can define different values for breakpoints.
- New feature: Responsive styles in objects. Most objects now can have different fonts in breakpoints. Most objects can also have different backgrounds and text colors. Some objects like the photo gallery, text and the blog can have different columns in breakpoints.
- Which properties of an object are responsive is documented in the help.
- New feature: Responsive background styles in pages. You can configure different background properties for breakpoints, so a mobile layout can have a different background color or image.

Layout Grid:
- New feature: Layout Grid. The Layout Grid can be used to create flexible multi column layouts that automatically adapt to the screen size. A grid can have up to 12 columns, with sizes in percentages. Objects that are dragged into a grid will automatically become floating.
- For smaller (mobile) screens all columns are stacked based on the defined breakpoint.
- This is a great new way to create flexible and responsive (Bootstrap-like) layouts!
- Most WWB objects have been redesigned to take advanced of the layout grid.
- For example, if an image is dragged into the layout grid then it will automatically become responsive: it uses the full width of the cell while keeping its aspect ratio. Text will always use the full width of the grid cell and YouTube videos can be configured to keep a 16:9 or 4:3 ratio while stretching.
- The grid can be configured as fixed or fluid layout. A fixed grid will have the design time width and be centered in the browser window. A fluid grid will use the full width of the browser window and resize all cells accordingly.

Lazy Loading:
- New feature: Lazing loading. Enable this option to delay the loading of images until they are visible in the view port. This will speed up the page loading. It also prevents loading large images in mobile devices because only the visible images will be downloaded.
- Lazy loading is currently available for the Image object, Photo Gallery, Rollover Image and Rollover text.

FontAwesome Icon:
- New feature: Added 'FontAwesome Icon' object to easily add awesome (vector) icons.
- The object supports hover, backgrounds, events, links, CSS3 animations and much more.

Layer Menu:
- New feature: Layer Menu.
- A Layer Menu is an advanced menu where the drop down menus are layers. This is great for creating advanced mega menus with images, text, form or any other object! The drop down layer can be positioned left, centered or at the right of the buttons. It is also possible to make the layer full width of the page.

- New feature: Added 'Breadcrumb' navigation.
- Breadcrumbs are used to enhance the accessibility of a website by indicating the location using a navigational hierarchy.
- You can either manually configure all links for the menu or automatically synchronize with Site manager. Also supports FontAwesome icons.

- New feature: Added 'Pagination' navigation.
- If you have a web site with lots of pages, you may wish to add the pagination object for easier navigation. You can either manually configure all links for the menu or automatically synchronize with Site manager. In that case the menu will automatically generate links with auto numbering and next/previous buttons.
- This menu also works with the Content Management System.

Responsive Menu:
- New feature: Added 'Responsive Menu' object.
- This is a responsive, multi-level menu optimized for desktop computers and mobile (touch) devices which uses CSS only (no JavaScript!). On desktop computer the menu will display a standard drop down menu and on mobile devices it will display a multi-level stacked menu with the common ‘hamburger’ icon. The menu supports FontAwesome icons, ScrollSpy and Affix to give your website a modern look and feel.

- New feature: ScrollSpy is a navigation mechanism that automatically highlights the navigation buttons based on the scroll position to indicate the visitor where they are currently on the page. This feature works in combination with bookmarks.
- ScrollSpy is available for CSS Menu, Navigation Menu, Mega Menu, Slide Menu, Tab Menu, Panel Menu, Responsive Menu and Text Menu.

- New feature: Added Affix option to navigation objects.
- The Affix functionality is often used with navigation menus to make them "stick" at a specific area while scrolling up and down the page.
- Affix is available for CSS Menu, Navigation Menu, Mega Menu, Slide Menu, Tab Menu, Responsive Menu and Text Menu.

- New feature: Added a dedicated 'Heading' object.
- This is a quick way to add headings (, ) without using styles. Each heading object can have its own fonts/size/color!

- The blog has been redesigned to make it much more powerful. It’s now a great way to quick create lists or (responsive) grids for all types of data.
- New feature: Added 'Layout' option. This controls the appearance of the blog items. Includes more than 10 different layouts! More layouts will be available as an add-on package. You can also create your own layouts (with HTML/CSS templates)
- New feature: Added ‘Carousel’ option to the Blog. When this option is active the blog items will be displayed in a (responsive) Carousel!
- New feature: Item links now support target (new window, lightbox, popup etc), URL parameters, title, mailto, SMS, phone number, file etc.
- New feature: Added possibility to insert Lorem Ispum in blog via context menu.
- New feature: Added text alignment.
- New feature: Added line-height property.
- New feature: Added option to specify the image width.
- New feature: Added the ability to display items in columns. This option is responsive so each breakpoint can have different number of columns.

- New feature: Added 'Article' object. Basically the Article object is a stripped down version of the blog, with just one 'article. The article supports the same layouts and styling option so that makes it a great building block for when you need text combined with an image.

- New feature: Added 'parallax' background mode to Layers, Forms, Layout Grid and other objects. The background image scrolls slower than the content in the foreground, creating the illusion of 3D depth.

jQuery ListView:
- New feature: Added 'ListView object'. Create beautiful styled (jQuery UI themable) lists with title, description and image. Two modes are supported: listview and droplist. Also supports dividers to group items.
- The droplist is a styled (dropdown) select menu which can either be used as menu or as form element (combobox).

- The HTML Label Element () represents a caption for an item in a form (editbox, textarea, combobox, checkbox, radio button, file upload). The element provides a usability improvement for mouse users, because if the user clicks on the text within the element, it toggles the control. Screen readers and 'voice browsers' use the label to identify and use form inputs.
- User Interface Improvements:
- New feature: Added Office 2016 color schemes: Colorful theme/Dark gray theme/White theme.
- New feature: Scrollbars and panels (site manager, toolbox, object manager, property inspector) are rendered using the current theme colors.
- New feature: The status bar displays loading progress when a project is loaded.
- New feature: Added 'What's New' option in the help section of the menu. A shortcut to display the release notes.

- New feature: Added 'Apple Touch Icon' option in Page Properties. When someone bookmarks your web page or adds your web page to their phone's home screen this icon is used.
- New feature: Added 'Set page width and height to 100% ' alignment option in Page Properties. This option is for use in combination with the new ‘Full screen’ floating layer mode.
- New feature: 'Glass' background style (previously only available in Shape/Banner) is now a gradient style, so it can be used in other objects as well.

- New feature: Added an option to put all page specific scripts in an external (JS) file.
- New feature: Added 'Move JavaScript to the end of the page'. This will place all scripts at the end of the page.
- New feature: Added JavaScript minify option. Removes all whitespaces and line feeds from the code (Tools->Options->HTML->JavaScript formatting)
- New feature: Added HTML minify option (Tools->Options->HTML->HTML formatting)
- This option can be used to reduce the size of the generated HTML and may improve the performance of the page.
- New feature: Added ‘Resources’ button to the HTML object. This option can be used to automatically include built-in scripts like jQuery. This can be useful when your code uses one of the built-in scripts but there are no other objects on the page that load the script. For example: jquery-1.11.3.min.js, jquery.ui.draggable.min.js, affix.min.js etc. This way to do not have to use a separate ‘File Publisher’ object.
- New feature: Added CSS formatting options: beautify, compact and minify.
- Tools->Options->HTML->CSS formatting)
- New feature: Added the ability to insert code inside the tag.
- In Page HTML or via an HTML object.

- New feature: Added Retina support. You can specify an (optional) high-resolution version of the image.
- New feature: Added ‘Full width’ option. Specifies whether the image is full width (responsive) of its container (layout grid). If set to false, the image uses the fixed size.
- New feature: Added ‘Maximum width’ option. Specifies the maximum size of the image when it is set to full width. This prevents the image from getting too large in responsive layouts.

- Improved: Redesigned the implementation of 'line spacing'. Line spacing now also works with responsive text and for standard text; it no longer uses divs for each line.
- Improved: Significantly improved performance of font combo box loading.
- New feature: Added support for CSS3 multiple column layout. In the text properties you can now set the number of columns and gap between columns - just like in news papers.
- The number of columns can be different in breakpoints.
- New feature: Added 'Subset' option to Insert Symbol dialog. Specifies a subset of special characters for the selected font. A font subset can include an extended list of language characters, such as Greek or Russian (Cyrillic), or a category of characters, such as Currency Symbols and Arrows.
- New feature: Added support for Surrogates and Supplementary Characters.
- New feature: Added support for 'Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs'. This replaces the Wingdings and Webdings fonts which should not be used in websites.
- New feature: Added support for 'Emoticons'

- New feature: Added a search box to toolbox to filter toolbox items. For example type 'menu' to display all menu objects. The search box can enabled/disabled via the context menu of the toolbox.

- New feature: Added 'Facebook Page Plugin' script.

- The menubar has been redesign. It no longer uses 'fixed' themes, but now they can be fully customized with the WWB menu editor. There are more than 50 predefined templates available.
- New feature: Added 'Click to open submenus' option. Specifies whether the user needs to click to open sub menus, instead of hover/mouseover. Recommended for touch screen devices where there is no mouse (so the menu won't open on hover)
- New feature: Border color and width can now be set for all normal and hover state.
- New feature: Added support for gradients and pattern backgrounds
- New feature: Added left and right margin styling in main and sub menus. This makes it possible to give the left/right margin a different background style.
- New feature: Margin can have a 'shape' to indicate that the item has sub items. This is usually an 'arrow' but you can use any of the built-in shapes!
- New feature: Added border style for items. Include a special 'separator only' style which adds a single line between all items.
- New feature: Added 'Shadow' option for sub menus.
- New feature: Sub menus can now have different font.
- New feature: Added the ability to choose a different character for the horizontal divider.
- New feature: Added sub menu offset (x,y) options.

Panel Menu:
- New feature: Added support for FontAwesome icons in menu items.
- New feature: Added the ability to set a FontAwesome icon as the button image.
- New feature: Added overlay option (color and opacity). This fades the page background when the menu is active.

Mega Menu:
- New feature: The Mega Menu can now have its own styling (independently of jQuery UI Theme).

- Improved: Replaced 'name' attribute with 'id'. The 'name' attribute is obsolete in HTML5.
- New feature: Added ‘Smooth Scroll’ functionality. When link to a bookmark is clicked the page will scroll smoothly to the bookmark, optionally with easing effects.

- New feature: Added link decoration (underline) animation to hyperlink styles.
- New feature: Added the ability to hide/remove extension from internal links:
- Tools->Options->Publish & Preview. For advanced users only!

Form Wizard:
- Improved: The Form Wizard now creates label objects instead of standard text.

Editbox, TextArea:
- New feature: Focus state. Removes the default outline styles and applies a box-shadow (with customizable color) in its place.

- New feature: Adding padding.
- New feature: Added Focus state.
- New feature: Added group option. Groups can be used to group related options in a drop-down list. If you have a long list of options, groups of related options are easier to handle for a user.

- New feature: Added support for FontAwesome. A simple way to turn FontAwesome icons into images with all the special effects that are available for the ClipArt object.
- New feature: Added support for Bootstrap’s GlyphIcons Halflings. This font is not included by default but available as free add-on.

- New feature: Added support for Surrogates and Supplementary Characters, including 'Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs' (see text). A great way to insert symbols in shapes!

Photo Gallery:
- Improved: Gallery now uses CSS instead of tables.
- Improved: The gallery automatically uses in memory compression when large images are loaded. This improves the performance during design time.
- Improved: Transitions are now applied to individual images instead of the entire gallery. Great for implementing cool animated hover effects.
- New feature: Added 'Responsive' option for thumbnail size. When this option is selected the gallery can have a different number of columns in breakpoints! The images in the gallery will be responsively resized based on the available space. This means for example that when the gallery is inside a layout grid that it can be full width. Or use a percentage of the screen size width.
- New feature: Added support for Lazy Loading.
- New feature: Added 'Text padding' option (replaces the confusing 'cell spacing' option).
- New feature: Added border radius for default frame style.
- New feature: Added the ability to set a description for images.
- New feature: Added Bootstrap frame style to create Bootstrap-like thumbnail images.

- New feature: Each slide can now have its own background. For example each slide can have another image, in combination with the full width mode this is perfect for advanced full width slideshows!
- New feature: Add ‘Full width and floating’ option. This makes it possible to use the Carousel as part of a floating layout. For example, in combination with layout grids or floating layers.

Slide Show:
- New feature: Added border-radius property.
- New feature: Added "News Paper' animation.
- New feature: Added "Carousel' mode. When this mode is selected multiple images can be displayed per slide.
- New feature: Added ‘Full width’ option. Specifies whether the slideshow is full width (responsive) of its container (layout grid). If set to false, the slideshow uses the fixed size.

- Improved: Relative layers now use floating point numbers in percentages to reduce rounding errors.
- Improved: Sticky layer now uses Bootstrap's Affix for 'Keep original position...' and delay = 0.
- New feature: Added 'Box Sizing' property. The box-sizing property is used to tell the browser what the sizing properties (width and height) should include. Should they include the border-box or just the content-box (which is the default value)? The 'border-box' option is especially useful for full width layers, where you usually want the border inside the viewport. With content-box the border size will be added to the total width (> 100%).
- New feature: Added 'Enable form' property. This option converts the layer into a form. Great for combination with modal mode and other advanced layer features.
- New feature: Added 'Enable backdrop' option for Modal Layer. Specifies whether the background overlay is enabled.
- New feature: Added 'Close on escape' for Modal Layer. Specifies whether pressing the 'esc' key will close the modal layer.
- New feature: Added 'Display close button' for Modal Layer. Specifies whether the default close button should be displayed.
- New feature: Added 'Animation' option for Modal Layer. Specifies whether animation is used to show/hide the modal layer: None, Fade or Slide.
- New feature: Added Bootstrap modal layer support. Unlike the jQuery UI option this one is responsive! If specified, the title of the layer will be used in the header.
- New feature: Added ‘Full Screen’ floating mode. This will set the width/height of the layer to 100% of the current view port. This can be useful for creating full screen/single page web sites. See the new demo templates for more details.

CSS3 Animations:
- New feature: Added new CSS3 animations:
- newspaper; a great effect from the movies;)
- fall; simulates a ‘falling’ object.
- side fall; simulates an object falling from the side.
- transform-3d-sign; object slides into view from the background.
- super-scaled-in; Scale (2x) and fade an object into view.
- super-scaled-out; Scale (2x) and fade an object out of view.

- New feature: Added the possibility to change the font and size of text is table cells for multiple cells: Select multiple cells -> hold down the SHIFT key and click cell properties.

Login Tools:
- New feature: Added responsive layout mode. In this mode input fields have 100% width (instead of a fixed size), so it can have a different size in breakpoints.
- New feature: All input fields are now tags (instead of standard text).
- New feature: Added option 'Use place holders instead of labels'. Enabling this option results in a cleaner layout.
- New feature: Added 'padding' option to text input fields, button and title.
- New feature: Added 'alignment' to title.
- New feature: Added border-radius option to input fields and buttons.
- New feature: Focus state. Removes the default outline styles and applies a box-shadow (with customizable color) in its place.

Rollover Image:
- New feature: Added new animation: Newspaper

Rollover Text:
- New feature: Added new animation: Fall In. Rotate and translate text on hover
- New feature: Added new animation: Revolving Door. 3D transform on hover
- New feature: Added new animation: Translate Left/Right. Translate and scale image to reveal text on hover
- New feature: Added new animation: Tunnel. Scale and fade image on hover
- New feature: Added new animation: Reveal. Pushes the image up or down to reveal the text. Supports easing.

- Removed: Options deprecated by YouTube (colors, theme and version) have been removed.
- New feature: Added 'Aspect ratio' option. Keep the aspect ratio of the video fixed at 16:9 or 4:3. This is especially useful when the video is party of a Layout Grid, so the video resizes dynamically while keeping the original aspect ratio.
- When used in combination with 'Fill entire browser window' this will crop the video to cover the entire background. Note: this option is also available for: Vimeo and HTML5 video.
- New feature: Added 'Custom parameters' to add extra features which are not implemented in WWB (yet). For a complete list of available options please check the YouTube API documentation.

jQuery General:
- Upgraded to jQuery 1.11.3 and 2.1.4.
- Upgraded to jQuery UI 1.11.4. This version has many improvements and outputs fewer files.
- New feature: Added the ability to control the border-radius for individual jQuery UI widgets (replaces the theme radius)

jQuery Date Picker:
- New feature: Added 'flexible' mode. This option makes the date picker size flexible, so it can have different sizes in different breakpoints.

jQuery ProgressBar:
- New feature: Add 'Indeterminate' option. Enable this option to display an (animated) indeterminate progress bar.

jQuery Tooltip:
- New feature: Added possibility to insert Lorem Ispum in text editor via context menu.
- New feature: Added box-shadow option
- New feature: Added text alignment option.
- New feature: Added the ability to use custom background and border instead jQuery UI Theme.
- New feature: Added Arrow support. An arrow can be displayed at the bottom, left, right or bottom of the tooltip.

jQuery Tab:
- New feature: Added new layout modes to give the tab widget a different appearance.
- Remove header background
- Remove entire header
- Tabs like button

- New feature: Most navigation objects can now also be used with the CMS tools. The 'Use this menu for CMS' is available for CSS Menu, Go Menu, MenuBar, Panel Menu, Tab Menu, Text Menu, Breadcrumb and Pagination.
- New feature: Added support for nicEditor ( in CMS admin. NicEdit is extremely lightweight and has built-in support for file uploads.
- New feature: Added support for SCEditor ( in CMS admin. SCEditor is another lightweight editor with support for emoticons, YouTube and much more.
- New feature: Added support for Trumbowyg ( in CMS admin. Trumbowyg is a light, translatable and customizable jQuery plugin. Supports images through base64.
- New feature: Added 'Upload image' option to WWB editor. Uses HTML5’s filereader, so no PHP or special setup is required.
- New feature: Added 'Use images for actions' to CMS admin. Specifies whether to use images instead of text for actions.
- New feature: Added 'Search Index' to CMS page configuration. This option specifies whether to include the page in the CMS search index. When set to ‘false’ the page will not be displayed in the CMS search results.

Error Reports:
- New feature: Error reports checks whether IDs starts with a letter (ID cannot start with digits or dashes).
- New feature: Error reports checks whether objects are inside the viewport (including breakpoints).

Smart Guides:
- New feature: Added 'center' guides. Smart guides now also works when objects are aligned centered. Also works for the center of the page.

News Feed Ticker:
- New feature: Added text alignment

- New feature: Added support for Magnific Popup. Magnific Popup is a responsive gallery with a modern look that can be used in the SlideShow, Photo Gallery, YouTube, Vimeo, Inline frame.
- Magnific Popup can also be used as a replacement for the default Fancybox lightbox which is used in links. This can be configured in the Page Properties.

News Feed Ticker:
- New feature: Added text alignment.

Other improvements:
- Improved: Events -> Show/Hide with effects now only includes effect files that are needed.
- Improved: Wingdings and Webdings fonts are no longer considered web safe. They have been replaced by standard Unicode symbols.
- New feature: Added ‘Reset Position’ to context menu of Object Manager. This option can be useful in breakpoints when you have ‘lost’ an object because it’s outside the viewport. ‘Reset Position’ moves the object to the upper left corner of its container.