Driver Talent 歷史版本列表 Page11

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Driver Talent 歷史版本列表

Driver Talent 是一個專業和易於使用的驅動程序更新和管理程序,將掃描您的計算機的所有驅動程序。它會發現過時的,故障的,有問題的,缺少驅動程序,只需點擊一下即可解決。這是修復與硬件驅動程序相關的各種棘手的計算機問題的最佳選擇,在 Windows 10,Windows 8.1,8,7,XP,Vista. 上運行良好。除了下載和安裝驅動程序更新,它還可以備份 / 恢復 / 卸載驅動程序視頻 ... Driver Talent 軟體介紹

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- file history (caret, bookmarks etc) is now saved to session file *.cuda-session. This makes session files independent from main history
- Ctrl+MouseWheel and commands "current document font size..." change editor's font scale by 10% steps, instead of font-size by 1

- Emmet: expand abbreviation also by Tab-key (Tab-key works as usual if there is no abbreviation)
- Project Manager: sets its current folder as folder of Open/Save-as dialog
- command "current document font size: reset"
- lexer HTML: default extension is now 'html'
- lexer Bash: minor fix
- option "key_left_right_wrap_with_carets" (to be like EmEditor with multi-carets)
- option "log_sessions"

- bad work of HTML auto-completion with '<tag attrib=| >' and '<tag attrib="|" >'
- bad saving of External Tools plugin hotkeys to keys.json
- broken highlight of multi-line strings on editing text after them
- invisible file tab in group-2 on loading session

Postman 7.21.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue where API tab crashes when any different active tab is closed

SnapGene Viewer 5.0.8 查看版本資訊


Postman 7.21.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added descriptions for Request Timeout and Max Response Size options in App Settings
- Show a warning for credentials that need encoding in OAuth2 client credentials grant type
- Added additional parameter "Expires" by default when adding a new Cookie manually in Manage Cookies modal
- Performance improvements in History Sidebar
- Added application/vnd.api+json to the list of header autocomplete suggestions
- Added ability to disable saving response when user does not have permissions to edit the request
- Fixed an issue where open tabs in the current workspace were not shown on launching the app
- Better memory usage for tabs with optimised memory management for recently closed tabs
- Fixed a bug where the workspace create modal had pre-populated name of the last workspace created
- Fixed a bug where renaming a request while a filter was set in collection sidebar expanded all items again
- Fix missing fork label on Collection Explorer in Runner
- Fix missing total run time in runner's export run result
- Runner Results shows "No Environment" on retry even if environment is used
- Fixed a bug where opening OAuth2 manage tokens dialog was causing error
- Fixed a bug where contents in the request builder tab would overflow in small window size
- Fixed a bug where API sidebar items were not scrolling into view when navigating using key-press
- Added support for proxy server authentication for accessing Postman's online features
- Added support for visualizing whitespaces and highlighting invalid characters
- Live preview of headers, query and body params in request
- Added an option to toggle encoding of Authorization header in OAuth1
- Conflict Resolution UI
- Updated the "create new API" flow from the Launchpad and the "+ New" button

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- plugin Emmet: expand abbreviation also by Tab-key (Tab-key works as usual if there is no abbreviation)
- command "current document font size: reset"
- save file history in more compact way

- Ctrl+MouseWheel and commands "current document font size..." change editor's font scale by 10% steps, instead of font-size by 1

DVDFab Passkey Lite 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added the support for some new Java protections

DVDFab Passkey Lite 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added the support for some new Java protections

Office Timeline 4.03.01 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Removed highlights for Swimlane column changes during Sync
- Fixed an issue with drop-downs that opened outside the Style Pane
- Small usability improvements

Postman 7.20.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue where the links in the About section are not redirecting to correct URLs

DVDFab Passkey Lite 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New: Added the support for some new Java protections