DiskDigger 歷史版本列表 Page4

最新版本 DiskDigger

DiskDigger 歷史版本列表

DiskDigger 是一個程序,從您的硬盤驅動器,內存卡,USB 閃存驅動器中刪除和恢復丟失的文件— 你的名字!無論您是否意外地從計算機中刪除了某些文檔或照片,重新格式化了相機的存儲卡,或者想要查看舊 USB 驅動器上潛伏的文件,DiskDigger 就在這里為您提供幫助.DiskDigger 可以從大多數類型的介質恢復已刪除的文件計算機可以讀取:硬盤,USB 閃存驅動器,存儲卡,C... DiskDigger 軟體介紹

Visual Studio Code 1.83.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Visual Studio Code 1.83.0 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Visual Studio Code 1.82.3 (64-bit)
- Update to Electron v25.8.1 with patch for CVE-2023-5217

Visual Studio Code 1.82.2 (64-bit)
- Update to Electron v25.8.1
- Debug console is not working
- Error traces show unrendered HTML href that makes them hard to read
- 1.82: can not run code . in wsl1

Visual Studio Code 1.82.1 (64-bit)
- Protect against maliciously crafted package.json / .npmrc

Visual Studio Code 1.82.0 (64-bit)
- Accessibility improvements - Accessible View support for inline completions, updated keybindings
- Built-in port forwarding - Forward local server ports from within VS Code
- Sticky Scroll updates - Scrolls horizontally with editor, display last line in scope, folding UI
- New diff editor features - Detect moved code, dynamically switch inline and side-by-side view
- Command Center displayed by default - Quickly open files or run commands from the title bar
- Copy Notebook output - Easily copy cell output as well as generated images
- WebAssembly debugging - Decompile WASM code to step through and set breakpoints
- New TypeScript refactorings - Move to File and Inline Variables refactorings
- New Python Formatting topic - Learn how to integrate formatters such as autopep8 and Black
- Preview: GitHub Copilot - CreateWorkspace command previews file structure of proposed code

Visual Studio Code 1.81.1 (64-bit)
- "Apply Extensions to all Profiles" has problems with extension dependencies
- Install VSIX of same version of an extension as already installed makes extension disappear after Reload
- language pack extension doesn't work after restart

Visual Studio Code 1.81.0 (64-bit)
- Accessibility improvements - Accessible View support for notifications, chat responses, and hovers
- VS Code Profiles - Finer control with partial profiles and "Apply to all profiles" options
- New diff editor features - Collapse unchanged regions, better diff region text alignment
- Git repositories with symlinks - Support for repository paths with symbolic links
- Notebook updates - Search text in closed notebooks, "sticky scroll" displays Markdown headers
- Python test discovery - Error tolerant pytest discovery continues across all files
- Access Jupyter servers in GitHub Codespaces - Connect to a remote Jupyter server in a codespace
- GitHub pull request creation - Better base branch detection, remember previous create PR options
- Preview: GitHub Copilot UX - Quick Chat improvements, iterative /fix command

Visual Studio Code 1.80.2 (64-bit)
The update includes this pull request:
- chore: update builds for [email protected]

Visual Studio Code 1.80.1 (64-bit)
- EnvironmentVariableCollection.description only works for one extension
- Terminal full black
- Markdown preview broken after 1.80 update
- Secrets store onDidChange does not fire in the window where the update was made in VS Code 1.8.0
- Terminal icon switches every time when pressing Shift key
- Pick up TS 5.1.6
- Are choice snippets dangerous now? Breaking extensions completions
- Cannot install copilot pre-release on stable

Visual Studio Code 1.80.0 (64-bit)
- Accessibility improvements: Accessible View for better screen reader support, Copilot audio cues.
- Better editor group and tab resizing: Set min tab size, avoid unnecessary editor group resizing.
- Skip subwords when expanding selection: Control whether to use camel case for selection.
- Terminal image support: Display images directly in the integrated terminal.
- Python extensions for mypy and debugpy: For Python type checking and debugging in VS Code.
- Remote connections to WSL: Connect to WSL instances on remote machines using Tunnels.
- Preview: GitHub Copilot create workspace/notebook: Quickly scaffold projects and notebooks.
- New C# in VS Code documentation: Learn about C# development with the C# Dev Kit extension.

Visual Studio Code 1.79.2 (64-bit)
- UNC allow list checks cannot be disabled in extension host
- May 2023 Recovery 2
- git: refresh button get error
- VS Code 1.79.0 use root user can not open with cmd --no-sandbox --user-data-dir
- ShellIntegration for fish is gone
- Notebook streaming output is appended when it should replace
- Welcome editor shows up with a delay and progress bar

Visual Studio Code 1.79.1 (64-bit)
- Fixed: JSON schema resulting in CSRF with UNC paths

Visual Studio Code 1.79.0 (64-bit)
- [emmet] http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" in 2023
- TreeView.reveal with expand: 3 only expands the first level 3 folder

Visual Studio Code 1.78.2 (64-bit)
- Setting NODE_UNC_HOST_ALLOWLIST does not work
- [json] Error while computing completions with snippets
- "Unbinding" by using empty command in keybindings.json no longer works in v1.78
- TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'ELECTRON_USE_V8_CONFIGURED_PARTITION_POOL') for 1.78.0 bug
- Debugging AL Language
- Cannot find module 'vscode-windows-ca-certs'
- Stage/Discard buttons grayed out
- First-letter navigation in explorer tree views no longer works

Visual Studio Code 1.78.1 (64-bit)
- JSON schema resulting in CSRF with UNC paths

Visual Studio Code 1.78.0 (64-bit)
- Accessibility improvements - Better screen reader support, new audio cues
- New color themes - "Modern" light and dark color theme defaults
- Profile templates - Built-in templates for Python, Java, Data Science, and more
- Drag and drop selector - Choose how you'd like item links placed into the editor
- Standalone color picker - Color picker UI to insert or modify color formats
- Quick Fixes for Source Control input - Fix spelling and other errors right in the input box
- Markdown drag and drop videos - Easily add video tags in Markdown files
- Notebooks insert images as attachments - Choose between an image link, path, or attachment
- Git LFS and VS Code for the Web - Use vscode.dev for repos with Git Large File Storage
- VS Code Day 2023 - Catch up on the sessions in the YouTube playlist

Visual Studio Code 1.77.3 (64-bit)
- March 2023 Recovery 3
- Pick up TS 5.0.4 recovery
- Clicking Top Edge of Terminal break the Terminal
- Incorrect layout of welcome page, when there are no suggestions

Visual Studio Code 1.77.1 (64-bit)
- Bump JS Debug
- Broken syntax highlighting in TS if no semicolon I used after type
- March 2023 Recovery 1
- Everytime I click the button " Open Folder'', it will crash and closed automatically

Visual Studio Code 1.77.0 (64-bit)
- Accessibility improvements - New keyboard shortcuts for hovers, notifications, and Sticky Scroll
- Copy GitHub deep links - Create permalinks and HEAD links from within the editor
- Notebook Format on Save - Automatically format notebooks cells on save
- TS/JS switch case completions - Quickly fill in TypeScript/JavaScript switch statements
- Python move symbol refactoring - Move Python symbols to an existing or new file
- Remote Tunnels update - Reuse existing tunnel and quickly transition from remote to desktop
- Ruby documentation - Learn about Ruby language support for VS Code
- Preview: expanded GitHub Copilot integration - New inline chat and full AI chat view

Visual Studio Code 1.76.2 (64-bit)
- February 2023 Recovery 2
- Git gutter not shown in workspace with multiple folders

Visual Studio Code 1.76.1 (64-bit)
- Persist state of badge hiding across reloads and view moves

Visual Studio Code 1.76.0 (64-bit)
- Profiles - Active profile badge, quickly switch profiles via the Command Palette
- Accessibility improvements - New audio cues, improved terminal screen reader mode
- Moveable Explorer view - Place the Explorer in the secondary side bar or a panel
- Notebook kernel MRU list - Find and select recently used notebook kernels
- Markdown header link suggestions - Easily link to headers in files across your workspace
- Remote Development usability - New keyboard shortcut, streamlined remote options list
- New Git/GitHub topics - Articles for beginner and advanced Git source control users
- Improved Marketplace search - Better results for multi-word queries
- Jupyter IPyWidgets 8 support - Use the latest IPyWidgets version in your Jupyter notebooks
- Python pytest IntelliSense - Completions for pytest fixtures and parameterized arguments

Visual Studio Code 1.75.1 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Visual Studio Code 1.75.0 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Visual Studio Code 1.74.3 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Visual Studio Code 1.74.2 (64-bit)
- Slow window resizing performance
- accessibility - keyboard locks up every minute or so using most recent insider build

Visual Studio Code 1.74.1 (64-bit)
- Missing TextEditorOptions.indentSize API type
- Extensions view doesn't auto load if is close when startup VSCode
- SelectNextCodeAction custom keybinding not working
- [remote-tunnel]Not connected in vscode : Illegal argument: connectionToken
- Extensions are not loaded if there is an invalid extensions.json file in extensions folder
- Typescript/lib/lib.d.ts not found in all jsconfig.json files without target
- Zsh history not working after update
- Restart running task not working - Prevented duplicate task from running
- Previewing of code actions / refactorings stopped working
- Incorrectly formatted translation in TS extension
- Pick up TS 4.9.4
- Git - sync fails silently when changes are in the working tree
- Markdown scrolls to bottom of doc
- [insiders] Git Sync Button at the bottom of the screen does not animate when clicked to sync changes
- Characters not being rendered properly in the terminal

Visual Studio Code 1.74.0 (64-bit)
- Customize Explorer auto reveal - Decide which files scroll into view in the Explorer
- Hide Activity bar and Panel badges - Simplify the editor UI by toggling state badges
- Audio cues for notebooks and diff view - Sounds for cell run results, added or removed lines
- Merge editor Undo/Redo - Quickly revert or reapply merge conflict actions
- Manage unsafe repositories - Prevent Git operations on folders not owned by you
- JavaScript console.profile collection - Easily create CPU profiles for viewing in VS Code
- Go to Definition from return - Jump to the top of JavaScript/TypeScript functions
- Remote Tunnels - Create a connection to any machine, without needing SSH
- Jupyter notebook "Just My Code" debugging - Avoid stepping into Python library code
- Dev Container GPU support - Request a GPU when creating a Dev Container

Visual Studio Code 1.73.1 (64-bit)
- October 2022 Recovery 1
- Bug/regression: Renaming local, non-exported variables causes the file to be automatically saved
- Settings editor More Actions menu clipped
- Organize Imports broken in 1.73.0
- improve terminal quick fix telemetry
- Source Control menu showing wrong branches of worktrees contained in bare repository

Visual Studio Code 1.73.0 (64-bit)
- Search include/exclude folders - Quickly set folders to include/exclude in the tree view
- Command Center mode shortcuts - Displays commonly used modes before recent files list
- Merge editor improvements - Access Combination option to auto merge conflicts
- Markdown automatic link updates - File and image links updated on rename/move
- More audio cues - Task completed or failed, Terminal Quick Fix available
- Vscode.dev protected branch workflow - Create new branch when committing to protected branch
- New Python extensions - New standalone extensions for isort, Pylint, and Flake8
- Dev Container Templates - Create new Dev Containers based on existing templates

Visual Studio Code 1.72.2 (64-bit)
- September 2022 Recovery 2 Endgame
- Do not cache activity bar icons (urls) in web
- Extension sync not working in vscode server web
- Merge editor saves files using the wrong newlines
- Commit button disabled after resolving merge conflict

Visual Studio Code 1.72.0 (64-bit)
- Document shell integration vscode custom sequences on website
- Migrate Codespaces content from VS Code docs to GitHub docs
- Array<A|B> is displayed as A|B[]
- List the places the Python extension looks for environments in the order that it performs its search
- Variables-reference page add ${fileDirnameBasename}
- Add doc to explain the benefit of Timeline view, especially when I commit my changes often
- WSL docs use deprecated Chrome Debugger as extension example
- Feature request: Show content of updates in RSS feed
- VSCode API: contributes.menus missing menu possibilities
- Add docs that explain 3-way merge editor
- Contribution points page contains example with resourceScheme but no explanation how to do it
- Review and update the Azure TOC node
- Not introduced commands in "Configure C/C++ debugging" chapter
- Clang error on macbook vscode
- How to associate a configuration to a workspace
- Update dev containers content
- Clarify extension unique name restriction
- Better Debug documentation for TypeScript
- Adding a section on e2e testing for WebViews
- A11y_Visual Studio Code Services_Docs Python_Tutorial_DeveloperTool: Incorrect role given for "Edit" control as "link" and "Button"
- A11y_Visual Studio Code Services_Docs Setup_Linux_Usability:The "Installation" header has an additional "# installation link" besides it.
- A11y_Visual Studio Code Services_Blog Posts_Extension Bisect_Resize: At 200% zoom Text and links in the page are getting overlapped when navigated using "shift + tab" key
- Review and update Configure C/C++ debugging topic
- Instructions on configuring vscode for chrome extensions debugging
- Missing File System API extension guide

Visual Studio Code 1.71.2 (64-bit)
- August 2022 Recovery 2 Endgame
- Change default git conflict experience to be the inline editor
- Stuck with tall WCO
- Telemetry is broken on the web
- prompted for trust on behalf of automaticTasks in empty remote workspace
- Safari not properly rendering Terminal after page reload
- [Emmet] 'emmet.action.expandAbbreviation' command broken in 1.71.0
- VSCode always executes the "folderOpen" task after every single task
- Node JS Debugger Error
- "Open in Merge Editor" and "Accept Merge" button missing in web
- windows default close button location moved on its own when updating to v1.71.0
- tasks shouldn't prompt for trust when trust has been refused

Visual Studio Code 1.71.0 (64-bit)
- Merge editor improvements - Easier transition between text and merge editors
- Expanded codecs support - To help display embedded audio and video in notebooks and webviews
- File rename selection - Pressing F2 selects filename, whole name, or file extension
- New Code Action UI - Quickly find the Code Action you're looking for
- Terminal updates - Shell integration for fish and Git Bash, new smooth scrolling
- Jupyter notebook image pasting - Paste and preview image files in notebook Markdown cells
- TypeScript livestreams - Watch TS "Crash Course" or "Tips and Tricks" on YouTube
- Live Preview extension - Live Preview now supports multi-root web projects
- Markdown Language Server blog post - Learn how Markdown support moved to a Language Server

Visual Studio Code 1.70.2 (64-bit)
- July 2022 Recovery 2 endgame-plan
- July 2022 Recovery 2
- INVALID tree item bug candidate insiders-released tree-views verified
- VS Code pre-release does not reload code on restart of the debugger bug candidate debug insiders-released regression verified
- Extension contributed submenus missing with errors in output bug candidate menus verified

Visual Studio Code 1.70.1 (64-bit)
The update addresses these issues:
- Connections to mobile.events.data.microsoft.com
- Bash shell script issue with "%" sign
- Terminal Shell Integration Error -- bash: eval: line 5: unexpected token `EOF' in conditional command
- ZDOTDIR set to /usr/tmp/vscode-zsh with Shell Integration enabled
- July 2022 Recovery 1
- Terminal error when starting VS Code from zip on Windows
- Post commit does not work
- Remote development: Zombie file watcher processes not cleaned up on remote host
- actions toolbar without labels in the buttons

Visual Studio Code 1.70.0 (64-bit)
There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include:
- Title bar customization - Hide/show menu bar, Command Center, or layout control
- Fold selection - Create your own folded regions in the editor
- Search multi-select - Select and then act on multiple search results
- Tree view search and filtering - Find and filter in tree views such as the Find Explorer
- Terminal improvements - Shell integration on by default, extended PowerShell keybindings
- Command line option --merge - Use the 3-way merge editor as your default merge tool
- Notebooks: Go to Most Recently Failed Cell - Jump directly to notebook errors
- Python Get started experience - Quickly install and configure Python within VS Code
- Sticky scroll preview - New scrolling UI shows current source code scope
- Dev container CLI topic - Learn about the updated development container CLI

Visual Studio Code 1.69.2 (64-bit)
- June 2022 Recovery 2 endgame-plan
- mmet suggestion not automatically display bug candidate confirmed emmet
- Focus problems with output in notebooks causing Ipywidgets dropdown to not work

Visual Studio Code 1.69.1 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Visual Studio Code 1.69.0 (64-bit)
- 3-way merge editor - Resolve merge conflicts within VS Code
- Command Center - New UI to search files, run commands, and navigate cursor history
- Do Not Disturb mode - Silence non-critical notification popups
- Toggle Light/Dark themes - Quickly switch between preferred light and dark themes
- Terminal shell integration - Display command status, run recent commands, and more
- Task output decorations - Highlights task success or failure exit codes
- Git Commit action button - Configure your default Git Commit action
- Debug Step Into Target support - Allows you to step directly into functions when paused
- JavaScript sourcemap toggling - Switch to debugging compiled rather than source code
- Color theme tester - Use vscode.dev to preview color themes
- VS Code Server preview - Run the same server used for Remote Development

Visual Studio Code 1.68.1 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Visual Studio Code 1.68.0 (64-bit)
- Configure Display Language - See installed and available Language Packs in their language
- Problems panel table view - View errors and warnings as a table to quickly filter on their source
- Deprecated extensions - Learn whether an extension is deprecated or should be replaced
- Extension sponsorship - Support the developers who build your favorite extensions
- Hide Explorer files using .gitignore - Reuse your existing .gitignore to hide files in the Explorer
- Terminal color and contrast enhancements - Find match background color, min contrast ratio
- Git branch protection - Branch protection available right inside VS Code
- TypeScript Go to Source Definition - Jump directly to a symbol's JavaScript implementation
- VS Code for the Web localization - vscode.dev now matches your chosen browser language
- Development Container specification - Learn more about the evolving dev container spec
- Preview: Markdown link validation - Detects broken links to headers, images, and files

Visual Studio Code 1.67.2 (64-bit)
- Some terminal launch config args are double-escaped
- Disabled toolbar icons are no longer dimmed in 1.67
- April 2022 - Recovery 2
- Shortcut initiated selection occurrence indicators are not cleaning up
- STDIN/STDOUT redirection of debugger doesn't work anymore after 1.67 update

Visual Studio Code 1.67.1 (64-bit)
- Git clone protocol handler

Visual Studio Code 1.67.0 (64-bit)
- Explorer file nesting - Nest generated files under source files in the Explorer
- Settings editor filters - Filter button brings up searches such as @Modified settings
- Bracket pair colorization - Colored bracket pairs are now enabled by default
- Toggle inlay hints - Ctrl+Alt to quickly hide or show inlay hints in the editor
- Drag and drop to create Markdown links - Drop files into the editor to create Markdown links
- Find All References in Markdown - Quickly find all references to headers, files, URLs
- Java extension updates - Now supporting inlay hints and lazy variable resolution
- UX Guidelines for extension authors - Guidance for VS Code extension UI best practices
- New Rust language topic - Learn how to use the Rust programming language in VS Code

Visual Studio Code 1.66.2 (64-bit)
- Git - Disable automatic repository scanning in the root of the HOMEDRIVE
- Tighten permission in Windows install folder

Visual Studio Code 1.66.1 (64-bit)
- Update built in extension ms-vscode.js-debug-companion and ms-vscode.references-view
- Applciation/json output is not working in vscode notebooks
- [html] unnecessary 'semicolon expected' errors
- Double click a word and move with one finger will select other words and lines
- Jupyter Notebook progress bar is broken
- Source control repository missed a repository if we have multiple with same name
- VS Code 1.66 requires GLIBC 2.25 on RHEL 7
- Problem in html right to left around whitespace
- Settings editor list fails to render properly after clearing invalid query
- Rendering whitespace influences bidi layout

Visual Studio Code 1.66.0 (64-bit)
- Local history - Keep track of local file changes independent of source control
- Settings editor language filter - Displays available language-specific settings
- Terminal find improvements - Matches are highlighted in the terminal panel and scroll bar
- Built-in CSS/LESS/SCSS formatters - Code formatting for CSS, LESS, and SCSS
- JavaScript heap profiles - Collect and view JS memory allocations while debugging
- VS Code for the Web - Drag and drop files and folders into vscode.dev
- Remote - SSH support for Mac - Connect via SSH to Apple Silicon/M1/ARM64 machines
- New R language topic - Learn how to use R for data science in VS Code

Visual Studio Code 1.65.2 (64-bit)
- February 2022 Recovery 2 Endgame
- dependsOn executes wrong tasks in multi-root workspaces
- Azure-sphere-tools-ui needs to be added to the proposed API list
- Newline missing when pressing Enter between open/close html tags in React files when tags have attributes
- Code snippet "Choice" feature no longer working
- editor.action.smartSelect.expand doesn't work if only basic language features are available
- f removed from origin name in git log?
- New notebook 'text/plain' renderer breaks alignment

Visual Studio Code 1.65.1 (64-bit)
- Encode parent authority into webview origin
- ${env:PATH} not detected on terminal

Visual Studio Code 1.65.0 (64-bit)
- New editor history navigation - Scope Go Back/Go Forward history to editor group or single editor
- Light High Contrast theme - Light theme for enhanced VS Code editor visibility
- New audio cues - Audio cues for warnings, inline suggestions, and breakpoint hits
- Drag and drop Problems and Search results - Drag results to new or existing editor groups
- Source Control diff editor management - Automatically close diff editors after Git operations
- Debugger lazy variable evaluation - Lazy evaluation of JavaScript/TypeScript property getters
- Preview: Terminal shell integration - Rerun terminal commands, command status decorations
- VS Code for the Web - Reopen recent local files and folders, improved Git integration

Visual Studio Code 1.64.2 (64-bit)
- January 2022 Recovery 2 Endgame
- Web: Extension host fails to initialize when certain browser extensions are installed
- GVFS: can't open file
- Output view dropdown scrollbar UI is not clickable/usable (regression)
- jupyter notebook cell pending indicator missing
- Integrated terminal automatically sends 'Y' when terminating node batch script
- Latest update breaks due to proxy requirement.
- Version 1.64.0 breaks task quoting
- Resizing terminal inside side panel no longer works
- Part navigation and resizing commands fail on new side panel
- TypeScript plugin extensions don't load on Windows in 1.64.0
- Function breakpoints don't seem to be editable anymore
- Latex - Equation environment in markdown does not work
- How can we move the new side panel to the right?

Visual Studio Code 1.64.1 (64-bit)
The update addresses these security issues:
- Restrict which sites out webview iframe can frame
- Webview arbitrary file read
- Avoid listening on all interfaces when debugging a remote extension host
- Bump distro and version

Visual Studio Code 1.64.0 (64-bit)
- New Side Panel - Display more views at once with the new Side Panel
- Settings editor search - Search now prioritizes whole word matches
- Audio cues - Hear when the cursor moves to folded regions, errors, and breakpoints
- Unicode highlighting - Avoid highlighting characters in supported languages
- Automatic terminal replies - Create automatic responses to common terminal prompts
- Notebook UI improvements - Search text in Markdown and output cells
- Debug binary data view - View and edit binary data while debugging
- Markdown path suggestions - Quickly insert relative file paths and header links
- JS/TS surround with snippets - Insert selected code inside snippets
- VS Code for the Web - Support for signed GitHub commits in vscode.dev and github.dev

Visual Studio Code 1.63.2 (64-bit)
- Interactive Window should collapse new cells by default
- November 2021 Recovery 2 Endgame
- Redundant requests are made to Marketplace
- Background tokenization is a lot slower in large files
- Ship TS 4.5.3 — fixes TS Server fatal error: Cannot read property 'flags' of undefined
- Terminal in Editor rendering errors and disposed errors
- Snippet suggestions are too eager
- Terminal breaks when dragging to a different group, only when created in editor area via command
- Background color is wrong when terminals are created in editor area via command
- Wrong scroll appears when clicking on

Visual Studio Code 1.63.1 (64-bit)
The update addresses these security issues:
- Disable unsupported meta http-equiv tags in webviews
- Do not enable the git extension in restricted mode

Visual Studio Code 1.63.0 (64-bit)
- Unable to run any tasks on a remote windows machine using openssh
- Google Japanese Input (IME) on Mac - Suggestions Overlap w/ Text
- Default settings deprecation warning with n breaks the json
- Asking for nvm to be installed, when it is already
- debug toolbar does not update if focused thread no longer exists
- Cannot type Korean. Splitted self or missing
- Zlib error: invalid distance too far back
- I cannot save a file when there is another file with longer name
- Call stack items aren't opening tabs with correct contents
- Emmet does not work in js/jsx files for VS Code 1.62.2(Universal)
- Perf: _removePropertiesWithPossibleUserInfo is ~10% of the cost of loading a renderer
- Perf: Update editor configuration only after extensions are registered
- vscode.dev can't switch branches in private repositories

Visual Studio Code 1.62.3 (64-bit)
- Git operations fail due to empty VSCODE_GIT_ASKPASS_EXTRA_ARGS
- [json] editor stops validating: Invalid regular expression
- LanguageClient failing to initialize language server on 1.62.1
- Setting Sync: failed because of Unauthorized (401)

Visual Studio Code 1.62.2 (64-bit)
- Always use a command line flag together with ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE
- Git operation hangs due to empty string in $GIT_ASKPASS
- Resolve shell environment failed on 1.62.1
- 1.62.1 - Sanity testing Mac server is failing
- WSL Extension instalation failure
- SetDecorations using contentText do not render on non ASCII lines
- Custom task problemMatcher results not appearing in problems panel when problem is on the first line
- Never prompted to select a kernel in Notebooks
- Semantic highlighting flickers on 1.62.0 and later
- Editors - pathsToEditors should ignore folders
- Crash on opening large files with bracket pair colorization
- Close Remote Connection blocked due to a veto from terminal

Visual Studio Code 1.62.1 (64-bit)
The update addresses this security:
- Always use a command line flag together with ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE

Visual Studio Code 1.62.0 (64-bit)
Visual Studio Code for the Web - vscode.dev (Preview):
- This iteration, we released a preview of Visual Studio Code for the Web. Visual Studio Code for the Web provides a zero-install experience running entirely in your browser, allowing you to quickly and safely browse source code repositories and make lightweight code changes. To get started, go to https://vscode.dev in your browser.
- VS Code for the Web has many of the features of VS Code desktop that you love, including search and syntax highlighting, along with extension support to work on your codebase. In addition to opening repositories, forks, and pull requests from source control providers like GitHub and Azure Repos, you can also work with code that is stored on your local machine.
- Not all extensions can run when VS Code is in the browser. Extensions that are purely declarative, such as themes, snippets, or grammars, can run unmodified in the browser. However, extensions that need to run code must be updated by the extension authors. We'd like to say thank you to the extension authors that already have published their extensions as web extensions.

Settings editor accessibility:
We made various Settings editor accessibility improvements:
- The Settings editor scrolls back to the top after performing a search, so the user does not end up midway through the search results after each search.
- The settings scope switcher is accessible via keyboard.
- Deprecated setting text blocks display an icon. Previously, the deprecated text was distinguished from the rest of the setting text only by color.
- More UI elements within the Settings editor have the setting ID as their name.

Updated search icons:
- The search icons are now the same weight and the match whole word icon was updated to be more distinguishable from the rest.

Parameter hint highlight:
- VS Code now highlights the current parameter in the parameter hint and the color can be themed via editorHoverWidget.highlightForeground

Improved bracket pair guides:
- We continued iterating on bracket pair guides. Horizontal lines now outline the scope of a bracket pair. Also, vertical lines now depend on the indentation of the code that is surrounded by the bracket pair.
- Bracket pair guides can be enabled by setting editor.guides.bracketPairs to true (defaults to false). We added a third option "active" to only show a bracket pair guide for the active bracket pair.
- The new setting editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal controls if and when to render horizontal guides (defaults to active).
- New themable colors editorBracketPairGuide.background{1,...,6} and editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground{1,...,6} can be used to customize the color of bracket pair guides

Customizable bracket pairs:
- You can now configure bracket pairs for a specific programming language through settings. editor.language.bracketPairs can be used to configure which bracket characters should be matched. If set, editor.language.colorizedBracketPairs independently configures which bracket pairs are colorized when bracket pair colorization or bracket pair guides are enabled.

Display hovers above or below the current line:
- You can now choose between displaying IntelliSense hovers above (default) or below the current line. By setting editor.hover.above to false, hovers will render below the current line.

Unicode directional formatting characters:
- To address CVE-2021-42574, VS Code now renders Unicode directional formatting characters by default. Consider the following text snippet.
- The above text snippet contains two explicit directional formatting characters, U+202E (RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE) and U+202C (POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING). These characters can influence Unicode's Bidirectional Algorithm and could be used to craft source code that renders differently than what compilers would execute.
- The special rendering of these directional formatting characters can be turned off by setting editor.renderControlCharacters to false. The setting editor.renderControlCharacters is now true by default.

Verified extension publishers:
- VS Code now shows if the domains of an extension publisher are verified by the Visual Studio Marketplace
- If you are an extension author, more details about how to become a verified publisher can be found in the Publishing Extensions topic

New default keybindings for special characters:
- The following keybindings were added that are typically supported in other terminals:
- ctrl+shift+2: Inputs the null character (0x00).
- ctrl+shift+6: Inputs the record separator character (0x1E).
- ctrl+/: Inputs the unit separator character (0x1F).

- Configure how HTML completes attributes:
- There is a new setting html.completion.attributeDefaultValue that lets you choose how values are filled in when an HTML attribute is completed:
- doublequotes: The value is placed in double quotes (default)
- singlequotes: The value is placed in single quotes
- empty: The value is left empty

Emmet improvements:
- The new Emmet: Update Tag command (editor.emmet.action.updateTag) updates the placeholder with the HTML tag to be updated.
- The extension also activates now when one tries to run any Emmet command. This change should fix an issue where some commands were not found when run from the Command Palette, while also keeping the activation event list more precise so that Emmet does not start up unnecessarily, such as in an empty workspace.
- For multi-root workspaces, Emmet now sources snippets from all workspace folders, rather than just the first one. As a result, custom snippets from all workspace folders will be suggested when editing an applicable file in the workspace.

Find and Replace supports capturing groups:
- The Find and Replace widget in the notebook editor now supports regular expression capturing groups
- In the short video below, replace uses the first (and only) captured text ('a')

Better selection of output renderers and mimetypes:
- Notebook cells can output multiple types of data (mimetypes) that can be rendered in different ways both by VS Code itself and extensions. Previously, VS Code had basic memoization (caching) of the selected renderer for a mimetype, and you could manually configure your preferred mimetypes using the notebook.displayOrder setting. However, VS Code wasn't particularly smart about picking the best renderer for a mimetype, and preferred mimetypes had to be updated manually.
- Now, preferred renderers are cached on a per-notebook type, level in the workspace. Additionally, if you switch to view a different mimetype, that preference will be updated in-memory for the VS Code session, and you can use the Notebook: Save Mimetype Display Order command to easily update the notebook.displayOrder setting to the working preference.

Contributions to extensions:
- Kernels
- In order to make it easier to identify kernels, the Jupyter extension now groups kernels in the kernel picker.
- You can now filter the list of kernels displayed in the kernel picker, either globally or on a workspace basis. This is helpful if you have a large number of kernels installed but usually only work with a subset.
- To manage the list of kernels displayed, you can use the command Jupyter: Filter Kernels from the Command Palette.

Interactive Window:
- Automatic cell creation when running the last cells in an Interactive Window using Shift+Enter can now be configured via the setting jupyter.newCellOnRunLast. If you don't want the default behavior to add a new cell, you can set jupyter.netCellOnRunLast to false.

- A new version of the ESLint extension has shipped. Major improvements are:
- Extended support for ESLint version 8.x.
- The ability to define the rule set that is applied during code action on save and format via the setting eslint.codeActionsOnSave.rules.

GitHub Pull Requests and Issues:
- Work continues on the GitHub Pull Requests and Issues extension, which allows you to work on, create, and manage pull requests and issues. Check out the changelog for the 0.32.0 release of the extension to see the highlights.

Remote Development:
- Work continues on the Remote Development extensions, which allow you to use a container, remote machine, or the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as a full-featured development environment.

Feature highlights in 1.62 include:
- New setting remote.SSH.foldersSortOrder to sort SSH targets alphabetically or by recent use.
- Windows Subsystem for Linux indicator lets you quickly know whether you are using WSL 1 or WSL 2.
- Advanced container configuration videos covering how to persist bash history and work with monorepos.

Preview features:
TypeScript 4.5 support:
This update adds support for the upcoming TypeScript 4.5 release. The TypeScript 4.5 beta announcement post has more information about the new language and tooling features. Some tooling highlights:
- Method signature completions.
- JSX attribute completions.
- More accurate reference counts for the references CodeLens.
- To start using the TypeScript 4.5 nightly builds, install the TypeScript Nightly extension.
- Please share your feedback and let us know if you run into any bugs with TypeScript 4.5.
- Extension authoring:
- Emoji support in file decorations
- The file decorations API now supports emojis as badge texts.

- The new supportHtml property on MarkdownString enables rendering of a safe subset of raw HTML that appears inside the Markdown text.
- The supportHtml property defaults to false. When disabled, VS Code will strip out any raw HTML tags that appear in the Markdown text.

File watching changes:
- File watching in VS Code changed to a new library, thanks to the work of the Parcel team with their @parcel/watcher. We will gradually roll out this change to all users in the upcoming weeks. Linux users will be happy to learn that the files.watcherExclude now applies natively so that the number of file handles VS Code needs open for file watching can be greatly reduced.
- The existing files.legacyWatcher setting was changed to an enumeration with these values:
- on - The new file watcher will never be used.
- off - The new file watcher will always be used.
- default - The new file watcher will only be used when you open multi-root workspaces (via a .code-workspace file).
- You should not notice any difference in your day to day work, but if file watching is broken for you, please report an issue.

Progress for Electron sandbox support:
- As we continue to make the VS Code workbench ready for enabling Electron's sandbox, we made progress on moving Node.js file services out of the workbench window into a different process. The same is true for the file watcher that no longer forks from the workbench window, but from a background process. This change is enabled by default in VS Code Insiders and will be the default in Stable for our November release.

Notable fixes:
- 73061: Enumerable properties mixed with regular properties
- 130868: Emmet suggestions list missing entries after adding custom snippets.json
- 131966: Emmet unable to expand abbreviation with onclick attribute
- 135110: Support different border settings for vertical or horizontal layouts, for in-group editor splitting

Visual Studio Code 1.61.2 (64-bit)
The update addresses these issues:
- Web: Handles may contain slashes at the end
- Focus of commit message textbox swaps when files are changed meanwhile

Visual Studio Code 1.61.1 (64-bit)
- Process handles leaked by pty host on windows
- September 2021 Recovery Endgame
- High CPU Usage: Every VS Code window eats 5+% CPU, even idle, even in the background
- Empty HoverWidget is visible at startup
- New Telemetry Level should respect my prior settings
- Source Control bug when creating or changing branch in the workspace

Visual Studio Code 1.61.0 (64-bit)
- Split editors within the same group - Quickly create side-by-side editors for the same file
- Locked editor groups - Select editor types to automatically lock in an editor group
- Better display of deleted and readonly files - Tab decorations highlight deleted and readonly files
- Bracket pair guides - Display vertical guides to link matching bracket pairs
- Fixed terminal dimensions - Set an active terminal's width and height
- Jupyter Notebook improvements - Table of Contents view, full debugging support
- Platform-specific extensions - Publish different extension versions for Windows, macOS, and Linux
- Virtual Workspaces extension guide - Learn how to update your extension for virtual environments
- Advanced container configuration - Tips, code samples, and videos to help configure development containers

Visual Studio Code 1.60.2 (64-bit)
The update addresses these issues:
- The GitHub.codespaces extension gets activated twice when creating a new codespace
- Bundle TS 4.4.3
- ugust 2021 Endgame Recovery 2 endgame-plan
- Codespaces: Debugging is broken
- Automatic language detection overrides openTextDocument API language parameter
- Undo stops working after focusing webview

Visual Studio Code 1.60.1 (64-bit)
- npm script not work in default terminal
- Context menu command "Open in Integrated Terminal" does not use Default Profile
- Go to Symbol in Workspace
- Allow also setting the language_info in a notebook
- Show Log from Container Creation Progress notification has no effect
- SSH Remote fails to connect
- Inline-suggestion appearing at previous cursor location
- August 2021 Endgame Recovery
- v1.60: "Auto language select" feature sets "CoffeeScript" language in "Git commit" files
- Powershell console opens every time I launch VS Code with a project
- Unable to save notebook when executing a long running cell

Visual Studio Code 1.60.0 (64-bit)
- Automatic language detection - Programming language detected when you paste into VS Code
- Built-in fast bracket colorization - Fast bracket matching and colorization for large files
- Settings editor syntax highlighting - Rich syntax highlighting for setting description code blocks
- Custom terminal glyph rendering - Better display of box drawing and block element characters
- Set debugging Watch values - Change watched values during a debugging session
- Notebook improvements - Markdown link navigation, faster rendering of large outputs
- JavaScript/TypeScript inlay hints - Inline hints for parameter names and types, and more
- Locked editor group preview - Keep a preferred editor layout by locking the editor group
- Python extension testing updates - Better support for test discovery, navigation, and status
- Web extension authors guide - Learn how to update your extension for VS Code in the browser

Visual Studio Code 1.59.1 (64-bit)
- Notebooks cannot be opened on 1.59
- Authentication decryption error
- tasks.onDidEndTaskProcess is called too many times in VS Code v1.59
- Perma-hang/crash on M1 MBP with universal build
- July 2021 Endgame Recovery
- Stdout generated raw data file not in expected format.
- Typing repeated dots in js expands to first suggestion

Visual Studio Code 1.59.0 (64-bit)
- Extensions view improvements - Rich extension detail hovers, new runtime status tab
- Settings editor validation - Quickly find editing errors for object-based settings
- Drag and drop terminals - Move terminals across windows to both editor and panel areas
- Extended theme customization - Customize multiple color themes at once
- Built-in support for Jupyter notebooks - Open .ipynb files directly in VS Code
- Notebook UI improvements - Display first line of collapsed cells, Undo/Redo per cell
- Testing API finalized - Native support for running tests in VS Code with built-in Test Explorer
- Debug Disassembly view preview - Display disassembled C++ code in VS Code
- Live Preview extension - Live HTML preview within VS Code with JavaScript debugging support
- Remote - Containers devcontainer CLI - Command line interface for working with development containers

Visual Studio Code 1.58.2 (64-bit)
- June 2021 Endgame Recovery 2
- Only acquire workspace storage locks on the remote extension host
- Remote extension will not work if it depends on a local UI one
- Terminal is tiny when extensions create and show them
- When multiple ghost text parts have line breaks, the first line of the ghost text gets deleted
- Using command line to open vscode causes code warning
- Trust and Continue dialog need two clicks on Continue to go away
- VS Code Terminal doesn't autofocus
- MacOS: Could not move terminal into editor area after first move

Visual Studio Code 1.58.1 (64-bit)
The update addresses these security issues:
- Improves Git security with untrusted workspaces bug git important
- Don't use guessable nonces in webview
- Update distro hash

Visual Studio Code 1.58.0 (64-bit)
- Terminals in the editor - Create or move terminals into the editor area
- Workspace Trust - Quickly customize Workspace Trust settings, disable Restricted Mode banner
- Editor scroll bar customization - Set bar visibility and width, click navigation behavior
- Markdown preview KaTeX support - Math support in the Markdown preview
- Settings editor improvements - Support for multiple checkboxes and enumeration dropdowns
- Sticky debug environment choice - Debugger remembers your previous environment choice
- Jupyter Interactive window - Run Jupyter code directly in an interactive window
- Jupyter notebook debugging - Debug Jupyter notebook code from within VS Code
- 'Open in VS Code' badge - Lets visitors quickly open your GitHub repo in VS Code
- Data Science tutorials - Learn about Jupyter Notebooks, PyTorch, and more

Visual Studio Code 1.57.1 (64-bit)
- May 2021 Endgame Recovery
- Scrolling on mouse click
- macOS: restore Cmd+W closing the window when all tabs are closed
- 1.57.0 (macOS): window behaves different now (fullscreen & priority issues)
- "Open New External Terminal" doesn't work if no terminal settings are present
- Entire settings file got erased on new latest update. Just FYI

Visual Studio Code 1.57.0 (64-bit)
- Workspace Trust - Extra security against code execution when browsing unfamiliar source code
- New Getting Started experience - Helps you quickly set up and learn about VS Code
- Remote Repositories - Browse and edit code without locally cloning repositories
- Terminal tabs - Tabs let you easily create, manage, and group multiple open terminals
- Edge browser debugging - Integrates the Microsoft Edge Developer Tools directly into VS Code
- JSDoc @link support - Add @link tags in your comments for fast symbol navigation
- Go to Definition for non-code files - Quickly jump to images and stylesheets
- Notebook API finalized - Notebook API for native notebook support in VS Code
- VS Code at Build 2021 blog post - Catch up with on-demand sessions featuring VS Code

Visual Studio Code 1.56.2 (64-bit)
- C# syntax highlighting incorrect in 1.56
- Use shell/shellArgs over defaultProfile if specified
- HTML files now require an extension to run
- The default Monokai highlight color is displayed incorrectly
- No longer scaling toolbar icon
- On PC 'Delete' key not working on insiders for approx last week
- Version control icons became minuscule with latest update

Visual Studio Code 1.56.1 (64-bit)
The update addresses these security issues:
- Do not invoke resolveWithInteraction over terminal settings
- Change grunt, gulp and jake task auto detection to be off by default

Visual Studio Code 1.56.0 (64-bit)
- Improved hover feedback - Helps you quickly find clickable editor actions
- Terminal profile improvements - Create a custom default terminal profile
- Debugger inline values - Display variable values inline during debugging sessions
- Notebook KaTeX support - Math support in notebook Markdown cells
- Remote - Containers volumes view - Manage mounted volumes within Docker containers
- winget installation - VS Code is available via the Windows Package Manager
- New introductory videos - Videos for getting started with VS Code as well as working with C++
- Terminal tabs preview - Get a first look at managing open terminals with the new tabs view

Visual Studio Code 1.55.2 (64-bit)
The update addresses these security issues:
- Limit set of allowed remote CLI commands bug important
- command: links should be only selectively enabled bug important
- Spawning php should use its complete disk path bug important
- Spawning npm should use its complete disk path bug important
- CSS should use variables when using editor.fontFamily bug important
- The http.proxy setting should use machine or application scope bug important

Visual Studio Code 1.55.1 (64-bit)
- Proxy agent is hijacking requests and redirecting them to localhost
- Remote extensions are not installed automatically from devcontainer.json
- Bug Sur icons glitched on non-hidpi screens
- ECONNREFUSED debugging browsers in WSL2

Visual Studio Code 1.55.0 (64-bit)
- Accessibility improvements - Multi-cursor support and increased line limit
- Updated icons for macOS Big Sur - Brand icons that match the visual style of Big Sur
- Improvements to breakpoints - Inline breakpoints menu, and more
- Editor status decorations - Editor tab status decorations are on by default
- Customize keyboard shortcuts editor - Resize columns in the keyboard shortcuts editor
- Improved remote ports management - Port forwarding autodetection, regex naming, and more
- Terminal profiles - Define profiles in terminal to conveniently launch non-default shells
- Notebook improvements - Multiple cell selection, and more customizable diff editor
- VS Code on Raspberry Pi - New topic explaining how to install VS Code on Raspberry Pi devices

Visual Studio Code 1.54.3 (64-bit)
- February Recovery 3
- VS Code is unable to activate a debugger extension because of path casing discrepancies

Visual Studio Code 1.54.2 (64-bit)
- Listener leak in Ports view
- Close terminal warning shows even if no terminal is open
- Command "View: Join all editor groups" not working after update
- Pick up TS 4.2.3
- Cannot find module 'worker_threads' using js debugger auto attach
- Completed tiles of "Getting Started" don't reopen
- List focus background needs proper migration
- Renaming a folder adds it to history
- FileSystemProvider extension: throwing a FileSystemError in readFile does not report to user
- Hide pty host unresponsive notification when it becomes responsive again
- Terminal pty host unresponsive after closing a VS Code window
- Prevent env var relaunch from extension owned terminals

Visual Studio Code 1.54.1
- The update addresses an issue with an extension dependency

Visual Studio Code 1.53.2 (64-bit)
- TS Server fatal error: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined
- <> in all files
- Minimap keeps disappearing
- Fresh install won't open any windows or allow me to open any windows
- First call to activeDebugConsole.appendLine() while debugging JavaScript doesn't appear in the debug console
- Cannot unset StatusBarItem background from errorBackground
- tasks.json npm script does not work with arguments since 1.53
- v1.53 creates debug.log automatically
- The default extension for untitled files is not .txt
- Emmet suggestions bug in SASS files
- VSCode emmet SASS snippets
- IME ON at Alt+` key, Focus ALT Menu

Visual Studio Code 1.53.1 (64-bit)
Security issues:
- Bundle TypeScript 4.1.4
- Dragging files from explorer to terminal may execute a command
- Pick up new distro version and bump version

Visual Studio Code 1.53.0 (64-bit)
- Wrap tabs - Wrap editor tabs in the workbench instead of having a scrollbar
- Configure tab decorations - Add editor tab status decorations
- Customize search mode - Use the Search view or open a new Search editor
- JavaScript debugging - Support for conditional exception breakpoints and Node.js worker_threads
- Notebook UX updates - Outline view for Notebook cells, and breadcrumbs for improved navigation
- Markdown preview image auto update - Preview automatically updates when images change
- Emmet improvements - Faster performance and supporting the latest features
- Extension guidelines - Documented best practices for extension authors
- Remote Development video series - Learn to create and configure container-based environments

Visual Studio Code 1.52.1 (64-bit)
- November 2020 Recovery Endgame
- Check for all possible localhost string when checking if a tunnel already exists
- Can not set breakpoint in PHP files
- notebook status bar icon colors missing

Visual Studio Code 1.52.0 (64-bit)
- Word wrap in diff editor - Both inline and side-by-side views now support word wrapping
- New extension bisect feature - Troubleshoot which extensions are causing issues in VS Code
- Keyboard shortcuts editor improvements - Create a keybinding from the Command Palette
- Undo file operations in Explorer - Undo or redo file operations in the Explorer
- New Git commands and settings - Optimize your Version Control experience with new capabilities
- Preview editor improvements - Turn off preview editors altogether, and try new interaction models
- Sticky tab stops for spaces - Improved experience when indenting with spaces
- Improved word-based suggestions - Display word-based suggestions from other open files
- Terminal configuration support - Modify terminal settings from the terminal dropdown menu
- New Remote Development resources - Check out the new video and Learn module

Visual Studio Code 1.51.1 (64-bit)
- "Reveal In Side Bar" does not work if the file is opened from external apps
- New ThemeIcon color in tree views can pollute other nodes

Visual Studio Code 1.51.0 (64-bit)
- unassigned Focus Left Editor Group (do not wrap around) workbench.action.focusLeftGroupWithoutWrap
- unassigned Focus Right Editor G

DiskDigger 查看版本資訊




GSA Content Generator 5.75 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GSA Content Generator 5.75
- New: improved article publishing with anti-bot protection

GSA Content Generator 5.74
- new search engines added
- new keyword scraper added
- new image scraper added
- new proxy sources added

GSA Content Generator 5.73
- many new search engines added
- new keyword scraper added
- new image scaper added

GSA Content Generator 5.72
- fixed: brotli decoding
- fixed: proxy issue on search queries
- new: added new image source

GSA Content Generator 5.71
- improved Thai support
- new search engine added
- publishing is aborted if a site does not work 3 times in a row

GSA Content Generator 5.70
- new: export to PDF
- new: new search engine added
- fix: save in pdf for none utf8 encoded data

GSA Content Generator 5.69
- new: improved Dutch language
- new: improved translation
- fix: issue when adding a new language

GSA Content Generator 5.68
- New: WebP export possible

GSA Content Generator 5.67
- improved GUI
- allow multiple article types for OpenAI

GSA Content Generator 5.66
- new: improved OpenAI title creation

GSA Content Generator 5.65
- new: improved OpenAI interface

GSA Content Generator 5.64
- added new skin
- ability to change GUI size in options

GSA Content Generator 5.63
- new search engine added

GSA Content Generator 5.62
- spinner chief API fixed
- added new search engines

GSA Content Generator 5.61
- OpenAI generated content is written in the projects language
- new search engine added
- new keyword scraper added
- ability to change upper/lower case of article titles
- added amazon as new content source (low quality though)

GSA Content Generator 5.60
- fix: problem with overwriting export data
- new: improved LibreTranslaste usage

GSA Content Generator 5.59
- New: improved search engine parsing/speed

GSA Content Generator 5.58
- new: new export template for wordpress added
- fix: issue with parsing search engines and getting stuck

GSA Content Generator 5.57
- added OpenAI
- support for brotli
- improved proxy dialog

GSA Content Generator 5.56
- new: new proxy sources added
- new: ability to use sub-groups for projects

GSA Content Generator 5.55
- new: improved generic anchor inserts
- new: quotes get removed from file names on export
- fix: option to replace " " with "-" on export

GSA Content Generator 5.54
- new: added more translate options

GSA Content Generator 5.53
- new: new SpinnerChief API added

GSA Content Generator 5.52
- new: improved search engine parsing

GSA Content Generator 5.51
- Fixed: issue with posting articles

GSA Content Generator 5.50
- fixed: title from "first line" option fixed when importing

GSA Content Generator 5.49
- New: more options when importing articles

GSA Content Generator 5.48
- fixed: possible problems with export and macro usage

GSA Content Generator 5.47
- fix: minor problem with ~ spinning syntax
- new: added new translation options

GSA Content Generator 5.46
- improved article preview
- new image search engines added
- issue with special spin syntax
- option to unspin imported anchor texts

GSA Content Generator 5.45
- Fixed: html was not removed from h1/title extraction of imported html files

GSA Content Generator 5.44
- fixed: issue with spinning protected words with internal spinner

GSA Content Generator 5.43
- new search engines added
- new keyword scraper added
- new image scraper added

GSA Content Generator 5.41
- collapsed groups stay that way on restart
- improved group display

GSA Content Generator 5.40
- improved right-to-left behaviour for certain languages
- improved unicode support for export

GSA Content Generator 5.39
- fix: issue with authority anchors

- new search engine added
- article editor improved with proper "right to left" display

GSA Content Generator 5.38
- fix: manual creation of articles
- new: improved "Merg Projects"

GSA Content Generator 5.37
- New: added new translation APIs

GSA Content Generator 5.36
- new: improved language detection

GSA Content Generator 5.34
- fix: cookie parsing issue
- new: ability to change sources for selected projects on batch

GSA Content Generator 5.33
- new: improved link placement

GSA Content Generator 5.32
- improved search engine parsing
- improved article posting

GSA Content Generator 5.31
- new search engines added
- new keyword scraper added
- new video scraper added
- new image scraper added

GSA Content Generator 5.30
- new: improved deepl translation
- new: new scraper added
- fix: google with filter=0 gave back totally obscure results

GSA Content Generator 5.29
- fix: issue with unicode data in import files
- new: improved authority link spin variation

GSA Content Generator 5.28
- fix: export with a filter on uniqueness was broken
- new: added new translation service (naver /papago)
- new: improved paragraph reorder algorighm

GSA Content Generator 5.27
- improved title generator
- added new keyword scraper

GSA Content Generator 5.26
- new: improved insert variation

GSA Content Generator 5.24
- fix: minor issue with export template
- new: added new search engines

GSA Content Generator 5.23
- improve article extraction
- improve search engine parsing speed
- new blogspot export template added

GSA Content Generator 5.22
- New: improved speed

GSA Content Generator 5.21
- new: added Wikipedia as source
- new: added support for EasyContentMachine API
- fix: fixed some scrapers

GSA Content Generator 5.20
- improved language detection
- improved Vietnamese langauge parsing

GSA Content Generator 5.19
- Fixed: some sources fixed

GSA Content Generator 5.18
- Fixed: minor language detection issue with local files

GSA Content Generator 5.16
- improved language detection
- improved search engine parsing
- improved speed and lowered CPU usage

GSA Content Generator 5.15
- Fixed: issue with GSA SearchEngine Ranker exports

GSA Content Generator 5.13
- ability to set a date(range) when exporting for certain templates
- added new spin database for farsi language

GSA Content Generator 5.12
- title generation for Persian/Farsi language
- language boxes are now sorted

GSA Content Generator 5.10
- New: added some new search engines

GSA Content Generator 5.09
- New: improved publishing

GSA Content Generator 5.08
- new: improved scraping speed
- new: new search engines added
- fix: issue with old article scrapers

GSA Content Generator 5.07
- improved publishing to wordpress
- improved article scraping speed and log output

GSA Content Generator 5.04
- improved authority link insert
- new keyword scrapers added
- ability to delete published articles automatically

GSA Content Generator 5.03
- new keyword scraper added
- improved some rewriting services

GSA Content Generator 5.01
- new keyword scraper added

GSA Content Generator 5.00
- improved sentence extraction
- improved article title extraction
- improved image extraction

- fix: issue with sentence rewriting + "keep tags"

GSA Content Generator 4.99
- fixed: issue with html in attributes when parsing articles

GSA Content Generator 4.98
- new: problem with Json+LD addon

GSA Content Generator 4.96
- fixed: issue when parsing custom urls

GSA Content Generator 4.94
- fixed: deadlock / high cpu usage from previous version

GSA Content Generator 4.92
- new: import sentence extraction

GSA Content Generator 4.91
- import from folder with file name as title
- gui and monospace fonts
- some project options where not saved

- new: improved keyword scrapers

GSA Content Generator 4.90
- fix: changes on TheBestSpinner API (restricted content length per call)
- new: added some new keyword scrapers

GSA Content Generator 4.89
- new: more control for option "put keywords in bold"
- new: added some new keyword scrapers
- fix: API of local SEO Content Machine spinner

GSA Content Generator 4.88
- new option to insert "Table of Content" + %toc% as macro usage

GSA Content Generator 4.87
- new: added new image and keyword scrapers

GSA Content Generator 4.86
- added search/replace for article selection
- added search/replace in html editor
- improved image scrapers
- new vietnamese keyword scrapers added

GSA Content Generator 4.85
- fix: the 'rewrite selected content' was broken for non-Latin chars
- new: proxy sources updated

GSA Content Generator 4.84
- new: improved speed for article editor

GSA Content Generator 4.83
- new: added suggestions/replacements for article editor
- new: ability to add spin syntax for selection in article editor

GSA Content Generator 4.82
- New: added new scrapers (keyword, article)

GSA Content Generator 4.80
- New: added new article scraper

GSA Content Generator 4.79
- fix: translation from no-api google (reply changed)
- new: added new proxy api

GSA Content Generator 4.77
- new: article editor with rewrite abilities

GSA Content Generator 4.76
- new: improved article editor

GSA Content Generator 4.75
- new: improved article editor

GSA Content Generator 4.74
- new: added content score values for editor

GSA Content Generator 4.73
- improved article extraction
- improved speed

GSA Content Generator 4.72
- New: improved "Same Article" algorithm with "Keep Tags" option

GSA Content Generator 4.71
- new: added Wordpress/Blogspot article import

GSA Content Generator 4.70
- New: issue with deleting collected content

GSA Content Generator 4.69
- New: ability to edit the collected content in GUI

GSA Content Generator 4.68
- new: published URLs didn't get saved as authoritiy links

GSA Content Generator 4.67
- new: improved translation APIs

GSA Content Generator 4.66
- new: added some more popup menus for the article creator

GSA Content Generator 4.65
- new: editor improved with html highlighting of selected keywords

GSA Content Generator 4.64
- fix: the script tag is now ignored for html variation inserts
- fix: custom data insert with script tag
- new: improved link insert

GSA Content Generator 4.62
- fix: minor issues on new editor

GSA Content Generator 4.60
- new: text decoration insert improved

GSA Content Generator 4.58
- new WYSIWYG Editor (still beta)
- added ability to import spin db
- added new "URL-Must-Have" filter

- fix: problem with title generator not fixing utf8 errors

GSA Content Generator 4.57
- new: added new scrapers

GSA Content Generator 4.56
- added title pre-/suffix in project options
- better way to edit/modify keywords

GSA Content Generator 4.55
- ability to use macro %titlegen% for "insert custom article data"
- improved date/time detection of articles

GSA Content Generator 4.54
- new: added copy/move of articles to other projects
- new: improved export with zipping

GSA Content Generator 4.53
- new: added spin database for Latvian language

GSA Content Generator 4.51
- new: translation is using threads now and is so much faster

GSA Content Generator 4.50
- fixed: keep-html-tags attibute resolving

GSA Content Generator 4.49
- New: added wordpress publishing support without classic editor plugin

GSA Content Generator 4.48
- new: wordpress publishing improved

GSA Content Generator 4.47
- new: improved correct URL detection on publishing by email

GSA Content Generator 4.45
- filter out sources being older than a set amount of days
- improved publishing on subdomains
- improved internal spinners
- improved Content-Spinning.fr API

GSA Content Generator 4.44
- new: publishing via email to e.g. blogspot

GSA Content Generator 4.43
- ArticleForge API accepts multi keywords
- added support for Clever Spinner

GSA Content Generator 4.42
- fix: previous build had missing files

GSA Content Generator 4.40
- added new content scrapers
- added new image scrapers
- added new keyword scrapers

GSA Content Generator 4.39
- added two new article scraper
- added new keyword scrapers

GSA Content Generator 4.38
- ability to self-create article from collected data
- option to split up long sentences

GSA Content Generator 4.37
- new: ability to view and manage collected sources

GSA Content Generator 4.36
- ability to delete duplicate keywords
- sort settings are saved/restored

GSA Content Generator 4.35
- new: ability to show extra columns for project listing via right click on header (extra scraper count)

GSA Content Generator 4.34
- added Thai language support (untested)
- added some more export tamplates

GSA Content Generator 4.33
- fixed: generated titles had sometimes lowercase keywords added

GSA Content Generator 4.32
- ability to use content from other projects
- filter option to skip sentences with capital words
- ability to add batch search/replace words to project filter
- auto fix for odd project settings
- added a new article scraper

GSA Content Generator 4.31
- import keywords via project popup menu
- more options for multi-project creation
- blogger export template improved

GSA Content Generator 4.30
- new: filter for manual article creation interface

GSA Content Generator 4.29
- improved manual article creation interface
- improved sentence detection/extraction

GSA Content Generator 4.28
- fix: export options where broken

GSA Content Generator 4.26
- new: added Smodin as spinner (more a rewriter though)
- new: added new scrapersa

GSA Content Generator 4.25
- fix: problem with manual import from files

GSA Content Generator 4.24
- new: proxy scraper is testing and auto updating the proxyjudge URL

GSA Content Generator 4.23
- fixed: image import

GSA Content Generator 4.22
- new: added two new article scrapers

GSA Content Generator 4.21
- fix: scraping in none english languages

GSA Content Generator 4.20
- fix: issue with XSpinner / SpinnerCief not able to understand lowercase headers as seen in Chrome

GSA Content Generator 4.18
- new: spinner WordAI with new API added

GSA Content Generator 4.17
- new: algorithm "Same Article" is auto changing the word filter
- fix: problems with language filtering in GUI

GSA Content Generator 4.16
- rare issue with html conversion
- improved LingvaNex translation API (now tested)

GSA Content Generator 4.15
- improved LingvaNex translation API (now tested)
- added farsi spin database
- added LingvaNex translation API (untested)

- fix: search in Spin-DB Tool was limited to latin chars

GSA Content Generator 4.14
- new: added new keyword, image and video scrapers

GSA Content Generator 4.12
- Change log not available for this version

GSA Content Generator 4.11
- new: Microsoft Translation API updated

GSA Content Generator 4.10
- added progress bar for duplicate title processing

GSA Content Generator 4.09
- fix: custom sources with %keyword% as macro
- new: ability to collapse/expand groups

GSA Content Generator 4.07
- Fxed: filter with search/replace partly was broken

GSA Content Generator 4.06
- improved imapge search/tests
- log behaviour improved
- filtering speed improved

- Fixed: baidu image scraper fixed

GSA Content Generator 4.05
- Improved a lot providers

GSA Content Generator 4.04
- Ability to organize projects in groups

GSA Content Generator 4.03
- new: ability to use macros like %keyword% in custom local sources
- new: ability to use multi items in filter for search

GSA Content Generator 4.02
- Ability to mark certain articles as published

GSA Content Generator 4.00
- new: option to use proxies for translation

GSA Content Generator 3.98
- new option to keep certain html tags when scraping articles

GSA Content Generator 3.97
- Change log not available for this version

GSA Content Generator 3.96
- fix: improved article submission with category settings

GSA Content Generator 3.95
- Issue with google translate

GSA Content Generator 3.94
- Improved article submission

GSA Content Generator 3.93
- new: added 4 new keyword scrapers

GSA Content Generator 3.92
- Added new keyword scrapers

GSA Content Generator 3.91
- Fixed: issue with scheduled publishing
- New: added new deepL languages

GSA Content Generator 3.90
- new: improved archive.org parsing

GSA Content Generator 3.88
- LibreTranslate API now accepts port as endpoint

GSA Content Generator 3.87
- Filtering content in Fars

GSA Content Generator 3.86
- New option when publishing

GSA Content Generator 3.85
- new: article publishing improved

GSA Content Generator 3.84
- new: images sources updated

GSA Content Generator 3.83
- improved error reporting for article posting
- added new article sources

GSA Content Generator 3.82
- new: added support for LibreTranslate
- new: copy keywords from listing in project edit

GSA Content Generator 3.81
- Fix: minor issue with title generation

GSA Content Generator 3.80
- New: improved variation of paragraph/sentence length
- Fix: keyword density was calculated with case sensitive


SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2023.09.17 build 9799 查看版本資訊


Select Version 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

 - Expanded support for recovering raw camera formats (Sony .ARW, Canon CR3, etc)
 - Improved support for older Apple file systems (HFS+ and HFS)
 - Fixed a few bugs that might cause instability when recovering very large files

DiskDigger 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

 - Expanded support for recovering raw camera formats (Sony .ARW, Canon CR3, etc)
 - Improved support for older Apple file systems (HFS+ and HFS)
 - Fixed a few bugs that might cause instability when recovering very large files

Office Timeline 7.03.03 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Import data from Jira and instantly turn it into a beautiful timeline
- Apply Jira filters to quickly import the exact data set you need
- Import Jira data into Swimlanes (Pro) and Sub-Swimlanes (Pro+)
- Import straight into a template and save time
- Automatically refresh timeline data imported from Jira