Debut Video Capture 歷史版本列表
Debut Video Capture 適用於 Windows 的免費軟件可讓您輕鬆地從 PC 上捕捉視頻。使用 Debut 將 Windows PC 上捕獲的視頻直接保存到硬盤上。 Debut Video Capture 免費支持最流行的文件類型,包括 AVI,FLV,MKV,MPG,和更多。 Windows 首次亮相支持多種設備。這些設備包括網絡攝像機,網絡攝像機,甚至 VHS 錄像帶。隨著登... Debut Video Capture 軟體介紹更新時間:2022-04-30
What's new in this version:
- Fixed: Improved the scaling of tree items to no longer be drawn with excessive padding on higher scale values
- Fixed: TV would crash when trying to scan for OTA EPG, in builds 39 and 40
- NEW: Spotlight data is now cached. Added "Refresh" link to update the artist or clear the cache for all artists
- Changed: Spotlight does not display albums without a year
- Changed: An attempt to route system media key messages and then handle them (instead of always eating them)
What's new in this version:
- Fixed: The transparent playback controls in display view should no longer take focus from the playback window
- Changed: Ran all the translations through the tool to update to the latest strings from the source code
- New: Added support for manual color controls to JRVR (Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation)
What's new in this version:
- Faster: Handheld operations are faster (we were setting in a way that caused relational files to be set, but it was unnecessary)
- Removed the waveform and album play fields from handhelds so they're no longer sent
- Spotlight button has multiple icons for hover and press
- Spotlight page generated in background thread
- Changed how some errors are handled in TV engine
- Spotlight Albums sorted by year
What's new in this version:
- Spotlight: Add clickable play icon for matching albums in your library
- Spotlight: Clicking on Similar Artist opens Spotlight for that artist
- Spotlight: Clicking on album goes to Google search for that album
- Changed: Spotlight button now is a simple yellow circle (it is skinnable)
- Made the toolbar icon style customizable between dimming the icons and leaving them full color
What's new in this version:
- New: Albums and Similar Artists thumbnails on Spotlight
- New: MCWS function Television/CancelRecording to cancel TV recordings
- Fixed: Loading DSP presets could crash (the threading was using a background thread to load the plugin, but now it has been moved to the main thread)
- Changed: Convolution adds choices to the drop-list as they are entered instead of only after re-opening DSP Studio
What's new in this version:
- Fix lock errors/index.js import: Fixes an error by importing .../errors/index.js to lock index file
- Wmic and custom wipe: Fixes a problem with WMIC commands, since newer Windows version doesnt admit WMIC commands anymore. Also fixes Custom Wipe not deleting files on MacOS systems
- Fix/loan exact time: Fixes errors when inserting data with unwanted characters in database
What's new in this version:
- Changed: When the system language is Czech (LANG_CZECH) that will be selected as the default translation
- Changed: Added several more system languages to the default translation list
- Fixed: The default video playback mode was set to Advanced in some cases instead of Red October JRVR in 29.0.26
What's new in this version:
- Fixed: The fix to not show at boot was making the program not activate when you clicked it. Trying a different fix to showing.