Crypto Notepad 歷史版本列表
Crypto Notepad 是一個自由和簡單,記事本般的文本編輯器為您的 Windows PC 加密保存的文件,其中文件保存和加載與 AES 算法加密。 Crypto Notepad 是一個偉大的免費加密記事本軟件!主界面與默認的 Windows 記事本類似。對於打開 / 保存文件和其他操作,您可以使用菜單或工具欄. 第一次啟動後,您將看到一條消息,要求您從 MAC 地址取鹽,salt 用作第二... Crypto Notepad 軟體介紹更新時間:2019-05-24
What's new in this version:
- Updated the partner link
- Small fixes / enhancement
What's new in this version:
Database navigator:
- Create object menu was improved (no redundant sub-menu)
- Connection folders creation was fixed
- Elements coloring was improved (for different connection types)
- Shortcuts processing was fixed (broken shortcuts after some actions)
- Table editor tabs activation was fixed
- Columns editor: auto-completion was fixed in drop-downs.
- Data transfer: export from multiple queries was fixed (target file names)
- SQL Editor: SQL formatter was fixed (exp numbers and other minor fixes)
Spatial data editor:
- Geography/geometry value editor (plaintext, WKT)
- Numerous fixes in different SRIDs support
- Oracle: metadata (constraints, foreign keys) reading performance was significantly improved
- Multiple query result sets support was added
- Table partitions information was extended
- Native database backup was fixed
- Database creation was fixed (special characters in db name)
- Sequence rename was fixed
- Full schema DDL generation was fixed
- Greenplum, Redshift: execution plan explain now supports plaintext format
- SQLite: sample database was updated
- Sybase (12 and older): stored procedures source reading was fixed
- Apache Ignite: identifiers quoting was fixed
- DB2 iSeries: schema reading was fixed
- Extra command line parameters (connection opening)
- Connections import from SQL Developer was fixed
- Windows installer: config files (dbeaver.ini) backup
- Extensions (Office, SVG, etc) installer was fixed
- Checking for multiple DBeaver instances was added
- Many minor UI bug fixes
What's new in this version:
- Fix database deletion when using unsafe saves to a different file system
- Fix opening databases with legacy key files that contain '/'
- Fix opening database files from the command line
- Fix crash when editing master key
- Fix multiple issues with apply button behavior
- Fix issues on application startup (tab order, --pw-stdin, etc.)
- Fix building without WITH_XC_KEESHARE
- Fix reference entry coloring on macOS dark mode
- Hide window when performing entry auto-type on macOS
- Improve UX of update checker; reduce checks to every 7 days
- KeeShare improvements
- Re-enable Ctrl+C to copy password from search box
- Add KeePassXC-Browser integration for Brave browser
- SSH Agent: Re-Add keys on database unlock
- SSH Agent: Only remove keys on app exit if they are removed on lock
- CLI: Add --no-password option
- CLI: Improve database extraction to XML
- CLI: Don't call mandb on build
- CLI: Add debug info
- Improve support for Snap theming
- Add support for building on Haiku OS
- Ctrl+PgDn now goes to the next tab and Ctrl+PgUp to the previous
- Fix compiling on GCC 5 / Xenial
- Add .gitrev output to tarball for third-party builds
- Add WITH_XC_UPDATECHECK compile flag to toggle the update checker
What's new in this version:
- New Database Wizard
- Advanced Search
- Automatic update checker
- KeeShare database synchronization
- Improve favicon fetching; transition to Duck-Duck-Go
- Remove KeePassHttp support
- CLI: output info to stderr for easier scripting
- CLI: Add --quiet option
- CLI: Add create command
- CLI: Add recursive listing of entries
- CLI: Fix stdin/stdout encoding on Windows
- SSH Agent: Support OpenSSH for Windows
- macOS: TouchID Quick Unlock
- macOS: Multiple improvements; include CLI in DMG
- Linux: Prevent Klipper from storing secrets in clipboard
- Linux: Use polling based file watching for NFS
- Linux: Enable use of browser plugin in Snap build
- TOTP QR Code Generator
- High-DPI Scaling for 4k screens
- Make keyboard shortcuts more consistent
- Warn user if deleting referenced entries
- Allow toolbar to be hidden and repositioned
- Increase max allowed database timeout to 12 hours
- Password generator uses existing password length by default
- Improve alert message box button labels
- Show message when a database merge makes no changes
- Browser Integration Enhancements
- Overall Code Improvements
What's new in this version:
- Several minor bugs are fixed
What's new in this version:
- Redo function in the editor
- New icons (
- Icons in the main menu (optional)
- Able to make toolbar color like editor background color
- Vertical scroll bar position shifted #17
- Right-to-left reading work incorrect #18
- Change Key and Lock toolbar icons was inactive
- Returned missing backward compatibility for decryption with custom salt
- Issue when file name on Save/Open was incorrect or empty
- Undo function for editor
- Settings window
- Added debug menu
- Source code now is more readable
- All elements and variables now have more clear names (no more button1 textBox2 names and etc.)
- Hanged work logic of most functions
- Project was moved to own company
- Updater was moved to own repo
- Simplified some variables
What's new in this version:
- Several minor bugs are fixed
What's new in this version:
- Optional integration with windows context menu #11 #12
- Changed eye icon eye icon behavior
- Encryption key now can't be empty
- Now when you open a new file, filename is always empty
- Minor design changes in Settings and Change Key windows
- Changed logic of the functionAssociate with *.cnp files
- Fixed bug with empty filename while saving existing file or creating a new
- Fixed incorrect work of the Auto save on lock function
- Fixed #13 Strange behavior after opening a file
- Fixed #14 Critical bug after file saving
- Added new bugs