Comodo Firewall

最新版本 LinkAssistant 6.27.14

LinkAssistant 6.27.14

LinkAssistant 6.27.14
Comodo 的免費防火牆是您抵禦病毒,蠕蟲,木馬,黑客和所有互聯網威脅的第一道防線。 Comodo 的防火牆使用默認拒絕保護來防止威脅的發生,而不是僅僅在已經太晚的時候檢測到它們。每當一個未知的軟件被引入到你的系統中時,Comodo Firewall 將它與一個超過一千五百萬個受信任文件和應用程序的白名單進行交叉引用。如果要求訪問的文件在列表中,Comodo Firewall 可以確保您的計算機可以安全地執行該文件。如果沒有,Comodo Firewall 會提醒你,一個可能的惡意文件正在嘗試進入你的 PC.6235896
最新版本看到了安全性和可用性方面的重大飛躍,增加了基於雲的掃描和無法識別的文件的行為分析 - 使得 Comodo Free Firewall 無與倫比在檢測零日攻擊。在默認設置下,基於雲的病毒掃描程序將自動掃描未知和不可信的文件,然後在文件在我們的雲服務器上進行行為分析的同時,在本地機器的虛擬環境(沙箱)中運行,以便它不能修改或影響您的“真實”系統的數據。這種保護您的 PC 的突破性方法意味著只有受信任的應用程序才能運行。惡意軟件和不受信任的文件沒有得到任何重要的東西附近,你可以使用你的電腦不中斷嘮叨警報。該軟件還擁有強大的包過濾防火牆,可以幫助您安全地連接到互聯網,同時阻止黑客進入連接。它易於使用,並具有吸引人的界面,使初學者可以根據自己的喜好更改設置.

Comodo Firewall 自動更新,並享有著名的編輯選擇獎。現在下載並找出為什麼預防性保護是未來的安全技術。 Comodo Firewall 對於 Windows 來說是完全免費的.

5 最重要的秘密為什麼 Comodo Firewall 不同:
沒有復雜的配置問題對於業餘用戶來說非常完美快速學習用戶行為來提供個性化的保護用戶友好的,有吸引力的圖形界面許多配置選項讓技術人員配置就像他們喜歡基於 DDP 的安全性一樣,您可以隨時了解和安全地使用電腦


檔案版本 LinkAssistant 6.27.14

檔案大小 263 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Comodo Group, Inc
更新日期 2019-07-10

What's new in this version:

LinkAssistant 6.27.14
- New settings added to LinkAssistant Preferences
- Misc. Global Settings: let the software minimize into tray when performing scheduled tasks
- A few minor bugs have been fixed.

LinkAssistant 6.27.13
- Some performance updates have been implemented

LinkAssistant 6.27.12
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.27.11
- The Whois database for domains IPs has been updated

LinkAssistant 6.27.10
- LinkAssistant has been adjusted to the new changes of language settings for Google Keyword Planner.

LinkAssistant 6.27.9
- A few minor bugs have been fixed and some performance updates have been implemented

LinkAssistant 6.27.8
- A few performance updates have been implemented

LinkAssistant 6.27.7
- A few minor bugs have been fixed: incorrect selection of search engines for keyword difficulty, the error exception when creating a new project for non-existing TLD and a few other bugs have been resolved

LinkAssistant 6.27.5
- A few minor bugs have been fixed and some performance updates have been implemented

LinkAssistant 6.27.4
- The problem of connecting proxies to LinkAssistant has been fixed and other minor bugs resolved

LinkAssistant 6.27.3
- A few minor bugs have been fixed and some performance updates have been implemented

LinkAssistant 6.27.2
- LinkAssistant has been updated for the new changes in Google Ads Keyword Planner markup

LinkAssistant 6.27.1
- A few issues have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.27
- Miscellaneous: backlink verification algorithm has been updated and improved, a new factor added: Yandex SQI

LinkAssistant 6.26.11
- Domain Strength update problem has been resolved

LinkAssistant 6.26.10
- A few minor bugs have been fixed and several performance updates have been implemented

LinkAssistant 6.26.9
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.26.8
- A new 'properties' element has been added to Google Analytics settings in LinkAssistant to help users find and connect the right view

LinkAssistant 6.26.7
- Interface scaling parameters have been updated and a few other minor issues fixed

LinkAssistant 6.26.6
- A few minor issues have been resolved

LinkAssistant 6.26.5
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.26.4
- Software auto-update process has been improved for apps that have scheduled tasks, the problem of displaying incorrect characters for project names with cyrillic symbols has been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.26.3
- A number of issues were fixed in LinkAssistant, including problems with incorrect characters in saved project names, alphabetic sorting for scheduled tasks, background task interruption during auto-updates, and many other minor improvements

LinkAssistant 6.26.2
- New search engine added: Google Afghanistan. Issues fixed in LinkAssistant: problems with collecting backlinks for websites with German interface, incorrect detection of user country for Google Catalonia and a few other minor bugs

LinkAssistant 6.26.1
- Synchronization of project and global settings has been added to LinkAssistant: synchronize customer and company profiles, Google accounts, project and global events across different projects and apps

LinkAssistant 6.25.3
- IP library has been updated and some minor issues have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.25.2
- The link directory generator and proxy rotation features have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.25.1
- A new index has been applied for calculation of InLink Rank and Domain Strength metrics

LinkAssistant 6.23.23
- The software auto-update mechanism for background tasks has been improved. A few issues have been fixed: the time counter for captcha window failed to be reset upon mouse movement and several other minor issues have been solved

LinkAssistant 6.23.22
- A few issues have been fixed: incorrect status for completed scheduled tasks and several other minor issues have been solved

LinkAssistant 6.23.21
- The internal browser has been improved and adjusted for better interaction with Google re-captcha. A few other minor issues have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.23.20
- A few minor issues have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.23.19
- A new change for automatic software updates has been implemented: new version releases will be skipped by applications that have active tasks running in the background

LinkAssistant 6.23.18
- New features have been added to LinkAssistant: create scheduled tasks only for project records that are marked with specific tags; pause and resume the execution of tasks; new selection mode available: now it is possible to select only several columns to copy results from a project workspace

LinkAssistant 6.23.17
- A few minor issues have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.23.16
- An issue has been fixed: the quick filter now can recognize new tags of the prospects that have been added manually or imported into the project

LinkAssistant 6.23.15
- LinkAssistant has been adjusted to the new Google Ads interface

LinkAssistant 6.23.14
- Change log not available for this version

LinkAssistant 6.23.13
- Some performance updates have been implemented

LinkAssistant 6.23.12
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.23.11
- Fixed the problem of generating report names with cyrillic characters

LinkAssistant 6.23.10
- fixed the text encoding issue for Spanish and French installation wizards
- a new search engine has been added

LinkAssistant 6.23.9
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.23.8
- The algorithm for connecting to Google Adwords account has been updated in LinkAssistant

LinkAssistant 6.23.7
- The algorithm for updating Alexa Rank has been optimized and improved

LinkAssistant 6.23.6
- A few minor bugs have been fixed in LinkAssistant

LinkAssistant 6.23.5
- The performance of the internal browser has been optimized and improved

LinkAssistant 6.23.4
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.23.3
- Minor performance updates have been implemented and a few bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.23.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.23
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.22.9
- Some performance updates have been implemented

LinkAssistant 6.22.8
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.22.7
- The whois library for checking domain age has been updated

LinkAssistant 6.22.6
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.22.5
- The problem of blurred interface on retina displays has been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.22.4
- Some performance updates have been implemented

LinkAssistant 6.22.3
- Some performance updates have been implemented

LinkAssistant 6.22.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.22.1
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.22
- Change log not available for this version

LinkAssistant 6.21.7
- Some performance updates have been implemented

LinkAssistant 6.21.6
- The fix for new Google Adwords Keyword Planner interface has been implemented

LinkAssistant 6.21.5
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.21.4
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.21.3
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.21.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.21.1
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.21
- A few minor bugs and java-related issues have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.20.5
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.20.4
- Fixed the problem with LinkAssistant modal windows on MacOS that opened under the main window

LinkAssistant 6.20.3
- Improved UI for minimized interface view and for screens with low resolution and some other minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.20.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

LinkAssistant 6.20.1
- New LinkAssistant version with improved memory utilization algorithm for 64-bit Windows machines

LinkAssistant 6.20
- Several bugs have been fixed and UX improvements implemented

LinkAssistant 6.27.14 相關參考資料
LinkAssistant 6.27.14 for Windows 軟體資訊交流 - winXmac ...

LinkAssistant 6.27.14 for Windows 軟體資訊交流、介紹、教學與下載,Comodo 的免費防火牆是您抵禦病毒,蠕蟲,木馬,黑客和所有互聯網威脅的第一道防線。

LinkAssistant 6.27.14 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

2019年7月10日 — Comodo Firewall軟體資訊介紹&下載,Comodo 的免費防火牆是您抵禦病毒,蠕蟲,木馬,黑客和所有互聯網威脅的第一道防線。 Comodo 的 ...

LinkAssistant 6.27.15 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

2019年7月10日 — LinkAssistant 6.27.15 - Change log not available for this version LinkAssistant 6.27.14 - New settings added to LinkAssistant Preferences - Misc ...

LinkAssistant 6.32.4 for Windows 軟體資訊交流 - winXmac軟體 ...

LinkAssistant 6.27.14 - New settings added to LinkAssistant Preferences - Misc. Global Settings: let the software minimize into tray when performing scheduled ...

LinkAssistant 6.33.4 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

LinkAssistant 6.27.14 - New settings added to LinkAssistant Preferences - Misc. Global Settings: let the software minimize into tray when performing scheduled ...

LinkAssistant 6.36.7 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

LinkAssistant 6.27.14 - New settings added to LinkAssistant Preferences - Misc. Global Settings: let the software minimize into tray when performing scheduled ...

LinkAssistant 6.37.1 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

LinkAssistant 6.27.14 - New settings added to LinkAssistant Preferences - Misc. Global Settings: let the software minimize into tray when performing scheduled ...

LinkAssistant 6.37.3 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

2020年12月23日 — LinkAssistant 6.27.15 - Change log not available for this version LinkAssistant 6.27.14 - New settings added to LinkAssistant Preferences - Misc ...

LinkAssistant 6.37.4 Download for Windows Change Log ...

2020年12月29日 — Some performance updates have been implemented LinkAssistant 6.27.15 - Change log not available for this version LinkAssistant 6.27.14

LinkAssistant 6.37.4 for Windows 軟體資訊交流 - winXmac軟體 ...

LinkAssistant 6.37.4 for Windows 軟體資訊交流、介紹、教學與下載 ... LinkAssistant,軟體教學,軟體下載,軟體社群,Windows軟體,Mac ... LinkAssistant 6.27.14