
最新版本 Silhouette Studio 4.2.471

Silhouette Studio 4.2.471

Silhouette Studio 4.2.471
借助 Cloudevo,您可以從一個界面管理您的所有云賬戶!軟件 Cloudevo 將任意數量的雲存儲匯總到一個大的聯合雲。從哪個提供商那裡獲得云存儲是不重要的。 Cloudevo 將所有不同的雲服務結合到一個大型的雲。然後將這個統一的云作為驅動器安裝在您的設備上。所有文件都在雲端硬盤上安全加密。除了加密之外,該軟件還包括有用的功能,便於在雲中處理,管理和同步數據。您可以從任何地方訪問云端硬盤中的文件.

為了減少硬盤驅動器上的內存空間使用量,只有經常使用的文件才在本地進行高速緩存。您看到的其余文件作為佔位符。打開一個佔位符文件,文件的內容立即下載並呈現。直接在 Cloudevo 驅動器中編輯文件。所有更改都會立即傳回到雲中.

Cloudevo 功能:

對未經授權訪問您的數據的恐懼已經結束。 Cloudevo 確保安全。您的所有數據將通過現代 AES-256 加密進行安全編碼。只有你有你的數據的關鍵。為了加強安全性,文件被分成幾個片段並上傳到不同的雲服務。

同步所有數據在多個設備上。您的文件將自動同步到 Cloudevo。你不需要擔心。 Cloudevo 將您的數據上傳到統一的雲服務。從其他設備,您可以從任何地方訪問您的文件.

無論您想要保存數據的雲服務,Cloudevo 都可以訪問它。如果您使用不同的雲服務,Cloudevo 為您提供統一的表面和界面。繼續處理您的數據。 Cloudevo 照顧的分佈。您不需要任何其他軟件.

根據您的需要,可以通過簡單地添加更多的雲帳戶來擴展此統一云。 Cloudevo 支持付費和免費云存儲。這使您可以靈活地將所有數據保存在雲中,並且安全可靠.

通過快速同步文件,節省時間。 Cloudevo 支持部分同步。通過部分同步,您可以選擇立即同步哪些文件,以後哪些文件和哪些文件不同步.

使用我們的數據點播技術,無論您何時通過打開例如文件。因此,您可以節省傳輸不必要數據的時間,並且不會阻塞 Internet 連接的帶寬。排除完全來自同步的文件或目錄。


檔案版本 Silhouette Studio 4.2.471

檔案名稱 silhouette-studio_v4.2.471.exe
檔案大小 337 MB
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Evorim
更新日期 2019-05-02

What's new in this version:

- Newly pasted items are now selected as expected
- New preference within Tools to decide whether newly pasted items should be selected or not - "New Shape Becomes Selected" is selected by default
- Page width can now be set above 12”
- The line effect spacing for hash patterns now successfully updates below 0.079 inches
- Input fields no longer lose focus when a tooltip opens
- Replicated objects no longer lose their z-order
- Right-clicking an empty space no longer deselects all before opening the context menu
- Fixed an issue where ‘Scale By’ was not scaling by the expected amount
- Right-click “Show Registration Marks” is no longer greyed out
- Advanced Fill Gradient handles can now be removed via a new right-click context menu or by the new 'x' icon
- Line effects can now be opened in Standard Edition once saved
- Terminology updates for file extension within the File > Open dropdown
- Panel menu order has been updated
- .Studio3 will no longer appear on the operating system’s title bar
- Label for the "Enable Performance Improvement data collection" preference has been reinstated
- The drawing area is now appropriately renamed when designs are saved to the Library
- Silhouette Design Store and user-created files opened from the Library no longer appear as “data.xxxx” within the File > Open Recent menu
- DXF files now import as expected
- New Project Wizard is no longer truncated
- Buttons are now greyed out correctly in the pop-up panel when no shapes are selected
- Removed the unexpected blue box that appeared in the 'Restore Factory Defaults' window
- Minor UI update to document tab toolbar
- Line Effects panel can now be used by all users, not just those with a CURIO / CAMEO3
- Fixed an issue in Line Effects panel that caused some effects to apply an emboss effect to the selected objects
- Fixed an issue in Line Effects panel that caused the Spacing and Angle sliders to apply incorrect values
- Closing a MacBook lid, while Studio is active, will no longer crash Studio when the lid is re-opened
- Studio no longer crashes when cancelling the 'Restore Defaults Material' modal window
- Studio no longer crashes if words are added to the dictionary after closing the first document tab
- Accented characters will now display correctly within the Spelling tab
- Selected dictionary section now displays correctly while the dark theme is in use
- The Spelling tab's back button will no longer trigger the undo action
- Spelling tab will now only compile of misspelt words for the document tab in use
- Using the Eraser and Knife tools no longer cause a crash
- Using the Offset feature no longer causes a crash
- Using the features in the Modify panel now work as expected
- Modified the Sketch Panel to include Emboss options
- Added padding in Trace Panel to conform to SS Standard
- Buttons that are ‘greyed-out’ now show correctly on Popup Panel
- Added a scrollbar in the Updates section of the Preference Window
- ‘Rotate By’ can now use negative values in Transform Panel

- Library folders now open as expected when double-clicked in Grid view
- Library split-screen view opens as expected when selected
- Silhouette Studio no longer crashes when Unicode characters are used in Library file names
- .GST files that were purchased from the Silhouette Design Store now open correctly within Silhouette Studio
- Fixed an issue where some users could not sync to the library correctly
- File directory is now shown when hovering over library thumbnails
- Added a ‘Select All’ option and label to the Library’s File Types dropdown menu
- The ‘Are you sure?’ prompt no longer appears twice when deleting snapshots
- Library designs are now marked as “Seen” when the expanded thumbnail is opened
- Email addresses now truncate if too long to display within library menu
- Updated Library slideshow to clearly identify what the library update does
- Added a ‘Select All / Deselect All checkbox in the Library Filter
- Using the Expanded Thumbnail View on designs in the library now mark the design as ‘seen’
- Deleting snapshots no longer display the ‘Are you sure’ prompt twice
- Studio no longer crashes when dragging the Library view across two monitors
- Studio no longer crashes when double-clicking 'OK' to save a file to the Library
- Studio no longer crashes when scrolling over a tooltip within the Library
- The context menu, that appears when right-clicking library designs, no longer closes when a tooltip opens

- The Silhouette AutoBlade will no longer readjust after each row within Action by X if the blade settings for each row are the same
- The Send tabs simple mode will now show as expected even when a perforated object is on screen
- Pauses are no longer ignored when designs are sent to Silhouette devices
- Fixed an issue where cut lines were defaulting to 'No Cut'
- Text objects will now default to ‘Cut Edge’
- Trace and Detach now defaults detached objects to ‘Cut’

- Newly installed system fonts are now recognised by Silhouette Studio (Windows 10 only)
- SS_Bluetooth now closes correctly on the exit of Silhouette Studio resolving future installation issues
- Designer Edition and above fixes:

- New SVG Import preference allowing you to set default cut style (Cut, Cut Edge, No Cut, Cut 0.1pt lines)
- Opening the Advanced Line Effects tab with an emboss-filled shape no longer causes a crash
- You can now click and drag to select objects that appear on top of locked layers.
- The Eye-dropper tool now successfully transfers properties when used on text
- Frequently using Trace by Colour on a large bitmap image will no longer crash Studio
- Improved ability to select objects on top of locked layers
- Reinstated the ability to select objects behind locked layers
- Re-implemented the updates to Guides and Ruler behaviour:
- While rulers are visible, guides can be created
- While rulers are invisible, guides cannot be created
- While 'Show Guides' is active, guides will be shown. This option does not rely on rulers being visible
- While 'Show Guides’ is inactive, guides will not be shown
- Toggling the SVG Import preference for 'Join lines into polylines' now correctly updates the 'Apply' button state
- PDF files no longer open as black rectangles when the file contains a pattern

- Imported SVG's now default to 'Cut'
- Business Edition fixes:

- SVG's created in Studio now open correctly. SVG files that display a “File type not supported” error when opened will need to be re-saved within Studio
- Editing a new Glyph now updates the current document tab rather than opening a new tab
- Can no longer open more than one Font Creation Glyph at a time
- Double-clicking a Glyph within the Digital Font Creator panel acts as ‘Edit Glyph’
- The name of selected font will now display in the remove created font warning message
- The file extension will no longer be added to font names when imported via a photo
- Cut Border is now locked to an active state when Media Layout View is in use

Silhouette Studio 4.2.471 相關參考資料