CleanMyPC 歷史版本列表 Page2

最新版本 CleanMyPC 1.12.1

CleanMyPC 歷史版本列表

保持你的 Windows PC 清潔,並像 CleanMyPC 一樣運行。它掃描你的整個計算機清理垃圾文件,加快你的電腦,並提高其性能。 CleanMyPC 不僅僅是個人電腦清潔劑 - mdash; 它是一個關心您的計算機的重要工具.CleanMyPC 功能:一個好的 PC 清理使所有差異 當你使用你的電腦,它堆積了所有類型的垃圾:緩存,日誌文件,什麼不是。這個垃圾吞噬了你的磁盤空間,拖累了你... CleanMyPC 軟體介紹

ChemSketch 2020.2.1 查看版本資訊


IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- the problem with corrupted indexes that caused Find In Files to show no results
- Maven dependencies
- the selection issue in Switcher and Recent Files
- the unnecessary resize of the Project view when you reopen projects
- the Open in terminal action to correctly open the project file directory
- the keyboard shortcut that shows hidden tool window bars
- the modal dialog freezes on macOS Big Sur
- the UI issues in the Commit view with the activated Chinese and Korean language packs
- the errors preventing new project creation and opening existing projects
The IDE correctly displays an explicit search request at the top of the suggestions list
- an issue with an autodetected proxy configuration

Gradle Run Configurations now use the correct working directory
The IDE has stopped showing a data sharing consent popup with every launch

IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Key updates:
- Integration with Space, our new platform for software development and team collaboration, is now available out of the box.Once you log in to your organization in JetBrains Space, you can view and clone project repositories, review your teammates’ code, and write Space automation scripts. Learn more.
- We now support WSL 2 for Java projects
- Code With Me, a service for collaborative development and pair programming, now comes out of the box featuring video and audio calls
- The new Run Targets feature allows you to run, test, profile, and debug your application in Docker containers or on remote machines

User experience:
- Your IDE features a built-in browser preview for HTML files. The preview updates on the fly when you change your HTML or the linked CSS and JavaScript files.
- It is possible to include or exclude External Dependencies in the search scope
- We’ve labeled several UI and gutter elements to be read out correctly with the enabled screen reader
- If you use the high-contrast mode on Windows, your IDE will automatically apply the high-contrast theme upon its first launch
- If you are a Windows user, you can open your recent projects by right-clicking on the IntelliJ IDEA icon on the taskbar or the Start menu

Version Control:
- This release introduces several updates for Pull Requests, including faster creation, the ability to open the in-editor diff quickly, and support for pull request templates.
- We’ve added support for Git commit templates in which you can outline the custom information you need in the commit message
- You can now easily choose a code inspection profile before committing changes to VCS – just click the gear icon to show commit options, tick the Analyze code checkbox, click Choose profile, and select the desired profile
- The new down-arrow icon next to Show diff in the Compare with branch dialog allows you to get a file from another branch
- It is possible to copy your changes to the Shelf while keeping them in the local changes with our new Save to Shelf action
- The Perforce plugin is now fully compatible with IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition and comes bundled with your IDE

- New typography settings in Preferences / Settings | Editor | Fonts let you fine-tune the weight of your main and bold font styles
- Whenever several tabs that split the editor vertically are open, you can double-click either of them to maximize the editor window for that specific tab.
- Your IDE supports JSONPath expressions with the Goessner or Jayway syntaxes. The new Evaluate JSONPath Expression action for writing queries in JSONPath and testing them is available via Edit | Find.
- IntelliJ IDEA has support for the JSON Lines format, recognizing .jsonl, .jslines, .ldjson, and .ndjson file types

- We reworked the Profiler UI and added two new actions that you can access with a right-click on a running application. Capture Memory Snapshot action allows you to take *.hprof snapshots of your applications, and CPU and Memory Live Charts opens a tab with tools for tracking and visualizing resource consumption.

- IntelliJ IDEA has basic support for Java 16, which was released in March 2021
- We’ve added several new inspections, including ones for data flow analysis
- We’ve introduced new formatting options for chained builder methods to help improve their readability

- We’ve increased the code analysis speed making it possible to detect errors and warnings much faster
- If you use functions that require type parameters, the IDE adds the correct type parameter to the preceding code
- UML class diagrams now work for Kotlin compiled to JVM
- IntelliJ IDEA’s own code coverage runner now fully supports Kotlin in inline functions and coroutines
- The IntelliJ IDEA debugger can evaluate get expressions in Kotlin and display them in the Variables view
- We’ve reworked the UI for the Change Signature refactoring and added a new checkbox that lets you set the added parameter as the default one

- Fixing code problems with Stylelint is now easier – just hover over a problem or place a caret on it, press Alt+Enter, and select Stylelint: Fix current file
- Quick MDN documentation for JavaScript APIs, HTML, and CSS is now embedded in your IDE
- You can now check the specificity of your selectors when working with style sheets

- The Type Diff tooltip now supports kinds
- This release introduces Scala code completion based on machine learning
- In addition to modules, compilation charts can now show compiler phases and units, so you can gain even deeper insight into your compilation
- The sbt-idea plugin makes it possible to develop IntelliJ Platform plugins using Scala and sbt. There’s now a built-in Project Wizard template to make the process even easier (this feature depends on the Plugin DevKit).

Database tools:
- We’ve added a UI for editing grants when modifying objects. This update is available for PostgreSQL, Redshift, Greenplum, MySQL, MariaDB, DB2, SQL Server, and Sybase
- We’ve added live templates that allow generating simple statements straight from the database explorer
- We’ve simplified the navigation – Go to declaration (Ctrl/Cmd+B) invoked on an object in SQL now takes you to the DDL, not to the database tree
- We’ve improved the sorting of data
- The most famous shortcuts in the world Ctrl/Cmd+C/V/X now work for copying, cutting, and pasting data sources
- You can now edit data in MongoDB collections. A statement preview is also available

Build tools:
- We’ve brought back the ability to customize settings when importing Maven projects

Frameworks & Technologies:
- The new inspection highlights http:// protocol usages and offers to change them to https://
- The HTTP client comes with several updates. You can collapse the returned HTML, JSON, or XML, as well as copy its body, hide line numbers, choose the display format, and quickly scroll to the top and the bottom of the response
- If you use SSL client authentication for https:// protocols, you can configure SSL settings in the HTTP client
- When you create Spring, Micronaut, Quarkus, and MicroProfile projects, it only takes two steps to start working with them. You can enter all the key information on the first screen of the updated wizard and configure framework-specific settings on the second one
- We’ve added redesigned and clickable icons to the gutter for projects that include JPA entities. We’ve also improved JPA support for Kotlin and multi-module projects
- You can use the JPA console for writing and running JPQL queries in Jakarta EE 9 projects
- If you use our light theme, the UML Diagrams will update with a new color scheme
- Swagger supports specifications with external file references ($ref) and more nodes in the Structure view for specification files
- We’ve added a new experimental tool for detecting DOM elements of a web application. You can access it via Tools | Generate Selenium Page Object

- Support for publicly available shared indexes is embedded into IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
- IntelliJ IDEA now supports all Android Studio 4.1.1 updates
- IntelliJ IDEA can now import OSGI facet settings from the bnd-maven-plugin

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- the crashes happening on IntelliJ IDEA startup
- the issue causing unnecessary backslashes to be added in Markdown files containing code blocks
- the IntelliJ IDEA crashes occurring when the CUBA plugin tried to set a zoom level for the CEF browser
-ain is now available on Apple Silicon
- the run configuration errors when using Cucumber tests with Java
- issues with the Close All But Pinned and Close All actions
- logs’ spamming when disconnecting from Docker
- the wrong behavior of the Diff view
- a focus issue in the branch list

ChemSketch 2020.2.0 查看版本資訊


IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- For those who use Mac with an M1 chip, we’ve fixed shortcut issues and a JCEF issue related to the rendering of *.md files
- Fixed patch updates from v2020.3.2 Preview to the next IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3 builds
- Fixed the IDE’s behavior when you double-click on a file in Local Changes. This action now opens the file in the editor
- Fixed the incorrect focus when dragging a file over an IDE window in Windows 10
- Fixed an erroneous display of the search field
- The file template now correctly expands variables
- Fixed debugger value renderers when the Debug Gradle scripts option is activated

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3.1 查看版本資訊


IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3 offers a multitude of useful features, like interactive hints while debugging, Git staging support, extended support for Java 15 records and sealed classes, and more. It simplifies your daily work with endpoints, frameworks, and the profiler. The overall UX has been improved with better code completion based on machine-learning technology, a more intuitive and useful new Welcome screen, and better spelling and grammar checks. In short, everything about it is better

In this post we will give you quick update of all the major features and improvements you need to know about in v2020.3:
- When you want to rename occurrences, you can now choose whether to do so in comments and string literals or in printable text
- You can organize tabs more easily by dragging and dropping them to divide the editor horizontally or vertically. We’ve also added the Open in Right Split action, which divides the editor vertically when you open another file
- It’s easier to organize your pinned tabs. You can drag and drop files to add them to the pinned tabs. Additionally, you can keep all the pinned tabs in a separate row
- You can set IntelliJ IDEA as the default application for opening certain file types
- It is now possible to add a template that creates several files. Inside the template, you can enter a pattern to generate a file name and a path
- We’ve improved Markdown formatting, synced the preview and editor, and added support for Mermaid.js

User Experience:
- The new Welcome screen includes four new tabs – one for managing projects, one for configuring the IDE interface, one for installing plugins, and one for learning how to use IntelliJ IDEA more effectively
- The Learn IntelliJ IDEA tab on the Welcome screen provides access to interactive courses that will help you learn about the features in IntelliJ IDEA using actual code samples
- It is possible to sync your IDE and OS themes
- We’ve added Reader mode for read-only files and files from External Libraries. It is now easier to read comments in such files
- You can open files in the LightEdit mode with the -e(–edit) command. From the LightEdit window, you can activate IDE mode to use all of the IDE features
- Alt+Enter now invokes a grammar and spell checker. The new version of the LanguageTool grammar checking engine improves the review of English text and adds support for more than 10 additional languages
- In the Search Everywhere dialog, you can now search for Git messages, tags, and branches, and you can perform easy calculations
- You can set up your IDE to open files in the preview tab with a single click
- IntelliJ IDEA will notify you of the latest JDK updates and give you the option to skip them or update from your IDE
- We’ve added an emoji picker for Linux ??

- During debugging, you can access interactive hints for variables and change the field values of these variables
- We’ve added a new type of watch expression that is linked to a particular context and displayed inside the editor
- The Show referring objects and Calculate retained size profiling options are now available during debugging
- Only one tab with Frames and Variables and the Console output will open for a Gradle task debugging session

- You can stage changes from the IDE. The Staged and Unstaged nodes are now available in the Commit view
- Your VCS menu displays the actions relevant to the version control system you are using for your project
- When you create new branches, the IDE will automatically correct unaccepted characters in branch names. We’ve also reworked the context menu for the current branch to show related actions
- Java
- We’ve started using a new ranking mechanism based on machine learning for Java code completion suggestions
- A new intention action allows you to convert records to classes
- We’ve introduced completion, code insight, and refactorings for sealed classes
- When your files use a Shebang mechanism, IntelliJ IDEA detects this, opens them correctly, and allows you to use code insight
- If you extract a Java method, it is done right away without any intermediate dialogs
- We’ve added new Java inspections and intention actions and improved code completion for them
- The Lombokem> plugin is now built in

Collaborative development:
- IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3 supports Code With Me (EAP) – a new service for collaborative development and pair programming

Run Configurations:
- The Run/Debug Configurations feature a new UI that groups the most frequently used settings together on one screen and gives you the option to add more parameters if needed

- The Profiler tool window has been reworked to allow you to attach the profiler to a running process and quickly access previously created snapshots
- You can open .jfr and .hprof files quickly by dragging and dropping them in the IDE, double-clicking on them in the Project view, or via File | Open

Frameworks and Web:
- You can now filter your endpoint searches and arrange the endpoints conveniently in your IDE. For each endpoint, you have access to the documentation, the ad hoc HTTP client, and Open API
- It is possible to export an HTTP request to cURL
- The URL completion dialog is more informative, showing framework icons, HTTP methods, and source locations. Deprecated URLs are shown with strike-out style
- You can access the URL-related actions via a new globe icon next to the URL
- We now support code insight for Spring MVC Functional Routing, RestOperations, Spring WebTestClient, and Spring Reactive WebClient
- You can convert HTTP requests from the old format to the currently accepted one
- We’ve improved Swagger code insight and added Swagger Hub support
- New Quarkus and Micronaut projects now have automatically created run configurations
- You can use completion for predefined methods used to create repository interfaces. We’ve also added support for the Micronaut @Query annotation

- You can now download pod logs to your local machine and quickly delete Kubernetes resources
- It is now possible to automatically load CRD schemas from an active cluster
- We’ve added the Open Console and Run Shell actions
- Kotli
- The Kotlin IDE plugin release cycle is now synced with the IntelliJ IDEA release cycle
- Cross-language conversion is now possible, meaning you can inline Kotlin elements from Java
- You can also inline-refactor the also, let, run, apply, and with scope functions
- We’ve improved the inlining of lambda expressions
- We’ve added support for structural search and replace (SSR) actions for Kotlin

- You can now use SQL to query MongoDB databases
- DataGrip now supports the Couchbase Query service
- We’ve introduced two new extractors: One-Row and SQL-Insert-Multirow
- JavaScript
- We’ve integrated the TypeScript language service into the Problems tool window and moved the actions previously available within the TypeScript tool window to a dedicated widget on the status bar
- If you have an unresolved React component, the IDE can now create the relevant code construct for you
- For avaScript and TypeScript files, the Navigation bar now lets you jump to specific code elements in the current file

- The Scala Compile Server now compiles independent modules in parallel
- We’ve added Compilation Charts to help you optimize the structure of your project modules and the Compile Server’s VM options
- The Scala plugin can now combine IntelliJ IDEA’s package prefixes with Scala’s chained package clauses and relative imports
- Support for MUnit is now available with all the usual advantages
- The Scala plugin now understands the new syntax for main methods
- That was a long list of updates! As always, you can check out the release notes for even more improvements and additions. We hope you enjoy them. As always, please share your feedback in the comments to this post and report any bugs to our issue tracker

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2.4 查看版本資訊


IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed antialiasing for the editor
- Fixed the loss of the Path from root value after IntelliJ IDEA restarts
- Fixed incorrect focus when navigating to a file
- Fixed erroneous behavior when canceling project loading
- Fixed database connection configurations to apply the selected SSH tunnel
- Fixed The Search Everywhere popup no longer opens partially offscreen
- Fixed automatic navigation to code with errors when building a Java project with Gradle
- Fixed undesired focus when a build fails
- Fixed the import of BuildSrc classes when building a project with Gradle
- Fixed the behavior of the Enter key when the cursor is on a module source or content root
- Fixed the bug causing the IDETalk plugin to fail to initialize in IntelliJ IDEA
- Fixed the erroneous “Redundant suppression” warning