Charles (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page3

最新版本 Charles 4.6.1 (64-bit)

Charles (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Charles 64bit 是在您自己的計算機上運行的 Web 代理軟件(HTTP 代理 / HTTP 監視器)。然後,您的網絡瀏覽器(或任何其他互聯網應用程序)被配置為通過 Charles 訪問互聯網,Charles 然後能夠記錄並顯示發送和接收的所有數據。 在 Web 和 Internet 開發中,您無法看看您的網絡瀏覽器 / 客戶端和服務器之間發送和接收的內容。如果沒有這種可見性,確定故障的... Charles (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Duet Display 查看版本資訊


Vagrant 2.210 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- hyperv/disks: Add ability to manage virtual disks for guests

- core: Allow provisioners to be run when a communicator is not available]
- core: Add autocomplete command that allows for install of bash or zsh autocomplete scripts]
- core: Update to childprocess gem to 4.0.0]
- core: Add action to wait for cloud-init to finish running]
- core: Update to net-ssh to 6.0 and net-sftp to 3.0]
- core: Optimize port in use check for faster validation]
- core: Support for Ruby 2.7]
- core: Add synced folder capabilities for mount options and default fstab modification behavior]
- guest/arch: Use systemd-networkd to configure networking for guests]
- guest/haiku: Rsync install for rsync synced folders]
- guest/solaris11: Add guest capability shell_expand_guest_path]
- host/darwin: Add ability to build ISO]
- hosts/linux: Add ability to build ISO]
- hosts/windows: Add ability to build ISO]
- providers/hyperv: Add support for SecureBootTemplate setting on import]
- providers/hyperv: Add support for EnhancedSessionTransportType]
- virtualbox/disks: Add ability to manage virtual dvds for guests]

Bug fixes:
- core: Ensure MapCommandOptions class is required
- core: Fix :all special value on triggers
- core: Ensure network addresses have a valid netmask
- core: Recover local machine metadata in global index
- core: Print CLI help message is ambiguous option provided
- core: Update how /etc/hosts gets updated for darwin, freebsd and openbsd
- core: Capture [3J escape sequence
- core: Treat empty box value as invalid
- core: Allow forwarding ports to unknown addresses
- core: Scrub credentials as whole words
- commands/destroy: Add gracefull option to switch beween gracefully or forcefully shutting down a vm
- communicator/ssh: Raise an error for a nil exit status
- communicator/winrm: Check for nil return from querying for forwarded ports
- config/vm: Add option allow_hosts_modification to allow/disable Vagrant editing the guests /etc/hosts file
- config/vm: Add config option hostname to
- config/vm: Don't ignore NFS synced folders on Windows hosts
- host: Use regular port check for loopback addresses
- host: Allow windows and linux hosts to detach from rdp process
- host/windows: Properly register SMB password validation capability
- guests: Allow setting of hostname according to hostname option for multiple guests
- guest/alpine: Allow setting of hostname according to hostname option
- guest/esxi: Be more permissive with permissions of ssh directory
- guest/linux: Add virtual box shared folders to guest fstab
- guest/suse: Allow setting of hostname according to hostname option
- providers/docker: Ensure new containers don't grab existing bound ports
- providers/hyperv: Fix check for secure boot
- providers/virtualbox: Fix inability to create disk with same name across multiple guests
- provisioners/docker: Allow to specify docker image version using the run option
- provisioners/file: Allow creating empty folders
- provisioners/shell: Ensure Windows shell provisioner gets the correct file extension
- util/powershell: Use correct powershell executable for privileged commands

Duet Display 查看版本資訊


Duet Display 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a crash on Windows 7 that started happening in version
- Fixed a problem where the screen saver would stop working on the RDP client PC after an RDP session
- Added Uninstall button on the Settings tab
- Miscellaneous internal stability improvements

Duet Display 查看版本資訊


SnapGene Viewer 5.1.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Functionality:
- Added a "Copy Rich Text" command for selections in alignments, to provide the option of copying either simple sequences or sequences with metadata

- Added Invitrogen's "pScreen-iT LacZ-Dest" to the list of Gateway® Destination vectors
- Modified the statistics in pairwise alignments to show two digits after the decimal point instead of one
- Added time estimates to various progress dialogs
- Improved the order of "Copy" actions in the Edit menu
- Made various textual, alignment, and spacing improvements
- Enabled export of a map or history while viewing any tab

- Ensured reliable import of primers copied to the clipboard using Microsoft Office
- Added support for dragging and dropping FASTA archives into the Assemble Contigs dialog
- Preserved zoom and split view display options when switching between files in a collection
- Enhanced the Gene Construction Kit importer to capture the full set of notes in the "General Info" section
- Improved stability when computing and viewing multiple sequence alignments
- Corrected an issue that could cause features to be erroneously detected around the numerical origin of a linear sequence
- Ensured that proper file extensions were included when batch converting files from one format to another
- Ensured correct setting of the default button in the Find controls when pressing and releasing Shift in a sequence trace window
- Corrected a regression with the navigation buttons when viewing an alignment to a reference sequence
- Addressed issues with the purple bar and the Tm column when importing primers from another file
- Corrected the displayed molecular weight when adding a translated feature to the common features database
- Removed the colors button in cloning dialogs, and streamlined the side toolbar in the Edit DNA Ends, Browse Common Features, and Mutageneis dialogs
- Improved the display of long sequence names within circular maps
- Corrected a regression by removing cut locations for ancestral restriction sites in History view
- Removed the inappropriate "Preserve feature annotations" control from the New File dialog, and the inappropriate "Detect common features" control when inserting or replacing bases in a sequence trace window
- Improved stability when assembling contigs using FASTQ data
- Disabled the Show/Hide All Enzymes commands when viewing protein files
- Corrected an issue in which the endpoints of a selection were not updated in the selection bar after renumbering the origin of a linear sequence
- Fixed an issue that prevented immediately using SnapGene without restarting after activating a Flexera-based shared license
- Corrected an issue with computing % GC when partially degenerate residues (B, D, H, and V) were present
- Ensured that only the zoomed region is shown for the root map in History view
- Addressed an issue in which the Save As dialog would vanish immediately when attempting to choose a different name instead of saving over an existing file
- Ensured that enzyme set menus are refreshed after using Manage Enzyme Sets
- Ensured that the desired endpoint modifications are correctly applied when designing a synthetic construct
- Improved the registration of file associations on macOS

SnapGene 5.1.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Functionality:
- Added a "Copy Rich Text" command for selections in alignments, to provide the option of copying either simple sequences or sequences with metadata

- Added Invitrogen's "pScreen-iT LacZ-Dest" to the list of Gateway® Destination vectors
- Modified the statistics in pairwise alignments to show two digits after the decimal point instead of one
- Added time estimates to various progress dialogs
- Improved the order of "Copy" actions in the Edit menu
- Made various textual, alignment, and spacing improvements
- Enabled export of a map or history while viewing any tab

- Ensured reliable import of primers copied to the clipboard using Microsoft Office
- Added support for dragging and dropping FASTA archives into the Assemble Contigs dialog
- Preserved zoom and split view display options when switching between files in a collection
- Enhanced the Gene Construction Kit importer to capture the full set of notes in the "General Info" section
- Improved stability when computing and viewing multiple sequence alignments
- Corrected an issue that could cause features to be erroneously detected around the numerical origin of a linear sequence
- Ensured that proper file extensions were included when batch converting files from one format to another
- Ensured correct setting of the default button in the Find controls when pressing and releasing Shift in a sequence trace window
- Corrected a regression with the navigation buttons when viewing an alignment to a reference sequence
- Addressed issues with the purple bar and the Tm column when importing primers from another file
- Corrected the displayed molecular weight when adding a translated feature to the common features database
- Removed the colors button in cloning dialogs, and streamlined the side toolbar in the Edit DNA Ends, Browse Common Features, and Mutageneis dialogs
- Improved the display of long sequence names within circular maps
- Corrected a regression by removing cut locations for ancestral restriction sites in History view
- Removed the inappropriate "Preserve feature annotations" control from the New File dialog, and the inappropriate "Detect common features" control when inserting or replacing bases in a sequence trace window
- Improved stability when assembling contigs using FASTQ data
- Disabled the Show/Hide All Enzymes commands when viewing protein files
- Corrected an issue in which the endpoints of a selection were not updated in the selection bar after renumbering the origin of a linear sequence
- Fixed an issue that prevented immediately using SnapGene without restarting after activating a Flexera-based shared license
- Corrected an issue with computing % GC when partially degenerate residues (B, D, H, and V) were present
- Ensured that only the zoomed region is shown for the root map in History view
- Addressed an issue in which the Save As dialog would vanish immediately when attempting to choose a different name instead of saving over an existing file
- Ensured that enzyme set menus are refreshed after using Manage Enzyme Sets
- Ensured that the desired endpoint modifications are correctly applied when designing a synthetic construct
- Improved the registration of file associations on macOS

SnapGene Viewer 查看版本資訊


SnapGene 查看版本資訊


SnapGene Viewer 5.1.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Functionality:
- Added support for importing protein features from the GFF3 format
- Enabled features to be preserved when a replacement leaves the sequence length unchanged

- Enabled the import of custom user fields from Vector NTI databases
- Increased the 3' match length limit to 25 bases when importing primers from a list
- Enabled capture of the history of a protein translated from DNA when importing from Vector NTI Advance
- Enhanced primer tooltips to include % GC for the annealed region
- Improved copy and paste of sequence alignments into text editors and other programs
- Increased the size of the DOI field when editing references
- Made various color, layout, and textual enhancements

- Mandated use of the proper default font size when creating new files, importing from online, and opening non-native files
- Corrected an issue that prevented importing primers into multiple files in a collection
- Corrected a regression with displaying translations and the "Original Sequence" when no sequences are aligned to the reference DNA sequence
- Enabled changing methylation for placeholder files
- Fixed various issues when working with placeholder files
- Implemented automatic correction of invalid alignments to a reference sequence computed with prior versions
- Fixed an issue that prevented manually specifying the zoomed range
- Corrected the "+" symbol in plasmid names when importing from "SnapGene Online Sequences"
- Ensured correct updating of the zoomed range when navigating to matches with the Find tool
- Addressed an issue with specifying the position of protein interchain bond locations
- Removed the "Codons" cascading menu when interacting with protein sequences
- Corrected an issue that prevented importing multi-sequence GenBank and GenPept files into a collection
- Ensured that translation numbering is maintained when using Make Protein from multiple selected translated features
- Ensured that the match threshold controls are listed only once when importing features from a SnapGene file
- Corrected an issue that could cause file names to be clipped in source menus
- Fixed an issue that caused files to be marked as modified after hovering over hyperlinks in the Description Panel
- Ensured that stop codons present in protein query strings are included in the search results
- Improved the import of multi-part qualifiers from Geneious
- Fixed an issue with undo of sequence color changes that are limited to a single strand
- Corrected the "Copy" shortcut when viewing a protein sequence or multi-protein alignment
- Ensured more robust behavior when adding primers to DNA sequences
- Turned on the display of truncated primer description data when full descriptions are toggled off in Primers view
- Corrected an issue in which simplified primer binding sites were not shown after modifying hybridization parameters
- Ensured that sufficient space is always allocated above displays of complex primer binding sites in Sequence view
- Turned on display of the parental enzyme set when viewing Nicking Endonucleases in Sequence and Map views
- Improved reliability when importing from Addgene
- Improved the import of Addgene sequences that contain slashes in their names
- Ensured that side toolbar buttons in dialogs are not hidden
- Corrected a regression in which two copies of common features such as EGFP were sometimes annotated when detecting common features
- Removed "Match Threshold" controls from the "Add to Common Features" dialog