Canvas X 歷史版本列表 Page5

最新版本 Canvas X 2020 Build 544

Canvas X 歷史版本列表

Canvas X 是一個繪圖,成像和發布計算機軟件從 ACD 系統的 Windows PC!作為尋求溝通的工程師,小型企業主和技術圖形專業人員的最佳資源,Canvas X 2017 提供了一個多元化,功效驅動的設計環境。這個可靠的軟件支持 64 位操作系統,並能夠處理超過 100 萬個對象的文檔。迎合廣泛的專業人士— 從圖形設計師到地震學家— Canvas X 2017 對... Canvas X 軟體介紹

cURL 7.71.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- cirrus-ci: disable FreeBSD 13 (again)
- Curl_inet_ntop: always check the return code
- CURLOPT_READFUNCTION.3: provide the upload data size up front
- fix a typo: trail => tail
- escape: make the URL decode able to reject only %00-bytes
- escape: zero length input should return a zero length output
- examples/multithread.c: call curl_global_cleanup()
- http2: set the correct URL in pushed transfers
- http: fix proxy auth with blank password
- mbedtls: fix build with disabled proxy support
- ngtcp2: sync with current master
- openssl: Fix compilation on Windows when ngtcp2 is enabled
- Revert "multi: implement wait using winsock events"
- sendf: improve the message on client write errors
- terminology: call them null-terminated strings
- tool_cb_hdr: Fix etag warning output and return code
- url: allow user + password to contain "control codes" for HTTP(S)
- vtls: compare cert blob when finding a connection to reuse

1Click DVD Copy 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: DVD date check (versus CPRx date) no longer done on homemade DVDs

cURL 7.71.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS: optional use of Windows' CA store (with openssl)
- Setopt: add CURLOPT_PROXY_ISSUERCERT(_BLOB) for coherency
- Setopt: support certificate options in memory with struct curl_blob
- Tool: Add option --retry-all-errors to retry on any error

- *_sspi: fix bad uses of CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN
- All: fix codespell errors
- Altsvc: bump to h3-29
- Altsvc: fix 'dsthost' may be used uninitialized in this function
- Altsvc: fix parser for lines ending with CRLF
- Altsvc: remove the num field from the altsvc struct
- Appveyor: add non-debug plain autotools-based build
- Appveyor: disable flaky test 1501 and ignore broken 1056
- Appveyor: disable test 1139 instead of ignoring it
- Asyn-*: remove support for never-used NULL entry pointers
- Azure: use matrix strategy to avoid configuration redundancy
- Build: disable more code/data when built without proxy support
- Buildconf: remove -print from the find command that removes files
- Checksrc: enhance the ASTERISKSPACE and update code accordingly
- CI/macos: fix 'is already installed' errors by using bundle
- Cirrus: disable SFTP and SCP tests
- CMake: add ENABLE_ALT_SVC option
- CMake: add HTTP/3 support (ngtcp2+nghttp3, quiche)
- CMake: add libssh build support
- CMake: do not build test programs by default
- CMake: fix with CMake, add new test targets
- CMake: ignore INTERFACE_LIBRARY targets for pkg-config file
- CMake: rebuild when changes
- how to do code reviews in curl
- Configure: fix pthread check with static boringssl
- Configure: for wolfSSL, check for the DES func needed for NTLM
- Configure: only strip first -L from LDFLAGS
- Configure: repair the check if argv can be written to
- Configure: the wolfssh backend does not provide SCP
- Connect: improve happy eyeballs handling
- Connect: make happy eyeballs work for QUIC (again)
- Curl.1: Quote globbed URLs
- Curl: remove -J "informational" written on stdout
- Curl_addrinfo: use one malloc instead of three
- CURLINFO_ACTIVESOCKET.3: clarify the description
- Doc: add missing closing parenthesis in CURLINFO_SSL_VERIFYRESULT.3
- Doc: Rename VERSIONS to as it already has Markdown syntax
- Docs/HTTP3: add qlog to the quiche build instruction
- Docs/options-in-versions: which version added each cmdline option
- Docs: unify protocol lists
- Dynbuf: introduce internal generic dynamic buffer functions
- Easy: fix dangling pointer on easy_perform fail
- Examples/ephiperfifo: turn off interval when setting timerfd
- Examples/http2-down/upload: add error checks
- Examples: remove asiohiper.cpp
- FILEFORMAT: add more features that tests can depend on
- FILEFORMAT: describe verify/stderr
- Ftp: make domore_getsock() return the secondary socket properly
- Ftp: mark return-ignoring calls to Curl_GetFTPResponse with (void)
- Ftp: shut down the secondary connection properly when SSL is used
- Hostip: make Curl_printable_address not return anything
- Hostip: on macOS avoid DoH when given a numerical IP address
- Http2: keep trying to send pending frames after req.upload_done
- Http2: simplify and clean up trailer handling
- clarify cargo build directory
- Http: move header storage to Curl_easy from connectdata
- Libcurl.pc: Merge Libs.private into Libs for static-only builds
- Libssh2: improved error output for wrong quote syntax
- Libssh2: keep sftp errors as 'unsigned long'
- Libssh2: set the expected total size in SCP upload init
- Libtest/cmake: Remove commented code
- List-only.d: this option existed already in 4.0
- Manpage: add three missing environment variables
- Multi: add defensive check on data->multi->num_alive
- Multi: implement wait using winsock events
- Ngtcp2: cleanup memory when failing to connect
- Ngtcp2: fix build with current ngtcp2 master implementing draft 28
- Ngtcp2: fix happy eyeballs quic connect crash
- Ngtcp2: introduce qlog support
- Ngtcp2: never call fprintf() in lib code in release version
- Ngtcp2: update with recent API changes
- Ntlm: enable NTLM support with wolfSSL
- Openssl: set FLAG_TRUSTED_FIRST unconditionally
- Projects: Add crypt32.lib to dependencies for all OpenSSL configs
- Quiche: enable qlog output
- Quiche: update SSLKEYLOGFILE support
- Revert "buildconf: use find -execdir"
- Revert "ssh: ignore timeouts during disconnect"
- Runtests: remove sleep calls
- Runtests: show elapsed test time with higher precision (ms)
- Select: always use Sleep in Curl_wait_ms on Win32
- Select: fix overflow protection in Curl_socket_check
- Sendf: make failf() use the mvsnprintf() return code
- Server/sws: fix asan warning on use of uninitialized variable
- Server/util: fix logmsg format using curl_off_t argument
- Sha256: fixed potentially uninitialized variable
- Share: don not set the share flag it something fails
- Sockfilt: make select_ws stop waiting on exit signal event
- Socks: detect connection close during handshake
- Socks: fix expected length of SOCKS5 reply
- Socks: remove unreachable breaks in socks.c and mime.c
- Source cleanup: remove all custom typedef structs
- Test1167: fixes in
- Test1177: look for curl.h in source directory

SnapGene 查看版本資訊


SnapGene Viewer 查看版本資訊


SnapGene 5.1.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This version includes multiple fixes and improvements

SnapGene Viewer 5.1.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Functionality:
- Added support for importing protein features from the GFF3 format
- Enabled features to be preserved when a replacement leaves the sequence length unchanged

- Enabled the import of custom user fields from Vector NTI databases
- Increased the 3' match length limit to 25 bases when importing primers from a list
- Enabled capture of the history of a protein translated from DNA when importing from Vector NTI Advance
- Enhanced primer tooltips to include % GC for the annealed region
- Improved copy and paste of sequence alignments into text editors and other programs
- Increased the size of the DOI field when editing references
- Made various color, layout, and textual enhancements

- Mandated use of the proper default font size when creating new files, importing from online, and opening non-native files
- Corrected an issue that prevented importing primers into multiple files in a collection
- Corrected a regression with displaying translations and the "Original Sequence" when no sequences are aligned to the reference DNA sequence
- Enabled changing methylation for placeholder files
- Fixed various issues when working with placeholder files
- Implemented automatic correction of invalid alignments to a reference sequence computed with prior versions
- Fixed an issue that prevented manually specifying the zoomed range
- Corrected the "+" symbol in plasmid names when importing from "SnapGene Online Sequences"
- Ensured correct updating of the zoomed range when navigating to matches with the Find tool
- Addressed an issue with specifying the position of protein interchain bond locations
- Removed the "Codons" cascading menu when interacting with protein sequences
- Corrected an issue that prevented importing multi-sequence GenBank and GenPept files into a collection
- Ensured that translation numbering is maintained when using Make Protein from multiple selected translated features
- Ensured that the match threshold controls are listed only once when importing features from a SnapGene file
- Corrected an issue that could cause file names to be clipped in source menus
- Fixed an issue that caused files to be marked as modified after hovering over hyperlinks in the Description Panel
- Ensured that stop codons present in protein query strings are included in the search results
- Improved the import of multi-part qualifiers from Geneious
- Fixed an issue with undo of sequence color changes that are limited to a single strand
- Corrected the "Copy" shortcut when viewing a protein sequence or multi-protein alignment
- Ensured more robust behavior when adding primers to DNA sequences
- Turned on the display of truncated primer description data when full descriptions are toggled off in Primers view
- Corrected an issue in which simplified primer binding sites were not shown after modifying hybridization parameters
- Ensured that sufficient space is always allocated above displays of complex primer binding sites in Sequence view
- Turned on display of the parental enzyme set when viewing Nicking Endonucleases in Sequence and Map views
- Improved reliability when importing from Addgene
- Improved the import of Addgene sequences that contain slashes in their names
- Ensured that side toolbar buttons in dialogs are not hidden
- Corrected a regression in which two copies of common features such as EGFP were sometimes annotated when detecting common features
- Removed "Match Threshold" controls from the "Add to Common Features" dialog


What's new in this version:

- BEAP: Bugfix update to v1.0.3 (see BEAP Github for changes)
- install: improved Mac startup time (don't check validity on externals in Max's resources folder)
- fixed read message
- jit.grab (AVF): fixed crash when device removed and getformatlist queried
- jit.playlist: fixed issues when reloading patches with texture output and implicit drawto
- maintain connection to matrix only object on patcher load
- Jitter: setting attributes with attrui does not crash
- jsmaxobjlistener, jsparameterlistener, jsparaminfoprovider: added to Windows installer
- jsparaminfoprovider: improve getinfo dictionary
- live.banks: add/remove buttons work
- Parameter: ensure dictionary ordering in patcher JSON
- Parameter: fixed undo issues with stored only pattr objects
- Patcher Windows popup in Toolbar: fixed crash when selecting some patchers
- Patcher: transparent notitle windows work even when enabletransparentbgwithtitlebar is off
- pattrstorage: ensure savemode respected when object is freed
- Snapshots: fixed restore issues with some patches
- VIDDLL fixed non-HAP texture alpha channel usage
- VIDDLL position attribute does not trigger playback

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed project name issues when opening projects from the terminal
- Added support for Groovy’s @Newify pattern parameter
- Fixed issues with JavaFX artifacts configuration
- Eliminated problems that were causing the Resource Bundle editor to crash
- Fixed the Unsplit All action
- Fixed tabs detaching

1Click DVD Copy 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved: Some menu items did not work
- Updated: CPRx version 1413 for new movies