Camfrog Video Chat 歷史版本列表 Page8

最新版本 ImageMagick 7.1.0-55 (64-bit)

Camfrog Video Chat 歷史版本列表

Camfrog Video Chat 允許你加入真正的流視頻聊天室,你可以聽到,看到,有趣的視頻聊天與許多人一次。這是大多數防火牆和路由器背後的視頻會議軟件。 Camfrog Video Chat 允許多用戶視頻會議,您可以加入多達 1000 個用戶的房間,只需點擊一個用戶名開始看到某人。按“通話”按鈕,通過音頻與整個房間通話。視頻聊天室由運行 Camfrog Video Chat 室內服務器軟件... Camfrog Video Chat 軟體介紹

MongoDB Compass 1.27.0 查看版本資訊


Wickr Me 5.82.14 查看版本資訊


TagSpaces 3.10.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- added new viewer for opening spreadsheet files like CSV, ODT or XLSX
- make OpenStreetMap tile server configurable in the settings
- allow changing the order of locations with drag and drop
- geo tagging and custom date tagging many selected files does not work
- use the thumb of a folder as thumb for the parent folder
- extend the tag menu with add to tag group entry, enable dnd of tag from the default perspective to tag library
- added strict(case sensitive) and semi strict search
- adding support for JIF and JFIF files #1442
- added maximum age of the search index per location locations
- [PRO] added support for saved searches
- [PRO] added support for sharable links with validation duration in object storage locations
- [PRO] add input fields for entering lat and long directly in the geo tagging dialog
- [PRO] export current folder content or search results entries as CSV file
- [PRO] added support for multi factor auth (MFA) for TagSpaces Enterprise
- [PRO] added new smart icon as pin for files and folder, redesigning pin popup
- [PRO] implement coloring map icons according to the color of the first tag
- [PRO] extend the tag menu with add to tag group

- create tab for advanced settings
- improve dark mode for the entry properties
- update Norwegian, Hungarian and Japanese translation
- improvements in the search and thumbnail generation snackbar
- parse text query for containing tags and optimize search reset
- [PRO] improving thumbnail generation for text files

- reducing the usage of openFileNatively
- removing the location limitation of the search string in the fussy search
- making index preparation more robust
- clear folder background color
- default sorting per name is now alphabetic
- search tags by camel case #1426
- [PRO] fix deleting folder in object storage containing others folders
- [PRO] hide mobile side-menu during the amplify login process
- [PRO] improve folder creation in object stores
- [PRO] fix show thumbnails in object stores

TagSpaces 3.9.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved changing of the app language
- Added Norwegian translation
- Bug fixes and small improvements

MongoDB Compass 1.26.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Allows functions in the query bar and aggregations
- When navigating to the Databases view, Compass now clears a previously selected collection from the left navigation
- Updates the embedded MongoDB Shell to version 0.9.0

- Compass now displays the expected value when you update fields in the table view
- Creating a collection or database is now prohibited when form fields are empty
- Schema tab graphs no longer fail to render when switching tabs
- SSH tunnel no longer hangs on disconnect

TagSpaces 3.9.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added "Open parent folder internally" to the file menu, useful for file and folder entries in search results
- Searched for any of the tags in a given tag group (OR search)
- Show directory menu on right click in the default and KanBan perspective
- Added experimental support for Mac arm64 architecture
- Changes in the context menu for files in the default perspective depending on the current selection
- Added "Close All Locations" functionality in the locations context menu
- Added "Use as Thumbnail for Current Folder" menu item in the file menu of the default perspective
- [PRO] Added support for deleting not empty folders on object storage
- [PRO] Added missing rename folder functionality on object storage
- [PRO] Enable setting custom thumbnails on object storage locations
- [PRO] Directory watching adjusted to the new indexing strategy, changes in the sidecar are now reflected in the user interface
- [PRO] Added switcher toolbar for easy switching between perspectives
- [PRO] Added optional sessionToken parameter to object store locations
- [PRO] Many improvements in the KanBan perspective
- [Enterprise] Added login screen with Cognito support
- [Enterprise] Added user profile area and a sign out button in the help section

- Korean, Spanish, Armenian and Japanese translations updated
- Added auto-focus on the tagging input field in the tagging dialog
- Added extra close button to some dialogs
- [PRO] Improving file uploading experience on object storage
- [PRO] Improvements in location export dialog, added select/deselect locations functionality
- [PRO] Refresh current folder after closing upload dialog in object storage mode
- [PRO] add isNotEditable in location's model, preventing exporting and editing locations
- [Enterprise] Allow tag library to be loaded from dynamoDB

- Fixing double tags in search results fixing
- Fixing issue with deleting tags on multiple files

MATLAB R2021a 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Live Editor Controls: Create dynamic controls in live scripts by linking variables to drop-down items and slider values
- Live Editor Fonts: Change the name, style, size, and color of fonts programmatically using settings
- Live Editor Display: Specify where to display output by default
- Live Editor Functions: Run live functions interactively using the Run button in MATLAB Online
- Live Editor Bookmarks: Navigate quickly between lines
- Live Editor Animation Playback Controls: Interactive interface to control animations
- Live Editor Performance: Improved performance when saving large live scripts or functions
- Help Browser: View web documentation by default
- Documentation: View MATLAB documentation in French, Italian, and German
- MATLAB Drive: Get the location of your MATLAB Drive root folder programmatically
- Functionality being removed or changed

Language and Programming:
- Name=Value Syntax: Use name=value syntax for passing name-value arguments
- Class Diagram Viewer: Create graphical class diagrams to explore class details and share designs
- Enumeration Comparisons: Use isequal to compare enumeration members with text data types
- Capturing disp Output: Use the formattedDisplayText function to store disp output as a string
- Retrieving Display Format: format function can get and set display format
- Function Argument Validation: Debugger and profiler is now supported
- Virtual File Storage: mkdir and rmdir will now be able to create and remove files from VFS directories
- Functionality being removed or changed

Data Analysis:
- Data Preprocessing Live Editor Tasks: Operate on multiple table variables and specify output format for table input
- Clean Outlier Data Live Editor Task: Visualize results with a histogram
- fillmissing Function: Specify custom fill method
- normalize Function: Normalize multiple data sets with same parameters
- groupcounts Function: Display percentages of group counts
- ts2timetable Function: Convert timeseries objects to timetables
- table and timetable Functions: Specify dimension names using the 'DimensionNames' name-value argument
- Functionality being removed or changed

Data Import and Export:
- XML Files: Read, write, and import XML files using readtable, readtimetable, and other functions
- MATLAB API for Advanced XML Processing: Create, read, write, transform, and query XML
- XML Files: Register XML namespace prefixes for evaluating XPath expressions using readtable,readstruct, and other functions
- Low-level file I/O functions and remote data: Perform read and write operations on remotely stored files
- save and load functions and remote data: Save, load, and append data to remotely stored v7.3 MAT-files
- Reading Online Data: Read files over HTTP and HTTPS using readtable, audioread, and other reading functions
- Parquet Data Format: Use categorical data in parquet data format
- Datastores: Read all data from a datastore using parallel processing
- Data Compression Functions: Improved functionality in zip/unzip and tar/untar
- imfinfo function: Get information about all Adobe Digital Negative (DNG) file tags
- jsonencode: Add indentation to JSON text
- Functionality being removed or changed

- Graph Algorithms: Compute all paths, all cycles, and cycle basis
- griddedInterpolant Object: Use multivalued interpolation to interpolate multiple data sets simultaneously
- eig Function: Improved algorithm for skew-Hermitian matrices
- cdf2rdf Function: Improved algorithm for all inputs
- Functionality being removed or changed

- Create Plot Live Editor Task: Create plots interactively and generate code
- bubblecloud Function: Visualize part-to-whole relationships
- tiledlayout Function: Control the tile indexing scheme
- PolarAxes Objects: Use the CurrentPoint property or call ginput to get the cursor location within polar axes
- Scatter Plots and Constant Lines: Create multiple scatter plots or constant lines at once
- Axis Limits: Define LimitsChangedFcn callback that executes when the limits of an axis change
- Axis Limits: Control axis limits
- exportgraphics and copygraphics Functions: Specify RGB, CMYK, or grayscale output
- colororder Function: Control colors in stacked plots
- Tick Labels: Automatically rotate tick labels
- patch and errorbar Functions: Expanded data type support
- Geographic Plots: Access basemaps using additional proxy server authentication types
- Functionality being removed or changed
- App Building:
- uihyperlink Function: Add and configure clickable links in apps and on the App Designer canvas
- uitree Function: Add and configure check box trees in apps and on the App Designer canvas
- Interpreter Property: Style text and display equations in labels with HTML and LaTeX markup
- WindowStyle Property: Create UI figures that remain in the foreground
- scroll Function: Scroll to a location within a table UI component programmatically
- UI Component Accessibility: Select ListBox items, Table cells, ColorPicker colors, and DatePicker menus using the keyboard
- App Designer: Use custom UI components in App Designer
- App Designer: Zoom and pan in the canvas, and zoom in the Code View editor
- App Designer: Control color and tab settings in Code View using MATLAB preferences
- App Designer: Customize split-screen layouts in the App Designer editor
- App Testing Framework: Perform gestures on panels and tables
- App Testing Framework: Close alert dialog box in front of figure window
- Web Apps and Standalone Applications: Datatips supported in graphics
- Functionality Being Removed or Changed

- Sparse Matrix Multiplication: Improved performance multiplying large sparse matrices
- Sparse Linear Systems: Improved performance solving sparse linear systems A*X = B with multicolumn B
- vecnorm Function: Improved performance operating on data with multiple columns
- ismember Function: Improved performance for cell inputs
- unique Function: Improved performance for numeric, logical, char, and cell inputs
- Graph Functions: Improved performance modifying node and edge lists
- Axes Toolbar: Appears without delay when axes are ready
- Rearranging UI Components: Improved performance when rearranging UI components in a UI figure
- UI Figure Interactions: Faster responses to scroll, pointer movement, and resize interactions in UI figures
- Plots in Apps: Improved performance for polar plots, volume visualizations, plots with more than 16 axes, and older systems
- Plots in Apps: Improved performance for plots with large numbers of markers
- Live Editor: Improved performance when saving large live scripts or functions

Software Development Tools:
- Projects: List all referenced projects of the current project
- Projects: List impacted project files
- Dependency Analyzer: Find required add-ons
- Unit Testing Framework: Create test runners using alternative syntax
- Unit Testing Framework: Initialize parameterization properties at suite creation time
- Unit Testing Framework: Run tests in parallel on thread-based pool
- Unit Testing Framework: Run tests in MATLAB Online interactively
- App Testing Framework: Perform gestures on panels and tables
- App Testing Framework: Close alert dialog box in front of figure window
- Functionality being removed or changed

External Language Interfaces:
- C++ Interface: Support for C++ language features
- C++ Interface: Publisher options and analysis
- Java Packages to be removed
- Java Engine: MATLAB value object support
- Python Interface and Engine: Version 3.6 support discontinued
- Perl 5.32.0: MATLAB support on Windows

Hardware Support:
- Support added for IMU sensors
- New functionalities added to Raspberry Pi Resource Monitor app

MongoDB Compass 1.26.0 查看版本資訊


TagSpaces 3.8.4 查看版本資訊


TexturePacker 5.5.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Commandline option --save to save .tps file
- Updated Orx exporter with support for pivot points and animations

- Linux: Scaling problem on 4K displays
- macOS: Various minor issues on macOS Big Sur / Apple M1
- Rounding errors in scaling variants with "Force identical layout"
- Rare deadlock in command line tool