Calibre (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page8

最新版本 SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2022.07.17 build 9772

Calibre (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Calibre 64 位是一個管理您的電子書收藏的程序。它作為一個電子圖書館,還允許格式轉換,新聞提要到電子書轉換,以及電子書閱讀器同步功能和一個集成的電子書閱讀器。Calibre 特點:節省時間管理你的電子書收藏 Calibre’ 用戶界面的設計盡可能簡單。主窗口中的大按鈕可以滿足您的大部分需求。直觀的標籤下總是清晰地顯示了大量的功能和選項。它的上下文菜單排列整齊,所以你正在尋找的東... Calibre (64-bit) 軟體介紹


What's new in this version:

Functionality changed or added:
- DF reader and new note editor
- Read PDFs within Zotero in a new tabbed interface
- Create highlight, note, and image annotations on PDFs, and view ink annotations created using the new iOS app
- Take notes in a powerful new note editor
- Add annotations, citations, and images to notes, with customizable templates
- Insert notes into Word, LibreOffice, or Google Docs with automatic citations generated from annotations using a new “Add Note” option
- Export notes to Markdown via Quick Copy or file export
- Non-English spellchecking in notes
- Non-English dictionaries can now be added or selected by right-clicking on a note
- The Zotero Connector for Safari is now bundled with Zotero and can be enabled from the Extensions pane of Safari
- Improved Mendeley importer
- import Mendeley data from online library to circumvent local encryption
- Import PDF annotations
- Improved Citavi importer
- Import PDF annotations
- Faster auto-sync uploads
- Local changes (other than note edits) now sync within 3 seconds
- Items list improvements
- Show small PDF icon in Attachments column when item has PDF
- Show emoji colored tags directly in items list
- Rich-text markup in titles is now rendered properly in the items list
- Add selected items to new or existing collection via context menu
- Sort date columns in descending order on first click
- Ignore additional punctuation characters when sorting
- Added Short Title column
- Column picker is now available by right-click on column headers
- Dotted border is now shown around selected row when using non-contiguous selection via keyboard (Cmd-↑/↓ or Ctrl-↑/↓ plus space bar)
- Syncing reminders
- Show a message if syncing hasn’t been set up or if auto-sync has been disabled
- Added Preprint item type
- Renamed “Suppress Author” to “Omit Author” in word processor plugin
- Advanced Search window can now be opened with Cmd/Ctrl-Shift-F
- Added Author, Editor, and Book Author conditions to Advanced Search window
- Don't require modifier key when deleting items in saved search or Unfiled Items
- Avoid blocking of file sync requests by some institutional firewalls
- Many other miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes

- Fixed a bug where remotely removed creators weren't removed locally on sync
- Don't include standalone notes or attachments in one-off bibliographies
- Applies to “Create Bibliography from Collection” and “Create Bibliography from Items”
- Fixed standalone notes not being added to collections on RDF import
- Fixed a situation where a file could be searched for at a path with a missing character when a Linked Attachment Base Directory was set
- Fixed compatibility with Nature feeds
- Fixed intermittent PDF download failures on ScienceDirect
- Fixed date formatting for en-AU and en-NZ locales

Develop-specific changes/fixes:
- Revamped Translator Editor

CareUEyes 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add location-based sunrise and sunset time features
- Solve the bug that custom lock screen wallpaper may cause the program to crash
- Optimize the performance of the floating progress bar on multiple monitors

Megacubo 16.3.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved "tuning" option on player
- Fixed minor bugs that ocasionally may lead Megacubo to crash

Megacubo 16.3.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added HLS segments prefetching feature
- Removed options "FFmpeg audio repair" and "Use FFmpeg for HLS". FFmpeg doesn't plays well with EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tag, so we'll avoid trust him by default.
- Bugfixes on playback and minor improvements

DBeaver 22.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data transfer:
- Table recreate mapping type was added
- Table selector dialog now supports filters configuration
- Variables configuration for data transfer tasks was fixed
- Variables auto-complete was fixed in output file name
- Custom data formatting now applied for TXT export format
- Insert statement now supports DEFAULT clause for empty list of columns

Data editor:
- Row count calculation query was fixed
- Rows scrolling was disabled for data modifying queries
- Problem with editor focus after new row add was fixed
- Column value filter was fixed (wrong SQL query)

SQL editor:
- Parameters binding dialog was improved (multiline editor was added, keyboard shortcuts were fixed)
- Filtering and ordering by columns with aliases was fixed
- Problem with cursor jump to script end was fixed
- Script selector popup was fixed (issue with datasource association)
- Script task execute was fixed (for connections without default database)

- DDL generator: option to generate FKs as separate statements was added
- Metadata search: search by LIKE pattern was fixed
- Session manager UI was fixed (multiline cells on Linux, background color for connection type)
- Interface language now can be changed in preferences (for MacOS and Linux installers)
- SSH: option to disable host name validation was added
- Local clients configuration load was fixed (MySQL and PostgreSQL derived drivers)
- Azure SQL server: view definition read was fixed
- Clickhouse: read-only connections support was improved

- Driver configuration for version 2.x was added
- Check constraints support was added
- Unique keys support was added

- MySQL: new view creation was fixed (DDL)

- Metadata read performance was significantly increased
- Case-sensitive navigator filters support was fixed

- Snowflake: custom authentication configuration option was fixed
- SQLite: sequences read was fixed
- SQL Server: open database object dialog now respects selected database
- Italian localization was improved (thanks to @capitanfuturo)
- Many minor UI bugs were fixed

SeaMonkey 2.53.11 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Remove obsolete MOZ_EXTENSIONS check in suite
- Add connect button to cZ Networks Editor
- Remove freenode remnants from ChatZilla in SeaMonkey
- Prefer secure over insecure protocol in network list in ChatZilla
- Composer - Change tag textbox is not removed after use
- Clean up repo links in debugQA
- Fix misspelled references to macOS in suite
- Remove obsolete references to Java and Flash
- Help button not working in delete cert dialog
- Rearrange Message Filter Dialog to make room for new features
- Use Insert key as shortcut to create new message filters
- Rename some variables used in SeaMonkey's FilterListDialog to match Thunderbird's
- Implement Copy to New message filter functionality
- Add move to top / bottom buttons to message filters
- Add preference to not prompt for message filter deletion
- Clean up folder handling in FilterListDialog
- Add refresh function to Filter list dialog so that it can be updated when already open and new filters are added externally
- Use listbox rather than tree in FilterListDialog
- MsgFilterList(args) should take targetFilter and pass it to FilterListDialog
- Mail&News' start.xhtml: "We" link broken
- Add search functionality to filter dialog
- Move the taskbar refresh timer in SeaMonkey to idle dispatch
- Prevent subresource loads from showing the progress indicator on the tab in SeaMonkey

Megacubo 16.3.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed the app logo next to the clock
- Remember the last watched stream of a channel to give it preference on tuning
- Skip HEVC streams when in slow device performance mode

Megacubo 16.3.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added option to prefer HLS broadcasts over MPEGTS ones, enabled by default
- Icon design improved
- Minor improvements and bugfixes

ImageMagick 7.1.0-26 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: unrecognized color as the color is used before it is defined

Megacubo 16.3.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Playback improvements
- Allow local IPTV lists
- Minor improvements