Brave Browser (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page255

最新版本 Vim 9.1

Brave Browser (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

新的勇敢的瀏覽器 64 位自動阻止廣告和跟踪器,使其比目前的瀏覽器更快,更安全。除了真實的內容,一切頁面的加載速度都是驚人的。最多 60%的網頁加載時間是由每次在您最喜歡的新聞網站上打開頁面時加載到各個位置的基礎廣告技術引起的。其中 20%的時間花在加載試圖了解更多關於你的東西上。下載勇敢的瀏覽器 64 位脫機安裝程序安裝程序!Brave 底層是一個基於 Chromium 的網絡瀏覽器,這意味著它... Brave Browser (64-bit) 軟體介紹

TagScanner 6.1.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved: Now you can use up to 10 nested scripting functions
- Fixed: In some cases program removes trailing dots from filenames
- Fixed: Rare problems with scripting engine and values contained $ symbol
- Changed: Disc number no longer setted up to 1 for Discogs releases without separated medias
- Improved navigation with keyboard in some parts of interface
- Translation: Bulgarian

Easy Video Maker 8.69 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The new "Lyric Maker" wizard module helps the users make a lyrics video easier.
- Within the "Lyric Maker" window, added a new "Font+" button for quickly setting fonts to multiple checked/unchecked lyrics lines.
- Within the "Lyric Maker" window, the users can disable lyrics layers, which can help the users only preview the selected lyrics layer when there are multiple lyrics layers.
- Within the "Lyric Maker" window, the user can set the "Valid Time Period" of lyrics layer, which can help the users to hide some unwanted lyrics lines.
- Add a new "3D Motion 360 Rotation" to Motion effect module.
- Fixed bugs - When the "Transition Effect" of an item is running, applying "Replace Source" to this item, the duration of this item will be shortened.
- Fixed bugs - In function "Lyric Maker", if the lyrics contain a Chinese punctuation, it will cause a display disorder.
- Fixed bugs - Forbid deleting the "Transition Effect" through keyboard shortcuts to prevent users' misuse.
- Fixed bugs - The "Stop" is invisible when Rendering/Converting Multiple projects and video.

Windows Repair 4.8.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated default registry and file permissions for Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 as of April 14th 2020

Scratch Desktop 3.9.0 查看版本資訊


SnapGene Viewer 5.1.0 查看版本資訊


SnapGene 5.1.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Functionality:
- Enabled DNA and protein sequence windows to be split to show two views, one above the other.
- Added support in the Description Panel for various reference types including books, database entries, patents (which can be imported from online databases), theses, web links, and more.
- Configured /citation qualifier values to link to specific references, which are accessible via tooltips and clickable links in Features view
- Added optional page number entries for /citation qualifiers
- Enabled enzyme visibility to be adjusted in Enzymes view using check boxes, mirroring the controls used for Features and Primers views
- Enabled flexible feature detection with an adjustable similarity threshold when importing features from another file
- Added support for exporting aligned sequence trace data using a tab-separated format
- Enabled BLAST for multiple selected sequence files in a collection
- Added a pre-defined enzyme set for Type IIS enzymes
- Enabled import of features or primers from another file, or detection of common features, for multiple selected DNA files in a collection
- Enabled simultaneous flipping of multiple selected DNA sequences in a collection
- Added support for linking folders of the same name in different areas of a collection, with "Go to ..." shortcuts for switching between related folders in different areas.
- Enabled the "Make Protein" and "Reverse Translate" commands, when operating within a collection, to save the output files to a linked folder in a different area of the collection.
- Added support for batch replacement of Description Panel fields for files in a collection
- Added MW markers from Nacalai Tesque
- Added MW markers from FroggaBio
- Added MW markers from Newmarket Scientific
- Added the remaining TrackIt™ MW markers from Thermo Fisher
- Improved feature tooltips when using compact mode in Sequence view

- Reduced the height of linear maps by enabling items to be superimposed without sacrificing legibility
- Changed the defaults to show HF® and FastDigest® information in the Restriction Enzymes dialog, while allowing these defaults to be adjusted
- Enhanced the File > Export cascading menu to enable export of multiple files or a list of files from a collection
- Added support for a color attribute when importing features from GFF3 format
- Added support for specifying the line break characters when exporting to text file formats
- Enabled long map labels to span two lines in circular Map view
- Configured Sequence view to retain visibility of the scrolled region when toggling horizontal scrolling
- Enhanced the flexibility of code number display in collection lists
- Added a keyboard shortcut for "Import UniProt Sequences"
- Enabled colors in multiple sequence alignments to be copied to the clipboard
- Provided the option to differentiate "A" traces using a striped pattern for users with color vision disabilities
- Provided an adjustable similarity threshold for detecting common features
- Enabled the "Make Protein", "Reverse Translate", and "New File From Selection" commands to save the output files to the same collection
- Allowed the genetic code to be specified when converting a selection in a DNA alignment to a protein alignment
- Ensured that when sorting by Code Number or Alias in a collection, any files with blank entries are placed at the end of the list
- Converted SnapGene to a 64-bit application on Windows, thereby improving performance and stability
- Ensured that scrollbars are shown only when necessary in Map, Sequence, and History views
- Improved the wording in the Restriction Enzymes dialog to make it clearer when a supplier offers multiple variants of an enzyme
- Changed the License Agreement dialog so that it is no longer modal, and added support for printing or saving this document using keyboard shortcuts
- Made various textual, color, and icon enhancements

- Configured the Find control to show bottom strand results when using compact format in Sequence view
- Prevented extra line breaks from appearing after export of some qualifier values to GenBank and EMBL formats
- (Reported by Karen Ross
- Ensured that all controls in alignment dialogs can be translated into Japanese or Chinese
- Ensured that collection folder names for selected items never appear in List view
- Enabled scrolling up using Shift + Spacebar in Sequence view
- Fixed paging up and down using Function + Up/Down keys, and scrolling to the start or end of the sequence using Function + Left/Right keys
- Ensured that ancestral blunt cutters can be shown in green in History view after import from Vector NTI® or other file formats
- Prevented unnecessarily asking to add methylation when specifying "Escherichia coli" as the Source for a Natural DNA sequence
- Corrected an error with internal array data when editing trace sequences
- Ensured that linearizing or circularizing a DNA sequence populates the Sequence Author field with the default author
- Configured Enzymes view to show enzyme sites in red upon mouseover in both the main view and the lower map
- Corrected codon frequencies for reverse directional ORFs
- Ensured that the Description Panel flows to the bottom of the window when zoom controls are shown
- Fixed various issues with importing primers into DNA files in a collection
- Ensured that the map label in a circular map never overlaps features
- Disable menu File > Export > History when no history exists in sequence file
- Fix Blasting selected primer in a collection file
- Fix Tools > Blast Selected Protein with a collection file
- Ensured that the Previous button in the Find controls is shown in blue only if the Shift key and no other key is pressed
- Adjusted the behavior for sequence traces so that mousing over an ambiguous base darkens the curves for multiple bases
- Prevented accented characters from being accidentally inserted into a DNA or protein sequence when holding down letter keys on macOS
- Improved the foreground color within features while using compact Sequence view
- Improved feature pliancy while using compact Sequence view
- Fixed an issue in which pressing the Shift key resulted in a button changing color in the "Import Features from a SnapGene File" and "Detect Common Features" dialogs
- Improved the look and feel of controls for Enzymes view on Windows
- Preserved formatting when creating hyperlinks
- Improved horizontal alignment of values shown in the Properties tab for protein sequences
- Enabled proper export of /citation qualifier values to GenBank, GenPept, and EMBL formats
- Ensured that suppliers remain selected after dragging them in the Enzymes tab of the Preferences dialog
- Updated the MW calculation for a full sequence in the DNA Calculations window after 5' phosphates are added or removed
- Enabled bottom strand matches to search queries in Sequence view when using compact mode
- Ensured that qualifier selections in Features view are cleared when selecting features or transferring focus to the Description Panel
- Configured a collection to show and select imported files even when those files are not in the currently chosen category
- Fixed an issue that could result in labels for Site features not being shown entirely within a protein sequence window
- Improved the horizontal placement of names and connecting lines for site features in Sequence view
- Fixed an issue in which selections in Features and Primers views sometimes Disabled controls for setting the DNA color when using either compact Sequence view or Map view with features on the DNA line
- Fixed issues with displaying enzymes that make two double-stranded cuts when a site is near the end of a linear sequence
- SNAP-6417 Copy Alignment Colors to Clipboard
- SNAP-6783 Import VNTI Express Designer Database
- SNAP-6785 Crash Importing VNTI Express Designer Enzyme Names

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 91 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
Add autocompletions when typing an expression:
- Completions will show objects, behaviors and functions that you can use when typing an expression
- When editing a function, it will show the expected parameters and its description
- Add a context menu to select the scene to start the preview with

New "Jump Sustain Time" property for the Platformer Object behavior: specify a maximum time during which the jump strength is sustained, if the jump key is held:
- This is an easy way to make variable height jumps. The object can make a small jump by just tapping the jump key (or simulating it with events) or a longer one by holding the key.

New effects available for layers:
- Old film, Dot, Color Replace, BulgePinch, Glitch, RadialBlur and Twist effects and blending mode effect
- These effects will be available in the future for objects on the scene too

- Make New scene naming convention more consistent
- Add Escape (and Enter) key to finish renaming groups and comments
- Add Exit GDevelop option to File menu
- Added shortcut to export project
- Add duplicate menu option in Project Manager
- Remember the directory previously chosen when selecting a resource
- Improve visibility of parameter for checkbox in effects list
- Allow to change the animation speed/frequency of effects
- Close popover in events sheet after selection in an autocomplete field
- Update bouncing-ball-and-rope example
- Track changes to display a smart unsaved changes warning: add asterisk in titlebar when the project is modified, the editor nows warn about unsaved changes when closing the app only if there are changes made since the last save
- Rationalise dismissing of dialogs with click outside/escape key: dialogs showing editors can't be dismissed with a click outside/escape key to avoid losing modifications
- Improve bug reports with system details
- Add menu items to edit properties or variables in the Project Manager context menu
- Disable some menu items if no project is opened
- New "cannon ball with physics" example

Bug fixes:
- Fix Left/Right Ctrl/Shift/Alt/Meta not recognised as separate keys
- Display human readable names for builds in the Builds list
- Fix Dialogue Tree command wrongly removing space between words
- Fix Android export when project name has special characters
- Fix object name not selectable when renaming an object
- Fix tooltip content for editor titles
- Fix spinner shown in "See all my builds" when not logged in
- Fix crash in external events
- Fix sentences for video object actions & clean whitespace
- Fix global objects not updated in other editors after modifying them
- Fix ContextMenu positioning in the web-app
- Fix typos
- Make table headers bolder
- Fix warning not showing when using a digit as first character for a name
- Fix selection issues in the Autocomplete lists
- Fix videos in Chrome 76+
- Fix Cursor/touch on object condition not in the list of "object" conditions
- Fix some bad characters in results of HelpFinder
- Fix for redundant scrollbar in Project Manager
- Fix the expression selector positioning when are errors shown for an expression
- Fix help button for BBText objects
- Fix "Select option by number" in Dialogue Tree

Internal upgrades or fixes:
- Upgrade IDE to use Electron v8.2.1
- Upgrade to Flow 0.120.1
- Reorder Effects/JsExtension.js
- Update react-scripts to v3.4.0
- Remove Fullstory analytics on the web-app
- Replace Downshift with material-ui Autocomplete
- Move loadObject to registerObject method in gdjs.RuntimeScene
- Add option to use MinGW instead ninja for GDevelop.js
- Update required CMake version for GDevelop.js
- Add Prettier to electron-app and autoformat files
- Add doc and type annotations to gdjs.WebsocketDebuggerClient

Pano2VR 6.1.5 查看版本資訊


Electron 8.2.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- a crash that could happen when attempting to access a session during shutdown
- an occasional crash when closing all BrowserWindows
- occasional WebFrame crashes caused by removed iframes

- Security: backported fix for CVE-2020-6423: Use after free in audio

System Information Viewer (SIV) 5.47 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added Windows 10 20H2 Build 19603 support. Enabled operation of [ACPI Eval], etc..
- Added ATA SMART reporting for Windows 9x systems. Changed [ SPD ] to always be [ SPD Summary ].
- Compensate for Intel Virtual RAID on CPU V6.2.0.1238 failing to setup the service name for CC_CSMI_SAS_GET_DRIVER_INFO.
- Enhanced XGI Volari V8 Duo Ultra + Pro Ultra support. Resolved some issues when using very old versions on NVAPI such as 175.19.
- Improved National Semiconductor LM78 + LM79 + LM80 sensor reporting.
- Added ASRock TRX40 Taichi + ASUS KN97-X + Dell 15 7590 + Gigabyte B450 Elite + B450 I Pro motherboard support.