Brave Browser (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page195

最新版本 Vim 9.1

Brave Browser (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

新的勇敢的瀏覽器 64 位自動阻止廣告和跟踪器,使其比目前的瀏覽器更快,更安全。除了真實的內容,一切頁面的加載速度都是驚人的。最多 60%的網頁加載時間是由每次在您最喜歡的新聞網站上打開頁面時加載到各個位置的基礎廣告技術引起的。其中 20%的時間花在加載試圖了解更多關於你的東西上。下載勇敢的瀏覽器 64 位脫機安裝程序安裝程序!Brave 底層是一個基於 Chromium 的網絡瀏覽器,這意味著它... Brave Browser (64-bit) 軟體介紹

CherryTree 0.99.20 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fix cannot save after editing old .ctd File
- fix HTML Interpretation on Paste
- fix PDF export: wrong colours
- fix instead of increasing enumeration on enter, list removed enumeration
- fix progress bar during search not visible
- fix Microsoft Print to PDF erroneous
- fix pressing enter at the beginning of a non empty list element must not quit the list
- fix pressing enter in middle of numbered list did not update very latest list element if at buffer end without newline
- fix pasting images with data:image/base64 format
- last visited nodes are now restored when closing and reopening a document
- file attachments can now be renamed
- symlinks to cherrytree document paths are now resolved

System Information Viewer (SIV) 5.53 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added Intel Z590 chipset + Core 11000 (Rocket Lake-S) and AMD Ryzen 5000 (Vermeer) support
- Added Windows 10 21H1 Build 20257 support. Enabled operation of [ACPI Eval], etc..
- Added AMD RX 6000 + S3 Savage3D (86C390+86C391) GPU support. Added SMBIOS V3.4.0 reporting

Wickr Me 5.66.14 查看版本資訊


Resolume Arena 7.3.0 rev 72365 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Crash Increasing Audio buffer size with EQ VST on composition
- Crash right clicking on clip while deck still loading
- Crash trying to render clip with missing tracks
- Crash trying to add fixture to copied v6 fixtures
- Crash on render when antivirus blocks Resolume access to rendering folder
- Crash changing NDI resolution
- Popups & menus getting stuck sometimes
- UI stops responding on clip transition with lots of video routers/effect clips
- UI hangs with many Video routers when I crank the composition speed
- Renders of BPM synced loops are jumpy, first/last frames of file is a duplicate of the second/last but one
- Playing motion jpeg at odd resolution shows skewed
- Files with apostrophe and & in name are not reconnected loading a collected composition
- Undoing effect move can leave param assigned to dashboard where effect was moved from
- Paste effects leaves clip position and dashboard assignments for params disconnected
- Soft edge parameters are not reloaded properly on restart
- Soft edge Black level compensation is applied when Soft edge is off
- Removing a clip in Alley sets list position below playing clip
- Don't convert custom OSC Output Address to lowercase
- Add Save and Quit option to quit confirmation
- Audio effect renaming
- Copy new factory (default) presets to Documents folder
- Reveal In Finder for Envelope and Color Palette presets in Preset Manager Window not working
- Layer mixer parameters don't reconnect to Transition phase and dashboard on composition open

Windows Terminal 2020 1.4.3141.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The tab switcher now defaults to Most-Recently Used (MRU) order
- While you're using the tab switcher, you can now actually see the tab you'll be switching to!
- We will now warn you if the keyboard service is disabled (#8095), because that makes it impossible to type into
- You can now zoom a split pane to be the only pane visible in its tab using the togglePaneZoom action (#6989)
- Double-middle-clicking on the taskbar preview will now close Terminal, even if it is asking you if you really are sure
- We will now inform you, using a tooltip, that holding Alt while selecting a profile opens a new pane
- The hyperlink underline is now far less obtrusive than it was before
- The "Open Windows Terminal Here" shell extension will now use WT's icon

- Keyboard keys that are not generated by actual keyboards (hi AutoHotKey and PowerToys) will no longer be ignored
- The tab color picker should no longer get stuck if you enter #000000
-     Bonus: you can now more easily set the brightness!
- The top border should no longer disappear when you're in focus mode
- PrintScreen should no longer clear your text selection (which was an entirely silly thing for it to do)
- We will no longer force all your terminal windows to activate when you save your settings file
- alwaysOnTop actually works now. Yeah, I know how that sounds.
- It should be more difficult to get floating context menus when you drag the window
- Resizing the window should no longer cause us to recycle hyperlink IDs
- Failure to write to your settings file is no longer considered fatal
- Some of you reported that clicking on links made Terminal hang! You may be surprised to find that that was not our intent. We've fixed that.
- Key bindings will now consume dead keys, which means that you can now bind them to do more important things (as in #5784)
- We've improved the contrast ratio of the shortcut text in the command palette
- The jump list will now display profile icons even if they have forward slashes in them
- Accessibility: we should no longer crash when a screen reader or UIA client expands a text range at the end of the buffer (#7677) (#7792) or when it moves back to a previous word sometimes (#7770) or when it's scrolled into view
- Accessibility: out-of-bounds text should no longer cause a crash

VT fixes:
- The unfortunate combination of OSC 52 (the mechanism used by tmux et al. to set the clipboard) and high Unicode should no longer result in utterly garbled text
- Empty cells covered by an app-defined hyperlink will now no longer be ignored when rendering
- App-defined hyperlinks with the same ID but different URLs are now actually considered to be different links

- Opening and closing tabs when you have far too many profiles should no longer send the Terminal out for a coffee break
- Launching Terminal with embarrassingly many tabs should only take about half as long now, as we'll populate the jumplist more conservatively
- Accessibility: moving to the next word using a screen reader should be much faster

pgAdmin 4 4.28 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Added support to download utility files at the client-side
- Added support to rename query tool and debugger tabs title
- Added support for dynamic tab size
- Added tab title placeholder for Query Tool, View/Edit Data, and Debugger
- Added support to compare schemas and databases in schema diff

- Documentation of Storage Manager

- Ensure that some fields should be disabled for the trigger in edit mode
- Fixed an issue where the validation error message is shown twice
- Ensure that non-superuser should be able to debug the function
- Ensure that query history should be listed by date/time in descending order
- Ensure that search object functionality works with case insensitive string
- Fixed an issue where the suffix for Toast table size is not visible in the Statistics tab
- Ensure that macros should be run on the older version of Safari and Chrome
- Fixed an issue where a mismatch in the value of ‘Estimated row’ for functions
- Added security related enhancements
- Fixed an issue where non-closeable tabs are getting closed
- Fixed an issue where a long file name is not visible on the process watcher dialog
- Fixed an issue where connection to the server is on wait state if a different user is provided
- Ensure that Grant Wizard should include foreign tables

Surfer 19.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Surfer 19.2
- Automatic backup kept failing for worksheets
- Automation: Base Layer: images imported as vector base layers instead of raster
- Automation: GridData: SearchRad1 and SearchRad2 did not work with Modified Shepard's Method
- Automation: Vertices Property did not match coordinates page for pasted polygon
- Crash when closing plot document with open 3D view
- Crash when filtering data during gridding
- Crash when opening an empty PDF file
- Crash when Undo
- Datum conversions with prime meridian shifts did not correctly apply the shift
- Lambert Conformal Conic (1SP) projection did not apply the scale factor
- EPSG codes for 20790 and 20791 were not searchable
- Frequently Asked Questions went to wrong URL
- Internal Error and/or crash changing order of surface map (scenelist.cpp)
- Internal Error in 3D View when turning on labels (memorymappedcache.cpp)
- Internal Error when creating contour map with specific GRD file (contourconverter.cpp)
- Internal Error when importing GPX as a base layer (gpximportfilter.cpp)
- Internal Error when reloading layer data (contourconverter.cpp)
- Join Attributes: Help button did not work
- SRF Preview pane prevented files from opening from network location (corrupt file message)
- User could not run Surfer due to "License is invalid for this product and version"

Surfer 19.1
New Features and Improvements:
- 3D View: 3D PDF Export
- 3D View: Enable Undo
- Attribute Table: copy/paste the headers with rows
- Attribute Table: import attributes from file (Join)
- Attribute table: Sort by attribute value by clicking column header
- Attribute Table: update the color of selected cells/rows
- Base map: select only objects in base layer when in edit mode
- Convert grid-based layer types
- Coordinate System: Add CRTM05 (Costa Rica, EPSG 5367)
- Coordinate System: Add Palestine 1923 Palestine Belt and Palestine Grid (EPSG 28191, 28192)
- Coordinate System: add the FIPS code to each SPCS zone
- Copy/Paste Format: include Classed Post Map class mins/maxs
- Drag and Drop files into Surfer window to open as map
- EMF Export: rotated text is exported as polygons and polylines when exporting in map units (but not paper space) or paste as EMF
- File | Open: open files as a map instead of opening in Grid Editor or the Worksheet
- Grid operations: make "Add grid as layer to" checkbox persistent
- Make contouring faster with large grids
- New Base Symbology: Charts: Pie map
- Open more than one file at a time with File | Open (SRF, DAT, GRD)
- Post Map and Classed Post Map: add Data Exclusion Filter
- Post Map, Classed Post Map and Base from Data: Edit Data option to open data in the workshseet
- Save As dialog: remove extension from autofilled file names
- Share grids/files in background so don't have to load multiple times
- SRF Thumbnail Previews
- Undo: Previous View (Zoom Previous)
- Update map Scale and Scale Bar when drag selection handles to resize map

- 3D View: 3D points: does not update when add new points
- 3D View: Axis Labels: add Thousands separator decreases font size
- 3D View: copied/pasted/moved point still uses XY location of original point
- 3D View: Lat/long point data layers disappear when reprojected to linear
- 3D View: point Density limiting points incorrectly
- 3D View: post map symbols do not appear in 3D when there's only one point
- 3D View: Z Axis scaling is not updated when point Density is changed (Z axis goes to infinity)
- Automation: GridData3 is not sending parameters for grid size and blanking
- Base Symbology: Un/Classed Symbols and Unclassed Colors: colormap uses 0-1 for data min/max instead of attribute range when there's no variation in the data
- Contour maps are limited to grids no larger than 65535 nodes on a side (incorrect fill)
- Crash after selecting JPG in the Select Format dialog
- Crash when duplicate a contour layer
- Crash when pasting multiple cells from worksheet to Attribute Table
- Defaults: Post Map pFont properties aren't applied
- Defaults: Post Map pLabCol does not set label column
- Defaults: Post Map pPosType doesn't work
- Double click on BAS opens empty Scripter
- Drop Shadow: positive and negative offsets are applied in the same direction
- GridTIFF import: XY ranges are shifted slightly
- Incorrect contours near blanked saddle points
- Internal Error when gridding with Local Polynomial with No Search (localpolynomialgridder.cpp)
- Internal error when opening the math text editor (mtxmetrics.cpp)
- Internal Error when using Grid Calculus (calculus.cpp)
- KML import: embedded image isn't imported in the correct location
- Options: Post map labels don't use default Font properties
- Post Map: colormap data limits change when replacing data file
- Print Preview is wrong when Print method is set to View
- Set Limits: Limits reverted to default if you click in Properties and then apply the limits and change the scale.
- SRTM WCS server is downloading grids with Z range of 0 to 1

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package 2019 14.28.29325.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Blockbench 3.7.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- glTF exporter not working on some models

Roland Zenbeats 查看版本資訊
