Brave Browser (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page169

最新版本 Vim 9.1

Brave Browser (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

新的勇敢的瀏覽器 64 位自動阻止廣告和跟踪器,使其比目前的瀏覽器更快,更安全。除了真實的內容,一切頁面的加載速度都是驚人的。最多 60%的網頁加載時間是由每次在您最喜歡的新聞網站上打開頁面時加載到各個位置的基礎廣告技術引起的。其中 20%的時間花在加載試圖了解更多關於你的東西上。下載勇敢的瀏覽器 64 位脫機安裝程序安裝程序!Brave 底層是一個基於 Chromium 的網絡瀏覽器,這意味著它... Brave Browser (64-bit) 軟體介紹

pgAdmin 4 5.00 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Desktop Runtime (Using NWjs):
- The Desktop Runtime is now based on NWjs which integrates a browser and the Python server creating a standalone application. By implementing it using NWjs we get rid of the separate server application and the independent browser. We also get rid of QT and C++ runtime logic.
- There are two minor known issues with this feature (6255 and 6258), both of which are due to bugs in NWjs itself; Users on macOS should use the application menu to exit pgAdmin, rather than quitting from the Dock icon to avoid the first issue. The second issue may cause Windows users to see a red square instead of the normal application icon in some circumstances.

Logical Replication support:
- Logical replication uses a publish and subscribe model with one or more subscribers subscribing to one or more publications on a publisher node. We have added support for logical replication by introducing new treeview nodes and dialogues with which users can easily create/alter/delete publications and subscriptions. Support is also included in the Schema Diff tool.

Quick Search functionality:
- Added a quick search option in the Help menu to search menu items and help articles. Type at least three characters to display all the matching possibilities under Menu items and the relevant documents under Help articles.
- Make Statistics, Dependencies, Dependants tabs closable. Users can add them back using the 'Add panel' option on the context menu for the tab strip
- When running in Docker/Kubernetes, ensure logs are not stored in the container, and only sent to the console

- Use cheroot as the default production server for pgAdmin4
- Updated Javascript dependencies to the latest versions
- Fixed an issue where the focus is not properly set on the filter text editor after closing the error dialog
- Fixed an issue where the dependencies tab shows multiple owners for the objects having shared dependencies
- Fixed an issue where the Zoom to fit button in the ERD Tool only works if the diagram is larger than the canvas
- Fixed an issue where the user was unable to change the background color for a server
- Fixed an issue where external utility jobs (backup, maintenance etc.) are failing when the log level is set to DEBUG
- Ensure DEB/RPM packages depend on the same version of each other
- Fixed an autocomplete issue where it is not showing any suggestions if the schema name contains escape characters

Windows TubeMate 3.19.8 查看版本資訊


Tableau Desktop 2020.4.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Resolved Issues:
- Aggregation of a calculated field could show incorrect results when another measure was added or removed from the Measure Values card starting with 2020.2
- Korean characters would display as black boxes in a Japanese Windows system
- A string calculation that is used for a search filter could produce inconsistent results after an upgrade of the product
- Opening some WDC connectors could cause a Tableau Desktop crash

Zotero 5.0.96 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Perform database integrity check after startup error
- Check Database Integrity can now recover from additional database problems
- Fixed duplicate collections in exports (fixed previously for Zotero RDF via translator update)
- Fixed Cut/Copy/Paste context menu not appearing in Create Parent Item dialog
- Fixed New Collection button not working when My Publications is selected
- Use multi-line text box for all title fields (e.g., Case Name)
- [Mac] Fixed “Run Time Error: ‘5’” in Word on some computers
- Miscellaneous bibliographic output and word processor integration fixes
- Updated citeproc-js to version 1.4.61
- Create log file in data directory during database upgrades for better debugging
- Improved handling of future data updates during sync

Roland Zenbeats 查看版本資訊


TeXstudio 3.1.1 查看版本資訊


ChanSort 2021-02-24 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Philips ChannelMap_45: TV did not remember last selected favorite list when first fav list was created by ChanSort
- Philips ChannelMap_100 and later: "Channel" XML elements inside the DVB*.xml files are now reordered by program nr
- Philips ChannelMap_105 and 110: fixed saving favorite lists (keeping FavoriteNumber="0" in DVB*.xml and only
- setting the numbers in Favorites.xml)
- m3u: keep original end-of-line characters (CRLF or LF)
- m3u: detect whether channel names are prefixed with a program number or not, and save the file in the same way

WordPress 5.6.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- "Leave site? Changes you made may not be saved" on custom taxonomy pages after WP 5.6.1 update
- Image options are not visible in pop up on clicking replace button from Image block
- Can't change font size with 5.6.1 paragraph block
- Block editor package updates for 5.6.2
- Zip Module 2.8.2 - class-pclzip fatal error with PHP 8.0

Pano2VR 6.1.11 查看版本資訊


SplitCam 10.5.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Resizable main SplitCam window
- Scrolling of stream list, layer list and scene list
- Drag & drop support in stream list, layer list and scene list
- Added direct Edit Effect button for each active effect in layer’s Fx panel
- Added option in Settings dialog to disable hotkeys
- Added new stream channel ChatHostess
- Added new stream channel Visit-X
- Added a new option to show or not to show the popup preview window when splitcam is minimized
- Added a new speed option to Transition effects
- Options to auto detect best (fastest) ingest server if there is a choice of multiple servers
- Added Lock button to media layers to prevent their resizing and moving
- New options for text layers to set up the scrolling direction: left to right, bottom to top, etc
- Save window share sources between SplitCam sessions
- Restore window share sources as soon as they become available
- Added automatic selection of the fastest restream server
- Added dynamic Twitch ingest servers list update
- Added settings for video recording
- Added scenes drag&drop
- Added drag & drop to layer lists
- Added drag & drop to stream list
- Added saving/restoring position of floating panels
- Added more effects to IP-Camera sources
- Streams dialog made detachable
- Adjust SplitCam main window size according to available screen space

- Auto update ingest servers in a separate thread to shorten SplitCam loading time
- Changed SplitCam standard checkbox icon to toggle switch icon
- Changed notifications button icon
- Rearranged Snapshots tab controls in the Settings dialog
- Changed the snapshots series label
- Changed checkbox controls in the program settings dialog to standardized implementation
- Reposition controls on the general tab in the settings dialog
- New gif loader code
- Changes to statistics graphs view
- Changed background color of Custom channel in channel selection dialog
- Enhanced sticking logic in floating panels
- Optimized UI redrawing when main window is resized
- Added position checks when creating popup preview window
- Updated game capture methods
- Updated naming scheme for auto generated new and duplicate scene names
- Disable warning about minimum recommended screen resolution
- Dynamically adjust stream list size to always keep it within main window: need this on smaller resolution monitors
- Reduced context menu vertical size
- Changed layout and size of the Stream Channels dialog to take up less space on screen
- Disable hiding Quick Adjust dialog when Stream List dialog is shown
- Smooth drawing of scroll bars
- Adjust stream list dialog size to the desktop resolution when sizing or moving the main app window

- Fixed inaccuracies in statistics panels
- Fixed bug with lost selection frame when layer corners are rounded
- Addressed instability issues with canvas FPS
- Fixed crashing when bringing up settings for a removed webcam
- Addressed the issue with mute state of audio sources not being saved between SplitCam sessions
- Fewer reconnections to restream server: don’t treat missed ping requests as an error
- Fixed bug with crush frames in some GIF files
- Fixed bug with corner radius in layer
- Removed flickering when clicking the media bar in a layer on the scene
- Avoid accidental selection of underlying layers at the end of selection frame resizing
- Fixed bug with canvas bitmap crushes
- Addressed the issue with requesting user to save project when nothing have been changed yet
- Fixed bugs with sticking floatings panels to preview popup window
- Fixed bug with text rotation
- Fixed setting audio volume
- Fixed position of selection frames after scene switching scenes and resizing main window
- Update selection frames size and position when main window is resized
- Fixed redrawing issues with some UI elements
- Fixed FPS format in webcamera setting
- Fixed resolution list in webcam settings
- Fixed scrolling text
- Fixed sorting of capabilities in webcam settings
- Fixed resizing of floating panels
- Fixed close button on statistics panel
- Fixed camera crash after changing settings
- Fixed project loading error when processing a scene with a saved shared window layer
- Hide tooltips when main window becomes inactive
- Remove tooltips window from alt-tab switcher
- Fix error with scrolling by draging a scroll bar from non-zero initial position
- Optimized redrawing child windows during scrolling: prevent child windows from painting to each other when scrolling fast
- Fixed layer’s LUT effect saving and restoring to/from project file
- Fixed frozen layer after rearranging scenes
- Fixed activating a layer after rearranging scenes