Brave Browser (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page12

最新版本 Vim 9.1

Brave Browser (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

新的勇敢的瀏覽器 64 位自動阻止廣告和跟踪器,使其比目前的瀏覽器更快,更安全。除了真實的內容,一切頁面的加載速度都是驚人的。最多 60%的網頁加載時間是由每次在您最喜歡的新聞網站上打開頁面時加載到各個位置的基礎廣告技術引起的。其中 20%的時間花在加載試圖了解更多關於你的東西上。下載勇敢的瀏覽器 64 位脫機安裝程序安裝程序!Brave 底層是一個基於 Chromium 的網絡瀏覽器,這意味著它... Brave Browser (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Plex 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bump to web-client/4.51.2-b26d1bde9-15035

SnapGene Viewer 7.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added a 600 ms delay before the collapsed sidebar pops over on mouseover
- Reduced the visual footprint of the top toolbar
- Added support for dragging files from the folder view into the simulate agarose gel dialog
- Streamlined applying enzymes and primers to other agarose gel lanes by automatically switching the preparation method
- Added a context menu to the search field in the search dialog
- Improved presentation of searching and search results and links to all results in the search dialog
- Improved tooltip for close tab buttons

- Improved stability
- Fixed various issues with selecting tabs
- Fixed an issue that prevented reliably popping out tabs on macOS
- Fixed an issue that made it difficult to close files on some read only remote volumes
- Improved placement of menus when clicking kebab buttons so they do not extend off the screen or are shown in the wrong display.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong document might be shown when selecting a tab if previously none were selected
- Fixed an issue that resulted in broken aliases when importing a Vector NTI database
- Fixed an issue that sometimes resulted in action dialogs not updating the product when a primer was modified
- Fixed an issue that could result in a simulated product showing up blank in cloning dialogs
- Fixed various issues with flagging terms with problems when using the search dialog
- Fixed an issue where clicking suggested terms and examples could result in duplicate terms be inserted into the query
- Fixed an issue that made it difficult to clear the query in the search dialog
- Fixed an issue that prevented clicking the X buttons repeatedly without moving the mouse in order to quickly clear out recent documents and projects
- Enable the top toolbar menu actions in the View menu when the Get Started pane is shown
- Fixed a issue that prevented importing some Uniprot sequences if a similar sequence exists in the nucleotide database
- Fixed an issue that could result in primers being added to the wrong document.
- Fixed a bug that could result in the detect common features checkbox becoming unchecked when modifying the sequence in the New File dialog.
- Improved stability when switching between documents in a collection.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when simulating an agarose gel
- Fixed issues various with using cut, copy and paste in the search dialog
- Improved the positioning of the advanced search dialog
- Fixed an issue that resulted in charms at the top left being clipped when the sidebar was collapsed on Windows
- Fixed an issue where changing topology or strandedness in the New File pane resulted in the preview turning blank and detected features not being shown
- Fixed varius rendering artifacts when viewing the Get Started pane with SnapGene Viewer
- Fixed an issue where if multiple tabs with unsaved changes are open, the active tab was not always used in cloning dialogs
- Fixed an issue that resulted in always opening standard cloning vector as a stand alone window instead of a tab
- Ensure orientation controls in cloning dialogs work reliably
- Improved text colors for status widgets in light and dark modes
- Fixed an issue where export options for gels could be listed in the File menu after switching to other document types
- Fixed a freeze when changing topology in the Design Synthetic Construct dialog
- Disabled the Order Construct menu actions when viewing the Get Started pane
- Prevent primer name conflicts when manually specifying primers in an agarose gel
- Prevent primer name conflicts when applying primers to all lanes in an agarose gel
- Fixed an issue where some buttons would show pliancy, suggesting they could be clicked, when the mouse was outside the button area
- Fixed a bug that could result in spaces being inserted into the query when switching to the advanced search dialog
- Improved link to learn more about how to manage your projects in SnapGene
- Fixed a bug where when using the context menu to pop out a tab as a new window did not result in the window being active
- Fixed a bug where clicking the advanced search button on Windows did not result in showing the advanced search dialog, only the result results tab
- Fixed various issues with showning pliancy after popping out a window

Topaz Video AI 3.3.1 查看版本資訊


Plex 查看版本資訊


KNIME 4.7.4 查看版本資訊


Postman 10.15.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Collection Templates:
- Postman Collections help you organize your requests, collaborate with teammates, run test suites, and reuse components like variables to boost productivity

Easier API Authentication:
- Postman will now automatically recognize if the request you are trying to send needs authorization and will help you set it up, so you can start using APIs immediately. Gone are the days of digging through documentation just to set up authentication.

API Performance Testing:
- Simulate Real-world traffic - You can now simulate real-world traffic from your machines using Postman
- Observe API Performance Metrics - You can observe the key Performance Metrics such as Response times, Requests hit per second, and error rates. This helps you measure and improve your API Performance under the simulated load. Read more on our blog.

Universal Tagging:
- Easily organize and discover your universe of Postman artifacts. Add custom free-form tags to organize all your Postman artifacts, such as Collections, APIs and Workspaces.
- Conduct granular searches, and discover the resources you need in seconds.
- Enable faster distribution and curation of your API catalogue on the Private API Network. Add elements into the Private API Network based on tags.
- Discover elements in your API catalogue on the Private API Network with tags.

Private API Network:
- Folder Management - Decentralize the API curation process for your API Catalogue on the Private API Network. The Private API Network now supports folder-level role-based access control for more granular internal API governance.
- Folder managers can now manage individual folders belonging to their teams or product areas. They can approve elements to be published into these folders along with other folder access operations.

API Governance:
- Custom Functions - Postman’s API Governance now gives you the ability to create new custom spectral functions by providing a custom logic js file that can be reused in subsequent rule creation.
- Edit previously created custom Governance rules - You can now edit the custom Governance rules of your Postman team from the API Governance section within Postman.
- New API Governance Manager role - Utilize the new API Governance Manager role to assign the responsibility of managing your team's API Governance rules and workspace groups to the right individuals.
- Postman’s OWASP API guidelines - New addition to the Postman rule library, which can be utilized to improve API definitions by enforcing governance rules focussed on the OWASP API top 10 projects

API Builder:
- Automatic Version Publishing - Use the Postman CLI to automate version publishing to your CI/CD pipelines
- Schema to Collection Validation - Postman now validates your collection requests and responses and indicates if it is valid as per schema

Private API Network:
- Onboard teams quickly on the Private API Network - Teams can be quickly onboarded onto the Private API Network by bootstrapping the network with the list of popular Postman elements.
- Private API Network managers can also efficiently curate the network by adding individual folder managers for their different teams in a single workflow.
- Add multiple elements in a single workflow - You can effortlessly curate multiple elements to be added to the Private API Network. The Private API Network now supports bulk additions of Collections, APIs and Workspaces for a faster, more streamlined experience.
- Try out organizational APIs quickly - The Private API Network now allows you to move from the static documentation in the catalogue to the dynamic execution of the request. This allows consumers to quickly evaluate an element that they have discovered in the catalogue. With a simplified user experience for try requests in the Private API Network, you can now quickly transition from seeing an example in the documentation to trying that example in the workspace.

Platform Administration:
- Group-Level RBAC Controls - We’ve introduced an access control system specific to User Groups that delegates team-level admin functions to selected users for exclusive use within the group. These more granular permissions/restrictions will unblock groups while maintaining the least privileged access at the enterprise level.
- Members & Groups Page - The Members & Groups page now displays a single list with Team Members, Partners, and Guests for easier management, quick comparison, and more combinations for search and filtering.
- Enterprise Data Management - Super Admin users can now govern all team data, including team members' personal workspace data, ensuring greater consistency across users and preventing data loss when users leave teams.
- Billing & IT Administrator Report - We've improved and reorganized reports for easy discovery of relevant information by Billing and IT Administrators. Admins can now get better visibility into their organization's Postman usage with these Reports, which feature data on active users, user ingress/egress details, team expansion, resource usage and limits, and more.
- API Key Management - Super Admin and Admin users can now see all Postman API keys created by team members, helping you manage organization-wide API key usage with greater visibility and control.
- Manage public elements dashboard - Community Managers can now manage their team’s collection access keys in the Manage public elements dashboard. They can now turn off the collection access key feature for their team and revoke all existing keys in bulk. The dashboard now also displays a list of all of the team’s keys and enables Community Managers to revoke specific collection access keys.

- Improved and reorganized Postman-generated reports for easy discovery of relevant information. Reports enable you to understand and manage how your team uses Postman.

Opera GX 99.0.4788.75 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Brave Browser 1.52.126 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Brave Browser 1.52.126 (64-bit)
- Fixed EIP-1559 gas estimation issue causing transfers to fail on zksync Era Mainnet when using Brave Wallet
- Fixed switch network notifications incorrectly being fired when a custom network is selected
- Fixed tokens being shown as ETH when not on asset list and added block explorer links for such tokens in panel and activity tab

- Fixed crash which could occur when refreshing the New Tab Page in certain cases
- Fixed RSS feed parsing performance which caused high CPU usage when using certain sites
- Fixed Brave VPN “Can’t connect to server” error message when switching between regions while already “Connected”
- Fixed “Show tab search button” setting under brave://settings/appearance not being respected when a new window is opened
- Fixed download bubble not being displayed when a file download is completed
- Upgraded Chromium to 114.0.5735.133

Brave Browser 1.52.122 (64-bit)
- Fixed crash which occurred when resuming an insecure download
- Upgraded Chromium to 114.0.5735.110

Brave Browser 1.52.117 (64-bit)
- Added “Enable NFT auto-discovery” popup
- Added “Hide balance” and “Show graph” options under Portfolio customizations in Brave Wallet menu
- Added the ability to import hardware wallet accounts from the onboarding page
- Added network selector when importing from hardware wallet
- Added support for NFT discovery for ENS tokens
- Added support for Solana versioned transactions
- Added the ability to connect to DApps by selected network per origin
- Implemented versioned transactions for Solana swaps on Jupiter
- Implemented updated layout for Brave Wallet
- Updated NFT auto-discovery modal text
- Updated NFT details screen to match the new Brave Wallet layout
- Updated Line chart color to match the new Brave Wallet design
- Updated “Help Center” link to navigate directly to Brave Wallet section on Brave Help Center
- Updated action text to bold and uppercase on the “Activity” tab
- Updated popup menu in the “Accounts” tab to include account actions
- Updated Jupiter Swap API to v4 to add support for versioned transactions
- Fixed crash when loading SOL account page when a transaction is submitted that isn’t decoded
- Fixed inability to sign transactions on custom EVM networks
- Fixed Brave Wallet local storage data not being cleared when resetting Brave Wallet
- Fixed infinite loading on the “Buy” screen in certain cases
- Fixed missing display of FIL transaction fees
- Fixed NFTs with no symbols from not being automatically discovered
- Fixed Brave Wallet “Activity” tab incorrectly not displaying transactions
- Fixed asset detail screen displaying selected network info from the “Market” tab
- Fixed issue with Solana swap failing if “Associated Token Account” does not exist
- Fixed Solana transactions not being submitted to the chain in certain cases
- Fixed transaction status alignment on “Transaction” tab of Brave Wallet

Brave Rewards:
- Implemented Brave Ads welcome notification
- Implemented Brave Ads clickthrough reminder notification
- Updated custodian selection modal
- Redesigned UI for the contribution banner

- Added Vertical Tabs feature
- Added “localhost resources” permission prompt
- Added “Copy Text From Image” entry to image context menu on Windows
- Added the ability to disable Brave VPN via Admin policy
- Added “Remove from list” menu entry to download bubble context menu
- Added an alert icon in the download bubble to indicate when an insecure download is in progress
- Added Constellation/STAR encryption for P3A
- Re-added the ability to view and manage individual cookies stored per-website under brave://settings/content/all
- Removed Google fallback when is unresponsive
- Fixed “HTTPS Everywhere” not being disabled when enabling “HTTPS By Default” which caused issues with “Don’t upgrade connections to HTTPS” in certain cases
- Fixed race condition which could occur in certain cases when using Brave VPN on Windows
- Upgraded Chromium to 114.0.5735.90

Brave Browser 1.51.118 (64-bit)
- Fixed NFT pinning status background and text color

- Implemented per-device WebUSB serial farbling
- Fixed saved passwords being removed from brave://settings/passwords and sync failure when restarting Brave on certain Linux distros
- Upgraded Chromium to 113.0.5672.126

Brave Browser 1.51.114 (64-bit)
- [Security] Fixed Brave Wallet binding issue as reported on HackerOne by nick0ve

- Upgraded Chromium to 113.0.5672.92

Brave Browser 1.51.110 (64-bit)
- Added the ability to set Brave Wallet permission duration when connecting to DApps
- [Security] Prevent blind cross chain signing as reported on HackerOne by julianor
- Enabled NFT pinning
- Improved fetching of token balances in Swap
- Updated supported token list on Sardine
- Updated IPFS pinning banner text
- Updated Avalanche RPC to use Infura proxied through Brave
- Updated default wallet provider behavior of “Extensions (Brave Wallet fallback)”
- Updated Offramp flow to use token amount instead of fiat amount
- Updated Brave Wallet to use token’s chainID when fetching Solana NFT metadata
- Updated “Edit NFT” to “Import NFT”
- Removed Wyre as Onramp provider on “Buy” screen
- Removed Celo from preloaded networks
- Removed network icon in NFT details screen
- Removed Transak assets which are not supported in the US
- Fixed browser crash when visiting brave://wallet in a Guest window
- Fixed NFT discovery from adding NFTs in visible list
- Fixed “Use ENS domain” button being disabled until an input value is entered
- Fixed account icon size on the “Portfolio” page when an account name is long
- Fixed native asset icons for Aurora and Optimism to show ETH icon instead of EVM network icon
- Fixed partially displayed network icons on the “Send” page
- Fixed balance and token list alignment on the Brave Wallet panel
- Fixed selected fiat currency not updating in certain cases on the “Buy” screen
- Fixed invalid asset being selected on “Buy” and “Deposit” screens
- Fixed display of “Unlimited” in Brave Wallet panel and “Activity” tab

Brave Rewards:
- Fixed creator counter not being displayed in unconnected state
- Fixed inline tip buttons not being displayed when a new profile is created

- General:
- Added “Google Sign-In” permission prompt
- Added Naver and Daum to the default search provider list for South Korea
- Added support for scriptlet arguments with quotes or backslashes
- Added the ability to “Copy clean link” from context menu on webpage when URL text is highlighted
- Added a “time to read” estimate for Speedreader articles
- Added media notifications for player controls on Linux
- Added a “What’s New” page for major version updates
- Enabled captive portal detection
- Implemented the ability to allow or block individual scripts in Brave Shields
- Implemented WebUSB farbling
- Updated “HTTPS by Default” to work with “HttpsFirstModeV2" which fixes some capability problems, such as determining the correct referrer policy for a navigation
- Updated “HTTPS by Default” to fallback to HTTP when encountering an HTTP error code in response to an HTTPS upgrade
- Updated Brave VPN to fetch region listing more often
- Updated column width to improve readability for Speedreader articles
- Updated introductory graphic for the “Reading List” in sidebar
- Updated macOS icon to adhere to Apple’s guidelines
- Removed redundant browser name from profile import on brave://welcome page
- Removed the “Share” menu from the URL bar on internal pages
- Disabled brave://welcome in Guest windows
- Fixed passwords saved with Google account not being imported
- Fixed password manager executing unsuccessful requests to
- Fixed broken states in Brave VPN which could incorrectly cause “Edit payment method” or loading
- Fixed missing critical client hints causing some sites to get into infinite loop redirects
- Fixed issue where multiple profiles could unexpectedly be imported into a single profile
- Fixed issue where navigating back to the New Tab Page returns the user to the previous location in Brave News feed
- Fixed issue where element block picker did not work with Dark Reader extension
- Fixed missing translation for brave://welcome page title
- Fixed missing tooltip for Brave VPN settings icon
- Upgraded Chromium to 113.0.5672.77

Brave Browser 1.50.125 (64-bit)
- Upgraded Chromium to 112.0.5615.165

Brave Browser 1.50.121 (64-bit)
Brave Rewards:
- Fixed issue where user Rewards balance incorrectly displays 0.00 BAT in certain cases

- Fixed missing flag icon for Brazil under the Brave VPN panel
- Upgraded Chromium to 112.0.5615.138

Brave Browser 1.50.119 (64-bit)
- Upgraded Chromium to 112.0.5615.121

Brave Browser 1.50.114 (64-bit)
- Added Filecoin EVM to preloaded networks
- Added selected state to the side navigation bar
- Added additional currencies supported by Transak to the buy flow
- Added localized text for Filecoin transactions
- Added loading indicators on Brave Wallet panel when fetching transaction values
- Implemented NFT pinning
- Implemented filtering options for “eth_subscribe” with “logs”
- Updated Brave Wallet to use BalanceScanner contracts for ETH asset discovery
- Updated Brave Wallet to hide accounts with zero balance in asset details view
- Updated error message when there is no FIL token linked to a domain address
- Updated “Portfolio” page to retain the selected network view between page refreshes
- Updated Brave Wallet to use Solana backend decoder instruction
- Removed Transak assets that are not supported in the US
- Disabled account selection drop down until a token is selected
- Fixed inability to deploy a contract using Brave Wallet
- Fixed Brave Wallet not showing lock screen when browser is reopened
- Fixed issue where the same token on different chains showed fiat value of zero
- Fixed asset discovery for cUSDT
- Fixed display of NFT icon when an NFT has a long name
- Fixed display of long NFT names on the “Visible assets” modal

Brave Rewards:
- Added additional settings under brave://settings/rewards to control inline tip buttons without having to enable Brave Rewards
- Removed the “Backup” tab from the “Reset Brave Rewards” modal under brave://rewards

- Added brave://flags/#brave-sync-send-all-history flag to enable the ability to send all history entries to Brave Sync
- Added “Mute Tab” to the macOS application menu
- Added “Power” section under brave://settings/system
- Added keyboard shortcut to show/hide the sidebar
- Added support for “:-abp-has()” procedural selector in adblock rules
- Enabled “Screenshot” feature by default
- Enabled download bubble feature by default
- Enabled all available regional adblock filter lists for a given locale on first launch
- Implemented “HTTPS by Default” feature
- Updated Brave VPN SKU credentials to be cached until redeemed or expired
- Updated UI to display custom filter list subscriptions by title instead of URL
- Updated path for Brave VPN crash files so they can be uploaded
- Updated adblock rules created by the “Don’t warn me about this site again” domain blocking interstitial to be more strict
- Disabled “Import” button on brave://welcome when no browser selection is made
- Fixed session cookies being persisted on session restore on Windows and Linux
- Fixed error when logging in
- Fixed excessive CPU usage on
- Fixed incorrectly placed quick actions on the New Tab Page in certain cases
- Fixed current default browser not being selected on “Import Settings” screen of brave://welcome flow
- Fixed brave://welcome flow not showing previously set default browser for import
- Fixed brave://welcome displaying in a Private window
- Fixed “Add to Brave” button on Chrome Web Store not being properly localized for non-English locales
- Upgraded Chromium to 112.0.5615.49

Brave Browser 1.49.132 (64-bit)
- Fixed issue with multiple onboarding tabs opening up for Magic Eden

- Disabled keyboard shortcut for “Copy clean link” on macOS by default
- Upgraded Chromium to 111.0.5563.147

Brave Browser 1.49.128 (64-bit)
- Fixed inability to connect Brave Wallet
- Fixed Brave Wallet to use selected account as “From” when adding Solana DApp transactions

- Added clickable centered area on New Tab Page Sponsored Images
- Added the ability to disable keyboard shortcut for “Copy clean link” under brave://flags/#brave-copy-clean-link-by-default
- Fixed issue where keyboard shortcut incorrectly copied URL instead of selected text in certain cases on macOS
- Fixed “Copy clean link” context menu option not displaying the associated keyboard shortcut on Linux
- Fixed issue where Brave News subscription modal showed incorrect blog name
- Upgraded Chromium to 111.0.5563.110

Brave Browser 1.49.120 (64-bit)
- Added Ramp as an Offramp provider
- Added auto-discovery of Solana assets
- Added tooltip reason for disabled “Add” button on the “Add custom asset” screen
- Added pending transactions notification badge on Brave Wallet icon
- Added a loading state when switching between Filecoin Mainnet and Testnet
- Added a 1 second delay in fetching Swap quotes
- [Security] Added the ability to distinguish contract address and wallet address when submitting an ETH sign transaction
- Enabled Solana Name Service (SNS) by default
- Implemented “logs” support for “eth_subscribe”
- Implemented Swap quotes fetch to be dropped when the input value is cleared
- Updated target link for “Learn more about Brave Wallet” in Brave Wallet onboarding
- Updated Sardine description on fund wallet screen
- Updated Brave Wallet to cache transaction data
- Updated “Token address” to “Mint address” on the “Add custom asset” screen for Solana
- Updated error message to indicate why adding an asset failed
- Renamed “Transactions” page to “Activity” page for Brave Wallet
- Fixed multiple fetch request for token balance when switching networks
- Fixed MATIC token balance to display correctly for each network
- Fixed issue where user was able to submit a Swap order on Solana without token balance
- Fixed issue where deleting Swap input value retained the Swap quotes
- Fixed Solana transactions not being displayed in the “Activity” tab
- Fixed Brave Wallet to allow values to be set lower than current base fee
- Fixed network being reset when selecting a different token on the “Buy” or “Deposit” screen
- Fixed inability to hide NFTs with the same contract address
- Fixed Brave Wallet panel not being dismissed after rejecting a transaction
- Fixed inconsistent casing between panel and “Activity” page
- Fixed casing of “Lock wallet” on panel and “Portfolio” page

Brave Rewards:
- Implemented vBAT messaging
- Fixed issue when solving ad grant CAPTCHA on Linux

- Added “Copy Text From Image” entry to image context menu
- Added a keyboard shortcut for “Copy clean link”
- Added “Copy clean link” to the macOS application menu bar
- Added the ability to import from Whale browser
- Added support for “$match-case” option for adblock filters
- Added support for “:has” pseudoclass in cosmetic filters
- Implemented EventSource partitioning
- Updated default search engine to Brave Search for new installations in India
- Updated options for “Show bookmarks” setting under brave://settings/appearance
- Updated the Brave Talk sidebar button to activate the Brave Talk tab from any window
- Fixed delta updates on macOS
- Fixed certain cases where “Person 1” profile could not be deleted
- Fixed custom background image not always being displayed on the New Tab Page
- Fixed “Background Image” options under “Customize Dashboard” not displaying when the system language is Spanish
- Fixed intermittent issue where Brave News would not peek on the New Tab Page
- Fixed issue where importing multiple profiles put all imported data into a single profile
- Fixed inability to import extensions from Chromium based browsers
- Fixed incorrect naming of Safari Reading List after import
- Fixed extension import when importing multiple profiles
- Fixed sidebar so that the selection which was last displayed is shown on the sidebar when it is reopened
- Upgraded Chromium to 111.0.5563.64

Brave Browser 1.48.171 (64-bit)
- [Security] Perform download safety check even when user is prompted for save location as reported on HackerOne by ameenbasha
- Implemented amount reset when user changes “Swap from” asset in Brave Wallet
- Upgraded Chromium to 110.0.5481.177

- incorrect token symbol being displayed in Brave Wallet when sending MATIC over Mumbai Testnet
- Brave Wallet “Review order” button being incorrectly disabled when changing Swap tokens
- continuous fetch of Swap quote when an order is in review in Brave Wallet
- USDC/USDT not being shown as swappable tokens in Brave Wallet
- Brave fees for WETH, ETH, and BTC swaps on Solana in Brave Wallet
- preview images of pictures and web links not loading properly on Discord
- left margin padding for the top site tiles on the New Tab Page
- long wait times when starting a sync chain with multiple devices with a large amount of bookmarks

Brave Browser 1.48.167 (64-bit)
- Upgraded Chromium to 110.0.5481.104 on Windows

Brave Browser 1.48.164 (64-bit)
- Upgraded Chromium to 110.0.5481.100

Brave Browser 1.48.158 (64-bit)
- Solana NFT gallery support to Brave Wallet
- Brave Wallet Swap V2
- Web3 settings section under brave://settings/web3
- “Transactions” tab to Brave Wallet, also accessible via brave://wallet/crypto/transactions
- loading skeletons to Brave Wallet asset list on the “Portfolio” and “Account” pages
- a loading state to Brave Wallet UI while API resolves domains
- support for “eth_signTransaction” and “eth_sendRawTransaction” in Brave Wallet
- support the “eth_subscribe” method in Brave Wallet to show new block head every 20 seconds
- asset balance to the “Swap To” field in Brave Wallet
- asset balance to the “Swap From” field in Brave Wallet
- IPNS support for redirecting IPNS links to configured gateway
- new side navigation on “Portfolio” page of Brave Wallet
- and updated rewards states for Brave Rewards changes as described in
- keyboard shortcut “CTRL+M” for muting a tab
- “Disable mute function in tab speaker icons” setting under brave://settings/appearance
- the ability to import from Yandex
- Microsoft Internet Explorer to “Import Settings” screen via brave://welcome onboarding
- “Auto-redirect tracking URLs” setting under brave://settings/shields
- sidebar position menu entry to sidebar context menu
- [Security] Fixed EIP712Domain data not being displayed in Brave Wallet when signing messages as reported on HackerOne by julianor
- [Security] Added the ability to delete a Brave Sync chain

- Improved network list user experience via Brave Wallet
- Improved “Assets” filter on Brave Wallet “Portfolio” page

- Updated ENS, SNS, and UD to use Brave endpoints for address resolution in both the omnibox and Brave Wallet
- Updated Brave Wallet panel to display full account names
- Updated text on UD, ENS, and SNS interstitial pages
- Updated Brave Wallet UI to display Swap quotes and routing information
- Updated Brave Wallet to show 0x Swaps price comparison against CoinGecko
- Updated brave://settings/appearance to group sidebar settings together
- Updated brave://settings/braveSync/setup when unable to decrypt the sync passphrase
- Reverted Twitter’s “t” tracking parameter removal due to webcompat issues in certain cases
- Removed address resolution for “.coin” TLD from Unstoppable Domains
- Removed known Twitter tracking parameters “ref_src” and “ref_url” from URLs
- Removed crypto widgets
- Removed known Yahoo tracking parameters from URLs

- crash in Brave Wallet when Solana is selected as the default provider
- custom names for NFTs not being displayed after adding an NFT to the Brave Wallet portfolio
- Solana “Send” transactions not showing receiving address in Brave Wallet
- missing “Signed” transaction text in Brave Wallet
- poor rendering of image on Brave Wallet panel for “Transaction submitted”
- wildcard URLs not being blocked correctly via Brave Shields in certain cases
- broken “Save” button on “Clear browsing data” modal
- Upgraded Chromium to 110.0.5481.77

Brave Browser 1.47.186 (64-bit)
- Added the ability to dismiss the end of support message on both Windows 7 and 8.1
- Upgraded Chromium to 109.0.5414.119

- crash when viewing sync QR code in certain cases
- crash in “DomainBlockNavigationThrottle” in certain cases when adding “$removeparam” rules into “brave://settings/shields/filters”
- some “$removeparam” filter rules not being applied to document requests

Brave Browser 1.47.171 (64-bit)
- a fiat balance for each token and account total in the Brave Wallet “Select Token” modal
- a new Brave Wallet “Send” tab
- an account selector in the Brave Wallet “Send” tab
- NFT tooltip in Brave Wallet “Send” tab
- support for Uint8Array private key import of Solana account for Brave Wallet
- a toggle to hide the price graph on Brave Wallet’s “Portfolio” page
- a network filter to the Brave Wallet “Edit Visible Assets” modal
- Brave icon for Brave Wallet pages
- placeholder text for “Recent Transactions” modal in Brave Wallet
- “Copy clean link” feature to renderer view context menu
- Brave Creators promotion card under brave://rewards. #25503)
- “Connecting to selected custodian temporarily unavailable” error modal in Brave Rewards
- promotion of Snowflake extension for Tor
- support for “$removeparam” adblock filter syntax under brave://settings/shields/filters
- “IPFS public gateway address for NFT” setting under brave://settings/ipfs
- the ability to set Brave Shields via Admin policy
- Windows group policy templates

- [Security] Fixed Brave Wallet showing wrong network when signing DApp messages or transactions
- [Security] Added mixed content check for “.onion” URLs as reported on HackerOne by xiaoyinl
- [Security] Improved browser privacy by reducing high resolution timer precision as reported on HackerOne by joe12387
- [Security] Fixed Brave Today opening non-HTTP or non-HTTPS URLs as reported on HackerOne by nishimunea
- Integrated SNS address resolution when navigated to .sol domains
- Implemented SNS address resolution to send tokens via .sol domain in Brave wallet
- Improved asset discovery for Brave Wallet on page refresh
- Improved performance of cosmetic filtering in third-party iframes
- Increased area on windows where they can be picked up for drag and drop

- Brave Wallet backup UI under brave://wallet/crypto/backup-wallet
- Brave Wallet backup words to display number and text
- Brave Wallet backup text under brave://wallet/crypto/backup-wallet
- new user onboarding design and flow
- Web Discovery Project promotion to display an infobar
- Brave Rewards for users in specific countries to disallow enabling and show clearer unavailable messaging
- connection messages on Tor windows
- internal URLs on the New Tab Page to display brave:// URL scheme when hovered over
- text under crypto widget previews on “Customize Dashboard” modal
- Reduced the size of Windows group policy templates

- rejected transactions from displaying under account transactions in Brave Wallet
- “Restore” tab from “Manage Brave Rewards” modal
- known tracking parameter “vgo_ee” from URLs
- Chromium “Ads” permission from site settings UI under brave://settings/content/siteDetails

- “The receiving address is your own address” error message not showing on the “Send token” tab for Brave Wallet
- broken images for ERC721 tokens from token registry in Brave Wallet
- inability to add ERC721 from token registry in Brave Wallet
- the show or hide chart state to persist between page loads in Brave Wallet’s “Portfolio” page
- issue where NFTs did not display icons on Brave Wallet Portfolio list and “NFT” tab in certain cases
- ERC20 token balance overflow display issue on Brave Wallet token details screen
- Brave News crash which occurred when certain characters were at the end of the title or description field
- Brave News icon displaying in the URL bar prior to opting into Brave News
- “Set IPFS gateway” popup not closing after clicking “Submit”
- automatic redirects to IPFS via gateway not working in certain cases
- Upgraded Chromium to 109.0.5414.87

Brave Browser 1.46.153 (64-bit)
- Removed Wyre for buying crypto in Brave Wallet
- Enabled Brave News subscribe button by default

Brave Browser 1.46.144 (64-bit)
- Brave Wallet to sign Solana transactions with selected account instead of fee payer
- Brave Wallet to not use first available pubkey as the “To” address for Solana unknown instructions
- the “Learn more” link on the Windows 7 and 8.1 deprecation infobar
 Disabled Manifest V2 deprecation warning message
- Fixed crash when re-opening Brave News from the “Customize Dashboard” modal after following a source
- Fixed issue where some websites failed to load when brave://flags#brave-block-screen-fingerprinting is enabled
- Upgraded Chromium to 108.0.5359.128

Brave Browser 1.46.140 (64-bit)
- Upgraded Chromium to 108.0.5359.99

Brave Browser 1.46.138 (64-bit)
- Fixed performance issue where fingerprint farbling caused some sites to load slowly or not at all

Brave Browser 1.46.134 (64-bit)
- Upgraded Chromium to 108.0.5359.94

Brave Browser 1.45.133 (64-bit)
- Upgraded Chromium to 107.0.5304.141

Brave Browser 1.45.131 (64-bit)
- Added header for so Brave Search is aware when Brave Ads are enabled
- Fixed issue where farbling protections for screen resolution and coordinates were incorrectly being applied to extension pages

Brave Browser 1.45.127 (64-bit)
- Added Solana NFT support in Brave Wallet
- Updated default search engine to Brave Search for new installations in certain regions
- Removed FTX widget from the New Tab Page and widget gallery
- Fixed issue where Brave Rewards appears disabled in certain cases

Brave Browser 1.45.123 (64-bit)
- Upgraded Chromium to 107.0.5304.110

Brave Browser 1.45.118 (64-bit)
- [Security] Fixed download crash which occurred in certain cases
- Fixed crash caused by widget on the New Tab Page
- Fixed shields not blocking WebSocket connections when adding custom filter under brave://settings/shields/filters

Brave Browser 1.45.116 (64-bit)
- Fixed tab hover preview not being shown correctly when “Card with preview” is selected for the “Tab hover mode” setting under brave://settings/appearance
- Upgraded Chromium to 107.0.5304.91

Brave Browser 1.45.113 (64-bit)
- dialog for blocking cookie consent banners
- additional language pairs to Brave Translate
- NFT tab to Brave Wallet
- expanded view of NFT in Brave Wallet
- “Request a feature” button to the Brave Wallet page
- the ability to edit network details for Solana and Filecoin under brave://settings/wallet/networks for Brave Wallet
- dedicated review screen for ETH Swap transactions when using Brave Wallet
- option to view asset details from token details page in Brave Wallet
- support for province level targeting for select Canadian provinces when using Brave Ads
- the ability to disable Brave Rewards via Admin policy
- “Copy clean link” feature
- ability to import from Google Chrome for developers
- ability to import from Google Chrome Beta
- the ability to edit items in sidebar
- the ability to select a gradient background option for the New Tab Page
- “Refresh on every new tab” toggle under the “Customize Dashboard” modal for the New Tab Page

- [Security] Added additional password protection for Brave Wallet account removal
- [Security] Added additional password protection for Brave Wallet backup seed
- [Security] Added additional password protection for Brave Wallet show private key
- [Security] Enhanced protection against Brave Wallet pollution attacks
- [Security] Updated the Brave Wallet network selector to show the full network name
- [Security] Updated Brave Wallet to show the full network name in tooltip for Buy/Send/Swap widget and panel
- [Security] Updated the Brave Wallet transaction confirmation panel to show the full network name
- [Security] Fixed misleading signing request message in Brave Wallet
- Enabled swaps for Arbitrum network in Brave Wallet
- Enabled theme support for Speedreader
- Enabled sharing hub on URL bar

- loading of Brave Wallet tokens list on deposit and portfolio screens
- scrolling of portfolio page in Brave Wallet
- privacy by preventing private windows from inheriting permissions set in normal windows
- fingerprinting privacy by adding farbling protections for screen resolution and coordinates

- Brave Wallet to allow a DApp to open onboarding at most once per provider
- UI for Brave Wallet warning message to be more legible when using light theme
- description for “Method to resolve Unstoppable Domains” setting under brave://settings/extensions
- verified vs. unverified criteria for Brave Rewards creator channels
- Brave Rewards tipping banner to always use global default suggested values
- “Close window when closing last tab” setting under brave://settings/system to only work for normal windows
- import of extensions to include extension settings

- Removed address resolution for “.888 TLD” from Unstoppable Domains
- Removed known Squarespace newsletter tracking parameters from URLs
- Removed known Blueshift email tracking parameters from URLs
- Disabled “Add checked accounts” button until an account is explicitly selected to import in Brave Wallet

- inability to add ETH POW as a custom network for Brave Wallet
- ERC20 Approve transaction using the wrong network for fees with Brave Wallet
- NFT not being displayed in Brave Wallet portfolio without page refresh
- not being able to connect to Adobe using Brave Wallet
- not being able to connect to using Brave Wallet
- inability to unselect an account on Brave Wallet panel when connecting to a DApp
- all networks incorrectly being displayed for Filecoin in Brave Wallet
- incorrect settings being opened when “Connected Sites” is selected from Brave Wallet panel for Solana
- missing “Bridge to Aurora” button locale string
- incorrect casing of “Ledger” in Brave Wallet import authorization window
- broken layout under brave://settings/wallet/networks
- regression of expiration of JavaScript set cookie lifetime from 6 months to 7 days
- incorrect display on shields when there are “99+” items blocked
- Upgraded Chromium to 107.0.5304.62

Brave Browser 1.44.112 (64-bit)
- Updated Sardine purchase link to be set to selected network when opened from Buy screen on Brave Wallet
- Removed deprecated Ethereum Testnet’s (Ropsten/Rinkeby/Kovan) and added support for Sepolia Testnet for Brave Wallet
- Fixed issue with SignTransaction during NFT purchase on MagicEden when using Brave Wallet
- Fixed crash when opening the New Tab Page in certain cases on Linux
- Upgraded Chromium to 106.0.5249.119

Brave Browser 1.44.108 (64-bit)
- Fixed broken toggle for “Show Brave Stats” under the “Customize Dashboard” settings modal on the New Tab Page
- Upgraded Chromium to 106.0.5249.103

Brave Browser 1.44.105 (64-bit)
- Removed “Side panel” display setting from brave://settings/appearance

- incorrect transaction type for BSC swaps when using Brave Wallet
- inability to authorize and sign transactions for Ledger accounts when using Brave Wallet
- inability to migrate or import legacy wallets using the new Brave Wallet onboarding
- Upgraded Chromium to 106.0.5249.91

Brave Browser 1.44.101 (64-bit)
- reading list
- pluggable transports and bridges support for Tor
- NFT details page to Brave Wallet
- currency selector for “Buy” tab under Brave Wallet
- the ability to select a specific RPC URL as active for Brave Wallet
- a Brave Wallet native API to access the CoinGecko proxy endpoint
- Sardine buy support in Brave Wallet
- Sardine to the onboarding on-ramp list under Brave Wallet
- .zil TLD support for Unstoppable Domains
- “Import from legacy Brave crypto wallets” checkbox when importing a Brave Wallet with a 24-word seed phrase
- Fantom chain and tokens to Brave Wallet
- “Tab hover mode” configuration options under brave://settings/appearance
- the ability to show a solid color background on the New Tab Page

- [Security] Updated Brave Wallet password policy
- [Security] Increased Pbkdf2 iterations for Brave Wallet password
- [Security] Updated Brave Wallet recovery phrase verification to use randomized word indices
- [Security] Added additional password protection when revealing private keys under the Brave Wallet “Account” screen
- [Security] Moved Brave Wallet Ethereum ledger integration to an untrusted iframe
- [Security] Moved Brave Wallet Filecoin ledger integration to an untrusted iframe
- [Security] Extended font randomization fingerprinting protections to cover src:local as reported on HackerOne by xlin
- [Security] Sanitized chrome:// page state for serialized navigation entries
- Implemented swaps in Solana when using Brave Wallet

- Updated Brave Wallet onboarding
- Updated the Brave Wallet “Bridge to Aurora” modal text
- Updated Brave Wallet to create a Solana account by default when creating or restoring a wallet
- Updated brave://rewards page to handle smaller window sizes
- Updated text on the “IPFS is disabled” error page
- Improved de-AMP functionality
- Moved “Show Brave Rewards icon in address bar” to be displayed under brave://settings/rewards
- Moved Tor settings to be displayed under brave://settings/privacy
- Removed default network selection on the “Add custom asset” modal for Brave Wallet
- Removed support for legacy Brave Rewards anonymous Uphold cards
- Removed 2 BAT minimum threshold under Brave Rewards before being able to use Uphold as a custodial provider
- Removed extra spacing from the “Clear browsing data” modal displayed in a Private window and Private window with Tor
- Removed P2A protobuf reporting
- Upgraded Chromium to 106.0.5249.65

- issue where deleting an NFT from a collection in Brave Wallet removed all NFT’s from that collection
- incorrect address being displayed via the Brave Wallet “Send” modal when an ENS domain has no ETH address
- providers under the onboarding on-ramp list not being sorted in alphabetical order via Brave Wallet
- visibility issues with the password tooltip under Brave Wallet when creating a new wallet while using dark mode
- WebTorrent not adapting to theme changes
- UI on torrent and magnet link pages
- Chromium bookmark icons appearing under search suggestions
- persistent error message on “Enter a sync code” modal in certain cases
- IPFS interstitial page not being shown when redirected from .eth domains
- “Don’t ask me again” setting under “Close all tabs” not updating “Warn me before closing window with multiple tabs” via brave://settings/braveHelpTips
- certain websites not loading correctly due to farbling Accept-Language headers on subresources

Brave Browser 1.43.93 (64-bit)
- Restored gesture requirement for async clipboard write access
- Fixed crash on brave://settings which occurred due to brave://flags/#brave-sync-v2 being disabled
- Fixed crash on the New Tab Page which occurred due to brave://flags/#brave-news being disabled
- Fixed crash when the “options” dictionary is null in a Brave Wallet “SignAndSendTransaction” request to a Solana provider
- Fixed the “Learn more” link for unverified creators on the Brave Rewards panel not working
- Fixed blank panel on brave://welcome page which displayed in certain cases
- Upgraded Chromium to 105.0.5195.127

Brave Browser 1.43.89 (64-bit)
- Upgraded Chromium to 105.0.5195.102

Brave Browser 1.42.97 (64-bit)
- Improved fingerprint farbling for subresources
- Upgraded Chromium to 104.0.5112.102

Brave Browser 1.42.95 (64-bit)
- [Security] Refactored Trezor and Ledger hardware wallet bridges to align better with chrome-untrusted:// boundaries
- Fixed Speedreader crash which occurred when using French locale
- Fixed fonts on certain websites not being displayed correctly when shields are enabled due to font fingerprinting on macOS

Brave Browser 1.42.88 (64-bit)
- Fixed webcompat issue on sites when default cryptocurrency wallet provider is set to “Brave Wallet (prefer extensions)”

Brave Browser 1.42.86 (64-bit)
- Aurora EVM chain to preloaded chains for Brave Wallet
- loading skeletons to Brave Wallet panel
- support for using Ledger hardware for Solana Sign Transactions using Brave Wallet
- a list of well known chains to the local data files updater for Brave Wallet
- a link to the Brave Help Center from various places within Brave Wallet
- the ability to import from the Chromium version of Microsoft Edge
- setting for search engines used in the address bar in private window under brave://settings/search
- settings to refine autocomplete suggestions in the address bar under brave://settings/appearance
- the ability to debounce URLs based on a regex applied to the path

- [Security] Added a warning to indicate that local IPFS node will bypass browser proxy as reported on HackerOne by neeythann
- [Security] Fixed IPFS crash as reported on HackerOne by neeythann
- [Security] Fixed wallet API freezing issue as reported on HackerOne by jordaaash
- Enabled “unlinkable bouncing” by default
- Improved fingerprint farbling in aggressive mode

- default search engine to Brave Search for new installations in certain regions
- macOS minimum version to 10.13 in Sparkle
- New Tab page design for private window and private window with Tor
- brave://settings/cookies to better align with brave://shields
- Brave Wallet to use locale when formatting fiat values
- tab titles in Brave Wallet DApp panel to be localized

- P3A protobuf reporting
- “Get image description from Brave” context menu option
- known Marketo email tracking parameters from URLs
- unused Brave Shields code

- crash when removing Solana Ledger account from Brave Wallet
- Brave Wallet add custom asset page not loading
- errors listing NFTs on OpenSea using Brave Wallet
- incorrect balance being shown for certain tokens in Brave Wallet
- Brave Wallet displaying a broken image for Solana on localhost
- failing actions on Evmos using Brave Wallet
- inability to click on the audio icon of a pinned tab to unmute the tab
- white flash when opening a new tab
- cosmetic filters not being applied inside of child frames
- Upgraded Chromium to 104.0.5112.81

Brave Browser 1.41.100 (64-bit)
- Fixed crash which occurred when searching on certain sites due to debouncing

Brave Browser 1.41.99 (64-bit)
- Updated Ramp.Network asset list for Brave Wallet
- Upgraded Chromium to 103.0.5060.134
- Fixed error page being shown when debouncing in certain cases
- Fixed Brave News not loading additional content in certain cases

Brave Browser 1.41.96 (64-bit)
- Solana Dapp support for Brave Wallet
- Solana support for importing accounts and creating transactions from Ledger with Brave Wallet
- Brave Wallet notifications for successful or failed transactions
- the ability to hide networks from displaying in Brave Wallet under brave://settings/wallet/networks
- the ability to edit known networks for Brave Wallet
- the ability to change custom RPC URLs for known networks
- direct routes to specific Brave Wallet onboarding pages
- direct routes to specific account management modals in Brave Wallet
- “Force Paste” option to right click context menu
- [Security] Fixed Developer Tools console leak in Tor window as reported on HackerOne by bugm0nkey
- [Security] Implemented HSTS partitioning

- Implemented time-limited sync code words
- Improved privacy by preventing pages from passing identifiers through “”- Improved general performance by removing unused Brave Shields blocking data for closed tabs
- Updated Brave Wallet to show asset information while loading balances
- Updated the UI to include clickable “Learn more” links on certain Brave Wallet account modals
- Updated Brave Wallet UI to preserve whitespace in the signature message text
- Updated text from “web 3” to “web3” across various Brave Wallet pages
- Updated Brave Wallet right click context menu text
- Updated UI for when Brave Rewards balance cannot be fetched
- Updated Omaha installer version for Windows to v1.3.36.131
- Updated the size of hover indication and clickable area for the new tab button
- Moved brave://adblock to brave://settings/shields- Fixed localhost being incorrectly set for both Ethereum and Solana for Brave Wallet

- inability to complete Moonbeam transactions with Brave Wallet
- Brave Shields being disabled by default in certain cases
- various UI/UX issues with Brave Shields
- incorrect hover shape for folders on the bookmarks bar
- the edit top site dialog displaying in the background of the New Tab Page
- URLs not being debounced
- incorrect color for “Show Sponsored Images” toggle when disabled

Brave Browser 1.40.113 (64-bit)
- Upgraded Chromium to 103.0.5060.114

Brave Browser 1.40.109 (64-bit)
- Upgraded Chromium to 103.0.5060.66 on Windows

Brave Browser 1.40.107 (64-bit)
- Temporarily disabled Language/Font fingerprinting due to fonts being incorrectly displayed on various websites
- Fixed new tab button using incorrect background color
- Fixed unlimited token allowance incorrectly being displayed in transaction history

Brave Browser 1.40.106 (64-bit)
- Fixed browser crash when app is brought into view from background with a pending action in Brave Wallet panel while notification badge is shown

Brave Browser 1.40.105 (64-bit)
- Filecoin to Brave Wallet
- Unstoppable Domains support for Polygon
- Unstoppable Domains layer 2 support for resolving ETH address in Brave Wallet
- pre-loaded EVMs into Brave Wallet network selector (supported by 0x)
- ability to “Hide Brave Rewards icon” by right clicking on the Brave Rewards (BAT) icon

- issue where buying using Ramp didn’t work in certain cases
- Ethereum Dapps dialogs being opened in inactive tabs
- selected network being used when resolving Unstoppable Domains/Ethereum Name Service to ETH address
- webcompat issues when “Brave Wallet” is set as the default cryptocurrency wallet via brave://settings/wallet
- Brave Wallet as default wallet can be bypassed by extensions
- issue where user required to press tab multiple times to navigate from the password field to the confirm password field via Brave Wallet
- fonts under not being displayed correctly when shields are enabled due to font fingerprinting on macOS
- failed Brave Ads confirmations backing off if payment tokens are not created or ready
- adaptive CAPTCHA not remaining active/visible when rewards panel is closed before CAPTCHA has been resolved
- not being able to copy sync code from existing sync chain in certain cases
- issue when attempting to restore one-time sync codes on unsupported Brave versions
- Upgraded Chromium to 103.0.5060.53
- not being able to validate Unstoppable Domains address in various panels in Brave Wallet

- Retired the option of using DNS over HTTPS for Unstoppable Domains resolution now that layer 2 support has been added
- Changed Ethereum Dapp providers to only be available in secure contexts
- Changed Unstoppable Domains user opt-in interstitial from Cloudflare DoH to Ethereum option
- Updated buy flow for both Ramp and Wyre in Brave Wallet
- Updated QR sync code generator to include Brave icon when creating new QR sync codes

Brave Browser 1.39.122 (64-bit)
- Added Universal binaries for macOS
- Upgraded Chromium to 102.0.5005.115

Brave Browser 1.39.120 (64-bit)
- Wyre and Ramp asset lists for Brave Wallet
- Upgraded Chromium to 102.0.5005.99

- Solana icon not being displayed in Brave Wallet when using buy functionality with Ramp
- Testnet tokens not being returned when switching networks with Brave Wallet
- issue where selected accounts become unselected on the Brave Wallet panel
- inability to reselect a native asset on the Brave Wallet “Visible Assets” modal
- GenerateCryptoErrorForTypes error which caused Brave Sync to fail in certain cases
- navigation to partitioned blobs
- certain cases where AMP pages would go into loading loop

Brave Browser 1.39.111 (64-bit)
- Solana support for account creation, sending SOL and sending SPL tokens with Brave Wallet
- the ability to buy with Ramp using Brave Wallet
- JSONSanitizer to API helper requests for Brave Wallet
- Dapp UI for requesting a public key and for decrypting ciphers using Brave Wallet
- web3_clientVersion support for Brave Wallet
- the ability to allow users to search sites for RSS feeds for Brave News
- support for blob partitioning
- minimum macOS version for Sparkle update process

- crash which occurred when opening Brave Shields while using Google Meet
- inability to rename Solana account in Brave Wallet after it has been created
- incorrectly computed insufficient funds errors in Brave Wallet
- ERC20 and ERC721 transfers being incorrectly displayed as ETH transfers in the Brave Wallet transactions panel
- text alignment issues under the Brave Wallet “Recent transactions” panel when using long account names
- breakage in webpack build caused by OpenSSL 3.0
- two windows being opened on launch when the browser was installed without administrator privileges on Windows

- [Security] Blocked “window.ethereum” completely in third party iframes
- [Security] Updated Brave Wallet panel to prominently display eTLD+1 as reported on HackerOne by renekroka
- [Security] Fixed incorrect origin being displayed in Brave Wallet when a spend approval is pending
- Implemented eth_getEncryptionPublicKey for Brave Wallet
- Implemented account discovery when restoring Brave Wallet
- Updated Omaha installer version for Windows to v1.3.36.113
- Updated default IPFS configuration values
- Updated Gas Limit validation and error messaging for unapproved transactions with Brave Wallet
- Updated Brave Wallet to automatically add swap taker asset to the visible asset list
- Updated Brave Wallet portfolio network filter for multichain support
- Reduced adblock filter memory usage by optimizing unused regex rules
- Removed known Dialog Insight user tracking parameters from URLs
- Removed ability to swap ERC721 tokens with Brave Wallet
- Upgraded Chromium to 102.0.5005.61

Brave Browser 1.38.119 (64-bit)
- Reimplemented the ability to override page elements with “!important” styles using cosmetic filtering
- Refactored gas fee estimations to help increase successful transactions for Brave Wallet
- Fixed missing “Hardware wallet requires confirmation on device” modal for Brave Wallet
- Fixed Brave Wallet disambiguation between Thor on Avalanche vs Thorswap on Ethereum
- Fixed Brave Wallet panel not dismissing on click after completing a transaction with hardware wallet on Windows and Linux
- Fixed users not seeing Brave Ads after upgrade in certain cases
- Fixed inability to click on the audio icon of an inactive tab to mute the tab
- Upgraded Chromium to 101.0.4951.67 on macOS and Linux

Brave Browser 1.38.117 (64-bit)
- Upgraded Chromium to 101.0.4951.67 on Windows

Brave Browser 1.38.111 (64-bit)
- Upgraded Chromium to 101.0.4951.54

Brave Browser 1.38.109 (64-bit)
- the ability to redirect an AMP page to its canonical non-AMP version
- “Select network” field in the Brave Wallet “Add custom asset” modal
- isBraveWallet property to window.ethereum
- the ability to copy Brave Wallet transaction hash from “Transactions” on the “Portfolio” page
- confirmation screen after transaction is approved for Brave Wallet
- bottom padding to the Brave Wallet swap container
- loading skeletons for various areas within Brave Wallet

- Implemented balance updater interval for Brave Wallet
- design for Brave Shields
- IPFS node to go-ipfs v0.12.0
- adblocking to execute all cosmetic scriptlets even if one fails
- wording on Brave Wallet backup reminder banner
- Brave Wallet swap capability to prevent unnecessarily encountering “Too many decimal places” error
- URL for Brave Wallet Ropsten Test Faucet network
- Brave Wallet password field to be cleared when an incorrect password is entered
- “Portfolio” page of Brave Wallet to return all EVM network tokens
- UI to increase spacing between “Assets” and “Transactions” on “Accounts” subview page of Brave Wallet
- link text color to blue for Brave Wallet onboarding screen
- alignment of options available from the Brave Wallet “More” menu
- Renamed “Monthly Contributions” to “Monthly Tips” for Brave Rewards
- Removed redirect after adding an account to Brave Wallet from the portfolio asset details screen
- Removed referral code from P3A reports
- Upgraded Chromium to 101.0.4951.41

- unexpected storage cleanup on site close when “Clear cookies and site data when you close all windows” is enabled under brave://settings/cookies
- unblocked cookie consent dialogs on some websites when the brave://flags/#brave-adblock-cookie-list-default is enabled
- inability to solve Brave Rewards CAPTCHA in certain cases
- inability to import MetaMask wallet to Brave Wallet
- failed second sign request (eth_signTypedData_v4) for L2 activation when using Brave Wallet
- data on “Portfolio” page of Brave Wallet not being properly displayed due to parsing error
- broken placeholder icons for ERC721 tokens on Brave Wallet “Account” page
- “JSON data is not expected” when trying to import a crypto wallet into Brave Wallet in certain cases
- Brave Wallet network selector list being partially blurred on page load
- Brave Wallet “Add Custom Asset” modal incorrectly being populated with previously added custom token details
- EIP-1559 gas oracle incorrectly firing on non-EIP-1559 networks for Brave Wallet
- Brave Wallet percentage selector remaining selected when input value was updated
- Speedreader icon incorrectly disappearing in certain cases
- inability to exit reader mode when Speedreader is disabled

Brave Browser 1.37.116 (64-bit)
- Upgraded Chromium to 100.0.4896.127

Brave Browser 1.37.113 (64-bit)
- Added default browser first time dialog on Windows
- Upgraded Chromium to 100.0.4896.88

Brave Browser 1.37.111 (64-bit)
- Upgraded Chromium to 100.0.4896.79

Brave Browser 1.3

Topaz Video AI 3.3.0 查看版本資訊


SnapGene Viewer 7.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Features include:
- Tabbed Interface
- Easy and flexible file and folder management
- Choose any folder on your files system as a project
- View subfolders and files list directly within SnapGene via new navigation panel
- Quickly browse all SnapGene supported file types, including DNA, RNA, protein, alignments, chromatograms and gels
- Perform standard file operations directly within SnapGene
- Context-based quick links for easy access to common tools
- -Search for files within the selected project folder based on file or sequence characteristics
- Visualize Primer Annotations in the Add / Edit primer and selected cloning dialogs
- Preview detected features when creating a new sequence
- Get Started pane with easy access to learning resources + recent projects or files
- Directly input selected files into alignments, assembly cloning methods and gel simulations based on the sequence selection in the folder panel.
- Import multi-sequence files to a folder
- Restructures primer dialogs to make it easier to insert into the primer sequence
- Offer the option to insert a non-degenerate recognition sequence into a primer sequence in the primer dialogs.
- Improved binding site information shown in the primer dialogs
- Search for sequences in Dotmatics Bioregister directly from within SnapGene based on the sequence name, Bioregister ID, or using a similar sequence (BLAST search) Import and search Dotmatics Bioregister directly within SnapGene
- Added support for changing methylation when simulating agarose gels
- Improved first launch experience
- Added ladders from Nippon Genetics
- Modern look and feel

Additional changes and fixes:
- New option to apply primers to all agarose gel lanes
- Added ability to extend the selection from a selected feature to an arbitrary position and vice versa
- New option to automatically add upstream bases when inserting 5’ restriction sites into primers
- Added support for undo and redo in the Add / Edit Primer dialog
- Primer annotations created when insertions added automatically during cloning simulations
- Added support for duplicating and editing imported codon usage tables
- Added command line preview in RNA secondary structure settings
- Adjusted the equation used when simulating agarose gels to provide more accurate results
- Added warning for Collections top folder if it has a contents that will not be visible via SnapGene’s Collections UI
- Added setting to hide legacy Collections functionality by default
- Replaced Launch dialog with the ‘Get Started’ space
- Improved look and feel of Windows installer on high resolution displays
- Fixed issues with adjusting the endpoints of multi-segment features
- Fixed an issue that could prevent adjusting the position of point features
- Fixed an issue with garbled text and displaying the dates primers were added in Primers view
- Cmd+W no longer closes the "Save Unsaved Changes?" dialog
- Improved the FASTA importer to reject files that include numerical characters on non-comment lines
- Fixed various issues that prevented opening some Geneious files
- Added support for editing imported genetic codes and duplicating genetic codes
- Fixed a bug where changing the reading frames shown in sequence view or sorting enzymes in Enzymes view had no effect on Windows or Linux.
- Added TaKaRa DL500 ladder
- Added a missing band to the Azura PureView 100 bp DNA Ladder

Known Limitations:
- The file search UI and capabilities are still under development. Updates may change how this works and expand on available search terms, etc. We’d love to hear any feedback or requests you have.
- If a Collection folder is chosen as the project, note that:
- Subfolders and files will be displayed as they are on the file system, which is quite different to how they are displayed within a Collection
- Files added within the Project UI may be rearranged into the appropriate DNA, RNA, Protein or Misc files folder if the Collection is opened later, or some files may not be displayed within the Collection UI.
- -Dropbox online-only files on MacOS cannot be opened in SnapGene. These files will show in the folder panel, but you will need to download or sync a local copy via your file system before opening them in SnapGene.