Blisk 歷史版本列表 Page8

最新版本 Blisk

Blisk 歷史版本列表

Blisk 是一個基於鉻的瀏覽器,用於 web 開發的基本工具。將其用於同時構建和測試您的網站的桌面和移動版本。 Blisk 使開發人員能夠同時在多個設備上編碼,預覽其更改! 4 使用原因 Blisk:TIME SAVING以光速發展!現在您不需要一直刷新頁面,搜索並滾動到所需的元素。 Blisk 從根本上節省了開發和測試的時間。瀏覽器將使你的生產力達到 200%。所以你可以把你的工作快兩倍,把時... Blisk 軟體介紹

Spyder Python 4.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improve performance when typing in the editor
- Make variable explorer work for kernels started in remote servers
- Fix using TKinter in the Windows and macOS installers
- SystemError when switching projects
- Bug at code folding of code cells
- Tk graphics backend is giving error on Big Sur with DMG installer
- Possible Black Autoformat Bug
- Lags appear when typing in large files in the editor
- functools.cached_property doesn't behave as expected in the spyder console
- Opening Dataframe in Variable Explorer not working with packaged 4.2.1 dmg version of Spyder
- DeprecationWarning: implicit conversion to integers in spyder/widgets/
- Variable explorer sorting by Size
- outline view display variables and attributes
- Launch Issues with 4.2.1 and macOS
- Debugger ignores some tuple assignments
- Make Pdb continuation prompt consistent
- Hitting debug twice makes it unable to continue
- TypeError in Outline explorer
- Tkinter failed to import
- Debug mode not working on win10 for any code
- Matching bracket highlighting index error
- Spyder crashes after Monitor Scale change
- Can't set custom interpreters in Preferences on macOS
- Cursor moves position after deleting a character and changing line
- Variable explorer doesn't show variables on remote kernel
- brace matching confused by strings with braces
- Ctrl+C not working when using input on Windows
- Parenthesis highlight in the Editor is inconsistent
- The editor adds ":" when type in multiply lines list comprehension

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Blisk 查看版本資訊


ReaConverter Pro 7.629 查看版本資訊


VASSAL Engine 3.5.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Multi Action Button and Toolbar Menu lose last item in Menu Entry list
- Prevent concurrent updates to preferences
- Fast Match forgets fields when added to Maps and Module
- Fast Match was picking wrong number of cards from decks
- GameRefresher incorrectly deletes off map pieces
- NumberFormatException when private server port is empty
- Advanced Search displays "hit lists" properly for names/types of prototypes & configurables
- Refresh Predefined Setup incorrectly clones at start stacks
- Die Roll 'Prompt for values when button pushed' dialog is broken
- Unused Images Tool was suggesting some in-use GIFs for deletion
- NPE when adding dockable PieceWindow from module extension
- OverlappingFileLockException when attempting to write preferences
- Fast-Match wasn't working for "Moved" property
- Chat log should start display on bottom line even with larger monitors
- Sanitize temp file basenames to escape illegal characters
- Don't try to write a logfile without having started one
- IllegalBuildException on gpIdChecker when using GameRefresher
- NPE in Embellishment.addLocalImageNames()
- NPE when using Game Refresher on predefined setups
- ExecutionException when opening a moved or renamed module file
- ChessClock buttons with icons had inappropriate height/width
- NPE in BugUtils when involved from the Module Manager
- NoSuchElementException using Edit All Contained Pieces
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException using Edit All Contained Pieces
- Missing message for failure to write file
- Cannot create new module extensions
- DiceButton icons and Mask images incorrectly suggested for removal by unneeded-file-remover
- NPE in HelpFile.addLocalImageNames()
- Search wasn't searching into PieceSlots ("Single Piece" items in Setup Stacks, etc.)
- MouseoverStackViewer should not show face-down cards in decks, should not unnecessarily clip underneath text, and should not run off left edge of screen in an overzealous attempt to center-on-cursor
- Module extension file extension incorrectly listed as .vext instead of .vmdx
- MouseoverStackViewer mis-centering if "draw pieces" wasn't selected
- Loads from wizard should add filename to window title
- ExecutionException when cancelling a screenshot
- Alt-click, Shift+Ctrl-click should not change selection
- NPE when loading second game in modules using deprecated Map.mainWindowDock

- Reference Manual cleanup
- Improved/Repaired some tables in online docs
- Upgrade bundled Java to 15.0.2+7
- Remove confusing Vassal Version column from MM, show based on preference
- Added infinite loop protection to PlaceMarker
- Search now pre-selects contents of search field when restoring/remembering the previous contents
- Standardize remaining dialogs
- Alt+Shift now an option for band selection of Does Not Stack pieces
- Better window title bars (filename-first like most apps)
- Added infinite loop protection to TurnTracker
- Action Button trait should arm when pressed, fire on release

BirdFont for Windows 4.9.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Moves selected objects in larger steps (Ctrl + arrow)
- Better SVG parser
- A setting for the number of decimals in SVG fonts

Saola Animate 3.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved UI on high-DPI displays
- Export content to video (MP4, WebM, MKV)
- Preset effects and text animations
- Tools for drawing and editing freeform shapes
- Line drawing animation
- Morphing animation
- Elements can show across multiple scenes
- Custom elements from HTML/CSS/JavaScript
- Support embedding HTML folders or packages into HTML widgets
- Image elements support img tags and inline SVG images
- Custom line dashes, line join types, line cap types for shapes and freeforms

- Resize multiple selected elements on Canvas proportionally
- Scale multiple selected animation segments on Timeline proportionally
- Search elements and animations in Timeline and Elements pane
- Copy/paste/delete elements in Timeline
- Ignore mouse and touch events on non-painted areas of elements
- Option to fit a symbol to its content
- Class names for scenes
- Keyframes for changing element text content
- Allow converting built-in shapes to freeforms for editing
- Allow creating keyframes automatically within a predefined time range
- Preview a project in only one browser tab
- Copy/paste SVG paths from vector graphic editors as freeforms
- Copy/paste and drag/drop images from other applications
- Create motion path animations from shape paths of elements on Canvas
- Create freeform shapes from motion path animations
- Lots of other minor improvements

Bugs Fixed:
- Some minor bugs fixed

VASSAL Engine 3.5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Console, for entering commands to affect errorlog, properties, etc.
- Performance improvements for Global Key Commands
- Simpler way to display PDF files from Help menu
- Expose version numbers and module strings to module as properties
- MouseOverStackViewer can show > 1 piece of a deck
- Editor's search function can now search piece traits and component attributes
- MouseoverStackViewer has HTML support and additional formatting options
- "Help" button (and help information) added to Preferences dialog
- Added preference to control drag-at-edge-of-map width
- Threshold for centering on opponent's move is now configurable
- Title Bar of module should always show most recent Save/Load/Log
- Ability to Deselect a piece with a Key Command (also remove it from its stack)
- Flare feature for map
- Added KeyNamer for overriding key names
- Method for removing unused images from modules
- Aesthetic improvements to dialogs
- Chess clocks
- Added Preference for turning off sounds

- Level name in Layer trait is not being saved
13900: MassPieceLoader trait editor shows standard Embellishment trait editor instead of -ecific one
- Reinstate removed TilingHandler ctor for VASL 6.6.1
- NPE in DieManager ctor
- NPE in AbstractMetaData.getVassalVersion()
- Added description field to (nearly) all traits
- Toolbars missing from non-dockable windows
- "Module from older version" check is too strict
- Map/Module Global Key Command Description not being saved
- SendToLocation does not create Movement Trail points
- NPE in DiceButton.setAttribute()
- Find all parentless Dialogs and JOptionPanes and give them a parent
- Non-rectangular trait should remember name of image that created it
- Suffix/Prefix fields in Layer trait are not displayed correctly
- Bad parameter in Editor.UniqueIdManager.more_than_one message
- NPE after cutting/pasting piece palettes in Editor
- Chess clock help file is misnamed
13741: DataArchive.getImageNames() incorrectly returns an empty string if images/ has an -in the ZIP archive
- Piece Slots shouldn't be allowed at very top level of Piece Palette
- Replaced ComponentSplitter with SplitPane for better splitter positioning
- "Remember window size" preference is no longer ignored
- Global preferences are written when changed
- Save As in Editor, if it fails, complains the new filename
- Wizard should set the initial value for next save/load dialog
- Fixed incorrect date format in SecretNotesController
- Prevent top level required components from being deleted in Editor
- Comparison operator >= no longer incorrectly documented as =>
- Antialiasing RenderingHints not set properly for drawing game components

Other improvements:
- Make Flare animation disableable
- File > Import Module moved to Tools > Convert Module
- Simplified communication between Module Manager, Player, Editor
- Combined save and log loading; Load Continuation moved from File to Tools menu
- Improved workflow of zone editor
- Refer to MacOS instead of MacOS X now that MacOS 11 is out
- Simplified ZIP archive writing and error reporting
- Improve look of Auto Configured editor dialogs
- Improve visibility of Logging status - Help people to remember to start logs
- buildFile renamed to buildFile.xml
- Add a chatter message when starting to write a logfile
- Use native file chooser on Linux
- Better handling of logfile/savefile comments
- Saving a module will default to .vmod, an extension to .vext
- Player switching sides now reported in Chat Log
- Move Compatibility related preferences on the General tab to a new Compatibility tab
- Suggest default filename extensions

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BirdFont for Windows 4.8.12 查看版本資訊
