Bitdefender Total Security 歷史版本列表 Page15

最新版本 Bitdefender Total Security

Bitdefender Total Security 歷史版本列表

Bitdefender Total Security 使用機器學習技術來移除和阻止所有網絡威脅,而不會影響設備的性能。它可以解決勒索軟件,密碼竊取,數據竊取,付款的惡意軟件攔截,隱藏的間諜軟件以及使設備無法運行或導致大規模減速的感染,並自動執行,為您做出最好的安全決定. 選擇版本: Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build 位)Bit... Bitdefender Total Security 軟體介紹

Bitdefender Total Security (32-bit)Bitdefender Total Security (64-bit)

EZ CD Audio Converter 7.1.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Codec updates:
- Vorbis updated to 1.3.6 with libogg 1.3.3
- FLAC (1.3.2) updated with libogg 1.3.3
- Opus (1.2.1) updated with libogg 1.3.3
- Correctly detect and decode mono MP3 files that have (invalid) stereo VBR header
- Always keep the original creation date of the file(s) on metadata update
- Minor user interface improvements

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- An issue where the contextual menu would be missing
- An issue where the SafePay virtual keyboard could be moved outside of reach
- An issue where the Wallet would show as enabled in Firefox but disabled in the product
- An issue where the Bitdefender Agent would report that the services are not responding
- An issue where the user was unable to delete/mark as read notifications
- An issue where the Webcam Protection module would crash the Windows Camera and Camera 365 from Toshiba
- An issue where the Autopilot would re-enable itself after coming out of Sleep or after a reboot
- An issue where the product would disconnect PIA VPN

The following improvements were included:
- Several interface improvements
- Augmented the Support Tool's ability to gather Bitdefender relevant data
- Better WSC integration on Windows 10
- Implemented multiple .exe selection in ATD Whitelist
- Product performance and stability tweaks
- Product password now protects the Account tab
- Several improvements to the DiskCleanup module
- Several improvements to the Safe Files module

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed an issue with Active Threat Defense not activating
- Fixed an issue where the product would show "Last Update Never"
- Fixed an issue where the offline weekly updates would not detect Bitdefender 2018
- Fixed an issue where Google would report SafePay is an outdated browser
- Fixed an issue where Custom Scans would not be saved after switching to Aggressive
- Fixed an issue where SafePay couldn't save bank statements(PDF) on

The following improvements were included:
- Wallet's compatibility with several websites
- Several Improvements to the in-product Support Tool
- Several interface improvements
- Various Install Engine optimizations
- Various SafePay optimizations and security improvements
- Several Firewall improvements
- Several Advanced Threat Defense improvements
- Improved compatibility with upcoming Windows release
- Several OneClick Optimizer improvements

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed an issue where the Ransomware Protection(Safe Files) causes the TaskBar icons to hide
- Fixed an issue causing the Agent to initialize improperly causing the product to stay into a inactive state
- Fixed an issue causing the product to block internet access after a period of time
- Fixed an issue where the SafePay notification would appear several times for some banks
- Fixed an issue where the Vulnerability Scan would show a blank window for Critical Windows Updates.
- Fixed an issue where the Reset Settings for Bitdefender Shield would not prompt for confirmation
- Fixed an issue where as the Security Report would display extra days in a month
- Fixed an issue where as the text in the GUI would be displayed with a slight delay
- Fixed an issue where the SafePay Virtual Keyboard would enter the text into the address bar by default
- Fixed an issue where the Open With contextual menu would be disabled once the subscription expires
- Fixed an issue where the Widget would reset its position after a reboot
- Fixed a rare issue where the Name/eMail/Device would not be displayed in the Account Info page
- Fixed a rare issue where as SafePay could not perform a login into certain banking websites
- This version fixes the vulnerability FG-VD-17-019 reported by Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs through responsible disclosure

The following improvements were included:
- Several interface improvements
- USB Immunizer functionality was augmented
- Improved the security of the Install Engine
- Various optimizations to the Install Engine
- Added link to the Bitdefender Uninstall Tool should the Install Engine fail to deploy drivers
- Various optimizations to the Scan Engine
- Various optimizations to the Update Engine
- Various optimizations to the SafePay browser
- Various optimizations to the Firewall - Adapter Engine
- Various optimizations to the Webcam Protection module
- Added Dynamic Adapter type (It will setup itself depending on your Windows Adapter setting : Home/Office type settings for the Private Network and Public for the Public Network)
- Added the ability to copy/paste information from Notifications
- Improvements leading to better compatibility with the next Windows Security Center update

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
- The new generation of the award-winning line introduces a multi-layer defense against ransomware, the malware outbreak that’s evading many detection filters and encrypting users' documents then demanding ransom to decrypt them. Advanced Threat Defense finds patterns of behavior to detect and block even the newest threats while Real Time Protection instantly stops all known threats. As an additional protection, the new Safe Files feature prevents unauthorized alterations to sensitive files.
- User privacy, a growing concern among users in an era of state-sponsored espionage, mass data theft and the proliferation of hackers, is enhanced in the latest Bitdefender product line, with innovations such as Webcam Protection that prevents webcam spying, fending off snoops, blackmailers and others.
- The new Firewall makes it easy for non tech savvy users to take full advantage of this essential safety feature. Account Privacy for iOS and Android checks if any of your e-mails have been leaked, and may be used in subsequent targeted attacks or for extortion.

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)

This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed a crash caused by the Update module
- Fixed a rare crash caused by SafePay
- Fixed a issue with the Firefox extension signatures
- Fixed a issue causing the Bitdefender window to shift to the right
- Fixed a issue causing the Wallet to prompt for the account on the same browser session
- Fixed a issue where the Agent failed to stop
- Fixed a issue where the Wallet would display empty lists when scrolling down the menu
- Fixed a rare crash causing vsserv to crash
- Fixed a crash caused by SafePay
- Fixed a crash caused by the Agent
- Fixed a issue causing the Agent not to deploy properly
- Fixed a issue where the Custom Scan would not start at the proper time
- Fixed a issue where the email archives would be purged from the Quarantine
- Fixed a rare issue causing the Uninstaller to crash
- Fixed a issue where the Security Report would show the improper period
- Fixed a issue where the product would revert the default language to English after a repair
- Fixed a issue where SafePay would not keep the zoom settings from the previous session
- Fixed a issue causing SafePay to be unable to open PDF files

The following improvements were included:
- The product now complies with the Microsoft DSA requirements
- Several improvements to the install engine
- Improved repair process
- Several improvements to the On-Access engine
- Product interface fixes and improvements
- Improved SafePay's functionality
- Several improvements to the product's self-defense mechanism
- Improved the way the Support Tool gathers Bitdefender related information
- Improvements to the Firewall engine
- Improved Wallet's compatibility with several websites
- Added support for the polish language
- Some improvements to the event engine
- Improved the way the product handles remote tasks (example : system scan from Central)
- Improved the way the product integrates with the Windows start-up process
- Some improvements to the Update engine

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)

This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed a issue where the setup window would not show-up properly on high DPI machines
- Fixed a issue where the Trial would not start on a new account
- Fixed a issue where two Uninstall Surveys would open upon removing the product
- Fixed a rare issue where the Switch Account button would not activate on a expired account
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Widget
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Agent
- Fixed a issue where Wallet would not function under SafePay
- Fixed a issue where Paranoid Mode would block a connection without notification
- Fixed a issue where events would not be generated under Home/Office
- Fixed a issue where Aero was causing buttons to disappear from the UI
- Fixed a crash caused by the Subscription engine
- Fixed a issue where the OneClick Optimizer would places.sqlite in Firefox
- Fixed a rare issue where the Setup window would relocate randomly
- Fixed a issue where users would not receive emails with the Anti-Spam enabled
- Fixed a issue where the Paranoid option would be available after disabling AVC
- Fixed a issue where the Setup engine could not create install folders
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Notification Engine
- Fixed a issue where the Update frequency slider would revert to the default setting
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Proxy handler
- Fixed a rare issue where the task for the Agent couldn't be created
- Fixed a issue where Wallet wouldn't autofill on Amazon and eBay
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Settings handler
- Fixed a issue where the Security Report would show 0 files in the Vault
- Fixed a issue where the Vulnerability Scan would show the incorrect size of Windows Updates
- Fixed a rare crash caused by Bitdefender's Photon
- Fixed a issue where SafePay would randomly freeze on Surface Pro 3 devices
- Fixed a rare issue where the Widget would still show the animation for the Vulnerability Scan even after it has been completed
- Fixed a issue where the main interface would open after a delay when accessed from the system tray icon
- Fixed a issue where you the option to shutdown the machine after the scan would not be available

The following improvements were included:
- Product interface fixes and improvements
- Several improvements to the Install Engine
- Various improvements to the registration logic
- Various improvements to the way the product reports errors
- Various improvements to the Firewall Module
- SafePay performance improvements
- Enhanced the way the product uninstalls itself from the system
- Improvements to the product's self-protect function
- Moved the Delete button from Wallet edit mode in view mode
- Wallet now displays the name of the wallet when asking for the password
- Improved Wallet's compatibility with several websites
- Added the option to enable Domain discovery (printer and shares) when the Adapter is set as Home/Office
- Improved the way Bitdefender scans emails through SSL/TLS/STARTTLS

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)

This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed a issue where the "Prompt before download" window would not show
- Fixed a crash caused by Traffic Light
- Fixed a crash caused by the On-Access engine
- Fixed a error where Disk Cleanup would just stop
- Fixed a issue where the Optimizer would not start
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Wallet
- Fixed a rare crash caused by some wireless adapters
- Fixed a rare crash caused by some Nvidia drivers
- Fixed a rare crash caused by Windows Crypto API
- Fixed a crash caused by Wi-Fi advisor when system locale is set to any Asian language
- Fixed a issue where the Home Wi-Fi would show as untrusted
- Fixed a display issue where the pie chart for the Startup Optimizer would be completely grey
- Fixed a issue where all blocked applications would gain internet access after a Agent crash
- Fixed a memory leak in Snap Photo
- Fixed a issue where a scheduled scan would not run at the proper time
- Fixed a issue where the Events(Notifications) would not ask for the Settings password and allow access
- Fixed a issue where the number of days to delete content in the Quarantine woudl revert to the default number
- Fixed a issue where the Eicar test files were not counted in the Live Stats
- Fixed a issue where the title of the product is Total Security instead of the current installed product (AntiVirus / Internet Security)
- Fixed a issue where the Ransomware Protection Event is deleted under certain situations
- Fixed a issue where the "Remind me later" notification would pop-up continuously

The following improvements were included:
- Product interface fixes and improvements
- Various improvements for the install engine
- Improved the way competitive products are being removed
- Various security and functionality improvements for SafePay
- Various improvements and compatibility fixes for the Wallet
- Desktop/Music/Videos are now added as default protected zones under the Ransomware Protection
- Improved the way notifications are handled
- Improved the way trial subscriptions are being handled
- Added the possibility to remove Wi-Fi profiles
- Improved the functionality of the Wi-fi Advisor

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

EZ CD Audio Converter 7.1.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Audio Converter now supports up to 64 parallel converters
- Audio Converter performance improvements

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- An issue where the contextual menu would be missing
- An issue where the SafePay virtual keyboard could be moved outside of reach
- An issue where the Wallet would show as enabled in Firefox but disabled in the product
- An issue where the Bitdefender Agent would report that the services are not responding
- An issue where the user was unable to delete/mark as read notifications
- An issue where the Webcam Protection module would crash the Windows Camera and Camera 365 from Toshiba
- An issue where the Autopilot would re-enable itself after coming out of Sleep or after a reboot
- An issue where the product would disconnect PIA VPN

The following improvements were included:
- Several interface improvements
- Augmented the Support Tool's ability to gather Bitdefender relevant data
- Better WSC integration on Windows 10
- Implemented multiple .exe selection in ATD Whitelist
- Product performance and stability tweaks
- Product password now protects the Account tab
- Several improvements to the DiskCleanup module
- Several improvements to the Safe Files module

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed an issue with Active Threat Defense not activating
- Fixed an issue where the product would show "Last Update Never"
- Fixed an issue where the offline weekly updates would not detect Bitdefender 2018
- Fixed an issue where Google would report SafePay is an outdated browser
- Fixed an issue where Custom Scans would not be saved after switching to Aggressive
- Fixed an issue where SafePay couldn't save bank statements(PDF) on

The following improvements were included:
- Wallet's compatibility with several websites
- Several Improvements to the in-product Support Tool
- Several interface improvements
- Various Install Engine optimizations
- Various SafePay optimizations and security improvements
- Several Firewall improvements
- Several Advanced Threat Defense improvements
- Improved compatibility with upcoming Windows release
- Several OneClick Optimizer improvements

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed an issue where the Ransomware Protection(Safe Files) causes the TaskBar icons to hide
- Fixed an issue causing the Agent to initialize improperly causing the product to stay into a inactive state
- Fixed an issue causing the product to block internet access after a period of time
- Fixed an issue where the SafePay notification would appear several times for some banks
- Fixed an issue where the Vulnerability Scan would show a blank window for Critical Windows Updates.
- Fixed an issue where the Reset Settings for Bitdefender Shield would not prompt for confirmation
- Fixed an issue where as the Security Report would display extra days in a month
- Fixed an issue where as the text in the GUI would be displayed with a slight delay
- Fixed an issue where the SafePay Virtual Keyboard would enter the text into the address bar by default
- Fixed an issue where the Open With contextual menu would be disabled once the subscription expires
- Fixed an issue where the Widget would reset its position after a reboot
- Fixed a rare issue where the Name/eMail/Device would not be displayed in the Account Info page
- Fixed a rare issue where as SafePay could not perform a login into certain banking websites
- This version fixes the vulnerability FG-VD-17-019 reported by Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs through responsible disclosure

The following improvements were included:
- Several interface improvements
- USB Immunizer functionality was augmented
- Improved the security of the Install Engine
- Various optimizations to the Install Engine
- Added link to the Bitdefender Uninstall Tool should the Install Engine fail to deploy drivers
- Various optimizations to the Scan Engine
- Various optimizations to the Update Engine
- Various optimizations to the SafePay browser
- Various optimizations to the Firewall - Adapter Engine
- Various optimizations to the Webcam Protection module
- Added Dynamic Adapter type (It will setup itself depending on your Windows Adapter setting : Home/Office type settings for the Private Network and Public for the Public Network)
- Added the ability to copy/paste information from Notifications
- Improvements leading to better compatibility with the next Windows Security Center update

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
- The new generation of the award-winning line introduces a multi-layer defense against ransomware, the malware outbreak that’s evading many detection filters and encrypting users' documents then demanding ransom to decrypt them. Advanced Threat Defense finds patterns of behavior to detect and block even the newest threats while Real Time Protection instantly stops all known threats. As an additional protection, the new Safe Files feature prevents unauthorized alterations to sensitive files.
- User privacy, a growing concern among users in an era of state-sponsored espionage, mass data theft and the proliferation of hackers, is enhanced in the latest Bitdefender product line, with innovations such as Webcam Protection that prevents webcam spying, fending off snoops, blackmailers and others.
- The new Firewall makes it easy for non tech savvy users to take full advantage of this essential safety feature. Account Privacy for iOS and Android checks if any of your e-mails have been leaked, and may be used in subsequent targeted attacks or for extortion.

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)

This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed a crash caused by the Update module
- Fixed a rare crash caused by SafePay
- Fixed a issue with the Firefox extension signatures
- Fixed a issue causing the Bitdefender window to shift to the right
- Fixed a issue causing the Wallet to prompt for the account on the same browser session
- Fixed a issue where the Agent failed to stop
- Fixed a issue where the Wallet would display empty lists when scrolling down the menu
- Fixed a rare crash causing vsserv to crash
- Fixed a crash caused by SafePay
- Fixed a crash caused by the Agent
- Fixed a issue causing the Agent not to deploy properly
- Fixed a issue where the Custom Scan would not start at the proper time
- Fixed a issue where the email archives would be purged from the Quarantine
- Fixed a rare issue causing the Uninstaller to crash
- Fixed a issue where the Security Report would show the improper period
- Fixed a issue where the product would revert the default language to English after a repair
- Fixed a issue where SafePay would not keep the zoom settings from the previous session
- Fixed a issue causing SafePay to be unable to open PDF files

The following improvements were included:
- The product now complies with the Microsoft DSA requirements
- Several improvements to the install engine
- Improved repair process
- Several improvements to the On-Access engine
- Product interface fixes and improvements
- Improved SafePay's functionality
- Several improvements to the product's self-defense mechanism
- Improved the way the Support Tool gathers Bitdefender related information
- Improvements to the Firewall engine
- Improved Wallet's compatibility with several websites
- Added support for the polish language
- Some improvements to the event engine
- Improved the way the product handles remote tasks (example : system scan from Central)
- Improved the way the product integrates with the Windows start-up process
- Some improvements to the Update engine

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)

This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed a issue where the setup window would not show-up properly on high DPI machines
- Fixed a issue where the Trial would not start on a new account
- Fixed a issue where two Uninstall Surveys would open upon removing the product
- Fixed a rare issue where the Switch Account button would not activate on a expired account
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Widget
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Agent
- Fixed a issue where Wallet would not function under SafePay
- Fixed a issue where Paranoid Mode would block a connection without notification
- Fixed a issue where events would not be generated under Home/Office
- Fixed a issue where Aero was causing buttons to disappear from the UI
- Fixed a crash caused by the Subscription engine
- Fixed a issue where the OneClick Optimizer would places.sqlite in Firefox
- Fixed a rare issue where the Setup window would relocate randomly
- Fixed a issue where users would not receive emails with the Anti-Spam enabled
- Fixed a issue where the Paranoid option would be available after disabling AVC
- Fixed a issue where the Setup engine could not create install folders
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Notification Engine
- Fixed a issue where the Update frequency slider would revert to the default setting
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Proxy handler
- Fixed a rare issue where the task for the Agent couldn't be created
- Fixed a issue where Wallet wouldn't autofill on Amazon and eBay
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Settings handler
- Fixed a issue where the Security Report would show 0 files in the Vault
- Fixed a issue where the Vulnerability Scan would show the incorrect size of Windows Updates
- Fixed a rare crash caused by Bitdefender's Photon
- Fixed a issue where SafePay would randomly freeze on Surface Pro 3 devices
- Fixed a rare issue where the Widget would still show the animation for the Vulnerability Scan even after it has been completed
- Fixed a issue where the main interface would open after a delay when accessed from the system tray icon
- Fixed a issue where you the option to shutdown the machine after the scan would not be available

The following improvements were included:
- Product interface fixes and improvements
- Several improvements to the Install Engine
- Various improvements to the registration logic
- Various improvements to the way the product reports errors
- Various improvements to the Firewall Module
- SafePay performance improvements
- Enhanced the way the product uninstalls itself from the system
- Improvements to the product's self-protect function
- Moved the Delete button from Wallet edit mode in view mode
- Wallet now displays the name of the wallet when asking for the password
- Improved Wallet's compatibility with several websites
- Added the option to enable Domain discovery (printer and shares) when the Adapter is set as Home/Office
- Improved the way Bitdefender scans emails through SSL/TLS/STARTTLS

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)

This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed a issue where the "Prompt before download" window would not show
- Fixed a crash caused by Traffic Light
- Fixed a crash caused by the On-Access engine
- Fixed a error where Disk Cleanup would just stop
- Fixed a issue where the Optimizer would not start
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Wallet
- Fixed a rare crash caused by some wireless adapters
- Fixed a rare crash caused by some Nvidia drivers
- Fixed a rare crash caused by Windows Crypto API
- Fixed a crash caused by Wi-Fi advisor when system locale is set to any Asian language
- Fixed a issue where the Home Wi-Fi would show as untrusted
- Fixed a display issue where the pie chart for the Startup Optimizer would be completely grey
- Fixed a issue where all blocked applications would gain internet access after a Agent crash
- Fixed a memory leak in Snap Photo
- Fixed a issue where a scheduled scan would not run at the proper time
- Fixed a issue where the Events(Notifications) would not ask for the Settings password and allow access
- Fixed a issue where the number of days to delete content in the Quarantine woudl revert to the default number
- Fixed a issue where the Eicar test files were not counted in the Live Stats
- Fixed a issue where the title of the product is Total Security instead of the current installed product (AntiVirus / Internet Security)
- Fixed a issue where the Ransomware Protection Event is deleted under certain situations
- Fixed a issue where the "Remind me later" notification would pop-up continuously

The following improvements were included:
- Product interface fixes and improvements
- Various improvements for the install engine
- Improved the way competitive products are being removed
- Various security and functionality improvements for SafePay
- Various improvements and compatibility fixes for the Wallet
- Desktop/Music/Videos are now added as default protected zones under the Ransomware Protection
- Improved the way notifications are handled
- Improved the way trial subscriptions are being handled
- Added the possibility to remove Wi-Fi profiles
- Improved the functionality of the Wi-fi Advisor

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- An issue where the contextual menu would be missing
- An issue where the SafePay virtual keyboard could be moved outside of reach
- An issue where the Wallet would show as enabled in Firefox but disabled in the product
- An issue where the Bitdefender Agent would report that the services are not responding
- An issue where the user was unable to delete/mark as read notifications
- An issue where the Webcam Protection module would crash the Windows Camera and Camera 365 from Toshiba
- An issue where the Autopilot would re-enable itself after coming out of Sleep or after a reboot
- An issue where the product would disconnect PIA VPN

The following improvements were included:
- Several interface improvements
- Augmented the Support Tool's ability to gather Bitdefender relevant data
- Better WSC integration on Windows 10
- Implemented multiple .exe selection in ATD Whitelist
- Product performance and stability tweaks
- Product password now protects the Account tab
- Several improvements to the DiskCleanup module
- Several improvements to the Safe Files module

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed an issue with Active Threat Defense not activating
- Fixed an issue where the product would show "Last Update Never"
- Fixed an issue where the offline weekly updates would not detect Bitdefender 2018
- Fixed an issue where Google would report SafePay is an outdated browser
- Fixed an issue where Custom Scans would not be saved after switching to Aggressive
- Fixed an issue where SafePay couldn't save bank statements(PDF) on

The following improvements were included:
- Wallet's compatibility with several websites
- Several Improvements to the in-product Support Tool
- Several interface improvements
- Various Install Engine optimizations
- Various SafePay optimizations and security improvements
- Several Firewall improvements
- Several Advanced Threat Defense improvements
- Improved compatibility with upcoming Windows release
- Several OneClick Optimizer improvements

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed an issue where the Ransomware Protection(Safe Files) causes the TaskBar icons to hide
- Fixed an issue causing the Agent to initialize improperly causing the product to stay into a inactive state
- Fixed an issue causing the product to block internet access after a period of time
- Fixed an issue where the SafePay notification would appear several times for some banks
- Fixed an issue where the Vulnerability Scan would show a blank window for Critical Windows Updates.
- Fixed an issue where the Reset Settings for Bitdefender Shield would not prompt for confirmation
- Fixed an issue where as the Security Report would display extra days in a month
- Fixed an issue where as the text in the GUI would be displayed with a slight delay
- Fixed an issue where the SafePay Virtual Keyboard would enter the text into the address bar by default
- Fixed an issue where the Open With contextual menu would be disabled once the subscription expires
- Fixed an issue where the Widget would reset its position after a reboot
- Fixed a rare issue where the Name/eMail/Device would not be displayed in the Account Info page
- Fixed a rare issue where as SafePay could not perform a login into certain banking websites
- This version fixes the vulnerability FG-VD-17-019 reported by Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs through responsible disclosure

The following improvements were included:
- Several interface improvements
- USB Immunizer functionality was augmented
- Improved the security of the Install Engine
- Various optimizations to the Install Engine
- Added link to the Bitdefender Uninstall Tool should the Install Engine fail to deploy drivers
- Various optimizations to the Scan Engine
- Various optimizations to the Update Engine
- Various optimizations to the SafePay browser
- Various optimizations to the Firewall - Adapter Engine
- Various optimizations to the Webcam Protection module
- Added Dynamic Adapter type (It will setup itself depending on your Windows Adapter setting : Home/Office type settings for the Private Network and Public for the Public Network)
- Added the ability to copy/paste information from Notifications
- Improvements leading to better compatibility with the next Windows Security Center update

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
- The new generation of the award-winning line introduces a multi-layer defense against ransomware, the malware outbreak that’s evading many detection filters and encrypting users' documents then demanding ransom to decrypt them. Advanced Threat Defense finds patterns of behavior to detect and block even the newest threats while Real Time Protection instantly stops all known threats. As an additional protection, the new Safe Files feature prevents unauthorized alterations to sensitive files.
- User privacy, a growing concern among users in an era of state-sponsored espionage, mass data theft and the proliferation of hackers, is enhanced in the latest Bitdefender product line, with innovations such as Webcam Protection that prevents webcam spying, fending off snoops, blackmailers and others.
- The new Firewall makes it easy for non tech savvy users to take full advantage of this essential safety feature. Account Privacy for iOS and Android checks if any of your e-mails have been leaked, and may be used in subsequent targeted attacks or for extortion.

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)

This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed a crash caused by the Update module
- Fixed a rare crash caused by SafePay
- Fixed a issue with the Firefox extension signatures
- Fixed a issue causing the Bitdefender window to shift to the right
- Fixed a issue causing the Wallet to prompt for the account on the same browser session
- Fixed a issue where the Agent failed to stop
- Fixed a issue where the Wallet would display empty lists when scrolling down the menu
- Fixed a rare crash causing vsserv to crash
- Fixed a crash caused by SafePay
- Fixed a crash caused by the Agent
- Fixed a issue causing the Agent not to deploy properly
- Fixed a issue where the Custom Scan would not start at the proper time
- Fixed a issue where the email archives would be purged from the Quarantine
- Fixed a rare issue causing the Uninstaller to crash
- Fixed a issue where the Security Report would show the improper period
- Fixed a issue where the product would revert the default language to English after a repair
- Fixed a issue where SafePay would not keep the zoom settings from the previous session
- Fixed a issue causing SafePay to be unable to open PDF files

The following improvements were included:
- The product now complies with the Microsoft DSA requirements
- Several improvements to the install engine
- Improved repair process
- Several improvements to the On-Access engine
- Product interface fixes and improvements
- Improved SafePay's functionality
- Several improvements to the product's self-defense mechanism
- Improved the way the Support Tool gathers Bitdefender related information
- Improvements to the Firewall engine
- Improved Wallet's compatibility with several websites
- Added support for the polish language
- Some improvements to the event engine
- Improved the way the product handles remote tasks (example : system scan from Central)
- Improved the way the product integrates with the Windows start-up process
- Some improvements to the Update engine

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)

This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed a issue where the setup window would not show-up properly on high DPI machines
- Fixed a issue where the Trial would not start on a new account
- Fixed a issue where two Uninstall Surveys would open upon removing the product
- Fixed a rare issue where the Switch Account button would not activate on a expired account
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Widget
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Agent
- Fixed a issue where Wallet would not function under SafePay
- Fixed a issue where Paranoid Mode would block a connection without notification
- Fixed a issue where events would not be generated under Home/Office
- Fixed a issue where Aero was causing buttons to disappear from the UI
- Fixed a crash caused by the Subscription engine
- Fixed a issue where the OneClick Optimizer would places.sqlite in Firefox
- Fixed a rare issue where the Setup window would relocate randomly
- Fixed a issue where users would not receive emails with the Anti-Spam enabled
- Fixed a issue where the Paranoid option would be available after disabling AVC
- Fixed a issue where the Setup engine could not create install folders
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Notification Engine
- Fixed a issue where the Update frequency slider would revert to the default setting
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Proxy handler
- Fixed a rare issue where the task for the Agent couldn't be created
- Fixed a issue where Wallet wouldn't autofill on Amazon and eBay
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Settings handler
- Fixed a issue where the Security Report would show 0 files in the Vault
- Fixed a issue where the Vulnerability Scan would show the incorrect size of Windows Updates
- Fixed a rare crash caused by Bitdefender's Photon
- Fixed a issue where SafePay would randomly freeze on Surface Pro 3 devices
- Fixed a rare issue where the Widget would still show the animation for the Vulnerability Scan even after it has been completed
- Fixed a issue where the main interface would open after a delay when accessed from the system tray icon
- Fixed a issue where you the option to shutdown the machine after the scan would not be available

The following improvements were included:
- Product interface fixes and improvements
- Several improvements to the Install Engine
- Various improvements to the registration logic
- Various improvements to the way the product reports errors
- Various improvements to the Firewall Module
- SafePay performance improvements
- Enhanced the way the product uninstalls itself from the system
- Improvements to the product's self-protect function
- Moved the Delete button from Wallet edit mode in view mode
- Wallet now displays the name of the wallet when asking for the password
- Improved Wallet's compatibility with several websites
- Added the option to enable Domain discovery (printer and shares) when the Adapter is set as Home/Office
- Improved the way Bitdefender scans emails through SSL/TLS/STARTTLS

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)

This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed a issue where the "Prompt before download" window would not show
- Fixed a crash caused by Traffic Light
- Fixed a crash caused by the On-Access engine
- Fixed a error where Disk Cleanup would just stop
- Fixed a issue where the Optimizer would not start
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Wallet
- Fixed a rare crash caused by some wireless adapters
- Fixed a rare crash caused by some Nvidia drivers
- Fixed a rare crash caused by Windows Crypto API
- Fixed a crash caused by Wi-Fi advisor when system locale is set to any Asian language
- Fixed a issue where the Home Wi-Fi would show as untrusted
- Fixed a display issue where the pie chart for the Startup Optimizer would be completely grey
- Fixed a issue where all blocked applications would gain internet access after a Agent crash
- Fixed a memory leak in Snap Photo
- Fixed a issue where a scheduled scan would not run at the proper time
- Fixed a issue where the Events(Notifications) would not ask for the Settings password and allow access
- Fixed a issue where the number of days to delete content in the Quarantine woudl revert to the default number
- Fixed a issue where the Eicar test files were not counted in the Live Stats
- Fixed a issue where the title of the product is Total Security instead of the current installed product (AntiVirus / Internet Security)
- Fixed a issue where the Ransomware Protection Event is deleted under certain situations
- Fixed a issue where the "Remind me later" notification would pop-up continuously

The following improvements were included:
- Product interface fixes and improvements
- Various improvements for the install engine
- Improved the way competitive products are being removed
- Various security and functionality improvements for SafePay
- Various improvements and compatibility fixes for the Wallet
- Desktop/Music/Videos are now added as default protected zones under the Ransomware Protection
- Improved the way notifications are handled
- Improved the way trial subscriptions are being handled
- Added the possibility to remove Wi-Fi profiles
- Improved the functionality of the Wi-fi Advisor

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed an issue with Active Threat Defense not activating
- Fixed an issue where the product would show "Last Update Never"
- Fixed an issue where the offline weekly updates would not detect Bitdefender 2018
- Fixed an issue where Google would report SafePay is an outdated browser
- Fixed an issue where Custom Scans would not be saved after switching to Aggressive
- Fixed an issue where SafePay couldn't save bank statements(PDF) on

The following improvements were included:
- Wallet's compatibility with several websites
- Several Improvements to the in-product Support Tool
- Several interface improvements
- Various Install Engine optimizations
- Various SafePay optimizations and security improvements
- Several Firewall improvements
- Several Advanced Threat Defense improvements
- Improved compatibility with upcoming Windows release
- Several OneClick Optimizer improvements

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed an issue where the Ransomware Protection(Safe Files) causes the TaskBar icons to hide
- Fixed an issue causing the Agent to initialize improperly causing the product to stay into a inactive state
- Fixed an issue causing the product to block internet access after a period of time
- Fixed an issue where the SafePay notification would appear several times for some banks
- Fixed an issue where the Vulnerability Scan would show a blank window for Critical Windows Updates.
- Fixed an issue where the Reset Settings for Bitdefender Shield would not prompt for confirmation
- Fixed an issue where as the Security Report would display extra days in a month
- Fixed an issue where as the text in the GUI would be displayed with a slight delay
- Fixed an issue where the SafePay Virtual Keyboard would enter the text into the address bar by default
- Fixed an issue where the Open With contextual menu would be disabled once the subscription expires
- Fixed an issue where the Widget would reset its position after a reboot
- Fixed a rare issue where the Name/eMail/Device would not be displayed in the Account Info page
- Fixed a rare issue where as SafePay could not perform a login into certain banking websites
- This version fixes the vulnerability FG-VD-17-019 reported by Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs through responsible disclosure

The following improvements were included:
- Several interface improvements
- USB Immunizer functionality was augmented
- Improved the security of the Install Engine
- Various optimizations to the Install Engine
- Added link to the Bitdefender Uninstall Tool should the Install Engine fail to deploy drivers
- Various optimizations to the Scan Engine
- Various optimizations to the Update Engine
- Various optimizations to the SafePay browser
- Various optimizations to the Firewall - Adapter Engine
- Various optimizations to the Webcam Protection module
- Added Dynamic Adapter type (It will setup itself depending on your Windows Adapter setting : Home/Office type settings for the Private Network and Public for the Public Network)
- Added the ability to copy/paste information from Notifications
- Improvements leading to better compatibility with the next Windows Security Center update

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (32-bit)
- The new generation of the award-winning line introduces a multi-layer defense against ransomware, the malware outbreak that’s evading many detection filters and encrypting users' documents then demanding ransom to decrypt them. Advanced Threat Defense finds patterns of behavior to detect and block even the newest threats while Real Time Protection instantly stops all known threats. As an additional protection, the new Safe Files feature prevents unauthorized alterations to sensitive files.
- User privacy, a growing concern among users in an era of state-sponsored espionage, mass data theft and the proliferation of hackers, is enhanced in the latest Bitdefender product line, with innovations such as Webcam Protection that prevents webcam spying, fending off snoops, blackmailers and others.
- The new Firewall makes it easy for non tech savvy users to take full advantage of this essential safety feature. Account Privacy for iOS and Android checks if any of your e-mails have been leaked, and may be used in subsequent targeted attacks or for extortion.

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)

This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed a crash caused by the Update module
- Fixed a rare crash caused by SafePay
- Fixed a issue with the Firefox extension signatures
- Fixed a issue causing the Bitdefender window to shift to the right
- Fixed a issue causing the Wallet to prompt for the account on the same browser session
- Fixed a issue where the Agent failed to stop
- Fixed a issue where the Wallet would display empty lists when scrolling down the menu
- Fixed a rare crash causing vsserv to crash
- Fixed a crash caused by SafePay
- Fixed a crash caused by the Agent
- Fixed a issue causing the Agent not to deploy properly
- Fixed a issue where the Custom Scan would not start at the proper time
- Fixed a issue where the email archives would be purged from the Quarantine
- Fixed a rare issue causing the Uninstaller to crash
- Fixed a issue where the Security Report would show the improper period
- Fixed a issue where the product would revert the default language to English after a repair
- Fixed a issue where SafePay would not keep the zoom settings from the previous session
- Fixed a issue causing SafePay to be unable to open PDF files

The following improvements were included:
- The product now complies with the Microsoft DSA requirements
- Several improvements to the install engine
- Improved repair process
- Several improvements to the On-Access engine
- Product interface fixes and improvements
- Improved SafePay's functionality
- Several improvements to the product's self-defense mechanism
- Improved the way the Support Tool gathers Bitdefender related information
- Improvements to the Firewall engine
- Improved Wallet's compatibility with several websites
- Added support for the polish language
- Some improvements to the event engine
- Improved the way the product handles remote tasks (example : system scan from Central)
- Improved the way the product integrates with the Windows start-up process
- Some improvements to the Update engine

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)

This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed a issue where the setup window would not show-up properly on high DPI machines
- Fixed a issue where the Trial would not start on a new account
- Fixed a issue where two Uninstall Surveys would open upon removing the product
- Fixed a rare issue where the Switch Account button would not activate on a expired account
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Widget
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Agent
- Fixed a issue where Wallet would not function under SafePay
- Fixed a issue where Paranoid Mode would block a connection without notification
- Fixed a issue where events would not be generated under Home/Office
- Fixed a issue where Aero was causing buttons to disappear from the UI
- Fixed a crash caused by the Subscription engine
- Fixed a issue where the OneClick Optimizer would places.sqlite in Firefox
- Fixed a rare issue where the Setup window would relocate randomly
- Fixed a issue where users would not receive emails with the Anti-Spam enabled
- Fixed a issue where the Paranoid option would be available after disabling AVC
- Fixed a issue where the Setup engine could not create install folders
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Notification Engine
- Fixed a issue where the Update frequency slider would revert to the default setting
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Proxy handler
- Fixed a rare issue where the task for the Agent couldn't be created
- Fixed a issue where Wallet wouldn't autofill on Amazon and eBay
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Settings handler
- Fixed a issue where the Security Report would show 0 files in the Vault
- Fixed a issue where the Vulnerability Scan would show the incorrect size of Windows Updates
- Fixed a rare crash caused by Bitdefender's Photon
- Fixed a issue where SafePay would randomly freeze on Surface Pro 3 devices
- Fixed a rare issue where the Widget would still show the animation for the Vulnerability Scan even after it has been completed
- Fixed a issue where the main interface would open after a delay when accessed from the system tray icon
- Fixed a issue where you the option to shutdown the machine after the scan would not be available

The following improvements were included:
- Product interface fixes and improvements
- Several improvements to the Install Engine
- Various improvements to the registration logic
- Various improvements to the way the product reports errors
- Various improvements to the Firewall Module
- SafePay performance improvements
- Enhanced the way the product uninstalls itself from the system
- Improvements to the product's self-protect function
- Moved the Delete button from Wallet edit mode in view mode
- Wallet now displays the name of the wallet when asking for the password
- Improved Wallet's compatibility with several websites
- Added the option to enable Domain discovery (printer and shares) when the Adapter is set as Home/Office
- Improved the way Bitdefender scans emails through SSL/TLS/STARTTLS

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)

This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed a issue where the "Prompt before download" window would not show
- Fixed a crash caused by Traffic Light
- Fixed a crash caused by the On-Access engine
- Fixed a error where Disk Cleanup would just stop
- Fixed a issue where the Optimizer would not start
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Wallet
- Fixed a rare crash caused by some wireless adapters
- Fixed a rare crash caused by some Nvidia drivers
- Fixed a rare crash caused by Windows Crypto API
- Fixed a crash caused by Wi-Fi advisor when system locale is set to any Asian language
- Fixed a issue where the Home Wi-Fi would show as untrusted
- Fixed a display issue where the pie chart for the Startup Optimizer would be completely grey
- Fixed a issue where all blocked applications would gain internet access after a Agent crash
- Fixed a memory leak in Snap Photo
- Fixed a issue where a scheduled scan would not run at the proper time
- Fixed a issue where the Events(Notifications) would not ask for the Settings password and allow access
- Fixed a issue where the number of days to delete content in the Quarantine woudl revert to the default number
- Fixed a issue where the Eicar test files were not counted in the Live Stats
- Fixed a issue where the title of the product is Total Security instead of the current installed product (AntiVirus / Internet Security)
- Fixed a issue where the Ransomware Protection Event is deleted under certain situations
- Fixed a issue where the "Remind me later" notification would pop-up continuously

The following improvements were included:
- Product interface fixes and improvements
- Various improvements for the install engine
- Improved the way competitive products are being removed
- Various security and functionality improvements for SafePay
- Various improvements and compatibility fixes for the Wallet
- Desktop/Music/Videos are now added as default protected zones under the Ransomware Protection
- Improved the way notifications are handled
- Improved the way trial subscriptions are being handled
- Added the possibility to remove Wi-Fi profiles
- Improved the functionality of the Wi-fi Advisor

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (64-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed an issue with Active Threat Defense not activating
- Fixed an issue where the product would show "Last Update Never"
- Fixed an issue where the offline weekly updates would not detect Bitdefender 2018
- Fixed an issue where Google would report SafePay is an outdated browser
- Fixed an issue where Custom Scans would not be saved after switching to Aggressive
- Fixed an issue where SafePay couldn't save bank statements(PDF) on

The following improvements were included:
- Wallet's compatibility with several websites
- Several Improvements to the in-product Support Tool
- Several interface improvements
- Various Install Engine optimizations
- Various SafePay optimizations and security improvements
- Several Firewall improvements
- Several Advanced Threat Defense improvements
- Improved compatibility with upcoming Windows release
- Several OneClick Optimizer improvements

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (64-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed an issue where the Ransomware Protection(Safe Files) causes the TaskBar icons to hide
- Fixed an issue causing the Agent to initialize improperly causing the product to stay into a inactive state
- Fixed an issue causing the product to block internet access after a period of time
- Fixed an issue where the SafePay notification would appear several times for some banks
- Fixed an issue where the Vulnerability Scan would show a blank window for Critical Windows Updates.
- Fixed an issue where the Reset Settings for Bitdefender Shield would not prompt for confirmation
- Fixed an issue where as the Security Report would display extra days in a month
- Fixed an issue where as the text in the GUI would be displayed with a slight delay
- Fixed an issue where the SafePay Virtual Keyboard would enter the text into the address bar by default
- Fixed an issue where the Open With contextual menu would be disabled once the subscription expires
- Fixed an issue where the Widget would reset its position after a reboot
- Fixed a rare issue where the Name/eMail/Device would not be displayed in the Account Info page
- Fixed a rare issue where as SafePay could not perform a login into certain banking websites
- This version fixes the vulnerability FG-VD-17-019 reported by Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs through responsible disclosure

The following improvements were included:
- Several interface improvements
- USB Immunizer functionality was augmented
- Improved the security of the Install Engine
- Various optimizations to the Install Engine
- Added link to the Bitdefender Uninstall Tool should the Install Engine fail to deploy drivers
- Various optimizations to the Scan Engine
- Various optimizations to the Update Engine
- Various optimizations to the SafePay browser
- Various optimizations to the Firewall - Adapter Engine
- Various optimizations to the Webcam Protection module
- Added Dynamic Adapter type (It will setup itself depending on your Windows Adapter setting : Home/Office type settings for the Private Network and Public for the Public Network)
- Added the ability to copy/paste information from Notifications
- Improvements leading to better compatibility with the next Windows Security Center update

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 Build (64-bit)
- The new generation of the award-winning line introduces a multi-layer defense against ransomware, the malware outbreak that’s evading many detection filters and encrypting users' documents then demanding ransom to decrypt them. Advanced Threat Defense finds patterns of behavior to detect and block even the newest threats while Real Time Protection instantly stops all known threats. As an additional protection, the new Safe Files feature prevents unauthorized alterations to sensitive files.
- User privacy, a growing concern among users in an era of state-sponsored espionage, mass data theft and the proliferation of hackers, is enhanced in the latest Bitdefender product line, with innovations such as Webcam Protection that prevents webcam spying, fending off snoops, blackmailers and others.
- The new Firewall makes it easy for non tech savvy users to take full advantage of this essential safety feature. Account Privacy for iOS and Android checks if any of your e-mails have been leaked, and may be used in subsequent targeted attacks or for extortion.

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (64-bit)

This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed a crash caused by the Update module
- Fixed a rare crash caused by SafePay
- Fixed a issue with the Firefox extension signatures
- Fixed a issue causing the Bitdefender window to shift to the right
- Fixed a issue causing the Wallet to prompt for the account on the same browser session
- Fixed a issue where the Agent failed to stop
- Fixed a issue where the Wallet would display empty lists when scrolling down the menu
- Fixed a rare crash causing vsserv to crash
- Fixed a crash caused by SafePay
- Fixed a crash caused by the Agent
- Fixed a issue causing the Agent not to deploy properly
- Fixed a issue where the Custom Scan would not start at the proper time
- Fixed a issue where the email archives would be purged from the Quarantine
- Fixed a rare issue causing the Uninstaller to crash
- Fixed a issue where the Security Report would show the improper period
- Fixed a issue where the product would revert the default language to English after a repair
- Fixed a issue where SafePay would not keep the zoom settings from the previous session
- Fixed a issue causing SafePay to be unable to open PDF files

The following improvements were included:
- The product now complies with the Microsoft DSA requirements
- Several improvements to the install engine
- Improved repair process
- Several improvements to the On-Access engine
- Product interface fixes and improvements
- Improved SafePay's functionality
- Several improvements to the product's self-defense mechanism
- Improved the way the Support Tool gathers Bitdefender related information
- Improvements to the Firewall engine
- Improved Wallet's compatibility with several websites
- Added support for the polish language
- Some improvements to the event engine
- Improved the way the product handles remote tasks (example : system scan from Central)
- Improved the way the product integrates with the Windows start-up process
- Some improvements to the Update engine

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (64-bit)

This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed a issue where the setup window would not show-up properly on high DPI machines
- Fixed a issue where the Trial would not start on a new account
- Fixed a issue where two Uninstall Surveys would open upon removing the product
- Fixed a rare issue where the Switch Account button would not activate on a expired account
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Widget
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Agent
- Fixed a issue where Wallet would not function under SafePay
- Fixed a issue where Paranoid Mode would block a connection without notification
- Fixed a issue where events would not be generated under Home/Office
- Fixed a issue where Aero was causing buttons to disappear from the UI
- Fixed a crash caused by the Subscription engine
- Fixed a issue where the OneClick Optimizer would places.sqlite in Firefox
- Fixed a rare issue where the Setup window would relocate randomly
- Fixed a issue where users would not receive emails with the Anti-Spam enabled
- Fixed a issue where the Paranoid option would be available after disabling AVC
- Fixed a issue where the Setup engine could not create install folders
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Notification Engine
- Fixed a issue where the Update frequency slider would revert to the default setting
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Proxy handler
- Fixed a rare issue where the task for the Agent couldn't be created
- Fixed a issue where Wallet wouldn't autofill on Amazon and eBay
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Settings handler
- Fixed a issue where the Security Report would show 0 files in the Vault
- Fixed a issue where the Vulnerability Scan would show the incorrect size of Windows Updates
- Fixed a rare crash caused by Bitdefender's Photon
- Fixed a issue where SafePay would randomly freeze on Surface Pro 3 devices
- Fixed a rare issue where the Widget would still show the animation for the Vulnerability Scan even after it has been completed
- Fixed a issue where the main interface would open after a delay when accessed from the system tray icon
- Fixed a issue where you the option to shutdown the machine after the scan would not be available

The following improvements were included:
- Product interface fixes and improvements
- Several improvements to the Install Engine
- Various improvements to the registration logic
- Various improvements to the way the product reports errors
- Various improvements to the Firewall Module
- SafePay performance improvements
- Enhanced the way the product uninstalls itself from the system
- Improvements to the product's self-protect function
- Moved the Delete button from Wallet edit mode in view mode
- Wallet now displays the name of the wallet when asking for the password
- Improved Wallet's compatibility with several websites
- Added the option to enable Domain discovery (printer and shares) when the Adapter is set as Home/Office
- Improved the way Bitdefender scans emails through SSL/TLS/STARTTLS

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (64-bit)

This version fixes the following issues:
- Fixed a issue where the "Prompt before download" window would not show
- Fixed a crash caused by Traffic Light
- Fixed a crash caused by the On-Access engine
- Fixed a error where Disk Cleanup would just stop
- Fixed a issue where the Optimizer would not start
- Fixed a rare crash caused by the Wallet
- Fixed a rare crash caused by some wireless adapters
- Fixed a rare crash caused by some Nvidia drivers
- Fixed a rare crash caused by Windows Crypto API
- Fixed a crash caused by Wi-Fi advisor when system locale is set to any Asian language
- Fixed a issue where the Home Wi-Fi would show as untrusted
- Fixed a display issue where the pie chart for the Startup Optimizer would be completely grey
- Fixed a issue where all blocked applications would gain internet access after a Agent crash
- Fixed a memory leak in Snap Photo
- Fixed a issue where a scheduled scan would not run at the proper time
- Fixed a issue where the Events(Notifications) would not ask for the Settings password and allow access
- Fixed a issue where the number of days to delete content in the Quarantine woudl revert to the default number
- Fixed a issue where the Eicar test files were not counted in the Live Stats
- Fixed a issue where the title of the product is Total Security instead of the current installed product (AntiVirus / Internet Security)
- Fixed a issue where the Ransomware Protection Event is deleted under certain situations
- Fixed a issue where the "Remind me later" notification would pop-up continuously

The following improvements were included:
- Product interface fixes and improvements
- Various improvements for the install engine
- Improved the way competitive products are being removed
- Various security and functionality improvements for SafePay
- Various improvements and compatibility fixes for the Wallet
- Desktop/Music/Videos are now added as default protected zones under the Ransomware Protection
- Improved the way notifications are handled
- Improved the way trial subscriptions are being handled
- Added the possibility to remove Wi-Fi profiles
- Improved the functionality of the Wi-fi Advisor

Bitdefender Total Security 2017 Build (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Input Director 1.4 查看版本資訊


Bitdefender Total Security 2016 Build (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bitdefender Total Security 2016 Build (32-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- Rare issue where the firewall driver wasn't signed under Windows 7
- Issue where the Wallet menu wasn't opening properly
- Blank pages in SafePay while Hardware Acceleration is on
- Rare issue where the Agent couldn't handle the proper URL
- Rare issue where the Traffic Light module deactivates after 30 days
- Rare issue where the product's menu would crash
- Several User Interface display and localization issues
- Rare bug where the Battery profile would get corrupted
- Issue where the Ransomware module would block applications ran from network drives
- Minor issues with the installation process
- Issue where Xbox Teredo traffic is blocked under Windows 10
- Rare main process crash
- Issue where the AntiPhishing engine would be disabled after a fresh install
- Issue where the Security Report would show 0 files in Vault
- Issue where Ransomware protection would crash the main process
- Issue where Wallet would not save Skype credentials
- Issue where Bitdefender and Malwarebytes on the same system would cause a BSOD event

The following improvements were included:
- Several SafePay functions and compatiblity checks
- The firewall engine has been augumented
- Scan engine augumentations
- Agent functionality
- Update engine functionality
- Added support for longer path for the Profile engine
- Ransomware security augumentations
- Parental monitoring with improved functionality

Bitdefender Total Security 2016 Build (32-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- Rare main process crash generated by OneClick Optimizer
- Rare main process crash generated by TrafficLight
- Rare crash caused by the Agent
- Several User Interface display and localization issues
- Firewall contacting the cloud in a loop
- Inability to disable SafePay
- Rare bug in selecting the best server for the user

The following improvements were included:
- Agent's functionality has been augmented
- Product's ability to communicate with the cloud
- Central's ability to handle subscriptions
- SafePay's compatibility with other applications using overlays
- Product's ability to handle special characters when whitelisting websites
- Parental Control was renamed as Parental Advisor

Bitdefender Total Security 2016 Build (32-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Bitdefender Total Security 2016 Build (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bitdefender Total Security 2016 Build (64-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- Rare issue where the firewall driver wasn't signed under Windows 7
- Issue where the Wallet menu wasn't opening properly
- Blank pages in SafePay while Hardware Acceleration is on
- Rare issue where the Agent couldn't handle the proper URL
- Rare issue where the Traffic Light module deactivates after 30 days
- Rare issue where the product's menu would crash
- Several User Interface display and localization issues
- Rare bug where the Battery profile would get corrupted
- Issue where the Ransomware module would block applications ran from network drives
- Minor issues with the installation process
- Issue where Xbox Teredo traffic is blocked under Windows 10
- Rare main process crash
- Issue where the AntiPhishing engine would be disabled after a fresh install
- Issue where the Security Report would show 0 files in Vault
- Issue where Ransomware protection would crash the main process
- Issue where Wallet would not save Skype credentials
- Issue where Bitdefender and Malwarebytes on the same system would cause a BSOD event

The following improvements were included:
- Several SafePay functions and compatiblity checks
- The firewall engine has been augumented
- Scan engine augumentations
- Agent functionality
- Update engine functionality
- Added support for longer path for the Profile engine
- Ransomware security augumentations
- Parental monitoring with improved functionality

Bitdefender Total Security 2016 Build (32-bit)
This version fixes the following issues:
- Rare main process crash generated by OneClick Optimizer
- Rare main process crash generated by TrafficLight
- Rare crash caused by the Agent
- Several User Interface display and localization issues
- Firewall contacting the cloud in a loop
- Inability to disable SafePay
- Rare bug in selecting the best server for the user

The following improvements were included:
- Agent's functionality has been augmented
- Product's ability to communicate with the cloud
- Central's ability to handle subscriptions
- SafePay's compatibility with other applications using overlays
- Product's ability to handle special characters when whitelisting websites
- Parental Control was renamed as Parental Advisor

Bitdefender Total Security 2016 Build (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version