BitComet 歷史版本列表 Page16

最新版本 MP4 Player 3.35.5

BitComet 歷史版本列表

BitComet 是一個快速和易於使用的 BitTorrent / HTTP / FTP 下載客戶端。它是 P2P 文件共享免費軟件,也是為高速分發而設計的最流行的 P2P 協議之一。 BitComet 支持同時下載,DHT 網絡(trackerless),下載隊列,Torrent 包中的選定下載,快速恢復,磁盤緩存,速度限制,自動端口映射,代理和 IP 過濾。 為什麼選擇 BitComet?長... BitComet 軟體介紹

BitComet 0.98 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GUI Improved: start downloading torrent file while show the task properties dialog of new opened BC link
GUI Improved: search box in toolbar remains in the same row of the toolbar buttons when resize main window
GUI Improved: HTTP task properties dialog support query file size and server resume-supported ability for HTTP/FTP link with password authentication
GUI Improved: improve display effect of peer download statusbar in BT task peer list
GUI Improved: BT task peer list support sorting
GUI Improved: BT task peer list display download statusbar of each peer
GUI Improved: HTTP task connection list display download statusbar of each source
GUI Improved: new command in HTTP task context menu: Verify MD5 checksum
GUI Bugfix: ESC key donot work in download all links dialog
GUI Bugfix: task remains in queue after deleted into recycle bin
Core Improved: improve HTTP task download algorithm to avoid download speed decrease near finish
Core Improved: HTTP task support redirect to FTP url
Core Bugfix: preview unfinished HTTP task may cause program crash
Core Bugfix: tasks which disable Long-Time Seeding download should not upload for Long-Time Seeding
Core Bugfix: tasks in recycle bin should not upload for Long-Time Seeding(persistent seeding)

BitComet 0.97 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GUI Improved: improve BC link support when download all links from web page
GUI Improved: add overwrite prompt when save torrent file of a BT task to another location
GUI Improved: new command in Tools menu: Show eMule plugin
GUI Bugfix: after sort URL list in download all links dialog, the downloaded links do not match the selected links
GUI Bugfix: torrent file association icon cannot display
GUI Bugfix: install package compatible with Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: invaild input prompt for save location in BT/HTTP task properties dialog
GUI Bugfix: status bar language not changed after switch UI language
Core Bugfix: program may crash when download HTTP file from redirected server
Core Bugfix: task added at eMule plugin startup will not be created successfully
Core Bugfix:......

BitComet 0.96 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GUI Bugfix: bugs in install pachage script
Core Bugfix: cannot query file size of FTP link containing non-english character in FTP task properties dialog
Core Bugfix: HTTP connection logs do not display in version 0.95
Core Improved: main program compressed, decrease loading time

BitComet 0.95 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GUI Improved: new hotkey Ctrl+B for HTTP/FTP batch download
GUI Improved: remove search bar below favorites list
GUI Improved: remove recommend window
GUI Improved: if download rate in user list of BT task less than 1K, display it as "<1 kB/s"
GUI Improved: display "play" button in task list for flv and swf file when it download finished
GUI Improved: hot key Ctrl+R in add download group dialog will fill max value of wildcard automatically
GUI Bugfix: icons in task log display incorrectly in Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: task auto stop function can not work if this task has been previewed
GUI Bugfix: Scheduler will not refresh task list after pause all task
GUI Bugfix: user name and password info is not imported from captured FTP URL link
GUI Bugfix: the option of search for more users to speed up download in HTTP task properties dialog does not work
Core Bugfix: .bc! file is not removed occasionally when download very small HTTP files
Core Bugfix: unable to download zero byte HTTP file
Core Improved: improve preview download mode of BT task, decrease CPU usage
Core Improved: eMule plugin can handle ED2K link opened from IE
Core Improved: when BitComet creates task in eMule plugin, the task category of new task will be set to _bitcomet_imported
Core Improved: when BitComet downloads BT task from eMule plugin, if the same file already exists in plugin's download queue, downloaded data will be imported
Core Bugfix: private torrent didn't disable persistent seeding

BitComet 0.94 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GUI Improved: new function in context menu of BT task file list: search ED2K link for selected file
GUI Improved: enable Windows open file security warning for downloaded executable files
GUI Improved: new option in preferences dialog: Login BitComet Passport Automatically
GUI Improved: hide notify window of start downloading torrent file immediately after download finished
GUI Improved: support query file size and server resume-supported ability for BC link in HTTP task properties dialog
GUI Improved: lanuch BitComet resource browser to capture video file when click "download video" in IE context menu
GUI Improved: add Accelerate Keys page to Help menu
GUI Improved: remove horizontal scroll-bar of fav list and task info pane list
GUI Bugfix: tasks in queue will not start automatically at next time of BitComet launch
GUI Bugfix: task list and file list do not refresh after rename task
GUI Bugfix: get invaild BC link when copy BC link from FTP task
GUI Bugfix: the display effect of resizing floating window is not correct under Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: zero-size BT task will display in downloading list all the time
Core Improved: eMule plugin supports searching ED2K link for selected file of BT task, to help BitComet download from ED network
Core Improved: new toolbar button in BitComet resource browser to capture flv video files in webpage and download them
Core Improved: HTTP task decrease download rate automatically when disk writing speed much lower than downloading rate
Core Bugfix: HTTP task will download file repeatedly in some special situation of hash check failure
Core Bugfix: the file name and sub-directory name in torrent file is invaild when make torrent of an entire disk from root directory
Core Bugfix: in-queue task number may get wrong if select to download remainder files of a BT task after part files of which download finished
Core Bugfix: eMule plugin window appears incorrectlly sometimes
Core Bugfix: preview download mode does not work correctly sometimes
Core Bugfix: play button does not display in task list after download video file from HTTP server without resume-supported ability

BitComet 0.93 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Core Improved: improve the stability of persistent seeding

BitComet 0.92 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GUI Improved: task list sorting by task name use pronunciation order
GUI Improved: add "toolkit" menu to download softwares correlated with BitComet
GUI Improved: the global max upload rate in preferences dialog must larger than 10kB/s
GUI Improved: the notice window of free disk space insufficiency will not close until user click
GUI Improved: improved torrent file maker dialog layout, supporting dialog resize
GUI Improved: display file type icons in file list of BT task
GUI Improved: display connection time in peer list of BT task
GUI Improved: HTTP/FTP task support hash check (only support certain files)
GUI Bugfix: bug in sorting my shared torrent list by whether shared
GUI Bugfix: torrent file association error in Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: downloaded file is not selected correctly when view task save folder in Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: the right and bottom edge of torrent file maker dialog and BT task properties dialog is not displayed correctly in Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: registration failed in Windows Vista, result in fail to preview rmvb file
GUI Bugfix: available space size in BT task properties dialog displayed in red color mistakenly, not considering task downloaded size
GUI Bugfix: the option of replace wildcard "(*)" to letters does not work in add HTTP download group dialog
GUI Bugfix: fail to set torrent file create date when add it to my shared torrent list from new BT task dialog
Core Improved: add "preview download mode" in BT task context menu, supporting download pieces in sequence
Core Improved: eMule plugin support sending crash report
Core Bugfix: new BT task will stop downloading due to nonexistent disk error in some situation
Core Bugfix: default TCP half open limit in Windows Vista is displayed as 0. it's 10 actually

BitComet 0.91 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GUI Improved: double click un-downloaded torrent file in my shared torrent list to start download it
GUI Improved: restore option: add .bc! file extension to unfinished file
GUI Improved: new function in context menu of BT task file list: search ED2K link for selected file
GUI Improved: add real-time sort to task list. enable it from View menu
GUI Improved: new operation in context menu of peer shared torrent list: "add to my share list"
GUI Improved: new status icon for BT task downloading torrent file in task list
GUI Improved: add torrent publish date info to torrent share list
GUI Improved: right click torrent share list header to choose displayed column
GUI Improved: a notifier window will display after add a BC link task
GUI Improved: add file category combo list to torrent share list toolbar
GUI Improved: support multi key words in peer shared torrent list filter, separated by sapce
GUI Improved: torrent file name in torrent share list will be displayed in infotip when mouse hover on it if too long
GUI Improved: specify ED2K link from context menu in file list of BT task, to help ED plugin search ED download resource
GUI Improved: when double click .bc! file, prompt to open the unfinished file using the program associated with the original file without .bc! suffix
GUI Improved: right click toolbar of main window to choose displayed buttons, or using View/Toolbar/Buttons menu
GUI Improved: enable auto adjust column width from View/Tasklist menu
GUI Improved: when HTTP/FTP task connection failed, detail error and retry info will be displayed in connection log
GUI Improved: add HTTP/FTP task error retry interval time option in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: restore allocate disk space before downloading option in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: display upload rate and left time in task list by default
GUI Improved: when available space of save location in BT task properties dialog is not enough, the available space size is displayed in red color
GUI Improved: add copy IP address to context menu of status bar in main window
GUI Improved: display task size, progress and preview button in history task list by default
GUI Bugfix: the order of tasks in queue does not match the order in tasklist when start all task from context menu of floating window
GUI Bugfix: the task number in fav list does not refresh when move task to a new category using context menu of tasklist
GUI Bugfix: the wildcard "(*)" does not work in add HTTP/FTP download group dialog
GUI Bugfix: the HTTP/FTP task in queue failed to stop when double click it in tasklist
GUI Bugfix: the wildcard "(*)" does not work in add HTTP/FTP download group dialog for FTP links
GUI Bugfix: when click cancel button of BT task properties dialog after torrent file downloaded from BC link, the BT task will not be removed
GUI Bugfix: unable to handle non-english character in publisher URL of BT task
Core Improved: support persistent seeding to seed finished torrents in background automatically without starting the task
Core Improved: support uploading rate limit for all persistent seeding, tweak in preferences dialog
Core Improved: support customize file download order for BT task, in BT task properties dialog
Core Improved: support patch TCP half-open limit in Windows Vista
Core Bugfix: program will lose respond for a while to flush disk cache when high-speed downloading HTTP/FTP file from LAN
Core Bugfix: ED plugin will upload invalid data in some situation
Core Bugfix: scheduler failed to resume download after stop tasks for 2 hour or longer
Core Bugfix: unfinished tasks will not auto-start at program startup if BitComet is not closed normally

BitComet 0.90 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GUI Improved: add search for eDonkey download source option in BT task properties dialog
GUI Improved: add ED download plugin configuration page in perferences dialog
GUI Improved: display download rate from HTTP/FTP sources and ED sources in BT task summary pane
GUI Improved: shotsnap info for each item in task list and torrent share list changed to a clickable icon
GUI Improved: tasks remain selected after sort task list
GUI Improved: new context menu for my shared torrent and peer shared torrent in fav list
GUI Improved: decrease CPU usage for shared torrent list refresh
GUI Improved: new search icon for each item in shared torrent list
GUI Improved: prompt infomation will be displayed when shared torrent list is empty
GUI Improved: add "copy BC link" to context menu of shared torrent list, with hotkey Ctrl+C
GUI Improved: add "clear all" to context menu of peer shared torrent list
GUI Improved: new option in View menu to show search box in toolbar
GUI Improved: shutdown computer after download finish works for HTTP task now
GUI Improved: text in info bar and status bar of review window change to multi-language string
GUI Improved: the last task will be selected when BitComet startup
GUI Improved: minimize to system tray by close button or minimize button can be configured in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: a prompt window will popup if BitComet detected that the TCP half-open limit of windows is too small at startup
GUI Improved: new state of "detecting" for WAN/LAN ip detector in status bar
GUI Improved: HTTP task connection list move to the up of task log
GUI Improved: the auto-start order for queued task keeps the same to display order of sorted task list
GUI Bugfix: preview window fail to refresh when swtich UI language
GUI Bugfix: "pause all active task" in context menu of floating window does not work
GUI Bugfix: program exit confirm when task running do not count up uploading tasks
GUI Bugfix: unable to click task comment, snapshot and voting for items of 10001th and below in shared torrent list
GUI Bugfix: redownload HTTP task will lose task list sort order
Core Improved: BT task support downloading from eDonkey network (ED plugin for BitComet is required)
Core Improved: BT task support uploading to eDonkey network
Core Improved: add eDonkey network listen port to Windows Firewall and UPNP NAT device when program startup
Core Improved: disable NAT Traversal via UDP automatically for WAN IP user, to improve TCP transfer efficiency
Core Bugfix: auto stop running BT task using a invalid condition dismatch to user settings
Core Bugfix: program will lose respond for a while to flush disk cache when downloading huge HTTP/FTP file under Win2003 64bit

BitComet 0.89 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GUI Improved: add "Hide this" to context menu of peer shared torrent list, no longer display the selected torrent files
GUI Improved: add "copy title" to context menu of peer shared torrent list, copy the title of selected torrent file to clipboard
GUI Improved: double click downloaded torrent file in peer shared torrent list to view corresponding task in task list
GUI Improved: new icon in my shared torrent file list to show the shared, but not downloaded torrent file
GUI Improved: peer shared torrent list will only refresh once when typing continuously in the filter edit box
GUI Improved: items in peer shared torrent list will keep selected when auto-refresh
GUI Improved: no torrent file will be displayed in shared torrent list in torrent file share disabled in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: the default number to show in the shared torrent list is set to "unlimit"
GUI Improved: new option of socket start interval(ms) in preferences dialog
GUI Bugfix: upload rate displays text error in task list if max upload rate of task is set
GUI Bugfix: operation to torrent will be misplaced after set filter to peer shared torrent list
GUI Bugfix: task number in history task list is not refreshed upon 0 clock at midnight
GUI Bugfix: "Open BC link" in file menu does not work if task summary pane is current active window
Core Bugfix: Share ratio of BT task is always 0 if only uploading without any downloading