Betternet 歷史版本列表 Page4

最新版本 Anki 2.1.50

Betternet 歷史版本列表

Betternet 為 Windows 提供的無限制免費 VPN 使您能夠訪問所有被封鎖的網站,並使您在瀏覽網頁時安全和匿名.您只需點擊“連接”按鈕即可連接到最快的 VPN 服務器,並使用 Betternet 無限的時間。您將能夠解鎖所有被封鎖的網站,並在瀏覽網頁時保持您的隱私.Betternet 功能:訪問被封鎖的網站 使用 Betternet Windows VPN,可以在您的 Chrome... Betternet 軟體介紹

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The Django settings module for testing may be set with --settings=<name> in
the Run Args on the Testing page of the Project Properties dialog

- Fix failure to reformat code on remote hosts and containers, leaving the editor r/o
- Fix opening projects on some Windows systems
- Fix inspecting data when the Resolve Properties preference is not checked
- Fix searching in files with non-ascii characters
- Fix including the default run directory in the python path when no entry point
or initial directory is set
- Fix autocomplete list after typing 'def' in a derived class
- Fix running tests with activated env python executable
- Add directory of to sys.path before loading settings when running
Django tests
- Fix goto definition on self.__class__
- Fix analysis of __name__ on class objects
- Fix using a single quoted pathname for a python executable
- Fix using an activate command pathname with a space

ManicTime 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: On Timesheet, Advanced tab, sometimes timelines duplicated

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix display of icons in the Project tool
- Fix Python Shell intermittent failures
- Fix updating code warnings after editing
- Fix goto-definition and refactoring command on code in f-strings
- Fix failure to start on Debian 10
- Recognize Django template files immediately when they are opened
- Fix analysis failures when the Analyze Calls preference is checked
- Fix drawing the splash screen at startup on Linux
- Disallow installation on Windows 7 and earlier
- Fix internal debug logging on Windows
- Fix dialogs in macOS fullscreen mode
- Fix copying recent-projects over from an older Wing installation

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix Python Shell intermittent failures
- Fix segfault when analyzing some classes

ManicTime 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Chrome 92 support
- Bug fix: Advanced search sometimes crashed when data was from different time zones

ManicTime 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Acrobat reader rule added to Custom title plugin
- Timesheet didn't show any results before a list of timelines from the server was loaded. It now shows results from local Tag timeline immediately, even if tag timelines from the server are not yet loaded.

CoffeeCup HTML Editor 17.0 Build 865 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Corrected an issue with FTP causing failures with upload/overwrite actions
- Fixed an instance of the resolving of “file://” references when saving files. This issue was causing the Editor to get stuck in a loop.

ManicTime 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Advanced search, show only untagged activities didn't work correctly when data was from different time zones
- Migrating screenshots from older versions sometimes didn't work correctly
- On Timesheet, Details tab, "Tag selected as" command did not work

ManicTime 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Advanced search optimizations
- Edge 92 support
- Added Quickbooks online plugin

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Allow specifying port forwards in remote host configurations
- Change the color of warnings that may be fixed during editing rather than removing them
- Display warnings sooner after the last keypress
- Support creating Django projects with Python environments on remote hosts and containers
- Syntax highlight .toml files as properties files
- Display the types of multiple return values in the Source Assistant
- Display the specializations of generic types in the Source Assistant
- Display the type hint used to annotate a name in the Source Assistant
- as well as the type(s) the hint expands to
- Added CAPIApplication methods WriteFile, ReadFile, InspectFiles, and CreateChildProcess
- Added CAPIApplication signal python-runtime-changed

- Dropped support for Django 1.3 and earlier

- Fix the Django extensions to work on remote hosts and containers
- Fix code warnings update when a file is saved
- Fix reformatting Python code on containers and remote hosts
- Run external checkers for container files on the container and not locally
- Fix obtaining the login environment on Apple Silicon macOS
- Fix encoding problems with certain files when running diff on a directory
- Set up port forwarding correctly when creating a Flask or Django project
- that uses a container
- Correctly support parsing services out of a docker-compose file when
- 'build' has sub-values including 'context'
- Fix docker-compose support when a non-default docker-compose.yml file
- name is used
- Don't assume default name for Dockerfile when using docker-compose
- Don't ask to restart a cluster when it is not currently running
- Correctly restart a cluster after rebuild
- Fix Python Shell and debugging docker-compose clusters when ENTRYPOINT
- is used in the Dockerfile
- Fix starting the Python Shell with the right container environment after
- project switch or reconfiguration
- Also ask to restart out-of-cluster containers, for example for the Python
- Shell, when a cluster is rebuilt
- Fix issues with debugging containers and clusters when some files are copied
- at build time and not in the known file mappings
- Fix breakpoints in container-only files
- Shut down all containers and clusters when switching projects
- Avoid breaking an existing project when creating a new one using one of
- the existing project's cluster configurations
- Correctly track renamed remote hosts, containers, and clusters into Project
- Properties and any Launch Configurations that use them
- Fix drag and drop within the Project tree
- Don't incorrectly show in-cluster synthesized containers in the Containers tool
- Display error message when the Python Shell fails to start because it is configured
- to run in-cluster but the cluster is not running
- Fix aborting unit tests running in-cluster
- Fix tracking cluster container image modification times and prompt when they change
- Fix extension module scraping for files available on both the container and host
- Don't list terminated OS Commands when warning before editing a container or
- cluster configuration
- Don't set new Python environment type in New Project dialog to unavailable types
- when creating a project for a remote host
- Hide operations in the Packages tool when using a container or cluster, since package
- management occurs through the container or cluster configuration and rebuild process
- Fix failure to show Bookmarks tool filter fragment entry area
- Fix failure to filter bookmarks correctly when filtering on an empty fragment
- Fixed CAPIApplication.GetPythonExecutableProperties to correctly launch inspection
- of Python
- Fix failure to install the remote agent on hosts where ssh fails to terminate with
- the remote command when there are active tunnels
- Correctly detect failures to start the remote agent
- Fix inspecting remote Python when a virtualenv is being used
- Fix failure to create a new remote project on a host
- Fix problems creating a Django project on a remote host when the remote agent
- was installed earlier in the same session
- Fix failure to debug a remote file when it uses a launch configuration that
- sets Python Executable to the project settings
- Fix enabling and disabling pylint warnings by priority
- Fix spurious pylint relative-beyond-top-level warnings seen in some cases
- Fix saving HTML and XML files
- Fix scanning files open at startup with external code warning checkers
- Make the whole icon in the tools at top of the editor clickable, even when compressed
- Fix failure to reformat with Black when using Python 3.9
- Fix failure to update Packages tool to new Python environment after the project changes
- Fix starting debugger on some filenames with non-ascii characters
- Fix code analysis when an open file is modified outside of Wing and reloaded