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最新版本 Avocode 4.15.6 (64-bit)

Avocode (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

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Pinegrow Web Editor 5.41 查看版本資訊


RazorSQL 8.3.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Connection Wizard: Added a tree view for existing connection profiles for faster selection
- Connection Wizard: Added the ability to categorize connections inside sub-folders
- Added a columnEncryptionSetting configurable property for the MS SQL Server JDBC driver
- DynamoDB: Added the ability to scan for values inside of Map columns. See https://razorsql.com/docs/dynamodb_sql_support.html for syntax details
- Connection Process: Added the ability to associate a file to a connection profile. Whenever the connection profile is connected, the file will load in the SQL editor

- Salesforce: Updated API version to 45
- Execute procedure tool - if procedure returns a result set, results are now displayed in the query results tab of the main window
- Oracle: If DBMS Output is turned on, and query / statement does not return results but does return output, output is displayed in the query results section
- Added ability to call SQL Server / Sybase functions that return a table via the Call Procedure Tool
- Import Tool: Create Table from Import: If data values are decimal, will pre-populate decimal type with estimated precision and scale set on the create table window

Bug Fixes:
- MySQL and MariaDB: Column aliases not always appearing as column names in query results for queries that use aliases for the column names
- Initial screen size may be larger than current screen for multiple monitor machines having monitors with different resolutions

Google Chrome Portable 73.0.3683.86 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


pdfFactory 6.37 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Assorted bug fixes and performance improvements

Mullvad VPN 2019.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Remove the Mullvad OpenVPN intermediate transition CA. Used when transitioning from the old to the new root CA. Now the app only bundles and trust the new Mullvad root CA valid until 2028

- Read the relay list from cache only if it's newer than the version bundled in the app

Pinegrow Web Editor 5.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Redesigned element context menu:
We redesigned the element context menu that is accessible by right-clicking on elements on the page view or in the Tree panel:
- Introducing sub-menus allowed us to better organize the menu and to add more commands
- For example, new elements can be added to the page directly from the menu

Insert submenu contains all the elements and components from the Library panel:
The Insert menu also gives us control and preview of the placement of the new element:
- Hint: Hold down the SHIFT key when right-clicking to jump straight into the Insert menu
- Commands that change the HTML structure of the element are tucked under the

Transform submenu:
- Select submenu lets us quickly select parents and children of the current element
- Paste submenu lists the most recent items on the internal clipboard and provides control over placement of the HTML elements

Copy & Paste actions:
- Copy and paste actions from one element to another. Use the Copy submenu to copy all or one of the assigned actions
- Or, click on the Copy icon next to the assigned action in the Action and WordPress panel
- To copy all assigned actions on the element click on the Copy icon next to the element name
- Use Paste to add copied actions to another element

SASS stylesheets compiler:
- Pinegrow now correctly handles projects with complex SASS structures that contain multiple imported files with the same name, for example variables/_buttons, mixins/_buttons…

WordPress Theme Builder:
- Add actions using the context menu
- WordPress actions can now be added to the element using its context menu. Right-click on an element on the page or in the tree and choose an action from the

WordPress submenu:
- And, as mentioned above, WordPress actions can also be copy pasted between elements
- Enhanced display of WordPress actions in the Tree panel
- In the Tree panel view, actions are now displayed before the text snippet in order to make them more visible
- Actions like Customizer Field, Customizer Section and Post Field show their most important arguments right in the Tree display
- Outline all elements with WordPress actions
- Use the new visual helper to outline all elements with WordPress actions

Post & Loop:
- Using the original id on the post element
- The “Post & Loop” Smart action automatically sets the id attribute of the post element to the id value provided by WordPress. This can interfere wi th styling or Javascript code that targets that element by its id
- The action now offers the choice to opt-out of modifying the id attribute, in case the id attribute of the post element is set
- Note that having a fixed element id on the post element only makes sense if only one post item is shown. Otherwise there would be multiple elements with the same id

Displaying a range of elements:
- Sometimes we just want to display a subset of posts contained in the WordPress loop (or custom query). For example, we might want to display the first post in one way and the rest of posts in another way. Or, we might have predefined positions for individual posts and we can’t just display all of them with the same loop
- The new “Range of items to show” lets us specify which of the items returned by the loop query we want to display
- We can either specify a single post, for example 0 for the first one, or a range, for example 1-3 to display second, third and fourth posts
- Note: the post count starts at 0
- Note: this parameter doesn’t affect what posts are retrieved from the WordPress database – it is used to specify which of the posts returned by the WordPress query should be displayed
- The same argument is also available directly on “The Loop” action

Menu – Smart:
- The behavior of the action is changed. It now uses Smart menu walker by default on pages that don’t use Bootstrap (Bootstrap menus are used there). The Smart menu walker replicates the exact HTML layout of menu items, instead of using the default WordPress markup
- The action is also now smarter in figuring out which class is used to denote the active menu item
- As always with smart actions, if you need more control over these actions change them to regular WordPress actions

Reusable Customizer Sections and Fields:
- Customizer Sections (both Smart and regular actions) got the checkbox “Use section id as prefix for enclosed fields”. When checked, the id of the section is used as a prefix for all enclosed customizer fields
- This is very useful in many cases. Let’s take a look at an example
- Imagine that we have four sections for showcasing our past experience on our portfolio website. Each section contains fields for a company name, our job position and duration of the engagement. We want to use the Customizer to control the content of these values
- Normally, we would have to setup four unique fields for company names, four for position and four for the duration – each with unique field id. That makes it impossible to simply copy paste actions from one item to another, or to define these blocks as reusable components.
- Now we can check “Use section id as prefix…” on the first section with id exp1 and assign simple ids – company, job, duration – to enclosed fields. When Pinegrow exports the theme it will append the session id “exp1_” to fields ids, thus creating unique fields ids “exp1_company”, “exp1_job” and “exp1_duration”
- If we copy paste these actions on related elements in other experience sections we’ll get fields experience2_company and so on, provided that “Use section id as prefix…” is checked on their Customizer section actions
- We can go a step further and create a reusable component in the Actions panel with editable attributes that control section id and name

Then we make the other three items instances of this component:
- Then we use the Properties panel to configure section id and name of Work Experience instances
- Using global customizer fields inside a section
- When “Use section id as prefix…” is on the section id will be prepended to all field ids – regardless is fields are registered or just used
- If we want to simply use a value of customizer field from another section – for example, a color value defined in Colors section – we can use Display theme mod action and check its “Don’t use enclosing section id as field prefix” setting

Zotero 5.0.65 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- When metadata was successfully retrieved for a linked PDF, the file was renamed regardless of the “Rename linked files” preference introduced in 5.0.61
- Fixed UI breakage after performing certain actions if the tag selector was closed at startup (since 5.0.64)
- Fixed UI breakage when typing certain characters in the tag selector search bar (since 5.0.61)
- In some time zones, date-only access dates could be off by one day in bibliographies (since 5.0.61)
- Improved citing of podcast items

Streamlabs OBS 0.12.2 Beta 查看版本資訊


Streamlabs OBS 0.12.1 Beta 查看版本資訊


KeePassXC 2.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New Database Wizard
- Advanced Search
- Automatic update checker
- KeeShare database synchronization
- Improve favicon fetching; transition to Duck-Duck-Go
- Remove KeePassHttp support
- CLI: output info to stderr for easier scripting
- CLI: Add --quiet option
- CLI: Add create command
- CLI: Add recursive listing of entries
- CLI: Fix stdin/stdout encoding on Windows
- SSH Agent: Support OpenSSH for Windows
- macOS: TouchID Quick Unlock
- macOS: Multiple improvements; include CLI in DMG
- Linux: Prevent Klipper from storing secrets in clipboard
- Linux: Use polling based file watching for NFS
- Linux: Enable use of browser plugin in Snap build
- TOTP QR Code Generator
- High-DPI Scaling for 4k screens
- Make keyboard shortcuts more consistent
- Warn user if deleting referenced entries
- Allow toolbar to be hidden and repositioned
- Increase max allowed database timeout to 12 hours
- Password generator uses existing password length by default
- Improve alert message box button labels
- Show message when a database merge makes no changes
- Browser Integration Enhancements
- Overall Code Improvements