Avocode (64-bit)

最新版本 Avocode 4.0.0 (64-bit)

Avocode 4.0.0 (64-bit)

Avocode 4.0.0 (64-bit)
打開 PSD& 使用 Avocode 64 位在 Windows PC 上進行草圖設計。生成 CSS,Swift& XML 直接從圖層中導出圖像,顏色,字體,樣式,大小和尺寸。邀請您的團隊成員,輕鬆管理用戶權限。任何數量的人都可以同時檢查相同的設計。通過評論給出精確的設計反饋,並在發生變化時得到通知。將設計修訂保持在一起並組織到項目中。將任何 Photoshop 和 Sketch 源文件上傳到一個安全的地方,整個團隊都可以訪問,打開並全天候下載。免費為 Windows PC 64 位下載 Avocode

Avocode 功能:

打開.psd& .sketch without Photoshop& Sketch
Avocode 自己渲染 Photoshop 和 Sketch 設計。因此,您可以打開並檢查您上傳到 Avocode 的任何設計。在任何操作系統上,無需設計人員的工具.

導出 CSS,Swift,Android& React 從 design
生成簡潔的 CSS,Less,Sass,Less,SCSS,手寫筆,Swift,Android,& JS 代碼中的 CSS,包括圖層和字體樣式,px,pt 和 dp 中的單位以及 HEX,UIcolor 或 HEX8 中的顏色,最大為 @ 4x 或 xxxhdpi 分辨率
選擇一個圖層,多個圖層或設計的一個切片並將其導出作為圖像。為各種分辨率添加更多的變體。你甚至可以升級和導出矢量形狀,以適應任何桌面,iOS 或 Android 屏幕.

Handpicked#BADA55 colors
手動複製顏色和轉換它們... 這是昨天。只需選擇一種顏色,顏色代碼將立即添加到您的剪貼板中,因此您可以將其粘貼到需要的位置.

將文本圖層導出為純文本,圖像或 html 代碼 6122 8688 當您選擇文本圖層時,可以將其導出為圖像,複製純文本或複制 HTML 標籤的文本。 STYLES 面板將顯示您的所有內容,如 font-family,font-weight 和 font-size.



讓您的開發人員在 Avocode 中自行提取所有設計規格。您可以邀請需要檢查設計的團隊成員,也可以與僅需要評論的人員共享公共鏈接。通過插件

Sync .psd 和.sketch 您可以從字面上留在 Photoshop 或 Sketch 應用程序上傳設計或修訂到 Avocode。安裝我們的插件,點擊同步,設計將突然出現在您的 Avocode 雲中.


通過 Slack 通知您的團隊的進展情況
當您的團隊配對,上傳設計,添加修訂版本時,通過電子郵件或專用 Slack 渠道通知您,或寫評論。您還可以跟踪 Avocode 應用程序中的活動欄的進度.


將設計上傳到 Avocode 雲,與您的團隊同步版本和設計設置(規模,平台,單位) 。讓您的團隊成員盡可能多地訪問,檢查和下載最新的設計修訂版本 24 / 7.

Re-design。 Avocode 作為所有設計版本的最新版本庫。您可以簡單地將修訂彼此堆疊起來,然後以可視方式並排比較它們.

第二次將您的設計上載到 Avocode 雲,您的團隊就可以訪問了。您在 Avocode 上傳的所有內容都使用 SSL 證書進行加密,因此您的設計將保持您的真實身份.

Avocode 可以讓您在多個項目中工作


檔案版本 Avocode 4.0.0 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 Avocode Setup 4.0.0.exe
檔案大小 107 MB
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Avocode, Inc.
官網 https://avocode.com/
更新日期 2019-11-12

What's new in this version:

Avocode 4.0.0 (64-bit)
New features:
Confluence integration:
- We’re introducing another addition to our Company plan - Avocode for Confluence. It enables you to embed designs and symbols from Avocode into your Confluence pages and docs with previews that always reflect the latest version in Avocode and carry links to specs and comments

Avocode 3.9.6 (64-bit)
- We have fixed a Photoshop design loading bug in the desktop app. Now when you upload PSDs via the web app, they will appear in the desktop app as expected

Avocode 3.9.5 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Avocode 3.9.4 (64-bit)
New features:
Confluence integration:
- We’re introducing another addition to our Company plan - Avocode for Confluence. It enables you to embed designs and symbols from Avocode into your Confluence pages and docs with previews that always reflect the latest version in Avocode and carry links to specs and comments

New design preview thumbnails:
- We have redesigned design file and subfolder thumbnails to help you see what’s inside without having to open every folder. The previews are generated from the latest four uploaded and processed design artboards inside the given folder

- Your projects now load faster. You’ll notice the difference, especially if you have a lot of projects or if you are working within more teams inside Avocode.
- We have updated the list of currently available Integrations in the Team settings
- Based on many user requests, we have disabled the option to download source files for Guest users

Bug fixes:
- We have fixed a rendering issue that sometimes added a white shadow behind bitmap layers in Adobe XD files. We have fixed a bug that appeared when selecting vector shape icons from Figma files in the Inspect mode. We have fixed a snapping issue with design Guides that are close to the edge of the Inspect mode

Avocode 3.9.3 (64-bit)
New features:
Jira integration:
- We’re excited to introduce a new feature in the Company subscription plan - the long-awaited Jira integration. It enables you to add share links to issues to see up-to-date Avocode design previews in Jira with links to specs and comments. This way, everyone on your team can always access the latest design version. You can link unlimited design artboards from different files and projects to one Jira issue. Learn more.

- We have simplified the right sidebar in the Project manager across the whole app to better reflect the context of opened/selected projects and designs
- We’ve polished the Dark mode top-bar in the desktop app

Bug fixes:
- We have fixed crashes in the desktop app that appeared after clicking the mouse middle wheel or clicking while holding the CMD key
- We have fixed an issue in the desktop app that appeared after entering numbers in the search field
- Uploading of assets in the PNG, JPEG, and PSD file formats as versions via the Dropbox integration should now work correctly
- We have fixed an issue in the list view that appeared when you had only one file in the project or subfolder

Avocode 3.9.2 (64-bit)
- Improvements: we have updated our core infrastructure to Electron 5 to improve stability and performance of our desktop app

Avocode 3.9.1 (64-bit)
New features:
- Version Descriptions
- From now on, you can describe what has changed in each design file version synced to Avocode. You can add or edit descriptions both to newly  added versions as well as any old version down the history. Your version description is visible and editable in the Version switcher dropdown

Bug fixes:
- We have fixed the loading state and a little CSS bug in the design Previews window which you can open by hitting SPACE key in the Project manager
- Figma files synced before the 3.9 update should be displayed correctly in the Lite mode now. If you’d like to use the fully-featured Inspect mode for Figma designs (especially the image export feature), please re-sync them from Figma

Avocode 3.9.0 (64-bit)
- Improved Figma integration
- We’re happy to introduce a much faster integration with Figma. Also, we have improved our rendering of Figma files so you can finally export any selection of layers as PNG, JPEG, WebP, or SVG

Bug fixes:
- We have fixed a scrolling issue of Figma files in the Comment mode
- We have improved our Sketch local processing so all files uploaded via the desktop should be rendered correctly
- We have fixed a UI bug on design previews in the Project manager

Avocode 3.8.4 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Avocode 3.8.3 (64-bit)
- We have fixed a desktop app installation issue that appeared while the .avocode folder was being created in the home directory

Avocode 3.8.2 (64-bit)
- We have introduced several security improvements in our code base and core infrastructure to make sure the Avocode app stays immune to attacks

Avocode 3.8.1 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- A partial Sketch file sync (when you add only some artboards via the plugin) issue that triggered the import modal twice
- A missing preview in the image export modal that disappeared when you opened designs in multiple tabs
- A text rendering issue that appeared at 1000% zoom
- Image export preview background scaling for Safari browsers

Avocode 3.8.0 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- We fixed an issue that appeared after changing the project settings (like name, export path, or platform)
- When you create a vector shape with the pen tool in Sketch with one intersection point and two closed paths, the fill of these paths changes based on the position of the intersection point. We have finally found a workaround to display such shapes correctly in Avocode

Faster Sketch file import:
- We have significantly improved Sketch file import in the desktop app. Now, when you sync a Sketch file, upload is skipped completely, and design parsing and rendering is done locally in the desktop app so you could access your design layers as soon as possible. In the meantime, the design is also uploaded to the cloud, so you or other team members could open it online

Avocode 3.7.4 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- We fixed an issue that appeared after changing the project settings (like name, export path, or platform)
- Winding rule fix for Sketch files

Avocode 3.7.2 (64-bit)

SVG export improvements:
- We know that SVG export is an essential feature in Avocode, so we keep improving it. In this update, you can enjoy compatibility with SVG sprites, correct export of vector shapes with rounded corners and also SVG export of layers with clipping effects in Photoshop files

Bug fixes:
- When you reopened Photoshop designs in the 3.7.1 update, bitmaps with masks would fail to load. We’re happy to say that this regression is fixed in this update
- The export preview in the inspector panel now correctly loads the whole design when no layers are selected

Avocode 3.7.1 (64-bit)

Display Retina-ready designs:
- We have added a new option for displaying your designs in retina ready resolution to the App preferences. This way you can look at and present your designs in extreme detail

Bug fixes:
- While searching for Sketch artboards which were synced to Avocode via the plugin (Sync selected option) you should be able to open them without any issues
- fixed the behavior of layouts and grids in the designs
- fixed the mention feature in Comment mode
- improved upload error notifications
- fixed the flow when you delete the last artboard in a Sketch page

Avocode 3.7.0 (64-bit)

New features:
- Now you can download any state of the design file you kept in the version history. Just switch to the respective version in the Project manager and hit DOWNLOAD in the right sidebar or from the design preview contextual menu.

- Newly added design files are now opened up to 3X faster. The reason is that the app is no longer waiting for bitmaps and the design preview and renders only the viewport that you’re seeing
- Newly added design files will be rendered sharply up to 400% zoom. When it comes to vector shapes, they even scale up to 1000%. This way you can look at and present your designs in extreme detail. If your computer doesn’t have enough power to run our progressive rendering, you can disable smooth design scaling in the App preferences
- Adobe XD import in the desktop app is now up to 3X faster, especially when it comes to larger files with a lot of artboards. When you import an XD file, upload is skipped completely, and design parsing and rendering is done locally so you could access your design layers as soon as possible. In the meantime, the design is also uploaded to the cloud, so you or other team members could open it online
- Now you can purchase a subscription or update your credit card right in the desktop app.
- We have added buttons to Inspect, Comment, and Share in the Preview mode.

Bug fixes:
- We have fixed an issue with scrolling and exiting the Prototype mode
- When you import multiple design files via our Dropbox integration that already existed in the project, they will be added as new versions
- When you have only one design file in a project, opening the project will now direct you straight to the file, so you can see the designs within as soon as possible
- The sum of all your comments on a design artboard is now indicated also in the Inspect mode
- Projects and subfolders are now visually distinguished in the import modal that appears during sync via a plugin from Sketch
- Search in projects now lists also files in nested subfolders
- We have added a View in Figma button to Figma files, that navigates to the source file in Figma where you can either edit it or download it
- Members with limited access to projects no longer can create or delete projects

Avocode 3.6.12 (64-bit)
- Bug fixes: We have fixed the option to Sync Selected Artboards from Sketch plugin for large Sketch design files

Avocode 3.6.11 (64-bit)

Smart naming of exported assets:
- We have re-added a feature for saving exported image assets into separate folders. When you add a common slash / in front of the image asset name, it will add it into a special folder. For example, when you name an asset: /2x/image - Avocode will create a folder “2x” and add the asset called “image” inside. If the folder “2x” already exists, Avocode will simply select it and insert the asset called “image” inside. This is especially handy for saving assets in different resolutions in separate folders

Bug fixes:
- text visibility in the “Invite member” confirmation modal for the Light theme
- the ability to open Sketch file even before the upload is finished
- improved the performance of sync after designs are uploaded
- gradient code generation in the Android code template
- fixed private link sharing from search

Avocode 3.6.10 (64-bit)

Electron 4 update:
- We have updated our core infrastructure to Electron 4 to improve stability and performance of our desktop app. This update also fixes the proxy issues that some of our users experienced on Windows and Linux with a slower internet connection

Better rendering of Adobe Illustrator files:
- We’ve improved color rendering of unique color modes
- We’ve fixed bitmap bounds calculations and multiple clipping masks rendering. Soon we’ll release another improvement of clipping masks on group layers

Avocode 3.6.9 (64-bit)

Bug fixes:
- the design search by URL in the desktop app
- a 404 bug when opening a design via a private link

Avocode 3.6.8 (64-bit)

Bug fixes:
- The option to log in to your desktop app via browser is back
- Log out issue after restarting the app has been fixed
- We’ve fixed regressions that appeared after uploading a new version
- Texts from hidden design layers are now accessible in Avocode. Just click on the eye icon in the layer panel to display them
- We have fixed a processing issue that made design previews look disabled after file import

Avocode 3.6.7 (64-bit)
- We’re temporarily hiding the option to log in to your desktop app via browser. A fix will be released soon.

Avocode 3.6.6 (64-bit)

Adobe Illustrator Beta support is here:
- We have overhauled our parsing and rendering technology for AI files, resulting in 10x faster performance, more stable import and significantly more precise rendering. Additionally, AI artboard names are now displayed correctly in Avocode. This means that our AI support is no longer experimental. There are still some improvements to be done, so it’s now in a Beta state

Login device limit:
- For security reasons, we have limited the number of logged in devices to three at a time. If you need to log in to your account from a new device, you will need to log out from the previous sessions

Bug fixes:
- We have fixed a plan upgrade issue caused by the Slack integration
- We got rid of meaningless error notification for Team members

Avocode 3.6.5 (64-bit)

- Team settings in the desktop app
- You can now manage team members and billing in the desktop app

Comment count:
- When you switch to the List view in the Project manager, there is an indication of how many comments each design artboard has. When you click on the comment icon, the design will open in the Comment mode

Dropbox upload from the design version switcher:
- You can now upload designs via Dropbox right from the version switcher
- New activities in sidebar
- We added an information a:bout a newly uploaded design via Dropbox to activities in sidebar
- Pending invite request notification
- From now you will see a notification when there is a pending invite request from a user outside of your team

Bug Fixes:
- Export of files with illegal characters in their names should work on Windows
- Fixed vertical ruler being positioned under sidebar of .ai files

Avocode 3.6.4 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Avocode 3.6.3 (64-bit)
- Design processing of prototypes now finishes correctly before you can actually access the design file in Avocode
- We have fixed an issue with layer bound in the Design view
- We have polished the UI of the Prototype mode. Btw, we’ll be happy for any feedback you might have regarding playing prototypes in Avocode
- We have fixed an 403 error when opening a Sketch artboard

Avocode 3.6.2 (64-bit)
- We have fixed an issue that was hiding some layers in Figma symbols

Avocode 3.6.1 (64-bit)
- We have fixed a bug that caused a crash report when when a layer was selected in PSD and Figma design files

Avocode 3.5.6 (64-bit)
- We have fixed a display issue of Design guides that appeared when you had multiple designs opened
- We have fixed an issue that appeared on older PCs and Macs that was slowing down the app, for example, when opening a new tab

Avocode 3.5.5 (64-bit)
- We have fixed macOS desktop app auto-update

Avocode 3.5.4 (64-bit)
- We have fixed a regression that caused issues in our Photoshop and Illustrator plugins

Avocode 3.5.3 (64-bit)
- We have updated our core infrastructure to Electron 3 to enable more users to take advantage of our Monroe rendering. By default, Monroe engine will be now enabled to all users. If you’re still experiencing some troubles (mainly seeing Lite mode in design formats other than Figma), please get back to us at [email protected] Meanwhile, disabling the Monroe rendering in App preferences should help

Avocode 3.5.2 (64-bit)

- Sketch 52 design file support
- We now support import of Sketch design files that were created/saved in Sketch 52

Bug fixes:
- We have fixed the version upload abortion bug that was causing the deletion of the whole design file. We apologize for any issues this might have caused

Avocode 3.5.1 (64-bit)
- We have significantly sped up Photoshop file import in the desktop app. When you import a PSD, upload is skipped completely, and design parsing and rendering is done locally so you could access your design layers as soon as possible. In the meantime, the design is also uploaded to the cloud, so you or other team members could open it online
- Pixel checker transparent background has been fixed for some Linux distributions
- Adobe XD plugin now syncs also special characters to Avocode
- Searching and importing missing font collections should work as expected in the desktop app

Avocode 3.4.1 (64-bit)
- Exported assets from designs for mobile platforms (iOS and Android) were missing a default (1x) scale variant
- Measure tool now works between layers and guides and between guides themselves
- Slices can now be expanded by shift-clicking on other layers again
- We have fixed the CMD+R shortcut for Developer's guides

Avocode 3.4.0 (64-bit)

New features:
- Adobe Illustrator experimental support and a new Illustrator plugin
- We're excited to release a first public experimental Illustrator file format support. You can import your .ai files to Avocode directly or via a plugin (installed automatically with Avocode desktop app). At the moment you can select and export layers, however the layer panel is not included in this version. To make sure your .ai file is displayed correctly, always save it as PDF compatible and that all objects that you want to hand-off to the developer are places on artboards. Also please check that you're using RGB color profile.
- Layout Grid and Regular Grid
- Finally, you can show Layout Grid and Regular Grid on Sketch, XD, and Figma artboards to measure columns and objects better. Read more.

- New Photoshop plugin
- We’ve completely rebuilt the Photoshop plugin to sync designs faster. It's installed automatically with Avocode desktop app. When you sync a design, Avocode app is automatically launched so you could assign the file to a project or subfolder. Read more.
- Support for Typekit fonts
- If your imported design is missing a font, that is not even in your system; you can now pull it from your Typekit. All you need is to have an active Adobe Typekit account set up on your computer. Avocode will automatically find the missing font file and give you an option to upload it into your Avocode team so it would appear in all designs where it is used. Learn more.

Bug fixes:
- We have fixed incorrectly rendered Sketch Symbols

Avocode 3.3.2 (64-bit)
- We have fixed a rendering issue that caused incorrect display of rotated layer masks in Adobe XD files
- Design preview in the Project manager now shows the correct version of design artboards
- Project manager contextual sidebar now shows the exact number of artboards in a Sketch file - both in the web app and the desktop app

Avocode 3.3.1 (64-bit)
- We've improved sorting in the Project manager when design and artboard names start with numbers. To give you an example, numbers will now be sorted in this order: 1 2 3 4 10 11 12
- We’ve fixed a regression when some users could not download Sketch and XD design files
- We've fixed broken Design settings for Sketch and XD design groups
- We’ve fixed incorrect version number that appeared in the breadcrumbs

Avocode 3.2.0 (64-bit)
Create a new team with the same e-mail:
- To create a new Avocode team, go to app.avocode.com, click on your profile avatar in the top right corner and then click on “Switch team”. In the pop-up window, click “Create a new team” and name it

Auto-locating missing font files resolved:
- We have found a new technology to recognize font files that are missing in your design, auto-locate them in your Font book (on macOS, Windows, or Linux) and offer for import

Avocode 3.1.1 (64-bit)
Design preview on mobile devices:
- Now, you can finally preview designs on mobile devices when someone sends you a n Avocode sharing link. You can also switch between individual versions of the design. Commenting on mobile devices will be added later on.

Bug fixes:
- We have fixed an issue in the design name dropdown for quick navigation between design screens. Now, when you switch to a different screen the design name will be changed accordingly.
- We were forced to roll back the auto-recognition of missing font files in the user font book due to unexpected issues that our users have reported. We're currently investigating the issue and hope to add this feature in the upcoming updates.

Avocode 3.1.0 (64-bit)
New features:

Design overview:
- Now you can see a list of all colors and fonts (including font-size) that appear in a design (PSD) or artboards (Sketch, XD, Figma) directly in the Inspect mode. Just click off of the design canvas or select the artboard in the layer panel. Then you can pick one color or a font, click on “Show layers”, and all layers with this style will be selected both on the canvas and in the layer panel. If you hold the ALT key and click on a layer in the layer panel, the design canvas will automatically reposition so you can see it. When you're using the Design overview, you can also select a font and click View in Typekit or View on Google Fonts in the dropdown to get to the respective font file in the browser.

Sketch direct import is out of Beta:
- Based on thousands of Sketch files, that were imported during the last months since the introduction of Sketch file direct import, we have optimized our design parser to represent your designs in Avocode even more precisely. If you stumble upon on design import or rendering issues, please let us know at [email protected]

Drop-down switcher for designs/artboards:
- Finally, you can quickly navigate between Sketch, XD, or Figma artboards directly from the design name breadcrumbs in the Inspect mode or the Comment mode. When it comes to PSD, PNG and JPEG files, the name drop-down will lead to other files in the same project or project subfolder that you're currently in.

Drop-down switcher for design versions:
- There is also a new faster way to change versions. Versions are no longer hidden in a separate tab in the left panel, but the version number (along with a drop-down of all versions) is now next to the name breadcrumbs in the Inspect mode and in the Comment mode.


Missing font file upload:
- If a missing font file appears on your computer, Avocode can now auto-locate the file in your Font book (on macOS, Windows, or Linux) and offer for import. You can also upload missing font files by drag & dropping them to the Font import modal in the Inspect mode.
- 32bit version of the desktop app will no longer be supported
- Since the number of users using 32-bit systems is continually dropping, and the development for 32-bit systems is rather time-consuming (specific bugs and issues appear only on 32-bit systems) we have decided to drop the support completely to dedicate more time to improve Avocode and create new exciting features for the majority of our users. You can still use the 32-bit version of Avocode 3.0, but you won't be receiving any new updates as long as you're on a 32-bit operating system. You will always be able to use the latest web version of Avocode app at app.avocode.com.

Bug fixes:
- Minor bug fixes

Avocode 3.0.0 (64-bit)
New features:
- Light theme: We're excited to introduce you the last bit of the Avocode 3 update - the Light theme! To choose your preferred look, just go to App preferences (CMD/CTRL + ,).
- New Sketch plugin: While you can import Sketch designs directly to Avocode, we're still improving our Sketch plugin. This latest version supports Sketch Symbols with Overrides and Sketch Resizable Symbols. It works hand in hand with our Monroe rendering which means the plugin does fewer tasks during design sync and is significantly faster.

- Code export panel: Based on many user requests Code export is now the default state in the right contextual panel in the Inspect mode. To show layer Styles, just click on the eye icon on top of the Code panel.
- Auto-update: We’ve added a less intrusive way of updating your desktop app. This is good news especially for Linux users since they update overly does no longer show up each time when you launch the desktop app, but there is a static update badge in the top right corner.

Avocode 4.0.0 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Avocode (64-bit) Download (2020 Latest) for Windows 10, 8, 7

Open PSD & Sketch designs on Windows PC with Avocode 64-bit. Generate CSS, Swift & XML straight from layers and export images, colors, ...


Avocode 4.0.0 (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流 - winXmac軟體社群

Avocode 4.0.0 (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流、介紹、教學與下載,打開PSD& 使用Avocode 64 位在Windows PC 上進行草圖設計。生成CSS,Swift&amp ...


Avocode 4.0.0 (64-bit) 軟體下載 Download :: 軟體兄弟

打開PSD& 使用Avocode 64 位在Windows PC 上進行草圖設計。生成CSS,Swift& XML 直接從圖層中導出圖像,顏色,字體,樣式,大小和尺寸。邀請您 ...


Avocode 4.0.0 (64-bit) 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

Avocode (64-bit)軟體資訊介紹&下載,打開PSD& 使用Avocode 64 位在Windows PC 上進行草圖設計。生成CSS,Swift& XML 直接從圖層中導出圖像, ...


Avocode 4.0.1 (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流 - winXmac軟體社群

Avocode 4.0.0 (64-bit) New features: Confluence integration: - We're introducing another addition to our Company plan - Avocode for Confluence. It enables you ...


Avocode 4.0.1 (64-bit) 軟體下載 Download :: 軟體兄弟

Avocode 4.0.0 (64-bit) New features: Confluence integration: - We're introducing another addition to our Company plan - Avocode for Confluence. It enables you ...


Avocode 4.0.1 (64-bit) 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

Avocode 4.0.0 (64-bit) New features: Confluence integration: - We're introducing another addition to our Company plan - Avocode for Confluence. It enables you ...


Avocode 4.4.0 (64-bit) Download for Windows 10, 8, 7

Open PSD & Sketch designs on Windows PC with Avocode 64-bit. Generate CSS, Swift & XML straight from layers and export images, colors, ...
