TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
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AVG AntiVirus Free 歷史版本列表

AVG AntiVirus Free 是一個反病毒程序,是完全免費的非商業用途的產品的生命。創建從一開始就為每個 Windows 用戶提供卓越的保護,在衝浪,社交網絡以及使用便攜式 USB 存儲設備的其他人交換數據。 AVG AntiVirus Free 是經過 2 億用戶驗證的高質量反病毒軟件,他們使用該軟件套件和隨附的雲服務來保護 PC,Mac,手機和平板電腦免受任何形式的在線威脅。它甚至集成... AVG AntiVirus Free 軟體介紹

AVG AntiVirus Free (32-bit)AVG AntiVirus Free (64-bit)

AVG Clear 20.7.5568 查看版本資訊


Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Introduce preliminary support for Python 3.9
- Add Editor > Space Indicator Size preference for the size of the indicator used for space characters when white space is shown on the editor

Bug Fixes:
- Fix installing individually named packages with a version specifier from the New Project dialog
- Avoid scrolling editors in other splits when multiple splits are open for a file
- Fix using the space bar to toggle checkboxes in refactoring lists
- Fix end-of-block command when starting from a def <name>(): line
- Start in the correct location when using New items in the project context menu and the Files > Default Directory Policy preference is using the current focus
- Use the correct default text encoding for .json and .tex files
- Fix using Anaconda when it is the default Python in the Terminal on macOS
- Move the Debugger > Advanced > Auto-show Run Args Dialog preference to Debugger > Show Debug Environment Dialog and make it work for named entry points
- Avoid failure to display the value of some data types in the debugger
- Show operators in Python code in documentation also in the Black Background color palette

AVG Clear 20.6.5495 查看版本資訊


SnapGene Viewer 5.1.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Functionality:
- Added a "Copy Rich Text" command for selections in alignments, to provide the option of copying either simple sequences or sequences with metadata

- Added Invitrogen's "pScreen-iT LacZ-Dest" to the list of Gateway® Destination vectors
- Modified the statistics in pairwise alignments to show two digits after the decimal point instead of one
- Added time estimates to various progress dialogs
- Improved the order of "Copy" actions in the Edit menu
- Made various textual, alignment, and spacing improvements
- Enabled export of a map or history while viewing any tab

- Ensured reliable import of primers copied to the clipboard using Microsoft Office
- Added support for dragging and dropping FASTA archives into the Assemble Contigs dialog
- Preserved zoom and split view display options when switching between files in a collection
- Enhanced the Gene Construction Kit importer to capture the full set of notes in the "General Info" section
- Improved stability when computing and viewing multiple sequence alignments
- Corrected an issue that could cause features to be erroneously detected around the numerical origin of a linear sequence
- Ensured that proper file extensions were included when batch converting files from one format to another
- Ensured correct setting of the default button in the Find controls when pressing and releasing Shift in a sequence trace window
- Corrected a regression with the navigation buttons when viewing an alignment to a reference sequence
- Addressed issues with the purple bar and the Tm column when importing primers from another file
- Corrected the displayed molecular weight when adding a translated feature to the common features database
- Removed the colors button in cloning dialogs, and streamlined the side toolbar in the Edit DNA Ends, Browse Common Features, and Mutageneis dialogs
- Improved the display of long sequence names within circular maps
- Corrected a regression by removing cut locations for ancestral restriction sites in History view
- Removed the inappropriate "Preserve feature annotations" control from the New File dialog, and the inappropriate "Detect common features" control when inserting or replacing bases in a sequence trace window
- Improved stability when assembling contigs using FASTQ data
- Disabled the Show/Hide All Enzymes commands when viewing protein files
- Corrected an issue in which the endpoints of a selection were not updated in the selection bar after renumbering the origin of a linear sequence
- Fixed an issue that prevented immediately using SnapGene without restarting after activating a Flexera-based shared license
- Corrected an issue with computing % GC when partially degenerate residues (B, D, H, and V) were present
- Ensured that only the zoomed region is shown for the root map in History view
- Addressed an issue in which the Save As dialog would vanish immediately when attempting to choose a different name instead of saving over an existing file
- Ensured that enzyme set menus are refreshed after using Manage Enzyme Sets
- Ensured that the desired endpoint modifications are correctly applied when designing a synthetic construct
- Improved the registration of file associations on macOS

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support running and debugging Python code in Docker and other containers
- Allow creating a new Docker container or using an existing container from the New Project dialog
- Update and improve the How-To for Docker
- Support auto-completion of f-string expressions
- Allow setting the display and editor color themes separately
- Add the Editor > Auto-Editing > Mutate Adjacent Quotes preference to control whether typing a quote character while the caret is adjacent to an existing quote will change the type of quotes used for that string (enabled by default)
- Improve source analysis of simple expressions, imports from modules with __all__, and global/non-local statements
- Enable structural folding in .pyi and .pi files
- Add basic syntax highlighting for Dockerfile

- Use utf-8 as the default encoding for Python files when working with Python 3
- Change the color palette and theme selection preferences to the easier to understand Display Theme and Editor Theme
- Remove deprecated commands:
- show-panel-debug-probe (use show-panel-debug-console)
- debug-probe-clear (use debug-console-clear)
- debug-probe-toggle-active-range (use debug-console-toggle-active-range)
- debug-probe-evaluate-active-range (use debug-console-evaluate-active-range)
- debug-probe-show-active-range (use debug-console-show-active-range)
- evaluate-sel-in-debug-probe (use evaluate-sel-in-debug-console)
- set-current-as-main-debug-file (use set-current-as-main-entry-point)
- clear-project-main-debug-file (use clear-project-main-entry-point)  
- set-selected-as-main-debug-file (use set-selected-as-main-entry-point)  
- Removeddeprecated symbols in the scripting API:
- kArg* magic default argument values (other than kArgNumericModifier)
- 'sheet' argument for CAPIApplication.ShowMessageDialog
- CAPIProject.Get/SetMainDebugFile (use Get/SetMainEntryPoint)
- CAPIDebugRunState.GetStackFrame (use GetStackIndex)
- Remove legacy support for Zope2 name space merging and debugging with WingDBG
- Omit minor version number from the installation directory name on Windows
- Add spaces into the app installation directory name on macOS
- Change the names of executables on Linux to wing8, wing-personal8, and wing-101-8
- The default Python is selected differently and includes inspection of Anaconda installations and framework installations (on macOS) that were previously ignored

Bug Fixes:
- Use the correct Python version for PEP 8 reformatting on a remote host
- Fix opening files from the Finder on macOS Catalina Finder when Wing is already open
- Fix goto definition on the Python 3 collections.abc module
- Fix the project tree display after cancelling a file move
- Fix find points of use and refactoring for properties
- Fix goto-definition callouts on symbols in remote files that are not yet open
- Add missing attributes errors, name, newlines, mode, and fileno to Python 2 sys.stdout/err replacement used while debugging; also add write_through for Python 3
- Fix intermittent truncation of output produced near the end of a process lifetime
- Avoid the potential for terminating debug or Python Shell processes when working on multiple remote hosts and a process ID happens to match an existing process
- Avoid warning about Python Shell restart when creating new projects
- Fix closing an editor while saving its file to a remote host
- Fix working with a remote Python that is missing the ctypes standard library module
- Don't mis-identify the type of the return values of dict items as a tuples
- Fix displaying invalid names in an import statement
- Fix inspecting values in the debugger or shell when getattr raises an exception other than AttibuteError
- Fix analysis of class and function statements after their indentation is reduced
- Fix analysis of f-strings contained inside an f-string
- Fix the icon used for Wing when launching from the command line on macOS Catalina
- Don't fail to reset the Testing tool state correctly if starting debug of a test aborts
- Update analysis correctly if the Project Home Directory or Python Path is changed in Project Properties
- Reduce application startup time

TestComplete 14.50 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

This approach brings your web tests to the next level:
- It makes your recorded tests suitable for cross-platform web testing. If you decide to test on various environments, the adoption will be easy and quick
- XPath and CSS selectors are commonly used in web development, so they are easier for web developers and QA engineers to understand compared to the criteria used by previous TestComplete versions
- Finally, the test engine provides multiple recognition options for the same object which makes the recognition more reliable and prone to changes in the tested web pages (see below)

To enable the new mode, select the Use XPath and CSS selectors for web objects check box when creating a new test project:
- The new 'Use XPath and CSS selectors for web objects' check box in the New

Project Wizard:
- Click the image to enlarge it
- Note: This setting replaces the Cross-platform web tests check box that was added in TestComplete 14.4. If you are going to create cross-platform web tests, you must select the new check box

To enable the new naming mode for your existing projects, select the check box in the Open Applications > Web Testing > General options of your project:
- The new 'Use XPath and CSS selectors for web objects' option in project properties
- The option affects only new tests you will record. Existing web tests will continue running with existing Name Mapping aliases
- The FindElement(…) method that the test engine uses for naming web elements was introduced in TestComplete version 14.4. It was part of the Device Cloud add-on and was intended for creating cross-platform web tests. In version 14.5, we have moved this method to the Web module and made it available for all web tests, regardless of whether they are cross-platform or not.
- The same happened to the “accompanying” WaitElement(…) method. It has also been moved to the Web module and is now available for all web tests

Improved cross-platform web tests:
- The new Run Remote Browser and Remote Browser Loop operations help you create cross-platform web keyword tests. The Run Remote Browser operation starts one browser in a remote environment, and Remote Browser Loop helps you iterate test commands in remote environments. See Iterate Through Remote Testing Environments.

The new Excel scripting object and new Excel keyword-test operations make it easier to work with Excel files in your tests:
- The object has methods and properties to read and change cell values and to iterate through cells
- The new Excel group of keyword-test operations includes operations for reading and writing data to cells, and for adding new rows to Excel sheets
- New Excel checkpoints help you compare Excel sheets during your tests. This checkpoint is available in keyword tests as the new Excel Checkpoint operation and, in script code, as the new Files.stored-Excel-file.CheckExcelWorksheet(…) method. See Validating Data in Excel Files
- What is wonderful about these new features is that they don't require Excel to be installed on your computer. They don't need special “drivers” for their work, nor they use the Excel COM engine. For complete information, see Working With Excel Files
- The new functionality doesn’t affect the existing features for working with Excel files: DB Table variables and the DDTDriver object. However, these features don't use the new engine so far and still require Excel to be installed on test machines
- New OnStartTestCase and OnStopTestCase events help you perform specific actions when test case execution starts or ends. For example, you can create an OnStopTestCase event handler to send test results to almost any test management system. See Integration with TMS for an example

New supported platform and browser versions:
- iOS 13.5.0 and 13.5.1
- CEF 83.0.4103 and earlier
- Chrome 83
- Firefox 78
- Edge 83.0.478.61 – the Edge version based on the Chromium engine (support is in beta at the moment)
- The criteria that the Web Audits checkpoint uses to audit web pages have been updated. As a result, some Web Audits checkpoints in your tests that used to pass, might start failing. You may need to update checkpoint properties to let your tests pass or, better, ask your development team to update the tested web app to meet the new improved criteria.
- TestComplete adds a new event type – KDT Breakpoint Hit – to the Windows sound scheme. You can use it to set a custom sound for when keyword test execution is paused on a breakpoint. See Sounds for TestComplete Events.
- The TcxEditStyle object (used in User Forms to control the style of UI elements) has two new properties: TextStyle and TextColor. Use them to specify the color and font style of controls’ text
- We have also fixed a number of issues reported by our customers

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add a How-To for using Wing with PyXLL
- Support folding in .pyi and .pi files

Bug Fixes:
- Fix using the macOS Catalina Finder to open files when Wing is already open
- Fix Wing's icon on macOS Catalina when launching from command line
- Fix the project tree display after cancelling a file move
- Fix the default editor font on Catalina
- Fix analysis of named expressions used as function arguments

AVG Clear 20.5.5410.0 查看版本資訊


SnapGene Viewer 查看版本資訊


SnapGene Viewer 5.1.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Functionality:
- Added support for importing protein features from the GFF3 format
- Enabled features to be preserved when a replacement leaves the sequence length unchanged

- Enabled the import of custom user fields from Vector NTI databases
- Increased the 3' match length limit to 25 bases when importing primers from a list
- Enabled capture of the history of a protein translated from DNA when importing from Vector NTI Advance
- Enhanced primer tooltips to include % GC for the annealed region
- Improved copy and paste of sequence alignments into text editors and other programs
- Increased the size of the DOI field when editing references
- Made various color, layout, and textual enhancements

- Mandated use of the proper default font size when creating new files, importing from online, and opening non-native files
- Corrected an issue that prevented importing primers into multiple files in a collection
- Corrected a regression with displaying translations and the "Original Sequence" when no sequences are aligned to the reference DNA sequence
- Enabled changing methylation for placeholder files
- Fixed various issues when working with placeholder files
- Implemented automatic correction of invalid alignments to a reference sequence computed with prior versions
- Fixed an issue that prevented manually specifying the zoomed range
- Corrected the "+" symbol in plasmid names when importing from "SnapGene Online Sequences"
- Ensured correct updating of the zoomed range when navigating to matches with the Find tool
- Addressed an issue with specifying the position of protein interchain bond locations
- Removed the "Codons" cascading menu when interacting with protein sequences
- Corrected an issue that prevented importing multi-sequence GenBank and GenPept files into a collection
- Ensured that translation numbering is maintained when using Make Protein from multiple selected translated features
- Ensured that the match threshold controls are listed only once when importing features from a SnapGene file
- Corrected an issue that could cause file names to be clipped in source menus
- Fixed an issue that caused files to be marked as modified after hovering over hyperlinks in the Description Panel
- Ensured that stop codons present in protein query strings are included in the search results
- Improved the import of multi-part qualifiers from Geneious
- Fixed an issue with undo of sequence color changes that are limited to a single strand
- Corrected the "Copy" shortcut when viewing a protein sequence or multi-protein alignment
- Ensured more robust behavior when adding primers to DNA sequences
- Turned on the display of truncated primer description data when full descriptions are toggled off in Primers view
- Corrected an issue in which simplified primer binding sites were not shown after modifying hybridization parameters
- Ensured that sufficient space is always allocated above displays of complex primer binding sites in Sequence view
- Turned on display of the parental enzyme set when viewing Nicking Endonucleases in Sequence and Map views
- Improved reliability when importing from Addgene
- Improved the import of Addgene sequences that contain slashes in their names
- Ensured that side toolbar buttons in dialogs are not hidden
- Corrected a regression in which two copies of common features such as EGFP were sometimes annotated when detecting common features
- Removed "Match Threshold" controls from the "Add to Common Features" dialog