AVG AntiVirus Free (64-bit) 歷史版本列表
AVG AntiVirus Free 64 位是一款反病毒程序,在產品使用壽命內完全免費用於非商業用途。創建從一開始就為每個 Windows 用戶提供卓越的保護,在衝浪,社交網絡以及使用便攜式 USB 存儲設備的其他人交換數據。 AVG AntiVirus Free 是經過 2 億用戶驗證的高質量反病毒軟件,他們使用此軟件套件和隨附的雲服務來保護 PC,Mac,手機和平板電腦免受任何在線威脅。它甚... AVG AntiVirus Free (64-bit) 軟體介紹更新時間:2019-11-21
What's new in this version:
- Disabled Touch Bar typing suggestions with autocorrect=off and spellcheck=false
- Fixed ENOMEM error with Node.js child_process when using empty options.env
- Fixed <webview>.capturePage() resolving with an empty object instead of NativeImage instance
- Fixed backgroundThrottling: false not having an effect
- Fixed broken globalShortcut.registerAll() on Windows and Linux
- Fixed broken focus with OOPIF embedded inside webview
- Fixed context menu disappearing when showing
- Fixed crash using v8 Date.toLocale* api with invalid locales
- Fixed exiting HTML fullscreen for cross-origin iframes (e.g. YouTube) while in macOS fullscreen
- Fixed flickering when maximizing and restoring frameless windows
- Fixed incorrect size of windows on differently scaled monitors
What's new in this version:
- The "Insecure Will' notification is removed when you disconnect from a WiFi network that is not password-protected
- The app displays which transmission protocol (either UDP or TO') was used to establish the VPN connection in the sidebar
- The option to create a profile using the current VPN server was removed from the sidebar
- Kill Switch dialog is displayed if your connection to a Secure Core server is interrupted
- The VPN server load measurement at the top of the sidebar gives an up-to-date reading of the server's load
What's new in this version:
- Disabled Touch Bar typing suggestions with autocorrect=off and spellcheck=false
- Fixed ENOMEM error with Node.js child_process when using empty options.env
- Fixed <webview>.capturePage() resolving with an empty object instead of NativeImage instance
- Fixed webRequest module unable to modify CORS headers
- Fixed an issue where custom protocols registered using registerStreamProtocol would sometimes fail to complete the response when the stream ended
- Fixed flickering when maximizing and restoring frameless windows
- Fixed incorrect size of windows on differently scaled monitors
- Fixed the 'login' event not being emitted when HTTP Basic auth was requested from a WebContents
What's new in this version:
- Wing 7.1.3 adds improved and expanded documentation and support for matplotlib, improves the accuracy of code warnings, fixes automatically debugging child processes on Windows with Python 3.8, fixes installing the remote agent from .rpm or .deb installations, solves several issues with runtime type introinspection, allows Open from Project and similar navigation commands from non-Browse vi mode, improves debugger reliability, and fixes about 30 other minor usability issues
What's new in this version:
- Fixed backgroundThrottling: false not having an effect
- Fixed broken globalShortcut.registerAll() on Windows and Linux
- Fixed crash on exit in aura platforms with webview
- Fixed exiting HTML fullscreen for cross-origin iframes (e.g. YouTube) while in macOS fullscreen
- Fixed improper label internationalization for the recentDocuments MenuItem
- Fixed issue where app.setAppLogsPath did not work when you provided a valid path
- Fixed webrequest api typings
Other Changes:
- Updated Chromium to 78.0.3904.99
What's new in this version:
- Added new contextBridge module to make it easier to communicate between an isolated context and the main world
- Fixed nativeTheme not accessible via the remote module
- Fixed a memory leak issue when setting Tray images
- Fixed issue where proxied remote promises might not resolve if Bluebird was installed in the renderer
Other Changes:
- Prepare for 7.1.0
- Updated Chromium to 78.0.3904.94
What's new in this version:
- Fixed a crash in Menus related to menu.popup()
- Fixed crashes when calling webContents.printToPDF() multiple times
- Fixed flicker when switching between BrowserViews
- Fixed hang when closing a scriptable popup window using the remote module
- Fixed memory leaks caused by callbacks not being released when the remote module is used in sub-frames
What's new in this version:
- Fixed native module size increase on windows
What's new in this version:
- Fixed IPC hang when opening a specific case of nativeWindowOpen child window
- Fixed an issue where objects referenced by remote could sometimes not be correctly freed