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最新版本 Autodesk FBX Review

Autodesk FBX Review 歷史版本列表

Autodesk FBX Review 是一款輕量級的獨立 Windows 軟件工具,用於快速高效地查看 3D 資產和動畫。 Autodesk FBX Review 使用戶能夠在不使用 3D 製作工具的情況下查看 3D 內容,從而幫助加快資產共享和迭代。快速簡便地查看 3D 模型 使用 Viewport 2.0 的相同視覺保真度打開和查看 3D 模型。在線框,陰影,紋理和燈光選項之間切換.回放動... Autodesk FBX Review 軟體介紹

Electron 16.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added 'dom-ready' event to WebFrameMain which emits when the frame's document is ready
- Added 'frame-created' event to WebContents which emits when a frame is created in the page
- Added WebHID support
- Added <webview>.sendToFrame() / frameId to 'ipc-message' event
- Added <webview> 'did-redirect-navigation' event
- Added app.configureHostResolver API for configuring DNS-over-HTTPS
- Added commandLine.removeSwitch to allow apps to remove command line switches from Chromiums internal command line representation
- Added frame property to the params object of the 'context-menu' event
- Added isIssuedByKnownRoot to ses.setCertificateVerifyProc callback
- Added isMainFrame argument to 'certificate-error' event
- Added safeStorage string encryption API
- Added textWidth option to dialog.showMessageBox() / dialog.showMessageBoxSync()
- Added webContents.fromDevToolsTargetId(targetId) to lookup a WebContents instance from an associated Chrome DevTools Protocol TargetID
- Added an Electron Fuse for enforcing code signatures on the app.asar file your application loads. Requires the latest asar module
- Added fuses to disable NODE_OPTIONS and --inspect debug arguments in packaged apps
- Added new data parameter to app.requestSingleInstanceLock()
- Added support for Windows Control Overlay on Windows
- Added support for the U2F Web API
- Added warning when ipcRenderer.sendSync() is called with no listeners for channel on ipcMain

- Began passing securityOrigin in details for permission request handlers for media requests in addition to permission check handlers
- Clicking a hyperlink in a PDF now does what you'd expect
- Emit a warning when setting a crash key name longer than the maximum allowed length
- Enabled sandboxing by default on WebContents which do not use Node or preloads
- NativeImage objects are now serializable over IPC
- The crashReporter API is now powered by Crashpad on Linux

- Usage of the desktopCapturer.getSources API from the renderer process has been deprecated and will be removed

- Enables support for navigator.keyboard.lock()
- Fixed <webview> background transparency regression
- Fixed BrowserView.setBackgroundColor() not working correctly
- Fixed an issue where some transparent windows would show with a white background
- Fixed an issue where transparency was not always set correctly on webContents
- Fixed an issue where windows with vibrancy types set on them would incorrectly have a white instead of transparent background
- Fixed behaviour on posix when passing lists into app.requestSingleInstanceLock(additionalData) API
- Fixed crash in webview creation caused by UAF in the browser process
- Fixed crash when using singleton api with packaged apps on macOS
- Fixed detached DevTools window not closing when a menu item with the toggleDevTools role was triggered
- Fixed imageAnimationPolicy not being respected
- Having a secure CSP will no longer cause a CSP violation warning to appear in console
- ~/.config/{App Name} will no longer be incorrectly deleted if it is a symlink on unix systems

Electron 15.3.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- BrowserView.setBackgroundColor() not working correctly
- an issue where BrowserView may sometimes crash on browserView.webContents.destroy()
- an issue where BrowserViews crashed if view.webContents.destroy() is called after loading a URL
- an issue where playing media would open Accessibility permissions dialog on macOS
- crash in GTK open dialog when trying to preview huge image files
- default label text in GTK dialogs

Electron 15.3.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added warning when ipcRenderer.sendSync() is called with no listeners for channel on ipcMain

- Changed WebHID to use disable-hid-blocklist flag to enable FIDO devices
- Fixed <webview> background transparency regression
- Fixed clipboard.writeBuffer(), clipboard.readBuffer() and's ability to manipulate platform-specific clipboard formats
- Fixed a crash when a BrowserWindow is closed subsequent to its webContents being destroyed
- Fixed a tracing agent-related crash when initializing Node.js in service workers
- Fixed an issue where Content-Disposition filenames would be incorrectly truncated at the first comma for a filename attachment which contained one
- Fixed an issue where MediaMetadata did not work properly
- Fixed an issue where app.getPath('crashDumps') returned an incorrect path for Linux
- Fixed an issue where could cause crashes with custom clipboard formats
- Fixed an issue which caused print settings to not work properly when printing silently
- Fixed to once again work like clipboard.readBuffer
- Fixed crash when using sync dialog APIs immediately after async dialog APIs
- Fixed event with invalid timestamp in trace log

Electron 15.3.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Began passing securityOrigin in details for permission request handlers for media requests in addition to permission check handlers

- Fixed a potential crash when setting nativeTheme.themeSource on macOS
- Fixed possible 'Object has been destroyed' error when calling with a frame name and using setWindowOpenHandler
- Generate valid config.gypi file in Node.js headers
- Removes several Chromium private APIs from Mac Apple Store builds

Other Changes:
- Changed Web Serial to use ses.setDevicePermissionHandler to allow developers more control over Web Serial permissioning

Electron 15.2.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added commandLine.removeSwitch to allow apps to remove command line switches from Chromiums internal command line representation

- Fixed a JavaScript exception from webContents if render frame was disposed in WebFrameMain, resets the value of render_frame_disposed_ after updating render frame host
- Fixed black window when screen capturing a content-protected BrowserWindow on Windows 10
- Fixed crash when changing zoom level for webview

Other Changes:
- Updated Chromium to 94.0.4606.81

Electron 15.1.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an potential crash in WebContents::MessageTo when a render frame has been destroyed
- Fixed issue where non-resizable frameless windows aren't draggable

Other Changes:
- Backported fix for 1251688
- Updated Chromium to 94.0.4606.71

Autodesk FBX Review 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated FBX SDK to 2020.2.3
- Multiple security vulnerabilities fixes

Spyder Python 5.1.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix serious memory leaks and improve performance when typing in the editor

Spyder Python 5.1.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed error when starting kernels in macOS application

Spyder Python 5.1.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Add an entry called Restart in debug mode to the File menu. That will allow users to inspect the log files generated by Spyder by going to the menu Tools > Debug logs after the restart.
- Add a new command line option called --conf-dir to set a custom configuration directory for Spyder
- Show hidden directories in Projects by default

New API features:
- Use toolbar ids and widget/action ids when adding an item to a toolbar
- Use menu and item ids to add items to the Main Menu plugin

Important fixes:
- Fix several performance issues in the Editor
- Fix slow browsing of variables in the Variable Explorer when Numpy and Pandas are not installed
- Discard symbols imported from other libraries in the Outline pane

- TypeError: runfile() got an unexpected keyword argument 'current_namespace' when trying to debug
- ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'platformdirs.macos' on macOS App
- Error when clicking Tools menu
- Multiple IPython documentation help menus
- Maximum character line slightly wrong
- Variable explorer is very slow
- New Splash Screen misbehaves on dark backgrounds
- Mac OS - Execute in external system terminal not working
- "Format file or selection with Autopep8" cause the code to be misplaced
- 5.1.1 : omitted indentation when pasting with the editor
- Slow response when editing files (after some time)
- Feature Request: Specify a config directory on the command line
- Disabling monitor scale change warning when using two screens
- Highlight instances not shown when scrolling