AOMEI Backupper Standard

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為了防止系統故障或數據丟失,備份是重要和必要的。 AOMEI 免費備份軟件提供基本的和先進的功能,以確保您的系統和數據的安全.

AOMEI Backupper Standard 是一個免費的,易於使用的 Windows 8.1,Windows 8,Windows 7,Windows Vista 和 Windows XP 的備份軟件(所有版本,都是 32 / 64bit)。它支持系統 / 硬盤 / 分區 / 文件 / 文件夾備份,恢復和克隆,以及提供日程安排,增量備份,差異備份,備份到 NAS 和網絡,動態磁盤捲備份,GPT 磁盤備份,備份&基於 UEFI 啟動恢復系統驅動器,創建 Windows PE& Linux 可啟動 CD,在創建 Windows PE 啟動 CD 時手動添加額外的驅動程序,在還原或克隆操作期間優化 SSD 的分區對齊,發送電子郵件通知,備份或還原文件從網絡到另一個,編輯任務名稱和備份映像目錄,備份日誌管理,導出或導入所有備份任務等.

該軟件的獨特功能是 VSS,來自 Microsoft 的一項技術,使系統或數據備份過程不會被運行應用程序中斷。PXE 啟動工具:啟動多個客戶端機器通過網絡引導,使用 AOMEI Windows PE 和 Linux 微型系統或在主機上自己的個性化可啟動鏡像文件進行系統維護。所以這是非常有效的,因為備份在工作時仍然可用。此外,這個版本是免費的家庭用戶和商業用戶。

AOMEI Backupper Standard 功能:

一鍵式系統驅動器的所有內容,包括 Windows 操作系統,安裝的應用程序和自定義設置備份,無需中斷您的工作.

文件 / 文件夾備份
安全地備份單個文件和電子郵件,照片,視頻,文件,遊戲和程序等文件夾。還支持從一個網絡 / NAS 備份文件到另一個.

備份您的硬盤驅動器,包括基本磁盤,動態磁盤,MBR 磁盤,GPT 磁盤,外部磁盤,USB 閃存驅動器和其他可以被 Windows 識別的存儲設備。


文件 Sync
自動同步文件和文件夾的時間表本地磁盤,外部硬盤驅動器,可移動 USB 閃存驅動器,NAS 或網絡共享文件夾.899997423


檔案版本 Select Version

檔案名稱 AOMEIBackupperStd.exe
系統 Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 AOMEI Technology
更新日期 2023-07-24

What's new in this version:

AOMEI Backupper Standard 7.3.0
- Added "Email Backup": Automatically backup entire email accounts or only selected email folders to to a local, external, or network drive in case of original emails are destroyed or deleted. Supports Gmail, Outlook Mail, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail, iCloud Mail, Zoho Mail, HushMail, GMX Mail, etc.

AOMEI Backupper Standard 7.2.3
- Added new languages: Catalan, Danish, and Swedish are now available

AOMEI Backupper Standard 7.2.2
- Fixed: some users may occasionally can't sign into AOMEI account

AOMEI Backupper Standard 7.2.1
- program crashes due to NAS password is too long
- the target location is empty after Mirror Sync operation in some environment
- the Backup Scheme feature does not working in some environment
- automatically generate a rgw.anw.xwa.nys.ys file after backing up to NAS
- the backup image split into 8M in size when backup to NAS
- the error code 6 occurs when cloning MBR disk to MBR disk
- Windows startup menu appears blank after system restoring
- the computer goes to sleep or hibernates when wiping the hard drive
- in some environment, the data on source disk have been mistaken deleted when cloning disk under WinPE

AOMEI Backupper Standard 7.2.0
- Added "Microsoft Outlook Backup": Automatically backup all of your emails, contacts, notes, calendars, and tasks in Outlook to a local, external, or network drive. Support Gmail, Hotmail, and any other email accounts added into Outlook.
- Optimized the user interaction of backup images import

AOMEI Backupper Standard 7.1.2
- The system fails to boot after restoring to C: drive in some environments
- The registeration fails if the offline key exceeds 200 characters

AOMEI Backupper Standard 7.1.1
- Failed to create bootable media in some environments
- After cloning system/system disk using SATA interface to a disk using M.2 interface, the target system boots into a blue screen
- The system fails to boot after restoring to the original disk in some environments
- In some environments, BSoD occurred when Windows boots from the cloned system disk or partition

AOMEI Backupper Standard 7.1.0
- Added feature: The AOMEI Image Deploy tool supports UEFI boot

AOMEI Backupper Standard 7.0.0
-Added "AOMEI Cloud": Backup files to reliable and secure cloud storage to add an extra layer of data protection and follow 3-2-1 backup rule

- Failed to sync files larger than 4GB to ReFS partition
- Failed to import image files when the task name already exists
- The interface of editing disk backup task displayed wrong disk used space

AOMEI Backupper Standard 6.9.2
- Added more freewares in "Free Tools": iPhone backup & transfer tools, remote desktop software and data recovery software
- Fixed some known bugs

AOMEI Backupper Standard 6.9.1
- Fixed issue: Fixed some known bugs

AOMEI Backupper Standard 6.9
- Error code 214 occurs when performing disk restore under Windows PE
- Failed to restore files larger than 4GB to ReFS partition
- AOMEI Backupper failed to execute backup tasks or start up if the installation path contains character ";" or "%"
- In some cases, the system cannot boot after performing Windows 7 System Restore
- Failed to connect to NAS during backup in some environments
- Failed to clone disk after using “Edit Partitions” to resize partitions
- BSOD occurred when using "Explore Image" to copy data from image files
-ndows PE Bootable Media": The program will automatically download Windows PE creating environment if current system doesn't have, and enter into reboot mode after creating the PE
- AOMEI Backupper startup crashes if there is SD card in current system

AOMEI Backupper Standard 6.8
- The network path fails to be accessed after successfully backing up to the network
- A lag occurs when clicking the "Next" button in Create Bootable Media tool
- "The file already exists" prompts when selecting a network location
- The task of USB plug-in backup doesn't run if the USB drive letter changed
- Failed to create bootable media under some environments
- BSOD occurred when cloning current system to another location on the same disk
- The program crashes when cloning a disk larger than 2TB to another disk
- The setting of "After every X incremental or differential backups, perform one full backup" doesn't take effect

- Optimized: AOMEI Backupper now is better compatible with Windows 11

AOMEI Backupper Standard 6.7
- Added an option on "System Clone": automatically add unallocated space to system partition to maximize the use of space on the target partition
- Added an option on "Disk Clone": the type of destination disk is the same as that of source disk by default
- Fixed issue: after system is cloned or restored to GPT disk, there are multiple Windows Boot Manager options in the BIOS boot menu
- Fixed issue: failed to create AOMEI Backupper recovery environment in some cases.

AOMEI Backupper Standard 6.6.1
- Added "Windows 11 Update Checker": check whether your PC meets Windows 11 update system requirements
- Fixed issue: some "Current Version" license codes failed to register AOMEI Backupper

AOMEI Backupper Standard 6.6
- Added VSS automatic repair: once AOMEI Backupper detected VSS doesn't work during backup process, it will automatically repair VSS and continue to backup

- "AOMEI Image Deploy": add new languages, including German (Deutsch), French (Français), Japanese (日本語), Italian (Italiano), Spanish( Español ) and Traditional Chinese (繁體中文)
- "Backup Scheme": add more options to automatically delete old backups

- "Properties" of backing up to Share/NAS task
- "Automatic Update"

- keyboard is unavailable when the input language is German, French, Japanese or Italian under Windows PE environment
- in some cases, "Real-Time Sync" task failed when the destination is a network location
- AOMEI Backupper recognized drive with macOS file system as unallocated space
- in some cases, the desktop shortcut of other applications disappeared after uninstalling AOMEI Backupper
- Stability enhancements and other bug fixes

AOMEI Backupper Standard 6.5.1
- "Create Bootable Media": the created bootable media supports both UEFI and Legacy BIOS boot modes
- "Create Bootable Media": The language of the created bootable media is same as the language used in AOMEI Backupper

- Computer is prevented from going to sleep/hibernation after a backup was completed in some systems
- The program startup slow because of the connection to the network node
- The program cannot load disk information after "Memory Integrity" is turned on in Windows10
- After installing Standard Edition, the startup program appears as a Server Trial Version
- The program auto-update failed because of Windows account name is Chinese or Japanese
- The system recovery environment cannot be recognized when creating bootable media in some systems
- The program crashed when restoring disk
- The program close button clicks no response when there is insufficient space to create bootable media
- The program startup slow after registering the program multiple times
- The user manual cannot be opened with the default program Acrobat Reader DC in some systems
- There is no taskbar icon after the program is opened in Windows Server 2003

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