AOMEI Backupper Standard

最新版本 Topaz Video Enhance AI 2.1.1

Topaz Video Enhance AI 2.1.1

Topaz Video Enhance AI 2.1.1
為了防止系統故障或數據丟失,備份是重要和必要的。 AOMEI 免費備份軟件提供基本的和先進的功能,以確保您的系統和數據的安全.

AOMEI Backupper Standard 是一個免費的,易於使用的 Windows 8.1,Windows 8,Windows 7,Windows Vista 和 Windows XP 的備份軟件(所有版本,都是 32 / 64bit)。它支持系統 / 硬盤 / 分區 / 文件 / 文件夾備份,恢復和克隆,以及提供日程安排,增量備份,差異備份,備份到 NAS 和網絡,動態磁盤捲備份,GPT 磁盤備份,備份&基於 UEFI 啟動恢復系統驅動器,創建 Windows PE& Linux 可啟動 CD,在創建 Windows PE 啟動 CD 時手動添加額外的驅動程序,在還原或克隆操作期間優化 SSD 的分區對齊,發送電子郵件通知,備份或還原文件從網絡到另一個,編輯任務名稱和備份映像目錄,備份日誌管理,導出或導入所有備份任務等.

該軟件的獨特功能是 VSS,來自 Microsoft 的一項技術,使系統或數據備份過程不會被運行應用程序中斷。PXE 啟動工具:啟動多個客戶端機器通過網絡引導,使用 AOMEI Windows PE 和 Linux 微型系統或在主機上自己的個性化可啟動鏡像文件進行系統維護。所以這是非常有效的,因為備份在工作時仍然可用。此外,這個版本是免費的家庭用戶和商業用戶。

AOMEI Backupper Standard 功能:

一鍵式系統驅動器的所有內容,包括 Windows 操作系統,安裝的應用程序和自定義設置備份,無需中斷您的工作.

文件 / 文件夾備份
安全地備份單個文件和電子郵件,照片,視頻,文件,遊戲和程序等文件夾。還支持從一個網絡 / NAS 備份文件到另一個.

備份您的硬盤驅動器,包括基本磁盤,動態磁盤,MBR 磁盤,GPT 磁盤,外部磁盤,USB 閃存驅動器和其他可以被 Windows 識別的存儲設備。


文件 Sync
自動同步文件和文件夾的時間表本地磁盤,外部硬盤驅動器,可移動 USB 閃存驅動器,NAS 或網絡共享文件夾.899997423


檔案版本 Topaz Video Enhance AI 2.1.1

檔案名稱 TopazVideoEnhanceAI-2.1.1-windows-x64-Full-Install
系統 Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 AOMEI Technology
更新日期 2021-03-30

What's new in this version:

Topaz Video Enhance AI 2.1.1
- Change log not available for this version

Topaz Video Enhance AI 2.1.0
Major Features:
- Artemis MQ/LQ have been updated, with dehaloing removed (introduced in v11). Artemis MQ/LQ v12 should not produce the hazy look found in v11, and is now more similar to v10 with quality improvements.
- Two new Artemis models: Artemis Dehalo and Artemis Strong Dehalo v1. These models specifically address the oversharpening problem, and should have less of a hazy look than Artemis MQ/LQ v11.
- Dione TV/TD have been updated, with dehaloing removed (introduced in v2). Dione TV/TD should not produce the hazy look found in v2, and has a similar look to v1 with quality improvements.
- Two new Dione models: Dione Dehalo and Strong Dehalo v1. These models address the oversharpening problem with previous versions, and should introduce less haze than previous versions.
- Playback toolbar has been overhauled to be more flexible, fully functional, and easy to use
- More preview modes: Choose between single view, split view, and side-by-side view

- When opening videos, only the first one is selected to prevent accidental editing of added videos
- Continuous scrolling, with ability to input a specific zoom amount
- Added ability to change the number of previewed frames in Preferences
- Added ability to change the preview panel’s background color, chooseable from Preferences
- Added ability to change the video playback toolbar’s docked position to above or below the preview panel
- Preview panel now bounds the preview video correctly within it’s borders
- Controls panel has been cleaned up and made more consistent as to not appear as cluttered
- Redesigned video thumbnails to make the selection box and clear button more visible
- Added filename to video thumbnail
- Most actions have shortcuts now
- Removed the “Are you sure?” quit dialog
- Grain settings, Dione interlaced mode, MOV selection, and MP4 Compression Factor have all been added to the command-line interface
- Dione interlaced mode has been added to the CLI
- MOV selection has been added to the CLI
- Compression Factor has been added to the CLI
- Preferences dialog now shows a confirmation icon when a setting has been updated
- Zoom Original has been removed, to reduce confusion in the previewing experience
- “Reset default settings” has been added to the Process menu on Windows and Mac
- Preview panel now remembers what portion of the video you were panned to between each video

- Window resizing should now be much faster
- Grain settings should stick when loading auto-save, and apply correctly to “Save Default”
- Grain textbox input should work in 0.1 values
- “Don’t Show Again” checkbox should work correctly in the System Compatibility dialog
- Fixed a typo in the “Continue Processing” dialog

Topaz Video Enhance AI 2.0.0
Major Features:
- Two new model updates: Artemis v11, and Dione v2
- Artemis LQ and MQ v11 evolve from Artemis v10 with added ability to handle over-sharpening artifacts in medium or low-quality progressive input videos
- Dione TV and TD v2 are enhanced from v1 that also remove over-sharpening artifacts in medium or low quality interlaced input videos
- UI has been updated and overhauled to provide for a better experience

- Menu toolbar has been added on Mac
- When multiple videos are selected, settings in the right panel now apply to all selected videos
- Able to open videos in their containing folder when videos are done processing
- Model parameters and post process settings have been changed to sliders to provide for better fine-tuning
- Reset Settings button has been added
- Output FPS has been added to the footer at the bottom of the program
- Reset Trim button has been added to the scrubbing toolbar

Topaz Video Enhance AI 1.9.0
- New Dione-DV/TV/TD v1 models for de-interlacing/enhancing/upscaling analog videos
- Update Artemis HQ/LQ/MQ to v10
- Add adaptive grain parameters to reduce “plastic” looking output
- Support reading .dv, .vob and .mxf video files
- Change the “scale” to a real number for setting precise output dimensions
- Improved processing speed on certain systems
- The installer has an option to keep existing models

Bug fixes:
- All GPU mode no longer causes model loading error
- Fixed model parameters change inconsistent problem

Topaz Video Enhance AI 1.8.1
- Fixed deleting video from batch processing causes all thumbnails to disappear
- Fixed when selecting more than one image for inputting image sequence, each image was importing as a separate item to batch process, now the image sequence will import as one item into batch to be processed as an image sequence

Topaz Video Enhance AI 2.1.1 相關參考資料
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